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April 24th, 2012

The keys to the present time in the world situation and the program of the revolutionaries

Here are the resolutions of the International Executive Committee Plenum held the first week of March in the current year. One of the main debates focused on the analysis of the present time of the world situation, how it shapes and is refracted in each country and with regard to the programme of the revolutionaries.


2007 – 2008
A new historical period marked by the bankruptcy of the world imperialist capitalist system; either the working-class finds a breakthrough with the victory of the Socialist Revolution, or capitalism, in order to survive, throws over the masses the entire weight of its crisis


2011 Before the blows of the capitalist crisis: a revolutionary mass rise that has shocked the world

1 – In 2011 we witnessed a phenomenal mass rise which threatened to synchronize the colonial and semi-colonial world proletarian revolution leading it to the heart of the imperialist powers. The chain of working-class, socialist revolutions opened in North Africa and the Middle East showed to the world proletariat how to stop the crisis and blow up in revolutionary hotbeds of the planet, the dikes of containment of the reformist leaderships who control so far the world working class.

2011 was a year that shook the world. The rise pushed to combat not only the European working class, which had been giving harsh struggles against the bankruptcy of imperialist Maastricht, but also to the American working class which took the port at Oakland and its more advanced elements were encircling Wall Street. Meanwhile, in Latin America, South Africa and enslaved China the masses threatened with revolutionary offensives. So we saw it in the Bolivian general strike, in the struggle of the Chilean workers and youth, in the general strikes at South Africa and Nigeria and in the chain of mass revolts in China. This process threatened with the opening of a world pre-revolutionary situation and a revolutionary mass ascent at a global that which took place in the period 1968-1974.

2. The Tunisian young, unemployed professional who in December 2010 took his own life because the police had confiscated his cart and banned him to sell a paltry bunch of vegetables in a square for a living, concentrated on his tragedy the conditions of capitalism in bankruptcy and the incredible suffering of the exploited of the world. To the unbearable increase in the price of food in all North Africa, to the rampant looting of imperialism in the region, to the killer autocracies settled in their bayonets the power of the exploited replied with a string of uprisings, which first claimed the head of Ben Ali in Tunisia, then that of Mubarak’s in Egypt and expanded to the Middle East in flames. It was a powerful revolution for bread, against imperialism and the autocracies with different episodes from Tunisia to Egypt, to Libya; from Bahrain to Yemen, to Syria.

Overthrowing governments and regimes, disarming police corps and breaking the bourgeois army; conquering mass armament, standing up their struggle and power organizations, occupying the squares and transforming them in parliaments of the exploited and attacking private property, the working class, socialist revolution in North Africa and the Middle East broke all the dikes of containment of the reformist leaderships of the world proletariat.

In Libya, the world revolution was at its forefront: worker and popular militias crushed the regime with the method of mass insurrection, leaving thousands of martyrs in the way, and executed Qadafy, the Jackal. In Syria they were already beginning open clashes between revolution and counter-revolution. The same was demonstrated by the invasion of the Arab bourgeoisie and imperialism to crush together the insurrected masses of Bahrain. These counter-revolutionary actions were then a forerunner to the dominant classes’ attitude in front of the uprisings: no way were they to surrender their power gently.

The policy of class collaboration and the parliamentarian detours have the aim to numb the masses and prepare the best conditions to crush them with putsches and counter-revolutionary blows as we saw not only in Bahrain, but also in Yemen, in Egypt with the military Junta, and now with the massacre in Syria. Imperialism could not allow and let the masses sweep completely all its counter-revolutionary devices in the region. In its dynamics and perspective, this mass offensive had put to the order of the day a widespread struggle of the exploited of the region to destroy the State of Israel as well as to inflame and revolt again the masses in Iraq and Afghanistan against imperialism. No way, were the transnational corporations to leave in the hands of the rebellious masses the routes of oil and of their fabulously profitable businesses in the region. As far as there the revolutionary offensive of the exploited had come, despite and against all the counterrevolutionary leaderships in the planet, all of them agents of Capital.

3 – The chain of 2011 Revolutions in the North of Africa and the Middle East threatened to reach imperialist Europe. We also saw the exploited masses of China staging thousands of riots throughout the Interior of the country against the transnationals, against the expropriation of land from the peasants and against the corrupt and murderous rulers of the CCP and the slaveholding bosses, who tagged these revolts as "wild". The defensive struggle of the Chinese masses began to have strong elements of an offensive of the working class, which tended to join the protests of millions of hungry peasants, thus configuring an explosive situation for all the exploiters in the world.

Workers of the Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Foxxconn, etc., like formerly in Tonghua and Lingzou, as well as other hundred thousands of workers struggling isolated by factory and region, refused to continue to endure maquila wages and conditions of slavery and bondage under the transnational.

The Chinese working class came from exercising its muscles in the fight, when in 2007-08 the Shanghai Stock Exchange fell and hundreds of thousands of Korean and Chinese owned factories had to close, as well as state owned and foreign companies which, for the valorization of the labor force in China, sent part of its branches to Indonesia, Thailand, Viet Nam, Egypt and other areas of the planet, looking for new sources of cheap slave labour, even cheaper than the Chinese. Faced with this situation, the method of struggle which the Chinese working class imposed during all 2008-2009 was: "If the factories are closed, municipalities and local councils are burnt, and the Government must pay the wages." There is no wage? So, like in Tonghua and Lingzou they roll the heads of the bosses and managers of the factories".


One of the largest proletariats in the world tightened its muscles and threatened to break with a revolutionary offensive by blowing up from the foundations that paradise of the transnationals exploiting slave labor which China has become into. The Party of Chinese mandarins headed by Hu Jintao and other lackeys of the transnationals, began to divide around how better to control this tendency to the rise of the labor movement in China. But what all of them did agree on was in enlisting their caste of the Chinese killer army officers to return to massacre, as they had done years ago in Tiananmen Square, to try to contain the mass rise that was developing.

4 - In Latin America, the tendency was to break the encirclement and control of the Bolivarian Governments, expropriators of the worker and peasant revolutions of the early years of the 21st century. The working class and poor farmers in Bolivia surpassed the bureaucracy of the COB, and confronted in the streets Evo Morales and his "tarifazo" (sudden rise of fees and fares, NT)- in the service of corporations - to the cry of "Evo and Goni, the same crap!", “Out with the transnationals!" . This struggle was contained by the collaborationist bureaucracy of the COB, which the POR is nothing more than a wing of, which supports the "Worker Ministers" in the repressive and murderous Government of Evo Morales.

On 28 and 29 September, while Evo Morales was butchering the peasants of the TIPNIS, the masses responded with a general strike. The leaderships of the COB and the POR conspired to prevent this readiness of the Bolivian masses to stage a revolutionary rise from ending in sweeping the Government of Evo Morales, showing at every step that he is as repressor and starver as the Governments of the “Rosca” (Bolivian Big Business ring). And this is so because it is the Government of the Covenant of the transnationals, the Santacruceña (from Santa Cruz de la Sierra, an oil producing province, NT) oligarchy and Evo Morales, blessed by the OAS and sustained by the native bourgeoisies of the continent. The leaderships of the masses, with the carrot of "nationalization of mining" which never comes, collaborated to separate the mineworkers’ movement from the rest of the workers and peasants who were rising up in Bolivia.

In Chile, an anti-imperialist struggle was generalizing of the student youth and the working class; it remarked that to conquer decent wages and free education for the working class children, it should be unavoidable to expropriate Chilean copper, overthrow the Government of Piñera and demolish the Pinochetist military regime. A pre-revolutionary situation was opening in that country. In deep Peru with revolts and uprisings, workers and peasants are rioting against the imperialist plundering. This fighting in the Andean region of Latin America, threatened with the return of the revolts of the Latin American working class to the center of the stage, as when they had played a role of vanguard in the first five years of the 21st century.

5. As a real electric shock, the fighting across the Maghreb and the Middle East pushed the masses of Europe to a new and higher wave of combat, marking that the only possible exit was the mass political struggle against their Governments and financial capital.

Already for the two latest general strikes of August–October in Greece, Stalinist and bureaucratic union leaderships could not prevent the working class from breaking the narrow framework of helpless economic struggles, where the bureaucracy tried to push them at every step. Under the whip of the Bundesbank and the IMF the Government of financial capital attacked the Greek working-class, poor farmers and all the exploited at close range. “Down with Papandreou! Dissolution of the puppet Parliament! Let’s do as in Argentina in 2001: for "Every one of them must go for good, not a single one should come back!”; it began to be the battle cry of the Greek working class, opening the prospect that the revolutionary processes of the colonial and semi-colonial world could reach the metropolises; in this case Greece, one of the weakest links of the imperialist dominion.

With reformist apparatuses and labor bureaucracies wobbling down due to the revolution, the masses in their fight began to identify with absolute clarity who was their enemy. The “indignados” (outraged) in the Spanish State began to take the squares: young workers, unemployed, spirited students and the ruined petty bourgeois doing as they had been taught by the Egyptian exploited. Their cry was "Republic of the Indignados!", going back in History to revive the motion of the Spanish working class in the ´30s, long quelled by reformism: get out the King! Long live the Republic!

In England, exploited youth stalled for two days the main cities, with a revolt that devastated everything in its path, burning the Tottenham of the transnationals.
In the United States, Wisconsin workers faced the adjustment of Obama with flags and posters that read "Let’s Fight as in Egypt". The longshoremen in Oakland again paralysed the port and the Indignados of Occupy Wall Street arose encircling US finance capital, marking the world working class these are their main enemies.

The revolution in the Maghreb was threatening to cross the Mediterranean Sea and penetrate the imperialist Europe of Maastricht giving a qualitative blow to financial capital. Greek proletariat and youth seemed to take this task, as a vanguard detachment, in their hands, leading a wave of mass political struggles superior to that which the European proletariat had already starred. Financial capital could not allow it. The reformists came in for relief.


A new generation of the proletariat gave birth to new processes of mass radicalization

6 - Thus the exploited around the world began to put themselves in a position of counteroffensive to defeat the attack of the capitalists.

