July, 6th 2012 


Some day ago, Lugo  massacred peasants that were fighting for land in Curuguaty, the same as today Morales and Humala do in  Bolivia and Peru; as the murderous regime of Uribe-Santos is doing with his army, his paramilitary gangs and the US military bases against the Colombian workers and peasants…

Monsanto, the other agrochemical-transgenic seed-food processor, etc. transnationals and the pro-imperialist Paraguayan national bourgeoisie dislodged Lugo from power through a "palace coup",

as Lugo, their manager in cassock, was not suitable to crush the peasant uprising

Down with the Stroessnerite regime of the Colorado Party, the Catholic Church, the landowner oligarchy, the murderous soldiers and imperialism, with their puppet Parliament!

Out with the illegitimate Government of Franco!

Let’s smash reaction, Monsanto and all the corporations!

The land is for the peasants! Bread and decent jobs for the workers!

For committees of workers, rural workers and peasants!

To disarm the murderous police and crush the paramilitary thugs of landowners and transnationals

Worker and peasant militia!

For committees of rank and file soldiers!

For a Revolutionary General Strike!

- As Lora’s POR, in the footsteps of Stalinism and Fidel Castro... 
"Opcion Obrera" (Workers’ Option) current of Venezuela is searching for a "Democratic" General see

- The policy of the bureaucracy of the CNT and CUT-A, sustained by the WSF
Has transformed the Paraguayan working-class into cheap labor to supply the MNCs in MERCOSUR

- We reproduce below an interview to a Paraguayan woman worker
Not only the soybean and cereal MNCs eject the peasant masses from their land...
Mining octopuses are devouring everything along their path see

To expel the transnationals and conquer national independence, the land to the peasants, the bread for the working class, and to put an end to the genocidal Stroessnerite regime...

For a provisional Government of workers and peasants

based on the struggle of the working class and poor farmers fighting organizations

Workers and people’s Courts to punish the slaughterers of Curuguaty and all the exploiters who have
their hands stained with worker and peasant blood!

Down with the agreement “North Initiative" of Lugo and the Pentagon!

Out with the US troops under the command of the SURCOM!

 Neither ALBA nor FTA and MERCOSUR! Out with OAS and UNASUR!

For the Socialist United States of North, Central and South America!

On June 15, in Curuguaty, Canindeyú Department on the border with Brazil (Eastern Region of the Paraguay), about 200 km from Asunción, a merciless repression broke against peasants who had been claiming, for weeks, for what is theirs: a plot of land. Farmers were taking thus the resolution of their problems in their own hands having to fight directly for their rights to have land for a living! In Morombi estate,  70 thousand hectares in the hands a landowner, Blas Riquelme (former - President of and Senator for the Colorado Party who supported the decades long dictatorship of General Stroessner), the dispute was about 2,000 hectares that belong to the Paraguayan State and which Blas Riquelme had stolen, grabbing the land illegally and without paying for it. Having being sent and blessed by Lugo, the Paraguayan police murderous agents - the custodians of property of the landowner oligarchy and the multinationals Monsanto and Cargill – massacred 11 peasants.

