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Chapter 5
China: In defense of the programmatic legacy of the Fourth International and its founders.
The laws of genesis, movement and the current structure of China.
We will start by defining China’s structure with a Marxist method, i.e., by its genesis; trying to approach this new phenomenon emerged in the 21st century. For us this phenomenon is just a transitory capitalist country in a frank process of semi colonization; it has been conquered by the world economy after the counterrevolutionary blow against it by the Chinese restorationist bureaucracy in Tiananmen. The process of capitalist restoration was delivered by the own Stalinist (here Maoist) bureaucracy, which in the ‘80s became from indirect agent into counterrevolutionary direct agent of capitalist restoration, like in the USSR and all the former workers states. Today they act as direct gendarmes of US and Japanese transnationals.
Just like the USSR gave away their natural wealth to the world division of labour, or like the Eastern Europe became semi–colonies or direct colonies with their subordination to the European and US imperialism, China put its comparative advantage, its slave labour force, to the world economy.
As we see today, neither China nor Russia are allowed to become imperialist, in a world already politically, economically and militarily dominated by the imperialism. Even more, Russia today is so, so isolated that there is nothing more left of the old Russia which territory was from the plains of Siberia up to Eurasia. One by one, all the former soviet republics of the former USSR, have remained on the US side, with US military bases, all placed in the former Muslim republics and with the Eastern Europe, including now Romania, entering to NATO.
Can anybody believe that the Czar’s imperialist Russia would allow to lose Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, the oil routes of the Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) and the Euro–Asiatic republics? Russia is reduced to the “Moscow county”, oppressing some small nationalities and making a genocide at the service of the imperialism as in Chechnya or in Dagestan.
Russia claims today: “We have the right to defend ourselves with nuclear weapons against whoever attacks on us”. This is a joke of the coward Russian bourgeoisie, agent of Germany. They took almost 90% of the territory that the Czar oppressed and the ones that the USSR occupied away from it. The German company BASF plunders the Russian oil. And when there is nothing more left, it claims its “right to a nuclear defense”.
This is a bullying of the national bourgeoisie as the ones that Chavez does, or that of the Korean restorationist bureaucracy in order to get food. It is a blackmail of the lackeys nationalist bourgeoisies.
We insist, in 1989 the world was already conquered. Today, the Kremlin is isolated, and China must do what the imperialist policy and the world economy says.
The same way the finance capital fixed its aim in the Middle East for oil supply, in Latin America for the commodities, or in the plundered Africa for the minery, what always the world market got from China was the slave labour force. Even in the 19th century, where the working class of China, together with the coloured workers built the infra–structure and the railways of the rising capitalism.
And this is called world division of labour in the world economy controlled by the imperialist gangs since 1914.
This is how Trotsky stated it in “A school of Revolutionary Strategy”:
“Capitalism is a world phenomenon. Capitalism has succeeded in embracing the entire terrestrial globe; and this manifested itself most acutely during the war and during the blockade when one country, bereft of a market, was producing surpluses, while another, in need of commodities, lacked access to them. And today this interdependence of the dismembered world market manifests itself here and everywhere. Capitalism, at the stage attained before the war, is based on a world division of labor and a world exchange of products. America has to produce a certain quantity of grain for Europe. France has to produce a certain quantity of luxury goods for America. Germany has to produce a certain quantity of cheap consumer goods for France. This division of labor is in its turn not something constant, something given once and for all. It takes shape historically; it is constantly disrupted by crises and competition – let alone tariff wars. And it is restored over and over again only to be again and again disrupted. But world economy on the whole rests on a lesser or greater division among the respective countries of the production of corresponding necessities. Now it is this world division of labor that has been severed at its roots by the war. Has it been restored or no? This is one aspect of the question.”
The victory of the workers’ revolution, despite and against the Stalinist bureaucracy, in 1949 interrupted that subordination of China to the world market as a provider of slave labour force. It was disrupted not by “fees”, “competition” or “crisis”, but because of the revolution, which prevented the world economy from using China removing its national independence out of it and occupying that nation for that purpose.
With the capitalist restoration, China contributed that huge source of reservoirs that is its slave human labour, the most important and the most valuable of all the commodities. Yes, a commodity, which value is given by the cost of its reproduction. China gave the commodity Human Labour power, the cheapest of all the world market.
This is where China is going. So does Vietnam, and so does the Castroite bureaucracy want to go with the Cuban workers making 18 dollars per month to make Cuba a new maquila.
China was dragged by the whirlwind of the capitalist economy almost 2 centuries ago. Capitalist economy was on an ascendant stage and the bourgeoisies were looking for new markets, new raw material sources and new zones to get slaves. British, French and German bourgeoisies found this huge reservation of slave labor force –which China was at the time as it is today – their paradise. At that moment there was a rotten dynasty ruling China, a country as big as a continent. Immediately, the European capitalists launched war after war to force this dynasty, its court and bureaucracy to open China to the world trade.
It is proved for those who say that there is only violence in the imperialist capitalism that capitalism was born “splashing around blood and mud” as Marx would say. In the same way as England took power over China, its “daughter” (USA) took power by guns of the 60% of Mexico. A couple of years after this bloodbath and mutilation, Mexico was occupied by the French troops of Luis Napoleon (also called Napoleon III) to force it to pay for foreign debts and even impose a kinglet from a German court, Maximilian. But the united front of the pro–British bourgeoisie, supported in the hate of the Mexican masses against the invader French troops used a native lawyer of the landowners (Benito Juarez) and expelled the weakened French troops. During those days Napoleon was more worried about Bismarck than the kinglet Maximilian, who was shot after the last soldier of the French Foreign Legion abandoned him.
Mexican and Chinese workers ended up working as day–laborers in US “Far West”, to set up the infrastructure that the US big bourgeoisie needed to unify the industrial East with the West, and to intervene from California in the huge trade and business deals that Asia meant and still means. If we could hear the voices under those rails where millions of Chinese, Blacks and “Chicano” slaves are buried, they would tell you how capitalism was never peaceful, either back then or now; but obviously they would use too strong words for the delicate ears of these professors.
AS THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL ALREADY POINTED OUT IN 1938 China was inserted in the world labour division under capitalism as a semi–colony. Today, far from changing this status –as the minority want to make us believe– and becoming “imperialist” China is about to get back to that status. That will happen unless a socialist revolution restores the dictatorship of the proletariat under revolutionary ways: “China, a backward semi–colonial country, has been the victim of imperialist rapacity for more than a century. Imperialist guns ended China’s age–old seclusion and isolation, introduced modern industry and capitalist forms of exploitation into the country. The imperialists came to China first as traders. But with the rapid advance of industry in the West, and the growing accumulation of surplus value as a result of ever more intense labor exploitation, it was only a matter of time before China came to be regarded not only as a commodity market but as a lucrative field for the investment of capital as well. China’s inexhaustible supply of cheap labor proved a magnetic attraction for foreign capital. In a series of wars against which the decadent Manchu Dynasty proved impotent, the imperialist powers grabbed Chinese territory, established “concessions” in China’s principal cities, and wrested from China a series of “privileges” designed to protect their trade and investments. By limiting Chinese import duties to five per cent ad valorem, they assured the competitive position of their products in the China market. By controlling the collection and disbursement of Chinese customs revenues, they insured the payment of China’s rapidly–mounting foreign debts. By establishing the principle of “extra–territoriality” (capitulations), they gained exemption of their business enterprises from Chinese taxation and their nationals from the operation of Chinese law. The unequal treaties in which these “privileges” were embodied were the sign of China’s reduction to the status of a semi–colonial country”. (“The War in the Far East and The Revolutionary Perspective”; written by Li Fu Jen (Frank Glass) for the Congress of the IV International 1938).
As the IV International correctly said China was always seen by the imperialist powers in the world economy –both in the reformist and imperialist times– as a supplier of: a) slave labour force to the world economy; b) tax-free territory for importations from or exportations to the imperialist powers (such as southern Asia or China today); c) Free Zones with a slave labour force and with a reserve industrial army of one billion Chinese in the deep of China; and d) the existence of a direct agent of the world imperialism, nowadays the new Chinese mandarins: the Stalinist–Maoist bureaucracy transformed into bourgeoisie.
This “new Chinese dynasty” is just the Stalinist scum which evolved as bourgeoisie in the imperialist companies, conquering the Joint Ventures in China, where, in the joint boards with the international finance capital, it started to become a propertied class and to have the right to inherit. That scum was, it is, and it will be nothing more than just that: a direct agent of the imperialism. And if it wants to stop being that, the furthest imperialist bombs will fall around its ears.
In some way, today’s Russia, disposed of all the spheres of influence and carved up by the imperialist powers, has a lot more of autonomy in international politics than the mandarin’s China. The native Russian bourgeoisie has its fate linked to Germany and to be a great oil exporter. But it had to accept being surrounded by 120 military bases and missile shields of NATO, all of them placed in Russia’s former spheres of influence.
This world economic crisis is about that there are too many imperialist powers. We will see new tensions, because China and Russia have to be subjugated with double and triple chains (even bigger than the ones that have today) to the economy and the politics of the international finance capital.
Before the ’49 revolution, the imperialist powers, by controlling the Chinese taxes paid by exports and imports, guaranteed they would always be paid for the foreign debts contracted by of the Chinese nation, which fed the imperialist Banks established within China. And when China tried to took any tax control, protectionist measure or increase its own customs rights, its labor forces were besieged and China was invaded.
That was, is and will be the history and the role of the Chinese nation in the world, which has been already divided by 2 imperialist wars.
As the IV International said: “China’s inexhaustible supply of cheap labor becomes a magnetic attraction for foreign capitaL INVESTMENT”.
