We present in this Special Edition of the International Workers’ Organizer, voice of FLTI, the document “On the Chinese question and the World situation. In Defense of Marxism. In Defense of the first congress of FLTI, its resolutions and program” presented as Project on 07/02/2010, in the pre–congress period of our current, voted officially in the Second International Congress of FLTI in April 2010. This document is a summary of a revolutionary demarcation with a minority fraction that liquidates the foundational program of FLTI, a fraction composed by Communist Workers’ Group (CWG) of New Zealand and Humanist Workers for Revolutionary Socialism of San Francisco in USA (HWRS).
Two months after the foundational congress of FLTI in 2009, that fraction started to state in all their documents and positions, the existence of a supposed “Chinese imperialism” as if it were the “great threat the international proletariat suffers”. This ex–minority within FLTI was a transmission belt of the absolute majority of liquidators of Fourth International of Anglo–Saxon left– like the SWP and Workers Power of England and the US left of Peace and Freedom Party–that spreads the “demon of Chinese imperialism” within the world workers movement and in particular in the imperialist countries.
They repeat what the offices of London and Wall Street city say, the new owners of capitalist China, and they re–echo the regrets of the US isolationist bourgeois fraction left outside of the huge business of China transformed into a maquila (sweat shop) of the transnationals (mainly of the US and Japanese imperialists), with millions of slave workers sold out by Stalinism, giving it to capitalist restoration. This vile policy prepares the US and English proletariat to be tied to their own imperialist bourgeoisie in new adventures of military attack against the Chinese nation. And at the same time it hides that the true enemies are the multinationals and parasitic stockholders of Wall Street and London, hidden behind the mask of Obama and that they are the ones who discharge a ferocious attack over the working class. The internationalists say against it: The true enemy is at home!
The reader will find in this appendix of IWO a selection of statements on the theoretical–programmatic and organizational demarcation on the part of the absolute majority of our organization with the impressionist minority which has submitted to the pressures of Anglo–Yankee imperialism and obamamania, adapted to the labor aristocracy and its social imperialist parties. It couldn’t be any other way: in order to put yourself at the feet of your own imperialist bourgeoisie and the treacherous leaderships that back it, it is not possible to use either any Marxist theory or argument to justify it, you must revise Marxism and break with it.
The documents we present to the reader are not a debate limited to a political struggle of tendencies and fractions of a current of the international proletariat. The fight against revisionism in Marxism, as it is proved in the Chinese question, concentrates one of the key fights of Marxism and in it is where the continuity of its program is forged in the battles of the 21 century, against the liquidators and revisionists of it that “fabricate new theories” to justify their betrayals to proletariat and prepare the next defeats. Two barricades have been defined in this combat. A river of blood in the world proletariat divides the theory and program of revisionists, who poison the conscience of the proletariat vanguard, and the program and strategy of principled Trotskyism of the Fourth International founded in 1938.
The revisionists who raise the ghost of “Chinese imperialism” want to convince the world proletariat that capitalism in its imperialist epoch of decay and rottenness, parasitism and reaction all along the line, can develop “new imperialist powers” in a pacifist manner, without the sinking of the other powers through wars, as revolutionary Marxism defines.
They want to deceive the World proletariat, saying that the counterrevolutionary restoration of capitalism in China–a terrible defeat of the world proletariat, inflicted by the Maoist bureaucracy– played a progressive role in history by developing the productive forces without limits. They revise Marxist theory by saying that with “socialism in one country” and under the leadership of the counterrevolutionary gang of the maoist bureaucracy, it was possible to develop the productive forces in China and today for that reason it is possible for it to become a “thriving imperialism”. Revolutionary Marxism already defeated these falsifications of the Marxist theory during the days of the Third International of Lenin and Trotsky. Revisionism of nowadays is saying nothing new; they are continuers of their teachers Kautzky, Bernstein, Stalin, the pabloites and their descendants of today, that for 70 years try to liquidate from inside, the theory and program of the Fourth International of 1938.
The Chinese question has been put in the center of the scene of the class struggle. In the middle of “the” world imperialist economic crisis, US imperialism and their partners in the robbery and plundering of the people in Asia, transform the capitalist China (a real maquila of the transnationals) into a counter tendency of the fall of the banks of Wall Street, of the imperialist Europe and of Japan. If yesterday China put one trillion dollars cash to cover the US shortfall getting more and more devaluated bonds in exchange; today, under the command of the HSBC, the JP Morgan and the rest of the parasites, China has put more than one trillion dollars in favour of a consumption cycle of 200 million Chinese rich petty bourgeois and bourgeois. Meanwhile, 1,400,000 starving workers in the deep China work as slaves in the maquilas or in a survival economy in the land. The counterrevolutionary victory of the capitalist restoration plays a role in favor of international finance capital. In the midst of their brutal crisis and bankruptcy, the imperialist parasites can attack the world working class leaning on the over exploitation of millions of Chinese workers in factories that are true concentration camps and thus they use this counterrevolutionary victory against the world masses.
