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Tunisia: As it is already shouted in the streets:

“The whole government and also the president must go out”

Down with the “transition” government, follower of Ben Ali regime!

Out the “Council for protection of revolution” of the “opposite” bourgeoisie and treacherous bureaucrats!

Let the UGTT and the entire worker organizations break with the bourgeoisie!
Out the collaborationist bureaucracy of the UGTT!
All the power to the UGTT based on the factories committees, the unemployed committees and the worker militia!

To conquer bread, work and national Independence:

The self-organized armed masses in struggle must smash the officers’ caste, take power and expropriate imperialism and the lackey bourgeois!


*After Ben Ali falling, the proletarian and masses face the attempt of instauration of a class collaboration government to expropriate the revolution.

The heroic Tunisian masses defeated the police in the streets, looting the police stations and conquering the armament, setting up barricades, fraternizing with the rank and file soldiers, through regional general strikes, , occupying factories, paralyzing the country, and seizing the citadel of power, that is, with a true insurrection,  they imposed on January 14th the revolutionary overthrowing of Ben Ali and his dictatorship of 23 years, unsettling the regime and weakening totally the bourgeois state.
Imperialism and the lackey bourgeoisie recognized perfectly well that they were at the beginning of a great workers and socialist revolution, whose engine is the fight for bread, land, work, freedom and the national independence. That is why to try to close the revolutionary crisis, they immediately place a “transition” government of popular front at the head, commanded by the president Mebazaa, the prime minister Ghannouchi and the union leaders of the UGTT (General Union of Tunisian Workers)

But the working class and the exploited ones in Tunisia showed to be a million times bolder than the “General Staffs” and the “strategists” of the reformist currents that even today are talking about the so-called “democratic revolutions”

A week from the overthrow of Ben Ali and the RCD government, the masses kept winning the streets. This time against the “transition” government, the very bosses that sustained the bloody dictatorship. Tens of thousands of demonstrators arrived from all around Tunisia and surrounded the parliament at the war cry of “We won’t leave here until this government falls”. In a direction opposite to the reformist leaderships, the proletarian and the exploited masses marched towards the UGTT and obliged the treacherous union leaders to resign immediately their positions as ministers of the new government.

 Thus, conquering the true class independence and developing their dual power organisms as those called “Workers comities of protection and supervision of the revolution”, the masses, that is, the wide majority of the people, workers, unemployed workers, students, the ruined middle class of the rural areas and cities, got trust in their own strengths, defeated the collaborationist bureaucracy and set themselves as an aim not to leave a single stone of the infamous regime. Under the heat of their fights, the fire of the revolution got spread to the North of Africa and Middle East, terrorizing the imperialist bourgeoisie and all the factions of the lackey bosses.

*With supplementary revolutionary actions, the masses sweep away the Prime Minister Gannouchi and leave the “transition” government in crisis.


Even the weakest “transition” government of Mebazaa and Ghannouchi tried with some makeover “reforms” to strengthen the institutions of the defeated regime, such as the arch-reactionary parliament, officer’s caste of the army and murderous police. This event enraged masses that saw how “Ali Baba” -Ben Ali- was gone, but the “40 thieves” –The RCD members- were still in key positions of the government. The Tunisian masses draw the conclusion that this “transition” government, far from giving “democracy”, came to expropriate the heroic revolution for bread, work and freedom of the insurrected masses, to save the private property and business of imperialism and the native bourgeoisie.

Even more, the “democratic” ones of today who sustained the autocracy of Ben Ali yesterday, called- together with the imperialist pirates of Sarkozy, Obama and Zapatero- for the businessman to arrive in Tunisia to share again the great business that managed the Ben Ali gang. But the starved masses weren’t going to accept that plan because they, who gave their blood with hundreds of deaths and thousands of wounded, get neither bread nor work nor freedom.  The war cry of the revolution now is: “They stole our wealth; won’t let them to steal our revolution”

During the second fortnight of January and the entire February the combats didn’t stop. The working class imposed their weight with their fighting methods. Demonstrations, strikes, occupation of factories, mobilizations, pickets, occupying the parliament and marches towards the French embassy shouting “Out imperialism, Out the ambassador Boillon!” obliged the “transition” government to give some ultra-partial demands. In several regions the self-determination and direct democracy organisms of the masses in struggle, the “workers committees for protection and supervision of the revolution”, the factory comities, the unemployed committees and the armed workers vigilance comities, had already taken control of the situation establishing a territorial dual power that dissolved the repression forces, took charge of the hospitals’, schools’, and even the municipalities’ working  from where masses expelled all the RCD representatives.

