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Chapter 5
Neo–Cliffism of London and New York Vs. Trotskyism
Marxism Vs. Revisionism in the class struggle in Latin America
Committed to your theory of Imperialist China, you ended up riding on the coattails of the popular front, of Hiu Jintao and his Fifth International.
It is necessary to finish right now with the falsifications against the Trotskyists.
You fabricate the positions of the opponent in order to win a discussion; this is a petty bourgeois nonsense.
January 9th, 2010.–
Comrade Dave:
Scarcely finished was the counting of the votes in elections, when we were sending the first report in our letter on December 11th, 2009 to all FLTI on this fact, that later we adjusted and enriched with the discussions in the Latin–American conference and extracted it as declaration, which has just been published by Workers Democracy of Argentina, and soon in Workers Democracy of Bolivia. When your letter of critique came to us, amazed us enormously, not for some contribution that you could do in your letter; but for the nonsense, falsifications of our positions, and of how you have changed abruptly your program for Bolivia and Latin America. Undoubtedly, as it affirms the SCI, your letter and the documents of the minority put into question all the resolutions and documents voted in the congress of foundation of the FLTI. Because really, the Chinese question opened enormous political, strategic and programmatic differences.
In Dov’s letter of 16/12/09, you affirm that: “... Thus, if the fundamental differences between the majority and the minority cannot be resolved, we will end up on the opposite side of the barricades when diplomacy gives way to other means of conflict as the tension between the imperialist blocs rises”. With this affirmation, the minority hides that the relations between China and the imperialist powers have already stopped being “only” diplomatic, already there is a military offensive. Hong Kong is an imperialist enclave established in the heart of the mainland China, which is defended militarily by the bases of the OTAN established in Taiwan and Okinawa. On this basis, it has been already established a pact between the bourgeoisie of the Chiang Kai Shek of China and of Taiwan.
In politics, the one who keeps silence, he grants. And you, in your entire document, do not say anything of the military bases of the OTAN in Taiwan and in the whole Pacific Ocean. It is the same thing that not to speak about the French imperialism and his troops of occupation in Guadalupe; or not to speak about Malvinas in relation to Argentina and the whole Latin America. You have to be defined on this question, or you will stay openly supporting to your own imperialist bourgeoisie, denying the premise of Marxism that “No people that oppresses another people will be able to liberate itself “.
And in the same document you continue: “Don’t you see that the Bolivarian regimes and the SCI are both telling the masses the same thing: “China is not a threat, don’t worry about it. It is not China that exploits you, but MAINLY the Yankees.” The Bolivarians are saying this to deceive the masses, to better exploit them. As Chinese imperialism is penetrating Latin America and Africa, Chavez and company scream: “Fight the Yankees, build the Fifth International” while they try to fool the masses who are increasingly exploited also by Chinese imperialism.” (Our boldfaces) What the SCI says is similar (except the question of the Fith). There is neither Chinese imperialism nor Chinese presence in Latin America and Africa, says the SCI to us. And the comrades Munzer and Shaheed announce that they refuse to say “ Out Chinese imperialism of Latin America and Africa! “ of course, unlike the bolivarian regimes, the SCI is not betraying consciously to the working class for a small part of the profits in hands of the imperialism.”
Let’s suppose for an instant that his Chinese imperialism exists and that we do not see it. That you are right and we are wrong. But nonetheless, we raise as program for China the restoration of the dictatorship of the proletariat under revolutionary ways (thing that you cannot say). We say to the workers: For the third Chinese revolution to stand up once again for bread and for land! That this is the only way to end with the submission to the slavery and to the penuries to which they have been submitted by the bourgeoisie of the “red mandarins”, those Chinese allied to the imperialist powers. Down with the governments of the new slaver bourgeoisie of China and North Korea given birth by Stalinism! We say to the workers of USA that it is necessary to fight! for work for all, for the sliding scale of wages and working hours! Equal pay for equal work: the same salary of the high layers of workers of USA for the Mexican workers and of the whole Latin America! Down with the Mercosur of the transnational companies, and the ALBA of the Bolivarian bourgeoisies! Military bases out of Colombia!
Why don’t we have to say to the Bolivian workers and of Latin America that the imperialist Yankee bourgeoisie is not the one that oppresses them? If the deeply anti–imperialist feeling of the Latin–American proletariat correspond to it and for that reason the Bolivarian bourgeoisies, junior partners of the imperialist monopolies, had to pose of anti–imperialists, antiYankees to be able to expropriate the Bolivian revolution and the anti–imperialist combats of the continent with the farce of the “bolivarian revolution”, since the bourgeois property was under question, fundamentally that of the US imperialism.
Because the Yankee imperialism has got the semi colonies of Latin America tied with double and triple chains, it ties them with political agreements of OAS and military agreements in the TIAR (Inter–American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance) that forces to all the semicolonial countries of Latin America to defend USA in the view of any attack. In addition, the Yankee imperialism has also the military bases of the North American army and the OTAN in the whole Latin America that will be used against workers before the threat of the revolution. Latin America is tied to the financial international capital – that is precisely usury, with the fraudulent foreign debt that meant that the imperialism gave 300 billion dollars to the Latin–American countries in the 70, in order to regain them in 10 years, three times its value. In that way it plundered the nations of the semicolonial world for 20, 25 years; until in the 90s the capacity of payment became exhausted. Imperialism with the Brady plan kept with everything, that is to say, kept with all the state companies as the guarantee of the charge of the unpayable foreign debts, with 30 to 40 % of interests. This goes beyond the fact of some imperialist power disputes this or that branch of the production in its semicolonies.
