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Chapter 1
The revolutionary resolutions of the first congress of the FLTI and the evolution of the world situation
Between the disaster of the world imperialist capitalist system and the regrouping of the treacherous leaderships to save it, a tenacious and persistent mass resistance
In late December 2009, in Buenos Aires a conference was held of the Latin American Trotskyist groups in the FLTI. At the same time in Zimbabwe a huge internationalist campaign was concentrated by the forces of the FLTI to prevent the renegades of Trotskyism and the World Social Forum agents from taking the revolutionary dissidents of the ISO in that country to the bourgeois courts. A tough battle for an International Moral Tribunal succeeded in preventing the counterrevolutionary forces of the WSF to sell out the proletarian fighters in Zimbabwe to the bourgeois state.
Only six month ago in an International Congress, we conquered both the resolutions and program that prepared our international fraction for the struggle of concentrating the forces of the revolutionaries while dispersing those of the reformists.
After years of isolation, the FLTI was set up. At the very moment the congress was being held, the FLTI strengthened redoubled its offensive and reached physically and personally Japanese Trotskyism to open a discussion with and intervene next to it. With them, we have agreed to open a public debate before the eyes of the world proletariat on the differences we have, while we strike together through international revolutionary campaigns, like that conducted with the aim of freeing the imprisoned Peruvian mineworkers.
Our FLTI has become a supporting point for the internationalist combat of the world proletariat and its fighting organizations. As a logic consequence today the FLTI has an effective presence at the hot places of the planet where the proletariat resists or even keeps attacking the exploiters –who try at all costs to make them pay for the catastrophe of Wall Street and the whole world capitalist economy.
While we were holding our first foundational congress of the FLTI, the proletariat responded to Bush and Obama’s counterrevolutionary operation –Cast Lead– over martyred Palestine with magnificent revolutionary actions like the workers and students’ uprising in Greece; or like in Guadeloupe, Martinique and Madagascar with great revolutionary battles of workers, peasants and soldiers united against French colonialism and the lackey bourgeoisies.
At the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009 the world working class was trying to fight back the attacks launched on them by Big capital, and aiming to reach the centre of the international scene with their revolutionary actions. We were sure that, given that the world condition was passing through what we had defined as a transitory situation, a chance could be opening for the working class to use those combats as a starting point for a revolutionary counteroffensive like that of ’68–74.
Six months after the foundation of the FLTI we can say that we have passed the tests of the class struggle: we were able to define which would be the conditions for the victory of the first skirmishes of the advanced detachments of the revolutionary masses against the crac and the imperialist wars, and concentrated them in the corresponding resolutions for which we fight and are eager to die, resolutions that were published in our public papers. But in addition to that, and specifically we defined that in order to save itself from its debacle, bankrupt Capitalism would recruit and centralize all the counterrevolutionary treacherous leaderships in the planet so they defend its property, disorganize the assaults of the masses against it and conspire to defeat them. This centralization of the counterrevolutionary leaderships is what we have seen worldwide during the last few months.
These leaderships have acted all over the planet applying the same, centralized policy. They imposed counterrevolutionary pacts here and there to subordinate the proletariat to the bourgeoisie as in Palestine, Bolivia, Middle East, Iraq, Honduras, and Madagascar. They also acted like scabs playing their role of strikebreakers at every attempt of the working class to defend their wages, jobs and living conditions at an international level.
In the same way it happened in the early years of the 21st century when the World Social Forum was set up with the renegades of Trotskyism inside to support the Islamic and “Bolivarian” governments that expropriated everywhere the proletarian revolution; beginning in 2007 –at a time when the world crisis was staging a striptease of the capitalist system before the eyes of thousands of exploited around the world and the danger became real that Greece could spark Paris and New York–, the bourgeoisie had to set up the “New Anti–Capitalist” parties so that they, together with the US, Japanese or European union bureaucracies, could be able to contain and defeat any uprising or even any attempt by the working class to respond to the crisis in the heart of the imperialist powers.
Now we can see the Fifth International of Chavez the Castroite bureaucrats and the Chinese neo–Kuomintang, that party of “red businessmen” and managers i.e. the Communist Party of China, junior partners of the imperialist powers in the plundering and exploitation of the Chinese working class– together with the world Stalinists, Social Democrats, union bureaucracies and the “anti–capitalist” parties.
Those are the truly saviours of capitalism in crisis; they are champions of the Finance Markets of London, Wall Street, Frankfurt, Tokyo and Paris. They are responsible of subordinating the US working class to the blackened Bush –i.e. Obama– and of making US workers abandon the combat that they had been waging together with their class brothers and sisters –the immigrants– against the imperialist war; as a result the whole US working class was weakened; thousands of immigrants were expelled from USA during the crisis, the hands of the US proletariat were tied up to make it surrender before the layoffs in GM and the massive retrenchments and loss of historical gains. These leaderships are declared enemies of the proletarian revolution. They are expropriators of revolutions. They are the true contention wall that the proletariat will have to destroy if it wants that the exploiters and the whole capitalist imperialist world system pay for the crisis; only so the proletariat will be able to move forward to the proletarian revolution.
It hasn’t been easy for this 5th column to disorganize the revolutionary combats of the masses, which –as in Greece, Guadeloupe and Madagascar– foreshadowed the prospect of a worldwide mass counteroffensive. They are like squeezed lemons, which, as agents of capital, will be taken until the last drop to save capitalism from the catastrophe. They are in charge of guaranteeing the paralyzing of the forces of the proletariat, of throwing water to the fire of the world revolutionary focuses.
Imperialist parasites are thoroughly aware of the role they need their agents to play. Because in order to leave the crisis behind what the imperialist powers, the corporations, their government, regimes and states need is to cause huge defeats to the world proletariat that allow the imperialist powers, and specifically so in the case of those that best succeed in their intents, to advance to higher military adventures in order to dispute their competitors the spheres of influence. They know that the role of the 5th column today is ultimately to prepare the way for counterrevolutionary blows like in Honduras, Afghanistan, the Swat Valley in Pakistan, that is, the conditions for Bonapartism and Fascism.
The masses’ energy hasn’t been exhausted despite the role of the popular front and the counterrevolutionary fences that have been built around them. A sample of this is the attempt of the masses to break the isolation in Guadeloupe, where despite and against the union bureaucracies of the French 5th Republic, of the perfidious French worker aristocracy and bureaucracies, the colony’s masses rose in a political 48 hours general strike to demand the payment of the promised 200 euros that the colonial French regime promised time ago and now refuses to pay. With its struggle, which is extended to Martinique the masses were threatening to open a mass political fight in the whole Caribbean, and even “infecting” other French colonies such as “Ile de la Reunion”.
Mexico, threatened by new imperialist attacks that want to appropriate the key branches of the state economy –like electricity and oil– has also showed this fighting disposition of the masses by means of a heroic combat of the working class against the privatization of the Mexican power company. Those combats developed despite and against the will of Zapatistas, PRD, the “business–minded” union bosses, the renegades of Trotskyism and all those who gave away the Oaxaca Commune. Hundreds of thousands of workers fought in the streets around the Zocalo and within it, clashing with the repressive forces and carrying on a political mass strike against the privatizations intended by the US agent, the Mexican state. The masses had at their head the rank and file workers of the SME (Mexican Electricians Union)
On July and August 2009 the Chinese proletariat with the advanced combats in Tonghua/Lingzou intervened for the first time since 1989 in decisive fights together with their class brothers and sisters of the world proletariat, accompanying China’s change of position in the world market. China today is placed not only as an exporter but also as an importer of consumer goods –as well as of raw materials and all kinds of supplies for the transnationals– which has been motorized by a cycle of state investments and subsidies amounting to 600 billion dollars. As we will see, this has created for the transnationals a golden opportunity for huge business gains, in selling computers, electronic devices and appliances, cars, etc. inside China’s domestic market.
As we will also demonstrate in the following pages –against the opinion of those who are devoting themselves to revise Marxism– under the present conditions of crisis and a new reconfiguration of the world division of labour, the state companies of the basic industries of China still operating from the times of the former worker state –which had been subsidized since the’80s at the expense of a generalized bankruptcy of all the state banks in 2001– have become hopelessly obsolete and are sinking China’s labour productivity average, even to lower levels than those in India and some sectors of Brazil.
The banks, mostly in hands of the US, British, etc. imperialist shareholders can’t keep subsidizing the obsolete state owned companies. They are now coming along to privatize them –like they did in Mexico with the electricity company– or like the process that USA is preparing with the IMF to get all the state owned companies of the former workers states of the eastern block; which are today submitted to the IMF as colonies. These first steps of the privatization offensive, which act as a real counter tendency to the fall of the rate of profit and to the ruin of the international finance capital in crisis, received –as we have said above– a first answer in Mexico from the electricity workers, and, at the beginning of 2009, also by the workers in Rumania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, who forced the IMF to bailout with billions of dollars the bankruptcy and default of those countries to prevent the generalized uprising of the masses. We have also seen this same response now in China with a direct class confrontation in Tonghua/Lingzou where the workers fought and stopped the privatization offensive in course in China. This offensive has the objective laying off the great majority of the one hundred million workers who produce in the state companies, a process that could even make the wave of privatizations in Latin America in the ‘90s look like mere anecdotes.
This new imperialist offensive to re–colonize China together with its plan of privatization– has split the Chinese bourgeoisie of the “red mandarins”. One faction is allied through the finances and the stock market to the US–UK financial capital and is for the immediate beginning of the privatizations. The other faction thinks that they could lose the source of their incomes as administrators of the broke state–owned companies. They also fear the Bonapartist Chinese regime’s sure loss of social base –and consequentially that of the CP of the “red businessmen”– in a layer of the working class that still maintains its gains in the state industry (nursery, health insurance, etc.).
