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Class struggle in Libya has concentrated, in a single act, the combat against imperialist counteroffensive and defeat of its troupes, the crushing of Gaddafi mercenary army and the fight against Bengasi bourgeoisie of the pro-imperialist provisional government that tries to impose exploited masses surrender and disarming before UN.
This combat will succeed with the working class and exploited armed masses expropriating imperialism and bourgeoisie, supported in the generalized revolutionary uprising in Northern Africa, Middle East and if European and US working class stop imperialism’s counterrevolutionary war machinery, which is attacking Libyan nation.

UN and imperialist powers’ military attack must be defeated!
Gaddafi mercenary counterrevolutionary army must be defeated and imperialism and bourgeoisie must be expropriated in Bengazi and the cities controlled or where the insurgence of exploited masses arrives!

For workers internationalist brigades from Tunisia, Egypt and the entire Middle East to fight now in Bengazi and all across Libya against the assassin Gaddafi and imperialists troops!

Let’s stand together with the working class and exploited in Bahrain! For the military defeat of US troops and its lackey of Saudi bourgeoisie and monarchy!

In order to smash imperialist counteroffensive and Gaddafist counterrevolution:
A single revolution in Northern Africa and Middle East!


To conquer the bread and the national Independence:
Working class, supported by the impoverished and ruined middle classes from the field and the city, must take power in Northern Africa and Middle East, as a same revolution that must explode in Europe, United States and all imperialist powers!

See also:

- For a revolutionary government of the working class and exploited rebel masses, selforganized and armed,
to break with imperialism, expropriate all oil companies and Gadaffi’s and regional bourgeoisies’ assets!

The working class and rebel exploited of Yemen, who is dividing the army, are the allied forces of the insurgency fenced in Bengazi! Down with Yemen assassin government!
For the destruction of the Zionist counterrevolutionary State of Israel, which is another imperialist and UN device that keeps the heroic Palestine masses in concentration camps! Rafah wall must be demolished, in order to release Palestine masses and unify them with Egypt, Middle East and the entire Northern Africa!

The key of the triumph of the revolutions that have started is on the uprising of European and US working class boycotting imperialist war machinery!

- A chain of revolutionary insurrections of the working class for bread and against Gaddafi’s pro-imperialist tyranny shock Libya. Exploited masses controlled most of the Eastern Cities and while workers militia and insurgency where marching over Tripoli, they defeated the police and divide the army, conquering the weapons. Before this, imperialist powers (together with Arab bourgeoisies, behind stages) rearmed and put paid mercenaries in Gaddafi’s army. They give him 20 days of very value time so he smash with great violence the insurrection in Tripoli, which was starting to triumph and break all Gaddafi’s state apparatus and his government servant of imperialism, and that put the working class at the hedge of seizing power.
Thus, the armed the Gaddafist semi-destroyed army, which was corroded by thousand defections, to prevent the triumph of a chain of insurrections done by working class and exploited masses that had started and threatened with liberating Libya’s Capital, together with the working class that still was uprising in Tripoli.
Under these conditions, the power of exploiters and Gaddafi’s pro-imperialist government had short life. Its revolutionary overthrowing would have opened the road to the revolution for working class and exploited masses (armed and self-organized).

- Today, with the heroic revolutionary masses fenced in Bengasi, imperialist Powers (under UN command) attack Libya, while they command the assassin repression in Yemen and move troops in Bahrain.
Now imperialist pirates want to strangle proletarian revolution, disarm insurgency and control directly oil in Libya; they don’t want neither intermediary nor commission agents like its servant Gaddafi any more, after he was used to do the dirty work by smashing the masses in a bloody counteroffensive.
That’s how imperialism acted in the Balkans during the ‘90s. Back then, when former Yugoslavia exploded, imperialism used assassin and jackal Milosevic to murder and impose, on behalf of “Great Serbia”, a genocide over Bosnian people; after this dirty work was done, NATO planes bombed what it was suppose to be the “Great Serbia” in hands of Milosevic, which was also reduced to rubbles, controlling between all imperialist pirates in NATO the small republics that former Yugoslavia exploded in.
Today in Libya imperialism uses all its agents, even Gaddafi’s mercenaries to reach the hedge of Bengazi in order to impose a counterrevolutionary fear against the masses, so once they have been isolated and fenced, they be definitively submitted to provisory governments in insurgency’s rear guard, who sell the national wealth and is so enemy of giving bread to exploited as the same Gaddafi.
Because only strangling proletarian revolution, submitting it to the “democratic” executioners in Bengazi or massacring it as butcher Gaddafi did in Tripoli, is how imperialism will be able of transforming Libya in a new imperialist protectorate.