Imperialism already charged us with interests, 50 times the foreign debt, which then its servants, the native bourgeoisies, make masses pay for it with inflation, massive layoffs, low wages, hikes in the public services (electricity, transport, telephone, etc.) and high taxes. And now, with the brutal economic world crisis, again imperialism has returned to his “backyard” to suck much more than before the blood of the workers by the payment of the fraudulent foreign debt that, without doubt and thanks to the defeats imposed on the proletariat combats by the treacherous leaderships, will be paid as usual by workers with major super–exploitation, inflation, hikes and high taxes while the Bolivarian bourgeoisies rub the hands since they are doing business. And you claim that we hide this to the workers saying that “imperialist” China plunders them and sucks their blood, bones and muscles while these servants of Yankee imperialism make fortunes? We are not going to do so. It is up to you if you do so.
WHY are you so determined to DENY YANKEE IMPERIALISM! They want us we say to the Bolivian workers that Yankee imperialism is not the one that overexploits them, that Yankee Exxon and the French Total Fina do not plunder them the gas, the hydrocarbons and now the lithium. But you are like the GB of France that did not want we to say “Gringos out!” and want we to kneel down before to the labour aristocracy and bureaucracy, so we split the Collective of the five and we would break it again. We are side by side the Bolivian workers who accurately identified their enemies and overthrow the two servants government of the Yankee imperialism, shouting: Gringos out! Out the imperialist transnationals, gas for the Bolivians! Down with the murderous Banzerist caste of officials trained by Yankee imperialism in West Point! “Imperialist” China: my ass!!!
You say to the North American proletariat that “the blame for their conditions increasingly worse, their low salaries, lack of work is put on the Chinese workers”, and so you end up hiding the real enemies (the enemy is at home!). And the Chinese workers are telling that their “imperialist” Chinese bourgeoisie has developed so much the productive forces that can give them concessions peacefully! You embellish the Chinese “imperialism” and to Hu Jintao before the masses! Thus, in the USA you end at the feet of Obama and in China at the feet of the “red” mandarins.
How shameless you are! To you, who sent you to the FLTI? Hillary Clinton sent you.
With your position about Bolivia you liquidate the lessons and the program conquered in the congress of the FLTI of July. Not only on the Bolivian revolution, but also of the lessons on Honduras, Greece, Madagascar, the vision on the moment of the world situation that we express in the OOI 12 that it was approved by you in the congress, as well as the lessons on the class struggle in USA expressed in “The butchers disguised as Obama”; let alone on the Chinese question you respected and fulfilled the resolutions. But, it is not the most serious thing, the serious thing is that you do not dare to say it frankly and honestly.
We returned to read our report and your letter of 16/12/09, and in nowhere of that report we raised what you affirm: “ The comrades say that the increasing popularity of Morales is backed by the French imperialism (Totalfina) and the regime already is entering in conflict with the North American imperialism, that the business done between the MAS and the fascists of the “media Luna” and those in Colombia to try to save the popular front will collapse. Therefore the workers must prepare for pre–revolutionary situations and continental opened civil wars. We have no agreement with the principal prominent figures or with the times in this scenario. We do not see any immediate need for USA in going to a war against France in any place, especially in Latin America. France nowadays is balancing between the USA and China and Russia.”
First, we do not say that the popularity of Morales is backed by French imperialism. Do not invent positions, we do not say it. We affirm that the collaborationist directions of the COB and FSTMB sold themselves and led the working class to the foot of Morales, even introducing the COB to the CONALCAM of the MAS. That liquidated the political independence of the working class, and the ultimate expression of this is that they led the mine vanguard to a political alliance with Morales’ MAS for elections under the false illusion that with workers deputies and ministers they would be nearer to conquer their claims and better living conditions.
But, also, your national Trotskyist vision has provoked you total amnesia! You forgot that Morales acquired “popularity” thanks to the fact that all the reformist directions and the renegades of the Trotskyism, with a politic centralized from the FSM, supported Morales, some of them like PO of Argentina calling on the working class to vote Morales in the elections of December. They are who imposed a siege to the proletariat, submitting the working class of the continent to his own bourgeoisie country by country (these are some of the lessons we express in many declarations of the FLT which the Congress of the FLTI has adopted as your foundational program). The renegades of Trotskyism supported Montes of the COB by giving re–prestige to it in the ELAC of 2008, so that then they sell out the Huanuni miners to the brutal repression launched by the Banzerist murderer army. What are you saying Dave? The “popularity” you talk about comes from such fact.
Secondly, Can you tell us from where you have taken that we affirm the regime would be already entering in conflict with the North American imperialism, and that we say that the business done between MAS and the fascists of the “media Luna” and those done in Colombia to try to save the popular front will collapse? This is a lie!! We say the opposite thing, that Morales and Linera supports a counter–revolutionary pact with the fascist “media Luna”, drafted in Washington and in Paris, – and not in Peking – and they are the guarantors of all the business of the international bourgeoisie. It is what we have said before, later and now; and what you disavow today. For you disappeared the pact. You are who, as you do not see the counter–revolutionary pact of Morales with the “media luna”, do not see the real role of the popular front and for it you neither denounce it nor combat it.
It is not as you say that the bureaucracy can retain the workers because the workers are cheated by the promises of the Bolivarian regime of Morales to complete García Linera’s program of capitalist development as the first step towards the socialism ... with his “strategic society” with his new Chinese banker. What you have to explain to us, then, is who supports the fascist “media Luna? We affirm that the counter–revolutionary pact supports it with Morales – agent of the French Totalfina and the Spanish Repsol – supported by the UNASUR of the Bolivarians and blessed by the OEA and UNO.