But the proletariat irrupted through the gaps that were opened in the top, imposing –in two decisive combats of the great state owned industry– that whoever touches those industries would die; because they are not willing to starve to death through unemployment and no incomes.
These combats –which took the den of counterrevolutionaries of the CPC’s “red businessmen” by surprise– converged with the struggle of thousands of workers whose factories (30,000) were closed in 2008. In those factories, the bosses ran away, stopped production and didn’t pay their workers’ wages. But the workers marched to the town halls, building a human fence around them, invaded the offices and obliged the officials to pay them their wages regularly as if the companies had not been closed. Meanwhile the army has to deal – according to the magazine Foreign Affairs and its mentors of the CFR– with more than 250,000 peasant uprisings per year when it advances ever more towards deep China with the objective of taking the land from the peasants to build over those fields the highways and the industrial lots for the capitalist enterprises –and by the way of transforming those dispossessed peasants into cheap labour for the projected industrial plants.
From the combats of Tonghua/Lingzou on, China has entered a phase of revolts and mass mutinies, which in an embryonic way foreshadows a period of mass political and semi–insurrectional struggle.
As we will see below, in those events it appears ever more clearly that if the Bonapartist government of the “red businessmen” of the Chinese CP is not defeated, the exploited will lose their land, their food and their jobs, and will only conquer slavery and starvation wages, and a new and worse re colonization and submission of the Chinese nation to imperialism.
Thus, the economic struggle in defence of their jobs has begun to have at its vanguard sectors of the Chinese working class who for the first time since the events in Tiananmen Square are starting to be players and part of the combat of the world proletariat.
Thousands of workers –in those places where factories were closed– mobilized themselves to the municipalities, threatening to cut the mayors’ heads, like in Tonghua /Lingzou, and because of that they now keep getting paid.
We are being told: “those are mere vanguard, spontaneous fights”. And when we, the Trotskyists of the FLTI, took those strikes as banners to the world proletariat, generalizing and divulging those experiences of the masses we consider as one million times superior to the plans of submission and defeat of the treacherous leaderships; we were told that those actions of the masses were not relevant, because the Chinese state had anticipated any possibility of resistance and given concessions to the workers, that it was not interested in shutting down Tonghua/Lingzou, etc. These people act, as Lenin used to say, as miserable liars before the world proletariat; because they want to disguise proletarian victories as defeats or concessions given by the class enemies, as the actual truth is that the “red businessmen” had to give something because they were afraid of losing everything.
Trade unionists do not tell the economic struggle from the political struggle. In times of crac and crises, any rank and file worker knows that the isolated and partial economic struggles become impotent, and that the bosses and their states try to make the workers pay, dosing the attacks factory by factory and sector of production by sector of production.
As Lenin said, the political struggle subsumes the economic struggle and elevates it to a superior stage. It is a phase in which the struggle for food means to confront the government, the regimes, the state army. It is a phase in which the masses understand more and more that without their defeating the class enemy even the minimum gain is lost, not even the minimum goal is attained.
In the regimes with elements of deception or the partially bourgeois democratic ones, the exploiters have in their hands some mechanisms that serve as buffers, through certain legitimacy of their institutions, in front of the mass action. These devices, as the incorporation of the unions into the capitalist state, the union bureaucracy acting as an inner police force to control of the workers, and the reformist control of the workers organizations on the part of the worker aristocracy and bureaucracy, surround the class with a buffer to weaken or subside the class struggle. But on the other hand this buffer is continually mined as, under the conditions of the crisis not even the meagre crumbs that those leaderships exhibit in front of the masses can be disguised as reforms.
In the case of China, as it has a police–military regime of the party of the “red bosses”, any economic struggle becomes immediately into a direct confrontation with the counterrevolutionary party of the capitalist restoration, the Chinese CP.
In this conjuncture of the class struggle at an international level, the Chinese working class and popular masses have entered a phase of revolts and of political struggle with which they hit directly the state and power. That is because any crisis poses directly a confrontation between the working class and the government with its counterrevolutionary repressive forces.
This situation, if it combines with a “boom” in its productive sectors that are linked to consumer goods (as is the case today) may impel the revolts for the land, the bread and the jobs to coordinate with a struggle by the working class for the re–distribution of the riches, a phenomenon that could push up the masses towards a superior stage in the combat and to a direct confrontation with the murderous Bonapartist government of the Chinese “mandarins” that restored capitalism in the country.
It is shameful to see the entire world left, together with the imperialist press, keep silent over this school of war that millions of Chinese exploited are passing through in which they are learning how to fight –under terrible conditions. The masses are flexing their muscles for the class war and learning directly in the terrain of combat –lynching bosses for sacking the workers of their factories, in the same way that in India 80,000 workers of the auto–parts industry did in Coimbratore.
The left, including Petras and the rest of the ANGLO–SAXON reformist petty bourgeois academicians only speak about “the dragon” and the “all–powerful Chinese monster” that robs the US workers from their jobs and their wages.
But nobody speaks before the American; British and all the world proletarians about the way in which the workers in China, India, Peru and Mexico fight and are a powerful example for their class sisters and brothers. All the servants to imperialism speak about the “Chinese colossus” but keep quiet about the gravediggers that that colossus has created against itself. Everybody is eager to silence the great combats the heroic and martyred Chinese workers have started to fight and that are already a part of the struggle of the world proletariat.
They keep quiet because they are the bourgeoisie and exploiters’ spokespersons, echoing their masters in putting the guilt of the low salaries and wages of the world working class on the shoulders of the Chinese workers. But the reality is completely different. It was the international finance capital and the new Chinese exploiters, emerging from the capitalist restoration in the former worker state, junior partners of imperialism who ruined the wages of the Chinese workers, enslaving them with a regime of oppression and terror ten times worse than that of Videla and Pinochet; the imperialists relocated their factories there and then went to generalize and impose all over the world the “Chinese” conditions in their maquilas.
As we affirm from the FLTI, the first internationalist task of each class conscious worker in the planet is overall to stop echoing as a parrot the ideology and the infamous lies invented by the exploiter classes.
We must all stand up beside the Chinese working class! Equal pay for equal work! This must be the demand of the US, European and Japanese workers regarding the Chinese working class if they want to defend their own wages and salary and their own jobs.
This program is also a matter of life and death –and fundamentally– for the US and Japanese working class, who are more and more submitted to Chinese–like conditions of slavery and exploitation. That was the essence of our declaration before the 47th Anti–war Assembly that we carried personally to Japan to the JRCL Congress.
Therefore when the FLTI was starting to transform those combats in banners to be generalized and extended, those parrots devoted themselves –even from within the ranks of our own international current– to dismiss them saying that they were “exceptions”, or what is even more serious: “the Chinese state is very rich, they said, so it gave concessions very quickly”. In that way they wanted to counter our fight for generalizing and extending the combats in Peru, in Tonghua/Lingzou. They wanted us to act in the same way as all the reformists did, i.e. silencing those combats before the eyes of the world proletariat.
As Trotsky said in “The Class, The Party and The Leadership” the masses in their spontaneity, fighting against their exploiters, forcing them to pay for the crisis, tend to place themselves in a 180º angle against the program of treasons and defeats that the treacherous leaderships impose to them.
We Trotskyists struggle to encourage those actions of the masses that are in a 180º angle with respect to the traitors and to prevent them from stopping even for a second; we struggle for the international proletariat to take them as a banner and a way to follow; we fight for breaking their isolation so those actions can be deepened and coordinated internationally, because in them, in that spontaneity that is the embryo of consciousness, lives the perspective of advancing to a generalized counteroffensive of the world proletariat and the conditions for Bolshevism to re–emerge and mature. Contrariwise, on the opposite direction only treason on the part of the counterrevolutionary leaderships and submission of the world proletariat to its exploiters can be found.
None of the pseudo leftists that speak in the name of revolutionary Marxism dares to tell the truth to the proletariat, but, which is this truth?: the masses in their spontaneity have been able to go far beyond the limits imposed on them and even to accomplish some partial gains by means of terrorizing their class enemy, something they would not have been able to get under the leadership of the treacherous reformist currents, servants to the bourgeoisie. No union or bureaucracy, or World Social Forum chapter convened to the barricades in Greece, to the Madagascan exploited masses’ armed uprising for food, or even to the working class mutinies in Tonghua/Lingzou and Coimbratore.
By struggling with revolutionary methods, and going for everything, here and there, in China, in Peru, in Mexico, etc., the masses set a limit to the new counterrevolutionary offensives of the exploiters, in spite and against the will of their leaderships, which, trying by all means to liquidate that spontaneity, disorganize the masses’ combats, lessen their extent and put them to the feet of the bourgeoisie. That is precisely the main task of revolutionary Marxism: to untie the hands of the working class in order that it can fight freely, conquer its self–organization and advance to superior levels of struggle.
Contrariwise, wherever the general staffs of the World Social Forum, the renegades of Trotskyism and the union bureaucracies are in charge, the battlefield appears plagued by defeats, sell–offs, great struggles being betrayed, and by the victory of the exploiters. That is the truth.
We have seen that in deep Peru, the masses of workers and poor peasants keep on uprising. All variations of Stalinism have trenched in Lima, in the CGTP, to prevent any general political strike from emerging to centralize the local revolts and semi–insurrections in a single mass revolutionary independent action to overthrow the Fujimorist regime of the FTA and Alan Garcia.
In Europe, Greece has become undoubtedly the weakest link in the imperialist dominion. It foreshadows the very serious crisis of recession and depression existing in most of the European countries, marked by the brutal indebtedness of its states, which had to run to bailout their finance capital and their transnationals from bankruptcy, all of them badly touched by the world crisis and involved and compromised by the pop off of the Wall Street bubble.