- The military doctrine of the “democratic generals of the Pentagon” and African Command (AFRICOM) is acting in this way. From there, they centralize the attack of UN counterrevolutionary troops against Libya and the entire North of Africa. Just like Nazi’s Generals in WWII, these UN and imperialist powers “democratic” generals say that they have to “take civilization to barbarism” and on it, like in the old Far West in USA, “a tribe must be faced with the other, divide the masses, and then defeat them all”.

They know that all the forces of the “barbaric tribes” forces (as would be all the exploited masses in the North of Africa and Middle East), as manuals of the Pentagon say. They state that this would overthrow the “civilizer army” in a war that have neither borders, nor advance party nor rear gear, because its territory is the world, and they are troops that are controlled with hundreds of military basses and commands in the planet, in order to defend the interests of multinationals and parasites of financial capital.
That’s how imperialist counterrevolutionary troops act, which imposed Gaddafi’s mercenary forces to massacre workers revolution, fence Bengazi, so its tribes, “democratic chiefs” of provisory governments, disarmed the masses and allowed “civilizers” pillage and steal directly oil, gas and natural wealth of Libya as well as the oppressed peoples, without sharing their profits with any “chief” from any “tribe”.
That’s how capitalist savagery and this rotten system act; they only generate barbarism, war and destruction.

- The aim of this imperialist invasion, on behalf of “democracy” and “defence of Libyan people”, is that the exploited masses, fenced by Gaddafi counterrevolutionary forces, see as their rescuers those who really are they executioners: imperialist powers and bankers who plunder the wealth from the oppressed people who supported, funded and armed Gaddafi and other henchmen in the region.

- Imperialist powers must intervene military and directly with their troops in Libya, in the North of Africa and Middle East, their government and lackey agents are being defeated and overthrown by masses revolutionary offensive. Puppet Armies of imperialist powers –as Libya’s, Egypt’s or Tunisia’s- have stood in a serious crisis. Polices have been defeated in the streets by the rebel masses.

In Libya is where it reached the deepest. There with a chain of insurrections city by city split the army, rank and file soldiers jumped to the side of exploited masses, who conquered arms in a generalized way in every victorious insurrection.

In the mean time in Egypt the army stood cynically as “neutral”. Counterrevolutionary officers of Mubarak couldn’t launch any counterrevolutionary attack like Gaddafi’s. They sensed when they order their soldiers to repress that they were changing sides and moving to the rebel masses. Thus, with deception of “wise men councils”, “plebiscites”, etc, Egyptian bourgeois state tries to disorganize the exploited to attack them later, like Gaddafi did in Libya yesterday.
In the mean time the masses threaten with transforming Bahrain and Yemen in a new Tunisia or Libya.

The overthrowing of dictatorships and autocracies in hands of the exploited let the regimes of dominance in a serious crisis and threatens with overthrow them, like in Yemen, Bahrain, Syria and even Iran and Morocco, where monarchy cornered by the masses, travels to all European capitals asking advices on how maintain its head that is at risk of being cut by masses’ struggle.
In Tunisia the working class has defeated two “provisory” governments. The combat against exploiters is cornering treacherous UGTT union bureaucracy, which has supported all “provisory” governments who tried to expropriate the heroic Tunisian revolution.
While imperialist planes attack Libya, Hillary Clinton felt on her own flesh and bones how “democratic” Tunisian workers are, who went out to fight shouting “Tunisia is not for Sale!” and “USA is like the counterrevolutionary Zionist State of Israel!
No matter how hard world reformist left tries to cover the class and anti-imperialist character of the workers revolution that have started, imperialism and bourgeoisie understand perfectly that their dominance and property are threatened.

Therefore, imperialist direct intervention is to act as guarantee, lastly with its gang of armed men, imperialism’s properties in the entire region facing the revolutionary process that have started.

Imperialism uses all its agents, whether they are counterrevolutionaries or “democratic”, strangling the revolution in Libya and prepare new attacks in the entire North of Africa and Middle East.

In Libya the imperialist powers use Gaddafi to strangle the insurrection and siege the masses in Bengazi. The cave of bandits of UN saw to the other side, meanwhile Gaddafi killed the insurgency.
Today the counterrevolutionary mercenary troops of Gaddafi siege Bengazi, the imperialist power attempt to disguise as “democratic”. They call themselves “defenders of the Libyan people”; meanwhile they came from Middle East from kill dozens of thousands of exploiters, directly as in Iraq or with their partner form the fascist counterrevolutionary state of Israel in Gaza.

