As in ELAC and the “Counter Summit” in Madrid…
Once again the renegades of Trotskyism at the feet of Obama and the Bolivarian bourgeoisies


CONCLAT and its “International Summit”

A new siege for the Bolivian and world worker vanguard

Part II:

- PSTU and PSOL break the CONCLAT to demoralize the Brazilian workers vanguard


- The petty bourgeois left and the 2010 elections

Related article:

Open letter to the whole Brazilian working class and to the working class of the entire American continent: A response of the South African Trotskyists of the FLTI to the invitation of the Conlutas-Intersindical merger Congress and the International Meeting of ELAC... see full statement


Once again, this time in Brazil, the renegades of Trotskyism with the different kind of Morenoism and Mandelism met together with the rest of the reformist leadership, through their policy they have been subordinating the combats of the working class to the bourgeoisie’s interests.  Once again the capital in ruins regrouped the left wing of the 5th International of Chavez, the boli-bourgeoisies of Hu Jintao and the red mandarins of the Chinese CP and the retorationist Castroist bureaucracy.

On June 5th and 6th, in Santos, Brazil, it was held the “merging” congress of the central trade unions CONLUTAS (led by the Morenoist PSTU/LIT) with the INTERSINDICAL (led by the Mandelist of PSOL) under the banner of “Working Class Congress/CONCLAT”.  There were in that congress 3000 delegates representing 3 million workers, showing the desperate enthusiasm in wide vanguard sectors, who thought this congress was the path to unify their forces, facing Lula’s government attacks and kicking the pelega (left) bureaucracy of CUT out.

Besides of CONLUTAS-PSTU/LIT and INTERSINDICAL-PSOL, in that congress, there were MTST (Workers without land Movement), MTL (Land, Work and Freedom Movement), MAS (Trade Union advance Movement) and PO (Worker Pastoral), as they agreed a year ago in the WSF (World Social Forum).

However, that “merging” congress was “broken” (see article) with the excuse about the name that this the “new” central trade union would have.  Let’s say the truth: PSTU and PSOL decided to break CONCLAT in order to get deeper the division that governs among the workers vanguard, and in this way to des-moralize the most militant of the workers layers.

The following day (June 7th) in Playa Grande, PSTU/LIT as well as PSOL “re-merge” again in the “International Summit, Long live the workers international unity”.  There were more than 100 international delegates from America, Europe and Japan.  This “International Summit” is the continuity of ELAC (“Latin America and Caribbean Meeting of Workers”) that in 2008 was set up so through its class collaborationist policy they can submit the proletariat’s left wing of the whole continent to Obama and the Bolivarian bourgeoisies.  It is also the continuity of the recent “Counter-Summit of the peoples” in Madrid where the reformist leaderships get centralized with the policy about a “strong and social European Union”.  With that policy, they stand 180 degree opposite to organize and centralize the combat of Greek workers and of other places of Europe in order to fight the terrible attack of the financial capital parasite and the imperialist governments have launched against the masses.  This shows they are against preparing and organizing the continental general strike so that the working class with its revolutionary combats smashes the imperialist Europe of Maastricht and moves forward the Socialist United State of Europe.

However, in CONCLAT and its “International Summit” there were also Bolivian delegations of Federation of Juntas Vecinales (FeJuVe) of El Alto and La Paz industrial workers who seek an internationalist path in order to confront the Evo Morales popular front government and the collaborationist bureaucracy of COB.  These delegations of Bolivian organizations proposed bravely as a motion to vote the struggle against the Bolivarian bourgeoisie and to fight against the “demagogy” of the bourgeoisies as the one of the popular front government of Evo Morales.  Unfortunately, the “International Summit” voted against this motion, exposing that all the currents in such meeting submit themselves to the bourgeoisie, as to deny denouncing and facing the “bourgeois demagogies against the workers” means to renegade the fight for the revolution and for the revolutionary overthrow of its governments and terrible regimes, servants of imperialism.  Not to denounce nor face “the demagogies of the national bourgeoisies” means to submit the working class country per country to them.  Summing up, the policy voted in the “International Summit” of CONCLAT divides the Latin-America and the world working class in order to siege, drawn and divert any of their attempt to answer to the bourgeois attack by their anti imperialist and revolutionary fight.