Pre–announcing that the world crisis not only doesn’t allow the emerging of new imperialist powers but also that there are already too many of them around, Greece creaks under the burden of a 12% budget deficit (four times that allowed by the UE rules) and a 300,000 million dollars debt (almost 120% of its GDP), which threats with a generalized default and with leaving the country loose and switched off the world economy.
In addition, the crisis of the Greek state and the increasingly acute attack against the masses are beginning to end with the provisory stability conquered by the bourgeois regime against the masses. In the anniversary of the revolutionary rallies and barricade combats of 2009, thousands of workers and student mobilized through the streets. The police and military forces detained hundreds of activists while proto–fascists gangs attacked the offices of the workers’ parties. This week rallies and demonstrations by the civil servants and other workers, and an indefinite general strike that threatens to surpass the contention strikes called by the main central unions show the Greek spark is already alive and well.
The extreme rottenness of the objective conditions doesn’t allow the Greek bourgeoisie or the opportunist leaderships of the proletariat –like the anarchy–unionism or the “anti–capitalists”– to live in peace. Those leaderships with their unionist and parliamentary cretinism together with Stalinism have prevented a second mass assault in a revolutionary process that is latent in Greece and has not been completely dissipated. In spite of the will of those leaderships the vanguard of the Greek proletarians –the immigrants and the temporary workers have stood up. Those “poor devils” as they were called by the Third and the Fourth Internationals, always abandoned to their fate by the worker aristocracies and union bureaucracies, have stood up, raising their demands, and are again entering the battlefield, as when they were the vanguard of the Athens uprisings of 2009.
The conclusion can’t be other than that in an international transitory situation –with revolutionary processes left isolated because of the treacherous leaderships– the capitalist offensive has not been yet able to liquidate completely the mass spontaneity and will to response; the possibility of a mass counteroffensive is still in the air though the phase is more of a defensive character; it is not a revolutionary who abandons the battlefield before the masses are definitively defeated.
In these responses, expressed in the form of revolts, sudden upsurges, political strakes, lives as a revolutionary unabated spark the fighting spirit of the masses; it is about centralizing and generalizing them as fruitful experiences for the world proletariat. It is about understanding that this new stage, a “more defensive” one, but consisting in a mass struggle of a political character, that shapes the present world conjuncture, expresses that the open revolutionary processes –as yesterday in Bolivia, Madagascar or Guadeloupe, have been fenced, as was the martyred Palestine, by the centralized action of the counterrevolutionary leaderships.
The transitory situation tends to become provisory and indefinite. The counterrevolutionary leaderships have succeeded for the moment in creating a buffer between the exploited and the crisis of the exploiters in order to safeguard the latter’s interests.
We are in the fourth moment of the world economic crisis.
It is the time when imperialist powers are preparing to discharge against the masses and oppressed people the indebtedness of their states with which they bailed out the financial capital in crisis.
Both revisionists of Marxism and opportunists, that believe that what has happened up to now in the catastrophe of the world economy is all what the imperialist rotten system has to show, are wrong. The crisis is reaching a decisive moment on its outcome; it is reaching new rounds –like in Greece and Dubai– that will hit the working class and the masses harder so they pay for a lot more to cover the indebtedness of the states.
The stagflation pushed by the dollar devaluation, the depression pushed by the overvalued euro and yen; despite the counter tendencies to the crisis –like the very small consumer cycle created in China where they try to counterweight the huge crisis of overproduction of the world economy – are only preparing further explosions like in Dubai and Greece; new attacks to the masses one million times higher than before, and new wars, that will come if counterrevolutionary pacts like that in Honduras or those that isolate the masses in Palestine, Iraq, Madagascar, Bolivia, etc., are successfully imposed.
From the point of view of this fourth moment in the world economic crisis, this is now expressing itself by developing a wide process of depression and recession on one pole –as we now see in the European imperialist powers, accompanied by a brutal indebtedness of their states, which amounts to the 70–80% of their GDP; in this sense Portugal, Italy and Spain are queuing before Greece in the default line. A recession lasts even in USA, where the profits and earnings of the banks and the corporations are recovering due to the remittances of the royalties, profits and other earnings extracted through the pilfering of the semi colonial world and thanks particularly to the conjuncture of a consumerist cycle in China. The dominant power whose domestic market consists already of the whole world cannot yet recover itself from recession.
Meanwhile, on the other pole, the imperialist powers have found a counter–tendency to the crisis of over production of the transnationals and to the fall of the rate of profit, by forcing its servant the counterrevolutionary restorationist Chinese bourgeoisie, to invest in a new consumerist cycle a part of its super profits, that is of the super plus value extracted from its own working class.
So after putting a trillion dollars to cover the US deficit, the “powerful Chinese dragoon” was forced to give 600 billion dollars to its banks (mainly controlled by the HSBC, JP Morgan and the French BNP Paribas, as we will see later on) which leveraged one trillion plus 600 billion dollars in consumer credits, and investments... for the transnationals. These have been able to multiply the number of credit cards (Visa, American Express, Master Card) to a rate of one each 10 inhabitants of China. That is, 160 million credit cards (we insist: they are from Visa, AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTER CARD, all of them thoroughly broke in Wall Street) so that the transnationals can sell 12 million cars and more than 185 millions in home appliances, and other consumer goods in the Chinese domestic market, which has consumed and goes on consuming fridges, TV sets, vehicles and computers from Westinghouse, Phillips, Whirlpool, Toyota, Sony, Renault, Ford, GM, Mercedes Benz, Hewlett Packard, Apple, and so on.
This impressed deeply on all the chatterboxes of the world reformist left. Because, of course! The Chinese Mandarins went away all over the world in a buying spree to get minerals, oil and raw materials in Africa, Asia and Latin America. And they bought them to... the imperialist transnationals that control in those regions the minerals, the steel, etc. Then they sold those supplies and raw materials at a subsidized price to the imperialist transnationals, which have been the only ones gathering a profit from this consumerist cycle in China. And this same so–much–talked–about Chinese consumerist cycle is acting as a counter–tendency to the crisis of overproduction and the fall in the rate of profit in all the branches and sector of production worldwide. Or are you going to say that the 12 million cars or the 7 million computers sold are pure Chinese?
In another chapters we will go over this topic to explain the actual slap on the face of the working class and the Marxist theory that this “explanation” of a counterrevolutionary gain of the world imperialist system means –namely, the capitalist restoration of the former worker states giving way to a sort of portent embodied in a former worker state transformed into a imperialist power ... the definition of China that the reformists give today. Actually the supposed “wonder” is merely the fact that new markets and fresh blood had been given away by the Stalinist (either the “soviet” or Maoist, etc. varieties) counterrevolutionary betrayal when restoring capitalism and giving the worker states as a gift to the world capitalist market; fresh blood that was transfused into the sclerotic veins and arteries of the decaying capitalist system and helped it to outlive itself.
Meanwhile the depression and recession invade Europe and a wide inflationary process that is caused by the devaluation of the US dollar expands all over the world –being this the way in which US downloads its crisis on the shoulders of the rest of the world, imperialist rivals included, also motorizing this superpower’s transformation from a net buyer to a big exporter in the world new division of labour–; in this fourth moment of the present world economic crisis, the bankrupt capitalist system saved by the treacherous leaderships has borrowed a breathing space. It is only a brief alleviation, as when a dying person is put under a mechanical respirator to help him breathe a little more time. But this time, in spite of the medical help, it goes on gasping, breathing arythmically, lacking desperately oxygen from a continuous source, because the transfusion comes not from a supposedly new Chinese finance capital, but from super profits, the super plus value extracted from the Chinese and international labour force and from the extra riches of oil and gas extracted from the former soviet republics, specially from Russia in the case of the German and other European imperialists.
Nobody doubts that these super–profits and extra riches are an able mechanical respirator, but it is not enough to resolve the huge crisis and indebtedness of the European imperialist states, beginning with their enormous deficits that outgrow their GDPs, sot that those states will have to make their workers and popular masses pay for them with inflation and a direct attack against their jobs, wages and living conditions, including those of the peoples that they oppress in their spheres of influence.
We are speaking about a capitalism having had victories that today it uses as a lifebelt not to sink into the abyss of History in its bankruptcy. The first of those victories is its ability to buy all the leaderships of the proletariat in order to get an extra life span, it has been able to recruit them to help it hide its profits and to throw all its losses and crises on the shoulders of the masses.
At the same time, this filthy system borrows time to wait for the best moment to attack with decisive blows its own working class in the imperialist countries; moreover it has began to throw over those masses a hell of layoffs, wage cuts and privations. And in Italy and US, with semi–fascist misdeeds and raids against the immigrants –as happened to the workers of colour attacked in the south of Italy or as it happens daily in the US–Mexico border against the Latino, Asian, etc., labourers– imperialism has began to show a sample of what it has prepared for the whole of the working class.
This filthy system borrows time finding new usages for the new markets it conquered in ’89. This time it not only takes advantage of China and Vietnam “comparative advantages”, i.e. cheap, almost slave–like labour with a relative degree of qualification, but now it makes them play the role of new consumer markets. The imperialist powers are taking advantage today, amid the world crisis, of the relocation of their imperialist enterprises all over the world, which allowed them settle the counterrevolutionary offensive of 2001/2002 to their favour, plaguing the semi colonial world with its maquilas (sweatshops); as an example we can mention the relocation of automaker plants, principally assemblers, to India, to the Mercosur countries in Latin America or to China; the textile industry moved its plants to Egypt, Pakistan and Vietnam; also the high–tech industries moved to India, where the 70% of Silicon Valley relocated, because highly qualified info–tech engineers and programmers could do in exchange for a very much lower salary the same production that in the US cost 10–20 times more.