Thirdly, you write in your letter, later on: “In other words, the majority perspectives see the popular front as reaching the end of its role in preparing for the fascist counter–revolution ...” and then you write later on “ But we disagree that the popular front is nearly exhausted”. Can you tell us from where you extracted that we write that the popular front is prompt to end? This is a falsification of our positions. We are not going to allow it to you any more. Stop inventing things that we say and really we do not say.
We, by contrast, affirm that it has been set up a Stalin–Laval pact in Latin America and worldwide level, that is, a continental and global popular front with the “Bolivarian” bourgeoisies, the new Chinese Kuomintang of the agents of imperialism, the remains of Stalinists and social democrats, and with the renegades of Trotskyism who legitimize them and disguise them as red with the IPT and NPA; as the deepening of the global economic crisis,( as we pre–announced in editorials OOI 12 part 2– taken as part of program of the FLTI Congress) the Yankee imperialism – reconstituted their major state with Obama –comes to the offensive by your backyard with new counterrevolutionary coups as we saw in Honduras, strengthening the counterrevolutionary–pacts.
But the sparks of the Latin–American revolution were not extinguished completely, under the heat of the crisis and the whip of the capital Mexico is setting on fire with the strikes of the workers of electricity, Peru today threatens with opening the way to the revolution breaking the dikes of contention of Stalinism. This is like that, since to go on to new offensives, the imperialism needs to defeat the proletariat without leaving any flushed spark of the proletarian revolution.
For us the strengthening of Morales responds to this fact, thus, he demonstrated, to fulfill his role very well in Bolivia and now he is needed in Peru, with his “indigenism”, to prevent any possibility of the proletariat –by overcoming the Stalinist directions and maoísts– from opening the revolution, re–opening the Bolivian revolution and ending for firing the whole dry pasture in Latin America. But, for doing so, they must to go to a major centralization of the treacherous directions with Chávez’s V Internacional because these old directions were already used as squeezed lemons; And because the bolivarians spent doing business at the cost of the workers bones and blood and keep discrediting and undressing themselves as what they are: creeping bourgeoisies that do business for the sake of their imperialist masters and only defend their own slice of the business.
Against your scandalously national vision of the popular front and class struggle; contrary to what you affirm, it was the same “media Luna” who called to strengthen the government of Morales, because they do not still have any other option except to continue supporting him. the same politicians of the “media Luna” raise it as Dorian Mediana of UN (National Unit, formed by politicians who come from the MNR): “We are going to start with a task of inspection, because we understand that the 64% (obtained by the MAS in the elections of 2009) has not meant to deliver a blank check to the government (our boldfaces), but a wide support in order he fulfills what has promised.” (La Razón, 10–01–09). Because they ONLY put up with him! It is not the government that they want and need, they want to recapture the control of their business, even though the Latin American proletariat do not allowed them to do so. It is pure national– Trotskyism on your part, because Morales is been strengthened to contain Peru.
You have a national vision that prevent you from seeing in Bolivia that all the bourgeoisies, all the fractions of imperialism, have done no more than strengthening Morales and the popular front, as long as he guarantees the control of half of the country on the part of the fascist “media Luna”, and keeps the miners tied, and preserves the banzerist officials’ caste.
The real enemies of the masses are the Yankee, French, Spanish imperialisms and the Bolivarian bourgeoisies, not the Chinese “imperialism” that you invented. It is the same national Trotskyist vision you have on the combats of the workers of Tonghua and Linzou in China that are the expression of the setback of the combats of the proletariat in Greece, Guadalupe, Madagascar imposed by the treacherous leaderships; because you do not see that after the partial defeats of world the working class, the workers fight only could acquire a political content to obtain something. As Trotsky said: “ The Marxist general thesis: the social reforms are not any more than the by–products of the revolutionary fight, in the epoch of the capitalist decline it has the most hottest and immediate importance. The capitalists cannot give anything the workers, more than when they are threatened by the danger to lose everything.” (Where will France go?) There must be servants of the red mandarins, to say, as you, that this Chinese bourgeoisie gives concessions in a peaceful manner.
You falsify reality and resort to a method of fantasy. The movie is called: “Alice in Wonderland” or “Impossible mission II”.
You raise that: “Rather, we see the US preparing for a future war with China and its allies in Latin America –the Bolivarian regime.” With your vision for nothing sensible not even Marxist of the reality, of a military confrontation in the future, between the Bolivarian allied of your “imperialist” China against the Yankee imperialism, what you are saying is that we are facing a future political war of bourgeois fields.
The impressionist tends to invent the reality. It fixes an object, an idea and then makes turn the entire environment around it. How is there a war of the Bolivarians with their “Chinese imperialism” against USA? If what exists is A PACT where they all bite something, while they submit the nation to the plunder. With Bolivian gas they supply throughout South America: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, etc., and all the multinationals established in these countries. The regime of the pact is ideal, because it allows all the bolivarians and imperialists to do business between each other and all of them against each other. Rather, in the past, when the pact was breaking and a war of bourgeois fields burst out in Bolivia, the world left was looking for another side, by refusing to call to crush fascism; and now when the pact has been closed and strengthened to extreme degree, they seek and invent the irreconcilable differences between the popular front of MAS and fascism. It is necessary to be a servant of the popular front to say it!