This massacre is not a new or even isolated fact; it is a snapshot of the martyred everyday life of millions of peasants who have been dispossessed of their lands. Under the Stroessnerite regime that it still alive and well albeit disguised under the puppet Parliament and fake “democracy” set up after the dictator’s death, hundreds and hundreds of peasants have been killed even after 1989 victims of a savage repression at the hands of the military forces and the private armies of the landowner oligarchy.
Lugo, under his "Christian" cassock and while sending his police to massacre peasants, intended to make an inventory of all the Paraguayan land to set up a masquerade of "order" in the property in the countryside; his intention was to be able to cover with a legal mantle the status quo, so that the landowners and MNCs continue stealing and plundering the land. You could not wait another action from the same Lugo which decreed time and again the "State of emergency" and through signing of the "Initiative Zona Norte" (2010) agreement allowed the deployment of American troops on the Paraguayan border with Brazil.
The "Bolivarians" and the World Social Forum want to hide that Lugo has been sending his counter-revolutionary troops to massacre the exploited masses and defend the interests of the landowner oligarchy, the agrochemical-seed, etc. MNCs and the whole set of capitalists. Lugo has acted like Morales in Bolivia, who represses and massacres the peasants of TIPNIS! He did the same as Humala does with the peasants and miners in Peru! Or like Kirchner that sends the gendarmerie to suppress every workers’ struggle that emerge as she is doing against the oil workers of Cerro Dragon in Chubut, and as she massacred the workers who fought for housing in the Indoamericano Park in 2010! Lugo has been like Lula-Rousseff that militarized all the favelas, massacred the people in Pinherinho and support the fazendeiros’ private armies in the countryside!
This is the true face of the "Bolivarian" Governments who, once taken off their masks and verbosity, are the same as the Piñeras, the Santos and the rest of the rulers of the "FTA" countries: all of them are suppressors and murderers of workers and peasants. The "Bolivarians" and the Governments of the "FTA" are which guarantee to imperialism the looting of natural resources, the wealth of the nations and the super exploitation of the workers in the whole Americas! Obama and Wall Street parasites use them indistinctly because they are both faithful guardians of the super profits of the MNCs and the imperialist banks!

Lugo has had a free hand to attack the peasant masses, because the powerful Paraguayan working class has been submitted by the trade union bureaucracy to the bourgeoisie and its institutions

These persistent massacres in the countryside could be carried out because the bourgeoisie had free hands thanks to the collaboration provided by the Castroites and the Stalinist currents that subjected the labor organizations and the Trade Union Federation (CNT) to Lugo, the "human" face covering the directory boards of Monsanto and the other MNCs.
In this way they prevented the Paraguayan working class – which had stood up with General strikes at the heat of the early 21st century Latin American Revolution – from sweeping away  the infamous Stroessnerite regime, expropriating the landowners without compensation and giving the land to the peasants.
The treacherous directions, grouped in the World Social Forum (WSF), put the combative Paraguayan working class on its knees: a labor movement that even came to conquer semi-independent from the bourgeois state organizations, as happened in the ‘80s, with the struggles of the construction workers in Yacireta and Itaipu mega-dams. There the workers’ democracy had been imposed to such an extent that the delegates should go from worker to worker to collect the trade union dues to each workplace personally.
  The strength of Paraguayan working-class throws overboard the whole (petty bourgeois) social democratic concept that defines the strength of the proletariat by its number and not, as stated by revolutionary Marxism, for its role in the productive process.
The Paraguayan construction workers are who built the Itaipu and Yaciretá hydroelectric dams their hands, muscle and blood. In those two monumental works, among the most powerful in the Americas, hundreds of workers were killed by the terrible working conditions that they were submitted to by the employers, the Government and the trade union bureaucracy (It would suffice to stop by there to see their names written by their companions and relatives with letters of acute pain that resemble those heroes of the Latin American working class)
Both Itaipu and Yacireta are hydroelectric dams which supply energy to the MNCs installed in MERCOSUR. It would suffice for the Paraguayan workers to close the power supply to stop all factories and projects of the MERCOSUR’s transnationals, which Lugo defended with his murderous police before being deposed. This same example, a clear demonstration of how powerful is the working class for its role in the production could be spread to the entire Bolivian proletariat since the gas they extract complete the energy demand of the parasitic bosses of the Southern Cone.
For this reason, today, after the "palace coup" which seeks to maintain and deepen the business of the cereal-agrochemical, etc., and the rest of the MNCs, both for the latter as well as for the Government and the Stroessnerite regime, it is a matter of life and death that the bureaucracies of the CNT and the CUT-A, as well as the class-collaborationist leaderships of the World Social Forum, do continue controlling, tethering, and subjecting the powerful Paraguayan working class the bourgeoisie and its institutions of domination.