This relocation that the imperialist powers as Germany or France also effected, this time within the east European block, is a powerful advantage that the imperialist powers have against their own working classes, an advantage that allows them to blackmail their workers with the ghost of unemployment due to their moving the production abroad.
Through this moves new consumer niches were also created, and the finance capital expanded its giant supermarkets and technological corporations together with all the production of consumer goods. But the recession that has not receded in Japan, US and Europe shows that we are merely in front of a simple counter–tendency to the crisis of overproduction and the fall of the rate of profit, as this new consumer cycle in some areas of the planet, lake that in China, is not accompanied by the export of tool–machines, new assembly lines and fresh investment in a technology able to revive the production in the main imperialist countries. No doubt this breakthrough will only be found with the production of destructive forces for the present and future wars.
In this world conjuncture capitalism has been following faithfully the laws of its epoch of decay: it has created here and there niches for reproducing itself while it destroyed entire zones and branches of production at a world level. Moreover, it has deepened a process of disinvestment in the metropolis and of overinvestment in some sectors of the semi colonies in the production for the world market economy, at the expense of destroying the most part of the productive forces that were established in the most developed imperialist countries.
This process is expressed in the world economy in some semi colonial countries or nations, where a process of creeping growth continues, though tumbling and in a disorderly way accompanying the consumerist mini “boom” in China; those “still growing” economies, are acting as suppliers of raw material under the master’s voice of the seed, oil, steel, food, etc., transnationals. You can see clearly this process in the MNCs (multi-national corporations) established in Mercosur, as well as in India subsumed in a new slavery to the service of US–UK and in the African countries under the domination of the Anglo–American.
But... showing that we are watching a mere little countertendency in the catastrophe of the international finance capital, not even one of the miracle countries, from China to the new exporter countries, including among them the most important, USA (which with the devaluation of the dollar is attuned to become again a big exporter) has achieved the resolution of the huge growth of its industrial reserve army, the increase of the layoffs and suspensions, showing a chronic unemployment... all of which is an irrefutable proof that the productive forces not only have stagnated, they are in a frank involution.
This is so because the bankrupt world capitalist economy, absolutely broke, in these specific niches of growth makes the proletariat produce in conditions that make it pay more than ever the world economic crisis, with a tremendous increase of both the absolute and relative plus value. This leaves millions of workers in the metropolises in recession, and also in the colonial and semi colonial world, to the mercy of the open attack of Capital, with the sinking of their wages and salaries and their living conditions. And millions of new outcasts go to enlarge, as the 3rd International used to say, a new true sub–species or sub–race of human beings, the perpetual unemployed, who cannot even dream any more with entering again the productive cycle.
We Trotskyists affirm, against the entire impressionist petty bourgeois left –stuck to the coat-tails of the bourgeoisie, that in spite of theses countertendencies, that is, in spite of these consumer cycles in some sectors of the planet, the world imperialist system has not been able yet of coming out of the crisis as a whole. And the precise size of this, showing that we are in a fourth moment of the crisis, is the atrocious indebtedness of the imperialist states, that have yet to make the masses of the colonial and semi colonial world pay for it with new re–colonization wars and superior attacks to the workers in their own countries. The other exact indicator of the extent of the current crisis that keeps going on and on, without the global re–composition of the rate of profit of Big Capital, is the preservation and continuous enlargement of the industrial reserve army which has developed as a chronic phenomenon. Millions of colonial workers are forced to seek employment in the imperialist centres as near-slaves; imperialism is accelerating the undercutting of ‘local’ workers’ conditions. We affirm that beyond the declaration in the last Davos summit by the representatives of international finance capital stating that today the breakthrough for the problems descended on their business lay in India, Russia, China or Brazil, not even there where they are concentrating capital in investments that recompose in a provisory way their rate of profit, the workers that had been expelled out of production by the crisis of 2007/2008 do not recover their jobs; meanwhile the layoffs and the chronic unemployment are deepening in most of the metropolises and also in the colonies and semi colonies, with the loss of more than 800 millions jobs worldwide and 1.2 billion of starving people (at least 11 million of them are going to literally die of hunger each year, according to FAO and other starvation administering agencies), from which those who have only fried clay tortillas to eat –as it happens in Haiti– are only a small example.
All the imperialist ideologues are guessing... if on Wall Street almost all the big banks are now again out of the red and are showing impressive profits, if the super finance capital has recovered its gains and is even giving enormous dividends to its stockholders and handing out juicy bonuses to its CEOs, why is it that the US, UK, France and Germany cannot yet feel that they are sailing in sure waters, while Spain, Portugal and Italy are sinking in the financial swamp following the footsteps of Greece?
The response to this guessing is exactly in what we affirm. There are counter tendencies consisting in the pilfering and super exploitation of the colonial and semi colonial world to unheard of levels, the absorption of new markets conquered by the world capitalist economy, like China or Russia, and the victory embodied in the relocation of the imperialist enterprises, which weakened the proletarians of the imperialist countries thanks to the betrayal of their leadership that continually ties up their hands, impeding their struggle and facilitating for imperialism the extraction of super profits from the colonial and semi colonial world. As we have said before, these countertendencies are a breathing space, which gives some precious profits to the parasites of the finance capital who quickly pocket them, at the expense of maintaining the majority of the inhabitants of the planet under water.
Thus we see now in China an expansion cycle, this time a consumerist one, that accompanies a stock exchange “boom” and a real estate bubble. This consumerist cycle has decanted 160 million of rich Chinese consuming amid a sea of 1,2 billion starving slaves; the former are meanwhile indebting themselves with their credit cards, while 400 million peasants are evicted from their land at gunpoint in order that those fields can be used to reopen and/or build new factory facilities, which will not be able to give jobs, surely, even to the 10% of the dispossessed peasants, because before they are ready to produce, a new crac, caused by the Chinese chronic overinvestment, the overproduction of goods, the fall of the rate of profit and the bursting of the real state and financial bubbles, will shake China to its foundations not very far from now.
There, to this tiny Chinese consumerist cycle (that only seems big because of the inherent huge proportions of the country), all the capitalists of the world have run for super profits. There the laws of the fall of the rate of profit will act and deepen their effects. This process will sharpen the conditions of re–colonization of a China already sacked and pilfered with its martyred working class, yesterday as an exporting maquila and today doubly sacked in its savings capacity and its domestic consumption by the MNC and its junior partners, the managers and bosses of their factories, that festering sore of History, the old Stalinist bureaucracy become today a new bourgeoisie, creeping as snakes to the service of the imperialist power.
Meanwhile the “Chinese” banks, under the direction and control of international finance capital, have set their investments, that is the funds given to them by the Chinese state, not mainly to help the consumption – as most of the Keynesians that claim to be Marxists believe– but to real estate and to the financial betting games of the Shanghai, Beijing... and Hong Kong stock exchanges. In this way a real state bubble is being created and re–created in Shanghai and Beijing whose bursting will show that China is going “to keep the losses” and the finance capital the profits, preparing to submit China once more with more and thicker chains.
We Trotskyists affirm that the European, US and Japanese recession (that has created a massive group of outcasts from the countries of the former Eastern Block countries, of Africa, Asia Latin America and the Middle East) is not only persisting, but it will continue developing without a respite unless the value of the titles, shares, bonds and currency existent in the world economy achieve the same value as the goods created by the human work, that is, it will develop up to the moment that the imperialist system succeeds in destroying enough riches and re–concentrates capital in new and more enormous trusts and monopolies that, leaving behind them winners and losers, could end up with the winners controlling the decisive branches of production in the world economy.
But the rate of profit cannot be recovered without Big Capital achieving strategic victories over the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world with new wars, fascists’ putsches and counterrevolutionary coups, so that the exploited are forced to pay for the 90 trillion dollars that the capitalist system has devoured as profits before having produced them. What lies ahead for the exploited is new catastrophes, wars, generalized starvations and new historic convulsions, because the world capitalist system will not get out of its crises without them; it would only get away partially from them in a creeping and miserable way, in some and delimited branches of production, at the expense of destroying most of them immediately after, preparing new crises and new wars.
Nothing to wonder about: this is the way in which the world capitalist system functions in its epoch of death agony, that of imperialism.
The historical prognosis of Socialism or Barbarism keeps exacerbating.
The race between crac and proletarian revolution goes on. A winner has not yet been defined.
In the meantime because of their crisis of leadership, the masses, here and there betrayed by the fifth column, haven’t been able to centralize their combats and were forced to retreat to isolated political fights –sometimes defensive and sometimes offensive– that act as sparks of political revolutionary fight by the masses twinkling here and there on the planet. The political fight against privatizations in Mexico, the local semi insurrections in deep Peru of the workers and peasants, the tough combats in Lingzou and Tonghua (China), Guadeloupe getting back to the combat against French colonialism to get the €200 with political strikes; the direct physical fight against their exploiters as in Tonghua and Coimbratore (India) are just symptoms of what we describe here.
The prognosis of “socialism or barbarism” is already here as immediate, concrete historical alternatives. New catastrophes threaten us if the proletariat through the proletarian revolution does not prevent it; because capitalism will only survive over the ruin and decadency of the exploited and the whole society.