Not to confront the bourgeois “demagogy” is: to be a servant of this colored Bush, who is the butcher Obama, who commands the US imperialist slaughter in the world.  It is to renegade from the fight against the Castroist bureaucracy, that together with the imperialism move forward with the capitalist restoration in Cuba and it is going to fire one million workers.  It is to deny to confront those governments that in the name of the “democracy” murder workers, as it was done before by Chavez with thousands of workers and students leaders, Evo Morales who sent the army to kill Huanuni miners, or Lula with its former Agrarian development Ministry, the Mandelist Mighel Rosseto (today he is the chief of PETROBRAS)- who legitimated the action of the “fazendeiros” white guards in order to kill hundreds of peasants without land and at the same time he keeps militarize the favelas into a truly constant slaughter, repression and persecution against the “poor devils” who live all crowded in the hills.

Unfortunately, the reformist leaderships gathered in the “International Summit” are preparing once again to siege the combat of the Bolivian workers and prevent the possibility that the revolution re-opens in that country. CONCLAT is a reaffirmation of ELAC of 2008, organized by the renegades of Trotskyism of PSTU/LIT.  Yesterday they supported the bureaucrat Montes of COB, covering him with “Trotskist” cloth, meanwhile he submitted the militant Bolivian workers to the popular front government of Evo Morales who agreed with the fascist Media Luna, killer of workers and peasants.  Today they are 180 degrees opposite to the combats that the industrial workers of La Paz are involved in, who in 2008 facing the fascist putsch of the Media Luna called to the working class to set up workers militia in order to smash the fascism and now they are shouting “Montes traitor, out of COB!” They are the vanguard in the fight against the counterrevolutionary pacts of the popular front governments and imperialism in the continent.  The collaborationist class program approved in the “International Summit” of CONCLAT is the program that defends and supports Pedro Montes and the collaborationist COBist bureaucracy hatred by the proletariat and layers of the militant masses!

It was correct the warning of WIVL comrades. As a respond to the invitation of CONLUTAS-PSTU, they stated that this CONCLAT with the policy imposed by CONLUTAS and INTERSINDICAL leadership was directed- because of its character of class collaboration- to be a continuity of the trade union congress of the Stalinism in the 30s led by Lombardo Toledano to subordinate the proletariat to the “democratic” imperialism and support the popular front which strangled the Spanish and French revolution in that years. Those betrayals opened the path towards the Second World War that the proletariat had to pay with dozens and dozens of millions of causalities.

As a continuity of the Summit of the Peoples of Madrid:
After splitting CONCLAT, the reformist and collaborationist leaderships centralize their forces in the “International Summit”

The following day after splitting, the CONCLAT, PSTU and PSOL met again.  As a continuity of ELAC in 2008, of the Social Forum in Belen in 2009 and the “counter summit” held in Madrid in May 2010, the “International Summit” of CONCLAT was held on June 7th.  From this summit, besides of PSTU-LIT and PSOL, Jane Slauter leader of Labor Notes, organizations that grouped union oppositions in USA and also from USA Jeff Macler by Socialist Action were there. Also were there: a Japanese delegation head by Teruoka Seichii, member of the Executive Railway National Trade Union of Doro-Chiba and JRCL leader Chukaku-ha; Sotires Martalis member of the Federation of the Public Workers in Greece together with a delegation of the European New Anti Capitalist Party, Christian Mahieux of France and representatives from Spain, Portugal, Swiss, German and Russia.  Didies Dominique also participate of  the union and popular organization Batay Ouvriye from Haiti, Orlando Chirino for C-CURA of the UNT in Venezuela, Juan Barahona representative of the Resistance National Front in Honduras and representatives from Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay and Paraguay.

Nothing good could be expected from those who were in that Summit.  Over there they met again those who after the catastrophe of the earthquake in Haiti- with Batay Ouvriye leading the policy “humanitarian aid: YES, military occupation: No”, to face the US military attack- get denied to call to form workers militia and internationalist workers brigades of doctors, helpers and militants in order to go to help the masses and defeat the imperialist invaders, - of the Minustah of Lula and other Bolivarians- in order to expel them from the island.  The same leaders that yesterday from ELAC in Haiti, never called for the expropriation of food and the capitalist property so the exploited masses can survive in Haiti and Dominican Republic. They have never called for an International Congress of emergency so they could launch an urgent motion to the workers organizations of the continent to launch a fighting plan and the continental General Strike by defeating the collaborationist policy of the bureaucracies from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.  