What a shame it is on your part, Dave! what war of bourgeois fields you want to convince us, if the V international, the bolivarian bourgeoisies, and bourgeoisie of the Chinese “red mandarins” with the renegades of the Trotskyism covering them by the “left”, were the guarantors from the UNASUR – and the supporters– of the counter–revolutionary pact between the fascist “Media Luna” –agent of the Yankee Exxon – and the government of Morales–Linera – agents of the French Totalfina and the Spanish Repsol–( for that reason Morales during the fascist uprising ran to meet his master Sarkozy and the representative of the Russian Gazprom to discuss new explorations of hydrocarbon in Oruro and the Altiplane). This counterrevolutionary pact was imposed against the proletariat and exploited masses of Bolivia, on the base of the shed blood of workers and the poor peasants of the east in hands of the fascist bands and of the banzerist army; and in the west of the combative miners of Huanuni murdered also by this killer army. This counter–revolutionary pact was blessed for the OEA and the ONU, commanded by the Yankee imperialism; as we raise it in the OOI 10 that you reaffirmed in the congress of the FLTI and with which we reach South Africa.
This pact guarantees the intervention of the banzerist army in the political life; and the fascism of “Media Luna” agent of the Yankee imperialism GUARANTEES THE CONTROL OF 50 % OF THE TERRITORY. Because, to tell the truth, Bolivia was already divided and distributed: between the Yankee Exxon whose interests are represented by the fascist “media Luna “, which remained the 50% of the country, where precisely the concentration of gas, of hydrocarbons and the best fertile lands are located and are in the hands of the landowners and of the Rosca. On the other hand, the French TotalFina and Spanish Repsol, control the Altiplano and the government of Morales and Linera administers the business. And for all this did not run the blood of any Bolivarian bourgeois, but of the workers and poor peasants.
The impressionist is so enthusiastic about his “Imperialist China”, that forgets the pact among Castro– restorationist bureaucracy with Obama (with Cargill and Monsanto behind) and with all the Bolivarian bourgeoisies, to finish the restoration of capitalism in Cuba.
ALBA: a capitalist market to receive Restorationist Castro–bureaucracy.
You and your allies renegade the lessons of the Bolivian revolution, the lessons of the coup in Honduras and of the combats of the proletariat in Peru. There is no front of Chinese imperialism with the coward bolivarians that is preparing a war against the Yankee imperialism. What exists is a great conspiracy against the Peruvian, Mexican proletariat to finish defeating the Bolivian revolution and Latin–American revolution, and even against the North American proletariat, who put in danger all the property of the real imperialist monopolies, fundamentally the Yankee, and to aim a historical defeat with the capitalist restoration in Cuba. For it, not by chance, in your letter and in all the documents of the minority Cuba does not exist, since one does not speak about Cuba if one does not raise that the castrist bureaucracy is carrying out the capitalist restoration negotiating with Obama, and before such bureaucracy already sol out the business of nickel and tourism to French imperialism.
Precisely, the counter–revolutionary pacts imposed in Bolivia, Colombia and Cuba, are those that later allowed Yankee imperialism to go on to the offensive in his “backyard”, to carry out the bonapartist counter–revolutionary coup in Honduras and to impose their military bases in Colombia. Because imperialism needs to combine pacts with counter–revolutionary coups for finish liquidating the Latin–American revolution in order to finish imposing the capitalist restoration in Cuba.
The bolivarian bourgeoisies that pose of “anti–imperialist” are all as the clown of Zelaya who tried in a belated way to bargain a major slice of the business to the Yankee imperialism and ended up under its discipline, negotiating with the man–coup who were massacring the Honduran working class who was resisting the blow, tied of hands thanks to the fact that all the reformists, included the renegade of Trotskyism, subordinated the working class to the “democratic front”.
With this position of political war of bourgeois fields, you end up within the “democratic front” that is proclaimed by all the renegade of Trotskyism.
The Castro–bureaucracy has done everything at hand to contain, abort and defeat the revolutions and the workers fights in the continent. It has deployed a politics of counter–revolutionary pacts, has set up or supported pacts as those of Uribe–Chávez, the government of Morales–Linera and fascism, to complete the restoration and become bourgeoisie right now. You do not say anything that there is an enormous attack against the Cuban masses. The nickel is given to the imperialists, agreements are prepared by Cargill and Monsanto to produce soybean, the ration coupons are reduced in the middle of the world crisis (as they did in China before 1989) in order to erase any trace of consciousness established by the gains of the revolution even rooted among the masses. For then, before any worker protest they can squash it with the Cuban army, whose top leadership has the control of the principal business of the island.
It is not, at first, in the course of a military intervention that the restoration of the capitalism in Cuba is prepared, as you affirm in the second part of your document of 13/11/09; but with the Chinese and Vietnamese model, that is to say, with negotiations with the Yankee imperialism; as Trotsky said on Russia: “By the numbers of the exports and of the imports, the capitalist world us demonstrates that there are other means of co–action that those of the military intervention. As the productivity of the work and of the social system in his joint, are measure up on the market of the prices, the Soviet economy is rather threatened by an intervention of capitalist goods cheaply that by a military intervention ...” And then it follows, “Bukharin does not admit the predominance of the forces of production any more than in his military technical aspect. It does not want to understand that the tractor Ford is so dangerous as the cannon Creusot, with the difference of which the latter cannot act any more than occasionally, while the first one does constant pressure on us. In addition, the tractor has behind to the cannon as last reserve.” (“Stalin, organizer of defeats”)
But this does not mean that the restoration of the capitalism in Cuba is pacific, as neither was in China nor in Vietnam, which is what your allies of the minority were saying in their document presented and defended in the congress of July. The Tiananmen massacre followed by a persecution against revolutionary workers city by city and people by people resulted in approximately 2.000.000 dead men. In case of Vietnam, after the Vietnamese masses defeated the Yankees, was attacked in 1979 by the Chinese army to settle the restorationist pact of Deng Xiao Ping and Nixon of 1975; But also and above all to demoralize the world proletariat with this defeat. On the base of this war the bureaucracy of Ho Chi Minh and Mao of China opened the speed race for who of them attracted more foreign investments and offered slave labour force. And your allies reached the point to say in the Congress of July that the restoration was pacific! They are swine, they would deserve to have been in Tiananmen or in the Vietnamese border when they the bombings of China were falling in order that they see what “pacific” was the restoration of capitalism!
