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To conquer the bread and the national Independence:
Working class, supported by the impoverished and ruined middle classes from the field and the city, must take power in Northern Africa and Middle East, as a same revolution that must explode in Europe, United States and all imperialist powers!

To the World Social Forum, the Reformism, the working class has two alternatives: wither to the feet of the Bolivarians, or to be slaughtered in a military front with Khadafy “against imperialism”; or submitted to the “democratic” provisional governments, UN cave of imperialist bandits and their counterrevolutionary generals.

Let’s speak clear. “The city of Bengasi” is not what Khadafy wants to crush or what is trying to be submitted to the UN and their “democratic” counterrevolutionary generals of imperialist powers; what they want to crush or submitted is the armed dual power of the working class and the exploited masses that exists there.

Whoever doesn’t expose this, whoever doesn’t see that many counterrevolutionary forces focused in Libya are at the service of crushing an armed power of the working class, is cheating the world working class and defeating beforehand all serious fight against imperialism.
Because Khadafy, the “democratic” counterrevolutionary generals from the USA’s AFRICOM and the UN and the “kind” governments called “provisory” and “democratic” can’t and won’t allow that every man on Bengasi have a rifle, handle a piece of artillery or a grenade launcher, or that rides a tank together with a rank and file soldier.
Because, how could the owners of the oil companies, Banks, big businessmen and the bourgeoisies from Bengasi and all Libya explode their own workers if they arrive one morning to work to the factories and companies with the Kalashnikov in the shoulders?

Whoever doesn’t say this to the proletariat is lying to them; is not telling the truth; isn’t even a serious democrat. Is a unionist bastard that is preparing himself to disarm the working class and the exploited on behalf of “democracy” and “liberty”. Because there isn’t a single worker claim and worker organization stronger than the armed working class with its militia, to conquer not only bread, but also to defeat and expropriate capitalist parasites and imperialism.

That’s simple. That is the line that separates on one side revolutionary socialism, those who defend the historical interest of the working class and on the other side the ones hanged to the skirts of the bourgeoisie to savage theirs properties. Everything else is just chatter.
The working class in Northern Africa and Libya had no time to make “great unions” because counterrevolutionary governments oppressed and crushed them for decades, because their children by millions went to work and die as slaves in imperialist Europe.
There, these lords from workers aristocracy and bureaucracy, called “socialists” and that make a party self-called “anti-capitalist”, leave them out of their unions. They never raised the demands of the immigrant workers (who are a decisive and fundamental part of the European and US working class as part of the demands of the working class in their countries, like the fight for “Equal job for equal payment!”. They didn’t went on a strike even in a single factory nor organized a single determined fight when millions immigrants were expelled as dogs from the broken Imperialist Europe, that today; they are fighting in the streets of Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen.
“Spontaneous” revolutionary uprisings, “disorganized” of the Northern Africa and Middle East masses has shown having a very high level of consciousness, organization, clarity of the enemy and choice of the correct fighting methods –as militia, soldiers comity, factories committee and committees where all the impoverished popular sectors gather-, to strike against the citadel of power and the counterrevolutionary governments in the fight for bread.
Egyptian working class, which built huge factories committees and gave huge fights for the wages in 2008/2009, and was suffered prosecution with its leaders imprisoned, pushed sectors of the revolutionary masses to take over El Cairo’s square. They put their children, hundreds of young unemployed workers, who set up committees that destroyed police stations, fought in El Cairo’s square against Mubarak’s counterrevolutionary pogroms of Mubarak.

Workers children immolated themselves setting in fire as happened in Tunisia. From that fiber and wood are built the iron courage of the fighters of Bengasi, who know that whether they starved to death or they die fighting counterrevolutionary forces.

The woman from the exploited carried their children to the battlefield. They know that if their lines are broken, their families will be slaughtered.
From this temple isn’t made (it doesn’t have a single sliver) the social imperialist left and other reformist servants of the bourgeoisie.

Enough blaming the working class of the betrayals of their leaders! Despite and against them, Egypt fought, and the working class gave their best children to the front line in their combats in workers militias, in soldier’s committees, in the masses self-organization committees in workers districts and where the entire poor people lives in. There it is concentrated the most heroic and advanced of the world proletariat.
Bourgeoisie’s strategy bourgeoisie is dissolving these organisms and submit them to “democracy”. Revolutionaries’ policy can’t be other than expelling the bourgeoisie of the fighting organisms, organize and centralize them at local, regional and national level, to set up a dual power from the working class and the exploited masses organisms, to destroy exploiters dominance machinery, imposing a workers and socialist victorious revolution.

