Correspondence with the militant revolutionaries from Japan, the JRCL

- FLTI letter to the JRCL-RMF (02/06/2010) on the massacre of a humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza by Israel state; the resignation of Japanese pHatoyama por sostener la base militar yanqui en Okinawa; y el combate de los piqueteros del Norte de Salta en Argentina por conquistar trabajo dig

- FLTI letter to JRCL-RMF (14/06/2010) against centralization of the reformist leaderships in the “People's Summit ” in Madrid and the “International Meeting ” of CONCLAT in Brazil, which prepare a new meeting in Asia; let's fight for an international congressde of the revolutionary workers organizations and the internationalists Marxists currents.

- JRCL-RMF letter to the FLTI (19/6/2010)

- FLTI letter to JRCL-RMF (19/06/2010) on the struggle of the workers from Honda (in China). Let's unite the workers of Asia! One single class, one single struggle!

- JRCL-RMF response (23/6/2010) to FLTI letter dated 19/6/2010

- Article of weekly Kaihoh on the bankruptcy of Hatoyama's government.

Trotskyist Youth of FLTI letter to the recvolutionary youth Zengakuren


- FLTI Letter to the 48th Anti-war Assembly July 30th 2010

- JRCL-RMF letter to the Conlutas July 10th 2010





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