Obama, Sarkozy, Cameron, NATO and the NTC and its Gaddafist generals want to set up a trial to judge and punish the revolutionary masses that made justice with the murderer imperialist lackey Gaddafi
Worker and popular tribunals to judge and punish all the politicians and Gaddafist generals that today are in the NTC!
The NTC announces that those who killed Gaddafi will be judged. It is published in an article of El País press in October and in the digital edition of the TV network Al Arabiya.
The lies of the bolivarians are over, as well of those who said together with Obama, Sarkozy, and the NTC that the NATO would make justice by killing Gaddafi.
The lie is over. The fake that the revolutionary insurgency of Libya was “CIA agents, agents of NATO or their ground troops” created the conditions- by isolating them from the worldwide exploited- for the NTC now to chase them in order to disarm and punish them.
We can neither lose time nor wait for one more day. Those who end up with Gaddafi were neither the NATO nor the “rebels supported by NATO” as the bolivarians’ left says as well the castro bureaucracy, the World Social Forum and in particular some currents of the ex Trotskyists that accuse revolutionary Libyan masses of being “the infantry of NATO in Libya”
As the press El País from Spain announces as well as the Al Arabiya TV network: “In their first version of the events, the NTC affirmed that the dictator died because he refused to be capture”. Then, when the videos appeared and the masses celebrated all across Libya, El Pais clarifies that the NTC “changed their statement” saying that “a shooting occurred after the capture”.
Against those who are “confused” and slanders of the heroic revolutionary masses of Libya, El Pais of Spain affirms: “the confusion about the violent circumstances as regards the death of Gaddafi and the polemics arisen as this respect frozen the euphoria unleashed by the end of 42 years of dictatorship”.
What will say now those who said that the death of Gaddafi cannot be celebrated since Obama, Sarkozy, and Cameron celebrate too? The NATO, UN, Obama, etc are no longer celebrating because they cannot continue with the deceit that they were who chased the Gaddafi convoy where he run away from Sirte and launched NATO missiles.
The videos have appeared. There it is no NATO or plane. They were the masses making justice, ending up with the killer of Libya. Once again, masses prevented NATO and NTC from expropriating their just and heroic struggle.
The fact is if the lie that NATO killed Gaddafi was believed like the Bolivarian left said, it would be for all the imperialism and its lackeys an “action of justice”. But as the masses were the ones making justice, they say that the combatants “are vile vandals, killers, criminals that now must be judged and punished”.
What would say the left that had the same vision and sustained the same lie of NATO and TNC?
The Trotskyists wonder, now that the NATO and UN and imperialist butchers don’t celebrate and want to jail and punish those who made justice with the murderous and genocide Gaddafi while they are who demand an immediate amnesty for all the gaddafist generals and politicians…Could the Bolivarian left and pro-castro applaud and celebrate in peace that the revolutionary masses made justice on behalf of the working class of Libya, and through them of the world proletariat by making Gaddafi’s head roll?
The mourners Club of the Gaddafi’s proceeding burial gets into very big troubles. Thus, like El Pais of Spain says as well as the TV network Al Arabiya: “the human rights council of the United Nations (that is, the political bosses of NATO under the command of Obama, Sarkozy, Cameron, Berlusconi, etc.) expressed last week to shed light on the circumstances of the Gaddafi death”.
In such UN statement wants to know if Gaddafi “was executed by their capturers”. El Pais and the TV network affirm that the UN “wants a broad investigation because it is about a very serious question. Thus, the NTC announces that those who killed Gaddafi will be judged”.
We cannot allow it.
It is already clear. There is no more deceit. Enough with the lies and slanders on the heroic fighters of the Libyan revolution!
We cannot allow any attack from behind against the Libyan fighters since to treat them like “military ground forces of NATO” means to prepare the conditions for isolating them to be then executed by the tribunals of NATO, NTC, Obama, Sarkozy; who can only stabilize the situation in Libya and the North of Africa by disarming the dual power that the heroic Libyan masses have imposed and conquered.
The imperialist powers, in their attempts of partitioning Libya again, with their transnational companies, oil companies and banks, will never accept the masses in arms. Let alone they will accept that the masses take justice on their own hands.
The thing is that in the oil companies, in the oil wells where the construction workers are, in the docks where there are dockworkers, in the light industry and metallurgic industry, workers come to work with the gun they took to fight against Gaddafi.
NTC and NATO, for the imperialist butchers, must re-arm a centralized disciplined army, under the command of an officers caste that answers to the direct orders of NATO. This army is to defend the oil companies with the power of their weapons, as Gaddafi did yesterday.
Obama and Sarkozy were not celebrating Gaddafi’s death. They were mourning and still are mourning him. Now, with the NTC and their Gaddafist generals, Obama and Sarkozy are ready to disarm the masses for them, disarmed, to let be exploited in the factories and companies.
The charade of trial prepared by the NTC against the heroic militias that made justice with Gaddafi, for the whole Libyan people, is for this purpose.
NATO and imperialism cannot allow that the self-organized masses impose justice on their executioners. Because it is what it is posed to do in Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, in the Palestine tormented by the Zionist-fascist state of Israel…because it is what must be done in Greece with the repressor anti-worker and thief of the worker salary Papandreau.
The direct action of the self-organized masses to impose the justice of the millions of exploited can reach Wall Street where many parasites’ heads must roll that have massacred, propelled genocides and plundered the whole planet to defend their interests.
