Let’s take the demonstration of November 20th in our own hands to impose a struggle plan and the general strike!

Rank and file assemblies and coordinators
to unify all the fighters!
Let’s return the pickets as in Mosconi and Cutral-Co! Let’s return the roadblocks and factory occupations as in 2001!

We must stop Kirchner’s government!
It is a servant of Obama, Wall Street, TNCs, the bankers and slave bosses!

Enough outsourced labour! Enough unemployed workers! Decent jobs and under collective agreement for all!
Enough miserable wages! Down with the fake collective bargain agreements!
Minimum, vital and mobile wages of $10,000 for all, indexed month to month according to the inflation!

Welfare for all! Down with VAT (tax)!
Down with the taxes for those who live of their wages!

Those who steal dollars and take our profits must pay: e.g. the bosses, bankers and imperialism! Out with gringos! Let’s smash the TNCs!
Not a single dollar, not a single peso to pay the fake foreign debt!

Stop massacre, oppress, imprison, prosecute and chase worker, popular and socialist fighters!


Enough with collaborationist leaders who divide workers’ ranks and submit workers to the government, bosses, bankers, soy bosses and their parties who starve the people!
Neither the anti-worker government of Kirchner, nor the right wing “opposition”!

The working class, which produces the wealth of the country, must impose its sign in the political national life



“National and popular”? A slavering government!
Let Cristina eats with $6 per day!

Kirchner is bolder. US imperialism, to which she is a lackey, triumphed by re-legitimizing its government and regime against the exploited people of the world. Now this anti-worker woman, who call to vote for Obama, must increase in Argentina the plans dictated by her master.
That is why the future for workers and poor people are miserable and starving wages, inflation, increase of the cost of living and price hike; more robberies to our pockets with “profits’ tax” and VAT and the end of welfare; more losses of conquers, slave collective agreements, suspensions and dismissals and thousands unemployed workers.
 In the mean time, the decadency of health and educations systems increases; hospitals are in ruin and are crowded; schools are falling apart and become mortal trap for our children. Also trains, subways and busses are crowed and we suffer deadly accidents all the time… the Argentina of Kirchner, TNCs of Mercosur and agrarian oligarchy is hell for the exploited!

In this “model” of bloodsuckers, serving the imperialist vampires, 70% of the working class (native and immigrant) works as outsourced, without contract, slaverized in workshops of “warm bed” or as migrant workers working from sunset to sunrise earning less than $2,500 which only allow us living 10 day. After 200 years, after slavery was abolished in the Assembly in 1813, Kirchner imposed to the working class the same terrible conditions! And on top of that we have to listen the pirate Paolo Rocca, from the Italian group Techint, saying that the “wages in Argentina are very high”! Swine! Let Kirchner and that front man of Vatican, and jester Moreno, eat with $6 per day! Cynics!

Let’s be honest. The real aim of Kirchner, TNCs, soy bean bosses, bankers, right wing “opposition” and the entire bosses, who dispute over business, is to impose U$300 wages… the same misery that workers of cooperatives of Kirchner and her “Argentina works”; as they are doing in the steel company Parana Metal (Villa Constitucion, Santa Fe). There Cristobal Lopez, close friend and front man of Kirchner, after closing the factory for 2 years and living 2,000 workers in the streets, now he will open it again… with 200 workers! He will do it without any collective agreement or conquer, without considering seniority and with miserable wages.

To the most exploited sectors of the working class they want to contain them with a cynical a miserable policy delivering notebooks and welfare per children. They have a lot of nerve! For the working class misery, for the Yankees and banks millionaire profits! Let Kirchner and union bureaucrats like Yasky and Calo live with miserable wages of U$300 and welfare!

In this Argentina of plunder and fierce robbery of the masses, neither middle class, who voted Kirchner, can survive. That is how the government pays for the support to those who celebrated the “consume” cycle and the economic growth asking to punish the “picketers who block roads”. Now the government not only increases electricity, gas, transports, rents, etc., but now it doesn’t even allow them to save in dollars…. “The dollars we get from workers’ muscles and bones belong to imperialism!” said Cristina kneeling before Obama.

Enough putting up to Kirchner and all the bosses! Enough reactionary demonstrations of the fancy ladies of Recoleta and Barrio Norte! On November 20th we must paralyze the entire country and show the power of the working class! We have to take the fight in our own hands!