The motion of the working class and the oppressed of North Africa, throughout the world proletariat, was that to defeat the attack of capitalists one had to fight for everything, with the methods of the proletarian revolution, ramming against the Citadel of the power of the exploiters and throwing down mass murderer Governments and regimes that were making starve their peoples.

At each step, the proletariat tended to coordinate its fight at the international level and threatened to feature a true revolutionary rise, synchronizing the struggle of the masses of the colonial and semi-colonial world with that of the proletariat of the imperialist countries. The concrete possibility opened for the development of a pre-revolutionary situation.

7 - A new generation of the proletariat decanted a genuine process of radicalisation in the heart of the exploited masses. They were who led demonstrations, insurrections, and workers and popular militias which distinguished no boundaries in a single revolution going from the North of Africa to Middle East. They were who surrounded Wall Street, captured the squares in the Spanish State, executed bosses in China and broke with the Bolivarian Governments. Those were who, as in Japan, sat down to erect milestones of internationalism among the vanguard workers and anti-imperialist youth which, facing the nuclear catastrophe imposed the masses by the Japanese MNCs, mobilized in defence of the repressed Chilean students and encircled the Embassy of that country, at imperialist Japan.

The world proletariat has come very far in his fight and his spontaneity. Even with a significant degree of awareness, on the basis of previous struggles, marking milestones of socialism and proletarian internationalism. The string of revolutions in the Maghreb turned the bourgeoisie crazy; the exploited, totally outraged reached and fenced Wall Street. Europe was shaken from its foundations. Despite and against a huge battalion of treacherous leaderships -who were overruled by the masses-, the working-class shocked the world as nobody had seen since many decades ago. This was 2011.

The first responses to the brutal attack that the imperialistic capital in bankruptcy launched, had already been given by the working class in 2007-08. Those mass fightings were quickly fenced such as in Guadeloupe, Madagascar, Kyrgyzstan; with the Palestinian martyred and massacred by the Zionist State under the command of Obama and its "Operation Cast Lead"; or in Greece, where the masses in the streets threatened to overthrow the Government of Karamanlis. But this time, the encirclement which had been attempted against the revolutionary processes was overpassed and the masses tended to generalize their bouts since in a very accurate way they distinguished by themselves who were their enemies: the superbanks and their Governments and regimes which were attacking violently the masses to make them pay for the formers’ crisis.

8. The reformists had been regrouped and concentrated by big capital to sustain it and defend it from the hate of the masses in the middle of its bankruptcy. With the 2011 offensive, the encirclement built by reformism around the masses was drilled here and there by the latter that threatened with their shocks the very fortress of the powerful, the power of the exploiters, their regimes, Governments and States. That’s why, to control this process, it was not enough with the betrayals and the back stabbing of reformism, but the bourgeoisie and imperialism were forced to put also in the streets their fascist and counter-revolutionary agent, as we could see in Bahrain and today the massacres in Syria and China, which have initiated a brutal counter-offensive against the masses. Greece, populated by fascist gangs, anticipates that the resolution of the question about who pays for the global crisis -whether the working class and the exploited or the imperialistic capital, will be defined historically with wars and decisive clashes between fascism and communism.

2012: supported in treacherous directions of the proletariat, imperialism began a counter-offensive to contain the offensive of the masses of 2011
Counter-revolution has concentrated its forces striking heavily in Syria, has launched a brutal attack in Greece and China, and is making qualitative leaps to the full capitalist restoration in Cuba.

9. As we can see today, at the beginning of March, 2012 it has begun an imperialist counter-offensive which focuses all his forces in Syria. The troops of Assad, on account of NATO and the imperialist powers, with the support of the bourgeoisie of Iran and Lebanon, came to Homs and all the rebellious cities of Syria, causing a real massacre with his mercenaries and imposing, in the working-class areas, the fascist policy of scorched earth. The bourgeoisie, imperialism and their agents, the treacherous leaderships, concentrated all his forces there to make Assad the Jackal to do the "dirty work" for all of them, smashing the mass insurrection.

It was necessary to prevent Syria from being turned into a new Libya with the armed masses overthrowing Assad and taking justice into own hands in their struggle for bread. That would have meant a new leap of the revolution demolishing the State and the Government that ensures imperialism the "peace borders" to the fascist Zionist State of Israel. That would have also meant that the Palestinian masses, the most respected in the region, could emerge as the leader of a sole revolution smashing the fascist state of Israel and thereby, defeating the trappings of detours, containment and coups in Tunisia and Egypt. The armed Libyan masses would have also defeated pro-imperialist CNT.

It is on these grounds that Stalinism and the WSF supported the Covenant of Hamas and Fatah in Palestine, who had the impertinence to fight for the existence of two States in occupied Palestine, according to the borders prior to the ´67 as driven by the murderer Obama. This is equivalent to sustaining the fascist Zionist State of Israel for it to continue occupying the Palestinian nation and maintaining the enslaved masses of that country in ghettos and concentration camps, such as Gaza and the West Bank.

10 - At the beginning of March, 2012, imperialism centralized all its forces and actors in implementing a fierce counterrevolutionary action of extermination against the heroic insurrected Syrian masses. The occupation troops of al Assad were commanded by Obama and imperialism, which moved Russia’s Putin and Hu Jintao of China to give them state-of-the-art weapons and equipment; the Iranian bourgeoisie of the Ayatollahs and the Lebanese Hezbollah to act as a fifth column supported by the Bolivarians; and to the reformists to encircle with lies and slandering the Syrian masses, with the aim that the world proletariat did not defend them. So the bloodthirsty Jackal could enter in Homs and crush the resistance, shooting and beheading the new martyrs of the world working class.

This is an imperialist counter-revolutionary response to the same level of the offensive the masses had developed in 2011. The coup seeks to steady Syria as a counter-revolutionary stabilizing enclave in the region and that the traps, diversions and expropriation of the revolution in the North of Africa and the Middle East could settle. This counterrevolutionary coup of Assad and his Generals, all of them lackeys of imperialism, tries to be an exemplary counter-revolutionary action for chastising all masses of the world who want to make their own way.

11. We affirm that this imperialist counteroffensive is, ultimately, a product of the workings of the treacherous leaderships of the world proletariat, that encircled the revolution of North Africa and the Middle East, leaving isolated the armed dual power of the Libyan masses and desynchronizing these processes from the struggle of the exploited in Europe and the rest of the imperialist powers. This is what left its hands free for imperialism to centralize its forces at one point of the revolutionary advance and be able to slaughtering the exploited. The labor aristocracies and bureaucracies and their parties in Europe, had first decentralized and uncoordinated the struggle of the European proletariat, carrying on helpless negotiations with Governments and imperialist regimes, already determined to remove until the last drop of blood from the exploited so that they pay for the global crisis of capitalism.

Thus, they pushed a poisonous international campaign, launched by all the native bourgeoisie lackeys of imperialism and sustained by Stalinist and Renegades of Trotskyism. This campaign, driven by all members of the WSF expanded throughout the world. This campaign claimed that the masses of Libya "were ground troops of the NATO". Thus, they left to their fate the armed dual power of the Libyan masses so that the CNT and the Qadafyist generals could try to disarm it. But above all, this campaign was to leave isolated the revolutionary masses of Syria, which threatened to go down that same road.

12. In this situation, and in those moments, the exploited masses of Egypt were trying to return to the Tahrir square to openly confront the military Junta and its minions that had expropriated their heroic and magnificent revolution. They attempted a decisive clash with the caste of officers of the murderous army of Mubarak. But the siege to the revolutionary processes had already begun. Libya was isolated, and its vanguard vilified before the world working class. The massacre in Syria had been launched. In Greece the Stalinist bureaucracy had resumed control of the mass action.

This new tide of struggle of the working class in Egypt found a military strengthened by the isolation of the masses  and their revolutionary processes, and as they were backtracking the military found easier to stage a new counter-revolutionary massacre on the best of the Egyptian vanguard that was trying to repeat the revolutionary uprising of February 2011 by retaking the Tahrir square.

The entire world left had told the Egyptian exploited that theirs was a "democratic revolution" and a "spring of the peoples". The masses were told that their problems were to be resolved in constituent assemblies, Potemkin parliaments and electoral fraud; and not with weapons in hand to conquer bread and prevent the bourgeoisie's counter-revolutionary response. Here are the results: a hell for the people and a grey and wild winter for the heroic masses of Syria.

It would be good that all these charlatans were in Homs with its "Spring" and the "democratic revolution" of the Tahrir square to receive the bullets of the army and the sticks of the fascist pogroms hitting at their heads. How unfortunate for the masses. Betrayals and back stabs from these leaderships are paid by the masses, not by the traitors. But look how in this second revolutionary offensive in Egypt, seeking a "gentle" way to recover the revolution that the generals had expropriated, the masses left more dead on the streets than in the previous offensive against Mubarak.

13 - This is the truth. After tagging as alive the "Arab spring" and the "spring of the peoples" the reformists ended, one way or another, hanging from the coattails of the imperialist powers to leave isolated the massacred masses in Syria and keeping the most scandalous silence any Cains to the global labor movement had maintained before in front to of the corpses and maimed bodies of their class brothers and sisters. Meanwhile, all of them together came from supporting, as we have already seen, the fraudulent elections organized by Hillary Clinton and her minions, continuator to Mubarak and Ben Ali, in Egypt and Tunisia.

They traded in the backroom with the Tunisian "CNT" for the masses to accept one of the most outrageous electoral frauds in recent decades. Meanwhile, some of them, like the "revolutionary socialists" of Egypt left swiftly the secret meetings they had with the military Junta in Egypt so that it would legalize their "Socialist parties". But these spurious negotiations ended when the masses returned for the revolution to the Tahrir square and were massacred by hundreds, as Mubarak had done before. The actions of the treacherous leaderships within the labor movement is what helped imperialism impose this true "Korniloviad" in Syria, against the revolution in the North of Africa and the Middle East, as a first step of the imperialist counteroffensive to stabilize the situation globally.