After its agent Gaddafi imposed the counterrevolutionary terror with their fascist horde, even in Bengazi neighbourhoods, the imperialist troops try and will try to appear as “democratic rescuers”. In reality, what they seek is that the masses, corned, give up, stop its fight for bread, give up the weapons and submit to the “provisional” government of Bengazi, as agent of the imperialism as Gaddafi. Thus the imperialism behaves to get the oil of Libya, strangling the proletariat revolution. Having shared the booty in the UN, between the French imperialism, which goes towards to get the oil in Bengazi, and USA and England which seek to get the oil of Ras Lanuf and Tripoli, leaving some crumbs of the plundering to the junior partners of Italy and Spain.
With its counterrevolutionary offensive, the imperialist power today, with the mercenary troops of Gaddafi and its “democratic” agent, truly “Trojan Horses” in Bengazi, want to transform Libya into another head of he counterrevolution in Middle East.
It is necessary to defeat military the imperialist counteroffensive! If the imperialism wins, it will impose a regime and a terror government, to sell the oppressed nation out, a hundred time superior to the murderous government of Gaddafi and today it is still the most faithful servant to contain the revolutionary masses and prevent that these ones arrived to Tripoli. They want the uprising exploited ones give up and give their weapons to the “democratic” government, which was not voted by anyone in Bengazi.
Gaddafi has already agreed that he will submit to the UN resolutions. With imperialist planes and ships attacking Libya, he has only promised to leave his counterrevolutionary guard in Ras Lanuf and propose a peaceful march to “hug with his brothers of Bengazi”. He wants to keep being part of the business, and this time, if the imperialism successes, he will not be needed.
The imperialism and UN seek to make in Libya what they did in Iraq and Afghanistan, where they promised “democracy and freedom” and made genocide and with a US puppet government, they took over of the oil and all the wealth.
But this time in Libya, with its “Saddam-Gaddafi”, they arrived together to the very gates of Bengazi to kill and siege the worker revolution that in Libya has already started and it was the same that -if it did not submit to the “democratic” bourgeoisie- can defend the oppressed nation against the imperialism. The working class is the only national class. This one is the one militia of the insurgents, or smashed or killed in the cities where it was imposed the Gaddafi counterrevolution, waiting new advances of the insurgency.
The imperialist troops today bombed their servant so that the “provisional” government disarms the militia. The imperialism realized, because it learnt from its own flesh, how the exploiters resist when the masses fight for bread, their lives and their families. They know that the fight in Bengazi would not have been for the territory, but house by house, for the control of the city. Nothing could have guaranteed the success of the Gaddafi mercenaries, whether for the mass heroism and its resistence or spread with the new revolutionary flame to the entire North of Africa.
The imperialism knows it, because it tries its own medicine in Fallujah, Iraq where only 3000 fighters revisited heroically for 6 months the imperialists army fully armed, even more than the Gaddafi army.
For their part, the provisional bourgeoisie pro-imperialist government of Bengazi does not finish to control the mass insurgency. None of this “regretted” official and militaries of the old regime of Gaddafi called to neither insurrection nor revolutionary uprising. On the other hand, they try to place them selves at the head of the insurrection in order to control, disarm it and put it under the UN. But the working class and the masses in Bengazi are armed and denied giving up. In Libya, therefore, there are dual power based on the armament of sectors of the masses conquered with their insurrection and the bourgeoisie cannot allow being strength and developing. In order to destroy the dual power, the Gaddafi troops siege Bengazi with counterrevolutionary terror for the masses subordinate to the bourgeoisie “democratic front” of Bengazi agent of UN and the imperialist troops, meanwhile Gaddafi guaranteed to the imperialism that this dual power, this is the working class and the armed exploited masses, do not arrive to Tripoli.
The policy to smash the heroic revolution of the Libyan masses has established a speed race within the counterrevolutionary forces. In the first place the mercenary army of Gaddafi attacked the revolution, rearmed by the imperialism and the bourgeoisie. They needed to be the ones to smash the revolution. But the masses opposed a great resistance and threat to give their life in Bengazi, when revolutionary flames set on fire the entire North of Africa and Middle East. The Gaddafi mercenaries, smashing the revolution, wanted to show that they still can be the junior partner of the imperialism in the share of the oil rent of the plunder nation.