For exploiters, the rebel masses of Misarrata, Bengasi and Brega need a punishment. This is why yesterday, in the streets of the capitals of Europe and USA the war cry was: “Let’s fight like in Egypt!”
The exploiters run the risk that in Syria, Yemen, in the uprising Chile and Bolivia, in Greece and all across Europe the war cry to start succeeding is to do like in Libya; it is the great lesson that such combat left for the world proletariat.
To us, the socialist revolutionaries that fight for refounding our world party, the Fourth International- our voice doesn’t shake to shout very loudly to be heard by the world proletariat, it doesn’t matter if the world social forum left likes or not as well as the renegades of Marxism.
Stop lies and slanderers against the rebel masses of Bengasi, Misarrata, Brega, Tripoli that in Sirte are the only ones who found Gaddafi and made justice since they are the only ones who seek him! Meanwhile, from behind the Gaddafist generals, the NATO, CIA that had taken Gaddafi from Tripoli and put him safe in Sirte only negotiated his exile and share out the business together with the oil companies of the whole Libyan bourgeoisie with the capitalists of Sirte of the “Gaddafi’s family”.
We affirm that “the rebels supported by NATO” don’t end up with Gaddafi. It is a lie that first NATO wanted to use to show they have made justice. This lie now fall down because the very NATO and the world bourgeoisie have scared when the videos have shown the truth and the world masses and in particular Libyan masses saw the actual events where in the Martyrs Square in Tripoli was shouted: “Now for Palestine, Syria and Yemen!”
This lie can no longer be sustained by NATO and they cannot make masses believe in it. Their parrots continue repeating and flourishing as “democratic” and “anti-Gaddafi” the NATO and UN and other imperialist gangs when Gaddafi till his last day and last breath was the most loyal lackey and servant of such gangs.
To state and affirm that the physical liquidation of Gaddafi was the alternative most convenient for imperialism and owner classes of Libya it is shameless against the reality and truth.
The masses making justice with their executioners never can be a “convenient alternative” for the owner classes and their representatives.
The Gaddafi’s head is a score in favour of the Libyan masses and exploited of the world. Since the imperialist powers cannot use the falling of Gaddafi to “make advance their interests” like again the gaddafist left says, those who say to be supposedly “anti-NATO”.
The worker and popular Tribunal that judged and punished Gaddafi shouting “For Misarrata, dog!” and “For our martyrs and killed children, dog!” have terrified the executioners of the world proletariat.
And now, these executioners say “punishment for the rebels for not allow the expropriation/hijack of the victory of having in their hands the Gaddafi`s head”.
The British paper “The Guardian”, on Thursday October 27th reproduces, with alarm, the response of the NTC of the military command of the heroic militias of Misarrata: “Attempts to launch an investigation are unlikely to be welcomed in Misrata, where the rebels who captured Gaddafi in his home town of Sirte are based” (...) “Asked this week about the questions surrounding his (Gaddafi) death, Misrata's military chief, Ibrahim Beit al-Mal, said: "Why are they even asking this question? He (Gaddafi) was caught and he was killed. Would he have given us the same? Of course.”
And adds: “Everybody knows who caught him and who fought the most during the past nine months," an official said. "It was us. It was no one else."
This is the truth! Everything else is a story, a lie, a slander and an infamy of the world reformist left that is caught to the coat-tails of the bourgeoisie and imperialism!
Things have been put straight. Those who lie to the world proletariat on behalf of different factions or capitalist gangs have been unmasked.
We cannot allow any attack to the most advanced combatants in Libya! It doesn’t matter either the mourners Club of Gaddafi like or not, they are the ones who repeated the fakes and lies of NATO saying that NATO missiles would make justice with Gaddafi. Against them, Trotskyists affirm:
Honour to the insurgent masses that get transformed into a revolutionary tribunal fulfilling their duty disobeying the NTC by making justice with Gaddafi-the jackal and butcher of North of Africa paid by the imperialist powers!
Stop making Libyan revolutionary masses pose like the enemies of the world working class’ struggle when they are the greatest allies and the most advanced in their combat against imperialism, NATO, and all the counterrevolutionary forces of the bourgeoisie and imperialism in the planet!
We must end up with the “ground troops and infantry of NATO, bourgeoisie and imperialism” inside the worker movement whose task is to siege, isolate, and divide the struggle of the revolutionary masses in the world, while they pose the biggest enemies and executioners of them as their allies!
Let’s stand up in defence of the fighting organizations of the Libyan masses to end up with the TNC and the gaddafist generals that try to expropriate the fight the masses have launched against the Gaddafi regime lackey of imperialism!
From the FLTI, we call to set up immediately an International Worker Committee of all the organizations that vindicate to be of the working class and socialism to non-recognize the NTC, their counterrevolutionary gaddafist generals and every tribunal they try to set up under the command of UN, NATO and the imperialist pirates to judge any single fighter of the heroic combat carried out by Libyan masses against the lackey of imperialism, Gaddafi.
Out off NATO! Out off UN! Out the imperialist companies from Libya!
Workers and popular tribunals to judge and punish all the gaddafist generals and politicians, first, the president of the NTC, ex- justice minister of Gaddafi, and all the murderous generals!
For a revolutionary provisional government of the fighting masses who gave their lives and are the ones who in fact, gave this giant step to dismantle the murderous and pro-imperialist regime of Gaddafi!
Secretariat of International Coordination of the FLTI