They met again with the US social patriotic of Alan Benjamin and Clarence Thomas, usurping the combat of the dock workers of the ILWU Local 10 in Oakland, San Francisco Bay that with rallies, strikes, pickets and boycott were the vanguard of the anti-war movement against Bush and the imperialist oil companies. They also smashed the movement for the immigrant rights who called for two general strikes.  In both cases they led this left wing of the US proletariat to the feet of butcher Obama.

All the ones gathered in such meeting were those who to confront the counterrevolutionary coup of Obama and his military base, the United Front, the church and Micheletti in Honduras, get subordinated to Zelaya (the overthrown president) and denied confronting the military coup by applying the methods of the workers revolution, thus, allowing that the Honduras worker and peasant vanguard can be slaughtered.
Those centralizing their forces in such meeting were the ones that with Bensancenot and the French New Anti Capitalist Party, supported by all their European partners, went to scab the revolutionary general strike in Guadalupe and Martinique in the Central American Caribbean. They said that the demand of an increase of 200 Euros “should not come from the pockets of the French tax payers”, defending the interest of the 5th Republic.  They are “socialist” on words and truly defenders of the oversea colonies of the imperialist France, who denied launching the expulsion of the French butcher troops.

It has been shown that in the CONCLAT and its "International Summit" the reformist leaderships were internationally centralized, from America to Europe and Asia.  The role of such leaderships is to support by the left the Bolivarian governments in the colonies and to submit the metropolis' working class to the imperialist governments and regimes, at the moment when the capitalists double their attack on the working class and exploited at a whole worldwide level.
And now, all together with Chukaku-Ha at the head are preparing themselves to contain the Japan working class that has the key in its hands to release from the imperialist yoke the proletariat from Asia that enters the combat in North Korea, China and the Hindu-Chinese peninsula.  

An "International Summit" at the feet of the "democratic front" bourgeoisies that rejects the brave motion of La Paz industrial workers to confront the "demagogy" of the bourgeois governments
All the participants voted against the motion of the industrial workers from La Paz to confront the demagogy of the bourgeoisie and its Bolivarian governments. This question means not to face the infamous demagogy of that imperialist butcher, that is, Obama, as assassin as Bush or much more. It means submitting the working class to its own bourgeoisie, as the AFL-CIO's bureaucracy have done in USA, letting Obama go and bail out the imperialist parasites and their banks thanks to the hunger and misery, unemployment, the massacre and ruin of the exploited in all USA and the world. It means to submit the proletariat to the imperialism's "democratic front" and the Bolivarian bourgeoisies that with Zelaya in Honduras, demagogically threatened with "the master of the battles" against the coup, and as an Obama's and the Clintons' puppet ended up legitimizing the "democracy" of the coup makers.
Also, to deny denouncing Morales and the native bourgeoisies' demagogy means to tie the Bolivian proletariat's fate to the one of the bourgeois parties and the "democratic" popular front. In this way, they allowed them to pact with the fascist Media Luna and stabilize the expropriator regime of the revolution, with a constitution and a popular front government that do not give the bread to the workers, nor the land to the peasants, nor the gas to the Bolivians, and nor break with imperialism.
This policy of not facing the "bourgeoisies' demagogy” that belongs to the renegades of Trotskyism and Stalinists has been already applied as in the "People's counter-submit" in Madrid. But it appears to be that with the crack the "demagogy" is already ended: the "demagogues" as Zapatero in Spain or the chatters of Brown in England, with all the social imperialist parties, showed their faces and passed the attack by decree against the working class to impose a worst work flexibilization (precarious work), steal the salaries and the retirements and impose the worst slavery conditions for the crisis' costs to be paid by the workers with "blood, sweat and tears".
Not fighting against the "bourgeois demagogy" means not facing the "democratic" and "socialist" Papandreau government in Greece, the one that leads the most terrible attack against the masses in Greece against the working class. That’s why the reformist leaderships led all the revolutionary energies to a fight to pressure the Goldman Sachs, the Bundesbank and all the rest of the imperialist parasites and all their governments for them to "not apply their plan against the workers”. The life has already given its verdict on this policy. After 6 General Strikes in Greece, because of not going forward in standing up the soviets, centralizing and developing the struggle organisms that the masses had already created, conquering the proletariat armament, and preparing the insurrection to overthrow Papandreou and size the power, the bourgeoisie could legitimize the fierce attack with its Parliament.