On the other hand, the generals of the imperialist power understood this situation well. Its counterrevolutionary agent, even though it will slaughter in Bengazi, it will not have legitimacy to domain Libya nor to smash the revolution, which is not based on the national Libyan revolutionary forces but in the revolutionary forces of the entire working class in the North of Africa and Middle East.
Thus, the UN high command and the US command in Africa (AFRICOM) set a limit to their agent Gaddafi in Bengazi doors. They used him to threaten the masses with their counterrevolutionary hordes. The same very imperialism that fully armed Gaddafi so that he reaches Bengazi today wants to show the Libyan masses that they have to disarm by attacking military its junior partner, because “it is the UN and AFRICOM generals who have the weapons to smash Gaddafi”. Without any doubt, the masses cannot even dream of reaching Tripoli, if they give up their weapons, because they will be smashed by the Gaddafi troops or by the bombs and the Tomahawks of the UN counterrevolutionary butchers.
A perfidious manoeuvre which attempt to siege the revolution with the fascist counterrevolutionary terror and the sirens chants of the “provisional” government, that claim as servants, “for democracy” in UN. The aim is not other to disarm the masses so after, among all of them, smash and share the booty of Libya doubly enslaved.
In this way, they try to impose a protectorate government and regime, as in Iraq, under the command of the US-French and other imperialist power generals, and in this way to create in Libya a new counterrevolutionary devise as the one that fall as a consequence of a great victory of the revolutionary masses in Egypt, where Mubarak head rolled off on Cairo streets.

The imperialist respond to the blows of the revolution in the Magreb and Middle East: sirens chants of the “democratic bourgeoisie” and counterrevolutionary blows as the Gaddafi one, counterrevolutionary fascist actions as the pogroms in Egypt, and the direct imperialist and their partners military attacks against the uprising masses of Libya and Bahrain.

The worker revolution chains for bread, against the Bonapartist ad autocratic government and regimes, all servants of the imperialism, break the control devise of the oil route of the imperialist power.

Imperialist counteroffensive try to build its domain against the worker revolution and the exploited masses that have started in the North of Africa and Middle East. They try to do it with troops of Saudi Arabia going to slaughter in Bahrain, supporting the counterrevolutionary murderous government of Yemen (which has already started to split), so the ones of Jordan, Syria, Morocco and with the bayonets of the counterrevolutionary Zionist army of the fascist state of Israel and the US protectorate in Iraq.
Insure the Libyan oil, the imperialism must intervene directly, because its partner Gaddafi and its regime entered in bankruptcy by the blows of the revolution, and it has no legitimacy to guarantee it for the next period. And even less the imperialist gangs have legitimacy to keep supporting the killers as Gaddafi without being cornered by the working class of the imperialist countries. These governments were already unmasked as those who supported and had juicy business with the Ben Alli, the Gaddafi, the Mubarak and a long etc.

Meanwhile, in order to extinguish the fire of the exploited ones, with sweet phrases and a cynic deception, they sent to the most advanced focus of the revolution (as in Tunisia, Libya or Egypt) to counterrevolutionaries official (disguised as generals and officials of “democracy”), to old cabinet ministers of dictators (transformed now in writers of new constitutions), to bourgeoisie politics transformed into “democratic” in the last moment, to impose a class collaboration policy to the working class and the exploited masses to expropriate the revolution that has started. It is a terrible policy of the bourgeoisie and the imperialism to disorganise from within the ranks of the exploited ones, disarming, destroying the self-organised organisms and the fight that the masses have set up; and to create in this way the new conditions, expropriating the revolutions, to create new counterrevolutionary blows that allows the imperialism to escalate again in their domain regimes and the region control.
Thus they acted in Libya and they are doing in Tunisia and Egypt, where the revolutionary process dismantle the regimens of pro-imperialist domain and defeated its murderous governments in the streets.
This terrible policy of class collaboration is supported by all the reformist worker leadership anchored in the interest of the labour aristocracy and bureaucracy of the world proletariat.
All the reformist leaderships called to support the revolutions as “democratic”, regretting that according to them the working class “did not intervene”. In this way, they called to do, as a real imposture, “big unions”, with which it was necessary to put pressure on the “democratic” bourgeoisie governments, so they can give bread to the exploited ones. They try to move backwards the wheel of history, and promise to the working class a paradise of “democracy and freedom”, when this one upsurge in Middle East and North of Africa, understanding perfectly that to conquer bread, it was necessary to defeat the imperialist governments, to arm themselves, to defeat the police, to disintegrate the lackeys armies of imperialism, and to create the conditions to prepare the success of a working and socialist revolution. This is due to the fact that capitalists only yield something if they see that they lose everything, and the working class fighting for everything will conquer bread.
The left of the World Social Forum want to impose to the heroic and tormented working class of the North of Africa and Middle East, the same program with which betrayed the European working class.