The peasant response in Curuguaty was facing the looting and theft of the transnationals and the landowner oligarchy

But this time in Curuguaty the Paraguayan peasants exercised their legitimate right to defend themselves with the method of the civil war; that is returning to the path of the revolutionary masses of Libya and Syria albeit in an embryonic fashion. So it was that on June 15, during the confrontation, 6 policemen fell dead (including 1 Commissioner). Long live the sacred and legitimate right of the peasants to take justice with their own hands against their executioners!
The "Bolivarian" governments and the reformist currents that follow them as "the shadow to the body", have reacted before this use by peasants of the right to exercise self-defense calling it a "mounted provocation" that was "organized by the right-wing agents". Do they want to tell us that large agrochemical-seed-transgenic technology-etc., giants such as Monsanto and Cargill are arming peasants - whom themselves they have stripped of their land and massacred without mercy - so they could face the military forces, the caregivers - even with their lives – of the private ownership of the landowners?
This is not new in the mouth of the "Bolivarians" and their flattering cohorts of the reformist left. The same accusations and slander was made to the heroic militias in Libya that overthrew dictator Qadafy; these they called them "the NATO ground troops". The same they said about the exploited in the Syrian resistance confronting the massacre and genocide launched on them by Al-Assad on account of imperialism. They are thoroughly against the peasant and worker militias’ setting up to confront the murderous forces of the bourgeoisie! They are against the masses’ arming themselves to crush anti worker regimes and Governments!
Landless peasants prompted to organize their self-defense, to confront the police repression, precisely, is what can pro-bosses politicians, the imperialist MNCs like Monsanto, Cargill and the whole of the bourgeoisie and the Paraguayan oligarchy hardly afford.
In order to extend the land suitable for growing soybeans for export to the world market and to China in particular, Monsanto and the transnationals have dismantled entire areas of the Paraguayan countryside (including forest-covered land). This has added value to the land in recent years and deepened to huge extents the struggle in the countryside where millions of small parcel and landless peasants, are facing a handful of parasites of the oligarchy and the transnationals that subjugate Paraguay with iron hand; before it happened during with the long and cruel dictatorship of Stroessner (1954-1989) and now with the "democracy" of the electoral fraud of the Colorado Party and the Church that supported Stroessner. An 85% of the land, some 30 million hectares, is in the hands of 2% of the owners. Only soy is grown over 3 million hectares, with a production around the 7 million tons in 2010; if we take the price of a ton of soy on the Chicago market today (U$S approximately 530) (now it has gone much higher even to historic levels, NT) we are talking of U$S 3.710 billion!
Monsanto, Cargill, and the large agrochemical, breadbasket and comestible oil transnationals have transformed the Paraguayan Chaco, the Bolivian eastern part where the oligarchy of Santa Cruz lives, and the Brazilian States bordering East Paraguay dominated by the "brasiguayos" (they are called so because, coming from Brazil, after 2 years of living in a Paraguayan area, which land they have robbed from the native peasants in the same fashion as the native landowners do –at gun point-, they dominate it and even enjoy the same or more rights than a native farmer; lots of them are “elected” as mayors, justices, etc. and have also private armies of thugs, NT) fazendeiros in a "Wet Pampa"-bis (“Wet Pampa” is the name given in Argentina to the very fertile lands in Uruguay and Center-Eastern  planes in Argentina, with appropriate rainfall and temperature to grow fine cereals and sunflower, and which enjoys even today, after years of environmental disasters, one of the most abundant layers of black humus in the planet, NT) without taking into account the environmental impact, the deterioration of the soil that deforestation produces and much less any concern for the life and interests of the peasants, workers and settlers. The powers that be very conveniently repress and massacre them with their private armies and the State security forces, besides poisoning them and their animals with their state-of-the-art herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers.
Monsanto, Mitsubishi (which with its companies produce agro chemicals and machines in Brazil) and the Argentina Grobocopatel soy-growers and biofuels group have partnered to exploit the land throughout the region, and thus a new market that does not correspond with the old national borders have been configured. Controlling the entire production process, from the production of seeds, fertilizers, herbicides, marketing and storage of soybean with high labour productivity, these monopolies have joined the parasitic oligarchy of the Paraguayan land and are not willing to landless peasants dare to attack their interests.
The transnationals shape new zones of influence and markets across national borders, according to their interests, to plunder the riches and super exploit the labor force; but at the same time, they care very well for national armies, that they arm themselves to the teeth and reinforce with imperialist troops and paramilitary gangs to crush the uprisings of the worker and peasant masses against the imperialist yoke.