In the Second World War, Roosevelt and Churchill demanded that Chiang Kai–Shek and his Kuomintang be seated in the allies’ table and give them veto power (like Stalin had) in the Unite Nations even above France. In that way, the imperialist front of the US–UK allies planned to go out from the 2WW, with Russia and China inside.
In the last instance this was what concentrated the double character of 2WW. A proof of it was that in the 1943 Conference, De Gaulle participated as a second class exiled general, at the same level of the Kuomintang.
USSR escaped from the claws of the allies after 2WW, not thanks to Stalin’s merits but despite that bastard bureaucracy servant of the imperialist front; namely, thanks to the heroism of 20 million Russian workers and peasants that gave their lives for the sake of crushing the Nazi Wehrmacht and taking up Berlin.
Imperialism couldn’t go up till the end in using that magnetic attraction of Chinese slave labour force (already used by Japanese imperialism too), because of the revolution made by workers and peasants, despite the attempts of Mao Tse Tung of imposing a government of national unity with the Kuomintang. The rise of this revolution and its expansive waves made generals like Mc Arthur run away beyond Parallel 38 in Korea; but this revolution was contained as part of the plan for “peaceful coexistence” in Asia.
The prognosis and the characterization of China and its place in the world division of labour are exactly as the IV International predicted: showing that the imperialism is reaction all along the line, and that if the political revolution does not achieve victory in that worker state that has already born deformed in 1949, the bureaucracy would come in restorationist and into a new propertied class, direct agent of the imperialism, as it happened indeed.
Against our minority who liquidates the 1938 Congress of the Fourth International, we defend ourselves and make as ours completely the resolution on the class struggle and the war in the Far East written by Li Fu Jen (Frank Glass) for the 1938 Congress of the Fourth International. And over this basis we call to found the party of Chen Tu Hsiu, of the Fourth International, in China.
Our minority must choose: either with the 1938 program of the Fourth International, or with the program of the Fifth International of Hu Jintao and other traitors of the international proletariat. They must define themselves.
The “Chinese miracle” has the same features that the old “Korean miracle”, or the old “Chilean miracle” of which it was talked in Latin America.
Everybody was amazed at Chile’s growth in the ‘80s and in the ‘90s and its huge investments, even its associations with the US capital of the JP Morgan and Citibank made with the surplus of the copper exports which was put in the privatizations in Argentina, in Bolivia and all around Latin America in the ‘90s (with this, our minority might have called Chile an ‘imperialist’ nation).
We, the Trotskyist claimed that the “Chilean miracle” is called Pinochet and Chile’s dominance and the proletariat suppressed by the regime of the bonapartist boots and the dictatorship sabers at the service of the ITT and Rockefeller.
Chinese miracle? It has a name: the Pinochetist regime of the bayonet and the boots of the counterrevolutionary army of the “red businessmen” of this murderous scum of the working class at the service of the HSBC and the Morgan Bank.
This is the genesis and structure of the current China, where capitalism was restored in ’89 till nowadays.
From the point of view of the genesis of the capitalist restoration in China we must state that the period of decomposition of the worker state began with the Nixon–Deng Xiao Ping pact (’75–’89), it was a period similar to that in Russia called of “Perestroika and Glasnost” (’86–’89). 1989 was the year of the victory of the bureaucratic counterrevolutionary blow (Tiananmen) that massacred workers and students, opening the path to the full capitalist restoration in China.
We can affirm that because in the former workers state there was no right of legacy, the bureaucracy got to the subterfuge of sending their sons to the directory boards of the join ventures in Southern China in order to get through that the legacy of properties. Their children –”communist youth”– as partners of the transnationals directory boards were the guarantee to plunder the state industry; so those SOE sold cheap raw materials and inputs – subsidized by Chinese banks that ended in bankruptcy. Then the right of legacy was imposed when the “red business–men” became legitimized partners of the transnationals and their plundering of China.
In a discussion of Trotsky against Craipeau, the IV International pre–announced what would happen if a Menshevik government took control of the USSR. Then Trotsky said: “Should a bourgeois counterrevolution succeed in the USSR, the new government for a lengthy period would have to base itself upon the nationalized economy. But what does such a type of temporary conflict between the economy and the state mean? It means a revolution or a counter–revolution. The victory of one class over another signifies that it will reconstruct the economy in the interests of the victors.”
Correct! Again the prognosis and the theory of the Fourth International passed the test in history, and again those who speak in its behalf betray its program, legacy and theory. It happened in 1989, in ‘68–’74. It also happened in 1952 and it happened during the war.
The winners of the capitalist restoration have been Reagan, Thatcher, Bush, Clinton, JP Morgan, HSBC, the 5th French Republic, the Japanese Corporations and Germany; they transformed the bureaucracy in direct agents; they took fresh blood from the new maquiladora (China) that has become in supplier of: a) cheap materials guaranteed by the state companies that get subsidies from the bankrupt banks and broken state (that guaranteed and will guarantee super–profits to Wall Mart, HSBC, Morgan Bank, etc.) and b) slave proletariat, as there is also in Vietnam and Korea. All that was not only used to create an expansion cycle that only lasted 5 or 6 years, together with wars, parasitism, fictitious expends. The cycle lasted until 2007 when the profit rate fell down again.
In 1999 the revolutionary fraction that broke with PTS, (the TBI) stated that after the capitalist restoration in the former workers state there had emerged “capitalist transitory countries, because they aren’t defined yet as semicolonies. Most of them keep a big degree of independence, i.e. they are not subjugated to political and economic pacts that tie them to imperialism, while others like the Eastern Europe countries have entered NATO and the process to become semicolonies is more advanced.
“They are similar to those countries –like Egypt and Argentina– that at the end of 2WW got with nationalist bourgeois leaderships a relative independence from imperialism for a short period of time. [...] the country of relative independence; whether the country gets its full independence, that in order to do that the workers socialist revolution must triumph, or imperialism would triumph and turn it into a colony or semi–colony.
“[...] But we also state that this imperialist triumph isn’t defined yet because [...] bourgeois counterrevolution, despite moving forward nationally in those countries it hasn’t defined yet the confrontation with the revolution internationally; counterrevolution hasn’t been imposed all over the world but on the contrary this confrontation isn’t solved.
“[...]. Therefore [...] our definition is provisory: they are capitalist transitory states or former workers states in liquidation. That is why we must update the revolutionary program to put it at the same level of the current situation and –as we will see– of the task of restoring the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat in those countries, because of their genesis.
“[...] The provisory definition of the former workers states –degenerated and deformed, like the former workers states in liquidation, capitalist transitory, means that even if the dictatorship of the proletariat is over –i.e. there is no more workers state– imperialisms haven’t been able to defining the location of those states in the world labour division. That is to say, imperialist powers haven’t been able yet to impose the catastrophic defeat to the masses of those states and to defeat enough or co–opt their own proletariat, which would allow them to impose definitively the capitalist restoration, transforming the former workers states in liquidation in colonies or semicolonies,( incorporating them into) a new world labor division”. (Thesis on the events of 1989 and the update of the revolutionary theory and program and the end of the century”, Chapter II, Thesis 4 and 5, September 1999).
Today, one decade after defining that process (which is 20 years old) of combination of the state economy with Free Zones for plundering of the labour force by the transnationals which are in China; of expulsion of land; of extracting super–profits which are capable of sustaining the shortfall of the imperialist parasites; we have to affirm that, because of the betrayal of the leadership of the international proletariat to the world revolution, this transitory capitalist state has become each time more in a semi–colony, to which they seek to strangle now with double chains.
As the one that cooks a steak from one side and then the other, this time, with the crisis and the world crac, China, pressured to re–value its currency, to act as an importer, to give its markets of capital to the imperialist banks for plundering, new bubbles, and new direct financial business, will be forced to be an importer and buyer. A new sucking and plundering mechanism of the Chinese nation, which will lead inevitably to expulsion from the land and to privatize the profitable state companies so they go to the hands of the international finance capital.
Against all of what the chatterbox, servants of the imperialism, of the HSBC, of JP Morgan Chase say, we assure that China is only 10 kilometers away from Argentina, Brazil, India, Colombia, Venezuela, Pakistan and 10 million kilometers away from New York and Berlin.
Revisionism hides the sucking of the fresh blood of the Chinese working class by world imperialism. China is neither imperialist nor an engine, just a Counter Tendency in the world economic crisis, always servant of the transnationals.
The “Chinese” miracle is the generalized bankruptcy of the savings of the state that were used to finance all the investments of the TNC installed there. Like Le Monde Diplomatique says in its edition of September 2009, as regard the bankruptcy of Chinese banks in 2001: “financial support to the banks (subvention), permanent deficits of the state companies and the new banking and trade products. The uncollectible amount of 320,000 million dollars, which is 34% of the total loan”. In 2001 the Chinese state –which is currently called imperialist by the pseudo–Marxist chatters– “it only has 200 billion dollars in reserves”, after being the biggest exporter since 1975 until 2001.
As Trotsky said, at that time the Chinese state and its state banks assumed the cost of the bankruptcy. Those banks gave subventions (financial support) to the state companies so imperialist companies could have super–profits. Thus, in 2001, the Chinese state opened the investments to the state banks and the private capital in a 25%. British HSBC bought 3 entities. Swiss UBS, Royal Bank of Scotland and even the Sovereign Government of Singapore (Tomasek Holdings) entered with Goldman Sachs into the Banks of China. Bank of America bought in 2005 the 8% of Construction Bank and within the category of provincial banks –in cheaper purchases– BNP Paribas (France) bought the 20% of the Nankin Commercial Bank. The list went on until today, when Bank of America –with 11% of the shareholding– is the second investor in ICBC (Industrial & Commercial Bank of China), which is the biggest bank in the world due to capitalization stock–market and deposits.