The overproduction caused by overinvestment in the works in China, as all the parrots in the service of imperialism are announcing with fear, coming after a consumerist “boom”, a “boom” in the stock exchanges, a real estate bubble, will signal the moment in which the Chinese veneer business WILL BE OVER AND IT WOULD NOT ALLOW ENOUGH ROOM FOR EVERYONE TO SUBSIST AND GET PROFITS. Meanwhile today we are witnessing a pressure from the part of US and UK imperialism to force China to revalue its currency even more and enlarge its reserves in dollars –in order to deepen the consumerist cycle that would allow US imperialism to export goods to China directly from any place in the world, doubling its present volume of exports. This imperialist blackmailing by Obama anticipates that more and thicker chains are being prepared to enslave the Chinese semi colony; this is what has exasperated such an amount of impressionist petty bourgeois, specially those that dwell in the San Francisco Bay, always prompted to get the “Chinese ghost” out of the trunk to prevent the American working class from getting up again on its feet in its anti imperialist struggle, together with the Chinese working class, against their own imperialist bourgeoisie. The reformist left, which speaks full–mouthed about the “dragoon” and the “new Chinese imperialist monster” –a “monster” that is today being robbed to its bowels by the international finance capital, which these gentlemen are actually covering– will break their teeth against Mount Everest. No doubt the inexorable laws of capitalism, the fall of the rate of profit that this new process is already pre–announcing, will make the fictitious consumerist cycle in China burst and evaporate, carrying with it the collapse and the default of the “emerging countries” –i.e. the so called BRICs– that are today seen from Davos as a source of countertendencies to the fall of the rate of profit of the imperialist powers. Certainly, when such a thing happens, the moment would have come in which there will not be a place for the whole bunch of imperialist powers not only operating in China but also in India, Brazil, Middle East, anywhere in Asia or any other sphere of influence of international finance capital.
That is what lies ahead of the present consumerist cycle in China that is a mere countertendency to the world crac beginning in 2007/2008.
In that moment, when the new Chinese –Indian, Brazilian– bubble bursts; when the European working class is to be forced openly to pay for the bailout of the imperialist banks that are thoroughly broke and for the indebtedness of the European states; we Trotskyists affirm that nothing will last of the alleged harmony or silence that today reign in imperialist powers that today look as “Sleeping Beauties”, deep in their thoughts, chewing up philosophically their terrible deficits and state debts.
Take into account that the crisis of the Shanghai stock exchange in 2007 was the harbinger of the fall of the rate of profit of the international finance capital and of its present bankruptcy. In the last meeting in Davos, the spokespersons of the finance capital discussed if this small “Chinese boom” would be apt to last 2,3 or 5 years, while they prepare to intervene, in the face of the crac and the default as in Dubai. and also in front of that in the works in Greece or Spain, that are today the weaker links of a chain of imperialist dominance that is beginning to creak quickly and ominously.
The crac is still here to stay. Not enough destruction has been achieved, the capital has not been concentrated enough, the masses have not been sufficiently smashed and scattered, the production of destructive forces has not reached the necessary level; too many imperialist powers are still roaming around the planet. The rivals that have to be reduced to kneeling vassals are still on their feet.
Big Capital has not yet recovered its rate of profit; there are too many imperialist powers at large. The last news that corroborates that these are the inexorable tendencies of the present crisis is that Greece and Spain have been sent to do their homework under the surveillance of the IMF, which acts as a veritable gendarme of the financial masters of the G–20 to liquidate broke states and corporations in bankruptcy under the imperialist mandate of US, Germany, France, UK and Japan. Before the IMF these minor imperialist powers as Greece and Spain have to give account of their acts and adopt painful austerity plans as if they were a third–rate banana republic of the 90’s.
In the next crac, whether it takes place in China, Russia, Brazil, India, Spain, Greece, etc., it will be decided which imperialist power will get those new or old markets, and which will not, that is which will be definitively the winners and which the losers.
Whichever takes hand of these new markets, and has the upper hand in the process that has already been opened of concentration of capital in the different branches of production, will be part of the winners; whichever is left behind will be a loser.
A single day does not pass without a merger, a buyout or a mutual destruction of the trusts and cartels, which marks a gigantic concentration and re–concentration and centralization in all the branches of the production in the world economy.
We have just witnessed the American Kraft devouring Cadbury and reigning unrivaled in the food industry. Long respected Toyota is shaking to the foundations in Japan because of the campaign against it due to the “flawed cars with the dangerous jammed accelerator”. We see the US banners, GM and Ford, getting rid of those production lines that bring them huge losses and become obsolete, as the Opel and Volvo, and selling them to the Chinese patent–seekers who are going to pay with royalties for the right to produce in China obsolete cars with obsolete technologies and long–depreciated machinery, while the MNC of the automakers re–concentrate ,closing plants, destroying or paralyzing factories, developing new assembly lines of new vehicles that are smaller, and use electricity or other alternative sources of energy. But overall, we see them super exploiting and exacerbating the extraction of both absolute and relative Surplus value from their workers, in order to modernize and reconvert their businesses.
The US and Canadian mining companies and their Australian partners, together with those from UK have launched a ferocious offensive over Africa and Latin America, signing agreements with the governments to extract minerals and sack to the bones those resources, using whatever method even the most harmful for the population of those countries, and then they sell those commodities overpriced to their servants, the Chinese Mandarins. The same happens with the production of alternative energy, where the Danish Vestas with German capitals is taking this entire branch of production, or the German medicine producer Bayer that is buying big and merging with lots of smaller companies (running a speed race against the US Pfizer that is absorbing Wyeth and other minor rivals), or the US Boeing competing with the European Airbus in the aero spatial race. And all of them are concentrating more and more, putting their competitors and “free competition” on their knees, as Trotsky said in the ‘30s, affirming that the monopoly does not abolish competition, but prostrates it..
The current moment of the crac and the war.
But all this cannot develop peacefully on the planet, because the greatest countertendency to the paralysis of the imperialist corporations and the crac is not only the Chinese consumerist “boom”, but, and essentially the US military–industrial conglomerate, which is responsible for most of that country’s deficit. In the activities of that conglomerate the key corporations linked to the Wall Street banks reconstitute their rate of profit, driving the US state to prolong old wars and to launch new ones, to advance in re–colonizing offensives, as in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Pakistan; they also work to multiply the quantity of overt or covert American military bases in the planet in order to protect and defend their businesses and their spheres of influence.
They know for certain that the “Chinese boom” is prone to be a short–lived one. They know, and are already afraid of it as each day brings with it the possibility of a volcanic awakening of the Chinese proletariat, of its deeper layers, which amount to 300 million exploited. This highly probable possibility makes their hair stand on end whenever any imperialist “analyst” dares to bring this topic to the surface.
Imperialist strategists, as well as us revolutionary Marxists, know perfectly that China will witness a ferocious dispute for its market, for its cheap/slave–like labor, and that the end of the movie will bring either a proletarian revolution or a partitioned and occupied China, in the way it was for many years of the twentieth century.
US–UK Big Capital knows that behind the tags that read “Made in China” there lies the exports of the main European and Japanese MNC, which supply the Chinese bosses with patents, technology, assembly lines and machinery, under the exclusive control of European and Japanese finance capital to export to the US market or to their own countries and spheres of influence. The present hawkishness of Obama with respect to China, the tension created between the two countries, Obama’s demand that China goes to the WTO to declare which patents it is effectively honoring, are merely ways of warning the European and Japanese competitors about who is really the boss in China, who effectively has the upper hand there.
That is why the US imperialism has begun deploying and mobilizing troops and reinforcing its bases in Hong Kong and has also signed an agreement with Japan to maintain its bases in Okinawa and the entire region.
It is a matter of life and death for the proletariat to prevent this process, through the victory of the proletarian revolution, because if this process goes on developing, the way to future inter–imperialist wars would be open. The powers that have to give in these disputes in the next years and in this trade war that is on course, all those that are put aside and lose their old markets and the prospect of new ones, no doubt will arm themselves and become the “aggressors”. These are the ineluctable laws of Capital that make it survive if the proletarian revolution does not prevent it.
Truly, the rate of profit would not reconstitute itself in the whole of the branches of production in the world economy unless the totality of that economy does not work for the sake of war, for destruction.
It is necessary to define with precision the rhythm and the tuning of the world situation. For the currents of the reformist left enrolled in the catastrophist variety, especially those in US–UK, the inter–imperialist war is round the corner.
Within the FLTI, a minority current affirmed in November that a new Chinese imperialism was emerging, as we will see, because of the Chinese “national peculiarities”, using the same theoretical method of explaining the changes and anomalies appealing to “national peculiarities” used by the pseudo–theories of Stalinism, which coined that of “socialism in one single country”.
In this case, it was a genuine continuation of the Cliffites, affirming that the “power of the Chinese state enterprises had propelled that country to dispute a share of the world”.
In the mentioned document not even a word is dedicated to the wars that punctuated the emergence of the imperialist powers in an already partitioned world. Not even a word about where were the Chinese military bases to defend its “colonies” and “spheres of influence”.
Lenin affirmed that there is no imperialism without colonies, spheres of influence and sources of raw materials, military bases and wars to defend its dominions.
Our minority, silent on the fact that in their document of two months ago they had ignored completely Hong Kong and Taiwan as Chinese territory occupied by US and NATO, makes an overnight a sudden and bold about–face affirming that the Third World War is looming.
Thus the minority of the FLTI changes without a transition, from a pacifist instance, from seeing the emerging of a new imperialist power without wars, colonies, military bases... to the prediction of an imminent Third World War!
And why? What has changed to explain this instant conversion? The explanation is that the imperialist press began to speak about movement of troops in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Obama was now exerting ‘pressure’ over his servants, the Chinese bosses.
Thus, the minority passed from posing “zero wars” to pose “war is coming now”, only they stated that they were not for the military victory of China against US. What a shame! They have suddenly changed their positions as an adaptation to a social–pacifist policy within the US.
Along the 60 pages of their November document they affirm that in the case of a war between US and China, that war would certainly be for the re–colonization of the latter so that they would be with China and against US. Now they have changed their position, they are defeatists regarding both sides.
Now, both their first and their second position are thoroughly opportunistic positions in the face of a war between China and the US.
We must recall that now, without telling that they have changed their position, in their declarations on Haiti and on the Third World War, they announce that hey will be defeatists with regard to both sides.