14 - In 2011 there were more than enough conditions to coordinate and centralize the struggle of the exploited of the semi-colonial world with the uprising of the working-class in the imperialist powers. The perfidious action of treacherous leaderships focused on avoiding this perspective

As we said before, the conditions for a widespread struggle of the world proletariat were already put on the table of the world situation. Moreover, while the leaderships left isolated every revolutionary process of North Africa, those processes instead tended to extend towards the Center and the South of the continent. The revolutionary strike in Nigeria put standing the proletariat in one of the oil-exporting key countries of martyred Africa, like it still is Libya. But the Libyan masses were already enclosed when million rose in Nigeria shouting: "go Jonathan or die as Qadafy!"

A wave of worker struggles rocked Zimbabwe and South Africa too. Political regimes of Mali, Chad and Sudan, were beginning to enter political and military crisis expressing the trends of the masses to enter to combat and the offensive that imperialism started in order to control and keep those weakened States given the prospects of new revolutionary struggles such as that in Nigeria.

The WSF concentrated all their forces in the "Super World Social Forum" which took place in Zambia. Previously, "Social forums" were organized in all the countries of the region in order to control and discipline all bureaucracies, the Stalinist and reformist parties plus the debris of the blowing up of the Renegades of Trotskyism.

Thus, isolating each revolutionary process, they also prevented the spread of the revolution of North Africa like a tide sweeping the Center and the South of the continent. That’s because the WSF reformist leaderships understood very well that what was coming next, was not only a new "Spring" as the ’68 French May or the ’74 Portuguese Revolution in Europe; this time was the case of a "Spring" of the colored labor movement in the heart of Africa spreading like a stain of oil over the water, and if it unfolded it was threatening with rounding up and putting between the rock and the blue sea the national bourgeois managers of the MNCs that are long ago pilfering and bleeding white these enslaved African nations.

Thus the revolutionary stream from the North was diverted by the time, preventing it to advance towards Central and southern Africa, and so the breakthrough is now been given by the bourgeoisie with successive coups, counter-revolutionaries putsches as in Mali and Guinea Bissau, before the masses could intervene like in Libya and Nigeria.

Hu Jintao enlisted the murderous Generals of Tiananmen Square to crush the worker and peasant revolts in China

15 - In these circumstances, the real heads of the WSF, before which the remains of Stalinism, Social Democrats and Renegades of Trotskyism kneel, devised with their generals and their sabers a counter-offensive of massacre in China. Again as in Tiananmen Square the military fraction of the Chinese mandarins was ready together with their corrupt and murderous officers who came and openly massacred spontaneous peasant and worker uprisings in more than a dozen Chinese provinces. These actions were applauded and acclaimed by the whole imperialist press and silenced by the self-proclaimed "anti-capitalist" sectors of the global left. They had obviously to silence that their leaders as Hu Jintao –a friend and ally of Castro, Assad and one of the greatest side backers of Obama in the world- had armed to the teeth, along with Putin the murderer, the counter-revolutionary troops storming Homs and Deraa in Syria on account of imperialism and NATO.

All the filo-Stalinist currents of the Renegades of Trotskyism, which left isolated the insurrected masses of Syria so that Al Assad could freely massacre them, are co-responsible with the Jackal of Syria, allied stalwart of Hu Jintao, of the massacres against the working class and the peasants in China.

It was necessary to quickly contain the revolutionary offensive looming in China. The masses directly attacked the transnational corporations and the super profits they obtained from the thousands of maquilas installed. The mass offensive threatened to make collapse the pact of Chinese subjugation to imperialism. With the billions of dollars of China exports Wall Street parasites are financed while hundreds of millions of exploited Chinese are brought not only to slavery in "factory prisons", but also to the worst of the miseries and even to chronic malnutrition.


16 For now, with massacres in different provinces of China, equal or superior to those in Syria, the revolutionary offensive of the proletariat of that country has been contained. The result is that Obama and US-UK imperialism are already imposing new conditions to recolonize China, with a new twist of imperialist rule.
 They have fallen in disfavor the fraction of the "princelings" that command the "Chinese Communist Party", which is based in the business of companies that still remain state-owned there. So Bo Xilai and his wife, who had high popularity in the masses due to their "fight against corruption", have ended up prisoners and were dismissed from the CCP with the excuse of being the authors of the "murdering of an English entrepreneur". Today this "nationalist" fraction of the Chinese mandarins has seen its power devalued.

Imperialism needs to break loss-producing State enterprises so that, with a new wave of privatizations, it can take the profitable ones. They need erase all customs barriers for China to fill up the country with their products, technology and machinery, through an overvalued reinmibi (yuan) and an undervalued dollar.

Now, they not only need to use Chinese slave labor, but also to appropriate the hugest consumer market in the world, i.e., millions of "new rich" emerged as a by-product of the looting, hunger and the misery of hundreds of millions of exploited in that country. To this end, not only US devalues the dollar and imposes to China that it overvalues the reinmibi (yuan), but besides it demands that China must also end with a 25% limit imposed by the laws of that country to the foreigners to buy shares of  42 banks in 42 provinces there. That is, imperialism requires from the Chinese authorities to lift any restriction for it to take the control of all the Chinese banks and with them, all their domestic market, which means even to be able to manage the huge reserves accumulated by China since it become a major exporter to the world market. The beatings on the Chinese masses follow as the soul to the body the outlines of the new colonial offensive of imperialism in that country.

In Greece, the masses pushed at every step to open a revolution like in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya but their leaderships prevented them from doing so with the truncheons of the Stalinist bureaucracy of the trade unions attacking the rank and file workers;
they put the masses to the defensive and opened the way to a putsch of the bankers, under the command of Merkel and Obama

17 - In Europe, this counteroffensive settled in Greece with the truncheons of the PC breaking the heads of the Greek workers that were surrounding the Parliament and shouting "every one of them must go away and not a single one should come again!" (as was chanted in the Argentine revolution of 2001). In this way, they prevented an insurrectional action of masses from overthrowing the Papandreou Government and opening the revolution in Greece.
This would have changed the entire situation of the whole of Europe and at the international level, too; since that was the first step for the revolution in the colonial and semi-colonial world to be synchronized with the beginning of the socialist revolution in the heart of the imperialist powers. Under the conditions created by such treason, the imperialist attack far from waning, it was deepened; it is worsening to unendurable levels the suffering of the Greek and European working-class, carrying them to the same conditions of their class brothers and sisters in Africa, the Middle East or Latin America.

18. In 2008-09 the Stalinist and pseudo-Trotskyist leaderships, along with anarchists, diverted the revolutionary struggle for the defeat of the "rightist" Karamanlis in the streets, and brought it to the blind alley of the electoral trap. The elections were won by "Socialist" and "progressive" Papandreou who implemented a plan of attack exceeding that of Karamanlis. The entire global and European left called the masses to submit to the leadership of the Communist Party who heads the Greek unions.

Stalinism, which came from naming "CIA agents" the revolutionary masses fighting to defeat Karamanlis in the streets, resumed the leadership of the trade unions and imposed, supported by all the European and world reformists that the fight was not for defeating Papandreou (insofar as he had electoral legality, which on the other hand they themselves had given him) but the fight was for "pressing and negotiate" "best living conditions" for the workers. This was to place Greek workers as beggars to a finance capital in bankruptcy! A bankrupt capital that can only dream of surviving by controlling that country and snatching all the historical conquests to the Greek working class.

The Greek workers made more than 15 General strikes in order to try to stop an attack after another from the exploiters. This fight was powerless because their leadership led the overthrow enormous energies of combat of the masses in the streets to struggles of pressure on and not of overthrowing of the Government and the regime of Greek bankers and their senior partners of Goldman Sachs, as a first step to get the slightest of their demands.

Papandreou - yesterday saved by Stalinism-, was then replaced relentlessly and without any chance of new elections, with a palace coup organized by the Troika (Germany, France, and IMF-US) direct managers from Goldman Sachs took command of the Government; such is the current Government of Papademos. This re-released a new and higher attack on the working class and the masses, currently left in a state of despair and relative impotence. Today in Greece fascist bands begin to emerge and the capital is pulling its crisis over the masses, submerged in the worst of disasters. The working-class very bravely resists the assault by capital, but does so in the worst conditions imposed by the treacherous leaderships that led it to the last place of the trench. The suicide of the retired old man saying in his note that "If someone had taken a Kalashnikov” he “would have been the second" concentrates all the tragedy of the struggle of the masses in Greece.

19 - Albeit under other conditions, the struggle continues. In very harsh partial strikes as those by the metallurgical or health workers are kept alive the foci of the pre-revolutionary situation. This shows that, with the present leadership, the working class can't fight and much less succeed. The exploited must "change horses in the middle of the river" and under heavy fire from the capital, they have to conquer a revolutionary leadership that be in accordance to the height of the attack of the capitalists; it is the first and fundamental task of the masses of Greece and around the world.

Starting-up to build workers militias to crush fascism must be the first item on the agenda of the struggle of the Greek working class. So, once the proletariat was forced to retreat with the sticks and the truncheon of Stalinism and the bureaucracy of the trade unions, fascist gangs are emerging as mushrooms after the rain, as this time Big Business attempts to take advantage of the desperation of the ruined petty bourgeoisie to throw it against the working class, making the latter responsible for the crisis that the own capital has created. If the proletariat does not give an answer by fighting for taking power and expropriating the expropriators for solving the ruin of the petty bourgeoisie and the most submerged and desperate sectors of the own working class, either fascism or the Bonapartist putsches will crush the proletariat.

Fascist gangs arise when increasingly the bureaucracy and Stalinism, the "internal police" within the ranks of the labor movement, with their clubbing impose a setback and reflux to the masses. This is an indication for the rural and urban ruined petty bourgeoisies that the proletariat cannot give them an alternative exit from their ruin. And these will increasingly be more incited by Big Capital against the labor movement, making it and its struggles responsible for Greece not coming out of the crisis.

Thus, by imposing the proletariat a reformist policy, not allowing it to stand up in openly revolutionary actions, they create conditions for new Bonapartist putsches and counter-revolutionary blows of fascism.