With the dismissal of Lugo, Monsanto and the Paraguayan oligarchy gave a palace coup to ensure the yoke on the workers and peasants, based on the Bonapartist regime of Stroessner’s and the Colorado Party
To defend these businesses and continue plundering the region, Monsanto, Zuccolillo Group –Cargill’s junior partner in Paraguay and owner of the main media in that country-, and the whole of the bourgeoisie and the Paraguayan oligarchy decided to dismiss Lugo, as to a vulgar employee who has already stopped to work, because he did not guarantee control on its own social base: the landless peasants.
Lugo, the so much praised “Bishop of the Theology of liberation" who always defended the interests of the oligarchy and the transnational, was who "regulated" the conflict between the dispossessed peasants and the landowner oligarchy. Whether the struggle of peasants in Curuguaty generalized, it could call into question the ownership of land, and Monsanto and other MNCs are no more willing to "regulate” that continued conflict. Transnational corporations, in the middle of the crac of capitalist world economy, need to redouble the looting and ensure every penny of their super profits, at times which the businesses blanket has shrunk and they won't share either the agricultural income or the surplus extracted from the labor movement across the MERCOSUR countries.
The Lugo Government emerged after the Stroessnerite regime managed to contain the pre-revolutionary situation in which, with general strikes and the struggle for land in the field, the working class and the impoverished masses of the countryside had entered in 2000-2001 as part of the rise of the Latin American Revolution (Ecuador, Argentina and later, Bolivia). The submission of the working class to the bourgeoisie imposed by the bureaucracy of the CNT, broke the working and peasant Alliance. The Stroessnerite regime, an absolute Bonapartism based on the Colorado Party as unique party and the Church, wore new costumes and updated his ways sending an appendix of the party - the Authentic Liberal Radical Party (PRLA) – to sign an agreement with the priests of the "Theology of Liberation " to wash its face, and bless once more the swords of the Stroessnerite soldiers for keeping at bay the activity of the working class and the masses of the countryside as ever.
The leaderships of the World Social Forum and the reformist left, who were those who varnished Lugo of "Bolivarian", now say that this had conceded "too many concessions to and agreements with the right", while his ascent to power had been born of a pact with the Colorado Party to contain the struggle of the masses! Lugo was from the beginning a direct agent of the MNCs and the landed oligarchy, who sent the police to suppress the struggle of the workers and peasants, and never tried to even a lukewarm agrarian reform; he only said he was going to make an inventory of the available lands, while the landlords and the transnationals were stealing unmolested the lands of the State.
The World Social Forum and the reformist left say that in Paraguay what happened was a "pro-US coup as in Honduras in 2009”. But this analogy is false. In Honduras U.S. imperialism with its military base disciplined the bourgeois fraction of Zelaya’s, which seeking to bargain business to their imperialist masters at an inopportune timing; because Zelaya’s attempt came at a time in which the "Bolivarian" Governments having already fulfilled their role of expropriating the Latin American Revolution, had directly subordinated to Obama and Wall Street. On the contrary, in Paraguay what they had was a palace coup; i.e., the same CEOs of the transnationals and the bourgeoisie and landed oligarchy who hold power in the Stroessnerite regime, decided to change the Government, that is, the manager who tended to the whole of their business, because he had exhausted his utility.
  For this infamous regime, the security and law enforcement forces can be never put into question, and even when Lugo had dismissed his Minister of the Interior naming instead a member of the Colorado Party, the MNCs had already decided the dismissal of their "employee" for "breaching his tasks"; that is, he could not prevent anymore some sectors of the landless movement from facing the murderous police methods with civil war, thus entering the direct fight to regain their land.
This is the truth. Therefore it is a vile infamy the accusation by reformist currents presenting as a "mounted provocation" the combat of peasants in Curuguaty, where the latter did justice with 6 policemen sent by Lugo, the Church and the Colorados. This lie intends to whitewash the murderous police whose hands are long stained with blood as they are guarding at gun point the property of scoundrels of the likes of Blas Riquelme. They want to make the exploited of the continent believe that those henchmen were killed by their own bosses, while they were the farmers who exerted their legitimate right to self-defense.
For this reason, Monsanto and the landowner oligarchy, knowing that they were before the start of a revolt of the peasant masses, decided to dismiss Lugo for his inability to accomplish the task so well guaranteed by the Bolivarian Morales and Humala; which is the reason why they still maintain their positions.
Using the "old" Colorado Party and its appendix the PRLA - which control the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, the Mayoralties, and all levers of the regime – they carried out a "parliamentary putsch" which was crowned on June 22 with the ousting of Lugo via a light-speed “impeachment”. They placed as President the liberal of the PRLA Federico Franco, who was at the time the Vice President of Paraguay, to give continuity to the Stroessnerite regime that Lugo could no longer guarantee. All the bourgeois media, the "Bolivarians", and also the reformist left of the World Social Forum have hidden that which guaranteed and supervised every step of this "institutional operation" was the Stroessnerite officer’s caste, those military heads trained by US imperialism, those Gurkhas who even accompanied up Lugo, during his orderly outset, to the door of the Government House.