In the politics of pacts, counter–revolutionary blows are prepared that the Castro–bureaucracy is going to launch, and because of it they must defeat the North American workers by submitting them to Obama. In conclusion: you do not pass the proof of the Cuban question either.
You affirm in your letter that: “ In Bolivia the main rivals are not the US and France. The Brazilian SOE Petrobras is by far the biggest player and Brazil is a semi–colonial member of ALBA” what you are saying is a joke! Brazil is not of the ALBA, it is of the Mercosur! What ALBA associated with a supposed Chinese “imperialism” are you talking about? This already looks like the “War of the galaxies” or “The history without end”! The ALBA is only a gather of native bourgeoisies doing business for the sake of their imperialist masters. The ALBA belongs to the old Andean agreement organized around the business of gas and oil to which then the other native bourgeoisies have joined.
In Brazil, Lula is only a junior partner of French imperialism, and simultaneously he took advantage to do business with USA. It has business with France in the military industry and the armament production, – which does not mean that Brazil is an imperialist power–, besides, it is the biggest exporter based on the technology provided by France, to which he has bought submarine ships and technology Aerospatiale. Petrobras is an agent of the TotalFina, that like all the imperialist monopolies, is the monopoly that really does the business; imperialist monopolies leave the national state in charge of the costs of the exploration, the investigation, etc., that is, the most expensive issues of the exploitation, and pipelines but refinery is done by them taken the super–profits.
You believed the craps of chavism. All the oil rent of Venezuela goes to play in the gambling of Wall Street. You are chatterers; the most bourgeois servant and partner of the Yankee imperialism is Chávez, who sells oil, before to Bush and now to Obama: he is the second exporter to USA. Chávez together China faces the Yankee imperialism, and simultaneously it supplies them with oil ... can someone explain this, please? Chávez that we know sold out the exploitation of the Orinoco to the Yankee oil monopolies and now he gives USA the oil to massacre in Palestine and in Afghanistan. The 80% of the oil rent is not controlled by this creeping bourgeoisie, that is, such rent ends up in the treasury of USA. US imperialism controls the most important branches of production in the semi colonies. You belived the crap of the “Latin–American unity” of Chávez and Castro that keep chattering and posing of “ant imperialists” and they were the first ones in congratulating Obama when he was taking up office in USA.
A total revision of the fight against the popular front in the Bolivian revolution:
Breaking with the denounce against the pact that prepares new fascist hordes
As for what you raise of: “It is the success of the Bolivarian project to take more state control of the economy and to benefit from increased revenues that allows it to distributes crumbs to the masses (Venezuela style to health, education and pensions) and ‘buy’ Morales’ popular support.”
This position is a lie. The success of Morales was imposed because the treacherous leaderships of the workers organizations subordinated the working class to the popular front and led his workers organizations to be appendages of the government. Morales did not give anything to the workers or the poor peasants, he gave neither even crumbs to the masses! Precisely it is because the proletariat does not take the power and the bolivarian bourgeoisie expropriated the revolution that today the peasants remained without their land, the workers without work, with starvation wages and scarcity of life. You believed the crap of the bond “Juancito Pinto”, such wretched alms that the government of Morales gives the hungry children of the workers and poor peasants. Seriously do you think that US$ 20 annually is a grant? Why do not you live with 20 dollars per year in a hut without light, not even water, not gas in the middle of the Altiplano? It is not any concession, not even it manages to be wretched alms. And you know it perfectly Dave, because you saw with your own eyes the wretched conditions of the Bolivian proletariat. What lack of understanding on the part of the illustrated teachers before the starving masses and without teeth!
The government of Morales and Linera – we say it again , agent of the French Totalfina and the Repsol – did not govern, or was imposed buying masses with crumbs; it was imposed by brutal repressions against the left wing of the proletariat, that is, the miners of Huanuni, reaching the point of murdering to two miners in the blockades of Caihuasi’s with his officials banzerist caste, such a thing stimulated the fascist “media Luna” to raise its head and carry out the fascist putsch. Today the “media Luna”, that is to say, the Yankee imperialism, gets rid of the fascist politicians like Manfred Reyes Villa –who declared himself to be in the “exile”– since from the time being, it does not need to attack the proletariat with fascism, but on the contrary, they need to strengthen the counter–revolutionary pact with the popular front.
You tell us that this opens the prospect of the US using Colombia to attack Venezuela when Chávez ended up with hugs with the fascist Uribe –direct agent of the Yankees–, after massacring the FARC in Ecuador and the whole resistance, as symbol of the counter–revolutionary pact in Colombia. By the hand of the Castros they negotiate with the Yankee imperialism the total selling out of Cuba to the capitalist restoration. For that reason, they have already established an agreement between the restorationist bureaucracy and Obama to subordinate the whole continental proletariat to the “democratic” bourgeoisie, that is to say, to put it at the feet of Obama.