Today they have carried the Greek working class to retreat from its advances. But it hasn’t at all surrendered, as neither have the masses in Homs, China or any other place on the planet. But we must tell the truth: the leaderships that the working class has at its head have led the masses to fight under the worst conditions against the current offensive of imperialism. What is more, is due to the action of these reformist and counter-revolutionary leaderships that imperialism has been able to get, with tits Governments and regimes, this brutal counter-offensive in hot spots and key places on the planet.

The most immediate task to prepare a victorious offensive of the Greek working class goes through its armament, by the defeat of Stalinism within their ranks and putting into standing committees of factory together with the unemployed and immigrants and the poor peasants committees, to stand up their own power, for attacking the property, the State and the regime of the exploiters. If the working class does not offer a revolutionary alternative, big capital will, with the desperate petty bourgeoisie turning right, with new counter-revolutionary putsches and fascism. So serious is the situation in Greece, compromising to the struggle of all the working class, in Europe and globally.

The international proletariat must know that a new massacre in Homs and all Syria is being prepared in Greece, to strangle in a turning point the European working class leaving it unarmed and isolated from each other, to be subject to an attack on the part of the capitalists country by country.
It is written nowhere that this will happen inevitably. The masses are still battling. The Spanish general strike, a genuine political response to the attack of the exploiters, is an example of this.

20 - Links of the chain of domination of the planet by the global capitalist system were let loose in North Africa and the Middle East, while in the core countries Greece extricated from that chain and with it the South of Europe threatened (and still threatens) to do so. The synchronization of the battles of Syria and Libya with Greece would have meant a qualitative leap forward of the World Socialist Revolution and a real defeat for the counter-revolutionary and reformist leaderships of the masses.

They breathe today in relief together with the possessing classes. That’s because the start of a revolution of the workers and exploited as that in Syria, Libya or Egypt, this time in Greece, Spain, Portugal or France would have shaken the world situation and it would have meant a leap forward of the international socialist revolution. Social-imperialist parties and trade union bureaucracies of all coats would have put an end to their tale about the working class being only able to perform a "spring of the peoples" and "democratic revolutions," always subjected to the "democratic and liberal bourgeoisie of backward and barbarian peoples". The fantasy would have finished of the lackeys of capital, because it would have been demonstrated that the uprisings of the revolutionary masses of North Africa and the Middle East are nothing more than links from the same workers and socialist revolution against hunger and slavery performed by the working class of the imperialist countries.

The beginning of revolutions in the imperialist powers means strategic blows of the world socialist revolution against the imperialist gangs that dominate the planet. They occur within their own dens and threaten their own entrails; there they can be defeated ultimately and historically. How could the Renegades of Marxism have called a new French May, of the likes of the shaking of Europe in 1968 with a month of revolutionary general strike against De Gaulle? How could the reformers of today have called to a revolution in Spain or Greece as the Portuguese one in the ´74?

We must remember that in Europe, i.e., in Portugal in 1974, the working-class managed to defeat the caste of officers, to set up the committees of soldiers and the worker councils and committees of tenants, by imposing a dual power in that country, after the imperialist troops were crushed with the revolutionary upheaval of the oppressed peoples in Angola and Guinea Bissau. The failing of a coordination of the Libyan combats with the fight in Spain or France allows hiding that if this had occurred, it would have meant a “Viet Nam-type" scenario to the imperialist powers which, like England, Italy or France, are used to loot Libya and its oil. In other words, the Libyan revolution would have already been settled in the streets of Paris, Rome and London.

Enough is enough! Stop lying! Social-imperialists and reformists are all lackeys of Big Capital. Their objective has always been and will be that revolutions and insurgencies in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya do not reach, much less succeed in Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, Rome, not to say in Washington and New York.

21 – Due to their leadership the European working class has o been able to tie their fate to the combat of their class brothers and sisters of the North Africa and Middle East, while lots of workers of that origin are the heart of the own European working class. Also, the working class of Western Europe could not centralize its struggles with the workers in the European East, who are submitted by double and triple chains by the imperialist maquila, the plundering of their natural resources by the MNCs and the bleeding of their riches by the IMF.

This sacking is supported by counter-revolutionary and Bonapartist regimes supported all of them by imperialism, an issue that the treacherous leaderships touting "the European unity of a social Maastricht", try to hide in a shameful manner. They call to build "spring of the peoples", "democratic revolutions" and other stupid things like that, but keep quiet and suppress that the majority of the inhabitants of Europe are in the East of the continent, from Berlin to the Russian steppes, with their working-classes subject not only to the biggest of exploitations but also to totally Bonapartist and counter-revolutionary regimes, which the maximum expression of is the "tsar" Putin murderous Government.
Social-imperialist parties and the treacherous leaderships that adore to talk about the "European unity", have demonstrated to defend only the common business of the imperialist gangs at the expense of the vast majority of the European working class and peoples which these powers oppress in the same continent. And this is not only the case of the East, but it also occurs in Western Europe; for example, the peoples oppressed by the Spanish monarchy, as the punished Basque people, and the fierce attack today suffered by the Irish working class with their nation doubly oppressed by England.

22 - This imperialist counter-offensive at Greece spread throughout Europe and could do so for the perfidious action of the treacherous leaderships. For this reason, to support that "Social Europe", i.e., the unified Europe of the imperialist transnationals and bankers they had to break the unity in the struggle of the whole European proletariat.

For the imperialist gangs, holding Maastricht is a convenience; they will dissolve and destroy it when they cannot use it any more for their businesses. Then, the "European unity" will be only "good memories". And when it comes to throwing imperialist powers in bankruptcy by the window, the same social-imperialist leaderships who today support the "unity of Maastricht", will call to support their own imperialist bourgeoisie; their pulse won’t tremble when the time comes to call the different national sectors of the European working class to the clash between each other, and without a doubt, those leaderships will encourage any chauvinist adventure of their own European bourgeoisies, as they have already begun to do.

These leaderships made dozens of calls for general strikes which they never organizer or realized, instead they headed marches of some hundred bureaucrats to Brussels. They divided the European labor movement and put it as beggars before their own imperialist bourgeoisie. As noted above they left the workers from Eastern Europe to their fate. From Poland to the Russian steppes, to Lithuania to the Balkans, all these Nations transformed were turned into "banana republics" by the MNCs and are subjected by the IMF to an offensive of usury and shark loans, so to subdue and loot them, as they did in the ´80s and ´90s with the external debt in Latin America, Africa or Asia. This is the imperialist counteroffensive that rests in the actions of reformist leaderships of labor aristocracy and bureaucracy.

This scourge, the European labor bureaucracy and aristocracy and their parties, choked the cry of the Romanian workers in the Renault-Rumania (Dacia) plant, who stood up the motion to fight together with and earn the same wages that their comrade workers in Renault-France. Once that cry was drowned the Renault-France workers are now worse off than Romanian workers. That’s because the only way financial capital can come out of its bankruptcy is by transforming Europe, from Portugal to Siberia, into a large maquila as is China.
Reformism, settled on the labor aristocracy, wants to keep the "welfare State"... that only benefited them, and did not cover the vast majority of the European workers.


In Latin America imperialism and the national bourgeoisies try to contain the new revolutionary waves of Bolivian and Chilean masses while Castro’s regime, supported by the Bolivarian bourgeoisie and the renegades of Trotskyism, openly jumps to capitalist restoration in Cuba

23 - After strangling the processes of mass offensive in the American continent during the first decade of the 21st century, leaning on the Castroite betrayals -which have supported the Bolivarian bourgeoisie and Obama, with the help of renegades of Trotskyism-, imperialism has conquered the conditions to wage a brutal offensive against the masses and also to give a huge step in the restoration of capitalism in Cuba. The imperialist objective is to impose the masses of the continent a new "89" with the fall of the Cuban workers state at the hands of the Cuban restorationist bureaucracy, which is already in an open process of metamorphosis, associated to imperialism, and becoming into a new possessing class in the island.

This time the restoration is not driven directly by the Gusanos of Miami, but by the Castroite bureaucracy, turning increasingly into native bourgeoisie. This proto bourgeoisie, emerging from the heart of the Stalinist–Castroite bureaucracy, is associated with nickel and tourism transnational companies and with the Bolivarian native bourgeoisie in the business of selling franchises of the Cuban health system. The more Castroite bureaucracy strangled the revolutionary processes throughout the American continent the bigger qualitative steps it gave in the restoration of capitalism on the island.

Just to try taking the proletariat of the United States and the militant workers of Latin America, definitely out of the political scenery, imperialism has prepared a mortal strike stabbing the exploited masses in the back: the capitalist restoration in Cuba.

24 - In the first half of the 21st century Castroite bureaucracy established a dual currency on the island: on one hand, the dollar to guarantee capital entrance in and the free withdrawal from the island of the profits of the transnational companies that had investments in the joint ventures with Castroite bureaucracy; on the other a different currency, in Cuban pesos, which guaranteed a cheap labor force with salaries of U$ 18.
But this was not enough to create the "Chinese conditions" for capitalist restoration: It was necessary to reestablish the right of legacy and the private property of the means of production. This is what has Cuban bureaucracy just done in the last CP Congress.

But this was not enough to boost the increasingly developed elements of capitalism in Cuba. US imperialism held "its blockade" against Cuba, while it was entering the island’s businesses in association with French, Spanish and other transnational companies. Moreover, at the same time it kept on a regime of starvation for the masses, the blockade around Cuba meant increasingly disciplining the restorationist bureaucracy to carry out capitalist restoration, for if they failed in doing so they were under the threat of not being the new flourishing bourgeoisie of the island; Miami Gusanos with their titles of property would be the ones to recover the island. So, down on their knees, the greedy layers of the bureaucracy advanced in organizing an industrial reserve army to guarantee the existence of a proletariat suitable for capitalist exploitation. These elements have already developed and advanced in the heat of every blow and betrayal carried out by the Castroite bureaucracy to socialist revolution in the American continent. 500 000 workers already laid off are an irrefutable fact to illustrate of what we say.