The strength of the revolution that have started in Egypt and Libya, renewed and empowered the fight of the exploited in Tunisia, who again irrupted widely against the “transition” government that the first days of February, announced the assumption of 24 new governors, from which 19 were from the RCD.


On February 20th the masses marched throughout the whole country against the “transition” government, disregarding the announcement of “state of emergency”. In the central square, 200.000 demonstrators surrounded the government palace. A column of workers and the revolutionary youth fought for hours against the police supported by the army. The masses looted business shops and supermarkets. Three police stations were burned in downtown. Five deaths and tens of wounded were the result of the battle.

The masses shouted their slogans of “Gannouchi: go out” “RCD get out”, “enough with lies and masks”, “Out all the ones who want to steal our revolution” and “revolution in Tunisia, revolution in Egypt, take the revolution to the victory” together with proclaims supporting the revolution in Libya.

The other day the Prime Minister Gannouchi was defeated and with him the whole cabinet of RCD members. But this didn’t fulfill what the masses wanted that now declared “All the government must go and also the president”, in regards to the chief of the State Mebaaza, and the new Prime Minister Essebsi.


The army, to which the entire bourgeoisie and the treacherous leaderships described as “defenders of the revolution”, started also to be questioned: “Where is Rachid Ammar (Military of certain degree of popularity) and his promises to “protect the revolution”?” , this was the war cry in the streets during these journeys.

Long live the combat of the Tunisian masses that by their revolutionary actions again show the path to the world proletariat! The only power that the exploited must recognize is a government of the organizations of workers and masses in struggle that based on the generalized armament and self-organization expropriate imperialism to conquer bread and national independence!

*The government of Essebsi and his call to a “Constituent Assembly” supported by the entire bourgeoisie, the union bureaucracy and the reformist leaderships try to stop the revolutionary mass offensive.

The revolution in Tunisia has begun a speed race against the clock. Masses has gone really  very far by imposing a local and regional dual power based on the “Workers committees for protection and supervision of the revolution”, self-determination and direct democracy organisms of the exploited in struggle that still have the unfinished task of winning the rank and file soldiers for the revolution.


But the situation must be defined. In 1917 Lenin warned this situation in the very Russian Revolution in “The April theses”: “This dual power is evident in the existence of two governments: one is the main, the real, the actual government of the bourgeoisie, the “Provisional Government” of Lvov and Co., which holds in its hands all the organs of power; the other is a supplementary and parallel government, a “controlling” government in the shape of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies, which holds no organs of state power, but directly rests on the support of an obvious and indisputable majority of the people, on the armed workers and soldiers.” (...) “There is not the slightest doubt that such an “interlocking” cannot last long. Two powers cannot existin a state. One of them is bound to pass away; and the entire Russian bourgeoisie is already trying its hardest everywhere and in every way to keep out and weaken the Soviets, to reduce them to nought, and to establish the undivided power of the bourgeoisie.”

This, that the bourgeoisie in the Russian revolution of 1917 attempted to do, it is what now is ready to do the “transitional” government under the command of Essebsi who has called to a “Constituent Assembly” for July. In total agreement with the government, twenty-eight “opposition” bourgeoisie political parties, including the Islamic of the Ennahda –that was legalized after 30 years of proscription-, has called in a declaration made in common with the UGTT and the “January 14 Front” of the Tunisian left (Supported by the French NPA and the reformist currents at international level) to set up a “Council for the protection of revolution” to call to a Constituent Assembly”

With the coalition of all the “opposite” sectors to the RCD and their call to “Constituent Assembly” has set up a new trap. They have set up a true popular front whose aim is, as Trotsky said, to deceive, asleep and disorganize the working class and the exploited masses with “parliamentary” or “constituent” illusions, paralyzing the political will of the proletarian that through their collaborationist leaderships is submitted to the bourgeoisie.

