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The best Fighters from Tahrir Square, Egypt, demand the release of all the political prisoners:

Free all the political prisoners that are in the gulags of Mubarak’s regime!

Disband the murderous police of Mubarak and all the para-police band!

Dismiss the judge’s caste of the autocracy and servants of imperialism!

Workers and popular courts to judge and punish all the murderers of the people!

Nation-wide centralization of all the struggle working class organizations now!

No trust in the government of the murderous generals, servants of Wall Street and the murderous Zionist state of Israel!

Soldiers committees!

Let’s set up the workers and popular militia!

Destruct the officers caste of the army, paid by Obama, which are under his control!

Only this will guarantee the road to conquer bread, work and national independence, expropriating the expropriators.

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