We might ask ourselves: "does Cuba still keep foreign trade in the hands of the State?” There are currents that are following the Castro brothers to the grave, as the PTS of Argentina, which hold that "it is clear that the monopoly of foreign trade still exists on the island." But here the only clear thing is that the Castroite proto bourgeoisie and its partners, the “Bolibourgeoisies” of Latin America, "stealthily" and secretly, and the PTS knows that very well- were step by step liquidating that conquest of Cuban revolution, since Cuba a long time ago, together with the “Bolibourgeoisies” of Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and even Colombia, has created a common capitalist market: the ALBA.

The introduction of Cuba in the ALBA, a capitalist market, means the removal of all trade barriers with the rest of the –capitalist– countries of Latin America. Unless the renegades of Trotskyism believe that there is still a monopoly of foreign trade in the island because the "socialism of the 21st century" governs Venezuela; that Correa’s Government is the government of the Soviets in the USSR of 1917; Morales has built the "indigenous socialism" in Bolivia; and all of them have realized a Federation of Socialist Republics in Latin America. Please! Stop kidding! Cuba has broken its trade barriers, destroying its foreign trade as a monopoly, because it has entered into the ALBA, a capitalist market and even comprises MNCs as the MERCOSUR does.

25 - This means the imperialist companies are able to invest directly in Cuba through the ALBA and, in the name of the so much voiced "Latin American unity" of Martí, Sandino and Fidel, the Cuban proto bourgeoisie willingly and eagerly accepts playing the farce, because it also makes juicy bourgeois business. In that sense it indeed uses "its foreign trade monopoly”, i.e., the new proto bourgeoisie’s monopoly. How does it work? Everybody knows though the cynic fake Trotskyists want to hide it. Are they covert partners, perhaps?
It is evident that the Castro brothers are selling Cuban health system with all its qualified personnel as franchises all over the ALBA countries, including Colombia. They install the Cuban health system in those countries charging several million dollars. They do the same with the system of alphabetization. That is to say, the greatest achievements of Cuban revolution: health and education have become a big business for the restorationist bureaucracy and its already bourgeois wings. In Cuba, the same is happening as under a bureaucracy of any kind: if the bureaucrats are at the head of labor organizations, the working class loses all its conquests. To keep them, Cuban workers must defeat the bureaucracy and encourage international revolution. For some liquidators of Trotskyism the question of defending Cuban revolution boils down to “defending Cuba from the blockade”, when it is the same restorationist bureaucracy, becoming a new bourgeoisie, which is blocking the working class of the island and all the socialist elements in the economy conquered by the Cuban revolution.

26 – What’s the meaning of Castro’s program of “no new Cubas” in Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, etc.? First, this was the excuse given to strangle the revolutionary American processes in recent years. In the last instance it meant that there could be no socialist revolution and that the working class, who came to perform great revolutionary deeds, should keep capitalism and their governments and regimes as usual.

But now the demand is that "there can be no more Cubas anywhere, even in Cuba". It means that under these new conditions of open restoration of the island, if "new Cubas" were imposed in Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, etc., the capitalists would be expropriated and thus Cuban education and health franchising, now under the control of and managed by 15,000 new Cuban Bolibourgeois installed in Latin America, would be nationalized

As it happens with any capitalist franchise (that is, an area monopoly), Castro brothers and their friends accumulate millions dollars into their pockets thanks to these contracts, and have the shame to lay off hundreds of thousands of “supernumerary” production workers in Cuba, when what is “supernumerary” is the lots of parasites of the bureaucracy eager for new business and willing to turn into a new bourgeoisie.

A helpful hint of all this emerged during the last general strike in Bolivia on April 12th. There, 2,000 super-exploited health workers marched with industrial and mine workers in La Paz shouting "OUT OF BOLIVIA THE FOREMEN-PARASITES-EXPLOITER CUBAN DOCTORS”.
In Bolivia the nurses have to heat their braziers for cooking with llama (an Andean camel, NT) dung and Cuban "doctors" live in five star hotels in La Paz. These foremen, admirers of slave drivers as Hu Jintao, supporters of al Assad the murderer in the name of "peace", are coming here to make the world working class believe that there are a lot of unproductive workers in Cuba. The only ones who aren’t needed, who are actually in excess, are the corrupt and parasites of a new Cuban proto bourgeoisie emerged from the bowels of the petty bourgeois caste that the Stalinist bureaucracy has been all along these years.
Millions of workers in Latin America and the world received in recent weeks a real blow to their heads and their fighting spirit. Benedict XVI went to Cuba to "bless" the Castroite clique to guarantee them they are to be the new usurper of production means in Cuba in an alliance with imperialism; so, for the moment the Gusanos in Miami won’t be the choice to do it. A reactionary wave hit the Americas.

The lackey servants to Castro brothers kept quiet. Some argued that what happened was an incorrect tactical measure by the "Cuban revolutionaries." However, they refused to put up as a fundamental demand of the American working class the defeat of Castro brothers, its government and its system for capitalist restoration.

They refused to denounce that Benedict XVI went to Cuba because ultimately his blessing was necessary to round up the legitimization of the Castroites’ well won privilege of leading the capitalist restoration on the island together with their Bolivarian partners by strangling the proletarian revolution in the American continent and subordinating it to the bourgeoisie.
The church is now the other legal political party on the island, because it has already juridical status and legality in the capitalist restoration regime in Cuba. In the last instance, it is the guarantor, set there by the Castro brothers, that every capitalist investment on the island is respected. Benedict XVI and Castro’s Government is the true regime that tries to settle up to reinstate Cuba as a brothel for the bourgeoisie, this time with luxury hotels and slave workers as those working in Cuba’s sugar harvest, before the revolution. Thus the Communist Party and the Church are the two institutions of this new "boli-bourgeois" Government in Havana to advance to the final decomposition of the Worker State. With that purpose they put the sables of the Generals of the Castroite Army-Party and the crucifixes of the Catholic Church, so the exploited Cubans surrender without fighting. However, nowhere this outcome is written in stone either in Cuba or in the rest of Latin America.

The Cuban and American proletariat have not said their last word yet, so nobody can say this counterrevolutionary policy is imposed. But what has been achieved and this imperialist counteroffensive is achieving, settled down in a Castroite bureaucracy increasingly turned-into a new bourgeoisie, is demoralizing and trying to break the Cuban proletariat’s resistance. For that the bureaucracy is showing the workers in their flesh and blood, that socialism is no longer possible in Cuba, by firing 500,000 workers and kicking them off into the streets. This is a counterrevolutionary measure supported in a regime of terror against the working class, so that the proletariat stops defending the gains conquered with the revolution, as it was jobs for everybody and free health and education.

The restorationist policy of imperialism and Castro brothers is devastating the productive forces of the workers' state in open decomposition, so the proletariat cannot defend any conquest of the revolution that it brought forward. Castro’s clique has already won the guarantee of imperialism to be the ones to lead the capitalist restoration. They could get here by pushing to the limit of its existence the conquest of the Cuban revolution, and carrying the Latin American proletariat to the worst defeats, catastrophes and massacres.
28. To become in a new bourgeoisie by strangling the revolutionary processes which beat the American continent in the early years of the 21st century (as it had already done more than once before the end of the 20th century) Castro bureaucracy rose until the end the slogan that there couldn’t be "a new Cuba" in any country in the Americas.
Castroism was commissioned to do the dirty work so that the bourgeoisie could divert and strangle the revolutionary processes on the continent. The Castroites pushed the Pact of Evo Morales with the fascist Media Luna in Bolivia with the blessing of the OAS, when a hundred Bolivian workers and poor peasants were massacred. In Mexico they called the Zapatistas to eviscerate the revolutionary commune of workers and students in Oaxaca allowing the federal repressive forces and the bloodthirsty governor to retake it through blood and fire.

From Venezuela the Castro brothers beat the table shouting "Colombia cannot be a new Cuba!" and embraced in the UNASUR with fascist Uribe, handing the Colombian resistance to this murderous regime so that it could be massacred from the back. The cry of these native bourgeoisies, with the still warm blood of the Colombian resistance was "there are many businesses to make" and they went together with the MNCs plundering the continent’s oil and gas.

In Argentina called on the workers, and Fidel in person came in support of the murderer and repressive Government of Kirchner with the fairy tale that it was necessary to produce because so then "the government would deliver the wealth among everybody, including the workers"; but that government only handed out starvations and suppression, prison to the working class fighters and more looting of the nation. They called for supporting the Nicaraguan and Salvadoran Governments of the Sandinistas and the Farabundo Martí which are true yuppies of Wall Street, that lean on the forces of counter-revolutionary maras, like all the Central American Governments that have massacred together with the Mexican army more than 50 thousand immigrant workers who, desperate with hunger, try to pass the border into EE.UU. And what is more serious still, called all the American working class of that country, and the black and immigrant movements in particular, to sustain a blackened Bush … Obama.

They said that thus they were "defending democracy against fascist Bush". As "a new Cuba” could “not be done" (much less in the United States) they lined up with Obama. They put a revolver to the temple of the American and also to the Cuban working class. And Obama responded by deepening Bush’s attack on the working class in the United States, saving the broken bankers, redoubling the US imperialists counter-revolutionary offensive on the planet, and preserving the Guantánamo prison in Cuba, where US keep prisoners and tortures, in the best style of the generals of Hitler, the anti-imperialist fighters of the Middle East. In the prison of the CIA, USA has a beachhead. The other was set it in Haiti, with military bases to attack the island if the Cuban proletariat dares to revolt in revolutionary offensive actions against the bureaucracy turned proto-bourgeoisie. Thus US imperialism defends, also in its backyard, which will be the imperialist power that will ultimately be the “owner” of capitalist Cuba.

29. Today the war cry of the Cuban Government, becoming increasingly into a Government resolute to restore capitalism now, is: "the Cuban model not even serves to Cuba". It is claimed as if the Cuban masses had been able to leave behind unheard hardships and the worst of the miseries without the victory of the Socialist Revolution that expropriated the bourgeoisie and broke the enslaving links with imperialism. The Castroites by drowning and strangling the Latin American Revolution today (as they did in 1970 when holding in Latin America and in Africa the Stalinist counter-revolutionary policy of "peaceful coexistence" of Moscow), are carrying the Cuban working-class to the conditions of hunger and misery previous to the triumph of the revolution in the ' 60s. Now, the Castros have been negotiating with Obama and the world imperialism "to be the new Gusanos" on the island instead of those in Miami. But it remains to be seen, before a possible final defeat of the Cuban and Latin American proletariat, if US imperialism -after using the Castro gang to restore capitalism on the island- does not end throwing them to the dustbin where its former agents or servants rest, as it has done many times before.

