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Chapter 2

The foundational documents of the FLTI have passed the test of the developments in the class struggle

And again about the still indefinite character of the world situation

This SCI reaffirms the contents of the main political documents voted in the July congress, which have armed our current and created the conditions for its constitution and for a principled merger of different currents with different approaches flowing from different experiences. Programmatic positions and lessons of the international proletariat combat were expressed in IWO part 1 and 2. According to us, the political and programmatic responses conquered have passed the test of the events and met the level of the combats of the international proletariat.
We reaffirm our support for the 23 points, which keep their great validity regarding the definition of the international conditions and the Marxist program before the world crac. They were the base for the agreement to build a Joint Committee between FLT and WIVL, and allowed us to advance in the agreements with HRS comrades in USA and the NRI in Argentina.
They concentrated on the immediate task to prepare a counteroffensive of the world working class to smash the rotten capitalist system, or either the latter would smash the masses with starvation, misery and war.
In the 23 points we launched together the combat against the WSF and the renegades of Trotskyism, and we started a process to consolidate our ranks with the program before the Cuban revolution –for the political revolution, and confronting the “Bolivarian Revolution”, a fake “revolution” that has expropriated the Ecuadorian, Argentinean and Bolivian Revolution.
In the agreement accomplished we confronted ELAC of PSTU and LIT, who had put the Oakland workers and movement against the war to the feet of Obama, and had tied hand and feet the proletarians of the entire American continent by backing the treacherous bureaucracy of COB that submits the workers and poor peasants to the counterrevolutionary pact of the popular front with the fascists to drown the Bolivian Revolution.
In addition, in the 23 points, we took into account the Palestinian, Colombian and Cuban questions; truly acid tests which show the terrible role of the native bourgeoisies as stranglers of the masses’ revolutionary processes in Latin America as well as in Middle East.
We affirm the validity of the programmatic agreement signed with the WIVL, which was the starting point, together with the 23 points, for the gathering of FLTI. In the resolutions of our foundational congress, the point “on the principled agreements which allowed the FLTI foundational congress to take place” – clause b), expresses clearly that the emergence of our fraction was based on the agreements signed with WIVL, making clear that those “... move forward and consolidate from the agreement of the joint committee of FLTI between WIVL and FLT to which NRI of Argentina and the San Pablo revolutionaries endorsed. This was a programmatic conquer for the common intervention facing the first counterrevolutionary hits, as well as the first responses of the masses as shown in Greece, Madagascar, Guadeloupe and France, which concentrated the strategy and the program to set up and develop the soviets and the question of insurrection and the fight for power, together with Bolivia, SA and Zimbabwe where there was stated the combat against the popular front and the treacherous leaderships...”
Our foundational documents, based on the most advanced lessons of the class struggle for the world proletariat maintain all their validity towards the 2nd Congress of the FLTI.
Let’s recall that in July, after 20 days of collective debate, the following documents were voted affirmatively by the foundational congress of the FLTI, plus other resolutions– according to the text of the resolutions on the constitution of the FLTI published in the IWO first Part:
 “On the world situation, facing historical events”, the article entitled “The worldwide regime of dominance imposed by imperialism since 1989 has entered into political crisis” and “The crisis of the revolutionary leadership has deepened and worsened”, (see IWO Special brochure #1)
Also the congress adopted the elaborations on the Cuban question and the historical balance sheet of the 4th International that the former FLT contributed to the congress’ debates.
These elaborations, which defined the foundational positions of the FLTI on the international question as well as the positions on the French, Madagascan, Greek, Palestinian, Peruvian, Iranian and Honduran questions, have passed the test of the live events in the few months elapsed since the congress. They have armed us politically to intervene together with the resolutions on South Africa, Bolivia and the combat against the popular front and against the treacherous leaderships that have subordinated here and there the proletariat to different factions of the bourgeoisie, playing the role for which they had been recruited in supporting crisis–ridden capitalism during the bankruptcy of the international finance system.
The acid tests that we had to face 6 month ago in our foundation congress allowed us to update the Marxist program and also to pass the tests of life.
When we held our foundational congress, we had defined that the operation “Cast Lead” slaughtering the Gazan Palestinians was being responded by the revolutionary uprising of Guadeloupe, Madagascar, by a heroic resistance in the own Palestine and by the struggle of the French working class occupying factories.
We defined that while the masses were beginning to hit in Peru once again and gaps at the top started to open in Iran as well as inter imperialist disputes so the masses could revolt in that country, US imperialism performed a counterrevolutionary coup in Honduras in order to dominate again its backyard threatened by other imperialist competitor powers such as France, Spain, Japan or Germany, which had been disputing during the last period that US backyard with the support of the native bourgeoisies.
Before all those events and this transitory situation emerged, FLTI had succeeded in defining a program stating that the masses would not be stopped in France and were going on with the occupation of factories in spite of the will of their treacherous unionist and reformist leadership. We affirmed that in Guadeloupe it was necessary to move forward to organize soviets and conquer the armament for the masses in order to overthrow the French colonial regime, as the only possibility to consolidate a victory in the way to conquer a workers and revolutionary government that guarantee the effective payment of the promised 200 Euros, that is, the bread, in a single and centralized struggle with the French proletariat in the metropolis. This possibility was openly obliterated by the unions and the “anti capitalist” parties, those servants of the French 5th Republic. In our congress, we called to confront in Greece the anarchist and new anti capitalist parties that applying a pacifist and unionist petit bourgeois policy had led the first combat of the masses to an abortion as they refused to fighting for workers and soldiers’ committees and to gathering together the workers’ rank and defeating the Stalinist leadership in the unions.

