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Revolution and counterrevolution face each other in Egypt

The great action of the masses that surrender the citadel power stood up and opened the revolution in Egypt, today they are tried to be diverted with the treacherous policy of the petit bourgeoisie and bourgeoisie leadership such as the “April 6th movement” and El Baradei and the Muslim Brotherhood.

But, why despite the heroic Egyptian masses action still the government and the regime did not fall and on the contrary, the reaction forces are grouping and launch a counterrevolutionary attack?
It is after the masses opened a real insurrection, disarm the police and went to the streets by thousands, fighting against the Mubarak´s regime, which make the revolutionary crisis to open and left the government and the Bonapartist regime of Mubarak, lacaye of the US imperialism hanged in the air, the masses did not take power.

The threat that produces the Egyptian revolution to the general staff of the world imperialist bourgeoisie is due to the fight of the Egyptian masses clash against the counterrevolutionary devise of the imperialism in the region, which is the Egypt state together with the Zionist fascist state of Israel.

The bourgeoisie needs to prevent to all cost that the revolution win in Egypt, i.e need to close the revolutionary crisis that the masses in struggle for bread, job and against the imperialist plunder opened, and it is necessary to prevent the counterrevolutionary devise to content the masses in the region explode. This devise is the Egypt state. If this happens, the path for the exploited ones of the Middle East up-rises against the imperialism would be open. For that reason Obama, El Baradei, the Muslim Brotherhood and the April 6th Movement try to transform this great insurrection that the Egyptian masses are living –with the “million men march” totally disarm- into a peaceful fight for the “democracy and freedom in general”, that is to say a “velvet revolution” opposite to the proletariat revolution. 

The great problem that concentrates today the great revolution which has opened in Egypt is that the masses could not achieve to generalize the armament to fight against the official caste, dividing and wining the rank and file soldiers for the ranks of the revolution; only way to confront and smash defiantly the counterrevolutionaries fascist bands of policemen, lumpens and paid official by the murder state who fully armed get in with the support of the army officials to the main square to try to kill the disarm masses.  Only conquering the generalize armament of the masses, these could move forward already in the task of the moment, which is not other thing than to take power and the success of the revolution.

The masses have not take power and today in Egypt revolution and counterrevolution see each other: on one hand the proletariat started to confraternal with the army rank and file and threats to split is, win the impoverished the middle class and push more and more to superior actions (this shows that it has been already time that the masses are in the door to take power).  On the other hand, the bourgeoisie and petit bourgeoisie leadership try to make sleep the masses with the terrible policy of democracy and “democratic change”, behaving as real Troya horses, disarming the masses so the counterrevolutionary bands of the bourgeoisie state, agent of the imperialism can act.  This is the same policy of democratic front that the imperialism and their lacaye governments applied to smash the masses in Palestine, Honduras and Bolivia.

But the masses have shown that the last Word is not said yet.  Despite and against of the reformist leadership that try to divert the revolution with pressure strikes and peaceful demonstrations, the Egyptian exploited ones are far from give up and fight bravely the counterrevolutionary forces.

For that reason, today more than ever is question to retake and redouble the offensive that the masses opened with the revolution.  For that reason it is necessary to break with the peaceful policy of the bourgeoisie and petit bourgeoisie leadership that try to abort and surrender the great revolution that the Egyptian exploited ones opened, placing it to the feet of the “democratic” bourgeoisie transition launched by Obama, policy that allows that the state get strength and place in the streets their real counterrevolutionaries bands to smash the proletariat.

This is the policy that prevent, for the moment, that the demonstration of millions of exploited ones in Egypt lead a real Congress that gather all the organisms that the masses in struggle have set up and star working as a great parliament of the workers and the impoverished sectors of the farm and the city, to destroy the bourgeoisie regime and take power.

This is the main problem of the revolution in Egypt is that despite the insurrection live by the Egyptian masses, the regime was not destroy and the power was not taken yet.  This sharpen to extreme degrees the revolutionary leadership crisis and shows the limit of the masses spontaneity, beyond how great this can be, as it is shown by the Egyptian masses, is not enough to organize the successful insurrection and take power.  The Egyptian masses precise today more than ever to defeat the reformist leadership and set up a revolutionary leadership in front.

Pe and Joa for the POI-CI



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