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A tribute to RS from the LTI of Bolivia and the Huanuni mineworkers


Comrade Roque has passed away. We feel a deep pain. With Roque we have shared some nice moments. His assistance here in Bolivia was decisive in the political work in the mine, among the industrial workers of La Paz, in the paper of the League, contributing from his own convictions. The comrade was an internationalist revolutionary, a Trotskyist that fought as a member of the Fourth International.
For sure we will have him always in every fight of the working class, and we will continue the work that we were building together as part of the offensive of the FLTI: To build up again the re-founded Fourth International, the general staff of the world revolution. Because we have sworn that we won’t let betrayals on the working class on behalf of Trotskyism and its program. It’s been an honor to fight side by side with you, Roque, against every treacherous leadership. Just to remind one of the many fights we waged in common, it comes to our mind that on Mayday this year, in which we intervened with the statement of the comrades of Zimbabwe and waged a relentless political fight against all the renegades of Trotskyism. We remember that when the demonstration was over, we looked at each other satisfied since we waged a great political struggle exposing the renegades. Today, we will continue waging this battle with the revolutionary workers of Zimbabwe, who defend this program resolutely, against the corrupt servants of HSBC, the British Crown, the British SWP and their NGO. Dear comrade, today you are no longer with us. But we will keep on, just as you would’ve wanted so. We won’t let the class-traitors leave in peace. For our honor of revolutionary workers, we will keep waging this fight for re-founding the Fourth International over the rubbles of the renegades of Trotskyism.

You came to the 2003/2005 revolutionary Bolivia as a true internationalist cadre. You made lots of contributions in the fight against the reformist leaderships, such as POR, and to set up a revolutionary leadership, together with the cadres of the LTI of Bolivia.
It cost us hard political fights and differences that we discussed, because in that way we could strike as a single fist.

You left the lessons of the “expropriated revolution” of Bolivia 2003/2005 as one of the biggest contributions to the struggle of the world working class and the Bolivian working class as a part of it. You were not only drawing lessons from the whole picture but also fighting in the flesh in the most decisive points of the struggle of the Bolivian working class, as well as in the moments of hard blows against us, when US imperialism was coming for its backyard and fascism was rising and killing peasants and workers during the fascist rising of Media Luna.

He left the Trotskyist of the LTI and the perspicacious workers all his tools for the fight, his passion for reading the lessons of the international class struggle, which are concentrated in the Marxists classic writings which help us to understand to what comrade Roque Sanchez dedicated his life. We will always remember him reading passionately, at night and very early in the morning, the writings of Trotsky, Lenin, Marx. We hope to follow his example, since the revolutionary theory is one of the fundamental tools to shape workers as strategist of their class for the liberation of the proletariat and fight against reformism.
We had the honor of fighting together for the Bolivian and international working class to have the leadership that it deserves, which is no other than the Fourth International re-founded with the 1938 program, for making the Pulacayo Theses be raised in the deepest of the mine galleries. That is the best tribute the cadres of the LTI-Bolivia can pay to him, together with the comrades mineworkers, who recognize comrade Roque as an internationalist Trotskyist leader.
Your entire revolutionary militancy has not been in vain. The new generations of Trotskyists will take the relay in this fight to make the banners of the Fourth International to wave again in the barricades of the French and European proletariat, in the fight against the restorer Castroite bureaucracy, in the fights of the world proletariat; and it will be over the rubbles of the renegades of Trotskyism.
Comrade Roque: till the victory of international socialism!
Long live the fighters of the Fourth International!

For LTI-Bolivia:
Ra, To, LS,
 Lu of Huanuni and Cat.

Endorsed by the comrades of the team from Huanuni

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October, 30th, 2010.-
Comrades of the FLTI,

We, the comrades of Huanuni, feel the loss of a great and valuable comrade in struggle such as comrade Roque. As comrades of class and struggle, we are also distressed and in grieve because of the loss of our comrade. He left us plenty of memories and also big teachings of the struggle.
We are all together with you, and will join you in your pain.

Revolutionary greetings

Gl, Ja, An, Ay and Se
from Huanuni


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