The focus of our elaborations in July was to have a program to help the masses to surpass their current leaderships, to generalize and centralize the combats into a mass counteroffensive. It is unquestionable that the FLTI has passed the test. It did not miss any unseen elephant in any room, and it did honor the level of the combats between the masses and the bourgeois counterrevolution as well as the fight against the treacherous leaderships with the program voted and conquered in the congress.
We had a program to fight against the “democratic front” of Zelaya and the Bolivarians supported by the renegades of Trotskyism and the reformist Latin American left; that program consists of “defending the democracy with the proletarian revolution’s method”, as Trotsky said. All the reformists instead ended up under Obama and Clinton’s plan to guarantee that the only blood that was spilt was that of the workers and peasants in Honduras, and so the coup was imposed and the masses would not intervene in an independent way to defeat the coupists in the streets.
Zelaya ended up calling on the people to rest in “peace and common sense” from the Brazilian embassy of that Brazilian lackey bourgeoisie, junior partner of French imperialism in Petrobras and the war industry –Brazil is one of the greatest weaponry exporters of the world based on French war technology; besides Brazil has bought in France 5 warships, submarines and state–of–the art aero–spatial technology.
The Brazilian bourgeoisie organized a commercial agreement with the Japanese to develop digital TV sets and equipment and to enhance joint investments in Manaus and other maquilas that Japanese imperialism has in this country. It also organized a financial agreement from Rio de Janeiro, the finance capital of this country, with USA. The agreement was one of total submission to US imperialism, which is the first creditor of Brazil’s foreign debt with more than 160 billion dollars, homogenizing the political–commercial agreement with MERCOSUR.
As we affirm in all the foundational documents of the FLTI, in Latin America a native bourgeoisie has been consolidated, both in Mercosur and the so called ALBA, as well as in the countries of the FTA, all of them under the discipline of the OAS and the TIAR; they all make business deals between each other and with all the imperialist powers. And for the sake of a big business deal, as is the gas pipeline from Venezuela to Bolivia, Chavez hugged Uribe while selling out the Colombian resistance, and all the Bolivarians ended up backing Colombia in the affair of the 7 US military bases in this country. Before that, from OAS and UNASUR they supported the counterrevolutionary agreement which was used to share the wealth of the hydrocarbons in Bolivia between British Petroleum and Exxon under the umbrella of fascism in the Media Luna with Totalfina and Repsol under the umbrella of Popular Front in the Altiplano (Bolivian Plateau) to control and expropriate the workers and peasant revolution.
In South Africa, we were in the vanguard, fighting to unify in a single revolution the struggles in the south of the continent, fighting for the Federation of workers and socialist republics of the South of Africa, and were at the head, as we had done in Bolivia, giving an incessant fight against the popular front, against the Stalinist control of the unions and the subjugation to the government of the black bourgeoisie, as servile to the Anglo–American and the imperialist companies as it was yesterday to the slavery regime of the apartheid.
Our combat against the genocide and the mass slaughterers like in Congo, and our struggle against the popular front and its siren chants allowed us to give the first steps in the grouping of the revolutionary and internationalist forces of the proletariat in the South of Africa. And it was possible to unite the ranks of the SA Trotskyists together with the Zimbabwean ones who having broken with bourgeoisie and the exploiter’s regime, were under the threat of being taken before a bourgeois court and confront a bourgeois trial by their former “comrades”.
In the combats against the popular front in Bolivia, we fought against the terrible policy of putting miners and their union leaders, like those in the COB as ministers or deputies of the popular front to guarantee the sharing of the hydrocarbons between the different imperialist MNCs who have partitioned and share Bolivia among themselves.
In South Africa, fighting decisively against the popular front, we confronted the Stalinist bureaucracy of COSATU, fighting for workers and soldiers’ committees and intervening in each fight against the bureaucrats’ betrayals to the strikes for higher salary, strikes that as in Latin America were sold out by all coats of political and union bureaucracies.
In Argentina, we also fought bravely against the left of the WSF and the renegades of Trotskyism that by imposing the “social peace” aborted any serious attempt of the proletarian vanguard to regroup its ranks and fight against the capitalist attack and its government, as in the case of the stubborn combats of the Kraft workers, the Subway workers, the auto industry workers in Cordoba and the steel industry workers of the steel belt.
That is why we affirm that all those documents voted 6 month ago were correct: because they armed us to intervene in all the ongoing events.
It is clear that imperialist butchers have disguised as Obama to save capitalism in crisis and bankruptcy and to take the masses out of the stage in USA. The “extended hand” of Obama to the Muslim bourgeoisie was just a pact with Iran to support the Shiite bourgeoisie in Iraq, just in the moment when UK imperialism withdrew from Iraq, to prevent the masses of the south of the country from smashing the occupation army as well as the US troops in the region; at the same time that pact allowed USA to organize a faction of the Ayatollahs to start thinking about doing good business deals with USA, in order to capitalize the hate of the masses against the Bonapartist and anti–worker Iranian regime.
The pact with the Ayatollahs’ bourgeoisie was used to contain Hezbollah, which was disciplined and made enter the pro imperialist government of Lebanon, and which sealed an agreement so that the slaughter in Gaza can continue unpunished; it also served to guarantee Hamas its possibility to negotiate and to put in place the necessary pacts to guarantee the sell out of the fight of the Palestinian masses. The Palestinian masses are today fenced by the oppressor yoke of the Zionist State of Israel and by the silence of all the treacherous leaderships of the proletariat. Meanwhile the Egyptian bourgeoisie is ready to build up a wall, not only high over the sand but also down 10 meters deep, so all the tunnels which are used to give supplies to the tortured Gaza resistance get closed.
We have seen the validity of the Iranian resolution, when the masses are trying to enter in political struggle with a generalized hate against the Ayatollahs regime. This means that while US imperialism pacts with the clergy, it is at the same time preparing the emergence of a pro–US bourgeois faction in the country. This fraction should not only abort the Iranian workers revolutionary uprising and prevent the beginning of the second revolution, as it was in the ‘80s; but also it will have to guarantee the taking of Iran out of the French–German sphere of influence, where it has placed its business in oil and oil byproducts, fertilizers and its world trade deals.

The mass counteroffensive was strangled with the counterrevolutionary pacts; and imperialism, like yesterday in Honduras and today in Afghanistan, launches its first counterrevolutionary offensive.

That imperialist butchers have disguised as Obama means to define that today US imperialism has concentrated all its counterrevolutionary forces not only on the coup in Honduras but also on a generalized offensive in Afghanistan, supported by NATO and the lackey governments of China and India. Those countries are disputing each other about which of them is going to take the copper and cobalt for the MNCs established in India and China, under the North American command in Afghanistan. With those small businesses, India and China are in charge of paying the correct share to the Afghani bourgeoisie and the protectorate government servant of USA, to dispute –as US agents– those business to the aggressive Germany who needs the opium (of which a 80% is produced in Afghanistan and the other part in China) to Bayer and other imperialist labs.
US imperialism, with the murderous Pakistani army and supported by the Chinese Mandarins, has launched a counterrevolutionary offensive in the Swat Valley to surround the Afghani resistance in the Pakistani territory. This has left more than 2 million peasants out of their lands and more than 800.000 refugees expelled from their houses, living in tents, facing icy weather, starvation and illnesses. New attacks to Yemen are being prepared to control all the bourgeois fractions and stabilize the region, because the explosion of Dubai bubble had left a million Palestinian, Iranian, Iraqi, and other Asian workers without jobs and returning to their countries, the same ones who have built with their own hands the greatest real state investments of the world. This can spark the migrant working class of United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Syria and the entire Middle East, mainly of Yemen from where the US–UK finance companies built their financial and real estate paradise as continuity to the real state–housing– bubbles of China, USA, Spain, so on.
Yemen is in a key point from where Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Somalia and Egypt are dominated. It is an excellent military base from where the imperialists can control all the Red Sea, the Gulf of Eden and the Persian Gulf. Moreover, it leads to the Indic Ocean and is near to all the sensible points of Oceania and Eastern Asia.
Just in the moment of Obama’s trip to Ghana, the rockets were aiming to Yemen; in the middle of a world crisis, USA will not allow that anyone tries to dispute its dominance and shows that it will respond bombing and shooting anyone who dares it.
The bursting of Dubai’s bubble anticipates that the peace of the cemeteries conquered from the time being in Palestine and Iraq will last little.
In Egypt the revolts of the working class against the hunger and the crisis do not stop. The regimes of the old patriarchs of Saudi Arabic and UAE are getting weaker, while the situation in Iran is explosive. The workers, students and poor peasants in this country are pushing more and more to get into political fight and threaten with the Iranian revolution.
The bombs in Yemen aim to warn that there would be no possibility for new revolutions in Iran or in Middle East because this would mean new counterrevolutionary interventions like in Iraq and Afghanistan.
They are a warning to France, which has a military base in Djibouti, in front of Yemen. In addition, Rwanda has just got out of the sphere of the French–Belgian influence and into the English Commonwealth and this will be defended even with bombs if necessary.
No power will withdraw peacefully from its claim to the domination of the planet. Nor will it keep its position through peace or democracy, but supported by the cannons that are the only sound voice to dominate the world.
Our foundational documents have passed the test, since we made it clear that in the bankruptcy of imperialist capital, all the forces of labor aristocracy and bureaucracy in the world were concentrated in saving capitalism in crisis from a mass revolutionary uprising.