These pacts prepare the coming of fascism, the counter–revolutionary coups as in Honduras; they prepare the conditions for new fascist mobs or putsches as in Bolivia. What you and the minority do not understand is the logic of the popular front and fascism.
What the impressionists cannot understand is the law that acts with the counter–revolutionary pacts, in relation to the role the popular front plays. Trotsky defined it: “When the bourgeoisie it obliged to sign a pact with the workers organizations by means of their left wing, it needs more than ever his officials’ body to do counterweight, since it is about the protection of the private property, that is to say, of the most important thing.” (“Letter to SI, about the Popular Front in Spain”, on July 27, 1936.–our translation TN–).
Everything else is an invention of you. You see a “Chinese imperialism” in alliance with the bolivarians ready to face US imperialism, when it is a business of everybody with everybody and everybody against everybody. The other issues are an invention, science fiction that leads you to deny the combat against the popular front and do not prepare the proletariat in Latin America and North America to face Obama’s offensive, let alone to face the offensive the US and English imperialisms are preparing together with the “red mandarins” against the proletariat and exploited masses in China.
Because what we have taken as lessons from the Bolivian revolution is that facing the beginning of a great revolution, imperialism and the bourgeoisies of South America, alarmed because they saw that the property of the whole international bourgeoisie was in question, appealed to the government of popular front of Morales and Linera –direct representatives of the French Totalfina – so that such government numbs the proletariat and administers its imperialist business; Since imperialism as any bourgeoisie hides itself and hides its business out the eyes of the proletariat. That is why, imperialism used and uses the popular front and he fascism as two agents who fulfill different functions for strangling the revolution: the first one to extinguish the fire of the revolution by maintaining ferrous control over the workers organizations and repressing the left wing of the proletariat, leaned on the banzerist army; and the latter, by terrorizing the proletariat with fascist gangs and preparing itself to squash the proletarians if they escape from the control of the popular front. But, from the business point of view, they never stopped being junior partners of imperialism, Morales and Linera of Petrobrás, that is, of Totalfina, that is to say, of French imperialism and Spanish Repsol. Meanwhile the bourgeoisie of the “media Luna” is an agent of the US imperialist monopolies like Exxon and British Petroleum. Where are the financial capitals of your Chinese “imperialism”?
But also, as we affirm in the OOI 10, “On the subject, Trotsky said: “The government of Stalin–Caballero , ( the government of the popular front , N.E d.) tries at all costs to give its Army the character of a democratic guardian of the private property. This is, in essence, the popular front. Everything else amounts to hollow phrases ... precisely for that reason the popular front prepares the triumph of Fascism . Anyone who has not understood this is deaf and blind (...).Without a proletarian revolution, the military victory of the democracy means only a detour in the way of Fascism...” (Leon Trotsky, “Is the victory possible?”, 23/04/1937).
The State is reduced in last instance, to a band of armed men, who defend the interests of the exploiter class against the exploited ones. In Bolivia, the essence of this band of armed men is the banzerist officials’ caste that was educated and formed in the crushing of the revolution of ‘ 52, as we raise in the book “Bolivia, the betrayed revolution”: “This government (the of Paz Estenssoro) was controlling with his left hand to the working militia of the COB and with his right hand it was sending West Point 500 officials of the army – who had been defeated by the worker revolution – to rearm from there to the officials’ caste on which it would rest then to enter to blood and fire and defeat the Bolivian proletariat.” This army is the one who supports, in last instance, the “not minimal” interests and business of Yankee imperialism and his junior partners of the Rosca oligarchy of the fascist “media Luna” in Bolivia. For that reason, it still supports the government of Morales since he have saved its property.
You and the minority with what you affirm in your letter on Bolivia and Latin America, end as servants of the popular Front and of Morales. Since the pact that you do not see strengthens the “media Luna” and prepares the coming of fascism. If you were the French section in 1939 you would be hiding that the popular front delivered the government to Pétain, gave him the keys of Paris to that “marshall, savior of France”... who ended up opening the doors to the Hitler of Paris.
With your position in Bolivia you end at Morales feet, who gave the key to the Media Luna to control with the terror of its fascist bands in the eastern, from Pando up to Santa Cruz; while Morales controls with fist of iron the proletariat of the Altiplano. All this is blessed by Petrobras, Repsol, TotalFina, and Exxon who distribute the business much better now than during “Goni” Sanchez de Lozada government.
And we repeat again we don’t see neither in Bolivia, not even Latin America –or any other country– any Chinese financial capital. You confuse the administration of the native bourgeoisie of the super–profits that belong to imperialism, –from where they get a slice– with financial capital. The only imperialist monopolies that compete in Bolivia are the French Totalfina, Spanish Repsol, US Exxon and the UK British Petrolium. Petrobrás is just front men of French Totalfina, precisely that is an imperialist monopoly, it has a flag. Could you tell us when appeared your Chinese “imperialist” monopoly? On the contrary, in Bolivia there is no Chinese financial capital. Actually just the opposite, we see that China has more “investments” in Peru and in other countries where Yankees imposed FTAs (free trade agreements).
