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This May Day…
that are massacred by al Assad the Jackal on behalf of imperialism with the help of Putin, Hu jintao, the Bolivarians and the other native bourgeoisies
A revolutionary and internationalist groupment of different student and worker currents and organizations worldwide, in a moment when huge detachments of the working class as in US, Germany, Egypt, Spain, etc, entered the battle staging a militant May Dayof strikes, barricades and harsh clashes with the police, starting to break the encirclement imposed to the martyred exploited in Syria, albeit all the left leaderships in the world go on keeping quiet.And also despite those parties that now, after the Syrian masses left several thousand martyrs on the streets, say that they were always supporting them against the massacre of al-Assad, but speaking with two mouths, they actually don’t propose either a single militant measure or an action of concrete solidarity with the Syrian workers and exploited. |
March 2012 - Statement of the internationalist workers of Brazil supporting the revolutionary exploited masses of Syria who are being slaughtered by the jackal Al-Assad on behalf of imperialism see
25/04/2012 - Pronouncement of the JRCL (Japan): Denounce the slaughter of the Syrian masses by the Assad government! see
30/04/2012 - Adhesion of ACES - Metropolitan Region to the Statement of the Tripoli (Libya) dockworkers on the International May Day see
01/05/2012 - Pronouncement of "El Topo Obrero" (Venezuela): "We endorse the call of militant solidarity of the Libyan militias" see
Stop doing the talking without doing the walking! Let’s all the worker organizations send food, medicines and organize international worker brigades to go and fight alongside the Syrian workers and oppresed! It is necessary to fence all the Syrian Embassies of al-Assad all over the world! The world working class must take the streets with strikes, walkouts, rallies, blockades and other militant actions in solidarity with the Syrian masses and to put an end to the massacre by butcher al-Assad!
that abandoned to their fate and isolated the Syrian exploited:
In Libya, the working class, the exploited masses and their militia are the vanguard in breaking the fence established by the servants of imperialism against the Syrian exploited, not only because the had their martyrs fighting in the streets of Homs, Deraa and all the cities and towns of Syria, but also because they have risen a program to unite the ranas of the internaitonal proletariat alongside the Syrian masses, as that which was voted by the dockworkers in tTripoli in their Assembly on April 24th, that reads: “Today in Libya we need a new revolution, and if we have to do ten revolutions, we will. And if we need 20 revolutions in Libya and in Syria, we will do them, too. Either we get to live decently or we will die fighting for it. You should hear, you the managers, chiefs and bosses: we will not rest unless we get all our demands fulfilled; if we have to close the port and block the arrival and departure of goods, we will, and if we have to take our rifles and execute all the bosses, we will also do taht. We won’t give up the blood of our martyrs”.
Thus, the vanguard of the Libyan working class and its militias, after 42 years under the gravestone of Qadafy’s bloody dictatrship, stand up and mark the right way to follow to the world proletariat, signaling it how to fight. Long live the program of the heroic port workers of Tripoli! This is a witty fighting motion against the capitalists, and it should be taken in their hands by the global working class. This motion is flesh and bones in Misratah, Libya in the exploited masses that with their fighting organizations and through a powerful revolutionary general strike is confronting openly the Qadafyist generals and politicians of the NTC, whom they have expeled from that city.
This motion launched from the revolutionary workers in Trípoli, is the program for re founding the Libyan worker movement, which today to conquer bread, jobs, national independence and all the rest of its just demands must recoup the oil thas is sacked by the imperialist powers; they must expropriate it without compensation and under workers’ control, and defeat the NTC taht came to expropriate their heroic revolution; they must settle their own power based on their armed bodies of self-organization and direct democracy.
Precisely for taking the power in their hands, the Libyan workers need a revolutionary leadership, which is being fogrd slowly in the very battlefield. But this task cannot lie only in the hands of the heroic Libyan exploited; it is a responsibility that must be assumed immediately by the World working class, its revolutionary worker organizations and the healthy forces of the internacional Trotskyist movement.
If this revolutionary leadership has not been able to stand up with all the strength needed and available, it is not a responsibility of the combative Libyan masses, but the guilt of all the reformist leaderships, beginning with the social-imperialist parties in Europe, that keep a vicious silence, not wanting to say that the working class is obliged to take the power if it wants to get the slightest gain, therefore these leaderships are always exerting all their pressure against the emergence of such a revolutionary leadership.