When we constituted the FLTI, we affirmed in our congress that it was about to set up a supporting point to concentrate the revolutionary forces and disperse the great counterrevolutionary forces being concentrated to make the masses pay for the crisis and to save capitalism in bankruptcy.
Here and there, the union bureaucracy, the social imperialist parties, the Bolivarian bourgeoisie, Muslim bourgeoisies, recycled Stalinists and renegades of Trotskyism were part of a truly unholy alliance to save capital in bankruptcy, which in a few days in 2008 and 2009 burnt 14 trillion dollars in Wall Street Market, while other big amount of dollars were handed out to the banks by the state to prevent the generalized bankruptcy of the finance capital.
The cry out of all the bureaucracy and the counterrevolutionary leaderships against the masses was clear. They were spokesmen of the great capital and spoke openly of its interests before the masses in order to save it. In its crisis, the capital blackmailed the world working class: “If I fall down the cliff, you will fall with me. But if I save myself, you will be saved too.”
Thereby, by setting the tradition of all the union bureaucracies of the imperialist countries and all the social imperialist parties, it was imposed a return to their homes over the millions of immigrants settled in the European and North American imperialist powers. They were first used as slave labor and unregistered workers during the expansion time, and now they were given the back like dogs to increase the industrial reserve army of the semi–colonial countries.
The opprobrious wall between USA and Mexico, the bayonet of the Italian army and all the repressive forces of the bourgeois states at the service of expelling immigrants reached the highest point with a wall and a fence in Melilla to prevent that any slave from Africa gets to Europe.
“British jobs for British workers! US jobs for the American workers!” So was the war cry of the union bureaucracy of the English Trade Unions and the American AFL–CIO.
While with civil gangs and armed militias the US state controlled the borders between Latin America and the south of USA, in Mexico the infamous regime was armored under the excuse of combating the drug trafficking, and the country was militarized.

For revolutionary Marxism, that has taken as its own the lessons and the program of Bolshevism, only defending the interests of the lower and more exploited layers of the working class, it is possible to defend the historic interests of the whole working class.
Today we are witnessing, impelled by the ruined middle classes of southern Italy and organized by that country’s finance capital as the Olivetti and its partners of the Calabrian Mafia, a brutal attack against the heroic workers of colour that in Italy, Spain, England, France, Belgium and the Netherlands perform the most menial and despised jobs. When these outcasts suffered the shootings of the fascist hordes they confronted them by putting in place self–defense committees and saying: “Enough is enough! Stop all persecutions and attacks”.
But in that though battle one could hear the silence and total immobility on the part of the Italian working class because it has been submitted to the interests of the labor aristocracies and bureaucracies. The left of Berlusconi, of the Olivetti, of the rogue Italian finance capital, used to bloodsucking and murdering the Middle East masses and Africa, did not offer the least response in defense of the immigrant workers, who are the heart of the Italian working class. Only hollow phrases of compassion and humanity came from the petty bourgeois of the World Social Forum. They only act to save the capitalists from their crises against the masses.
The crisis of the proletarian leadership continues exacerbating while the entire rottenness of the capitalist imperialist system is exposed to the light of the day. The decaying capitalist world of the “state–of–the art technology” in windmills, nuclear centrals, aviation, aero spatial, info–tech is... overpopulated!
Is it possible that the admission of 100 extra immigrants could make US, France and England collapse? This constitutes a serious potential problem for the imperialist powers! Incredible! Up to these ridiculous extents this rotten capitalist imperialist system has gone. It is because the world market is now much smaller; capitalism has reduced the planet to a bunch of parasites. Either they or the majority of the exploited masses die.
One only class war, one only class, one only fight for victory! Because if not, fascism will not content itself with smashing the proletarians of colour, but in the same way that years ago Mussolini did, it will take Rome and then everything will be too late. This is the prospective!
Because of the action of the counterrevolutionary leaderships, things did not go well for the working class of the imperialist countries nor for the working class of the semi–colonial countries. The spark of Greece and its revolutionary uprisings were far from burning Paris because of the parliamentary and unionist cretinism of the “anti–capitalists” and anarchists. In Paris, a united front of trade unions and treacherous reformist parties took the working class out from the occupation of factories that had gone as far as taking bosses as hostages and submitted this struggle to the treacherous negotiation with the bourgeoisie and the French 5th Republic. The speakers of the anti–capitalist parties travelled as lackeys of French imperialism to tell the revolting Guadeloupe and Martinique masses that “with the tax of the French taxpayers it was not possible to pay the wages” of the exploited in these colonies.
From Mozambique the World Social Forum concentrated, together with the AFRICOM and the French imperialism to discuss how to back a government of national unity to expropriate and abort the workers–soldiers–peasants’ revolution that had started in Madagascar and how to prevent it from being extended to the rest of the south of Africa.
Also the congress adopted the elaborations on the Cuban question and the historical balance sheet of the 4th International contributed to the congress debates by the former FLT.
The same pacts with fascism in the Media Luna and the popular front in Bolivia, deepening the expropriation of the Bolivian revolution, were made in Palestine, betraying and backstabbing the working class in this country.
In this way, the entire crisis was a burden downloaded on the shoulders of the world working class. The revolutionary processes were isolated with the counterrevolutionary pacts, he popular fronts and a treacherous policy of class collaboration.
Thus it was imposed what we may call a real “sliding scale of suspensions and lay–offs”, that is to say, in the productive process we had to accept the dismissals of millions of immigrants, part–time workers and those paid under the counter; while we had to accept here and there the closure of transnational branches leaving hundreds of workers in the streets around the world. At the same time it was imposed a “sliding scale of wage cuttings” with which the proletariat in the factories is now producing twice or three times more than before causing an increase in the exploitation rate of the world working class and more unemployment with 500 million of workers around the world losing their jobs and watching helplessly the machines stopping due to the impotence of a dying capitalist system in bankruptcy.
It was the action of the counterrevolutionary leaderships and the jail keeper agents of the capital inside the workers movement, the union bureaucracies, supported from the left by the “anti capitalist” parties and other renegades of Trotskyism what allowed the capitalist system to download the burden of its brutal crisis over the working class and the oppressed people of the world. We saw those agents of Capital in action in the strike waves against the high cost of living and dismissals in South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, in the General Motors in USA. In each fight, the capitalist crisis was discharged over the workers who were imposed the fact that to save them as a class, the working class should save capitalism in crisis and neither destroy nor overthrow it in its bankruptcy.
This allowed the bourgeoisie to launch new counterrevolutionary offensives against the working class.
The imperialist bosses of Kraft had to increase its value in the stock market to acquire the capital to buy Cadbury and concentrate in that huge trust the 80% of the agro industrial production of the world.
Its boss, Warren Buffet, had declared in the stock market “if there is a war in America, we are winning it” when he sent the Argentinean judges and police to repress the strikers and impose a new “American shift” of 12 hours work and the dismissal of the entire internal commission (shop stewards’ committee) in the Kraft plant.
The Argentinean working class developed a great resistance to this attack. But it was sold out not by the union bureaucracy, but by the reformist left parties which signed the social peace in the Labor Ministry with Kraft bosses. They refused to centralize the combat of the masses and led the resolution of the conflict to the feet of Kirchner’s Labour Ministry; thanks to them Kraft bosses continue winning the class war. In the same way those “leftists” went on covering the military coup in Honduras since they were part of the “democratic front” with Zelaya and the Bolivarians.
Since the events in Kraft, another discourse of the transnational against the working class started to be heard: “Now, we fire you when we want, we hire you when we want, we pay you what we want and you work the hours that we want”. They say: “we are coming back to Afghanistan stronger with 30,000 more men.”
Under these conditions, the inter–imperialist disputes do not stop for a single second. Germany, who had made great business deals with Taliban for the opium for its labs, building schools and roads, was put back in its place. USA sent its Chinese servants to take the copper so they can sell it cheaply to its transnational companies that produce cars, IT products and computers. They are selling millions of those products to the new Chinese middle classes and the bourgeoisie that emerged in this country based of the misery of millions of Chinese slaves. China is now, which finances the building of roads, schools, and so on. Thus, USA does not spend a single dollar and takes the profits.
While the cannons are aiming to Yemen, the imperialists, like in Italy, start to send the fascist gangs to attack the most courageous Italian working class, the colored immigrants. These do the worst jobs in Italy. Those fascist hordes are only comparable to the white guards who control the USA–Mexico borders and kill thousands of desperate immigrants every year.
These new imperialist counteroffensives were encouraged and supported thanks to the water thrown by the treacherous leaderships to put off the fire of the proletarian combats.
It is against this treacherous policy of the 5th column within the workers movement that the process of mass political struggle has emerged; we have insisted on the examples of this process in this document, because –though still being a vanguard phenomenon, they anticipate that the proletariat is beginning to feel that it must enter a mass political struggle, confront the fence of its treacherous leaderships, and defeat the governments and regimes in order to conquer bread and jobs and stop the terribly high cost of living.
In this still undefined situation, with revolutionary sparks based on the masses’ spontaneity, the perspective of victory lives for the world proletariat.
The action of the treacherous leaderships concentrates all the tendencies for the consolidation of the defeats, tying the fate of the exploited masses to that of their exploiters. The crisis of the proletarian leadership has aggravated to extreme degrees. Transforming the spontaneous tendencies –which express, according to Lenin, the embryo of the consciousness– into a mass political struggle implies a necessity for redoubling the forces to centralize the ranks of the revolutionaries and the healthy forces of the International Trotskyist movement, to disperse the ranks of the Fifth International and of its 5th column within the world working class.
Based on these lessons, undertaking these tasks and behind these banners, we march towards the Second Congress of the FLTI.
This time, we know that in this speed race –as we had discussed in our first congress that the reformists will blow out, as the room for concessions are smaller and capitalism in crisis only pushes them to behave as butchers, strikebreakers and servile lackeys of the bourgeois counterrevolution. Because the reformists who claim to talk on the name of revolutionary Marxism cannot submit openly and with impunity every workers’ struggle to its class enemy without smashing their teeth against the rocks of the class struggle.
The exploiters have to centralize the reformist ranks more and more into an ever more centralized international, because more and more they need to prevent Tonghua/Lingzou, and the Peruvian and Mexican combats from generalizing, as it happened yesterday with the Kraft workers in Argentina, or today in Coca Cola in South Africa, or with the civil servants and the immigrant workers in Greece again, since the capitalist system is everyday more and more afraid of the emergence of revolution as the objective conditions of the current crisis creates it permanently. They will not live in peace, and the masses and we will not let them live in peace!
In short, it was neither the intelligence of the capitalists with their system in bankruptcy, nor that of their government or the “smart” bourgeois political leaderships that have saved such rotten system up to now. The super profits taken from the overexploitation of the colonial and semi colonial countries were used, as Lenin said, by this handful of imperialist parasites to corrupt the labor aristocracy and bureaucracy and the treacherous leaderships, paying them with crumbles fallen from the imperialists’ banquet, to save their system and states in bankruptcy from the hate and the struggle of the exploited masses.