We see China as the great buyer both subsidized raw materials to the 600.000 imperialists transnational installed there as well as still being maquiladora; cheap raw material that gets from the semicolonies like Bolivia, Chile, Peru, etc. Bolivarians do not sell anything to the Chinese because they only administrate imperialist monopolies business; those who sell China are actually imperialist monopolies installed in these countries. In the semicolonies of Latin America, productive forces, production branches and banks are controlled by imperialist monopolies: the oil and gas are of Chevron Texaco, Exxon, Shell, Repsol, Totalfina; water of Lyonesse des Eaux or Bechtel; the soy beans and cereal production is controlled by Cargill and the Asgrow; telecommunications by French Telecom, Spanish Telefonica, AT*T; cars production by Ford, Chevrolet, Renault, Volkswagen; banks are owned by Citibank, Boston, Santander, etc., just to set up a few examples. The main employer in Latin America is imperialism; the native bourgeoisie are only its junior partners. We repeat the question: which is the “imperialist” Chinese monopoly with which Bolivarian are associated? For example, in Chile, in 2009 there were extracted 6.000 million tons of copper. 1.000 million from mines owned by Chilean state; other 5.000 million tons from mines exploited by US, English, Canadian, Australian imperialist monopolies among them the Anglo American. These five billion tons of copper, gave monopolies 11.000 millions dollars of bottom line (earnings after interest and taxes). And this only with copper, that is to say without counting gold, manganese, etc... I.e., imperialist monopolies are those who keep the super–profits from the plunder of the copper in Chile! And these are the monopolies that sell China.
Where an impressionistic and pacifist vision of your Chinese “imperialism” leads in Latin America?
As we told you in our letter of 12/11/09, the 7 military bases imposed by the Yankee imperialism in Colombia (with the acceptance of the Bolivarian) and now conquering Honduras as its counterrevolutionary head beach in the continent, they aren’t to prepare a military clash against your China “imperialistic”; are to massacre the Latin American working class if thy manage to overpass the control of the treacherous leaderships; if they manage to break the counterrevolutionary pacts.
We are still waiting that you tell us which are the Chinese military bases; because a real imperialism (not invented), it has zones of influence; controls entire branches of the production in the world economy, has imperialist monopolies and set up military bases to defend them, as France, USA, England or Japan do, under US umbrella. Can you tell us how it disputes the “Chinese imperialism” the influence zones to the USA in Latin America? Even the most insignificant imperialism has military bases spread around the world. Can explain us how does China to prepare the war against USA without military bases?
With your pacifist vision of imperialist China you forgot that this Bolivarian bourgeoisie are the same that gave to Yankee imperialism troops to submit Haiti. Morales, Lula, Kirchner and Lagos (Chile) put and keep their troops in this country. Bolivarian and Yankees commanded by the Pentagon occupied Haiti. What logical explanation can you give? The minority doesn’t write a word on Haiti nor Vietnam because they do not feel part of the Haitian workers and of the masses; because there wasn’t one single Bolivarian bourgeoisie that does not massacred the Haitian masses, together with the Yankee troops.
You have to tell us if you keep endorsing what you signed yesterday on Bolivia and the revolutionary lessons, and you reaffirmed in the Congress of foundation of the FLTI. Because with your position exposed in your letter of the advance of your Chinese “imperialism” disputing USA its influence zones Latin America; you deny the combat we fought together against the popular front and fascism which strangled the Bolivian revolution, after it was expropriated by the “Bolivarian revolution” of Chavez, Lula, Castro –all of them are direct agents and junior partners of French imperialism– and supported by the WSF and all renegades of Trotskyism, which are centralized world widely. You apparently, did not even read what you were signing in the Congress and voted the program opportunistically.
According to you and the minority USA and France are no longer the main imperialist powers that dispute Bolivia and Latin America; and now China is behind Morales and the Bolivarian, displacing the Yankees on its influence zones. Can you explain us how China did to get into US businesses without the Yankees kick them out, as yes it did with France, marking its influence zones with bombs? Because it disciplined Chavez with bombing Ecuador, in order to then massacre the Colombian resistance; it disciplined Morales with the fascist putsch on August, 2008; this way disciplining these and all the Bolivarian agents of the French imperialism.
We reaffirm our position about the situation in Latin America. I.e. the one raised in the OOI 12, where we state that Yankee imperialism was two years on crisis, also its chief state and it was swamped in Iraq, that is to say, it was carrying out its “war for oil” in Middle East; under those conditions competitors imperialist powers –France, Spain essentially– with New Deal policy or of “good neighbor”, got in US backyard to do business by associating with the native bourgeoisie of the semicolonies. We stated that, “This way France and Spain, with a policy of New Deal or good neighbor, they did excellent businesses in Latin America, US “backyard”, while on their direct colonies and influence zones, holds bonapartists governments and ferocious dictatorships; as France does in Algeria, Northern Africa and its “overseas territories” controlled by the guns of the Foreign Legion.” The native bourgeoisie (the Bolivarian) took advantage of these inter–imperialists gaps to do business with all, as junior partners of the imperialistic powers.
World bankruptcy and the outbreak Wall Street stoke market, set on the imperialism’s agenda recover the control of its semicolonies, raw materials and natural resources that it extracts from there as well as its super–profits; and once re–constituted US chief state, with Obama’s assumption imperialism came back to get everything in its backyard. That is what we state on the OOI #12: “But while preparing their change of government and Obama taking office, during 2007–2008, USA imposed limits shooting to their imperialist rivals. USA shot rivals to stop their advance over his zones of influence defining that he would centralize the attack against the masses and distribute business.
“That was proved in Georgia, the massacre on the Colombian resistance in Uribe’s hands, the fascist putsch in Bolivia and lastly in Palestine, with the Zionist army massacring in Gaza.