The historical strategy of US imperialism is that Cuba is a "new Puerto Rico". Meanwhile, with its policy of blockade, as yesterday with the military and arms race with the Moscow bureaucracy, US imperialism disciplines Castro bureaucracy eager to evolution in bourgeoisie, while by now it makes businesses in association with the European imperialists and via their banks, entering business that already exist on the island. But to win the upper hand in Cuba, including across the rest of the imperialist powers, i.e. before the spoils of a "new Cuba as a colony" are divided, plenty of water will have to run under the bridges, and above all much blood in the class struggles in the Americas and around the world.

30- The more the Castroite bureaucracy advances in its evolution in a new Boli-bourgeoisie, the more the only solution for the workers and the exploited, not only in the Americas but in the same US with the catastrophe of Wall Street and global finance capitalism, is the United Socialist States of America, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego!

Not only in Cuba it is necessary to expel the restorationist bureaucracy turned into Boliburguesía in order to restore the collective ownership of the means of production, and to turn Cuba into a bastion of the international socialist revolution. A "new Cuba" is also necessary in USA. There 43 million workers survive with $3 per day. Other tens of millions have lost up to the slightest of their conquests, and even their social insurance, in exchange of keeping their jobs. Millions of workers and ruined sectors have lost their houses. Millions of immigrants are expelled and repressed brutally, while a 10 per cent of workers are in chronic unemployment.

The more the only solution for US -and throughout this planet carried to barbarism by the bankruptcy of the capitalist system- is the victory of the Socialist Revolution, the more the treacherous leaderships have complotted so that it be liquidated, including in Cuba.

A "new Cuba" in United States is much more than necessary, it is essential. Why? Because without expropriating the bankers of Wall Street and their MNCs, which control and plunder the planet, the American working class cannot even dream to get out of the "Chinese way" conditions of slavery which they are driven to, much less the global working class will be able escape from the same. Saying: "A new Cuba is not possible already, even in Cuba," is transforming oneself into a direct manager of the yuppies of Wall Street within Cuba and acting as a true security agency of the 8 blocks of Manhattan where the world financial Super oligarchy is based.

All this happens when in the North of Africa and Middle East the victory of the Socialist Revolution has been poised as a possibility and also its synchronization with the opening of revolutionary processes of the working class in imperialist Europe, while it is already underway a new awakening and rise of the American working class -Oakland, Wisconsin, etc. On the other hand, supported by all the Renegades of Trotskyism the Cuban Stalinist scourge already decadent and senile has begun a qualitative leap in the capitalist restoration in Cuba. The more the American working-class and its youth encircle Wall Street shouting that we must expropriate the "1 %", the more the Castroite policy is to give up Cuba to the "1 %" of parasites.

From the Renegade of Trotskyism a new revisionist wave has emerged against Marxism around the Cuban issue that only seeks to sustain the imperialist counter-offensive "from the left"


31 - However, this was not enough. There are still people that in the name of Marxism, as for example the LIT-CI, degrade Trotskyism, who raise cynically before this quick counter-revolutionary progress of the Castroite bureaucracy that has filled with defeats and corpses the South of the Latin American continent cynicism, the following mantra: "Cuba has already restored capitalism by peaceful means in the ' 90s". The LIT has long ago defected from the struggle for socialist revolution in the Americas and the decisive battles that the working class of this continent, and Cuba in particular, have still ahead.

To finally settle the capitalist restoration in Cuba, which has already begun openly, it is no longer enough with US troops and their lackeys in Latin America taking Haiti and keeping Guantanamo full of prisoners from the struggles of the Middle East, tortured by imperialism. It is necessary for them to crush definitely the Cuban masses and what is still alive of the thrust of the Latin American proletariat revolutionary fighters.

The Oaxaca commune was crushed in Mexico and there began a fierce counter-revolution with a regime that has already slaughtered more than 50,000 workers; with the famous "mara" gangs and the counter-revolutionary policemen all of whom are a real shock force for preventing the hungry Latin American and Central American workers from passing through the border with USA. It wasn't yet enough the counterrevolutionary action of the fascist Media Luna (Crescent) in Bolivia, or the massacre of the Colombian resistance. To settle its counter-offensive on the continent, Imperialism has a very powerful missile against the masses which is the capitalist restoration in Cuba. But for finally shoot it, the Castroites and imperialism must complete their already openly restorationist measures with an accurate and decisive blow to the Cuban proletariat to finally defeat it and put it on its knees.

Moreover what we will see in the "backyard" of US imperialism won’t be flowers of "freedom and democracy" but Chávez and Morales attacking their working classes even more openly than before. They must follow quickly the steps of Qadafy and Assad in their countries, as their "Bolivarian" friends of Brazil and Argentina are already doing. His follower Humala in Peru, this "late Bolivarian", has been following the steps of Fujimori, shooting, suppressing and attacking the masses of workers and peasants who are permanent rebellion against the transnational and his Government. In Chile their "red pacos", will have to return to break the heads of the revolutionary student vanguard and separate it more and more from the working class, which is divided and isolates by the direction of the CUT, to let the FTA government of Piñera and his civic military regime attack and put it down brutally.
32 How right were Trotsky and the fourth international in considering that if a political revolution didn’t succeed in the worker states, the bureaucracy was going to become a new possessing class! To do so that bureaucracy had first to crush the World Socialist Revolution wherever it emerged (and in doing that Castroite bureaucracy has accumulated sufficient merits of handing Cuba and other nations to imperialism and massacring plenty of peoples); then they had to break the resistance of the proletariat of the worker State. This is now a key issue in Cuba. The counter-revolutionary offensive of imperialism that has begun to remove the world proletariat from the scene will be resolved largely there, and in Syria and Greece, too.

As we see, there is not any "peaceful" restoration here, but a counter-revolutionary regime of the generals of the Cuban army-party, turned today in a new proto-bourgeoisie, which has been consolidated on the basis of the strangulation of the Latin American Revolution and the massacring of its vanguard, and is poised to give decisive blows in Cuba, as the Assad regime does in Syria and the regime of the Troika in Greece.
Although they crow their support for the mass fighting in Syria, the LIT has not even gone there. Long time they refused to rise the Socialist Revolution as the more immediate task of the European proletariat. And now it has also fled from fighting alongside the Cuban proletariat, considering it as defeated and killed for years, by rising that “capitalism was restored in the ' 90s". The LIT fled from the battlefield of the working-class of Cuba, when the Argentine, Bolivian or Ecuadorian revolution were not yet defeated, and when the American working class was starting to stand up against the war and against Bush. The mood and predisposition to the struggle of the Cuban working class lived in those fights. And in these conditions the bureaucracy could not yet sack 500,000 workers of the enterprises of the Cuban State or restore the right of inheritance in the island. it was in combat amid the class war where it is being defined the nature of the worker State or what remains of it. The premise of the Trotskyist programme is therefore that ultimately the fate of the worker State is tied inextricably to the outcome of the class struggle and to the international socialist revolution.

33. The tale of the "peaceful means to the capitalist restoration", which the LIT proclaims, is a "theory" as nationalistic as there may be "socialism in one country", actually it is its twin theory. There was not nor will ever exist the possibility of "socialism in one country", as well as the conquests of a labor state that has temporarily taken the property from the hands of capitalists, if the international revolution does not win.

Also the capitalist restoration does not happen in "a single country". First the bureaucracy must crush the resistance of the world working class and its own proletariat to advance to capitalist restoration, and this is not precisely done under "peaceful ways". It might seem that the leaders of the LIT were not even near the massacre of the Balkans, of the genocide in Chechnya and the former republics of the Caucasus, or near the counter-revolutionary attacks of the "new Russian tsars" that since ' 89 and ' 90 have been slaughtering any worker who has decided to organize the slightest fight in that country... and most certainly their "brainy "theoreticians"  were not  being crushed by tanks that massacred the workers and students in Tiananmen in ‘89.

Not only the prognosis of Trotskyism was right that if political revolution did not succeed, the bureaucracy would become a new possessing class, surrendering the worker states to imperialism; but also if this bureaucracy does not apply routs on the international proletariat and its own working class, it cannot proceed openly as a possessing class. And this is not done by "peaceful means".

The revisionists of the "democratic revolutions" want to peddle to the world proletariat that there is a "Democratic reaction" on the way for restoring capitalism, in a symmetric way as the "democratic revolution is a step towards socialism". And very straightforwardly they say: "Trotsky was wrong." "There exists a capitalist restoration by peaceful means." And they say this without blushing not only by what we say above; the leaders of the LIT, use to shriek, shout, enrage and permanently slander Trotsky and Trotskyism, which they revise rabidly, shortly after saying that they exclaim that "the Government of the Castro brothers is a military dictatorship as that of Videla or Pinochet, i.e. totally Bonapartist, in an island where capitalism was restored in the ' 90s".

Now, do these people not read what they type? "Peaceful means with a regime of Pinochet and Videla". So that, this is how capitalism was "peacefully" restored? That the LIT and any other charlatan go to Cuba and build even a slightly “socialist party”, in opposition to the Castro brothers, and you will see that they end up behind bars or with a shot to the head. "Do they seriously believe in a “peaceful restoration"? Stop kidding! Really, these people live "peacefully" in the upper echelons of the labor aristocracy of Brazil.

But going much more back in History, their "brainy theorists" of very low level that vomit a visceral anti-Trotskyism, tell us solemnly: "Moreover, capitalism was already restored in China in the years '75-'78 with the agreement between Nixon and Deng Xiao Ping". There they found their last barricade to defend the "peaceful restoration of capitalism" in China. Again, these "National Socialists" forget a tiny detail, nothing more or nothing less than the worst defeat of the workers States in post-war which meant, together with the '89, one of the fatal blows against the global working class.
The years ‘78-‘79 brought the terrible wars among the worker States of China, Viet Nam and Cambodia that were one of the greatest tragedies of the world proletariat. What the LIT holds amounts to saying that if the workers of the Metalworkers Union and the Union of Bank Clarks of Brazil get to shoot each other, and the bosses then dissolve the unions, this would be a "peaceful restoration of the destruction of trade unions".