The imperialist capitalist system achieves a breathing space and prepares new and superior attacks against the masses

The imperialist powers, leaning on the G20, and this time also on the IMF, saved the countries of Eastern Europe from default and a thorough crac submitting them to the control of the IMF under the US leadership. From the time being, it has prevented a generalized bankruptcy due to a prorogation conceded to an unpaid debt of one billion dollars of those countries – from Lithuania and Latvia to Ukraine, Hungary, Rumania, Poland, etc. All of them are on the brink of a default. All of them are also European and German maquilas– and now they are also strangled by the imperialist finance master of the planet (USA) with an external debt and new agreements with the IMF, with which they have been submitted with triple chains to world imperialism.
Our foundational congress reaffirmed that USA would make feel its weight of dominant power even more in the period of crisis than in the expansion period. This is what is happening. Europe and Japan with their banks have been trapped to the core in the Wall Street crisis. The European finance capital was led to the crac, default and bank crisis. The states have saved the finance capital by creating public debt and emptying their treasures, and for that reason, they are totally indebted.
The European recession is already chronic and structural. As we have seen with the devalued dollar USA is creating in those imperialist countries a deflation of prices. There are two discussions in imperialist Europe: How and When each power is going to overload on the masses and spheres of influence its crisis, that is, who is going to pay for the cost of the bailout to the UK, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Belgian banks in bankruptcy, etc.
The crisis of the Greek default is, above all, a European crisis that will be paid by the masses through inflation or direct attacks against their living standards and historical gains, as it is already happening today.
In Spain the proletarians watch astonished the loss of dozens of thousands of jobs, while the Spanish finance capital, under the mandate of the Spanish King, goes on sealing profitable business deals and getting juicy super profits in Latin America, Asia and Middle East.
Meanwhile, Germany tries to escape from such a crisis by avoiding all commitment with the European imperialist powers in bankruptcy, stating that “each one saves itself” when Spain, Italy, Portugal –like the weakest links of the imperialist domination chain– are about to fall in a similar situation to that of Greece with the bursting of their bubbles and the debt default of their states.
Once the Greek revolution was isolated, the proletariat did not generalize the general strikes of Belgium and the occupation of factories in France due to the action of its treacherous leaderships. This is the only thing that allows imperialist bourgeoisie to breath and state –like in Germany– that the way out is a generalized reduction in salaries and labour hours in order to keep the jobs untouched.
Germany is the first exporter of machine–tools (and the second largest exporter of any kind of goods) in the world, together with Japan that –as it had to compete against USA– developed the highest labour productivity in the production of machine–tools and in the production line, above all in the automobile industry where Toyota surpassed the US auto industries as regards the labour productivity.
The point is that the US, Japanese and European crisis and recession express the fact that the world crisis has not resolved the flow of the capital from the speculative and finance circuit to the production of goods, leaving aside some exceptions (for example, at the beginning of 2008 the speculative investments in future values of oil and commodities, or today the Chinese short cycle of expansion where the rate of profits has been partially enhanced, or even in some small specific sectors of the planet and in a few production branches of the world economy) since the average rates of profit of the monopolies and the profitability of their key productive branches in the world economy have not been yet reconstituted.
The capital will not return to the productive process, apart from scattered niches or punctual speculative manoeuvres, without new and decisive attacks against the masses, without stagflation or inflationary blows, new counterrevolutionary coups and fascist putsches, new cracs, and above all, without WARS, WITHOUT THE DEVELOPMENT OF DESTRUCTIVE FORCES FOR THE SAKE OF WAR, since only by destroying entire branches of production and areas of the planet, concentrating capital, increasing the rate of surplus value and the productivity of labour based on war, capitalism will be able to escape from this crisis; that is, it would only gain a prolongation of its life span by drowning the planet in a generalized catastrophe unless revolution prevents it from that.
We reaffirm that imperialism will not get out from THE CRISIS without wars and fascism that would allow it to make the masses pay –till the last cent– for the losses of finance capital and without establishing winners or losers among the imperialist powers. We affirm that the world has been already conquered and partitioned –as stated in our congress’ documents– in two world wars and the 1989 capitalist restoration in the former workers states that gave fresh blood to the rotten semi–corpse of the world capitalist system.
We affirm that the ’89 event defined the war and its dual character since the world economy regained the new markets of the former workers states under the US command. But it couldn’t get that prize within the Yalta conditions, that is, with Germany and Japan as USA vassals, with a France relatively independent and the City of London in servile partnership with Wall Street. The new markets expanded the horizon of the imperialist powers that existed in the Yalta period and a powerful unified Germany emerged that alongside France was in open dispute for the East of Europe, Middle East, and Africa against USA. The Japan subjugated and linked to the US military branch of production in Yalta, generalizing its production towards the civil productive branch of techno–goods was dislocated from the US engine in the ‘90s; left with its fate tied to the Pacific business as the great finance moneylender of the investments of the transnationals in China, and disputing, even with Germany, the first place as exporter of machine–tools at world wide level, it also became a first player in the automobile industry and was keen in moving –like it did during the last period– its high tech and consumer goods enterprises to China. In that way, Japan increased its rate of exploitation and profit by exporting from there towards the US market.
Japan, as a result of the war, was occupied by USA and ended up as its lackey so that it cannot dispute even a centimetre of anything in the Pacific where the 30% of the commerce of the world capitalist economy flows without US authorization, and let’s recall that this was imposed on it through two atomic bombs making two Japanese big cities evaporate. Some people want to affirm that in this place –the Pacific– where USA fought for the control of the world, a Chinese imperialism can emerge to dispute USA the world dominance without taking into account the fact that USA threw there two nuclear bombs.
Kautsky celebrates, laughs, applauds from his tomb his epigones of today.
And today those people expect to make the world working class believe that China, disputing the world to USA in a peaceful way has emerged like a new imperialist power thanks to its intrinsic characteristics resulting from the nationalized industry of the times of the workers’ state, that has been kept untouched during the restoration of capitalism in that country. A real national socialist brutality that following the Stalinist policy of socialism in only one country has elaborated today the theory of the emergence of imperialism in one single country when the world has already been partitioned and the finance capital controls all the branches of the world production.
We insist, THE WORLD HAS ALREADY BEEN CONQUERED, DIVIDED AND RE–DIVIDED WITH THE RESULTS OF YALTA AND POSTDAM AND OF THE ’89 EVENTS. Whoever states that the world can be divided again without wars is a vulgar pacifist and talkative servant of the “democratic” imperialisms that are preparing with Obama the worst counterrevolutionary attacks on the world.
The world has also been re–conquered at the end of the II World war and since the definition of ‘89.