Enough. Neither K, nor right wing. The working class has to give an alternative to the crisis. It is the only one which can do it, because is the only class that produces the wealth of the nation. Because the more they attack workers, more dollars they get away from the country, as the 50 billions the imperialist parasites take every year. Middle classes want dollars? They can only be given by the working class, by expropriating TNCs, their banks, lands and properties?
As the war cry in Bolivia: Out with gringos! Let’s smash TNCs!


 “We are going to pay the debt in dollars” said Cristina to the vulture founds
Kirchner`s: it is a pro-imperialist government!

This anti-worker offensive is to guarantee imperialism, its banks and TNCs, continuing getting huge profits and can double the plunder of the nation’s wealth by selling out the agrarian, oil rents, minerals, sea wealth and other natural sources to their imperialist masters.
Pay, pay and always pay. Kirchner, who set up a smokescreen against the so called “vulture founds” which are holding Frigate Libertad in Ghana, is the same woman who, continuing the servility of the dead Nestor, paid to the IFM, Paris Club, the World Bank and imperialist bankers over U$ 45 billions!, of the fake foreign debt (which is now around U$ 170 billion). Also Kirchner, submitted to the imperialist bandits cave called UN, cries for the claim over the “sovereignty over Malvinas” while they pay dollar after dollar to the British bank Barclay the interest of that very same foreign debt.

Now she told the imperialist creditors to relax that “the debts will be paid in dollars”. This is the real Argentina of Kircher: billions of dollars in cash for the imperialist bosses, to who she pays by stealing workers’ wages, plundering the pension founds of ANSES and with VAT which all the exploited are forced to pay with starvation, misery and slaverization!
Kichner is completely “Bolivarian”. She is like Chavez who called publicly to vote for Obama and is selling out the Colombian resistance. She is like Castro who is completing the capitalist restoration in Cuba. They all support the genocide of Al-Assad against the Syrian masses. “National and popular Bolivarian” are the same or worst than the right-wing governments of the FTA! They are servants of Obama


Kirchner commands a Murderous State!
Enough killing, oppressing, imprisoning, prosecuting and chasing the worker, popular and socialist fighters!

In order to impose these plans Kichner had no nerve in killing, oppressing, imprisoning and chasing the most militant sectors of the working class and exploited people, which in tens and tens of fights have faced the attacks from the government and bosses to conquer their demands. We have seen the martyrs in the occupation of Indoamerican Park and Ledesma (Jujuy), who were killed for fighting for lands and decent houses. We saw the execution of the Qom landless peasants in Formosa; the slaughter of youth in Bariloche and Rosario by the police and its gangs; the death of Mariano Ferreyra by the gunmen of the Railway union bureaucracy. They are friends of Cristina. The state of the murderous bosses supports every day a real genocide in the working districts against the youth killed by the “trigger happy” of the police and gendarmerie and also with “paco” and drugs they distribute themselves.

Workers Tapia and Claros are still in prison for fighting. There are over 6,500 worker and popular fighters prosecuted. Workers leaders are a target of prosecution, permanent attacks and even order of captures by the bosses’ justice, as Hermosilla and Coria (from the company Kraft), “Pollo” Sobrero (Railway workers), Costilla (Paty), the attacks of UTA union bureaucracy to the workers of the bus Line 60, the UOCRA union bureaucracy to the construction workers of SITAIC and a long etcetera. This Videlist-Peronist-Radical justice let free the killers of the people like Menem, De la Rua, Duhalde and Sobisch the killer of Fuentealba. In the mean time this justice condemns the leaders of Quebracho for three years for being against that massacre.

This same justice, with the murderous police of Buenos Aires, the intelligence services like SIDE, CIA and MOSSAD, are chasing with warrants to the internationalist socialists, as comrade Carlos Munzer who is a leader of the FLTI, the Movement for Workers’ Democracy and member of the fight for refounding 4th International for denouncing the genocide in Syria, the attacks and killings against the tormented Palestine masses, the killings against the black workers of Marikana (South Africa), the tortures to the workers of Suzuki (India) and the slaughters against the workers in South Eastern China; and for supporting the revolutionary masses for bread in Northern Africa and Middle East.

Judges and district attorneys also pester socialist fighters like Paula Medrano (daughter of disappeared fighters in the last military dictatorship) and lawyers who defend workers prosecuted by the state like Viviana Noguerol.

The Supreme Court covers the back of those who took Julio Lopez, Luciano Arruga and Daniel Solano, in order to scare all the workers and struggling organizations of the working class and exploited. Enough! There are plenty of reasons to organize a big fight! Liberty to the political prisoners and stop prosecution of all worker and popular fighters! Enough prosecution to the socialist fighters! Dissolution of police and the entire state oppressive apparatus! Down with judges’ caste and the Supreme Court of slavery bosses! For worker and popular courts to judge and punish the killers of the people!