They were the ones to take the masses out of scene in Europe and USA, and made them retreat, facing the capitalist attacks, with demands as “rectify the budget cuts”, “negotiate in a dialogue so that we stop the attack to all the worker conquest”, “for a Social Europe to the service to the workers”, as they claimed... with Sarkozy? With Cameron? With the murderous monarchy of Bourbons? With Berlusconi? With Papandreau? Without revolutions that overthrow it? This people deceive the working class promising victory, but only it took it to a dead end.

They desynchronized the struggle of Greece, Portugal, Spain, England and France, and allowed that, at the moment, the worst attacks against the European working class were carried out. Moreover, when the North of Africa and Middle East are on fire and the best conditions for the working class in Europe to attack are present, they tie their hands so that they do not advance a step forward to the offensive together with their class brothers who fight in Africa and the Mediterranean.

Reformism tries by all means that the working class get disarmed and the organisms masses set up get destroyed, the organisms they set up to take the solution of crisis in their hands. That is, when the exploited are understanding due to their unprecedented sufferings that to have bread the army and oppressors’ state must be disorganized and destroyed, while armament has been generalized as in Lybia…those defeat marshals want to submit proletariat to the bourgeois parliaments, to the “wise Councils”, to the governments “defenders of the revolution” like in Tunisia, to the referendums like in Egypt and to the anti-democratic Constituent Assemblies. Their policy is that the working class gets disarmed and goes to vote so that the bourgeois states centralize again their armies and gangs of armed men that the revolutionary processes started to dismantle.
As we see, thus, the imperialist counteroffensive uses the sirens chants of the “democracy and freedom” to put out the revolution fire. Meanwhile, they give armament to the counterrevolutionary armies almost destroyed such as the one of Khadafy or launch direct interventions of the imperialist generals to smash the revolutionary processes.
While the generals and “democratic” bourgeois are sent by imperialism to flirt with masses and people, they prepare the counterrevolutionary officers caste of imperialism and their servants to smash revolution mercilessly.

In that way they acted and acts in Egypt willing to disarm masses and get them out from the fight for bread in exchange of taking them to vote in antidemocratic plebiscites so that the millions who fought against exploiters in that great revolution that overthrew Mubarak change bread, their fight for a “vote” while the officers caste of the murderous army continue untouched to massacre masses if they do not surrender in their fight for bread.

In Tunisia they try to impose a transitional government of “democratic” characters emerged from the core of the murderous government of Ben Ali and his regime that tries to expropriate the revolution of the committees of workers, unemployed workers and self-organized masses by co-opting UGTT with which they impose a class collaboration policy and of expropriation of revolution fought back by the Tunisian working class.

In Libya without shouting a shoot, without disarming any single police station and without put any death, the “chiefs of Tribes” and Gadafist officers are today a “Trojan Horse” in insurgent Benghazi as agents of French imperialism and UN to try to impose the surrender and submission of masses to imperialist bandits.

The revolutionary socialists call not to give the most minimal support to those “Tribal chiefs” who are no more than the reactionary bourgeoisie disguise as “democratic”, neither to the officers of the murderous army of Gaddafi who “passed themselves at last moment” to the insurrection side. They will be the ones who in the name of UN will try by all means to disarm the militias and guarantee the property of wealth and oil of imperialism in Libya. They will put all their forces to rebuild- based on the triumph of UN and imperialist bombs - an army as oppressor and pro-imperialist as the Gaddafi’s to reconstruct the battered bourgeois state and submit masses who die for gaining bread and dignity.
For that reason, fighting for defeating Khadafy, not to give the most minimal support to the provisional government of pro-imperialist “democrats” who take care of the exploiters’ property where insurgents have taken cities like in Benghazi, it is the same and single combat to expel and defeat the imperialist troops by extending and generalizing again the chain of insurrections not only throughout the cities of Libya but also in every capital and workers places throughout Magreb and Middle East.
In that counteroffensive that necessarily exploited of Libya will have to take, they will must know that the same bombs that today fall to contain Gaddafi advance will fall over the revolutionary militias unless the working class in the region, in Europe and at world wide level stop it.