That is, they are vulgar social–pacifists that would not be for the victory of the oppressed nation (China) against the oppressor (US); they were not and continue not to be –when they “defended” China in their former documents– for the expulsion and defeat of the US–UK troops from Hong Kong and Taiwan. Contrariwise, we revolutionary Trotskyist have always been and will always be for their expulsion and defeat, in the same way we are for the expulsion and defeat of the imperialist troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We don’t see in them even the least vestige of a revolutionary policy, either then or now.
This is only an example of many of the ways that the petty bourgeois currents evolve, and because of their revisionism they end following as the shadow follows the body, the movements of their respective imperialist powers.
The theoreticians that stand that an imperialist China has emerged should have to accelerate their campaigns about the imminent Third World War before the world proletariat. Already in Davos the imperialist representatives have said that only 3–4 years lie in front of us before the moment the Chinese “boom” bursts and the cannons begin to speak in the trade wars, to define which imperialist power takes all in the dispute for China.
The minority has to come out quickly declaring that they are for the defeat of the US, but at the same time they are not for a Chinese victory. That is, the same servile policy towards England that the entire English left had when the 1982 war for the Malvinas (a.k.a Falkland Islands), namely, “Neither with England nor with Argentina”, because England is imperialist and Argentina, though a semi–colony, was ruled in that time by a military dictatorship. An open rupture with Trotskyism that affirms: “In Brazil there now reigns a semifascist regime that every revolutionary can only view with hatred. Let us assume, however, that on the morrow England enters into a military conflict with Brazil. I ask you, on whose side of the conflict will the working class be? I will answer for myself personally—in this case I will be on the side of “fascist” Brazil against “democratic” Great Britain. Why? Because in the conflict between them it will not be a question of democracy or fascism. If England should be victorious, she will put another fascist in Rio de Janeiro and will place double chains on Brazil. If Brazil on the contrary should be victorious, it will give a mighty impulse to national and democratic consciousness of the country and will lead to the overthrow of the Vargas dictatorship. The defeat of England will at the same time deliver a blow to British imperialism and will give an impulse to the revolutionary movement of the British proletariat. Truly, one must have an empty head to reduce world antagonisms and military conflicts to the struggle between fascism and democracy. Under all masks one must know how to distinguish exploiters, slave–owners, and robbers!” (Leon Trotsky, “Anti–Imperialist Struggle is Key to Liberation” – An Interview with Mateo Fossa (September 1938) First Published: Socialist Appeal, 5 November 1938)
We are facing a revisionism that already begins to justify and set up a program that is wholly social–imperialist. The labor aristocracy and the petty bourgeoisie riding on Obama’s coattails is the material basis that propels the emergency of these new catastrophist currents.
Also some of them, every year devote themselves to foretell wars between US and China/Russia, making the proletariat believe that the Chinese “bogey–man” and the Russian “monster” may be trying to let fall their nukes and biological weapons over US. But instead, what exists in those countries are counterrevolutionary white armies that only serve to massacre their own peoples for the sake of this or that imperialist power.
We Marxists know that the counterrevolutionary armies of Putin and Hu Jintao only exist for the sake of smashing their own peoples and to perform genocides as in Chechnya or Tiananmen.
The problem for the imperialist powers is whether the proletarian revolution climbs again to the top of the agenda in China and Russia, throwing down the infamous regimes of capitalist restoration. In order to impede that they have NATO and its military bases, which so conveniently served that purpose in the Balkans. There are also the US, French or UK military bases to dispute those territories, as they have done once and again during the twentieth century and are ready to do in the twenty first century.
With their position they are whitewashing Germany, which in the case it is again fenced and isolated, will arm itself to the teeth and foster fascist murderers worse that Hitler. From the bowels of a broke Japan and a cornered Italy will emerge 500 “Mikados”, “Francos” and “Mussolinis”, as there already emerged counterrevolutionary Bushes in US, who will be seen as “democratic doves” in comparison with fascism that will roam over the entire US if this country initiate it in the next period a decay, losing spheres of influence in the planet, as its fortunetellers are just announcing.
As Trotsky said in “Whither France?” the timing in politics is so essential as is the tempo in Music to define what kind of music we are playing or listening to.
According to these catastrophist currents new world wars would be in the works embracing “imperialist China and Russia against the US block”, as they now voice to the four corners of the planet. They announce a looming war in a moment when by now the imperialist powers limit themselves to disputing in an ungentlemanly way the spheres of influence, the concentration in the branches of production, the new technologies, and for the moment all of them have an equal say in the pecking order of the “Chinese poultry yard”.
These people believe that the imperialist powers, after all the experience they gathered during the twentieth century, don’t know that wars are the midwives of revolutions. These people have forgotten that before the imperialists are able to go to war they have to smash their own proletariats. They ignore that the bourgeoisie will not appeal to fascism or to new inter–imperialist wars unless they first defeat their own working class and the world proletariat, that is, as a last resort.
This catastrophist left, that uses to sing wedding songs in the funerals and play funeral marches in the weddings, like to announce catastrophes but only as an alibi to go to minimal reformist programs, covering Obama and US imperialism –the real imperialist master of the world– so creating the conditions for the US–UK proletariat to accompany their own imperialisms to a superior offensive to re–colonize China.
They think “the crisis of the ‘30s” when it is merely beginning. They give account of a submitted Germany as if it would not have reunified in ’89 and taken all the territory embracing the old Eastern Block up to the Russian steppes as its sphere of influence, disputing the US imperialism the entire Middle East.
They speak of a “defenseless” France that manages the most advanced aero spatial technology, that possesses 170 military bases all over the planet second only to US–UK, and which is alternatively disputing and/or signing agreements with US all over Middle East, Latin America and Africa.
Inadvertently they are justifying a great coalition, one that surely the US–UK imperialism is going to confirm when the time of the Chinese crac arrives, the time to attack China, if the Chinese state disaggregates itself before a blow of the proletarian revolution or before the intent of another imperialist power to get possession of the territory.
Meanwhile, another wing of the reformist left, the possibilist wing, is announcing again the end of the world crisis. “You see, there is a “boom” in Russia, in China, India, Brazil. “The crisis has not reached there”, they tell us. What are these people happy about? In those countries the MNC and the servant regimes and governments have downloaded the entire burden of the crisis over the shoulders of the workers and the masses, with the dismissal during 2007–2008 of millions of exploited!
And when the crisis didn’t appear as such and the expansive cycle continued as in China with sales of commodities, raw materials or consumer goods, at the same time a chronic industrial reserve army was consolidated, while the smaller quantity of workers that had not lost their jobs had to produce more than they were producing before, rendering an increased amount of both absolute and relative plus value in those countries, as is the case in Argentina, Brazil, India, Chile, etc.
These currents are blind to see, or either they don’t want the proletariat to see, that in those mini “booms” in some sectors of the globe or in some branches of production, the “good luck” of some countries means the sinking into misery of the majority of the nations and countries, but overall, these mini “booms” bloom over the chronic unemployment of the working class a world level, and that the indebtedness of the states foreshadow new wars, new catastrophes, and, what they most fear, new revolutions and fascism.
For these other kind of reformists, the anti–catastrophists, any imperialist wars are impossible in the near future. “The crisis may be over”, “it has reached its bottom”, they affirm, and they are happily acting as scabs of any important strike in which they where at the head of the fighting workers.
For the catastrophists the fall of the US banks was and continues to be “the last crisis”, as Trotsky said in “Whither France?” about the Stalinists in the ‘30s. For then the world proletariat has been already thoroughly defeated, or else, they have received huge concessions in order to carry it as cannon fodder to war, as is the case of the Chinese working class, “because the enormous reformist power of its state”.
They say that the way to war is already open, without defining which are the winners and which the losers among the powers, without any fascism that smashes the proletariat of the metropolises. Really, we are before a group of social democrats with 45º degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) of fever. Because nobody can think that with the Chinese Navy anyone could take New York, or that a new Pearl Harbor can come from the obsolete Russian military aviation. In navigation, aero spatial and optics those nations are backward as any third–hand banana republic in relation to the belligerent capacity of the imperialist powers as Germany, Japan, France or any of the lesser imperialist powers of Europe, which according to these people “today do not represent any risk”, are “vassals”, etc.
It is evident that these gentlemen have not learnt anything from the First and Second World Wars. After the 1WW, Germany was effectively a vassal power, it had been banned from arming itself or producing even big commercial ships, and besides it had a million times less labour productivity than now. Not to speak about Japan, either!
Now, with the labor productivity that these powers have today, these imperialist powers can arm themselves to the teeth in a question of days or even hours.
No doubt we are before petty bourgeois pacifists that speak of the war without understanding ANYTHING about it.
In the assembly lines of production of war tanks, the same as those of cars, China and Russia cannot compete even with the Swedish Volvo, and they only have armies able to act “bravely” as wardens, murderers and slaughterers of their own working classes for the sake of the imperialist powers.
For maintaining its military–industrial conglomerate, Old Russia is totally and absolutely dependent on the German, French and even US technology. Only so it can achieve that its obsolete atomic facilities –with technology of the ‘50s– do not blow up as in happened in Chernobyl some years ago.
We are in front of same groups of irresponsible, chatterboxes and servants of their own imperialist bourgeoisies. Because the unified Germany can arm in a record time, with its high technology and with the Russian nuclear installations, an anti–missile shield, in the some way that US has mounted in Poland and Hungary. If Germany is not yet doing that, is because it is still “pecking in the poultry yard” in China, Middle East and Latin America, in the same way everybody was pecking essentially in the Wall Street banks –associated to the US in sacking the world... and we have seen how they got trapped and suffered a big indigestion!