USA has made the world its own domestic market. With the newly opened markets there were business for everybody; but also there were huge trade wars and inter–imperialist disputes during this new period in which –we hold– the exceptionality of Yalta with its US “super imperialism” and lackey or secondary imperialisms arrived to an end, so the world began developing a more “normal” period of domination of US imperialism like dominant power, with the Franco–German and Japanese imperialisms disputing with it the spheres of influence and branches of production or sectors of the world economy.
In 1914, Lenin defines that the world has been partitioned. That means that the branches of production of the world economy have been concentrated and controlled by trusts, cartels, and the monopoly and finance capital under a flag (nation). And in order to partition the world, the imperialist powers had to wage wars, as it happened with Germany when it was separated and expelled from its spheres of influence and obliged to launch the First World War.
The Marxist theory of imperialism affirms that commodities, according to their quality –that is, according to what human needs they satisfy– are grouped and produced in world branches of production, and controlled by monopolies, trusts and cartels, like Big Oil” that control the oil branch, the Seed monopolies that control the cereal and food’s business; the same happens with the pharmaceutical, chemical, automobile industries, etc, and even with the mother of the branches of production in the imperialist epoch, that is, the production of destructive forces for war.
In the FLTI congress we affirmed that the world has already been partitioned under these conditions and also that this is THE CRISIS since there is now no room in the world economy and in the production branches for new imperialist powers to dispute it. We said there are too many imperialist powers because it is not possible to get out from the crisis or reconstitute the rate of profit without an even deeper concentration of the production branches of the world economy in cartels and trusts becoming even more powerful.
Because of the control of those branches of production by the imperialists, the relationship between the states was either of colonial master or of colony or semi–colony. For that reason, we affirm that it was THE CRISIS since there is overabundance of imperialist powers and the outcome of this crisis would solve what imperialist power loses zones of influence and which one wins them and submits the colonial world with double chains, starting with the open and definite re–colonization of Russia and China.
In his work “Imperialism and the split in socialism” written in autumn 1916, when summarizing magnificently his 1914 definition of imperialism, Lenin defines the new emerging epoch in the class society called “imperialism, higher stage of capitalism”. That brilliant work slaps on the face any quack doctor or snake oil vendor that has appeared to sell new salvation formulas to the proletariat. Based on that work we are going to start discussing against the revisionists who do not start from the ABC of Marxist science, but from the new ideological fashionable solutions taken from the bourgeois cenacles that infect the working class through the aristocracy and labour bureaucracy. Lenin affirms as follows:
We have to begin with as precise and full a definition of imperialism as possible. Imperialism is a specific historical stage of capitalism. Its specific character is threefold: imperialism is monopoly capitalism; parasitic, or decaying capitalism; moribund capitalism. The supplanting of free competition by monopoly is the fundamental economic feature, the quintessence of imperialism. Monopoly manifests itself in five principal forms: (1) cartels, syndicates and trusts—the concentration of production has reached a degree which gives rise to these monopolistic associations of capitalists; (2) the monopolistic position of the big banks—three, four or five giant banks manipulate the whole economic life of America, France, Germany; (3) seizure of the sources of raw material by the trusts and the financial oligarchy (finance capital is monopoly industrial capital merged with bank capital); (4) the (economic) partition of the world by the international cartels has begun. There are already over one hundred such international cartels, which command the entire world market and divide it “amicably” among themselves—until war re–divides it. The export of capital, as distinct from the export of commodities under non–monopoly capitalism, is a highly characteristic phenomenon and is closely linked with the economic and territorial–political partition of the world; (5) the territorial partition of the world (colonies) is completed.
Russia and China entered the world economy thoroughly ruined. Russia had a brutal devaluation of the Ruble, a restorationist bureaucracy who stole more than 200 billion dollars by making them flee out of the country to the safes of the Citibank and JP Morgan Chase, sharing out the state enterprises while leaning on the cannons of the counterrevolutionary coup of August 1991 launched by the mafia and the thugs of the old restorationist bureaucracy; all that led Russia to backwardness, to a lifespan of 50 years and to wars and genocides like that of Chechnya; meanwhile in Balkans the capitalist restoration was imposed by massacres like in Bosnia and bombs like those of NATO on Belgrade.
That Russia in ruins that lost Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia, the ex–Muslim Republics where the 40% of oil lies, that is surrounded by US military bases established in those republics, with 49% of its oil and gas managed by the German BASF through that front firm called Gazprom, is called pompously “imperialist Russia”.
China that buys raw material and supplies of cereal, agro–industry, minerals and intermediate goods from the world market and in the semi–colonies from the own US, Australian, Canadian, French and England transnationals (that control Africa and Latin America), while financing the US monstrous deficits and foreign debt, and its labor force has been used by the international finance capital to sink the salary of the world proletariat like a comparative advantage is called pompously new “imperialist” power.
It is imperative to tell the truth to the world proletariat. If it buys, sells, covers deficits, bailout banks, lends for production, buys for the sake of third parties and administers slave labor, that is not monopoly capital, that is not parasitism: it is to work under a master, it means being a privileged employee to the international finance capital.
We affirm that imperialism was able to get out from the 1997–2001 crisis, which in its spirals devastated from Indonesia to USA to Turkey and caused the default in Argentina in 2001, thanks to a process of military Keynesianism and counterrevolutionary wars. That was compounded with the re–location of imperialist enterprises in different places of the world economy in accordance to the comparative advantages each of these places had for the privileged exploitation of the labour force according to its quantity and quality and the comparative advantage of the given currency for exporting to the world market. Thereby, 600,000 imperialist enterprises were established in China, and the Silicon Valley was moved to India to produce with its hi–tech companies taking advantage of its highly skilled labour force. Thereby, the textile industry was established in Pakistan and Vietnam where the small hands of peasants and children can be used for the great scale production of fine woven fabrics. The automobile and weapons industry found advantage in the devalued currency in Latin American Mercosur.
Apart from that, this means that while USA was relocating its imperialist enterprises, Germany and BASF looked to the East and in partnership with the Great Russian bourgeoisie, took care of the gas and oil that supply the imperialist Europe. Besides, it opened true maquilas and made a backyard for itself in the Eastern European Block in a row with USA.
Japan, the great exporter of machine–tools, lent its capital with zero rate in the ‘90s and now –when it lends money at a 2% rate for the transnationals established in China. Above all, its capital was invested in a 5–7% rate to exchange Yens per Australian dollars and for investing in the Shanghai stock market and in the speculation on the Chinese Real estate –housing– bubble controlled by the imperialist companies.
This combination of elements that led imperialism to get out from the serious crisis in 2001–2003 had key driving forces, as follows: the military counteroffensive and wars for oil that sent back Iraq and Afghanistan to the middle age, demolishing Lebanon 3 times and putting the Palestinian masses in true concentration camps and ghettos worse than that in Warsaw. All of this was done side by side with the action of the treacherous leaderships that prevented the revolutionary processes of the semi–colonial countries from synchronizing with the proletariat in the imperialist countries, like that which for example, had started in Spain, and aimed to fight against the participation of their countries in the Iraq invasion.
That is, as our foundational documents say: China and Russia meant fresh blood injected in the sclerotic veins of decaying world capitalism, like a semi–corpse or moribund man receives blood and oxygen allowing him to live and endure its condition for 4 or 5 years till 2007 when the first symptoms of a coming massive heart attack in the world economic crisis appeared; a crisis that is still under way and began with the bursting of the stock market bubble of Shanghai.
In the expansion cycle of 2003–2007, China financed the US deficits by buying the bonds of the US treasury with its dollars at a cost of more than one billion dollars that permanently lie as a time bomb in its central bank. Meanwhile, by permanently waging wars USA guaranteed the control of the oil industry and the development of construction creating here and there housing bubbles like those we have witnessed bursting, China in 2007 and then in 2008 in USA, and more recently in Dubai attracting like a vacuum cleaner the majority of capitals of the world, even the European and Japanese capitals taken in the finance crackdown of Freddy Mac, Fanny Mae and the wicked dwellings of the finance oligarchy, that is Wall Street. The super–banks spent in advance the values not yet produced by the human work per 90 trillion dollars. In 2007, oil companies like Exxon won 140 billion dollars of gross profit with the Republicrats’ war, speculation and issuance of securities for futures.
It’s hard to believe that there are so many people determined to hide the super–profits of the enterprises of their own imperialist powers, and who want us to believe that China with a 20 billion dollars Foreign Direct Investments would have already conquered a finance capital, which is been exported. That’s ridiculous. It is the small change given them by the transnationals for their services: for helping feed a counter tendency of the transnationals to get and produce with funds and cheap raw material of the Chinese state for their production in China.
Lenin and the Third International stated that the most important economic factor of our times is War. Thereby in the 1948 crisis, we witnessed USA acting in the Korean war, in the ‘65–66 crisis in Vietnam; in ‘82–87 they propelled the Star Wars (the massive deployment of missile launchers and missile shields ready to demolish the worker states with the pushing of a single button, NT), in 2000/2001 a crisis in Iraq and Afghanistan. “Le Monde Diplomatique” in September 2009 wondered which war will appear resulting from 2007–2009, and responded “For the time being, a new turn of the screw in Afghanistan”.
Imperialism is parasitism and war to save parasites that live of clipping coupons without working, which control the branches of world economy through their cartels and trusts. The military US budget to maintain its army without wars, that is, to maintain all its commands in the world is over 700 billion dollars. This is the equivalent to what the US government paid for bailing out the Wall Street parasites.
US imperialism makes a living from a military complex that spends the equivalent to the value of the oil companies Exxon and Petrochina, plus Microsoft. For that reason, such new Imperial Rome –USA– that emerged from the treason and strangling of the proletarian revolution by Stalinism at the end of the Second World War, is a monster that has created the main super enterprise of the world with its military apparatus (Their president Ike Eisenhower dixit). Besides, the 30 most important universities in USA had such military complex like a key client to the development of science and technology FOR WAR.
This is a parasitic finance capital. It was organized for war and in the great funds of investments around the Wall Street’s Super–banks –that true world finance oligarchy that per each dollar they lever it up 50 or 60 times without backing in their assets, that is, they do so by speculation, buying commodities at future values to make the value of the seed and food enterprises’ raise fictitiously as well as the value of oil through their wars. (These seed and food MNCs control the world economy as regards grains and cattle). Similarly, then, they revolved around themselves with mortgages on mortgages provoking the bursting of the housing bubble.
That is imperialism! Like Lenin says... PARASITISM!... “three, four or five giant banks manipulate the whole economic life of America, France, Germany”. It is a great definition. A bunch of super–banks –that float above all the commercial banks of the world– managing investment funds located in the 4 squares of Wall Street, full of parasites eating the benefits with no backing from any good produced by human labour showed in their bankruptcy that they control 400 trillion dollars of the world trade and have under their shelter the 37% of the worldwide stock of shares, even those of the imperialist banks of England, Germany, France and Japan.

