November 8th, 2011 Letter in response from the high school students gathered together in the high school student’s coordinator assembly (ACES) before the internationalist solidarity of the Zengakuren Japanese students: First of all, we express our total thanks for your solidarity demonstrations that you have had with the Chilean students, as well the demands of our cause looking for the free and public education. We know that in these months of hard struggle that we have waged, we were responded by a brutal repression of the government. As you have done it, we also denounce these repression events, in which we were involved during the fight, without any regrets, no stepping back. As a product of that, many of our comrades were wounded, intoxicated, prosecuted by the reactionary forces of the government and, as it is well known, with political prisoners of the student movement We have been witness of how our comrades have been excluded from freedom, putting them in jail behind solitarian bars. Even though they try to repress us and criminalize our fight, they could not put down our daily fight, defying all prospects. Just as you, we condemn the facts produced by the jail-keeper Chilean state and we raise the banners of Free our prisoners! As you have well identified, it is essencial to go beyond of our worker-student alliance and take our banners of fighting in international unity, as we know that the working class and the oppressed are the key to our conflict in Chile and the world. We make a call to keep moving and to make solidarity with the worker, student and the exploited, especially to keep up in their fight against the imperialist murderous nuclear plants. High school students gathered together in the High School Student’s Coordinator Assembly (ACES)