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July 6th, 2012

The transnationals and its murderous regime of Stroessnerite generals and politicians of the Colorado Party, managers of imperialism have dismissed their official Lugo in Paraguay after he had killed more than 10 peasants.  The church of Lugo’s, an appendix of the Colorado Party and the Stroessnerite regime, was used to deter the uprising of the working class and the peasants of that country at the beginig of 21st century.  Lugo was expelled from power with a palatial coup because he failed to accomplish his task properly that was preventing the landless peasants from occupying land. The Bolivarian Humala in Peru and Evo Morales in Bolivia lernt very well their lesson and so are succeeding in accomplishing their tasks,i.e.,  “they behave properly”, repressing and killing workers and peasants on behalf of the transnational companies.
Facing this situation, the labor bureucracy and the reformist left submit the working class to the “democratic bourgoisie” preventing the worker-peasant revolutionary alliance on the streets, which is the only alliance  that can prevent and defeat the palace strikes as in Paraguay or the tough attacks to the democratic rights of the masses and conquer the land, national independence and bread for the exploited; and that can only be done through the using of proletarian methods, i.e.,  strikes, pickets and the worker and peasant militia expropiating the transnational companies and the bourgois property.
In order to defeat the MNCs, break with imperialism and give land to the poor peasants, it is necessary for the fighting mass organization to break with the bourgoisie, expell the class-collaborationist leaderships and unify the working class and poor peasants in the Americas into a single revolutionary fight against imperialism and its governments.
The Latin Americna working class has already its best ally for this fight in the heart of the US imperialsit beast, the “Occupy movement” who has put siege on the parasites in Wall Street. For a Federation of Socialist Republics of North, Central and South America!

Breaking news!

The Bolivarian government of Humala -at the head of the Fujimorista police and on behalf of the MNCs has massacred again the exploited people in Cajamarca!
Enough with massacring the exploited in Peru! Out with the MNCs that are plundering and killing the people in Peru and the entire Latin America! Out with the Bolivarian governments as agent of imperialism as the FTA governments!

Long live the fight of the exploited in Cajamarca! It is necessary to imposs the Revolutionary General Strike all over Peru!
Self defense Committee of all the worker and peasant organizations!