The revisionists, with the fairy tale of an “imperialist China” want to cover again what the world crac has uncovered: the super profits and the parasitism of the world finance oligarchy

Today as it is the fashion among the revisionist parrots of Wall Street and the City of London, we are going to talk about “concrete numbers”. This “fashion” is aimed to hide the filthy dirt and the hidden huge super–profits of the international finance capital while every day this oligarchs with their court of parrots try to make the world working class believe that there is no money for salaries, housing, or education. The fact that those super–banks have robbed the salaries, jobs, dignity, and lives of millions of exploited of the world is what they want to hide. Thereby those super–banks must die if the working class and human society are to live.
The task of revisionism is to prevent the proletariat from remembering and engraving in their memory the multi–millionaire figures that mean all the riches of the world is concentrated in very few hands. They must prevent the proletariat from knowing the fact that from such a banquet table the crumbs fall to pay the world labour aristocracies and bureaucracies for acting like jail keepers of the world proletariat.
The 20 billion dollars in FDI that China has put abroad –a figure used by our minority in the FLTI in a shameful way as an argument to demonstrate that “China exports finance capital”– are a humble small change that does not even reach the 10% of the super plus value extracted from the Chinese proletariat. That is because the lion’s share of that plus value is got and sent to the metropolises, as in any semi colonial country, by the big MNCs that are in China, and the bourgeois Chinese Mandarins only take a minor slice of it in exchange for their services of jail–keepers and murderers against the working class and the exploited masses.
They want to hide that the Bolivarians, the Muslim bourgeoisies and the “market socialism” bourgeoisies of Hu Jintao, and other slave–owners’ foremen, are junior partners of the bankers of Wall Street, Frankfurt and Paris as regards the sharing out of the imperialist business.
Today, revisionism wants to hide again and seal with 7 keys the 4 blocks of Wall Street so that the world proletariat forgets that 8000 parasites and vulture investment funds lever up and control 400 trillion dollars of the world trade, and constitute –as Lenin says– an oligarchy of super–banks controlling the planet and the fate of world, while the biggest commercial banks with open branches in every country, among them the Chinese, English, US, Japanese, French commercial banks do not capitalize more than 2 trillion dollars.
“China and Russia are imperialist” they say. They must lend a convenient mask to that handful of parasites that live by clipping coupons in the imperialist countries based on the plunder of the semi–colonial world, so they can hide they control the 80% of the finances and super–profits of the world. They must hide the following fact from the proletarians: all the money, the trillions of dollars and wealth taken from the working class are in the hands of a handful of parasites to whom we must defeat through the victory of the proletariat revolution because actually in the world there is an overabundance of riches to give salaries for everybody, housing for all, reduction of the labour hours for all, and much more than that: Yes! For the entire working class in the planet!
As the Foreign Affaire recognizes, the investment funds lever up more than 90 trillion dollars without any backing, that is, they do have no compensation in real value created by human labour. That means that capitalism has eaten beforehand what it hasn’t yet produced. As we say in our documents: if there are no goods created by human labour, neither God nor Rockefeller exist who can create value.
We are talking about 400 trillion dollars of crossed operations among such super banks oligarchy mainly from USA, its partners, and the City of London where German and Japanese imperialisms put everything on line since 2001. They all together were dragged to this ‘89, but this time an ‘89 of imperialism that has burst in Wall Street.
This is the super–finance capital. This is imperialism, that Lenin defined as “a handful of parasites that live clipping coupons based on millions of slaves of the semi–colonial world”.
In his work “Imperialism higher stage of capitalism”, Lenin affirmed: “It is characteristic of capitalism in general that the ownership of capital is separated from the application of capital to production, that money capital is separated from industrial or productive capital, and that the rentier who lives entirely on income obtained from money capital, is separated from the entrepreneur and from all who are directly concerned in the management of capital”. And then he goes on: “Imperialism, or the domination of finance capital, is that highest stage of capitalism in which this separation reaches vast proportions. The supremacy of finance capital over all other forms of capital means the predominance of the rentier and of the financial oligarchy; it means that a small number of financially “powerful” states stand out among all the rest. The extent to which this process is going on may be judged from the statistics on emissions, i.e., the issue of all kinds of securities”. (V. I. Lenin, “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism” chapter III. FINANCE CAPITAL AND THE FINANCIAL OLIGARCHY– Selected Works, Volume 1, pp. 667–766 (First Published: Early 1917).
This is what we now do in the present work: we demonstrate that the Chinese or the Indian FDIs (India is nearly pairing China in that) are merely a fifth or even less than the superprofits extracted from the semicolonies by the great finance capital.
The Chinese Mandarins run to buy commodities and minerals in the semicolonial world from the MNCs that are producing or extracting them, and do not separate themselves from the productive process or from the management of capital; completely differently act the 6 million parasites in Wall Street (that live by clipping coupons for an amount of 400 trillion dollars), who nobody knows personally, who nobody knows who they are. Therefore the activity of the Chinese mandarins is not imperialism, it does not constitute the separation of the imperialist parasites from the management of capital but is that of an agent, an employee and manager of the world finance oligarchy’s capital. That means they are junior partners, in the same way any native bourgeoisie is that manipulates and manages the commercial, industrial or bank capital, for the sake of the international finance capital, as we will see later. We are witnessing mere foremen, or estate surveyors, no other classification corresponds to the Chinese Mandarins.
 But the role of the treacherous leaderships consists precisely in hiding this truth from the world proletariat. Because there does not exist this worker that accepts a wage cut, the loss of his/her job, the expulsion of an immigrant or the dismissal of one of his/her fellow–workers if his/her leadership speaks with the truth, telling him/her that in the four blocks of Wall Street and an equivalent area in the City of London circulate 400 trillion dollars per year of the world trade, of which a bunch of parasites manage to eat 90 trillions, a bunch of parasites that do not produce anything and live by clipping coupons. That is, these parasites have spent, they alone have eaten eight times what the entire US produces in a year!
We have to tell the truth to the Chinese workers! It is necessary to throw down the foremen of the counterrevolutionary party that is an agent of the Citibank, JP Morgan, Renault, the French 5th Republic, the Bundesbank and the bloodthirsty Japanese imperialists!
Stop hiding from the workers the superprofits of the capitalists! Let’s tell them the truth! The FDIs from the Chinese Mandarins and the Indian sepoys are mere small change given them by the MNCs, that is a minor portion of what these MNCs get from the plus value extracted from the brutal super exploitation of the Chinese working class!
In 1998 when we split from PTS, those Kautskyists said –after 10 years of capitalist restoration in USSR– that there was no capitalism in Russia since its economy did not work normally because there were a lot of Mafiosi who made big amounts of capital flee abroad. We, Trotskyists, told them that capitalism consists precisely in such things: thugs, gangs and mafia.
If when imperialism emerged it created the initial accumulation of capital with pirates of the kind of Morgan and thieves like the Crusaders, imperialism in its phase of decay keeps its super–profits using bombs, destroying entire countries, fostering mafias and thugs who plunder the world with wars.
This is the thesis of imperialism we are going to defend. Imperialism is parasitism, control of spheres of influence, military bases, since only in this way the monopolies and trusts support themselves, that is, by controlling the world economy. And as Lenin said, imperialism is essentially the split of socialism, that is, it pays labour aristocracy so that it hides the imperialists’ profits and super– profits from the eyes of the international proletariat.

In each moment of the expansive waves of the world crac, the capitalist economy has searched for Counter Tendencies that fed and deepened revisionism in Marxism