The "Democratic front" of Lugo and the Bolivarians, supported by the World Social Forum and the reformist left, disarms the masses to leave them at the mercy of the counter-revolutionary troops of the Stroessnerite regime

Lugo has accepted his dismissal in an obedient and submissive disposition. Meanwhile a mobilization of workers, peasants, students, and the poor people that came from different parts of the country at the gates of the Parliament to deal with the palace coup of the transnationals, was suppressed.  Lugo gave on in front of the TV cameras, calling for "peace". No peace is possible while the MNCs and the landowners continue killing peasants! There won’t be peace unless the land is in the hands of those who work it!
On 24 June a group of students went to find Lugo at his home to ask him to lead demonstrations against the coup and he was still insisting on calling for "peace". That’s because Lugo, faithful to the interests he defended while in the Government prefers the people accepting martyrdom instead of defending that "democracy", even if it is formal, that he preaches. Lugo and the newly established Front for the Defense of Democracy have already agreed and accepted the timetable of Franco and the den of the bandits of the Stroessnerite Parliament, and began to campaign for the 2013 elections! They do this, because if they really wanted to oppose the coup, Lugo would have to arm the masses, something that he will never allow.
The bourgeoisie prefers to flee as rats as a substitute for the masses to be mobilized and crushing the coup. For example thus happened in Argentina, when Peron escaped by the River Plate in the "Paraguayan gunboat" before the anti-worker and ultra-reactionary military coup named "La Libertadora" in 1955. The same was done by Chavez when the pro-US coup in 2002 in Venezuela; he very cowardly remained hidden while the soldiers walked with their tanks trying to impose the white terror on the exploited masses. Moreover, in Chile, in ‘73 Allende preferred shooting himself better than confronting the ITT-Pinochet coup.
The whole World Social Forum and the "left wing" of the Renegades of Trotskyism (LIT-CI; UIT-CI; PO and PTS in Argentina; the POR-Lora in Bolivia, etc.) have submitted the worker and peasant organizations of the Latin American Continent – beginning with those in Paraguay that are raging in hate while still counting the bodies of the peasants massacred in Curuguaty-, to Lugo’s pacifist strategy. They have made a political front with Lugo (when what would be logical is to set a military front if he had been willing to oppose the coup, which is not the case). Everyone raised a policy of class collaboration with the bourgeoisie, calling all the "democratic organizations" to fight for a "constituent Assembly" against the "illegitimate coup".
Now, what a Democratic Constituent Assembly could be in Paraguay while it is still standing the genocidal caste of officers of Stroessner, the cornerstone of the bourgeois State defending the property of the MNCs and the bourgeoisie? These currents are not even consequent democrats, because if they had been actually for "democracy against the coup" they would have armed the people with the slogan of "each man, a rifle" as the bourgeoisie did in the French Revolution of 1789 against the monarchy. They are enemies of arming workers and poor peasants so they can defend themselves from the counter-revolutionary troops of the murderous police of the Stroessnerite regime. This strategy is a utopian "peaceful-way", now not even to "socialism", as Fidel Castro proclaimed in Chile in the ´70 while Pinochet was preparing his coup of, but to "democracy" without destroying the caste of Stroessnerite officers trained in US.
This policy of subjugation of the worker organizations to the bourgeoisie that the bureaucracy of the CNT and the CUT-A apply has the objective of preventing the working class from rising up independently, breaking every control from and tie with Lugo, fighting in the streets with their own methods of struggle, conquering the armament, scaring the bourgeoisie and imposing the revolutionary general strike to crush the coup. Only thus, the working class, demonstrating that it is prepared to go to the end in the fight against its class enemy, could win over the peasant masses (forging the Alliance of classes) and become the leader of the nation to lead the struggle to demolish the regime of the MNCs and the landowners, to return the land to the peasants and impose in Paraguay the break with imperialism. This is the way workers have to defend "democracy", i.e. with the methods of the proletarian revolution.