With this perfidious policy of class collaboration -that makes nothing else than smooth the way so the reaction and counter-revolution rise up their head-, they want to expropriate the heroic revolution that has started saving the private propriety of imperialist monopolies and the native bourgeoisies. They want to prevent the masses from centralizing their dual power organisms, strengthening their militias, moving forward in splitting the army, smashing the officers’ caste, taking Power and expropriating imperialism and bourgeoisie to conquer bread and all their demands.

The Trotskyists warn to the Tunisian masses that nothing good will come from the “Constituent Assembly” called by the whole bourgeoisie, the UGTT and the reformist left. This is the experience of the Bolivian revolution where the “Constituent”  didn’t give any of the masses’ demands and it was where the agreement between the government of Evo Morales with the oligarchy of the fascist Media Luna and transnationals took place guaranteeing the continuity of the super profits of the imperialist monopolies, plunderers of the Bolivian nation, and allowing the entire bosses to settle a transitional expropriator regime of  revolution.

Facing the worker and socialist revolution that has begun in Tunisia, the only “democratic” thing against the “Constituent Assembly” deceit is that the working class and the exploited masses have bread, work and can free the semi-colonial Tunisia from imperialism. These tasks, as the “transitional government” shows, will never be achieved by any native bourgeoisie's fraction. Only the proletariat, which is the only real national class, with no liaisons to the imperialism, being the oppressed nation leader, can conquer to break with imperialism and expropriate the banks, the factories, the land and all the assets of the transnational and the Tunisian bourgeoisie. Only a government based on the self-organization and armament masses in struggle is the only government that will be able to guarantee bread and work for all the exploited ones of Tunisia. Only the armed masses by seizing power will conquer the democracy up to the end. As Trotsky stated in “Lenin's biographical note”: “The proletariat's dictatorship, Lenin said, represented the highest level of democracy possible for the people's working majority, putting in the workers' hands all the material goods, (buildings for meetings, printing offices for the newspapers, and so on) without the ones the “freedom” is still an illusion”.


The working class and the exploited masses mustn't stop their offensive. It is necessary to demolish and destroy the bourgeoisie state and impose the worker and socialist Republic which will be one million times more democratic than the most democratic of the bourgeois republics. Down with the “transitional” government commanded by Mebazza and his henchman Essebsi! Down with the “Council for the protection of the revolution”! It is necessary to impose the breaking of the worker organizations with the bourgeoisie and imperialism! It is necessary to occupy the police stations and disarm the murderous police to strengthen the workers and popular militias! We have to smash the murderous officers’ caste! We have to set up rank-and-file soldiers committees! We have to develop, extend and centralize the self-determination and direct democracy organisms of the masses in struggle! It is necessary to conquer a National Council with rank and file delegates of the “worker councils for protection and supervision the revolution”, the factory councils, the unemployed councils, the armed worker vigilance councils and the UGTT, that is, a great National Council with workers, rank and file soldiers and masses in struggle, which will have a million times more legitimacy and authority than this government supported by imperialism and the collaborationist leaderships of masses!

TO CONQUER bread, work and national independence…

Facing this real popular front that tries to stand up to support the “transitional” government, the masses must impose the break of the worker organizations, mainly the UGTT, with the bourgeoisie. The union bureaucracy can't keep being at the front of the workers central. The masses have already imposed on the UGTT leadership to take back their ministers from the Gannouchi government, and those bureaucrats once again want to put the proletariat on its knees in front of the bourgeoisie.

