Introduction to Workers International League

The Workers International League is a working class organization. It strives to unite the employed workers, unemployed workers, rank and file soldiers, students and poor peasants in the struggle against capitalism and imperialism; we promote a classless society and will support struggles against the capitalist system, promoting for a better life for the working class and to defend their rights against victimization or harassment by the state, local or private business or employer authorities. Ultimately the achievement of our democratic demands can only be attained if the working class takes power by its own methods.  The central problem facing the working class today is that the objective conditions are ripe for Socialism but the crisis of humanity is reduced to the crisis of leadership- there is an over-abundance of treacherous leaders who sell the interest of the masses every day; at the same time there are too few revolutionaries on the frontline. One of the central tasks is to defeat the treacherous leaders in the workers movement and at the same time to promote the development of a new revolutionary leadership.

One of the main obstacles within the workers’ movement is the World Social Forum and its local version the Southern African Social Forum and the Zimbabwe Social Forum. These forums are funded by imperialism, the very ones who are responsible for the plunder of Africa and the rest of the world. The World Social Forum seeks to corrupt and buy off leaders and fighters of the working class; it seeks to disarm the working class while the capitalists are armed to the teeth; it promotes Stalinist leaders like Castro who is restoring capitalism in Cuba and dismissing a million workers; it promotes capitalist leaders like Chavez that dismisses worker leaders and prevents the masses from overthrowing imperialism and expropriating their assets; the main task of the World Social Forum is to prevent workers’ revolutions and to divide the workers in the colonies from our class brothers and sisters in the imperialist centres. The International Socialist Tendency, its offshoots like DUF and RIL-FI, ISOZ are the main supporters of the WSF and are thus betrayers of the Socialist revolution.

The Workers International League- Fourth International (WIL-FI ) stands for the following demands:

1. We support the FLTI Mayday statement of demands;
2. Expropriate the diamond mines, without compensation to the capitalists, place these mines under workers control; 
3.Nationalise all the land, expropriate the capitalist farms, without compensation, placing them under workers control, forming farming collectives and giving cheap credit and support to the poor peasantry. 
4.Expropriate Anglo American and other imperialists across the region, without compensation, place their assets and all banks under workers control. 
5.For the immediate reinstatement of all dismissed and expelled teachers and students; free liberatory education for all;  free, quality health care for all;
6. Share all the work among all who can work, for a $500 minimum salary; for wages to increase as prices increase; 
7. For the expropriation, without compensation to the bosses, of David Whitehead textiles and all other companies that have closed; place them under workers control, re-open them. 
8. For a general strike in support of the above demands to open the way for workers' power.  For workers’ self defence committees as part of workers committees for the general strike.
9. For a national Congress of employed and unemployed delegates from the poor peasants, students and rank and file soldiers to adopt a workers programme and to organise and prepare a general strike; for workers and poor peasants delegates (and rank and file soldiers) from across Southern Africa to attend. 
10. We, the ones raising this program, are those who call for the victory of the socialist revolution; the ones who fight for the Socialist United States of Southern Africa; the ones who call to unite with the French and Greek workers, which today are on the frontline of the battle against the exploiters, internationally. Our class brothers and sisters of colour are in those European  imperialist heartlands doing the worst jobs, or being expelled from them back to Africa and elsewhere, when the imperialists do not need them anymore, leaving the Mediterranean sea stained with workers blood. We can only advance to Socialism if the working class takes power in the imperialist centres. 
11. To have work, to eat, to have roof over its head, to have health care, to convene even a Constitutional Assembly without pre-conditions and limitations of delegates of the working class and poor peasantry, to achieve its demands, the working class has to take power with its own methods. There is no other class than the working class that can guarantee the fulfilment of the democratic demands of the masses. 
12. Southern Africa and the world is dominated by imperialism. lt follows that the achievement of the democratic  demands of the working class and poor peasantry in Zimbabwe, the working class has to take power in the entire region and indeed the working class has to take power in the imperialist centres.
13. Workers have no country so we are open to all workers irrespective of their country of birth.
14. The working class needs to break with the class collaborationist leaders.
14.  For those who support our programme, we call to work with us to set up an organizing committee to refound the Fourth International.

Long live the international unity of the working class! The ones who live out of delivering the crumbs of the ZanuPf and the MDC, who are part of the NGO’s, who live out of giving misery to the masses, do not have nor will they have a place within the ranks of the true revolutionary parties that intransigently defend the interests of the world working class, never.

Workers of the world unite, we have nothing to lose but our chains!
lssued by Workers lnternational League section of the lnternational Leninist Trotskyist Fraction (FLTI) 

Zimbabwe:     12.11.2010


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