Lugo, the Bolivarian and the FSM are not even consequent "Democrats"

Lugo, the "Bolivarians" and the FSM are not willing to oppose the coup, or to raise the formal democratic demands until the end, because this would mean to defeat the Colorado Party and its Stroessnerite regime. The task of the moment is to dissolve the pro-coup d ' état Parliament and the officers’ caste, and this task means there is need to arm the masses, a question that Lugo and the "Bolivarian" are against to because the working class and the armed peasants would also be -sooner than later- attacking the native propertied classes interests and business and the Bolivarian governments –including Lugo’s. Moreover Lugo would never raise this fight, because it was precisely on those institutions of domination –the Colorado Party, the Stroessnerite military, the Church- on which his Government was settled.
The "left wing" of the WSF, the Renegades of Trotskyism, is calling a "constituent Assembly"; but it does not call to dissolve Parliament or the genocidal officers’ caste. Thus, reformist currents use the formal democratic demands, not as a motor that drives the fight against the coup and the Stroessnerite regime and to develop self-organization bodies with direct democracy and the arming of the masses, but as a " fastener around the the neck" of the proletariat to make it submit to Lugo and the "Bolivarians". Thus, Lugo, the "Bolivarians", the WSF and the Renegades of Trotskyism end up imposing a policy of “pressure” on the pro-coup Parliament itself, and even begging help to a sector of the armed forces, looking for “progressive generals” among the Stroessnerite officers, so they return Lugo to office.
The working class is the only one who can carry the fight for the democratic demands until the end rebelling the peasants to defeat the coup, dissolving Parliament and sweeping away the Stroessnerite regime, and along with this resolve the democratic and structural tasks in Paraguay, such as the problems of land and national independence.
To carry out these tasks, which Lugo and the "Bolivarians" are unable to resolve, the worker and peasant masses should be standing workers, agricultural workers and peasants committees, and workers and peasant militia, for disarming the Stroessnerite officers’ caste, dissolve the murderous police and close the Parliament of the coup plotters.
To effectively carry out these tasks, the working class and the exploited masses of the countryside must conquer their own power, dissolving the Parliament of the coup plotters and sweeping away all the institutions of the Stroessnerite regime and its caste of US-trained officers, setting up a worker and peasant government based on the fighting organizations and militias of the working class, agricultural workers and poor peasants to expel US troops and bases, expropriate all the MNCs and the land of the landowner oligarchy without compensation and under the workers’ control.
This is the true "democracy" that in Paraguay will be conquered by expropriating and nationalizing without compensation the land in the hands of the landowner oligarchy and the transnationals, breaking with the bourgeoisie and imperialism. This Government, that would be a million times more democratic than the most extreme of the bourgeois democracies, is the only one who could guarantee even the call to a free and sovereign Constituent Assembly on the basis of the destruction of the Stroessnerite regime and its caste of officers, making the people elect one representative each 5000 electors, taking the entire country as a single district, each representative earning an average wage of a worker, and going back to work when he/she finishes his/her mandate (being recallable at any time the electors are discontented with the representative); it would dissolve the Stroessnerite justices and courts and the presidential institution and break all covenants and agreements with imperialism.