So the international finance capital drives business of the credit cards in China and the stock market founded in 1991 in Yeng Tseng through its majority of stocks in provincial state banks. Since imperialist financial capital controlled all the banks, it transformed that little stock market in a branch of Wall Street and London. At the same time that stock exchange is linked to a huge real state speculation that is about to blow up the same or even worse than Dubai’s; it already exploded in 2007 and it was one of the preparatory convulsions that were the beginning of the world economic crisis.
Bank credits are in the hands of the international finance capital; now 76% of them aren’t destined any more to finance the settlement of loans from imperialist companies. With the Chinese bank system completely controlled by world finance capital 76% OF THE BANK CREDITS IN SHANGHAI HAVE GONE TO REAL STATE, AS AN EXTENSION OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET, like Le Monde Diplomatique said in September 2009. Companies like Mattel, Wall Mart, Mercedes Benz, and Carrefour diversified their investments, not in the production –where profit rate kept falling and falling– but to Shanghai real state bubble, which acted as soul mate of the stock–market bubble, even more than in USA.
When we, the Trotskyists, say that China is a big maquila that is being put to produce for the world economy the revisionist feel outraged. Worse ever now, since China, cooked in both sides by the finance capital, will be put down to its knees to re–valuate its currency and become a big importer, together with the consumption cycle which was opened.
We state that the 30 dollar– wages of the Chinese working class –who work on of USA and other imperialist powers’ maquilas – were what softened the enormous price increases in the productive process caused by the climbing to 140 dollars per oil barrel in the expansion cycle of the world economy (2003–2007) and the USA huge commercial deficit.
That way of accumulation run out of gas and blew up in 2007. The new balance point that US capitalism is trying to reach, in the middle of the mess of the world economy, means that USA must buy less because financial capital already has eaten the domestic savings of the whole country, both companies and households; it also needs to devaluate the dollar and set itself up as exporter. Meanwhile, China, either if it likes or not, will have to increase its consumption (as we will see later), keep subsidizing US deficit and revaluate the yuan a 22%, following closely the devaluation of the dollar.
Thus, China is trapped as a creditor of the devalued USA bonds, which it can’t sell for being afraid of depreciating its initial investment and sinking the price of dollar even more in the world market; by doing this USA would become more competitive and China will sink itself one million more times.
Therefore “imperialist China” (Wall Street puppet as we call it) had no choice but to take 600 billions dollars of their reserves and give them to the transnationals’ banks, controlled by the imperialist banks, so they give loan to the companies and particulars in China to open a consumerist cycle. Thus, Carrefour and Wall Mart opened 5,000 branches in China to sell millions of cars, washing machines, TVsets, computers, etc.
Imperialism? Aren’t they ashamed by deceiving like this the world proletariat and slapping in the face the Chinese proletariat? They are a bunch of brazen liars who write from the luxurious offices of the labor aristocracy and from the offices of the professors of New York and London, heirs of the worst of Pabloism and Cliffism.
China, imperialist? In the crisis, China is one more million times on its knees before London, Wall Street, Frankfurt and Paris.
“China is a banker and creditor of USA” cried out the revisionist parrots. But it has inside the country 600,000 factories of the imperialist companies that invested 1.1 trillion dollars in the country, including the stock market.
USA didn’t save its banks by putting fresh money, as those stupid that are holding tight Obama’s left ear; but by printing treasure bonds backed by the dollars of the Chinese exportations.
We have seen lackey governments, servants to imperialism. But like this one of the Chinese mandarins, just a few in the history.
To keep the expansion cycle in the middle of the crisis and in order for the transnationals to keep their business, China must put fresh money: 30% from the public funds of its reserves (like Argentina did now, withdrawing 6,000 million dollars of its reserves to pay the foreign debt this year) and 70% in bank financing.
Banks are mostly in hands of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and HSBC (already including their commissions) lent –with no back up from the funds received by the state– to their own companies installed in China, their credit cards, their transnationals; creating in China, this time, again a fake debt of 3.7 trillion dollars. Now Chinese foreign debt –thrown by imperialist banks against its state– becomes a problem, as big as a problem as that created for Greece or Dubai.
China is today a capital funnel, which will be overwhelmed with debt to subjugate it even more than Latin America in the 80’s and the 90’s.
The current role of China in the world labor division.
The pragmatic transformed into a 19th Century reformist goes back in history and can’t tell parasitic, usurer imperialist financial capital from commercial capital.
During the last expansion cycle China was an exporter and importer for the sake of the transnationals. Now China is a buyer and importer in the new world labor division imposed by the cheap dollar in the world economy. USA with a devaluated dollar, in a regular way is making so far European powers pay for the crisis and forcing China to put in the world economy in crisis –at the service of imperialist powers– not new financial capital but SUPER–PROFITS, which are 1.8 trillion dollars that the Chinese state has as reserves. These reserves are the huge amount of surplus value taken from the Chinese proletariat and diverted by the Chinese bourgeoisie –junior partner to world imperialism– to pay for US deficit: one share goes to buy US treasure bonds and the other –as it has happened so far– goes to the transnationals’ banks with 600 billions from those reserves to increase consumption, which meant the huge expansion of the domestic market... in order that the transnationals can sell.
Thus, the transnationals have sold 12.8 million of cars, which meant an increase in the production from 42% and 96% in November. Imperialist companies and join ventures with the Chinese bourgeoisie have sold 185 million units in home appliances (including fridges and smaller electrical appliances). They have also sold 7.2 million notebooks.
All this is made based on a market of the new middle class and labor aristocracy of 200 million people that started a frenetic consumption as companies offer payment by installments thanks to the 600 billion dollars given by the Chinese state.
The biggest deployment of big supermarkets like Carrefour or Wall Mart is to sell in China cars made there by imperialist companies like GM, Toyota, BMW; the home appliances by Westinghouse and Phillips; and Apple, Lenovo, Sony computers.
The number of Master Card, Visa and American Express credit cards (which failed in Europe) increased 40% in China in the first months of 2009, while in USA their use fell by 40%.
To make it clear: within the current US recession the transnationals have sold 12.8 million cars.
“China is imperialist”, they cry out like parrots of HSBC and Morgan Bank. But China doesn’t do business; the transnationals do, big chains of supermarkets do; big car companies, the big industries of consumer goods, credit cards companies like American Express do.
Both in the world economy expansion cycle (2003–2007) where China was exporter like in its current position of consumer, China is a real CT of the tendency of the profit rate to fall in the world economy. The only thing we see there, is 200 million slave workers –most of which are about to lose their jobs– and 1.2 million outcast rural workers and poor peasants that live on a subsistence economy and act as a reservoir of labor force to sink the wages of the Chinese workers and the world working class.
These people don’t get anything of what ‘financial capital’ means, that as Lenin said it is parasitic capital, i.e. USURIOUS!!!
What China is exporting is the super surplus–value taken from the Chinese proletariat, transformed in the world market in commercial capital, buying with fresh dollars commodities, minerals, etc.; they even give some credit in order that their suppliers guarantee those raw materials to them and not to others, like it happened with iron, aluminum, soy, vegetable oil and commodities that they need to make imperialist transnationals’ maquilas work. They also do here and there some exchange with currencies that have no value in the world market like the peso, the real and the yuan, in a trade balance between semi colonial countries. To make a mess with this average exchange of currencies without back up in the world economy and thus, to call this a domination of the Chinese finance capital is a slap in the face of Marxism.
This is commercial capital submitted and subjugated to the domination of imperialist in the branches of production of world economy, to the prices of commodities and minerals that are set by transnationals in the world market. Those same transnationals also require from China to have big oil companies to guarantee the amount of oil needed in order that the transnational companies in the country work and also for China oil companies to extract oil from places where imperialist oil companies don’t go because of the investment risks like in Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
The Transnationals are which keep for themselves the world trade with most part of such commercial capital for selling oil, minerals and commodities with overvalue to China; with that they appropriate the majority of the oil and rural rent of the planet through its transnationals, big oil, cereal and bean companies.
Otherwise how could you explain that since 2003 in the world market commodities, raw materials, minerals and oil had their highest prices? If it wasn’t to supply with a super–rent extracted from the Chinese commercial capital that goes to buy goods and food for its maquila for the transnationals that are within the country.
The reformist hasn’t understood anything of imperialism. China acts as a transitory capitalist country that has on its territory the biggest concentration of the reservoir of industrial labor army; located in the world labour division as buyer of raw materials, with a whip in its hand supported by the Chinese mandarins which is manager for the sake of the imperialist powers.
Around mid 19th century Europe was occupied by Napoleon, who closed the commerce to England that was just coming from the industrial revolution. Its national borders were crashing with the closed European commerce, with the boundaries of the island and the industrial revolution; all that imposed a limit to British market.
That is why England went around the world with cannons and a bold commercial bourgeoisie to sell massively their products even at gunpoint. They occupied spheres of influence of the decadent Spain and Portugal Empires in America, Africa and Asia with true avid distributors –even producing with no profit, that is with a loss for some years– and they built a portfolio of clients in those 3 continents, mainly in Latin America.
Even to get those clients they gave some credits in currency; while England also got supplies from Latin America buying goods, stealing silver and tin from Bolivia; trading with the meat salting houses from Rio de la Plata; the sugar cane from Brazil; or cotton from USA; just to set some examples.
England, without being imperialist, invested in USA –on behalf of US companies– the equivalent of today’s 150 million dollars to build railways, in order to unify this huge internal market. The labour force used were Black and Chinese slaves, subjugated to Slavism during capitalism; those were the forces that built modern capitalism in the 19th century. This “foreign debt” was later on disowned by US companies which didn’t pay it. That was commercial capital.
