back to the index of the Northern Africa revolution Endorsement to the International Committee in support to Syrian masses. From ACES (High School Students Coordinator Assembly), we endorse to the International Committee to support to Syrian masses, massacred by butcher Al-Assad on behalf of imperialism. We cannot waste any more time, because blood is running from our class brothers and sisters of Syria. This is why we call all the student and worker militant organizations to join this campaign, especially to the Zengakuren youth in Japan, with whom we fought side by side last year for free education, funded with copper renationalization and for the freedom to all of our imprisoned comrades in regime’s jails. Now we look forward doing it again, this time for the triumph of socialist revolution in Syria to take there as much help as possible collecting medicines, clothes, money and volunteers to fight together as Tunisian, Libyan and Palestine workers are doing now from their organizations. ACES |