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The magnificent insurrection of the working class and the exploited masses of Tunisia that overthrew Ben Alí

The self-sacrifice of Mohamed Bouazizi, a young unemployed student, the past 12/17 was the straw that broke the camel for the masses of Tunisia. Millions of exploited upraised in the whole country against the government and the anti-worker regime of the hatred Ben Ali and his party RDC (Member of the Socialist International), that for 23 years imposed a bloody dictatorship that guaranteed the imperialist plunder and left the masses of Tunisia plunged into starvation and misery.

At the same time the employed and unemployed workers, workers youth and sectors of the ruined middle class burst like a single fist against the regime of Ben Ali in the cities as Metlaui, Kaserín, Gafsa, Thala, Sbeitla, Sidi Bouzid, Regueb, Douz and Kairuán. In different regions, the workers vanguard marched over the trade unions of the UGTT where they faced and defeated the traitor bureaucracies, imposing that the workers organizations be at disposal of the revolutionary fight that has started.

During the months of December 2010 and January 2011, the revolutionary general Strikes, the barricades, the combats against the murderous police, the demonstrations over trade unions and the beating to the bureaucrats of the UGTT, the attacks on the police stations –where the workers and exploited managed to get arms themselves- and the fires to the governmental buildings, started to be the ordinary life of the revolutionary Tunisia. A real insurrection was ongoing; the social peace between classes was broken.

In his revolutionary fight the exploited gave hundreds of deaths, thousands of injured ones, millions of political prisoners. The workers youth and the combative student movement were the vanguard in the fights against the hatred murderer police that was defeated in the streets and then, humiliated since they had to kneel down and greet the insurrected workers that from all Tunisia marched towards the capital.

In different localities and regions the soviets emerged under the name of “Workers committees of protection and supervision of revolution”, true organisms of self determination and direct democracy of the fighting masses.
The already cornered and hatred regime gave the order to the army to slaughter and drown in a bloodbath the revolution. But the rank-and-file soldiers refused to repress. The insurrected masses fraternized with them. The citadel of power was already surrounded. On January 14th, masses overthrew Ben Ali, who ran away to Saudis Arabia.

With this revolutionary uprising for bread and work, assaulting the citadel of power, defeating the treacherous UGTT union bureaucracy in the streets, confronting the bloody repression, disarming and smashing the murderous police, attacking the police stations, overthrowing the anti-worker government, unsettling the regime and leaving in total crisis and weaken the State, the Tunisian masses transformed their spark into the fire of the whole North of Africa, that is already bursting out in Middle East and threatens with penetrate into the imperialist Europe itself.

Long live the workers and exploited of the revolutionary Tunisia that pose on the world proletarian that for conquering bread, work, freedom and national independence they must confront imperialism, its governments, regimes and capitalist states, and its agents inside the workers movement!


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