The working class must impose its weight in the national political life

Let’s take the strike on November 20th on our own hands to impose a fight plan and the general strike!

In the middle of the attack of the government, the business disputes and reactionary middle class’ demonstrations as the “N8” saluted by the right wing “opposition”, the only ones who don’t have a voice are the millions of workers who don’t even have a contract and whose wages are lower than $ 2,600.
The working class can’t impose its signature in the national political life to raise its voice and program because all the “fractions” of the union bureaucracy divide workers’ ranks to submit them to different sectors of the bosses and their parties. They divide between employed and unemployed workers; between FULL and outsourced workers; between outsourced, paied under the table and immigrant workers;… and also among the friends of Duhalde, Scioli or Kirchner.

The tragedy of the working class is that the centralized attack of the government and bosses, which deepens more and more every day, is under the division of its ranks. Collaborationist leaderships from unions and other workrs organizations are responsible of this situation. They quarter the working class. They let out of unions most of the workers without any right and at the mercy of slavery and boss attack
Today there are plenty of discussions in every factory and work place before the strike and demonstration on the coming November 20th called by CGT of Moyano, CTA of Micheli and CGT “Blue and White” of Barrionuevo, who are opponents of the government, under the claim of “reduction of profit taxes on workers, payment of welfare”, etc. What’s to be done? First of all, we can’t be imprisoned in a program of “increase of the minimum tax-free” because the wage isn’t a “profit”: the fight has to be for revoke that tax over workers wages. Secondly we can’t allow to be taken to bosses and politicians feet, both pro-government and opponents. Because every time workers are submitted to our executioners we end up losing everything why they become richer.

The war launched by bosses and their government against the working class must be stopped! That is why the working class must take the fight in their own hands. On November the 20th the country must be stopped. For that aim: We must conquer a program to unify our demands! Down with the fake collective bargains who let aside most of the working movement who is outsourced, with no rights and contracted!

In factories and workplaces there must be rank and file assemblies; factory committees to unify outsourced and full time workers; set up pickets; paralyze production and disobey bureaucrats like Calo (Metal workers union), Pignanelli (car industry workers union), Martinez (construction workers union), Yasky (CTA) and pro-government picketer bureaucracy!

The picketer movement must break the subordination to the Ministry of Social Action and municipalities and let the roads by full of pickets again! For the return of the picketer revolutionary movement of Mosconi attacking capitalists’ properties!
Unions and worker organizations must break with the bourgeoisie and their institutions as Minister of Labour, bosses justice and parliaments! Out State’s hands from workers organizations! Down with Lay of professional associations!
Worker democracy must be imposed and we must recover our organizations to fight! Shop steward commissions, delegates corps and militant sections of the unions taken away from the union bureaucracy, like in Kraft, Subway, Line 60, Railway workers (Haedo), Hospital Garrahan, teachers unions, etc. They must head the organization of this fight. There is no time to loose.


National Worker Congress of the fighting organizations with delegates with mandate of employed, unemployed, casual, outsourced and immigrant workers!

Down with the collective bargains of the bosses, governments and bureaucracy! Down with the Council of Minimum Wage! Minimum, vital and mobile wage of $10,000 indexed monthly according to inflation! Not a single unemployed worker more! Divide the hours of labor with the hands available to work!  Equal job for equal jobs! Enough slave work of Kirchner and their welfare plan “Argentina works”! Re-hiring of all dismissed and suspende workers! Enough of casual work, every one under collective bargain! Nationalization without compensation and under worker control of every factory that closes, suspends or dismisses workers! Down with tax on wages! Out with VTA!
In order to conquer our demands, together with health, education and decent houses, TNCs must be smashed. Expropriation without compensation and under worker control of all imperialist factories and companies, their banks and properties! Expropriation without compensation of all lands to make them produce in collective farms controlled by rural workers’ committees!
Unique state banks and under worker control! Not a single dollar or peso to pay the foreign debt! Progressive taxes for the big fortunes! Stop subsidies to the church and capitalists in order to finance decent houses and triple education and health budgets!
From struggling workers organizations there must be a call to set up a National Worker Congress of delegates with mandante from the rank and file of employed, unemployed, casual, outsourced and immigrant workers to impose a Combat Plan and open the path to the General Strike.

This is the only way the Argentinean working class will re-compose worker and popular alliance so the war cry of 2001 revolution returns “Everybody out nobody left!” and this time lead it to the triumph.



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