The LIT speaks of "peaceful restoration of capitalism in the worker States" when it was the bureaucracy which led to a fratricidal war among the workers in China, Viet Nam, Cambodia, and thus to the worst of defeats with workers killing workers. There is the counter-revolutionary defeat based on which the Restorationist Covenants of Nixon and Den Xiao Ping could settle, and crush the Vietnamese masses which had been capable of defeating US imperialism.
Enough slander! Stop reviewing and falsifying Trotskyism! Stop speaking on the name of Trotsky! Speak on the name of the Brazilian PT to which you have served for decades!
34. Meanwhile, other fraction of the Renegades of Trotskyism is far from saying that it has already been restored capitalism in Cuba by peaceful means. They accompany the Stalinist scourge until the end of the capitalist restoration. Their battle cry is "No to the embargo!” As if this blockade could be defeated by the hand of the new emerging proto bourgeoisie of Castroites, which has fully opened the Cuban economy to global capitalism. These currents make as the tero (tero is a South American bird of the swamps that uses to give its characteristic shriek as far as it can from its nest, so that the would-be predator thinks that it is near the tero’s eggs, being in reality very far from them, NT): they shriek: "defend the worker State!" but they put all their eggs to defend Castro clique, who are more and more turned into a new burgeoning bourgeoisie on the island.

They claim all this as if this blockade had not been already broken by the scourge of the Stalinist bureaucracy allying with the world imperialism and the lackey national bourgeoisies of the American continent. Today, the hardships descended on the Cuban masses are not due only to the "blockade of imperialism". These hardships are firstly created by the strangulation of the socialist revolution in the Americas, which was and is the only way to "break the blockade". The misery of the Cuban working class is essentially a product of the sacking of the wages and the riches of Cuba by the imperialist enterprises associated with the bureaucracy-turned-restorative-of-capitalism bourgeoisie in Cuba. The last word rests with the working-class in Cuba and the Americas, whether they succeed crushing the bureaucracy, or contrariwise the bureaucracy will crush the Cuban masses as it did yesterday in the former Soviet Union and China.

With the open passage to the field of restoration, the bureaucracy ceases to be an indirect agent; now it acts as a direct agent of imperialism in Cuba. With the right of inheritance restored, its immediate objective is no longer "to defend the labor state their way" (that is, drowning it), as it had been doing until recent years, but it has already began an open and conscious restoration. Trotskyism claims that whoever links the fortunes of the worker state as a conquest, to the fate of the bureaucracy that is tries to save itself as a new possessing class by crushing the proletariat, no longer defends the conquests of the worker state and becomes a lackey of imperialism and the bureaucracy. The Castro brothers and the true parasites that do not produce anything, the old Stalinist bureaucracy over which they sit, have led Cuba to become a worker State in acute decomposition and a frank transition to capitalism. A Government of the new Cuban proto bourgeoisie is installed not to leave stone on stone of the revolutionary conquests. A bipartisan system of the PC and the Church, supported by the caste of Castroite army officers, are the institutions on which the decomposition of the Cuban worker State is settling, in a clear transition to capitalism.

They have led the Cuban working class to the worst conditions, pushing all the trends to capitalist accumulation that will be paid by the workers with hunger, unemployment and a jump in poverty. It isn't socialism which pushes the masses to recoil in their conquests and the intensification of their hardships; the introduction of capitalism in its most savage forms is causing this and will deepen it. But the last word hasn’t been yet said. New blows of the world bourgeoisie and imperialism dismissing workers and attacking their conquests will throw back even more the Cuban working class. But new jumps in the revolution in the Americas to confront the attacks of capitalism in bankruptcy, for decent wages and better living conditions, against the rise of the fees and fares, and against the growing misery, will demonstrate the Cuban proletariat there are still many conditions to resist and defeat the attack of the Castroite proto-bourgeoisie, the lackeys like Morales and Chávez, and the supreme imperialist butcher of the planet, Obama. Then in the battle of the world working class the final class character of the labor State will be defined historically, as is held in the Marxism programme and theory of Trotskyism and the Fourth International.
The heroic Cuban proletariat has much to say in the struggle of the working class of the American continent and globally. Tricked, betrayed and separated from the revolutions of the continent, the Cuban proletariat has been brought to suffer the worst conditions in its history. But the working class of the Americas must understand that it also has its life linked to the fate of the Cuban proletariat and the conquests of the revolution. Therefore the battle cry must be: out of the Cuban Communist Party the pro-capitalist clique of the brothers Castro and their parasites! They must be "fired" from the power so that a worker and peasant revolutionary government can tie the fate of Cuba to the triumph of the revolution in the Americas and around the world.

35- But in the Cuban issue we again can see, as in '89, a bursting of all currents which speak on the name of socialism worldwide. Thus other anti-Trotskyist variants wonder how can be that "such revolutionary commanders in the ´60 and the ´70 end now as acolytes of Pope Benedict XVI"? The Pabloites do not understand the Pabloites. There are groups as Convergencia Socialista in Argentina which are still stepping the same steps as the Morenoites and the Pabloites in mid-1960s, when they held that Castroism was "a revolutionary leadership such as that of Lenin" and a "proletarian Jacobinism".

But the Castro bureaucracy was never different in its petty bourgeois genesis and structure from that which today gives Cuba openly to capitalism. Yesterday it did it to subdue the Cuban revolutionary masses to the Stalinist scourge that from the USSR and with the false theory of “peaceful coexistence” sustained imperialism alive as with a life supporter machine. The problem belongs to those who believed that the conquests of the socialist revolution in Cuba was the goal of the Castro brothers, which also came down Sierra Maestra praying the Rosary, calling to impose a Government of Christian Democrat party with them, i.e. the class collaboration.

They were the rebellious Cuban masses that forced this petty bourgeois current where they never dreamt to get: the expropriation of the bourgeoisie. And as they never dreamed of, nor wanted to get there, as soon as they had the opportunity and conditions, like today, they try to make a qualitative leap backwards, towards capitalist restoration.
The problem here is that the "Trotskyists" in the ´60 and ´70 were who, breaking with the revolutionary program, lent a “revolutionary patina” to the Stalinist gang in Havana which never tired, from Khrushchev to Brezhnev to Yeltsin, of strangling every Socialist Revolution that shook the planet during Yalta.

Moreover, how may anyone be surprised of those who left alone Che Guevara in Bolivia, as did the Bolivian CP, so that he could be slaughtered by the Bolivian Red Berets’ officers, educated at West Point? We must tell the truth! The Castroites used their radical petty bourgeois wing, as the USSR used the farce of the Cuban missile installation in Havana, in order to better negotiate their privileges and location in the economy and world politics. We do not understand so much pain due to the change of roles of the treacherous Castro brothers, when they buried hundreds of thousands of fighters of the world proletariat in dozens of revolutions, guarding the oil wells to Rockefeller in the Congo and Angola; leading the Chilean proletariat to the massacre with the fairy tale of the "peaceful way to socialism in Chile"; surrendering the Centre American revolution in Nicaragua and el Salvador, with tens and tens of thousands of fighters betrayed, as it is the case today with the Colombian resistance.

36 - The world is filled by, as we shall see later, a new revisionist poison very similar to which spread in the ´89. It is no accident that it has developed openly with the Cuban issue. But this revisionism, that tries to disrupt the working class, corrupting his vanguard and throwing soil in its eyes so that it does not see the conditions of the battlefield, has not left stone on stone of Marxism, when the proletarian revolution has come very far. It is a revisionism that we will describe later, of a short-flight sort, because unlike that which developed in the '89, is not set on historical defeats of the working class, but in momentary ebbs of the revolution allowing brutal imperialist counter-offensives against the masses, but at times in which these still keep all their strength and drive in the combat, while the world imperialist capitalist system is in open bankruptcy.

In relation to the Cuban issue, they are a copy of what the Renegades of Trotskyism made in ' 89, when they quickly wanted to get away from Trotskyism while they blew up into 1,000 pieces, for having supported Stalinism for decades in the West.
In '89, when the worker States fell, all those who were clinging to the coattails of Stalinism for years, denigrated Trotskyism, blaming it for the disaster. They threw the blame on the programme of Trotskyism and the masses which they themselves had betrayed in the East and in the West for which meant a tremendous defeat: the fall of the worker States. For decades, Pabloism and all the "ISMS" of Yalta’s Fourth International, tied the fate of our world party to the Stalinist scourge and ended up destroying the revolutionary conquest founded in 1938 by Leon Trotsky and other followers of Bolshevism. The programme of Trotskyism had passed the test of the events of the post-war and the '89; Pabloism and other lackeys of Stalinism had not.

37- Then we will speak more extensively about the fact that before the emergence of the revolutionary processes of 2011, at that time emerged a revisionism against the Marxism made by the treacherous leaderships, to theoretically justify their policy of surrendering the processes of proletarian revolution that began to develop from the North of Africa and the Middle East, and impacted the proletariat of Europe and USA which began to place themselves in a position of offensive against the attack of bankrupt capital.
This revisionism is well versed in the theories of "democratic revolutions" and "spring of peoples", precisely to prevent that the proletariat puts its armed dual power organizations to take power. This time they could neither speak about the "crisis of subjectivity" of the masses, nor about the limits in its revolutionary struggle. They had to swallow this theory of "crisis of subjectivity" and of the "backwardness of the masses". That’s because the masses proved to have a million times more insight, conviction and clarity about how to organize a fight against the exploiters, that all the apparatuses that speak of socialism while they betray at each step the global working class. None of the parties who speak in the name of the working class called the exploited of Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Libya or Yemen “to take heaven by storm”. Rather they called them to submit to their executioners: the bourgeois parliaments and transitional Governments, as they did with the European working-class so that they do not open revolutionary processes as had done their class brothers and sisters of what they call "backward peoples".