That is why they are quiet bout the fact the China is occupied in Hong Kong and Taiwan by NATO’s military bases. They shriek as hares, saying that an inter–imperialist war is looming between China and US, because now they have just declared to be “defeatists” of both sides. Because if China disputed the world to the US and the latter attacked the former, it is obligatory to be defeatist in China and in the US. That is, they are preparing with their “defeatism” and pacifism in US, a policy of defeat to China, that is they are against the Chinese masses uprising against their government and its infamous restoration regime that has signed an agreement with imperialism about an autonomy of mutual accord in Taiwan and Hong Kong under the mantle of the UNO.
A pacifist and Pabloite policy and program in front of the war.
As we have said, in their document of just two months ago, the minority of the FLTI affirmed that in case of an US war against China, they would defend China. Today they are defeatists regarding both sides without giving any explanation. They are openly covering future military aggressions ftom imperialism against the oppressed Chinese nation.
Yesterday, with their eclectic policy of backing the “imperialist China” against US, if the latter wanted to colonize China they embraced the policy of the Pabloites in the 2WW in front of a France occupied by Hitlerite fascism.
In November, they affirmed that they would be with China in the case that US decided re–colonize it. But let’s speak clearly, though the eclectics do not understand anything about “clarity”.
But if China is actually an imperialist power there is nothing in it to be defended if it is attacked by another imperialist power. Such are the inter–imperialist wars, using the proletarians as “cannon fodder” in the war for them to kill each other, exactly to make other imperialist powers to kneel down and be submitted, when they dispute the partition of the planet, as was established for instance in the Versailles Treaty by England, France and US against Germany after the 1WW or as German did when it occupied France during the 2WW.
The document of our minority was a pitiful one; it even announced that China was disputing the US all its spheres of influence; that notwithstanding, they were going to defend China. This they said in early November. That is, in November they were proposing a program of defensist struggle in favor of the autonomy and the self–determination of the occupied imperialist nation, in this case, China. But this is the same program that the Pabloites held during the 2WW in France and the rest of the imperialist countries being occupied by the fascist army.
The Pabloite program was in for the defeat of the imperialist aggressors (Germany) and for the autonomy, the right to self–determination and defense of the colonized and invaded imperialist country, as the policy of the POI–CI of France under the leadership of Pablo in the ’42 conference in the occupied France. They reneged the policy of defeatism of both sides proposed by the conference of the Fourth International in ’40, which held that defending the autonomy of the Occupied France was to defend the autonomy and the self–determination of the imperialist gangs in order to pilfer their colonies and semi colonies.
That is, in the November document our minority fought for the right to self–determination of a China that was invaded by US, but under their definition of an imperialist China, they were defending the self–determination of the Chinese imperialist gangs that are pilfering the world.
Even if you see in front of you an inter–imperialist war, holding the defense of an imperialist country not only means eclecticism, but also it is a betrayal to the Leninist program in front of an inter–imperialist war. That is, they were even dissimulating while they posed that China was disputing the world to US as a hegemonic power; now they hold that position openly, so passing clearly to the side of the US with a defeatist position in front of the oppressed nation. Then and now, they are always in the same side as Obama, and confronting the interests of the international proletariat.
And this happens just in a moment when Obama is angry with Hu Jintao over the autonomy of Taiwan, of Hong Kong, of the Dalai Lama (Tibet)... We must speak clearly, now is the time for China to pay for the crisis revaluating its currency. Now that “it is necessary to pressure” China according to Obama’s plans, the minority BECOMES A DEFEATIST AGAINST BOTH SIDES.
That is the fate of the eclectic; he ends as servant of his own bourgeoisie. The revisionist, empirical chatterbox, the impressionist petty bourgeois finds himself in the end on the barricade that confronts the oppressed countries, on the opposite barricade to the world working class. For all their efforts to re–accommodate and amend successively their positions, they only mark time in the same ‘place: that occupied by opportunism.
Against such a contempt against internationalist Trotskyism, we Trotskyists affirm that it is forbidden to defend the right to the self determination af any imperialist country that has been oppressing and still oppresses other countries and which “liberation” carries with it the “right” to pilfer colonies and semi colonies. We are on the opposite barricade of the minority document of early November that capitulates to imperialism, and state that in the inter–imperialist wars we will never be for the defense of any imperialist country, even the weakest one, even if it has been occupied, even if its enemies try to put it on its kneels.
With the Fourth International and its lessons on the 2WW, we affirm that in the France that was occupied by Hitler the victory of the socialist revolution was at the order of the day both in the Republic of Vichy and in the “free” (not occupied) zone, and also the military defeat of the German war machine as first link in the way to victory for the socialist revolution in Germany. This was the correct form of presenting in this case the Leninist politics of “turning the guns on your own generals”.
And this is the policy of defeatism for both sides that now the minority is proposing: for the defeat of the Chinese nation before an imperialist aggression.
Meanwhile we Trotskyists, that see a China ever more re–colonized, sacked and humiliated, treated as any other semi colony of the world is (not only during the expansion cycle of the last 6 years but also during the current consumerist cycle in the market)... we are unconditionally for the military victory of China and the military defeat of the US “democracy”, because if this “democracy” wins it will impose a regimen a million times worse of sacking, terror and super exploitation than that which today exists under the CP Mandarins. And just because the struggle within China we would fight for a proletarian leadership of the war against the Chinese Mandarins, servants to imperialism, and we would dispute them the leadership of the national war and of the anti–imperialist struggle with the program of the proletarian revolution and the civil war.
In this case our friends of the minority in the FLTI, now would be defeatists of both sides, that is, social–pacifists in US. What a pity! But theirs will be the responsibility for that betrayal.
This people is playing hide and seek with imperialism, with the proletariat, and with the program in front of the wars, as if the 3rd and the 4th Internationals wouldn’t have left us a rich legacy about it.
They are lost in a wood of three pine–trees, namely between a Pabloite policy for an alleged inter–imperialist war, the peaceful emergence of a new imperialism in one single country as China, and the looming of a Third World War expressed as a war of bourgeois camps all over the world.
And all this is to hide that what is in the works in the current international conditions is trade wars for the control of the branches of production of the world economy, new colonization and re–colonization wars in the colonial and semi colonial world and new attacks against the proletariat of the imperialist countries; meanwhile the imperialists and their native bourgeois servants are keeping the poplar fronts and the policy of counterrevolutionary agreements to contain the world revolution.
What has in common this opportunist left, all the revisionists of Marxism is that they hold that it is possible to go to counterrevolutionary inter–imperialist wars without fascism, without the bosses having smashed the international proletariat. As if the monopolies and the imperialists MNCs could be able to do freely what they want without smashing their own working class.
But, alas! Just because they tried to do that some years ago, when they faced a minimal resistance in Iraq and Afghanistan Bush’s entire structure of power fell as a castle of cards and the US proletariat could put itself in a position of counteroffensive.
Moreover these gentlemen are of the opinion that it is possible to carry on inter–imperialist wars with “democracy”.
In their pacifist but not catastrophist variant, they are of the opinion that with “new engines” as Brazil, Russia, China or India it is possible to get out of the recession and crisis in the US, France, Canada, Germany and Japan. That is, for these people, the semi–colonial and colonial world, impoverished, exploited and pilfered by the imperialist parasites, today ruined, could act as the engine of the world economy!
This last “joke”, that “we have left the crisis behind us”, amounts to affirming that when the usurer is broke, the poor devil that is forced to pay the loan shark month after month for fear of receiving a gunshot in his head, has become now the winner, has become strong and all–powerful! That amounts to a miserable pretense of calling the victim as victimizer and vice versa.
After the 1WW and having already seized power in Russia, Lenin affirmed, speaking about that war beginning in 1914, (in the same way that the Manifesto on the War of the Fourth expresses in 1940): After this war, “without a number of revolutions the so–called democratic peace is a middle–class utopia.” “Under capitalism, especially in its imperialist stage, wars are inevitable.” Other wars will come. The fairy tale of a war to finish forever with all the wars is nothing but that, a hollow and pernicious fairy tale. “Proletarians of the world, remember this prediction!”
The Fourth International stated the same thing after the opening of the 2WW.
We Trotskyists affirm today what Lenin said in 1919: unless a number of revolutions triumph in the period ahead, the 2WW will not be at all the “last of all the anti–imperialists wars”. This is a fairly tale.
But it is not yet resolved whether some revolutions are not going to reach victory, so preventing the way to war from opening. And that is what the current moment puts in the centre of the stage. The question is whether the ranks of the revolutionary movement are going to regroup in time to stop the way towards war, which will be ineluctably open if the proletariat is defeated.
And we affirm that not only breaks with Marxism the pacifist that believes the fairy tale about the 2WW being the “last inter–imperialist war” but also the catastrophist that flees from the battlefield and declares the defeat of the proletariat when the battle is just beginning, when it is still possible the achieving of victory for a number of revolutions that could impede the opening of the way to the war.
Both kinds of reformists are social–pacifists to the bone, they don’t see, and consequently don’t prepare the proletariat of the imperialist countries and of the semi–colonial and colonial world for the new counterrevolutionary blows that will necessarily come against them when the Chinese consumerist “boom” or the bubble of the commodities in the colonial and semi–colonial world burst, nor for the new wars that effectively will come when there won’t be enough room for all the imperialist powers’ sacking of the super profits in the world economy.
We Trotskyists affirm that there is a speed race between the succession of new blows of the crac and the world economic crisis on one side, and the class struggle on the other, a race that will keep going on for a whole historic period, like it happened in the ‘30s crisis that carried to the 2WW. We affirm that this race has not been yet settled. Because new blows of the crac, new bursts as in Greece and Dubai or like the sudden fall in Wall Street are getting ready to show in Beijing, in Germany and in Spain, if the proletariat does not stop them by its entering in revolutionary maneuvers.