For us Trotskyists, the decisive law of historical causality, by which ultimately capitalism is supported does not operate in the objective factors, but in the subjective ones, that means the crux of the problem lies in the crisis of the proletarian leadership.
When the 2001/2003 expansion cycle created the image that we were going to enter an expansion cycle of a “multipolar” world, with a developing pole in the Mercosur with Brazil at its head, another one in China and Asia, another one in Russia and another one in USA, the world revisionist impressionist left, like chatterbox parrots and fortune–tellers of financial capital’s prosperity, told the world proletarians that what was coming was a 50 years’ capitalist expansion cycle, superior even to that of the 1880–1914 capitalist expansion that had led the advanced capitalist countries to the super saturation of capital and the emerging of imperialism. The crisis of leadership, that is the overabundance of treacherous leaderships and their acting, was always preceded by the poison of the revisionists of Marxism that paves the way for their treasons.
Unlike the 20th century, this time revisionism does not emerge from the ranks of Social Democracy or Stalinism, but from the ranks of the renegades of the Fourth international, who conducted it to the feet of the bourgeoisie and caused the worst of the revisionisms. Ever since 1989, when Lenin’s statues were falling down, these servants and spokesmen of capital blamed the Trotskyist program and the Bolsheviks theory for the loss of the former worker states, for the massacres that devastated Bosnia and the entire Balkans, Armenia, the former Islamic republics of the USSR and the Tiananmen square, forgetting that they had been servants to Stalinism in the West and accomplices of its treasons at the end of the 2WW.
Those Marxist renegades, of all shades, were getting ready for a wide expansion cycle, while they buried the Argentinean, Palestinian, and Bolivian revolution, the national wars as those in Palestine or Lebanon, and submitted the proletariat to the “democratic”, “progressive”, Bolivarian and Muslim bourgeoisies.
Those leaderships that subordinated the proletariat to the bourgeoisie were the same that were announcing that a progressive capitalism was going to progress and that workers’ and popular gains could be achieved in a “multipolar world”, only to justify their betrayals. Those shameless people said that in 2003, when US–UK imperialists were massacring anti–imperialist fighters before the eyes of the whole world in Mazar–i–Shariff and Afghanistan was being sent to the Middle Ages.
They broke their teeth against the real life, when the crisis hit China, sunk Australia and just like symptoms of worse heart attacks it hit Japanese financial capital. THE CRISIS and the world catastrophe begun again as The Asian Crisis, as it did in 1997–2001, where there was the biggest concentration of parasitic super–speculative financial capital, which was already withdrawing its capitals from China because of the declining rate of profit and wanted to settle in Vietnam, India and Central America with new maquilas that could keep down the value of the world labor force.
And when the first premonitory heart attacks of the economic crisis hit the world economy, these tricksters said: “the crisis hasn’t get the real economy; they are just the signs of a stock market crisis”. Of course, they weren’t Chinese, Japanese, Australian, North American or European workers who were already losing their jobs, or those that suffered the increase of the cost of living as in Italy with the increase on the price of pasta, or those that had to work in ever worse conditions.
 “Come on!” they told us; “Capitalism keeps all its vigor and potentiality”. And said excitedly “It’s just another cyclic crisis”.
The oil barrel cost US$140. The prices of cereals and other grains, like soybeans, were at their highest historic level. Thus they covered the huge amounts of capital that left the productive process and speculated with the price of commodities and future values.
The revisionists of Marxism tried to keep their ideological positions on the battlefield, but fell down as a sand castle by the sea tide when it comes in.
The Wall Street market fell, the superbanks were falling apart and what was left before the eyes of the masses was that “the emperor was nude” and that we were facing THE CRISIS of the world economy; that financial capital had already spent 90 trillions dollars that human work hadn’t yet created; which were subsidized by the states which came out to bail out the banks and big financiers “too big to fail” to prevent the generalized bankruptcy of the finance capital in the imperialist states; for that purpose they are increasing the semi colonial plundering and at the same time flooding the world with the emission of debt bonds. What is coming today are defaults, bankruptcies, new ruptures in the chain of payments –like in Greece and Dubai, as yesterday were the former Eastern Block countries, and as today it threats to strike Italy, Spain and Portugal– as the tide rises and already hits the weaker defenses (i.e. minor imperialist powers) that are also which will have to pay for the crisis of the main imperialist powers –that are doing everything possible to be the winners in the current crisis.
Against what the usual stupid charlatans say about its decadence, far from loosing its hegemony, in the middle of its crisis, USA has been attracting (as the dominant power) the biggest amount of capital in the world, in the middle of its crisis to cover its deficits in the trade balance, and in its budget, social security, reserves, etc. As in a game, the entire world runs to put into USA 14 trillions dollars in the moment of its biggest historic crisis. As Trotsky said the ruling power makes feel its power the most during the crisis, more even than during the expansion and growing cycle.
And this is so, because the revisionists who have broken with Marxism have never understood that the strength of an imperialist power is defined by its labour productivity, that means by the historic tendency of the human civilization and from the different modes of production generated by it, to taking from nature in the least possible time the biggest amount of necessary products, for the satisfaction of the human needs.
This tendency of increasing technology, quality machinery, improve the use of labor force in the productive process as well as its qualification; these tendency to finishing the production anywhere in the world, using the comparative advantages of the different sources of raw material, or of a devaluated currency that allows to export at a lower price; this capacity of producing and moving the commodities “just in time” is what Marxism has named labour productivity.
That is why the ruling imperialist powers are those who have the most powerful gunboats; the strongest armies and the highest labour productivity.
Marx defined different laws that govern the bourgeois economy. He studied them and defined them in order to explain why a so much anarchic system, in which millions of producers that do not know each other go to the market to buy or sell their products, can work in an apparently synchronized way.
He studied Commodity, and with it the Law of Value that regulates all the exchanges in the capitalist economy, of which its fundamental contradiction lies within the productive process.
As a consequence, Marx defined the relentless struggle for increasing the labor productivity, which guides the entire activity of capitalism, as well as the activities of all the preceding productive modes before it.