As if this wasn't enough, the UGTT's executive committee issued a communicate on February 8th, in a clear defense of the “transitional” government, saying they will “work to reestablish the security, face the anti-revolutionary forces that are trying to destabilize the people, what makes difficult the normal function of the institutions, and that influx negatively in the social environment”. Also, they said that behind the demonstration, the strikes and the occupation of factories is the RCD and calls to sanction all the affiliate members who don't apply the workers union’s discipline. 

For all this, the class-collaborationist bureaucrats CANNOT be any longer leading the UGTT, they hug with the imperialism and the “democratic” bourgeoisie as they used to do it with the murder BenAli, they stand on the other side of the revolutionary workers and youth that put their martyrs, build up the barricades, face and smash the police, spread their blood on the streets with thousands of wounded, occupy the factories and buildings, impose the wages increase and stand the demand of sliding scale of wages and labor hours for the unemployed youth can get work.

Enough of “Councils” and pacts with the bourgeoisie that sustained Ben Ali! We have to take off all the support from the worker organizations to the anti-worker “transitional” government! Down with the class-collaborationist bureaucracy from the UGTT! The UGTT must break with the bourgeoisie and get submitted to the factory committees, to the mass organism in struggle, and the workers militias! All the power to the UGTT, to the workers and masses organizations in struggle, self-organized and armed! It is necessary to prepare a successful insurrection to impose a revolutionary government of the working class and all the masses in struggle, based on their organism of self-determination, direct democracy and armament!
 To conquer bread, work and national independence, the working class leading the majority of the exploited ones of the oppressed nation must fight for an emergency worker program that show the way out to the crisis and free the semi-colonial chains that tied it to the imperialism: We have to expropriate without payment and under workers control all the factories, goods, proprieties and banks from imperialism and the lackey bourgeoisie!

For a single state bank that forbid the debts and give cheap loans to the ruined small traders! Out IMF! Down with all the political, economic and military agreements that tie the oppressed nation to imperialism! For the nationalization of the foreign trade!
Increase of wages for all the workers now! Work for all! For one more shift in all the factories and establishments, reducing the labor hour for all the available hands get to work!

Down with the Ben Ali Constitution and imperialism! Freedom to all the political prisoners! Worker and popular trials to judge and punish all the murders of the working class’ and exploited masses’ martyrs!

For a single revolution in all the North of Africa and Middle East! For international brigades to fight in Libya together with the militias against the Khadafy’s armed gangs!


The revolutionary combat of the masses from Tunisia is a link of a single revolution across Northern Africa and the entire Middle East against imperialist monopolies that plunder the region, super-exploit, doom to starvation and slavery the entire working class and exploited masses of the world.

Tunisian revolution was a great spark that extended to the entire region with enormous masses combats of political struggle for bread and work, against the bourgeois governments and regimes, servants of the imperialism. That’s what we saw in the revolutionary Egypt, where the masses irrupted with the internationalist war cry of: “Viva Tunisia! Out with Mubarak”! And they overthrew autocracy.
In Yemen, Algeria, Mauritania, Jordan, Bahrain, the masses conquered the streets against the anti-worker regimes, monarchies and governments. In Saudi Arabia the bourgeoisie had to give some concessions -for example, 100.000 casual workers passed to permanent contract immediately- as a preventive policy to stop the revolution from irrupting in the country with the biggest oil reserves and productions of the world. In Iran, the masses stood up again and face the government and the anti-worker regime of the Ayatollahs.   

But in the battle of Libya is where the immediate faith of the Tunisian and the entire region revolution is at sake. There the masses with a heroic insurrection and with their militias are facing in civil war the assassin government of Khadafy (which is supported by imperialism); they have won Army’s rank and file in entire regions and keep the control on zones of the country. While the shock forces of mercenaries and troops loyal to Khadafy are massacring the exploited, the “tribes’ bosses” and officers who didn’t shed a single drop of blood and passed in the last minute to the revolution’s side, are trying to transform the combat into a war of bourgeois camps to prevent that masses expropriate the expropriators and seize power. At the same time USA and European powers allow Khadafy smashes rebel Libya and if the masses seize power in Tripoli (Capital City), they are preparing a military intervention covered under NATO and UN in order to strangle revolution.