This is not done capriciously: they are working against the emergence of such a party when in Libya the conditions are more than mature for the working class and the masses, with their militia and their armed dual power, putting up upon the ruins of the ourgeoisie, the government of the exploited (that is to say: the protetarian dictatorship).
They ought to tell the truth! These parties and reformist leaderships are enemies to the masses’ defeating the bourgeois power! That’s why some of them have constructed a mountain of slanders against the Libyan revolutionary masses, while others shut up about the Libyan masses being mature to take power, because those currents support the “Constituent Assemblies”, with which imperialism and the lackey bourgeoisies try to impose the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt the parliamentary diversion. This they do to numb the masses, stage precise counterrevolutionary putsches and prepare a terrible carnage (as that in course in Syria since early 2011) to drown in a bloodbath the revolution that is alive in the North of Africa and the Middle East.
To take power, the Libyan working class that has started to stand up, must pull to their side in rebelion the million Egyptian and tnisian class brothers and sisters that make the worst menial jobs in Libya, under the demand or “Equal wage for equal pay!”, so to unite the worker ranks against imperialism and its lackets of the NTC.
These are today the decisive tasks. The wild genocide by al-Assad on behalf of all the imperialist powers against the Syrian exploited, and the new massacres that imperialism and its puppet “transitional” governments are perpetrating against dozens of workers and youth in Egypt in the hands of the murderous army of the Military Junta –a continuator to Mubarak’s- are a showcase of what is waiting for the exploited all over the region if the proletariat and the oppressed masses are not able to take power and reach victory for the revolution that they have initiated.
For the victory of the trae revolution of the factory comités, the worker councils and their militias in Libya and all over the region! This May Day the war cry of the Libyan workers and their militias is, let’s stand up alongside the Syrian masses!
This fight of the Libyan workers and their millitias, which are the vanguard in the battle for breaking the encirclement imposed around the Syrian masses, is the same battle that we have been promoting together with them, different organizations at a world level, as the Committee for the Support of the Syrian Masses (Argentina) commprising militant students, worker organizations and diverse left currents. The mentioned committee emerged from a Commission formed by militant students of the Facultad de Filosofia y Letras (University College of Literature and Human Sciences) of the UBA (University of Buenos Aires) and the Youth Section of the LOI-CI Democracia Obrera (International Workers League-Worker Democracy); last March 24th, thirty six years after the genocidal military coup that ravaged Argentina in the ‘70s, that Commission marched all across downtown Buenos Aires with canvases painted with slogans in defense of the Syrian masses and against al-Assad’s massacre.
Then, many more gropups entered that comité, as the Factory Comittee of the Workers of Paty (a meat-processing and packing company), the members of the Grupo Torre (Turret Group), of Izquierda Socialista (Socialist Left), of Comuna socialista (Socialist Commune), of Corriente Obrera Revolucionaria (Revolutionary Worker Current) and La Cigarra – an Association of former political prisoners, and of course the LOI-CI, a member of the FLTI (Internationalist Leninist Trotskyist Fracion).
This Committee for the Support of the Syrian Masses organized last March 27th a Public Meeting and debate for Syria in the premises of the Facultad de Filosofia y Letras of the UBA; however not all the signatories that convened the meeting put their whole forces to guarantee it; so some currents boycotted in the practice the only effective solidarity action with the Syrian masses that was performed in Argentina.
Moreover, some of those currents, as Izquierda Socialista, a member of the UIT-CI attended and had speakers in a meeting that was held in Tunisia (the Capital City) on May Day, which had been also convened by the UGTT (the Tunisian Central Union that call the Tunisian mases to trust the fraudulent constituent Assembly); no action was voted in that meeting in Tunisia in favor of the Syrian masses, while they were massacred by al-Assad the Assassin.Meanwhile, the same Izquierda socialista together with the “FIT” (Frente de Izuierda y los Trabajadores = Left and Workers’ Front, an electoral coalition integrated by Izquierda Socialista together with Partido Obrero and PTS) the three currents realized a public meeting for May Day in the International Workers’ Day in which they “forgot” to call the working class to take in its hands the fight in solidarity to the Syrian exploited.