But that proletariat who suffered the counterrevolutionary action of Stalinist Maoism, the massacre of Tiananmen, the restoration of capitalism and decades of savage oppression has begun to move again in history. The workers of Tonghua and Lingzou were the vanguard, the most advanced expression, of hundreds of workers and peasants’ revolts that shook China. In Tonghua and Lingzou, workers killed their boss, a former Maoist bureaucrat transformed into a bourgeois, and through civil war methods against exploiters they stopped the privatization attack of the mandarins of Chinese CP who cannot going on giving subsidies to obsolete state–owned enterprises, as the US and English imperialist banks demand of them.
In this combat, the majority of FLTI sided with the workers at the barricades of Tonghua and Lingzou. The currents that claim to speak on behalf of the working class and keep speaking like parrots on the “demon imperialist China” hide from the world workers movement, and from the US and European workers in particular, that the Chinese workers are their allies and not their enemies. Those who hid the worker uprisings in Tonghua and Lingzou are the same ones that on the pretext of the “exporter China with its Made in China label” hid the millionaire profits of the true owners of the world and Chinese maquilas. That is, that handful of parasitic stockholders gathered in the four Wall Street blocks and in a very few streets in London City, as well as from Berlin, Paris or Tokyo, who live on the plundering of the world. 400 trillion dollars passed through their hands in the midst of the world economic crisis, while 90 trillion dollars were expended beforehand, without having yet produced them, like the parasites they are, sucking the blood of the oppressed people in the world and the world working class.
The Chinese question is an acid test of the international class struggle. The liquidators of Marxism, its theory and program in the Chinese question have divided themselves in two variants. On one side, those who want to cover the profits of their own bourgeoisie by raising the ghost of the supposed “Chinese imperialism”. And also those who cover the setting up of the Fifth International whose objective is to prevent the generalization of Tonghua and Lingzou so that the Cuban masses do not take in their hands this example to stop the Castro brothers who are ready to restore capitalism on the island; and in Greece to prevent workers and masses from initiating revolution and extending this throughout Europe from Portugal to the Russian steppes.
Again, the Chinese proletariat is called to play a historical role in the class struggle, and again Trotskyists are side by side it like yesterday in the 1927 revolution. The blood spilt in the smashing of Canton insurrection due to the betrayal of Stalinism at the feet of the Kuomintang, gave key lessons to the final maturity of the theory–program of Permanent Revolution; to the emerging of the Left Opposition and combat against the stalinist bureaucracy, organizer of defeats of the world working class, and responsible for the murder of thousands of our comrades. The Chinese question today puts in black–and– white, on the one hand, who are continuers of the Fourth International and will be in the frontline, fighting with workers of Tonghua and Lingzou so that the soviet of Canton re–emerges again (this time across China) to centralize the thousands of revolts and fights of deep China and the Third Chinese revolution wins in the 21st century; and on the other hand, who are the renegades of Trotskyism, servants of the Fifth International of the red mandarins of Hu Jintao, Castrism, Bolivarian bourgeoisie and Stalinists of every kind who today have set up one more time the party of Chiang Kai Shek and Stalinists.
The Chinese proletariat will rise up again, in its third revolution. It is a task of those who fight for setting up a Organizing Committee to re–found the Fourth International, not to allow its betrayal yet again. In this sense we present to the reader these series of documents as a contribution to the international proletariat vanguard in the fight for resolving the crisis of humanity, that is, the crisis of revolutionary leadership.
The world working class must see that their class brothers and sisters in China in the struggle they have begun are the biggest allies entering in the stream of the revolutionary fight of the world working class. The state of revolt of the Chinese masses, together with the rebelled Greece of the general strike and the revolutionary Kyrgyzstan (whose workers committees and picket lines overthrew the government and disarmed the police) are today the advance in fighting against the brutal attack of the bankrupt capitalism launched against the world working class.