The “socialist” misters, pseudo-intellectual, charlatans, political invalids, who boast themselves of their “powerful” unions that in Europe (weakened by themselves) don’t include more than 10% of the working class. They are enemies of organizing factory committees, unemployed committees, immigrant committees; they are the only ones capable of setting up powerful fight organizations of those who suffer the worst attacks within imperialist powers. This is the only way to arise powerful unions, that won’t depend or be subordinated to the interest of the entire working class to a minority of workers aristocrats and bureaucrats, paid in the imperialist powers with plus wages that exploiters give with the superfrotis they get from the countries they oppress.
Is it a left of blind intellectuals or consent traitors that doesn’t recognize the exploited taking rifles and grenade launcher in the militia in Bengasi? What will they say now? Will they say that they are the sons of the bourgeoisie? Will they say that they are the “democratic” generals from Khadafy’s army who “switched sides” at last minute the ones who disarmed Khadafy and fought him in Brega and his offensive in Ras Lanuf, or in Misrrata and popular districts of Tripoli, where they were slaughtered?
They are armed workers fighting for bread, enlightened reformists! You, hanged in the capitalist’s offices and selling out the conquers of the world working class, consciously want to dress workers socialist revolutions that had started as “democratic”; they want to throw dirt in the eyes of the world working class and that it doesn’t follow that path to triumph.
We insist, you tell us where are the sons of the bourgeoisie and “democratic” generals, fighting in the battlefield. There it is only the working class and its battalions of unemployed workers, their children and the ruined layers of all the poor people from the field and the city. That is why the combat is so strong and so many counterrevolutionary forces have gathered… form the “democracy”… and the reformism, to defeat it.

The working class of Yemen is following the path of their class brothers of Libya and Bengasi. What would reformism say when hundreds of thousands start arming themselves, to defeat police, to destroy the murderous army that a week ago slaughtered 50 children and woman? Would they say they aren’t workers? Where are the union bureaucrats that lead these fights?
Masses use to fight the organism that they build and have on hand to organize their ranks: militia, district committee, that they call sometimes “popular” and that the “Marxists” don’t want to recognize, with the excuse that “they are leaded by the bourgeoisie”, when there are the workers and their children together with the unemployed that organize themselves district by district; they must be centralized with factories and soldiers committees, to drive them off the influence of the bourgeoisie.
In Yemen, the ones who fight are the 35% of unemployed workers -of a total of 23 million habitants-, where the 46%, i.e. the absolute majority of the grown population (that doesn’t live more than 55 years) lives with 2 dollars per day.
The exploited of Yemen have no time. They can’t take 150 years to organize their unions, intervene in the bourgeois parliament, conquer 8 hours journeys so then, in the future, make workers militia and socialism. They, as all the exploited that enter in the revolutionary tide, have understood that without a rifle there is no bread, and without defeating the government that gathers all the exploiters, they can’t triumph.
The working class and exploited revolutionary masses are giving a lecture to the reformist misters, who only know how to conspire against them.

The reformist gentlemen deny that the working class is not only a subject for economical fight. The working class, as Libya shows, also organizes militias, disarms the police, divides the army and conquers the arms to defeat their executioners. That is called masses political fight, which is the one that the exploited do when they get into maneuvers of revolution, the social peace is broken and enters into a stage of civil war.
It is criminal to make sectarian sheds against unions leaded by the bureaucracy and don’t collaborate with the masses to recover them in times of peace, it is a million times more criminal don’t fight for coordinate and centralize the organisms of dual power, of action and direct democracy, armed, that the masses use to defeat exploiters’ governments and regimes, beyond who leads them. That means organize to conspire with the exploiters against the socialist revolution.
In these organisms we, the revolutionaries, will have to fight for expelling the bourgeoisie and its agents. They will fight to dissolve those organisms, submitting the working class not to its own interest, but to the interest of the so called “democratic” or “progressive” bourgeoisie.
The biggest crisis of the working class is its leaders, the superabundance of directions that talk on its behalf and are hanged to the bourgeoisie skirts.
In the offensive from Bengasi to Tripoli, in the combats that are around all Northern Africa and Middle East and that are impacting to the whole world working class, abound conditions for the triumph of the exploited. What is missing is an international Mayor Staff of the working class, of its best fighters, to lead this first victories and revolutionary steps forward, to the triumph.
As Leon Trotsky said, the problem are not the masses, they are what their “gentleman” leaders do.