That’s why in this "International Summit" of CONCLAT didn't exist a word about the revolutionary fight in Madagascar. Nothing was said about the revolutionary combat of Kirgizstan that in the revolution fenced the army that didn’t went out to the streets by the fear of been divided and its official caste to be destroyed by the armed workers who had overthrown the Bakiev government. How can the Kirgiz revolution have a place in that congress if there it was voted against the factory workers of La Paz for not facing the native bourgeois "demagogies"? Now in Kirgizstan when it is the "democratic" national bourgeoisie of  Rosa Utumbayeva that sends the army to kill the Kirgiz and Uzbeks  workers who armed in common barricades defend the workers neighborhoods from the pogroms of the fascist gangs of  lumpen tajikos paid by the Yankee base established at the south of the country. With this attack they prepare the intervention of the Russian army of the assassin Putin. In this way they defend the USA's base from where the logistic of the troops that massacre the heroic masses resisting imperialist occupation in Afghanistan operates!
Now it is clear to whom they serve and  which interests they defend, the "CONCLAT", its "International Summit" of Brazil and the "Peoples Summit" in Madrid: unfortunately.... those  of the exploiters.

The approved campaigns in the "International Summit"... another sample of the servility on the part of the renegades of Trotskyism to the "democratic front" bourgeoisie
In this "International Summit" 4 central campaigns were voted, under the phrase "That the capitalists pay for the crisis", without saying of course, how does this enormous task that the world proletariat has ahead has to be carried out. The campaigns were the next: "Solidarity campaign -according to the reality in each country- facing the world economic crisis expressed at this moment in Greece, and that probably will get extended to Portugal and Spain", “Campaign for the immediate withdrawal of the UN's troops from Haiti and the end of the occupation in Haiti", "Promote supporting activities for the Palestinian people and denouncing Israel with vehemence for the recent attack to the convoy that was arriving by sea in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle", "Denouncing the criminalization of the social and union movements, in first place in Honduras, Colombia and Venezuela where recently different unpunished murders in the movements have occurred ". 
In all this campaigns, the reformist leaderships don’t say anything about facing and smashing the bourgeoisie’s governments that have launched a fierce attack against the masses of the world.

On Haiti, Honduras, Latin America and Europe we have already warned to the militant vanguard about the resulting of the classes’ collaboration policy that all the reformist leaderships that assisted to the CONCLAT "International Summit" have been supporting. However we have to warn about the meaning of the solidarity campaign for Palestine proposed by this “International Summit”. Such campaign, unfortunately, for the heroic Palestinian and Middle East masses, is nothing more than an implied support to the "democratic" Turkish imperialism, i.e. to another agent of Obama. Since with counterrevolutionary attacks on one side, as the one done by the Zionist fascist Israeli army -against the pacifist convoy-, and with the "democratic front" on the other side led by the Turkish bourgeoisie -killer of the resistance of Iraq and the Kurdish people- who stands as “defender” of a “state” for the Palestinian people, they propel the two states policy of "the Map route" and” the Oslo agreements". These are the two sides of the same rope with which the US imperialism tries to make the heroic Palestinian masses surrender so that they recognize the Zionist fascist state of Israel and accept to live in the Gaza and West Bank Ghettos.
These reformist currents want to cheat the masses of the world saying that with pacifist pressure campaigns is possible to break the blockade to Gaza, that is, without breaking the siege over the heroic Palestinian masses, and without the destruction of the Zionist fascist State of Israel! How would be possible to stop the massacres without facing and destroying the siege that stops the Palestinian masses from uniting their forces with the Middle East proletariat to kill the imperialism and all its agents in the region?! That’s why from the "International Summit" of CONCLAT they denied to propose to all the working class organizations in there -with more than enough funds to do it- to call on all the organizations of the world working class to stand up international workers brigades to mobilize from Egypt to destroy the Rafah's wall, to bring armament, aids, and to coordinate and centralize the combat for the destruction of the Zionist fascist state of Israel together with the Palestinian resistance by setting up the Palestine National Assembly of workers and peasants

The “International Summit” together with a Japanese delegation of Chukaku-ha; reformists discuss how to save the bourgeoisie from the uprising of the Asian proletariat.