Now we are going to explain how financial capital works to these erudite professors who don’t understand how capitalism works because they never suffer it. As Lenin said it is parasite capital; it doesn’t export commodities any more, but capital to get super–profits in a world economy controlled by trusts and cartels in all the branches of production.
That means that financial capital is usurious and parasitic. It gets credits from the banks that it controls with annual rates of 2 or 5% and gives loans at 40–50% to colonial and semi–colonial countries. After those countries enter in default like it happened in Latin America in the ‘90s or like it is going to happen in Eastern Europe, this usurer finance capital appropriates the entire infrastructure and the companies of the state.
That is how all the bureaucracy of Kremlin and former workers state of Eastern Europe transformed from indirect to direct agents of Citibank and Morgan Bank. It did the same with Maoist Chinese bureaucracy but as Trotsky said “with Ford’s tractor”, flooding with goods –i.e. technologies– the isolated and backward China. That is how Chinese restorationist bureaucracy gave slave and relatively qualified labor force to transnationals to produce as a big maquila; it had to be capable of reducing the tendency of reproduction cost of labor force to increase, which was re–valorizing with the European reconstruction (after it was destroyed by the war) and because of the increase of the constant capital and labour productivity in USA –which was linked to the military industrial apparatus–. World economy needed imperiously to reduce the value of the labor force that was gaining value together with the capital during Yalta period; it also needed to recover at any cost the former workers states as new markets. Otherwise world capitalism was sinking for the tendency of drying–up its sources, markets and rate of profit.
When the banks of financial capital from the metropolis buy valueless bonds of the foreign debt of the semi colonial countries to then buy with those same bonds –at nominal value– valuable state owned companies in the countries that imperialism dominates (after plundering those countries with usurious interest), they also create their regional markets like Mercorsur, co–opt India and Pakistan and even China, which has millions of exploited. That is made by USA with 5 military commands and 900 military bases all over the world; together with the rest of the imperialist powers disputing side by side to this usurer finance capital the spheres of influence.
We are talking about finance capital that only went into an investment cycle –after the crisis in the ‘30s– producing, and making fortunes and recomposing the profit rate during the war by producing destructive forces, i.e. forces to destroy men and nature.
That financial capital wasn’t invested in the USA like British capital in the 19th century, but in Europe after it was destroyed in the first and in the second world wars.
Commercial capital of the 19th Century destroyed civilizations, even backward modes of production to subjugate them to emerging capitalism, generalizing the advance of the productive forces that were brought by world capitalism and economy, which capitalism subjugated under its commerce and included the previous modes of production like Feudalism and Slavism in the backward countries.
During imperialism it is just the opposite. It doesn’t export civilization but barbarism. It doesn’t export commercial capital of commercial trade M–C–M’, but on the equation Money + Money’ (fictitious value, bubbles, etc) = D’’ (money, surplus value plus superprofit). In this formula the export of finance capital to the colonies and semi–colonies is settled. It never goes only to the productive process, as the Keynesian or other champions of ‘development’, servants of the bourgeoisie, believe. It is a lie. The finance capital goes to the stock exchange, to the finance circuit, to speculation, to re–create loans, to finance military bases, coups, direct agents, plunder, robbery of raw material. This will be never understood by the pseudo–left wing Keynesianism.
The imperialism is parasitism, that is to say that with its money it creates fictitious value: each dollar of those 8,000 investment funds which went into bankruptcy in 2008 leveraged 60 or 80 dollars fictitiously in the four blocks of Wall Street. Then it shares coupons for the parasite to clip and withdraw earnings. It fabricates non–created values by the human labour. Then it sells those to a bigger price in the semi colonial world, which is kept in backwardness, plunder, from where it extracts super–profits to keep its industrial military device for wars. That is why Lenin’s definition which states that the imperialism is a bunch of parasites who live out of clipping coupons over the basis of the slavery and subjugation of thousands of millions of slaves in the colonial and semi colonial world is marvelous.
We introduce you the barbarism, fascism; the epoch of crisis, wars and revolutions. The “imperialist China”, the myth of the boogeyman and the “Chinese monster”, made up just to justify superior adventures of China’s colonization, deserves to be separated from the revolutionary Marxist movement and denounced before the international working class.
The Chinese “surplus” capital is so servant of the transnationals that goes with Money (M), buys Commodities with an over value (C’), since it has a plusvalue created by financial capital in future markets like oil, soy, etc. to get super–profits) like minerals, iron, etc.–; and when it sells these products to the transnational companies installed in China, instead of getting a bigger amount of money in order to profit from the bourgeois commercial transaction, that is a M’, it gets an amount of money which is inferior (D–), i.e. Chinese state sells commodities at a subsidized price. The Chinese capital sends the commodities and raw materials at a lower price from that it bought them. That is what the Chinese state is for, to subsidize the transnationals which produce from China.
“It makes dumping”, it “subsidizes”, cry the reformist, as if we were in the times of free trade. Yes, it does subsidize, but it subsidizes to Wall Mart for it to sell cheap commodities (clothes, toys, etc.) from its 600 plants in China to its supermarkets all around the world, or for Lacoste to put a cocodrile to 10–cents the shirts in their mother companies.
Take it easy, defenders of the free trade. The free trade has gone and will never return, because imperialism controls that its servants and minor agents pay them the royalties, patents of Opel, Volvo, Kodak, Fuji, Polaroid, Sony, which were left to the Chinese Joint Ventures to produce for the world market. All of them, as we’ve seen, are obsolete production lines, already amortized thousands of times by the international finance capital. But always there must be one trillion dollars in US treasury bonds in the reserves.
China and Japan. On the colonies and the imperialist powers.
Our revisionists insist: “but Japan also bought US T–Bills”. Yes, but it did not export toys, clothes, shoes, but “Machine–Tool”. And, because of the development in robotics and in high technology, its productive apparatus also was attached and it was symbiotic (with the micro–chip production) to the US military industrial device.
This allowed Japan to develop robotics, optic and machine–tool and even compete with USA in some branches of production in the world market, even in the productivity of labour, e.g. with Toyotaism against Fordism. This allowed Japan to get a high productivity of labour, for instance in the auto industry where it has even surpassed USA.
This people who cover up Obama are hiding that USA had to give Japan big concessions. It didn’t only throw two atomic bombs in order to keep it unarmed and preventing a new war to start against himself (as Germany did when it was isolated and part of its territory occupied after the Versailles Treaty). It was Japan, an imperialist power with a huge potential in its productivity of labour.
So, learning from the experience of Germany in 1930s, USA in the post–war period linked its military industrial device to entire branches of production of Japan. At the same time it had to make a big concession to its imperialist junior partner: USA HAD TO LEAVE IN JAPAN ALL THE TECHNOLOGY OF THE INVESTMENTS IT MADE.
So, all the Hi–Tec auto industry in Japan was made with the patent and with the technology that General Motors and Ford were forced to leave in order to sell cars in Japan.
The Japanese Hi–Tec robotics was developed at first producing microchips for the US industrial military device and its air force. That was the society between USA, the dominant imperialism at the end of the Second World War, and Japan, a minor imperialism defeated in that war, who USA won’t let to arm itself again, because it would dispute USA its key influence sphere: THE PACIFIC OCEAN.
So Japan was linked, as a minor imperialism, with USA.
Both China and Japan bought and buy US treasury bonds. But is this the relation that China has with USA in all the branches of production of the world market? Come on!... From insanity and ripping off the proletariat is the last thing from where one returns.
This agreement between USA and Japan entered in a crisis in mid 90’s. But after 10 years of deep recession of Japan (that in the ‘90s was dislocated from the development of the technological companies which acted as an advancing motor of US economy), this agreement was re–established in the joint plundering of China, where Japan acted, in the first place, as the big loaner for the investments made in the expansion cycle in 2003–2007 in China. It was there where, linked by loans of the JP Morgan and the HSBC, the Japanese finance capital entered (which after 10 years of recession lending money at 0% in the 90s) in 2003–2007 lending money at 4–5% yearly rate.
It is so much like this that one of the biggest business deals of all the transnationals in China, as it was proved in the big bang of the crisis in 2007, was to invest most of its “portfolio” of investments in a financial bicycle by buying Australian dollars. What does this mean? That the imperialist parasites got loans in Yens at 4%, then they bought Australian dollars getting a 12, 15 or 20% return, and then they bought the Yens back and run away. Thus they stole 150,000 million dollars from Australia. And this was the first heart attack, together with the crisis of Shanghai’s stock exchange, of the opening of the world economic crisis in 2007.
Japan wasn’t only the big loaner just for having an overproduction of finance capital which couldn’t materialize in the productive process, but also, it relocated, as USA, big part of its plants inside China, making societies to produce cheaper than in Japan at Yen value.
The land, the property and the production in China is cheaper.
The Japanese capital gets much more value in China that producing in Japan. In China it has water, land, food, a devaluated currency for better export, get super–profits and getting out of the recession. The same thing happened to England, who did not care in being the greatest agricultural producer of crops when she ruled the world. She left that first place to Argentina, Canada, even to USA. Why subsidize (as France does in order to keep the Fifth Republic) one million peasants with 500,000 dollars a year if she could get cheaper wheat and food from its colonies?
Today, the imperialist yellow press, always willing to attract petty bourgeois quack doctor impressionist and intellectuals, has the following headline: “China is about to overpass Japan as second GDP of the world”. This brings us back to our memories when in the mid–80s Japan bought the Empire State and the Twin Towers with its overflowing Yens and Superdollars received from the export to the US industrial military apparatus. In that moment their headline was: “Japan buys the Twin Towers, the Empire State, and... the USA”.