We call on the working class in the entire North of Africa and Middle East not to give up weapons, to set up, develop, coordinate and centralize all the fighting organisms they have set up for the exploited masses take in their own hands the war of liberation against imperialism by smashing their counterrevolutionary native servants and taking in their hands the solution of the crisis conquering bread by the triumph of the socialist revolution.
Only revolutionary provisional governments of the working class leaned on the entire exploited masses of the rural areas and cities, soldiers committees and workers militias by expropriating imperialism will be able to conquer bread, democracy and freedom, that is, the national independence against the plunder of oppressed peoples.

For the defeat of the imperialist invasion, we must smash Gaddafi troops, break with pro-imperialist bourgeois “opposition” government of Benghazi and recreate conditions to cover with triumphant insurrections around Tripoli and all Libya!

Facing the attack of imperialism undoubtedly a military front is imposed of all those who want to defeat imperialism. But how could the armed working class do a military front against imperialism with Gaddafi’s mercenary troops, when they are currently in a speed race to see who smash the insurrection first? Precisely, Bolivarian policy and its servants is “everyone with Gaddafi” to disarm Bengazi and the revolution so that Gaddafi pact with imperialism and keeps being its junior partner in their business and plunder of the nation.
Gaddafi maintains a persistent counterrevolutionary offensive because if he massacres first, he could run again as junior partner and keeps having a slice of the oil income. There lays his 35 billion dollars fortune that has been confiscated by US, Italian and Spanish imperialism.
Imperialism already used Gaddafi slaughtered dirty work. Now is trying to submit workers militia to be disarmed by the “democratic generals” and then without junior partners it can plunder Libya directly, as Halliburton and US oil companies do in Iraq.
As we have said, war is a speed race between counterrevolutionary generals of Gaddafi and imperialist powers generals, who aren’t less counterrevolutionary, in order to see who keeps the oil over a sea of blood from the exploited ones.
That’s why imperialist invasion must be defeated; Gaddafi troops must be smashed, break with pro-imperialist “opposition” government of Bengazi and recreate the conditions to cover the victorious insurrections to Tripoli and the entire Libya!
The alternative for the working class in Libya, North Africa and all across the world can not be that (in order to defeat imperialism) they must be murder by Gaddafi’s troops that with counterrevolutionary hordes massacre every day workers districts in Bengazi; as they did in Tripoli and the cities where they retook control with its mercenaries. In order to defeat imperialism the road can’t be submission to the UN and imperialist troops, as the pro-imperialist government of Bengazi demands.
In order to succeed in the combat against the imperialist attack to Libya, the working class –which is the only national class- must break with the bourgeoisie and its pseudo-democratic pro-imperialist governments in the rearguard; the first step is the expropriation of imperialism’s and bourgeoisie’s assets to get bread and prevent the triumph of the imperialist offensive. The stronger missile that the proletariat has is expropriation of the bourgeoisie and imperialism, placing every gas, oil companies and banks under workers and the poor people control.
Let’s smash counterrevolutionary gangs and Gaddafi’s mercenaries and march over Tripoli, supported by the struggle of the working class in Egypt, Tunisia and the entire Magreb and Middle East! By expropriating without compensation bourgeoisie and imperialism, Bengazi insurgency will wake the anger against exploiters, imperialism and Gaddafi all across Libya. This program and combat will allow a new counteroffensive of the working class and exploited masses towards Tripoli that will dissolve the few rank and file soldiers that are left in Gaddafi’s army and will wake enthusiasm and will of entering the combat again in workers on Tripoli and on those cities that are occupied by Gaddafi and bombed by imperialism. That’s the way to reach Tripoli. We have to prevent the imperialism from taking a single drop of oil, or occupying centimetre of airspace or field in Libya.

In order to defeat the imperialist aggression in Libya, to smash Gaddafi’s mercenary counterrevolutionary troops:
The advance must be done with the program and combat of workers socialist revolution in Libya and the entire Middle East!

In order to win the war, defeat Gaddafi’s counterrevolutionary troops (who massacre the working class and masses in every city they have recovered), to defeat imperialism, get bread, work and national independence: Right now let’s expropriate without compensation all oil companies and imperialist banks in Bengazi and all the cities controlled by insurgency!
All food companies and the entire distribution chain must be expropriated without compensation in order to feed the working class and exploited ones!
Workers and consumers committees must be imposed to control the prices of products and impose workers administration in all imperialist companies!
Arms to the workers militia that doesn’t surrender! Generalized arming to all the exploited ones! Only those who fight vote in the battle front! For committees of workers, soldiers and other poor sectors and ruined by the appalling and exploiter regime of Gaddafi that will impose their provisional government in the cities occupied by insurgency!