We affirm that the speed race between the worker bureaucracies and aristocracies that have come to the battlefield with the aim of disorganizing any embryo of mass counteroffensive and to fence the revolutionary processes on one hand and the revolutionaries on the other, is still going on and expresses in the struggle of the international Trotskyist movement trying to reach a way to the masses and achieve a correct policy for getting in time to the new phases of political fight of the masses that has begun. This new phase is developing as in Yonghua/Lingzou, Coimbratore, Peru or Mexico in the shape of revolutionary sparks, within a stage of revolts, mutinies, worker uprisings and political strikes, that anticipate the tendencies of the masses to break the fence imposed around them by the treacherous leaderships.
We are entering a historic period of enormous tension and polarization among the classes at an international level, where in the conjuncture the focuses of the world revolution have been fenced and control by the treacherous leaderships, opening a political and class struggle conjuncture that remains indefinite, where there coexist new attacks of counterrevolution and fascism and intents by the masses to free themselves from the plagues visited on them. The left that is riding the coattails of the Obamamania does not prepare the proletariat for the struggle that is coming and which has its logic point of departure in the current developments.
Haiti is a sample of the new counterrevolutionary offensives that Obama has planned.
The liquidators of Marxism in the imperialist countries and their capitulation.
Haiti shows clearly what imperialism is ready to apply as a means of getting out of its crisis.
This island–country that had been occupied by the UNO and the mercenary troops of the “Bolivarians”, and was kept as a reservoir of cheap slave labor in the Caribbean –either to be used in the Dominican Republic, Central America or the US, where a million of Haitian immigrants perform the most menial jobs, including those jobs despised by the rest of the Latino workers– while most of the residents were reduced to eat clay tortillas (sic), was shaken by a seism and had to dig the common graves for 350,000 workers and poor with mechanical shovels before the sadden and bewildered eyes of the world proletariat.
When the earthquake shattered in pieces the Haitian capital and its outskirts, the US imperialism –that had just succeeded in imposing its counterrevolutionary coup in Honduras, with the shameful support of the “Bolivarians” akin to Zelaya, and later on in legitimising the coup performers with fraudulent elections– was keen to run eagerly to invade the Haitian nation. It was very conscious that the state had been reduced to smithereens in Haiti so that for the masses it was only a question of finding a gun in order to get food, break the fictitious border that separates them from the Dominican Republic and expropriate the food and the lands. This is the real motivation for the barefaced imperialist invasion: to interpose their force between “the proletarians” and “the guns” that would allow them to get “the food”.
In front of this situation the reformists and traitors began to demand “humanitarian help” for our Haitian class brothers and sisters, a help that any worker would give wholeheartedly in order that their children don’t die. But every class–conscious worker knows that all the “helps” are taken in the ports and airports by the invaders, that those troops give that help at will, even from the air, to scatter the masses and put them as far as possible from the gun with which they could have conquered their food in the supermarkets, in the containers, over the lands, in the ports and the “free zones” (i.e., industrial lots exempted from paying taxes that the Haitian rulers have conceded to diverse MNCs to build their maquilas).
This is the real Haitian tragedy: when the masses were seeking for their food in the warehouses, the containers, the supermarkets, etc., the invaders counterpoised their guns. And there is no solution, or bread, or a decent life without the gun and the seizing of power. There is no way out of barbarism other than the victory of the socialist revolution.
Whoever was unable of passing the test of the Chinese question and the new counterrevolutionary offensives promoted by imperialism, by all the imperialist powers to pilfer and sack China to the marrow, no doubt will be unable to pass the test of Haiti.
The entire world left has been trapped and lies submitted to the US marines that hand out humanitarian help, therefore putting the Haitian masses as far as possible from the socialist revolution, that is, from the bread. And they accuse us revolutionaries of being “sectarian”.
They want us to support the charity of 15,000 litres of mineral water for 3 million thirsty souls that must drink water in the sewers: so that is your “help”! Miserable rascals! You would have to go to Haiti and try to live on that “help”!
We say: all the power to the Haitian working class! Expropriation without compensation of all the assets and properties of the exploiters! For the generalized armament of the masses and the expulsion of the invaders! One single isle, one single revolution in La Hispaniola (the isle that is home to Haiti and the Dominican Republic, TN).
This is the help that the Haitian proletarians need from the part of the US and Latin American proletarians!
Fighting for the defeat of the imperialist US troops amounts to fighting for the Haitian proletariat to be able to eat and drink as human beings!
Haiti concentrates all the contradictions of the world situation, including which is most important, the treason of the proletarian leadership, the treason of those paramedics that try by all means to save capitalism from its destruction. The same as the Haitian workers are treated, the workers of colour are treated in Italy, being beaten and persecuted by the fascist gangs of Big finance capital– Like them the African workers suffer in Congo, Rwanda, etc. the genocide of millions colonial and semicolonial slaves, most of them people of colour, in nations supported by the “humanitarian help” in UNO parcels thrown down from planes, while the Anglo–American takes out all the minerals, precious stones and oil from the African nations. Those that cry for “humanitarian help” are plain servants to the UNO, in the same way as they were to the Society of the Nations before the 2WW.
It is a veritable shame that no sector of the US left, all of them being servants of the treacherous leaderships, the worker aristocracy and Union bureaucracy of the AFL–CIO, has had the courage of calling the million of Haitian workers that live in the US to stage street uprisings and industrial actions as strikes and sit–ins, of putting again on their feet the Million Workers March –at least of the Million Haitian Workers living and working in the states– in order to paralyze the US war machine, in a moment that the US troops are deployed to Haiti ready to shoot any worker or poor woman that goes to the supermarket or to the landowners’ land to seek for his/her loaf of bread.
The world proletariat is split between the worker bureaucracy and aristocracy and the reformists that believe that you can eat in Haiti, India, Brazil, Spain, US, Greece, etc., without a revolution, on one hand, and on the other all those that like us think and proclaim that in order to get bread, to get a decent meal, it is imperative to seize power and make the socialist revolution, expropriating the expropriators.
A deep river of blood is dividing and separating each time more and more reform from revolution within the world proletariat.
Under these conditions of penury and unheard sufferings for the masses, of counterrevolutionary pacts and revolutionary sparks in the shape of political struggles of the masses, it is necessary to keep firmly the ideological and programmatic positions in the battlefield, to defend the revolutionary positions which the revisionists are trying to erase from the surface of the earth as they would like that any revolutionary continuity is destroyed. It is necessary not to leave the battlefield announcing that there is already here the defeat, not to make the masses believe that the proletarian energy has been completely depleted and that the war is round the corner, just in a moment when the struggles and the decisive combats are simply starting.
The minority of the FLTI, with its revisionism to Marxism en the Chinese question, has already thrown over the board the whole of the revolutionary program we conquered together in the foundational congress of our international fraction.
They have presented a program for Haiti that goes from asking for the “humanitarian help” of Cuban and Venezuelan workers, to poising the “fight for a worker–peasant Haiti”. How shameful!
It amounts to high treason any program that in Haiti does not articulate itself around the fact that it is a must to defeat the invader and seize power if one wants to reach the bread. It is the same as raising the LIT’s program of “humanitarian help” that helps the imperialists to put the masses on their knees through miserable alms, dividing those that are chronically starving from those that have recently lost their homes, as the invaders do.
We repeat: How shameful! The minority has buried the lessons of the Paris Commune that we reaffirmed together when the foundation of the FLTI before the magnificent, spontaneous insurrection of the workers peasant masses in Madagascar, who divided the army by its base, threw down the president Ravalomanana and imposed a armed dual power.
“The working class will rule in the industrial cities, which will all become revolutionary centres and form a federation in order to attract the countryside over to the side of the revolution and overcome the resistance that will be organized in such trading and maritime cities as Havre, Bordeaux, Marseilles and so on. In the industrial cities the socialists will have to seize power in local institutions, arm the workers and organize them militarily: ‘He who has arms has bread,’ said Blanqui”. (P. Lafargue, Oeuvres Completes, Volume I, quoted by Trotsky in “The question of revolutionary forces”.“Trotsky’s Writings on Britain” – Our bolds)
That’s why “without a gun there is no bread”, as the Paris Commoners used to say. Without overthrowing the invader –which is an obligation for the entire working class of the continent– the Haitian workers and popular masses will not eat properly; much less they will eat from the “humanitarian help” if they do not take in their hands the containers, the warehouses, the supermarkets and the supplying centres that are in the airports; they won’t be able to eat properly either if they do not expropriate the lands and the private property of the bourgeoisie together with their brothers and sisters of the Dominican republic. This is the only way to reconstitute Haiti.
Yes. “When you help yourself you will be helped”, that is a Marxist apothegm. That would be a evolutionary shock in the Caribbean to help attain victory for revolution in Central America, all over Latin America and also in the US.
Thus we have demonstrated that who revises and destroys the Marxist Theory ends in real life a million kilometers far from the correct program and policy that the working class needs to attain victory.
For internationalist Trotskyists it is necessary to get ready and regroup the international proletarian vanguard in order to fight against a new revisionism that has emerged to justify the counterrevolutionary actions of the treacherous leaderships, those who have allowed this rotten system to outlive itself over the ruins of the world proletariat and the entire human society, in on of the worst crises of History.
No doubt YOU CANNOT JUSTIFY THE BETRAYAL in Greece, Palestine, Madagascar, Bolivia, Honduras, THE BETRAYAL to the US and Chinese proletarians, WITHOUT AT THE SAME TIME DEVOTING YOURSELF TO REVISE MARXISM.
The struggle against revisionism is at the top of the agenda of the international revolutionary Marxism.
Between the disaster of the world imperialist capitalist system plus the regrouping of the treacherous leaderships to save it and a tenacious and persistent mass resistance.