However, in spite of the attitude of these currents, the Public Meeting/Lectura and Debate realizad in the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras was an enormous succeess in favor of the Syrian masses and against the mean silence of the world left. Also there we had a direct communication with representatives of the Libyan workers, dockworkers and militias, who are the vanguard in the fight for breaking the fence around the Syrian masses.
Tus in Argentina an Internationalist Comité stands up again in defense of and solidarity with the Syrian, Libyan masess and of those all over the region, after Convergencia Socialista and the group called Popular Assemblies went suddenly away from the then “International Committe in defense of the Libyan Masses and of their fighting popular and worker organizations” that had emerged last year, because they didn’t want to do any solidarity action with the Syrian masses, without giving any explanation.
In Brazil, the Internacional Comité in support of the revolutionaries in Libya and Syria, comprising the comrades of the Revolutioanry Movement and the Fraccion Leninista Trotskista Internacional (FLTI), has just promoted in the congreso of CONLUTAS held in Brazil, a great campaign in defense of the Syrian masses, to which adhered dozens of delegates from some organizations from the Americas, Europe and the resto f the world that were present there, notwithstanding the silence of the LIT and the entire official leadership of CONLUTAS which didn’t put to vote the motion of dozens of delegates that wanted to do somethig to fight in defense of the Syrian masses.
In Chile, the high school students of the ACES (students union) in spite of and against their leaderships, took as theirs the motion promoted by the dockworkers of Trípoli from Libya. Long live the militant internationalism of the young fighters of the ACES who stand up alongdside the Syrian and Libyan masses!
From Japan, the comrades of the JRCL-RMF (Japanese Revolutionary Communist League-Revolutionary Marxist Fraction) denounse and confront the assassin al-Assad that massacres the Syrian masses. This was a decisive voice coming from a revolutionary current in an imperialist country, in defense of the exploited of a semicolonial country, as Syria.
Bravely, the Corriente Socialista Revolucionaria, El Topo Obrero (Revolutionary socialist Current-The Worker Mole), in Venezuela adhered to the communiqué of the revolutionary combatants of the Libyan militia and the Committe of Internationalist Worker Volunteers that call every worker organization in the world to perform combative actions in the streets in defese of the Syrian masses. The comrades of CSR-El Topo Obrero fight alongside the Syrian exploited in Chavez’s Venezuela, which is the craddle of Qadafy and al-Assad’s friends.
In Zimbabwe, dozens of worker organizations performed a public meeting in the City of Harare (the Capital), where the revolutionary workers of the Workers International League –integrating the FLTI, brought the motion that the coloured workers of zimbabwe –one of the most exploited proletariats in the world- had to stand up alongside the martyred Syrian masses, taking as theirs the program of the dockworkers of Tripoli.
This campaign is also promoted by (and has adhered to) the FLTI, integrated by the Workers International League, of Zimbabwe, the Liga Trotskista Internacional (internacional Trotskyist League - LTI) of Bolivia, the Partido Obrero Internacionalista – Cuarta Internacional (POI-CI) of Chile, the Grupo Socialista Revolucionario Trotskista Leninista, “Los Comuneros” (Leninist Trotskyist Revolutionary Group – “The Communnards”) of Colombia, the Comité pela Refundacao da IV Internacional (Comité for the foundation anew of the Fourth International) of San Pablo, Brasil; the Liga Trotskista Internacional of Perú, the Núcleo Obrero Revolucionario (Revolutionary Worker Nucleum) of Perú, and the Liga Obrera Internacionalista – Cuarta Internacional of Argentina
This campaign we promote not in the workds but in the facts; not with “solidarity proclamations” in general, but through appeals to the World working class and its fighting organizations to perform actions in the strets in defense of the martyred Syrian masses, like the dockworkers of Tripoli ask for in the resolution voten in their assembly and also the revolutionary Combatants of the Libyan Militias and of the Internationalist Worler Colunteers comittee; they state: “Let’s organize an extense fundraising in all the unions and the worker organizations in Libia, tunisia and Egypt in order to send money, weapons, medicines and to call for going to combat to Syria with International Brigades alongside the Libyan militias that are already there together with our Syrian brothers and sisters.”