Armed masses of Bengazi and in the battle front must deny the “provisory” government, who is servant of French and US imperialism, who speak on their behalf selling out Libya and the interests of the exploited in that cave of bandits from UN.
For a provisional workers government, or workers militia, rank and file soldiers and poor middle classes of Bengazi and every city or commune that be recovered by revolutionary masses!

Only fighting for their own interests, for bread and their families’ dignity, the masses will defeat in their fight for the triumph of the revolution that has begun, and they will be willing to give their lives in combat.
The life of the exploited masses must not be at the service of feeding the profits of the oil Companies in Libya, much less to defend the capitalists’ interests of the capitalists in a rear guard action.
Quickly, with this program and this policy, the working class will show it is the one who must lead the struggle for the national independence and the defeat of the imperialist attack in Libya.
In a country minimally populated, with a large oil production, more than a million of workers of Egypt and Tunisia go to work as slaves. They live in Libya’s border in real concentration camps as refugees. The war cry of: "The oil Companies belong to the working class of Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Middle East and not to the imperialist pirates!", would generates now the conditions to create an army of a million fighters from Egypt and Tunisia to liberate Bengazi.

The working class must conquer again its militant internationalism, to save their lives and be free of their sufferings.

The reformist leaderships and the traitors of the World Social Forum merely want to subordinate the proletariat to the bourgeoisie and the "democracy". They want to tell the working class they are carrying out bourgeois revolutions, as the French one in 1789. Democratic revolutions?, my balls!
The bourgeoisie will never allow even the program it had risen up in the revolutionary Paris in 1789, which was "every man a rifle". In the 19th and 20th century the bourgeoisie understood, with great class instinct, the working class in arms does not permit to be exploited. It learned very well this lesson since the workers revolution of 1848 in France to the present day. Reformism wants the working-class marches with the bourgeoisie and their executioners, “to face the imperialism" or to conquer the "democracy" against the "dictatorship".
However, the subordination of the proletariat to the bourgeoisie weakens its forces, because they are opposite. They are irreconcilable. The working class and its allies, the oppressed layers of the rural area and the city, are a million times stronger, with a program against the bourgeoisie and the imperialism, than the subordination to them. The battle for the expropriation, in the hands of the insurgents of Libya and Middle East, is the most powerful missile that can pull the working class and the exploited masses of Benghazi. This would be an electric shock to set fire again Tunisia, Egypt, across North Africa and the Middle East, in the way towards the revolution and the expropriation of imperialism.
A measure like this would also clearly define the objective of the heroic masses’ combat of Yemen and Bahrain, who are dying destroying the Citadel of power, the main site of power of the exploiters and their murderous Governments. It would be a point of order to the European and worldwide working class to conquer bread, stop the attack of imperialism against the working-class conquests, and it would be the way to put an end to Wall Street, London, Paris and the Bundesbank‘s parasites who become rich at the expense of plundering the oppressed peoples and the over-exploitation of the working class.

The Combat for a proletarian leadership of the war against imperialism and its henchmen as Gaddafi or the “councils of the revolution"- expropriators of energy and the revolutionary organism of the masses-" would be vital for the European and American working class so that it could see their "democratic imperialism" are the biggest terrorists and counter-revolutionaries agents across the planet.

The generalized counteroffensive of the imperialism and its puppets regimes of North Africa and Middle East, it is necessary to oppose a single fight and a single revolution in the region.
From Tunisia, Egypt and all Middle East the masses organizations in struggle must set up internationalist brigades to combat the imperialism and the mercenaries of Gaddafi in Libya!

-The Egyptian working class that fights for bread, and that has defeated Mubarak, has in its hands the task of tearing down the wall of Rafah to untie the hands of the exploited masses of Palestine so that they enter the combat. The masses must get off the officer of the tanks when its heroic revolution was stopped, in order to get on the soldiers and the workers and enter to fight together with the heroic masses of Benghazi
-In Tunisia, the working class, the vanguard of all Middle East and North Africa, already defeated, with successive combats, two provisional Governments, such as the one which wants to disarm the insurgency in Benghazi and subordinate it to the imperialist troops of the UN.
Tens of thousands people marched on March 18th against the killer Hillary Clinton, who posed as democratic when the imperialism always supported the murderer Ben Ali.