Tunisian proletariat has a big task ahead with their Libyan class brothers. The regime of Khadafy maintains under its control cities like Ras El Ajdir, Wazin and Nalut; all of them are at the borders with Tunisia. Tunisian Army is waiting there, sent by the “transitional” government in order to prevent the proletariat and masses irrupt in an internationalist revolutionary combat at both sides of the border. UGTT bureaucracy and reformist leaderships will gather in Tunisia on March 19th and 20th, subordinating itself to the bourgeoisie through the “Councils for the protection of revolution” and its call to “Constituent Assembly”; they deny the intervention of the powerful Tunisian working class in the combat to defeat Khadafy’s troops. There is no doubt that if Libyan masses are defeated, the bourgeoisie in Tunisia (in Egypt as well), will be stronger to start a counterrevolutionary offensive against the exploited masses.

The fact that the proletariat break the army by smashing officer’s caste and open the borders so Libyan and Egyptian workers can go to Tunisia to heal, feed, receive arms and organize the common march of the revolutionary offensive, are matters of life or death for the triumph of revolution in Tunisia. One class one fight! For International brigades now to libya to fight together with workers militias to smash Khadafy’s counterrevolutionary forces and fight for a proletarian leadership of the war to lead to triumph the civil war expropriating imperialism and lackey bourgeoisie! The imperialist plunder must end! Rafah wall must be knocked down, destroy the Zionist Fascist State of Israel and release the Palestine masses! US army 5th fleet must be smashed! The entire region must be transformed into the grave of imperialist troops! US protectorate government must be defeated in Iraq! For the triumph of the Iraqi and Afghan resistance! For the defeat of all “panarabic”, “secular” and “Islamic” lackey bourgeoisies, all servants of imperialism, supporters of the Zionist Fascist State of Israel and mass killers of their own peoples!

Imperialist bourgeoisie fears that the revolutionary combats of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Middle East get inside the heart of the proletariat and the exploited of the deep Central and Southern Africa. They are terrified by the idea of the Zimbabwean revolution to come back against the murderous Mugabe; of the masses of Mozambique triumphing against the Stalinist government of the FRELIMO and from the end of the fence imposed over revolutionary Madagascar. For a single and unique revolution in the entire Africa and the Middle East for bread and work, against imperialism, capitalist governments, regimes and states! For a Federation of Socialist Republics of the Northern Africa and the entire Middle East! For a Federation of Socialist Republics of the Southern Africa!
The revolutionary combat in Northern Africa and Middle East must set imperialist Europe in fire. For a revolutionary general strike of the working class all across Europe!

The revolution in Tunisia and masses uprisings all across Northern Africa not only question imperialism’s and its junior partners native bourgeoisie’s interests in the continent. The greatest danger for international financial capital is that a big workers socialist revolution has started in Europe’s “backyard” and it is threatening with entering into the European imperialist powers. Starving masses all across Tunisia and Northern Africa cross Mediterranean Sea in boats arriving in Italy looking something to eat. In Greece masses have shocked the world proletariat a few days ago with their 11th general strike and their combats of barricades against the police of Papandreau’s anti-workers government. In their marches, workers’ columns showed banners that said “Libyan people, you are not alone!” “Don’t give up, we are with you”!. This announcement of internationalist combat is a clear tribute to the immigrant workers who are the heart of the European proletariat.

Because Africa is not only a source of raw materials and minerals that imperialist transnationals plunder, but Tunisia and the rest of the countries of the region are slave labour force suppliers; imperialist powers used millions African workers to do the worst jobs in the imperialist metropolis. Most of the incomes of the workers family in Tunisia come from the remittances sent from Europe by their parents, children or brothers. Many of these immigrant workers, thanks to the union bureaucracies and social-imperialist parties and their reactionary policy of “British jobs for British workers” (just to set an example), were kicked out like dogs and deported to their countries in Africa, leaving in the way hundreds of deaths in Mediterranean Sea.