How long did that lie last? Until a 10 year recession started in Japan. The Sillicon Valley left no trace of the Japanese production.
The relation between USA and Japan is a relation of convenience between two imperialist powers: one ruling and the other one that accepted a society as a minor shareholder with the condition of not arming, accept military bases on its soil, do not dispute USA its spheres of influence and go with it to all its adventures, even helping it to cover his shortage by buying US treasury bonds. That is an agreement between two imperialist countries: one of them a ruling imperialism and the other one a minor one, associated to the ruling one.
China, buying the obsolete bankrupted production line of Volvo and Opel only to produce one car, under “technological” control of General Motors and Ford, and having to pay patents, it is just a small subjugated republic of no significance, even if it also buys US treasury bonds.
Why China, if it is so imperialist as Japan, does not demand that USA, for all the bonds China buys, leaves China all the technology for the “clean” production, instead of having to kneel down in the Copenhagen summit in which Obama told “we give you a loan for you to buy it”?
Whoever makes the oppressor pass as the oppressed, and the oppressed pass as the oppressor is a vulgar servant of the imperialists.
Let the “independent” China try not to buy US treasury bonds. Let it try not putting fresh dollars in USA getting for them papers with no backup.
Now that there is crisis and recession, Why this “imperialist” country does not have free independent cash?
Can anybody believe that the federal reserve of Germany, the Bundesbank, the BNP Paribas, the federal reserve of France would accept to leave one trillion dollars at US’s disposition to cover its shortfall?
Today, following Greece, we saw Spain, Portugal and Italy fall in a market crac. And we see France and England totally in debt. We see minor imperialisms as Greece subordinated to the IMF control!!! As we affirmed in our foundational documents, the crisis put into question and will make Maastricht blow up, proving the reactionary utopia of the unified capitalist Europe. The only chance to get a unified Europe is throughout a Socialist Federation of Workers Republic from Russia to Portugal.
Why Germany, with the Bundesbank, does not save the European powers’ debt, if the whole Europe is about to go down? Why doesn’t it subsidize with a trillion dollars from its exportations?
Because the relations between the imperialist powers are like that. The one that goes down, it goes down, it is about to disappear as an imperialism, and the remaining imperialists welcome that. The one that pays is a colony.
Why, if China is disputing the world against the USA, do they not leave it to go down instead of subsidizing it with one trillion dollars per year?
The conscious workers are already aware that the revisionist chatterboxes of the Anglo–Saxon left are political scammers. You cannot lie that much to the proletariat without being agents of the London City, the HSBC, the JP Morgan bank. We exposed those servants of the bloody Obama and JP Morgan and the crown of the British Queen. Stop covering for their left pocket!
We insist, Japan did the numbers and saw that buying 200,000 million dollars in US treasury bonds, and working getting associated with USA in production of the military industrial device (which is the biggest deficit in USA) is a good business deal. And this is worth, to Japan, every single penny of the 200,000 million dollars they used to buy US treasury bonds.
With this, Japan also has secured itself oil from the USA, and it also reduces its military investments, since it has a very good military base in Okinawa, and closed the deal for ‘peace’. Even all these, in the ‘90s, its major partner sunk it down in 10 years of recession.
We affirm that the day Japan decides to stop playing this symbiotic role and linked to USA, or the or the day that the world crisis provokes a split in that symbiosis of the productive process, and Japan is left isolated, that day the path to a new inter–imperialist war, at least for the Pacific Ocean, would be dangerously opened.
Would it be opened because of China? For the definitive spoliation (plunder) of Russia, China and the colonies, the path to new interimperialist wars will be opened, that is to say, for the possession of colonies, markets, raw material sources. If the revolution does not stop this, it will be sooner than later be on the agenda.
Only from there, Japan can choose to be an imperialist country, associated, for now with USA, which in productivity of labour is light years ahead of China.
Because the day that Japan decides to play an independent role (as France and Germany in Europe) in the Pacific Ocean, where 500,000 US soldiers died in the only war that USA fought, that day the path to war, we insist, will be opened.
Mankind is dangerously approaching to barbarism and to new wars. But it is not said that the proletariat won’t stop them before with the success of the proletarian revolution. Nothing is written yet.
This prognosis is decisive for the Marxists in the 21st century.
Nobody touches the Pacific against the USA. And the Atlantic is shared with Germany, with the condition that they accept a secondary role. If they get to a higher role too independent and of opened disputes, things must return to order.
France and Germany have advanced a lot in Latin America in their deals with the “Bolivarian” bourgeoisies and with Brazil. Today, USA is coming back to get what belongs to it, as the big creditor of all the nations of Latin America with the subjugation mechanism of the external debt and the IMF, the instrument that is now being used to push Spain to its knees, its former partner in Latin America, from which USA will take off it all the deals and business that has in Southern America, like those of the Repsol, etc.
This relationship of forces is the result of the Second World War and 1989 which defined it historically, where a vigorous Germany rose, which re–unified itself and went out to dispute, as France, The Atlantic and Europe.
“Japan also has US treasury bonds” they cry. Even though both China and Japan have bonds, they are not comparables. We will unmask this irresponsible method later. Japan and China do not have a “close gender”. One of them, Japan, is an elephant, a mammal. The other one, China is a table, i.e. an object. Although both have four legs, that is both buy US treasury bonds, they are not the same.
One of them is an imperialism that, as a result of the war, can only by a Siamese junior partner of the USA because its geo–strategic location in the Pacific. The other one is a cheap semi–colony full of bosses paid by the transnationals. The “dynamic Marxists”, the eclectics, do not understand a single word of this. For the empirical, everything comes as a chaos, like Hegel said, and it tries to simplify with a “concrete Marxism”. “Concrete, concrete”, said the Morenoites, when actually the “concrete” turns out to be the most abstract and furthest away from reality, as Marx and the dialectical materialism would say.
So today we see the Chinese commercial capital to “go to buy in the world” to get raw materials, differently to what all the imperialist powers do. Many times, this capital guarantees a commercial transaction, even as in the pre–capitalist period! Argentina or Brazil put 10 million Argentinean Pesos or Brazilian Reales in the Chinese central bank, and China puts its equal value in Yuans in the central bank of Brazil or Argentina. It is currency without any value, since they are to back the commodities’ exchange. Nothing more. Because the world trade does not use Yuans, nor Pesos, nor Reales. These currencies deposited are the guarantee for not ripping off among different countries in the exchange of commodities.
It is a barter of currency, barter of commodities. For example, a commercial balance signed by Brazilian real or Argentinean peso equivalent to yuan. It is clear pre–capitalist mercantilist economy of 16th, 17th and 18th century. It is the closest China gets to the equation C–M–C (Commodities–Money–Commodities). That is what Bolivarians and Hu Jintao call “market socialism”; and the friends of London City and Wall Street called it “imperialism”.
China is in a situation of relatively “independent” (but increasingly semi–colonized) country as long as it buys what the world economy, its maquilas and international financial capital that controls the planet need. But with the limits previously fixed of any semi–colony administered by foremen paid by transnationals, to whom those foremen must account actions for and don’t change the script if they don’t want that the missiles in Hong Kong fall in Shanghai; or what it is even worst, to suffer such a devaluation of the dollar that will ruin the Chinese reserves –which are in unvalued paper, i.e. the US treasury bonds–. This makes China a semicolony even more than Russia, Argentina or any other country with their reserves on their Central Banks under the control of its respective parliaments.
China’s reserves depend more on USA that Argentina’s reserves impeded by USA and Wall Street vulture founds.
This is called imperialism by the New York left!
Pragmatic people don’t give up. They cry once and again: “But now China is going out on a buying spree!”
It is obvious that China has to go out to buy. That is its role in the world division of labour. Because in order to produce 12 millions cars that the transnationals sell they need great amounts of steel, plastic, copper, aluminum, lithium, etc. from the world market; as they also need the necessary materials to produce so many computers and fridges.
But who really buys? Who puts the money? Volkswagen, Westinghouse, Phillips, Sony, Wall Mart, Carrefour, HP? No. The Chinese state has to buy to make the living capital (labor force) work and such living capital makes the dead capital (machinery) work. A slice of that is what Chinese bourgeoisie keeps, but a very thin slice because what the Chinese state sells is subsidized, because its nationalized companies and basic branches of productions have the lowest labour productivity in the world.
Mines in ruins that bury thousands of miners yearly, iron factories that collapse and industrial ovens that blow up prove that the current buyer China must end with the deficit–ridden obsolete state companies and close them, like it happened with the banks in 2001. All this is to guarantee new business opportunities for mine, steel, etc. imperialist companies in the middle of the world recession; also to allow them to recompose the profit rate by rebuilding the former Chinese state owned industry.
That was Tonghua, the equivalent to the bankruptcy of the state Banks in 2001; i.e. the privatization of the big steel companies that are profitable based on the dismissal of hundreds of thousands of workers. The estimate is that in China has started a process of privatizations that will cause the layoff of 60% of the workers.
Against such a process the workers of Tonghua and Lingzou rose up, which made the apparatus of the Chinese mandarins and CP red businessmen shake.
“But China buys minerals”. Yes, all kind of minerals and food. But does being a buyer mean being imperialist? Buying doesn’t make you “imperialist”, it only shows that you are inserted in the world labor division, because even the USSR had to buy.