“Thus USA scared the masses and forced native bourgeoisies –who were flirting with the other imperialist powers– to impose counterrevolutionary pacts to force the masses to surrender. That is how US imperialism guaranteed be the one who divides business throughout the world and, in last instance, be the one who disciplines the working class and exploited masses...”. That is how USA imposed to France –under its conditions– a French–US pact to guarantee that US imperialism be the one who distributes business and discipline the working class. USA achieve this after the treacherous leaderships contained the highest processes of the revolution, supporting the counter–revolutionary pacts in Bolivia and Colombia, and subordinating the proletariat to the bourgeoisie of the continent, the “democratic front”, the “Bolivarian” revolution, etc. Because of these, strangle the revolution in Bolivia has an international character and the new political situation there is only a refraction of a politics too. Bolivia was as a hinge in the Latin–American situation and now it is to, but this time of the counter–revolution.
Comrade Dave, what you affirm in your letter is the contrary, the opposite to what the congress of July took as its foundational program, as the lessons that concentrate the fight against the popular front and fascism; lessons that we extracted in the FLT and later was taken by the FLTI. You with your new position on Chinese “the imperialism” would not endorse those documents.
This way also how we posed in the Foundational Congress of the FLTI and then we expressed it in the resolutions on Honduras in point 5: “In Latin America we are seeing the results of the French–US provisional agreement forced on French imperialism by US imperialism to regain control of the sub–continent as its “backyard”. A first act of this new offensive was signaled by the Summit of the Americas early this year in Trinidad–Tobago, where Obama, supported by all the “Bolivarian” bourgeoisies laid out very clearly his policy to complete capitalist restoration in Cuba. The Honduras coup is a new act in this offensive where the US using its two handed policy –either through the continuity of Micheletti and his coup makers, or by means of an agreement between Zelaya and these same coup makers– wants to turn Honduras into a beachhead for further counterrevolutionary actions in Latin America, i.e. an intervention in Cuba, or Guadeloupe or any country where the masses rise up against their exploitation and oppression.” All your position expresses having totally impressionist and national vision. You and the minority can change position whenever you want; however one thing is to raise political differences and another very different is to liquidate the whole program conquered. The minority, for us, is a liquidator minority of the foundational program of the FLTI and denies all the revolutionary lessons that we extract from to the most important acid tests of the world class struggle.
Marxists know that raising things and then deny them is how an empiric acts, that is a way of always having a retreat ready. That is why we do not believe you when you state that you endorse the resolutions of the Congress of the FLTI.
The minority liquidates the Marxist conception of the world labour division
The minority sees everything by a totally nationalistic lens and does not see that there is a world economy, where capitalism is based on world labour division and on the exchange of manufactured goods, also international, as Trotsky raises in “A school of revolutionary strategy” (1921): “Capitalism is a worldwide fact. It has managed to dominate the entire world, as could be observed during the war, when a country was over–producing, without having any market that was consuming his merchandise, despite that other needed products that were inaccessible for it. In that moment, the interdependence of the different parts of the world market, was making feel for all sites. The position capitalism put itself before the war was based on world labour division and on the exchange of products. It is necessary that North America produces certain quantity of wheat for Europe. It is necessary that France produce certain quantity of luxury objects for North America. It is indispensable that Germany produce certain number of vulgar and economic objects for France. Nevertheless, this world labour division isn’t always the same, is not ruled. It was established historically, and sometimes it changes due to crisis, competitions and rates. But, in general, the world economy is founded on the fact that the production of the world distributes, in major or minor proportion, between different countries. This world labour division was shocked, until the roots, because of the war. Has it been rebuilt or not? That is one of the aspect of the issue.”
With your totally national Trotskyist vision, and your Chinese “imperialism”, you and the minority liquidate the world labour division and the role that has China on it. Before as goods exporter and goods consumer; now as the greater buyer, importer of raw materials to supply the imperialist monopolies installed there and as importer of consumer goods produced in the USA, for that great Chinese domestic market. There is nothing of “new imperialist power” in China; on the contrary, China plays the roe as a Counter Tendency of the world economic in crisis.
China as buyer is a true and enormous conquer of all native bourgeoisies of the continent and the imperialist powers; that is why, all the bourgeoisies celebrate, because they can sell soybean, milk, gas, iron, commodities and consumer goods; this is precisely why today bolivarian governments make fortunes, while they sink more and more the working class in the misery. This one is the great imperialist victory of the ‘ 89, the fresh blood of the former workers state, injected to sclerotic veins of the capitalism in decomposition. And you call that imperialism?
Your revisionism on the Chinese question, has take you to fail in passing any of the acid test, which also are Bolivia, Peru, Honduras, world economic world, Cuba, etc. You and your allies in Madagascar end up to the feet of the popular front, as the 5th wheel of the car of the treacherous leaderships centralized in the counter–revolutionary Fifth International of the Bolivarian and the Chinese “mandarins”, with the renegade of the Trotskyism, which cover the left flank; they all together have put a fence to the revolution in Madagascar, like they imposed before to the Bolivian revolution. That is why you don’t say anything of Madagascar nor of Greece, can’t stutter one single word on revolutionary key on these acids test, since those issue questioned your invention of “imperialist China”. You and your allies of the minority do not pass the test. With your revisionism –not only of the foundational program of the FLTI, but of the revolutionary Marxism– you have moved to opportunism. This way you end up like theorist of the Fifth International: as the fifth wheel of the car of the popular front and Chavez new international. You break with the program of the political revolution in Cuba, that is to say, you break with the International 4th and his theoretical and programmatic legacy. In the middle of 4th International and Chavez’s counterrevolutionary 5th, there are also intellectual impressionistic bunglers, as wings of left of the V.
Revolutionary greetings.
LTI (Bolivia)
Voted as Resolution by the Second Congress of the ILTF |