Therefore, in his reports to the congresses of the Third International, Trotsky asserted: “the law of labor productivity is as important for the human society as the gravitational law is for Mechanics”.
Trotsky affirmed together with the 3rd International that the struggle for the labor productivity in the 19th century took mainly the form of free competition and it maintained a dynamic equilibrium in the reformist epoch of capitalism through the cyclical crises caused by the exhaustion of the machinery.
 But precisely that competition conducted to a monstrous concentration at the end of the expansion cycle of 1880–1914 with the emergence of the trusts and the corporations that began to control and force greater ‘planning’ on whole productive branches of  the world economy, which were kept under the control of the parasitic finance capital.
For Trotsky and all the Marxists, capitalism of free competition found its end and the world had already been partitioned and was going to be re–partitioned through the wars of the cartels, the trusts and monopolies.
 There doesn’t exist any more the epoch of the free competition that allowed new processes of concentration of capital, messrs. reformists and revisionists. We are now (and that from a long time ago) in the epoch of the control on the productive branches and the spheres of influence all over the world on the part of the monopolies and the trusts, with their gunboats.
They want to make us Marxists believe that we have returned to the reformist epoch of “free competition” between the Chinese state monopolies and the imperialist corporations that control the productive branches and the spheres of influence with their weapons shooting in every direction. As Trotsky said, the epoch of economic liberalism has long ago died in the phase of death agony of Capital and the free competition “is a hen that hatched not a chicken but a crocodile”, so “nobody should wonder if this hen cannot manage conveniently its offspring”.
No doubt we are in front of revisionist currents, either in their catastrophist or pacifist variants, all of them, as we denounce, giving a picture of a progressive development in the capitalist mode of production in the planet, and which hold the persistence of free exchange, free competition and a wealthy development of the productive forces. And we denounce them because they want convince us of the existence of a mode of production which has a long way ahead before it exhausts its potentiality in History, when we are actually witnessing the worse crises, wars and catastrophes of its history.
Imperialism is the permanent destruction of productive forces and the increasing of the productivity of labor is linked to the development of destructive forces.
The USA, which imposed Ford’s line of production, proved to have a better production line than Germany or England; so it emerged as the ruling imperialist power after the WW II, while England had emerged as the imperialist ruling power on the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century because its navy controlled the world trade with its cannons.
The USA will go into decadency if it’s the loser power in the world crisis. But so far it goes on being the winner, because it is the one which has thrown its crisis to the rest of the world, as the new debts of the European imperialist states show.
The peculiarity of USA –as the dominant power– to where 14 trillions dollars have arrived to save it since its historic crisis began, is that that is the place where the most powerful destructive forces in the planet are concentrated; upon which it will be able to reconstruct its profit rate based on war and destruction. The capital knows this and is not silly; it is coward, but not silly.
This explains the enormous income of capitals to USA; i.e. the high standing labour productivity from its 30 universities producing high technology for the monopolies and the suppliers of the US state trusts, that then are capable of generalize their production to civil branches, at zero–cost, financed by the US state.
So, unlike in the rest of the imperialist powers, the US labour productivity far from going backwards during the crisis, is increased.
According to Foreign Affairs statistics productivity in US industry grew a 13.4% on the third quarter of the year. Industrial GDP grew 5.2% on the same period and there was a peak of 8.1%, the biggest growth since the third quarter of 2003. In USA productivity grows in the recessive phases. On the fourth quarter of 2008 the GDP fell 6.6% and productivity grew 3.2%. And when the economy heals it keeps growing. In the third quarter of 2009 the industrial GDP grew 2.8% and the productivity 8.1%.
That’s why the US is the dominant power. Its productivity of labour grows both in the growing cycles and in the decreasing cycles. This is because it handles the biggest concentration of destructive forces and financial capital of the world.
It sounds funny and sometimes pitiful, seeing the quack doctors talking about the “Imperialist China” when we see Hu Jintao and other servants of the imperialist financial capitals begging in the summit “against the greenhouse effect” for new “non contaminant” technologies, which are owned by USA, Shell, the Pentagon, to make of the cleaning of the planet the biggest business for the transnationals; as yesterday it was the destruction (and the re–construction of what had been destroyed) and as the war will be again.
That’s why a first conclusion from this data, as the imperialist general staff predicts, is that the after–crisis US productivity is about 10% to 15% superior to Japan’s and EU’s. This allows USA to produce in a cheaper way the production branch that it’s interested in, at a lower cost and getting the plus value from the rest of the bourgeoisies on the world market, including China, because ultimately the world is its domestic market.
This is the tendency that is incubating in the prospects of a way out from the crisis of this rotten system, by US capital creating a new world labour division with USA as an exporter with a devaluated dollar that –while it goes on throwing inflation to the rest of the world– allows this imperialism to place itself in a privileged situation in relation to the productive branches of other imperialist powers and dispute them in the whole world economy.
That’s why that new Chinese Kuomintang full of slave–master bourgeois and murderers of workers, who are selling out the Chinese nation in partnership with USA and world imperialism had stated that they could only be the second brother of USA and the rest of the imperialist powers. (That means not being the first son but the one that takes charge of caring for the widow if the first one dies).
This is the way things are on this planet in bankruptcy thanks to the world imperialist system and the betrayal of the proletarian leaderships that are preventing the working class from destroying capitalism just in a moment that it is lying at death’s door.
Thus USA pays back by devaluating its currency and bringing inflation to the whole world economy the services given to it by its servants and rivals. So it increases its comparative advantages for export, pushing for the deflation of European prices and gradually imposing and trying to rebuild a world division of labor that allows it to reconstitute its rate of benefit, exporting to every corner of the world market, and transforming China now –besides being the safe box that has financed its deficits by changing valueless treasuries for fresh dollars– from the maquila platform for the imperialists’ exports, into a raw materials importer, into a buyer of patents, minerals, and goods that the same imperialist powers, especially US, produce and sell at world level and in China.

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