We state that for the transnationals to take profits by selling consumer goods (cars, home appliances, computers, food and drinks to be sold in Wall Mart and Carrefour in China) it is necessary that the Chinese state buys in Africa, South America and Asia soybeans, food and other commodities, lithium, magnesium, cobalt, iron, steel to give cheap supplies to Wall Carrefour, Hewlett Packard, Sony, BMW, GM, Toyota, Fujifilm; Chinese mandarins are junior partners of those companies in the exploitation of their working class. But who sell all those raw materials, soybeans, minerals, etc., are the imperialist companies installed in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Just to set an example let’s take Chile (and we could mention any other country) which has increased its annual copper production of from 1 billion tons of copper in 1995 up to 6 billion in 2005. Chilean companies produce 1 billion tons and between 3 and 5 billions tons are produced by the imperialist copper companies there, which are the ones who sell to China. Imperialist agro–industrial companies do the same with Argentinean soybeans, soy by products and vegetable oil; as agro–industrial and mine MNCs do with natural wealth in Africa.
The imperialist companies in China act as seller of supplies; in the semi–colonial world they act too as sellers of raw materials; and as they control key branches of the world economy, they are the ones who win.
Tendencies to leveling and to inequality as acting in China today.
We have been saying against the Alchemy of the university parrots of the Anglo–Saxon left that China is inserted in a world economy and its role is that of supplying fresh blood; it acts as a CT to the crisis. We state that capitalism combines different degrees of economic development in the world economy, and that can’t be understood without noticing the tendencies to leveling and inequality that act in relation to uneven developments. There is a tendency to leveling, which means that most backward countries reach the most advanced capitalist technology, as it happened with Southern Asia, China, etc. But in this imperialist time –in which the redeeming role of capitalism is over– what develops– even in the places where the highest technology has been reached– is the most absolute contradiction, which opens an ever widening gap between the different kinds of countries because of the control that imperialist countries impose over the semicolonial countries.
On this issue, Trotsky explains:
“... the entire history of mankind is governed by the law of uneven development. Capitalism finds various sections of mankind at different stages of development, each with its profound internal contradictions. The extreme diversity in the levels attained, and the extraordinary unevenness in the rate of development of the different sections of mankind during the various epochs, serve as the starting point of capitalism. Capitalism gains mastery only gradually over the inherited unevenness, breaking and altering it, employing therein its own means and methods. In contrast to the economic systems which preceded it, capitalism inherently and constantly aims at economic expansion, at the penetration of new territories, the surmounting of economic differences, the conversion of self–sufficient provincial and national economies into a system of financial interrelationships. Thereby it brings about their rapprochement and equalizes the economic and cultural levels of the most progressive and the most backward countries. Without this main process, it would be impossible to conceive of the relative leveling out, first, of Europe with Great Britain, and then, of America with Europe; the industrialization of the colonies, the diminishing gap between India and Great Britain, and all the consequences arising from the enumerated processes upon which is based not only the program of the Communist International but also its very existence.
“By drawing the countries economically closer to one another and leveling out their stages of development, capitalism, however, operates by methods of its own, that is to say, by anarchistic methods which constantly undermine its own work, set one country against another, and one branch of industry against another, developing some parts of world economy while hampering and throwing back the development of others. Only the correlation of these two fundamental tendencies — both of which arise from the nature of capitalism — explains to us the living texture of the historical process.
“Imperialism, thanks to the universality, penetrability, and mobility and the break–neck speed of the formation of finance capital as the driving force of imperialism, lends vigor to both these tendencies. Imperialism links up incomparably more rapidly and more deeply the individual national and continental units into a single entity, bringing them into the closest and most vital dependence upon each other and rendering their economic methods, social forms, and levels of development more identical. At the same time, it attains this “goal” by such antagonistic methods, such tiger–leaps, and such raids upon backward countries and areas that the unification and leveling of world economy which it has effected, is upset by it even more violently and convulsively than in the preceding epochs. Only such a dialectical and not purely mechanical understanding of the law of uneven development can make possible the avoidance of the fundamental error which the draft program, submitted to the Sixth Congress, has failed to avoid.” (Leon Trotsky’s The Third International After Lenin, Part 1, 1928)
This is what we see in China. A tendency to level out due to investments of the imperialist powers in different branches of production of goods and a tendency to inequality that pushes China more and more to suffer subjugation from the imperialist powers, which are the ones who get the real benefits in the expansion cycle.
Something similar happens in India. There, the imperialist investments in the high technology companies were 22.82 billion dollars in 2007; in the mean time 70% of the population is left to poverty in the farms. They only received 17% of the GDP.
The history of Asia in the last 100 years proves this tendency to leveling out and inequality. Tendency to leveling: it went from being one of the most disconnected, pre–capitalist economies to the creation of an Asian capitalist market, that was disputed by US and European masters; to the industrialization of tax free zones in the hands of imperialists with a high concentration of the industrial proletariat –proletarianizing millions of peasants– as it happened in Southeastern China during ’20s and ‘30s and then again in the ‘90s. The tendency to inequality is expressed by: the association of certain imperialists with certain native bourgeoisies to compete against each other, like it happened in the ‘80s. Back then, there was on one hand the restoration agreement signed by Deng Xiao ping and Nixon; and on the other hand, the “Asian Tigers” were settled under the control of Japanese imperialism, which were sunk later on, because USA defeated Japan in the branch of production of the consumer goods. Both agreements –that dislocated entire countries as it happened in South Korea with the assembly lines of the Chaebols; and made huge productive forces retreat as well as the freedom of the nation with the capitalist restoration in China. The inequality within the Asian countries increased significantly; opposite poles of poverty and wealth emerged, like it is the rule in Capitalism, as Engels said.
That is what happened with the tendencies of leveling that caused the huge imperialist investments in China since 1975 until today; and because of the huge super–profit extracted from the proletariat, a middle class layer consisting in 400 millions of consumers was created and re–created for the world economy who benefit from the surplus value taken from the proletariat of its own country. This process increased the inequality, because there are still 1.2 billion outcasts who are about to lose their lands and jobs; they live with less than 30 dollars per month in an economy of subsistence, in a state of generalized starvation. Created by this situation according to Foreign Affairs there were 250,000 revolts. This process doesn’t put on the same level Chinese exploited masses with USA’s, but with the African and Middle Eastern workers that were incorporated to the world labor force in the hands of the imperialist companies; but because of the global MNCs and their servants the treacherous worker leaderships who don’t tell the US, French, British proletarians that their lives and wages depend on the victory of the Chinese revolution, the wages of the latter have sunk.
China in the world economy is obliged to pay for patents and royalties to the parasites of international financial capital
For many years and through the WTO and other institutions the imperialist fought for China not to fake the patents anymore, as they used to do it in its epoch of worker state. In this battle, they have advanced a lot because what “Chinese imperialism” does today is to buy old patents from the trusts in crisis, as GM or Ford. Thus, the agreement with OPEL of GM was that China only was to produce 2 models. Apart from buying old patents to the trusts, China is pointed out what to produce and what not to produce. This is really outrageous! The “imperialist China” is treated as a vulgar cheap semi colony since a semi colony does not manage patents because it does not have the highest productive forces that are only in the hands of the central countries; the semi–colonies have to pay huge amounts of money for the obsolete patents of the Sector II of the economy, like Brazil does by paying 26 billion or Argentina by paying 6 billion dollars.
In addition, “Chinese imperialism” has to buy the patents of the “green technology” that US imperialism has developed and gives loans taken from its treasury for the companies of the trusts in the South East so they can adequate themselves to the new “green technology”. Today, USA, against those who say that in 10 years the world would be over, has the technology to “cure” it, making a great business from it.
The almost US$600 billions paid by China from its reserves in 2009 to the Chinese Banks –that are in a 20 to 25% a property of HSBC, Morgan, BNP Paribas, etc.– have turned into 1,1 billion only in the first semester of 2010 and less than the fourth part was given to build infrastructure to guarantee the MNCs the circulation of goods around the country. The other fourth part was to give credit cards and loans to the Chinese middle class and bourgeoisie in order to be able to haul consumption. In this way, the trusts’ business of consumer goods was guaranteed. The rest has gone to real state and the stock market. The imperialists took the funds of the Chinese state reserve via the speculation, the interests of the inflation in the prices of infrastructure building and through the sales of their MNCs articles in China.
In this way, imperialism plunders and oppresses the Chinese nation, with its junior partners the red Mandarins, mere managers and foremen of the joint ventures. In this way the “bypass” works. It is a system similar to the way the super banks of the financial oligarchy plunder Latin America through the foreign debt, where they take the average of US$ 200 billion per year. And the minority, revising Marxism, insists that China is one of the greatest financiers and creditors of the world when the truly creditor is USA and its IMF. In this way, Greece –close to the debacle is sent to the IMF so the latter tells it how to pay for the debt, as if it were a poor semi colonial Republic.
In this way, by plundering the world, the hedge funds– one of the tools of the world financial oligarchy– experience a little recovery for this countertendency while their speakers cry: “We are getting the way out of the crisis! There is a light by the end of the tunnel!” There is a light, but the light comes from a train engine that is driving from the opposite end. Under the heat of the speculations, new attacks of the crisis are been cooked that imperialism will try to download on the masses with higher attacks, inflation, counterrevolutionary coups and if the international proletarian revolution does not destroy the rotten system and is defeated, it the path towards the war will be opened.
Unlike other imperialist powers, USA can do this because it could smash its working class with big blows, expelling the immigrants and accomplishing the submission of the working class to Obamania. Germany, on the other hand, seeks to keep the labor force quiet by promising to keep jobs and lowering wages, as Merkel has said. This leads to an increase of the surplus value rate and the exploitation to take advantage of the world market niches that behave as countertendency to the fall of the profit rate. And Japan is preparing a great recession so it is able to discharge the burden of its crisis over its own working class. It has located its companies in China so it can lower the production cost and improve the productivity, making the Chinese economy pass to Japan, except that China is the country Nº130 according to GDP per person.