Imperialist bourgeoisie is terrified before the combats of Pacific and Far East masses. Among them we can see the masses combats in Thailand, the Japanese working class against US base in Okinawa –which already caused the preventive withdrawal of Hatoyama’s government. In the mean time North Korean is witnessing revolts of the working class against the massive robbery of its savings and the increase of the cost of living –propelled by the restoring bureaucracy of the new bourgeoisie in that country-, they are expressed in generalized hunger of the masses. USA and Japanese war drums sound in South Korea announcing the panic of the whole bourgeoisie. Those war drums aren’t sounding against North Korean Kim Ming Sun gang, but the bourgeoisie is terrified with the idea of a new uprising of the militant and hunger North Korean working class –like after WWII-, and that such upraise set on fire the whole Korean peninsula.

In China, at the same time, there is a great mass resistance and workers fights like in Honda and Toyota, as well as the tragedy of the suicide of those workers who resist the slavering conditions in the factories of Southern China, like Dell and Hewlett Packard, whose products are assembled by Taiwanese Foxxcon. Those combats announce that under the outrageous sufferings the main battalions of the Asian proletariat is entering into combat, like happened yesterday with Tonghua and Lingzhou (China).

Reformist leaderships and their policy of class collaboration prevent the real centralization of the combat of the Asian proletariat. After years with 250,000 revolts for lands and against the plunder of imperialist powers, after the heads of the business men of Tonghua and Lingzou rolling down, now all reformists and renegades of Trotskyism announce that “the Chinese proletariat entered as decisive battalion of the class struggle”. But during all these years they try to silence it and after they couldn’t do it, because the elephant was in the bathroom, these reformists have no choice but to admit it, while they send Chukaku-ha to try to domesticate it.

The role of Stalinism, selling out China to the capitalist restoration and to the plunder of imperialist powers, is obvious before the eyes of the world working class. The collaboration of Stalinism with imperialist bourgeois governments of Japan has made them lose prestige before the eyes of the best sectors of the working class in that country. The proletariat knows that Stalinism sold out Vietnamese and North Korean working class to imperialism which subjugates them to the mayor slavering labour conditions than ever before.

That is why before the threat of a generalized uprising of the Asian proletariat, the forces of reformism –the left of the WSF and 5th International commanded by Hu Jintao, Chavez and Castro restorationist bureaucracy- reactivated Chukaku-ha internationally. This current that speaks on behalf of Japanese working class supports in USA the “left” bureaucracy of Oakland dock workers, which submitted US working class and anti-war movement to Obama, while also supports the regional council of Seoul of Korean Confederation of Trade Unions.

Chukaku-Ha used to vindicate Ho Chi Mihn and Stalinist bureaucracy of Vietnam and its “long popular war” (which turned out being… long suffering to the Vietnamese working class, currently sold out to imperialism). Now it tries to wash its dirty clothe, dressing as Trotskyist to deceived better Japanese proletariat.
Its agreements with the renegades of Trotskyism in Europe and in the American continent are very important. Chukaku-ha is preparing to play in Japan and Asia the same role of leading to defeat the most militant sectors of the Asian proletariat, just like Pablist of the European New Anti-capitalists Parties, or the role played by Morenists, Mandelists and the rest of the renegades of Trotskyism in the Latin American revolution.
Teruoka Seiichi, leader of Chukaku-ha and executive member of Doro-Chiba, called every one to gather with them at the International Meeting on November 7th in Tokyo. They want to export the new device of contention of the revolution from Europe and Latin America to Asia, starting by tiding the hands to the Japanese proletariat, which have the key to release their class brother of Asia.