The European left fences the revolution in Maghreb and Middle East

What allowed Kaddafi’s offensive wasn’t the bourgeoisie’s “geniality” in rearming the counterrevolutionary army; but due to working class revolutionary leadership crisis, the insurrections in Ras Lanuf and Siwaya remained isolated from the combats in Yemen, Egypt, and Tunisia. But mainly it was possible because the reformist leaderships, the unions’ leaderships and the so called “anticapitalist” parties submitted to European working class to its own bourgeoisie and placed it as beggars claiming the exploiters to “rectify their adjustments” and go back in the terrible layoffs and wages reduction attack, as they voted in the encounters as the Madrid Counter Summit or Socialism 2010. This way, they prevented the European and imperialist countries working class combats from synchronizing with the one from the exploited in the colonial and semi-colonial world in a single combat.
The entire “anticapitalist” left calls for “solidarity” in general, but it doesn’t propose any clear action coures to the European masses to effectively give their support to the Libyan masses. Precisely, the best solidarity from the European working class is deepening the combat against its own bourgeoisie, imposing the revolutionary general strike to overthrow the imperialist governments and synchronizing their combat with the ones of the exploited from Northern Africa and Middle East; that is the best and only way to get their wages, pensions, education, health back.The concrete solidarity is fight to stop war machinery from within the imperialist powers. The time for speaking is over. It is time for action.

How to get the desperate masses from Benghasi, who are about of being massacred by Kaddafi, out from the influence of the bourgeois provisory government in that city that submit the masses to the UN and the imperialist powers because “they are the ones that will set them free from the kaddafist torment”? Precisely this is also what imperialism is wants with its counterrevolutionary attack in Libya. The working class from France, Italy, USA, England could occupy the docks (as the Oakland workers have already done it in their struggle against the USA war in Iraq). They could load ships from there with all kind of weapons, ammunitions and food for the insurgent Bengasi, and refuse to load ships, or simply destroy all the cargo that would go arm and feed the imperialists armies and fleets or to Kaddafi’s assassins and mercenaries.
The entire World Social Forum left will regret later and, in order to justify its own treasons, will blame the “immaturity” of Bengasi, Northern Africa and Middle East workers. Actually is the other way round,. The only “subjectivity crisis” is the cowardice and submission of those who call themselves leaders of the working class and submit the masses to the bourgeoisie.

The “bolivarian” left is on the side of butcher Kaddafi.
The Bolivarian bourgeoisie says that “imperialism must be face” together with butcher Kaddafi. They tell to the Libyan working class that it has to fight with the mercenary troops that are still massacring the masses in Tripoli and keep attacking Bengasi to smash the revolution. Imperialism can’t be face in a military front with Kaddafi because he isn’t facing it! He is in a speed race with the UN troops to see who smashes Bengasi and the insurgent masses first . Imperialism disciplines its agents to whom it encouraged to reach even to the gates of Bengasi; so they become the “democratic” generals that, disarming Bengasi, smash the entire working class and Libyan people and control the oil directly, submitting the nation with double and triple chains.
Bolivarians like Chavez have supported the enemies of the working class in Middle East as Kaddafi, Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Ayatollahs. They are representatives of the native bourgeoisie who bargain a slice of the oil income with imperialism and its multinationals.
Before every decisive revolutionary antiimperialist combat of the working class and oppressed peoples they have proved being a bunch of cowards and anti workers murderers.
Today, neither Bolivarians nor its Libyan partner Kaddafi are in a military front against imperialism. Revolutionaries wouldn’t doubt to place ourselves in that military front of the oppressed nation against the imperialism, without supporting them politically. But they have not shot a single bullet, maybe a few cartridges to the air, nor combat imperialism in any way.