The combat headed today by revolutionary workers from Tunisia, Libya and Egypt for bread, works and national independence pose to the European masses the best conditions to defeat the attack of imperialist governments and regimes like Papandreu’s, Zapatero’s, Sarkozy’s. Bourgeoisie is scared. The working class can’t waste this chance; the workers from Greece know it and are already fighting with their 11th General Strike. The combats of the working class from Northern Africa and Middle East and those of the European metropolis must be synchronized! One class one struggle! Long live to the combat of the Greek masses against Papandreau’s antiworker government! For the return of general strikes in Spain to defeat Zapatero and Spanish Crown! For the return of strikes kidnapping as hostages bosses and managers in France! Tories office must be set on fire again and this time Buckingham Palace and Labour Party offices too!

European working class must take the flame to the other side of the Mediterranean Sea in order to make Tunisia, Libya and Egypt triumph. On the contrary if revolution on Northern Africa and Middle East is defeated, governments and regimes will be stronger to redouble and deepens the attack against their own working class.

The motion posed by Northern Africa masses, that in order to get bread and works, governments, regimes and capitalist states must be thrown, must triumph in the heart of the imperialist Europe! The spark in Tunisia must cross Mediterranean sea and set on fire again revolutionary Greece but this time workers socialist revolution must reach France, Germany, England, etc! Down with all social-imperialist currents that prevent it!

European workers, who have the key for the triumph of the exploited from the semi-colonies, must stand up fighting now and break with the policy of union bureaucracies and reformist leaderships that called these imperialist governments to “rectify” and “dwindle” the hard attack launched against the working class. European proletariat must conquer immediately a Workers Continental Congress to coordinate a single combat with Tunisian, Libyan and Egyptian masses calling the Revolutionary General Strike all across Europe, under the banners of the combat of “the enemy is at home!”. Down with Maastricht! Down with French 5th Republic! Down with Sarkozy’s assassin government! Down with British and Spanish Crowns! Down with Merkel, Papandreau, Berlusconi and all imperialist governments!

All imperialist transnationals that get their superprofits from the oppressed nations and superexploitation of the working class of the colonial and semicolonial world must be expropriated without compensation and under worker control! Stop the attacks on the immigrant workers! Equal wage for equal jobs for the workers on Northern Africa, imperialist Europe and Easter Europe!
Out with NATO troops! Out with Italians troops that under the command of Berlusconi are patrolling Mediterranean coasts!
For the United Socialist States of Europe from Portugal up to the Russian Steppes! In order working class live, imperialism must die!

US working class must impose its mark. In Wisconsin, public servants are already facing Obama and “republicrats” regime. This combat must generalize all across USA.

Irrupting immediately to help their class brothers that are fighting in Northern Africa and Middle East, is the first task and obligation that US workers have ahead, who have been suffering a savage attack by imperialist butchers. As Karl Marx would say: “a people that oppresses other, will never release itself”. Imperialist war machinery must be stopped from the inside! No more supplies for the imperialist troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and the entire Middle East! For the return of the “Million men workers against war” in USA, with its vanguard, Oakland dock workers! The revolution must be taken inside the imperialist war!

The magnificent revolutionary combativeness of the Tunisian masses and the entire Northern Africa needs a revolutionary leadership to triumph…
For an emergency International Conference of the Trotskyists and Revolutionary Workers Organizations of the world!

Tunisian working class and exploited masses have made heroic actions and have spread their entire revolutionary energy showing that they are will to go up to the end. However, they haven’t seized power yet.

This shows that in order to triumph and to avoid the expropriation of their heroic revolution, Tunisian workers need a revolutionary leadership that expose and face imperialist chief states’ and counterrevolutionary leaderships’ strategies, showing the road to victory and seizure of bourgeois power to the proletariat.

The conditions for the merging of such revolutionary leadership are mature. Revolutionary vanguard in Tunisia has gave plenty leaders all across the country; they are real generals of the revolution. They know each others; they meet every day, they march together. They are the leaders of factory occupations that removed their bosses from their posts; they are the leaders of the “workers committees of protection and supervision of the revolution”, the self-defence committees by neighbourhoods and zones that face the assassin police. They are vanguard battalions of Tunisian working class that understood that in order to get bread, works, decent housing, they have to demolish the citadel of power.