The WTO is a directory board of the transnationals and the world financial capital where the foremen and administrators of their business are let inside in order to give account for the business they make around the world. Thus, the MNCs and the finance oligarchy can control that China and its foremen, the counterrevolutionary Chinese Mandarins who became a new Kuomintang, cannot steal anything of what they manage. Over there, USA and other imperialist powers have sold and continue selling to China obsolete patents so the state companies can produce, with backward technology 10 to 25 years old, home appliances, cars and other consumer goods, etc.
Let’s challenge our intellectual academicians: study how the royalties and patents get out from Japan, the European imperialist powers and USA, and study how the balance of payments get out from the main banks in China or any semi colonial country and you will see who exports capital per unit per royalties and patents in the world market.
You will see that Kodak, GM, Ford, Fujifilm, the medicine companies, Caterpillar and other machines–tools makers have given to the Chinese “imperialists” obsolete technology, which is already outdone in the productive process of the imperialist powers, so China can keep paying for 20 years more patents, as any semi colonial country in the world. This is the place left to the native bourgeoisies together with administering the masters’ businesses in China.
The law of uneven and combined development and the international conditions for the surge of imperialism in 1914 that explains imperialist Russia.
And the international conditions that explain an open the implementation of a process of semi colonization by the imperialist powers in China today.
The Russia of the Czars as a backward capitalist country could end up being the last link of the chain of imperialistic dominance, as Lenin said. There are volumes and volumes of Marxist bibliography to demonstrate that that backward capitalist country of the autocracy ended up being a backward imperialist because of the international conditions (we will already go deeper over this question); because of its relationship with the international finance capital that acted fusing the bank and industrial capital of the late Russia around an autocratic state that concentrated the biggest railroad–net and army of the planet to oppress nations as a jailer, as minor partner of the European imperialist –mainly English and French– capital,
For the minority China is not imperialist in relation with its productive forces and its links with the world economy and the international finance capital. But it has ended up being imperialist because of national conditions. That is to say, because with the help of imperialistic investments and from a statized economy it inherited it gave birth to a “miracle”, the so called “Chinese miracle.”
We have never seen such revisionist homage of talkative pseudo theoreticians to the pseudo theory of “market socialism”, which poses that a strong nation as China would have arisen because of national conditions.
We will undertake the task of demolishing this anti–historic and pseudo–scientific falsehood, and the falsification of comparing present China with the Russia of the Czars, WHICH AS A MINOR PARTNER OF THE BOARD OF THE BRITISH AND FRENCH FINANCIAL CAPITAL OPPRESSED IN A JAIL A SET OF NATIONS AS LARGE AS THE WHOLE EUROPEAN POPULATION AT THE BEGINNING OF 20TH CENTURY and that, with the Anglo–French imperialism was in a dispute with Germany and Japan for the possession of Persia (Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan) most of which are, adding Turkey to them, territories occupied today by USA.
We apologize to the reader for putting in advance this question, but what we are reaffirming is that we are before theoretical continuators of the theory of “socialism in a one country”, this time trying to justify the emergence of imperialism in a single country isolated from the world economy and from the international conditions.
In all its documents and writings our minority affirms that life gave birth to some events that Marxism could never have foreseen. They are the theoreticians of anomaly, of the exceptionality. They are who say that “it is not necessary to lean on 70 year–old quotations to demonstrate the facts of the reality.”
So practical and concrete these pragmatic Anglo–Saxon professors are, so anti–scientific that to justify their revision, they affirm that “nobody in Marxism could predict how things would happen 60 years after dying.”
This is such an anti–scientific pragmatism against the scientific socialism that not even Burnham and Shachtman had gone so far. It is a brutality as saying that nobody could predict that an apple would fall form a tree 100 years after Isaac Newton defined the law of the graveness. That is what they are saying. TALKATIVE PEOPLE!. Because the question is not how things are predicted and given. For scientific socialism the question resides on which are the laws that rule the historical processes, that is to say the theory, you gentlemen, so enthusiastic of the dynamic and the concrete things!
It was time ago that pragmatism, a mixture of rationalism and empiricism, became the national philosophy which the whole North American working class was imbued with.
We insist, the key is not to revise this or that question of Marxism that could have been mistaken, developed in an incomplete way, or to trying to explain and to intervene in new processes not foreseen by the founders of the method and the theory of Marxism.
The question is that, being a science, Marxism has theories; it has revealed the laws that rule the historical process. Dialectical materialism, Historical materialism, the criticism of the political economy, dialectics and the Marxist philosophy, are able to explain the anomalies and the exceptionalities which in this imperialist epoch ARE NOT GIVEN BY OBJECTIVE, ECONOMIC FACTORS OR FOR THOSE OF THE CLASS STRUGGLE, SINCE THE OBJECTIVE CONDITIONS FOR THE SOCIALIST REVOLUTION ARE NOT ONLY ALREADY MATURED BUT THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY ROTTEN, BUT BECAUSE OF THE CRISIS OF REVOLUTIONARY LEADERSHIPS, BECAUSE OF THE OVERABUNDANCE OF TREACHEROUS LEADERSHIPS, THAT, IN THE LAST INSTANCE, EXPLAIN ALL THE ANOMALIES AND HISTORICAL DISENGAGEMENT AND DESINCHRONIZATION OF THE OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE FACTORS.
It is on the basis of that theory and that method that it is necessary to revise Marxism when the reality overcomes it or when it is changed, to adjust the theory to new historical events, but within its own method, within its own laws. Starting from the most advanced steps conquered by the precedent science, and not because of the concrete reality, pragmatic gentlemen. Marxism does not advance this way nor does any science!
You are quack doctors who play with the life and the blood of the world proletariat.
Our theoreticians feel a need to be innovative in Marxism. For them this is “dynamic Marxism”. For them, ours is subjective and sectarian, and attached to old mistaken forecasts.
Against such pragmatism, Trotskyism, in defense of scientific socialism, defines that it has laws and theories as all the sciences and branches of the science have.
We affirm that the field of science, and also of Marxism, is full of alchemists, talkative witch doctors that once again are wanting to experience “a dynamic Marxism coming from the new concrete realities”. They repeat this as a litany every five lines in their documents.
This is pragmatism, because it does not define from the theory and from the laws that rule the historical processes and it does not adjust them starting from the new historical facts, to allow to understand them, to transform them and to overcome them.
This Anglo–Saxon left wants to experience with its new formulas. The so expensively acquired experience of the world proletariat has crystallized in the form of a definitive doctrine, living Marxism, and of theories as that of the permanent revolution, the law of uneven development and the law of combined development, those of the dialectics and the historical materialism.
It is from there that every current has to demonstrate what has changed and what has not, to enrich it, to contribute to it, to make it take steps forward.
The period of the emergency of imperialism about 1910, with the surge of its first deep tendencies that gave birth to it, as the Anglo–Boer and Russian–Japanese wars that advanced the imperialistic epoch, found those advanced capitalist countries that because of the control and the expansion of their trade, or because of the development of their internal productive forces and the performance of work, had developed enough productive forces as to collide and to become suffocated, constrained within the borders and their national markets, in position of ending up becoming imperialist nations.
This combination of elements that gave birth to two phenomena, intertwined one with the other, and that originated this imperialist epoch, this phase of agony of big capital which is imperialism.
As Trotsky marvelously affirmed and affirms (against the brutes of the “novelty” and the “anomaly” of the “concrete life”) that cycle of organic accumulation of capital from 1880 at 1914 gave two historical phenomena that marked the more concrete development of the whole 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century: the clash of the productive forces with the national borders and the emergence of monopoly and financial capital that needs to be exported to be realized. And, at the same time, what it has caused was not the invigoration of the proletariat in a cycle of 30–year expansion, but its historical weakness, because bound to the emergence of the imperialism inevitably the workers aristocracy and bureaucracy developed that were bought by the crumbs of the super profits of the monopoly and the finance capital extracted from the spoliation of the colonial and semi colonial world.
Not every capitalist country could end up being imperialist in 1914, but only those that combined these elements of clash of the productive forces with its national borders, and of having spheres of influence to obtain super profits, “causing socialism to split” according to Lenin.
The war in 1914 was a rivalry between the old rich colonial empires, such as Great Britain or France, and the big thieves who arrive late to the partition of the world, such as Germany or Italy.
England had imposed the “British pax”, and with its fleet between 1815 and 1914 played the role of “police of the seas”. But at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, Germany, armed with a modern technology, started to advance towards the first place in Europe. Beyond the ocean, even a most powerful country emerged, USA, an ancient British colony.
So the path to the First Inter–imperialist War was opened by that rivalry between England and Germany.
Germany reached the conditions of imperialism in its national borders and it found itself that the world was already divided, and it went to cause two world wars to redefine the world’s dominance. That is what Lenin and the theory of imperialism means: that the world is already divided, and the one that wants to divide it again, has to do it as Germany did, bombing the planet, or as USA, winner of the Second World War, did on the shoulders of the British decadence. It is already divided and it is divided again through wars. That is the theory. That is the law of the historical process.
The Second World War was prompted by the corset imposed to Germany in the First World War with the Versailles treaty, but mostly because USA needed the war the most to finish dominating the world.
What we state here is what The War Manifesto of the Fourth International, dictated by comrade Leon Trotsky, states in 1940.
Only because of international conditions Russia could become the weakest link of the imperialist chain of domain.
