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Heated by the world economic crisis, the Tunisian masses respond to the attack of capitalists with the workers and socialist revolution

The heroic revolutionary uprising of masses in Tunisia was born from the conditions imposed by the world economic crisis that blew up in 2007. The world bourgeoisie war cry was: “the costs of the crisis should be paid by the working class and the exploited masses!” In Tunisia, Ben Ali government imposed a terrible unemployment- 60% unemployed youth-, cost of living, miserable wages together with bloody repression against each workers’ and masses’ uprising. 

Facing this situation, since a few years ago, vanguard sectors of Tunisian proletariat have been facing the brutal capitalists’ attack. In the depth of the country, in cities such as Metlaui, Kasserin and Thala, masses went into combat with heavy local struggles against the terrible sufferings. In 2008 and 2009, in Gafsa, thousands of mine workers went on strike and faced the traitors of the UGTT bureaucracy, one of the main sustainers of the government and the bourgeois regime.
Wit these combats, Tunisian working class started to stand up and fight next to their class brothers of Egypt, who participated in a powerful worker uprising led by the textile workers against Mubarak in 2007 and 2008.

During 2010, and in this period of 2011, the crisis of the world capitalist economy becomes more acute. The combats of the working class in North Africa and Middle East also become more acute. A bunch of transnational companies is devoted to hoarding cereal and commodities of the world so that prices go artificially up and in this way, increase the super profit based on the generalized starvation of the exploited people in the planet. Meanwhile, by injecting millions of dollars without any back in the world market generating a terrible inflation that increases even more the misery of the working class and masses, Us imperialism commanded by the butcher Obama goes on and on throwing the crisis of the Wall Street parasites.

It was these sufferings and the previous heroic combats of the working class in the last years what took the Tunisian exploited to draw the conclusion that they should centralize their combats and start a great mass political struggle against the murderer government and regime, servants of imperialism as the only way to conquer bread, jobs and all their demands.

 Tunisia’s combat has awakened the revolutionary rage of the Egyptian masses who overthrew Mubarak´s murderer dictatorship. It also awoke the Libyan exploited people who continue its combats to finish overthrowing Khadafy’s anti worker government. The proletariat and exploited masses’ battle against the bourgeoisie has already extended to Yemen,  Bahrein, Morocco and Angelia where the working class and the exploited people go at the head of great uprisings, rebellions and revolutionary insurrections against their pro imperialist governments and  regimes.
The revolution that has started in Northern Africa and has extended to the Middle East is the revolution against Wall Street imperialist parasites, Obama and the food hoarders such as Cargill, Monsanto, Dreyfus and Bunge that starve the world masses. It is the revolution against the “Wars for oil” commanded by Bush and continued by Obama and the infamous regime of the Yankee “Republicrats” that have massacred hundreds of thousands of exploited people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and all the Middle East so that Exxon, British Petroleum, Chevron, Texaco and  Total´s imperialistic octopuses could obtain millions in super profits.

Let’s expropriate the bloodsuckers of Wall Street! For the expropriation without payment and under workers control of cereal and oil transnationals and all the factories, banks and imperialism’s assets!
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