July, 6th 2012 


 As Lora’s POR, in the footsteps of Stalinism and Fidel Castro... 
"Opcion Obrera" (Workers’ Option) current of Venezuela is searching for a "Democratic" General

On July 2, Opcion Obrera (member of the international current CRCI (RCFI), of which the EEK of Greece and Argentina’s PO are part) have published a statement against the coup in Paraguay.

In that statement, faithful to their sophistry, "each coup is a brand new phenomenon" they say that the coup against Chavez in 2002 failed due to "the mobilization of the masses and the disagreement of a sector of the armed forces to support it". This is a falsification of the real fight against the coup in Venezuela, because what made the pro-US coup fail was not any "disagreement" in the armed forces, but the emergence of an independent upsurge of the starving masses of workers and people who got down the "hills" (Caracas’ shanty towns, NT) to deal with the coup in their own terms. We insist, which defeated the coup attempt was the working and popular Alliance, which breaking with the control of Chavezism and fraternizing in the streets with the rank and file soldiers, put in the order of the day starting to set up bodies of self-organization, direct democracy and armament of the fighting masses in order to crush the caste of officers (the fundamental pillar of the bourgeois state) and move towards the seizure of power.

More than a "disagreement", what they had was a great covenant to restore Chavez in power (who had fled cowardly as is the tradition of all the native bourgeois) among the caste of officers of the armed forces, the pro-US politicians and imperialism (which had gone beyond the balance of forces established among the classes as an outcome of the Latin American Revolution still alive in Ecuador and Argentina). That agreement of the bourgeoisie and the caste of officers had as a background the fear of revolution... was the fear of the ruling class to lose it all.

From this false definition in Opción Obrera’s article entitled "The coup against Lugo: another lesson for Latin America" an entire program is displayed that proposes that there are sectors of the caste of officers of the armed forces prone to "defend democracy" and "support the mass uprisings". This assertion is nothing more than re-editing the old policy of Stalinism of looking for "progressive" bourgeois sector and "patriotic" military officers. It is the same policy of the Bolivian POR, "Anti-imperialist United Front" (FUA) that subordinated the Worker-Peasant Alliance in 1971 (which had stood up the Popular Assembly) to the allegedly “democratic and popular” General Torres, which ended up opening the way to the Banzerista coup.
The Chilean proletariat already lived a historical tragedy with this policy applied by Fidel Castro in 1973, when he met with Pinochet in his travels to Chile. Castro, together with Allende praised Pinochet as the "democratic general” that had disbanded the "Tancazo" (a failed coup some months before the actual coup by Pinochet, NT). So much so that the Chilean CP, and the Socialist Party and its "Popular Unity" held in a joint statement that: "... the accomplishment of their constitutional duties by the armed forces and the Carabineros (Militarized Police) will discourage right-wing coups (...)". After this, the same "democratic general" Pinochet headed the coup of the ITT and unleashed a bloodbath against the workers and their industrial Cordones (embryonic soviets, NT)

You mean "Democratic Generals" within the caste of officers of the Stroessnerite army? (Forgive us...) Shit! The caste of officers has their hands stained with worker and peasant blood; they are the fundamental pillar of the State which defends the property and the interests of the MNCs and the native bourgeoisie against the workers.
A false "lesson" they want to give as a legacy to the Latin American working class; not only Opción Obrera but all the currents that did not tire of calling to vote for "patriotic" Generals as Chavez. However, the latter has not made another thing that putting Venezuela to kneel before Obama and Wall Street. This strategy prevents the masses from conquering their own weapons and self-determination organizations, fighting independently from the bourgeoisie and its army’s caste of officers.

   This policy of submission of the working class to the bourgeoisie splits the workers’ ranks and prevents the worker and popular Alliance. At the same time it divides us country by country and prevents a unified continental struggle of the working class and the exploited in Latin America against imperialism and the servile bourgeoisie. The breakthrough from hunger, poverty, unemployment, the national submission; the break with imperialism, can't come from the hands of any nationalist bourgeois sector or “patriotic” military. Only the working-class could get that breakthrough, by heading the peasants and the urban poor and joining this fight with its true allies: the American working class that today gets up with its vanguard the immigrant workers and the working youth of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement.





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