What have Chukaku-ha been proposing to the Japanese proletariat? Fight for a… Labour Party (LP), i.e. a reformist party that will be a rope in the working class’ neck to submit it to a complete impotence to face the imperialist bourgeoisie and the police Toyotist regime. That is why Chukaku-ha, as loyal servant of imperialism, refused –just alike its buddies, the Western reformists- to propel a fight for equal job for salary for the Japanese and Asian proletariat against imperialist monopolies and their servant governments. Japanese working class and all the exploited masses of Asia are paying very expensive this policy of the social imperialist of Chukaku-ha in Japan, which are servants of imperialism! Japanese working class must tie its fate to the one of its class enslaved brothers of China, Korea and the Indochina!

Facing such centralization of the reformist forces
The working class needs an Internationalist Workers Congress of Revolutionary Working Organizations and principled Trotskyists!

Such concentration of forces of the renegades of Trotskyism at the “International Summit” of CONCLAT is similar to the reunification “without principle of 1963” among the centrists fractions of the old IV International of Yalta, under the leadership of Michel Pablo. But this “reunification” is made after “Morenists” and “Mandelists” have already “crossed the Rubicon”. They are called by the 5th International to “centralize” on a higher level to prevent the uprising of the left of the proletariat in the middle of “THE” economic crisis –which keeps going in depth-, together with all Social democrats, Stalinists and other reformist leaders of the planet.

In the “International Meeting” of CONCLAT there was an historical meeting of centralization of forces that on behalf “socialism” leads the working vanguard to a dead end of class collaboration policy, to support popular fronts and strangle the revolutionary and anti-imperialist combat of the masses. But this meeting, like in Madrid in May, has a new exponent in USA with Mandelists (Socialist Action), ISO, SWP (British) that are making a political tour all over USA, to centralize all the renegades of Trotskyism to guarantee the massacring offensive of butcher Obama in Afghanistan, the rest of the planet and its own proletariat. So many meetings (almost monthly) of the reformist leaderships in different points of the planet prove that imperialist bourgeoisie resort to its agents to save it from the crisis and the revolutionary combats of the proletariat. But those meetings also prove that imperialism needs to numb the masses to defeat them and redouble the bloody attack against world exploited masses.

Therefore in order to release all the rage and revolutionary energy of the proletariat –which enters into combat despite and against its leaderships-, the working class needs a Congress of the revolutionary working organizations and principled Trotskyists to defeat reformist leaderships and unify in a single combat the world proletariat, those who fight with weapons in hands to get the bread like in Madagascar and Kyrgyzstan; together with Greek workers who face the plan of retrenchment with general strikes; together with those who rebel against the traitors of COB union bureaucracy that submit working class to the Popular Front government of Morales in Bolivia; together with the massacred Palestinian masses by imperialism and its Zionist-Fascist agent, the State of Israel; together with the North Korean masses who fight against starvation and misery; together with the Chinese proletariat which faces imperialism and its servants, the red Mandarins; together with the workers of Zimbabwe and South Africa who fight against the popular front; together with the heroic Afghan and Middle East resistance that remind imperialism the ghost of a new “Vietnam”, a world counteroffensive of the working class will be able to be prepared and organized, in order to end with the regime and domination of imperialism over the planet.

The ILTF –integrated by WIVL (South África), IRL (Zimbabwe), LTI (Bolivia), LTI (Peru), POI-CI (Chile), FT (Brazil) and LOI-CI (Argentina)- set up for this combat. A new generation of revolutionary workers needs a supporting point to fight for the world socialist revolution. This supporting point can only exist fighting to conquer a Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International of 1938. It is the party that refounded will be incapable of demoralizing the exploited because it only cares defeating and demoralizing the bosses and their rotten regimes that threat with new savageries, wars and fascism to massacre the working class and strangle the oppressed people of the world.

In this combat the ILTF (FLTI) has declared war to the 5th International class collaboration policy and its left wing of recycled and renegades of Trotskyism and therefore proudly write on its banner: “The Fourth International, already today, is deservedly hated by the Stalinists, Social Democrats, bourgeois liberals and fascists. There is not and there cannot be a place for it in any of the People’s Fronts. It uncompromisingly gives battle to all political groupings tied to the apron-strings of the bourgeoisie. Its task – the abolition of capitalism’s domination. Its aim – socialism. Its method – the proletarian revolution”.

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