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See reports day by day of the sessions of the fascist court against the oil workers of Las Heras

06/28/13- Caleta Olivia 3:15 p.m.

Sherrifs state, intelligence service who don't even remember their testimonies they used to set up the fake lawsuit when they imprisoned and tortured the comrades.

It is clear the set up of a fake lawsuit assembled by the police and the fascist judges against the workers

06/28/13- Caleta Olivia

3rd day of the trial:

1:20 p.m.

What was missing: lawyers who defend the fighters of Las Heras run away. It is a shame!


06/24/13- Caleta Olivia

2nd day of the trial: Exploiters' process of revenge moves forward in the parody of trial

The "modus operandi" of the judges of the oil companies, Kirchner and "right wing" opposition



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