The problem of the Tunisian masses (and all revolutionary workers of Northern Africa, Middle East and the world) is that none of the chief states that all across the world speak on behalf of the working class have called them to seize power with a victorious insurrection. None of these leaderships, that call themselves “revolutionaries” and that even travelled to Tunisia, proclaimed a strategy for the victory of their combat. Again the combat for workers socialist revolution exposes these reformist currents and delimitates clearly before the eyes of the world proletariat who is revolutionary and who isn’t; who is in favour of the masses seizing power and impose a Workers Socialist Republic based on the rubbles of bourgeois power, and who is a servant of the bourgeoisie and common nurse of rotten system with the pseudotheory of “democratic revolution”. Leon Trotsky, referring to the seizure of power, said on his work “The Lessons of October”: “Generally speaking, this is the touchstone whereby the character of the revolutionary party (and of other parties as well) is determined.

The renegades of Trotskyism, Stalinists and Maoists (gathered as 5th International left wing) are rare currents that call themselves “revolutionaries” that when the working class is at the hedge of power they insist it doesn’t take power, because “there isn’t a revolutionary party”. How can be a revolutionary party in Tunisia today, if these same leaderships that talk on behalf of the working class, “socialism”, “against capitalism”, every day submit the proletariat to the democratic bourgeoisie and its regimes?

They are the same currents that meet in their “Congresses” and “Meetings”, like “Countersummit” of Madrid, CONCLAT in Brazil, “Socialism 2010” in USA, etc., where they refuse calling the working class to fight for workers socialist revolution, to end subordinating it to a put pressure on bourgeois governments and regimes policy.

As part of the same policy, French NAP and its party in Tunisia (Workers’ Left League) member of the front “January 14th”, are calling together with the bourgeoisie and union bureaucracy to the “Council for the Protection of Revolution” and also to a “Constituent Assembly. In order to propel this treacherous policy, its leader Olivier Bensancenot travelled to Tunisia. In the same sense Alan Woods and IMT act as advisers of the bosses calling “Constituent Assembly” plus “soviets”, i.e. a typical Hilferding policy of subordinate masses’ selfdetermination organism to bourgeois state. These groups, the renegades of Trotskyism, in the middle of an open revolutionary situation the call to a “Constituent Assembly” as an strategic slogan; i.e. as a noose on the neck of the revolutionary masses, since all bourgeois-democratic slogan keeps its revolutionary value only episodically, and it is subordinated to the fight for soviets and arming of the proletariat. The “Constituent Assembly” called by reformists is nothing but an alternative to the bourgeois power. It is clear that all these currents are enemies of the triumph of the socialist revolution that has started. 

In order to the revolution in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya triumph; for the uprising of European working class against its imperialist governments and regimes; in order Middle East become the grave of imperialist occupation troops and Zionist Fascist State of Israel, the working class needs to centralize its counteroffensive internationally. To achieve that the policy of renegades of Trotskyism, anti-capitalist social-imperialist and reformist parties must be defeated, as well as conquering a revolutionary internationalist leadership.

The combat for setting up this revolutionary leadership isn’t just a task of Tunisian working class, but it is a task of all internationalist Trotskyists forces and workers revolutionary organizations of the world.

As Lenin said on his proclamation on November 1914, this is a matter of life or death: “To the Third International falls the task of organising the proletarian forces for a revolutionary onslaught against the capitalist governments, for civil war against the bourgeoisie of all countries for the capture of political power, for the triumph of socialism!”

That’s why from the ILTF we fight for the world working movement recovers its world revolutionary party, which is 1938 4th International, we call urgently to an International Conference of the principled Trotskyists and revolutionary workers organizations; an International Conference of those who say that: in order to get bread, work and national independence workers socialist revolution must be carried on and seize power!

Julián Juárez and Florencia Barcaz

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