The most backward European country, as Russia was, could end up being the weakest link of that chain of imperialistic domination, we insist again, not because of the own Russian conditions, or because the Czarina’s or the Czar’s intelligence, but because of international conditions, since their bank and industrial capital had joint and fused with 40% of investments from the British and French finance capital, to associate in the world economy TO OPPRESS THE SPHERES OF INFLUENCES THAT THE GREAT RUSSIA ALREADY HAD, kept by bombs and shots to oppress it by an army of 4 million people and a railway net that covered it from tip to toe.
As Trotsky says in his works “The History of the Russian Revolution” and “Results and Perspectives” –that we will mention later because there is talkative people that has stopped practicing their study–, it was that society where the Russian imperialist bourgeoisie entered as minor partner and on behalf of the international finance capital to oppress that jail of nations, inherited from the previous capitalist period; and at the same time to receive a percentage of the earnings in return, as the one that corresponded to it from the World War I, keeping Persia (today Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan) and Turkey!, as a partner of the international finance capital, what allowed the most backward country in Europe to have the biggest metal factories and the largest amount of workers in 1904 and 1905, and that gave origin to a concentrated proletariat able to lead the proletarian revolution in that country.
“India participated in the war both essentially and formally as a colony of England. The participation of China, though in a formal sense “voluntary,” was in reality the interference of a slave in the fight of his masters. The participation of Russia falls somewhere halfway between the participation of France and that of China. Russia paid in this way for her right to be an ally of advanced countries, to import capital and pay interest on it — that is, essentially, for her right to be a privileged colony of her allies — but at the same time for her right to oppress and rob Turkey, Persia, Galicia, and in general the countries weaker and more backward than herself. The twofold imperialism of the Russian bourgeoisie had basically the character of an agency for other mightier world powers.” (Trotsky, “The History of the Russian Revolution”; Chapter 2, Czarist Russia in the war).
What do we want to define with this? That the national conditions of the emergency of every country that emerged as imperialist were given and determined by the international conditions of the economy, the politics in a world level and the war (that is their continuity by other means), not by national particularities.
Yes, Russia, the most backward country among all the advanced capitalist countries, when being fused with the English and French finance capital, one of the most advanced and concentrated industries in Europe, sustained by an expensive government, the autocracy that guaranteed for years and for the most part for its French–English partners the dealing of the booty from the looting and the spoliation under an army of 4 million soldiers.
Can the apologists of national imperialism and of the anomalies tell us which are the nationalities that the great China oppresses directly as the Russia of the Czars did with Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia, Byelorussia, Armenian, the Muslim tribal peoples? Associated to which financial capital is it? Can the Kautskyist pacifists of the left of the City of London explain what happened to that empire, junior partner to France and the English warships, in the Russian–Japanese war when it dared to take the Kuril islands that were under the influence of Japan? What happened to Russia was a beating and a monumental war imposed to Czarism because of its daring to take a couple of islands that connected it with the Pacific. What anomaly are you talking about?
What you are saying is that the anomaly is that China is disputing the whole world to USA like a power in decadence without a single shot. That is really what one can call... an “exceptionality”!
The state–economy kept as a “conquest” by a government of the restoration, kept as a “conquest” fused to the joint ventures exploiting slave workers, generated a financial capital that expands around the world transforming the whole world into a great anomaly: the world of peace and progress, the end of the wars. They neither fight for a small island nor for the whole world.
Many times the revisionists of the Marxism say “we revise everything”, and they revise it. But there is not a worse revisionist than the one that revises everything and keeps silent, and hides that he is doing it.
This is how Trotsky considers the question, with an internationalist vision of the emergence of imperialism and the weakest link of the imperialist chain of dominance (Russia): “Thus, the main thing was not that Russia was surrounded by enemies on all sides. This alone does not explain the position. Indeed, this would apply to any other European country, except, perhaps, England. In their mutual struggle for existence, these states depended upon more or less identical economic bases and therefore the development of their state organizations was not subject to such powerful external pressure.”(...) “It was not the Tatars who compelled Old Russia to introduce firearms and create the standing regiments of Streltsi; it was not the Tatars who later on forced her to form knightly cavalry and infantry forces, but the pressure of Lithuania, Poland and Sweden.” (...) “As a consequence of this pressure on the part of Western Europe, the State swallowed up an inordinately large part of the surplus produce; i.e., it lived at the expense of the privileged classes which were being formed, and so hampered their already slow development.” (...) “Capitalism seemed to be an offspring of the State.” (...) “Russian thought, like the Russian economy, developed under the direct pressure the higher thought and more developed economies of the West.” (...) “In order to be able to survive in the midst of better–armed hostile countries, Russia was compelled to set up factories, organize navigation schools, publish textbooks on fortification, etc..”(...) “There is no doubt, however, that the autocracy played no small part in transplanting the factory system of production on to Russian soil.” This allowed the settling of the autocracy and its pacts with the emerging of the English and French finance capital who gave Russia an expensive state for, as Trotsky said: “able to develop great energy in carrying out systematic repressions. The enormous distances of the country had been overcome by the telegraph, (...) and the railways render it possible to throw military forces rapidly from one end of the country to the other.” This enormous advance separated Russia from their more backward European neighboring counties, which, as Trotsky said “they barely knew telegraphs and railways”.
“The army at the disposal of absolutism was colossal – and if it proved useless in the serious trials of the Japanese War, it was nevertheless good enough for internal domination” of that Jail of Nations that Tsars controlled.”
And sharpening his definition of the metamorphosis of the imperialist outcome of Russia, back in 1905 in Results and Prospects, Trotsky says: “Not only the Government of France before the great Revolution, but even the Government of 1848, knew nothing similar to the Russian army of today.”
“While exploiting the country to the utmost by means its fiscal and military machine (because it exploited other oppressed nations), the Government (Czar) brought its yearly budget up to the huge figure of two milliard roubles.”
“The financial and military might of the absolute monarchy overwhelmed and blinded not only the European bourgeoisie but also Russian liberalism, which lost all faith in the possibility of trying conclusions with absolutism in an open measurement of strength.”
These conditions, Trotsky said, were the only ones that made that the only way out of absolutism was not liberalism but the proletarian revolution. The imperialist epoch has started. Russia had imbrications with the French and English finance capital, and to a lesser part, with the German’s.
About this, in “The History of the Russian Revolution”, Trotsky states: “But it is just in the sphere of economy, as we have said, that the law of combined development most forcibly emerges. At the same time that peasant land–cultivation as a whole remained, right up to the revolution, at the level of the seventeenth century, Russian industry in its technique and capitalist structure stood at the level of the advanced countries, and in certain respects even outstripped them. Small enterprises, involving less than 100 workers, employed in the United States, in 1914, 35 per cent of the total of industrial workers, but in Russia 17.8 per cent. The two countries had an approximately identical relative quantity of enterprises involving 100 to 1000 workers. But the giant enterprises, above 1000 workers each, employed in the United States 17.8 per cent of the workers and in Russia 41.4 per cent! For the most important industrial districts the latter percentage is still higher: for the Petrograd district 44.4 per cent, for the Moscow district even 57.3 per cent. We get a like result if we compared Russian with British or German industry. This fact – first established by the author in 1908 – hardly accords with the banal idea of the economic backwardness of Russia. However, it does not disprove this backwardness, but dialectically completes it.
“The confluence of industrial with bank capital was also accomplished in Russia with a completeness you might not find in any other country. But the subjection of the industries to the banks meant, for the same reasons, their subjection to the western European money market. Heavy industry (metal, coal, oil) was almost wholly under the control of foreign finance capital, which had created for itself an auxiliary and intermediate system of banks in Russia. Light industry was following the same road. Foreigners owned in general about 40 per cent of all the stock capital of Russia, but in the leading branches of industry that percentage was still higher. We can say without exaggeration that the controlling shares of stock in the Russian banks, plants and factories were to be found abroad, the amount held in England, France and Belgium being almost double that in Germany.”
Those international conditions that shaped Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century due to its association with the English and French finance capital for the control of the oppressed nations that Russia itself oppressed as a junior partner and also for dominating spheres of influence as Afghanistan, Persia (Iraq and Iran) and Turkey... What do they have to do with current China of the commercial bourgeoisie who get a commission for the slaves they let to the imperialists?
We are before people that compare an elephant with a table, a sheet of paper that flies for a moment with a bird; that is to say they compare the backward Imperialist autocratic Russia to China which has its veins opened for the imperialists to suck from it all its blood, as it happened and will still happen with Latin America, Africa and all the semi colonial world, if the proletarian revolution does not stop it.
Thus, a group of pragmatic and eclectic people, without the law of uneven and combined development, without the theory of world imperialism, that is, outside the laws of scientific socialism and the Marxist theory; a group of alchemists and witch doctors are coming now to conduct experiments with the proletariat and try to convince us that, for national causes, an “imperialist China” has came up for the exceptional advantages of having state companies totally backward and the lowest productivity of labour in the world.
And these pragmatic quack doctors try to convince the Marxists to abandon the Marxist theory, which means to stop being Marxists, to please the HSBC and JP Morgan Chase. Those banks have juicy colonial enclaves in China (Hong Kong and Taiwan) from where they have bought all the Chinese bureaucracy and its children during the post–war period. The same they did with Gorbachev and the soviet bureaucracy; just as the Fourth International predicted.
We have to tell this people that they have to stop experimenting with Marxism. It is very unlikely that any serious businessman let any alchemist to experiment in his factory’s lab as he does not know science. Besides, the labs in the factories are carefully apart from the production line.
That is why we can’t allow any witch doctor to conduct his/her explosive experiments in the workers movement, because the life, the wages, the flesh and blood of our class is at stake. For us, scientific socialism is the theory and the laws that govern the historical processes, and the theory–program of the permanent revolution. |