Last Tuesday, July 2nd the exploited in Cajamarca rose up once more against the Conga mining project by Newmant, an US MNCs, which would dry the lakes and expropriate the land to the ruined peasants, to guaranteee the plundering.
The Fujimorite army and police forces under the command of Humala countered the upsurge of the masses with a new massacre.  5 exploited have been murdered up to now.  Yesterday, one of them, José Sanchez Huamán, 29 years old, died after 2 days in intensive care.
Humala, that Bolivarian leading a Fujimorite regime, has decreed the militarization and the state of emergence in Cajamarca, but the resistance continues, not only in Cajamarca, but also in the provinces of Celendin and Hualgayoc.  At the moment demostrations, road blocks and several wounded have been reported.
The exploited masses of northern Peru at war against the transnational companies cannot remain fighting alone one more second. The treacherous bureaucracy of the CGTP, CP and Patria Roja have built a real fence surrounding the uprisings in the north and south Peru to prevent them from reaching Lima and stirring up the working class in one single revolutionary general strike against the government and the MNCs. Meanwhile, these leaderships, supporters of the Government, are subordinating the rebellious exploited masses throughout the interior of the country to the regional bourgeoisies of the Mayors who only want to use the struggle of the masses to better negotiate their share of the businesses.
The exploited workers and peasants of deep Peru have identified their pricipal enemies: the MNCs. The leadership of the CGTP PC and Patria Roja support the Humala Government which is trying to smash the exploited people, by building a strong wall to set very well separated Lima’s proletarians from the workers and peasants that are rebelling in the north and south of the country.
Down with the militarization of Cajamarca! Down with the fence mounted by the CGTP bureaucracy! General strike now all over Peru! Self-defense Committees of worker and peasant organizations! Workers and popular tribunals to punish the murderers of the people!
We have gone through a similar situation in Bolivia, where the poor farmers of TIPNIS arrived in La Paz for a second time after marching for months against the building of a highway Evo Morales wants to build for guaranteing the MNCs the plundering of the Bolivian natural resources. The trade union bureaucracy of the COB has also encircled them and the government of Evo Morales has launched on them an attack accusing the farmers of TIPNIS (who are camping in the squares with temperatures of minus zero Celsius degrees,  some of whose children have died of pneumonia and others are seriously ill in the hospitals) of “being infiltrated by the CIA, in favor of a coup d’etat" in order to create the conditions for preparing a furious repression. This is the same slander his friend Al Assad in Syria uses to justify the savage massacres that have created thousands of deaths and of displaced people.
The murderous police has been locking itself in the police stations to demand a “wage increase”, that is, better condiitons for repressing the people. That strik by the repressors and murderers of the explooited was supported by the reformist left, i.e., the POR and the LIT. Once the wage negotiations were sealed to their convenience, the hound dogs ran to repress the TIPNIS peasants and now prepare to murder the peasant of Southern Potosi.
Today the poor peasants of Potosi in Mallku Khota are facing the Canadian transnational South American Silver. On July 5th, Evo Morales. as Humala had done before, launched his murderous repression which caused the death of a peasant, Joseph Mamani, 45. They now accuse the exploited of having taken a handful of policemen hostage, when all they are doing is defending themselves, their land and the future of their children. The Latino American working class must defend the legitimate right of self-defense of the exploited people against exploitation, looting and repression! We are all the TIPNIS! We must impose the break of the COB and FSTMB with the government! Revolutionary general strike now! Out with the multinationals! Out with the murderous government of Evo Morales! Nationalization without compensation and under workers' control of all the oil and mining! Expropriation of the oligarchy and the landowners of the Media Luna! Workers and Peasants Militia! Committees of soldiers!
In Peru and Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile and Argentina there is a single battle of the exploited people against imperialism, the MNCs and their lackey Bolivarian and FTA’s governments. In Colombia the Santos government, after massacring the Colombian resistance with the help of the Bolivarians, “recovered” with the paramilitary 6 million hectares to give them to the soybean MNCs.
Amidst the world capitalist crisis, we are witnessing a greedy imperialist pilfering all over the Americas. The soybean, mining, oil MNCs are devastating everything  with their trampling over the continent, sacking the natural resources and destroying the main ellement in Nature that is the human labor force, i.e., the working class.
The reformists left of the World Social Forum and the renegades of Trotskyism sell their recipes in the name of "socialism" to support the bourgeoisie and its governments. So, commenting the overthrow of Lugo in Paraguay because he failed to prevent the revolt of the landless peasants who take land from landowners (and who is now sitting comfortably at home, despite having massacred peasants), they claim it is necessary to "face the coup with democratic methods". They refuse to set up the program in defense of democracy with the methods of the proletarian revolution, by breaking with the bourgeoisie, setting up the workers and peasants militia, the revolutionary general strike in the way to crush the pro coup Colorado Party's of Lugo, all the exploiters and their State. They are "defenders of the Bolivarian democracy" which is massacring the workers and peasants in Peru and Bolivia. Lugo is and continue being a manager of Monsanto who failed in crushing the struggle of the peasants. It was him who ordered the police to massacre the peasants that were defending themselves by using their legitimate right of defense. Lugo went out of the Government House without saying a word. Don’t expect from him his arming the people! Never! Is it possible to defend democracy and to crush Monsanto and its repressive and hated regime of the Colorado Party with someone like Lugo? Never!
The Paraguayan working class is one of the most powerful of the South Cone, not taking into account its numbers, as the refrmist left does, but for its role in the production. It is the proletariat that built and is now handling the huge dams and hydroelectric power generators of Itaipu and Yacyreta, from where the MERCOSUR transnationals draw their power to produce in their factories. Those MNCs have ensalved in the constructon industry the Paraguayan proletariat in Brazil, Argentina and Chile. The Paraguayan working class must break with Lugo and the entire World Social Forum and the reactionary Catholic priests; while they were sprinkling workers and peasants with holy water the same workers and peasants were being massacred by the police of Lugo, Stroessner and the Colorado Party.
Enough is enough! For a workers and peasants alliance! Dissolution of the Police and the repression forces! Out with vice president Franco and the puppet Parliament of the military and the Colorado State Party! Revolutionary general strike now! Expropriation of the multinationals! For a workers and peasants Republic! Land for the peasants, bread for the exploited people! Out with imperialism! Expropriation without compensaton of the imperialist bankers and all the MNCs!
Democracy and even the slightest formal freedoms for the masses are defended with the method of socialist revolution: Disarmament of the big landowners and Monsanto’s fascist gangs in the countryside! For the Disarmament of the Police! For the Armament of the Masses! Destruction of the caste of officers of the murderous Army!
Breaking with imperialism and conquering the land, the two central revolutionary democratic tasks of the oppressed countries can only be guaranteed by a worker and peasant government supported in insurgent masses and their fighting organizations.
The reformist left want to keep hidden away and under seven locks the real civil war in the countryside currently taking place in Paraguay, Peru and Bolivia. Their role is to besiege each fight and subordinate the exploited to the "democratic" bourgeoisie. Subordinating the proletariat to the bourgeoisie, Lugo, Morales, Humala or Chavez, amounts to taking the workers away from their allies the poor peasants and the ruined middle classes so that both could be manipulated by the different factions of the bourgeoisie. Down with the class collaborationist policy of the reformist left! Out with the World Social Forum!
The proletariat must break with the bourgeoisie and become the leader of the oppressed nations to liberate them from the imperialism by leading all the exploited masses and crushing the bourgeoisie. For this it need more than ever a revolutionary leadership at its head. The solution of this crisis has become the most pressing issue of the present day.
We revolutionaries say the poor farmers cannot conquer their land, seeds and tractors and end with the usurer by themselves. We affirm that only the revolutionary worker-peasant alliance, led by the proletariat in the streets, is which can break with imperialism, expropriate the MNCs, bankers and landowners to give the land to the poor peasants and demolish the bourgeois State to impose the power of the exploited in the way to the international socialist revolution. 
These are the forces not only to conquer the land, wages and bread, but to unite the exploited masses of Latin America with their fundamental allies, the working class and oppressed people inside the United States that today besiege Wall Street and confront Obama the butcher.
Down with the farcical Bolivarian “revolution” that is restoring capitalism in Cuba!
Stop creating caricature revolutions like the “Bolivarian revolutions” which continue subordinating our continent to the imperialist plundering and repressing and massacring workers and peasants!
We must crush the multinationals! We must fight as in Syria and Libya!
We must expel the class collaborationist leaderships from the workers' organizations!
The Latin American revolution must stand up again!
For a Socialist Federation of Republics of North, Central and South America!

"The liberation of the workers will be the task of the workers themselves”

ITL Bolivia (LTI)
ITL  Peru (LTI)
Members of the FLTI.

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