The Chinese volcano is once again in eruption. The decisive allies for the fight of the world working class come with Tonghua and Lingzou, as well as with the riots of the exploited in the deep China. The Chinese working class and its fight, together with the revolutionary assault of the workers in Kyrgyzstan (which has become a new demi–republic under the command of the US military base, situated in the border with China) pose once again the fight for the restoration of the proletarian dictatorship under revolutionary ways in China and in the former USSR, which were sold out to the world capitalism by the Stalinist scum, now a new owning social class, junior partner of the world imperialism.
This revolution in Kyrgyzstan, which has already started, has spread to and impacted the workers in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and the former Muslim soviet republics. Without any doubt, it spark (and will spark) the states in northern China, since in there (in Kyrgyzstan) is the advanced of the big allies of the Chinese proletariat from Tonghua and Lingzou, who continue their fight in an upper level.
From the African continent there came out the European migrant workers that have led the fight in France, in Greece, in Italy and in England against the over exploitation of the governments of the imperialist powers against its own working class. The Latin American migrant workers inside USA were the engine of the awakening of the US working class in their fight against Bush, against the “Republicrat” regime and against the counterrevolutionary wars of the US imperialism across the globe.
The role of the reformist social–imperialist parties, even though some of them claim to be “anti–capitalist” parties, is to prevent that this revolutionary movement of the working class in the colonial and semi–colonial world from siding with the rest of the European, USA and Japanese working class, and from synchronizing in its fights with the war cry of the working class in the imperialist centres of: “The Enemy is at home!”
If the imperialist gangs have used the working class in Latin American, in the Middle East, the black workers from Africa, the Chinese working class to lower the wages of the world working class, it has come the time to conquer the unity of the world proletariat under the demands and the struggle of the most oppressed sectors of the planet, which are the vast majority.
This task won’t ever be taken by the parties of the labour aristocracy and bureaucracy from all around the world. They, arrogantly, as in England or in USA, under the command of the bureaucracy of the Trade Union or of the US AFL–CIO, lackeys of Obama, had put the anti–worker counterrevolutionary cry over the table of “British jobs for British workers” and “American jobs for American workers”. And all this happens when actually the US–UK companies, after stealing all the wealth in the world with their banks of Wall Street and London– are the ones that plunder and get super profits over the basis of the over exploitation of the Chinese, Middle Eastern, Latin American proletariat, as well as over the ruin of the working class in the imperialist centres, as it couldn’t happen in any other way.
This task won’t be taken by the renegades of Trotskyism either, which have become in nothing more than a new bake of Stalinism and Menshevism, left supporters of the labour aristocracy and bureaucracy around the world. They have grouped, from the World Social Forum, under the command of the Fifth International of Hu Jintao, the Castroite bureaucracy (which follows the path of the Chinese mandarins) and all the wastes of Stalinism and Social Democracy.
Stand together with Tonghua and Lingzou!
Down with the social–imperialist parties of the union bureaucracies and labour aristocracies of the world! They are linking the fate of the working class to that of its executioners
Open the road for the Chinese workers! Open the road to the tormented working class in Africa! Open the road to the fighters of the resistance in the Middle East against the occupation of imperialism and Zionism!
Bolivarian revolution façade out! It has strangled the anti–imperialist struggle and the revolutions of the masses in the American Continent!
For the restoration of the proletarian dictatorship under revolutionary ways in China and in the whole territory of the former USSR!
Long live the revolutionary general strike of the Greek workers! Let it spark Europe!
Victory for the workers revolution in Kyrgyzstan! For the federation of Muslim soviet republics! This will be the big allies of the Chinese proletariat against their slavery, as well as the allies of the Russian working class against the butcher murderer Putin
Down with the V International of the red mandarins of Hu Jintao, castrism, Bolivarian bourgeoisie, the Stalinists of every kind and renegades of Trotskyism!
Long live the Fourth International and its program of foundation of 1938!
For the refounding of the Fourth International!
Second Congress of the ILTF.–
Chapter 1: The revolutionary resolutions of the first congress of the FLTI and the evolution of the world situation
Chapter 2:
The foundational documents of the FLTI have passed the test of the developments in the class struggle; and again about the still indefinite character of the world situation
Chapter 3: The FLTI on a war foot against revisionism in Marxism, which aims to justify the betrayal to the World proletarian revolution and the counterrevolutionary offensives of imperialism
Chapter 4:
China In defense of the programmatic legacy of the Fourth International and its founders.The laws of genesis, movement and the current structure of China.
Chapter 5:
Neo–Cliffism of London and New York Vs. Trotskyism. Marxism Vs. Revisionism in the class struggle in Latin America