To defeat the palace coup, the Stroessnerite regime, the Government of Franco and the transnationals
Immediate rupture of all labor organizations with the bourgeoisie, its parties and institutions! Out with the class collaborationist leaderships of the CNT and the CUT-A!

For a Revolutionary General Strike!
Let’s set up now a Worker and Peasant Militia!

We must expropriate the expropriators! 
For a Worker and Peasant Government -based on the fighting organizations of the exploited!

Only defeating the class-collaborationist "Democratic front" policy we could effectively confront the coup. To do so, the working class, must be breaking with all subjection to the bourgeoisie, throwing the bureaucracy collaborationist out of the worker organizations, leading the exploited of the countryside and the city, conquering the arming of the masses and seizing the power to set up the power of the exploited. This is the way to conquer the land, the bread, and the national independence.
Down with the Stroessnerite regime, the Colorado Party and its puppet appendices, with its Parliament the transnational’s servant! 
Down the "palace coup" of Monsanto and the transnationals! Down with the illegitimate Government of Franco! Workers and people’s Courts to punish the slaughterers of the peasants of Curuguaty and all the assassins of the poor people of yesterday and today! Neither Lugo, nor Franco and any lackey of imperialism can give land to the peasants and much less bread to the workers!
Stop wetting the Paraguayan soil with worker and peasant’s blood! By committees of workers, agricultural workers and poor peasants!
 To defend the landless peasants from the suppression exerted on them by the private armies of the landowners and the forces of the State: we must set up the workers and peasant militias! For a Revolutionary General Strike! We must go to the barracks to call the brothers, cousins, boyfriends and husbands of those who die fighting for the land, to set up committees of rank and file soldiers, and expel the caste of genocidal Stroessnerite officers, servants to the transnationals. Let’s smash the genocidal caste of officers trained by US imperialism! Dissolution of the murderous police!

That the CNT and the CUT-A Trade Union Centrals, the Carperos League, and all workers and peasant organizations break with Lugo, the transnationals and the bourgeoisie to organize the fight against the Stroessnerite regime! We must kick off the collaborationist bureaucracy!
It is necessary to call from all labor and peasant organizations to voting rank and file delegates and set up a Congress of workers and peasants to fight for national independence, the bread, the land and all the demands of the exploited! The only Government that can give land to peasants, the bread to workers, get the national independence is a worker and peasant government based on the fighting organizations and militias of the working class, the agricultural workers and poor peasants.
The rural workers and the peasants need to solve the problem of the land in Paraguay. We must expropriate and nationalize without compensation all the land in the hands of the landowner oligarchy and the transnational corporations!  For the distribution of land among all farmers claiming to work it with their own hands and without exploiting workers! For the collectivization of land on the basis of the implementation of collective farms, under control of trade unions and committees of agricultural workers, who organize the production by expropriating property, land and all the technology that Monsanto, Cargill and other imperialist transnationals possess!
Expropriation without compensation of the imperialist and all the rest of the banks! For a single State Banks under the control of the workers to give cheap loans to peasants! Out with all the transnationals, nationalization without compensation and under worker control of all their assets, goods and premises! 
Enough of slave work and unemployment! By the sliding scale of wages and work hours! Denunciation of all the treaties that bind the nation to imperialism, beginning with the military agreements with US! Immediate freedom for the political prisoners and acquittal of all the popular fighters!