Cowards! They marched towards Bengazi in a counterrevolutionary chain massacring the exploited people of Libya when they were rearmed and encouraged from behind by the imperialism. Now when imperialist planes drop their bombs to discipline its own agent, they say they will “demonstrate peacefully to gather with their brothers from Bengasi” and “re-establish the national unity”.
Which is Kaddafi’s military program? Complete submission to imperialism; obedience the resolution of the UN commission of negotiation and agreement and halt of hostilities. Kaddafi placed himself under UN discipline and with him, all Bolivarians who look forward rebuilding the old power in Libya of tribes and assassin army, servant of imperialism.
Pero esta vez es el AFRICOM, el comando norteamericano, y la legión extranjera de los carniceros imperialistas franceses, los que quieren todo el botín, sin repartir, es decir, un régimen del protectorado como en Irak. Sólo el avance de la revolución podrá detener semejante avance de la contrarrevolución en Libia.
But this time AFRICOM, US command, and the foreign legion of the French imperialist butchers, the ones who want the whole booty without sharing; that is to say a regime of protectorate as the one in Iraq. Only the advance of revolution can stop counter revolution in Libya.
These “antiimperialists”Bolivarians are the same who in Bolivia, together with Evo Morales’ popular, made a pact with the Fascist Media Luna that was massacring the exploited; they, as Chavez does, feed U.S. imperialist war machinery selling them oil; they have announced a million lay outs and accuse the workers of being lazy with brothers Castro in Cuba, launching an attack against the exploited that has nothing to envy from the worst attacks of the most reactionary bourgeoisies. They had massacre together with imperialism, as Brazilian and Argentinean governments in Haiti.
Chatterboxes! Cowards! The Latin American working class must break with the Bolivarian bourgeoisies! Imperialism can only be confronted by expropriating its goods without compensation and under workers control in order to stop the war. Only the revolutionary working class can stop the massacre –and not butcher Kaddafi that delivered the nation to imperialism for decades-. The working class is the only class that can firmly face imperialism attacking its property and its dominance.

For an International Conference of the principist Trotskyists and revolutionary worker organizations

A division line has been established within world working class. Again: reform or revolution. On one side are the ones who talk about “democracy” and say it is necessary to reform this rotten system, ask it and put pressure on it so it gives bread, submitting the working class to put pressure to their executioners so it does not kill him or make him starve, or paint with brilliant colours the biggest bankruptcy of capitalism in its history (as the one started in 2007). On the other hand, we are the socialist revolutionaries, the internationalist Trotstkyists who fight to refound 4th International, who rise up the banner of revolutionary Marxism, that comes to live in the events and in the war class, because there is no bread, work, freedom, neither national independence if the working class (and its exploited allies of the rural areas and the cities) doesn’t destroy the state machinery of dominance of the exploiters; it cannot take power imposing its own class dictatorship against the most furious dictatorship of the capital that oppressed and super exploit the world proletariat.

Once again the Stalinist pseudo-theory of “Staged revolution” confronts against the Trtostskyist theory-program of Permanent revolution.

Revolution is here. The ranks of the international revolutionary movement must be regrouped. Reformists have centralized their forces, defending capital and lying to the proletariat, proposing “democracy” when imperialists use their bayonets of their troops to smash revolution.

Let’s regroup the forces of those who fight for the proletarian revolution, to send to crash the system of the parasite bankers of finance capital. A bunch of parasites of Wall Street, London, Bundesbank and Paris bankers, in a fictitious and speculative way, have make increased the prices of the food into a 100% in the world market and the future markets.

Seven cereal companies which control commodities world trade, at times when world production has doubled, have discharged the worst increase of bread and food prices in the planet. They bet on commodities prices in the “future markets” in the stock exchange of Chicago. Meanwhile, they stock up the production, as vulgar stokers of the world food.

In Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen is the advanced fight against this bunch of imperialist parasites.

World working class, fiercely attacked by this rotten system, must place all its forces and fight together with its class brothers of Maghreb and Middle East. Because all the interest of the world working class are played there.

Imperialism has understood it and has also centralized its forces.
Let’s declare the class war to all the imperialist troops and its servants governments and puppets of the colonial and semi colonial countries!

For the world working class live, imperialism must die!
All power to the militia and the organizations that revolutionary masses have set up in Libya, the entire Northern Africa and Middle East!
European working class must launch the counteroffensive now against the imperialist counterrevolutionary regimes and governments!

US working class must break with Obama and set up, despite and against the treacherous union bureaucracy of the ALF-CIO. In USA, workers from Wisconsin retake the path of the antiimperialist fight against the war of Iraq that it was led by the Oakland dock workers yesterday. Wisconsin workers state that “we have to fight as in Egypt”. Let’s start this fight and combat!

Whether you are for the success of the working class taking power, or for diverting the fight in “elections” and “Constituent Assemblies”; whether for the path of the socialist revolution or for the path of the “democratic revolution”.

It is necessary and urgent to regroup revolutionaries healthy forces. It is necessary to call an International Conference of the Principist Trotskyism and the Revolutionary Workers Organizations that fight for the success of the worker socialist revolution that has started all across Northern Africa and Middle East.
This is what we fight for in the Internationalist Leninist Trotskyists Fracion
March 21st, 2011

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