These parties were devoted to hold a programme and a strategy of "democratization" of the bourgeois state, and were enemies of supplying the proletariat with a program to "demolish the existing State machinery", as was already raised by Marx as a fundamental lesson drawn from the Paris commune already in 1871.
It is a revisionism that occurs when capitalism, is at risk to prevent the occurrence of a new revolutionary regrouping of the vanguard of the world proletariat, because this would number the days of opportunism and revisionism in Marxism that want to suffocate the fight of the world proletariat.
Revisionism is appalling and attempts to revolt the working class against the revolutionary Marxism, Trotskyism and the Fourth International. Their hands don’t tremble to attack Trotskyism, but they are afraid and horrified when we Trotskyists affirm against them, exposing them to the global working class, that Trotsky, his theory and his program have passed the test, and that those who spoke in his name betrayed his program at every turn.
When Wall Street banks were falling and the world imperialist capitalist system was performing its "strip-tease", these currents quickly put on their "anti-capitalist" tag. And when the masses went on the offensive and even got armed to defeat capitalism, these parties ran to support capitalism in bankruptcy against the hatred of the masses. This is the true face of revisionism that has risen today against Marxism.

The reformists, the WSF and the labor aristocracies and bureaucracies of the mass organizations created the conditions for the development of the current imperialist counteroffensive of 2012

38- This "new ‘89" in Cuba that global capitalism is preparing is one of the large counter-revolutionary actions, together with the massacre by Castro’s partner in Syria al-Assad, to contain and crush the revolutionary mass offensive that tended to spread on the planet in 2011. In Greece, as we saw, the world imperialism has concentrated its forces to defeat the proletariat and break the revolutionary offensive of the European working class.

All of the imperialist powers, particularly EE.UU need at all costs crushing the Chinese masses. There is developing a process of slowdown of the economy and accumulation of bubbles, in 2007-2008, announcing a brutal fall of the rate of profit of financial capital that not again go to the productive process and needs imperatively to devour the nationalized companies gain, and close those that give loss. And this will even at the expense of liquidating a fraction of the Chinese bourgeoisie, as we can see today when it has "fallen into disgrace" Bo Xilai and his wife, who are the leaders of the fraction which commands to the barons of the Chinese national industry in the Executive Committee of the Communist Party. Obama has given the order that they have to break the limit of investment in the Chinese banking capital that dictates that no more than 25% of foreign capital can be holder of its shares.

Freeing the banks, over-valuing the yuan, liquidating or appropriating the Chinese state-owned enterprises to promote US exports and turn China into a predominantly buyer country, after the imperialist MNCs exploited its slave workforce for decades, is the guarantee for USA and the other imperialist powers which accept the latter’s discipline in the Pacific, that they will win the domestic market of the Chinese "new rich". A new leap in the re-colonization of China, the Pacific and the rest of the colonial and semi-colonial world is at stake in this imperial counteroffensive.

Recovering Cuba, tying China with double and triple chains, reconstituting the counter-revolutionaries devices of imperialism in North Africa and the Middle East, and preparing the crushing of the Greek and European proletariat, is what imperialism needs to try and get out of its crisis. If it can settle this counter-revolutionary counteroffensive, imperialism would have its hands free to advance in the looting of the world, to prepare new wars and even to leaving out of the game the imperialist powers "defeated" by the global economic crisis.

39 – If it can impose successfully this counteroffensive, imperialism will be able to find a respite to its phenomenal crisis. But it is not written that this will happen inexorably. The working class has not yet been defeated. It has not said its last word. Advances of exploiters occur thanks to the actions of the treacherous directions with their cynicism, their stabbings in the back, their betrayals to the proletariat and their revisionism in Marxism to justify themselves.
Moreover, as we see it in Cuba now, and we saw in Chile and in the Stalinist sticks hitting on the head of the Greek working class, this offensive advanced attacking from within the mass organizations the most advanced combats of the world proletariat. And thence they isolated its vanguard, the heroic revolutionary masses of North Africa and the Middle East. Without this perfidious action, as we have already said, imperialism would not have had free hand to send his Syrian watchdog to do the dirty work of massacre and extermination of the rebellious masses, for chastising the world proletariat.
The issue is, the reason behind this imperialist counteroffensive lies not only in the perfidious action of reformism, which disorganizes, divides and desynchronizes the mass offensive, but rather in the fact that in front of the masses that could surpass their reformist leaderships all along 2011, imperialism and the bourgeoisie were obliged to call their fascist and Bonapartist agents for help. Before the mass offensive, which initiated true processes of radicalization of the masses (as in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Greece, crying out for making there a revolution like that in Argentina in 2001, with the movement of the “indignados” besieging Wall Street and taking Oakland and the squares in Madrid and other Spanish cities, with the return to scene of the Bolivian and Chilean working class) Big capital had to appeal openly to its fascist and Bonapartist agent.

The swords of the generals and the massacres in Syria or in China, as well as that in the works in Greece, pose at the historic arena that capitalism will not emerge from its crisis with reformism only, which it used to disrupt the labor ranks. In their actions the reformist parties and organizations blow up, weaken and lose more and more authority to monitor the insurrected masses which rather than follow these directions, are tolerating them. Therefore it will enter ever more in scene, Bonapartism, fascism, direct counter-revolution and wars. The reformist leaderships of the world proletariat have temporarily encircled the revolution, so that, with the masses fighting isolated, fascism can attempt to crush them at their most advanced foci, as we see today in Syria.
But even isolated, the detachments of the working-class present battle. In Greece they fight from street to street and establishment by establishment. In Spain the working class has given a serious blow, despite and against the leadership of the UGT and the CC.OO, against the Government and the monarchy. In Libya the weapons have not been surrendered. The Egyptian masses refuse insistently to surrender the Tahrir square in Cairo and return to it at every turn. In Tunisia, when the premises of the UGTT was attacked by Salafi gangs -veritable shock troops of the Islamic party-, a picket of 4,000 workers faced murderous police to pure shovels and forced the bureaucracy to leave their comfortable offices and reluctantly follow their struggle. In April, as a symbol that the revolution is still alive, in Sidi Bouzid, the city where the Tunisian young sacrificed himself, occurred a new and brutal uprising of the masses; police stations were burned and students won the streets alongside the mineworkers.
We must say then that the working class has not surrendered. Their treacherous leaderships have obliged them to fight under the worst conditions. This setback was not imposed by the strength of capital or their regimes and Governments, but the leaderships that it pays to break up the forces of the proletariat. This imperialist counteroffensive plays a win-all or lose-all game with the reformist leaderships of the masses so that they stop the revolutionary processes, not minding the fate they run after doing it. For doing this they are paid. There is a symptom showing that this counteroffensive needs tripling and quadrupling its counter-revolutionary blows to affirm its grip at the global level; it is the crisis descended on all the reformist apparatuses that played all their luck to try to defeat the current revolutionary offensive, exposing them openly before the masses, when the latter have not yet exhausted all their energy. We affirm categorically that the decisive clashes between classes, i.e. between revolution and counter-revolution at the global level, are far from having developed all their potential strengths. This is the true dynamics of the world situation.

Imperialism disarms or pushes back the onslaught of the masses playing its reformist agent, and in doing so, it wears out and weakens this agent as a squeezed lemon. And this not only prepares the actions of Bonapartist and fascist agents of Big Capital, but also something that is decisive, it opens processes in which the masses break with the treacherous leaderships and the latter suffer splits and blowing ups of their apparatuses, than in their turn prepare future processes of radicalization. At the next evolution of the hard clash of the classes these processes are sure to be even deeper than those we could see in 2011. And this will happen either through new mass offensives, or heroic defensive struggles of the likes we see it today in the streets of Homs, Hama and Deraa in Syria where people fights among heaps of debris. The working class has not yet surrendered!

40 - By now the treacherous leaderships breathe alleviated. But this is only a moment, which they defend at all costs and with all their strength. That is the meaning of the appalling silence that reigns before the massacre of the working class and the rebellious masses of Syria and that sets up one of the biggest betrayals to the world proletariat in recent decades. That silence has a name and an explanation: the reformists have bet all their stakes to the crushing of the revolution. These agents of the capital know that if the revolution moves forward, their days are numbered. Therefore as we will see later, the world situation opened in 2007-2008 as a historical period is put at stake in a speed race between the existence of the current treacherous leaderships of the working class that manipulate and disorganize its fight, and to what degree will ultimately be the vanguard the of world proletariat able to regroup its forces and put at its head a revolutionary leadership to achieve victory.

41. Meanwhile, in front of each offensive of the mass movement, capitalism is locked up and cannot find a solution to its crisis. Instead, when the revolutionary onslaught of the exploited takes off, the imperialists start to throw over them their crisis and their crash.
Cycles of mass offensive corner the world capitalist system and create conditions for the advancement of the Socialist Revolution, but at each step, the treacherous leaderships impose conditions for an imperialist counteroffensive against the working class and the masses. We are not defining the world situation from the point of view of an era or a moment "of peace". The conditions of the world crisis, that far from resolve will deepen, will define this historical period in decisive clashes between revolution and counter-revolution and war, as those which have already begun.
42 We are at a delicate moment in the international situation and the class struggle. Defining it precisely is a key to properly orient oneself in the situation.
The current situation reaffirms all the premises of Marxism. When there is an acute crisis of capitalism ongoing, imperialism does not fall alone; on the contrary, the bourgeoisie sharpens its class instinct when seeing at risk its property before the revolutionary onslaught of the masses. To get out of its crisis, as noted above, Big Capital wastes neither democracy nor kindness against the exploited on the planet, but it displays putsches and counter-revolutionaries coups the ètat, wars of oppression, fratricidal wars, as well as parliamentarian detours and pitfalls of class collaborationism to create the conditions for new massacres and defeats of the exploited in the streets. These are the conditions on the battlefield.
The tragedy of the working class is that it creates the most revolutionary conditions that its spontaneity can offer, but all revolutionary offensive is in danger of becoming its opposite due to the the treachery of the leaderships that the masses have at their head.


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