To organize the continental struggle against the MNCs and their Governments
We should expel the labor bureaucracy and make the labor organizations break with the Bolivarian bourgeoisie and the slaveholder bosses!
Stop submitting the poor peasants and the working class to the different fractions of the native bourgeoisie and the transnationals, which divide the combat of the exploited of the continent country by country!
The Brazilian bourgeoisie and the Government of Dilma Rousseff, while subjecting the working class with the support of the bureaucracy of the CUT and the collaboration of CONLUTAS with its policy of "demanding the Bolivarian Governments", have led the Landless Movement (MST) to a mobilization on the border with Paraguay for the "defense of democracy" to take the dispossessed of the (Brazilian) countryside out of their struggle for the land.
The peasants of the TIPNIS have come to La Paz in Bolivia after a long march in which they suffered starvation, cold and even the death of some of their children, while the bureaucracy of the Central Obrera Boliviana (COB), submitted the workers to the Government of Evo Morales and left isolated the peasants struggle against the MNCs that steal their land. The bureaucrats are against the miners coming again to the stage with their dynamite and that the worker- peasant Alliance comes again into being, because they are trying to avoid a new general strike as that on November 28, 2011 which called into question the Government of Morales and put in the order of the day retrieving the path of the 2003-2005revolution.
Submission to the bourgeoisie is what all trade union bureaucracies of the Americas are imposing. They are paid for that by their bosses. There you can see the US AFL-CIO bureaucracy, to the bureaucracy of the CGT and the CTA of Argentina to the bureaucracy of the CUT in Chile, and thus we could go on with each of the countries of the American continent. This is the same policy of class collaboration that the leaderships of the World Social Forum display, including, unfortunately, the reformist left.
The working class is the only one who may revolt the poor and landless farmers of Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, and all over the continent by imposing the rupture of the worker organizations with the "Bolivarians" and the bourgeoisie! For the revolutionary Alliance of the workers and peasants in the continent!
We have to break this class collaboration policy of the trade union bureaucracies and the collaborator leaderships the World Social Forum! For a Continental Congress of all the worker organizations to impose the break with the "Bolivarians" and the WSF, all of them, servants to Obama and the transnationals!
To expel the transnational it is necessary to fight as the students and the working youth in Chile! We must fight alongside the medical students and health workers, and the peasants of the TIPNIS in Bolivia!

To end with the imperialist looting and crush the transnationals let’s set up again the worker and peasant revolution as in Bolivia in 2003-2005 and its war cry "Gringos out of here! Out with the transnationals!"; the Argentine revolution of 2001 of "that every one of them go away, and not a single one should return!"; the Ecuadorian revolution from 1997 to 2000 and the commune of Oaxaca in 2006’s Mexico!
Down with MERCOSUR and UNASUR of the imperialist transnationals and their servants the “national” Governments! Out with the OAS! Out with the clandestine US military bases in Paraguay, the Malvinas/Falklands NATO base, the bases in Colombia and all the military bases of imperialism in Latin America!

Let us stop the capitalist restoration of the brothers Castro and Obama in Cuba! For the Socialist United States of North, Central, and South America!

For a unified continental struggle from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego to fight alongside the immigrants and the working youth who besiege Wall Street and confront Obama in the heart of the imperialist beast!  They are our true allies in our fight against imperialism, as well as the Syrian martyred masses that face the Jackal of imperialism, al Assad and his genocidal massacres! The allies of the working class are the rebellious masses of North Africa and its vanguard, the Libyan working-class which crushed Qadafy with their militias! Qadafy, Al-Assad, the Egyptian Generals and Zionism are allies of Humala, Morales, Piñera, Dilma, Kirchner, Morales, Chavez, Castro, all servants of Obama and Wall Street!

What the Bolivian and Latin American working class need is an internationalist Revolutionary Party that unifies the combat of the proletariat all over the continent
It must be set up, as part of the struggle to found anew the World Party of socialist revolution under the program and the legacy of the Foundational Congress of the Fourth international in 1938!

To unite its forces the working class needs a revolutionary party that unifies their fighting across borders, which faces the treacherous leaderships of the worker bureaucracies of the continent supported by the Castro and the World Social Forum. We, the Trotskyists of the FLTI who strive to found anew the Fourth International and in setting up that party, endorse the words of Leon Trotsky (1937): "for the Bolshevik Leninists, there is not a most important task than to establish a connection and later on the unification among the different parts of the proletarian organization of the continent, creating a body so well built than any revolutionary vibration of it in Patagonia, immediately impacts, as transmitted by a perfect nervous system in the U.S. proletarian revolutionary organizations. While such a thing does not exist, the task of the Bolshevik Leninists in the American continent will not be carried out".

Julian Juarez and Emilio Guereca
For the National Committee
Liga Obrera Internacionalista- Cuarta Internacional (LOI-CI)/Democracia Obrera in Argentina
Member to the Fracción Leninista Trotskista Internacional (FLTI)

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