The fate of Tunisian revolution -that set on fire of the string of uprisings by bread in the region- is at stake in the combats of Libya.
In Tunisia, it is necessary to break with the UGTT, the provisional Governments and march for a workers and exploited masses’ Government based on the UGTT without collaborationist leaderships, factory committees, committees of unemployed and the committees of soldiers.
The fight for the worker revolution in Tunisia is to reach the gates of Tripoli, which means to end up the task of breaking the Army and win the rank and files soldiers for the revolution.
The strength of the masses, to succeed, is in the expropriation of the bourgeoisie and imperialism, in insurrections and their militias which split the armies and paralyze the counter-revolutionary war machine.

Down with the wall of Rafah so that the Palestinian workers and exploited masses enter the revolution!

The working class of North Africa and the Middle East cannot support neither the "democratic" Governments which want to expropriate the revolution, nor the Governments of the "Islamic" bourgeoisie, real counterrevolutionary regimens murderers of workers and traitors of the anti-imperialist combat of the masses in the region. Gaddafi is an example.
The exploited masses of Egypt can not trust in the Army generals who act now as "Nasserists". They are vulgar agents of imperialism and enemies of the working class, like Nasser. Nothing can be expected by the working class of the Iranian Ayatollahs and the bourgeoisie of "the Bazaar" and the trade in the Middle East, disguise as Shiite or Sunni. As Gaddafi or Mubarak, they smash and repress the Iranian working class. Together with the Sunni bourgeoisie of Syria, they disarmed the Iraqi resistance and support the Government of the US protectorate in Iraq. With Hezbollah in the Lebanon, they put a millionaire premier in the pro-imperialist Government of Siniora.
Meanwhile, Hamas was negotiating with the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt (who supported Mubarak, who supported the Zionist-fascist state of Israel) its surrender and the Palestinian masses surrender in a Commission with France and Italy, where the lifting of the embargo in the martyred Gaza was being negotiated. The revolution in Egypt prevented this new shot at the back of Palestinian masses.
Neither the "democratic" bourgeoisie, nor the Muslim Brotherhood, neither Hezbollah nor all the reformist left that support the jailers of the Palestinian nation in the concentration camps of West Bank, didn’t do anything to demolish the wall of Rafah so that the Palestinian masses untie their hands and join the revolutionary flood together with the fighters of the square in Cairo and the working class of Egypt.
This question is crucial for the revolutionary processes that have started in the Middle East and North Africa.
In Jordan, the majority of Palestinian masses have entered the combat and the same are doing the masses in Syria. The task of stopping the war machinery of the counter-revolutionary fascist Army of Israel with the method of the proletarian revolution is in their hands. This would mean defeating the other counter-revolutionary device of imperialism in the Middle East, not to say the fundamental device the imperialism has to smash the revolution: the State of Israel.

The working class of Europe and USA has the key of the success of the heroic revolutionary masses of the Magreb and Middle East: It must stand up with the revolutionary general strike and the boycott of the war machinery to defeat the imperialist counteroffensive!

As the Greek Workers’ in their last general strike and the workers in Wisconsin (USA) motioned:
For the triumph of the working class in the imperialist powers it is necessary to fight as in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya!

For the military defeat of the imperialist troops in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan! For the destruction of the fascist Zionist State of Israel!
The warcry of the American and European working class should be: the enemy is at home!

Gaddafi and the counter-revolutionary Governments in the region are the guarantee, to control the millions of starving people in Africa and Middle East that cannot wait to reach Europe to work. There, millions of Algerian, Syrian, Egyptian, Libyan and Tunisian workers do the worst jobs and are an essential part of the European working class, the most important battalions. They are responsible for taking the revolution to the imperialist countries, as Mexican immigrant workers did yesterday, being the vanguard of the struggle of the American working class, against the murderous and genocidal Bush in the United States. For the "One Million workers March" against the war with its vanguard the Oakland`s dockers, stands up again

The masses revolutionary combat of Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, and North Africa and throughout the Middle East will only succeed fully and effectively in the streets of Paris, London, New York, Berlin, Rome and Madrid.
For the triumph of the worker and socialist revolution!
For a Federation of the Socialist States of North Africa and Middle East, as a vital link in the struggle for the United States Socialists of Europe!
The sands of the desert of North Africa and Middle East must be the tomb of the imperialist powers!

Secretariat of International Coordination

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