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The Cuban Question:

In the heat of the world imperialist economic crisis, Castroism in a pact with imperialism and Latin American bourgeoisies tries to restore capitalism in the island definitively.

The working class must prevent it!

The program for the political revolution against restoring Castrist bureaucracy is an acid test that divides reform from revolution

A brutal assault against the Cuban masses by side of the Castro brothers’ restoring clique


- The reactionary utopia of “Socialism in a one island” leads the Cuban revolution to an abyss.

- Cuba: An exception in the 1989 capitalist restoration processes

- Polemic with the World and Latin American Left


With the deepening of the economic world crisis, the Castro brothers restoring regime commands today a fierce assault on the workers and the poor masses of the island. That is what Raúl Castro's speech in the Congress IX of the Union of Communist Youths of Cuba answers to; that youth is thirsty for right of inheritance and private property. There the Castro threw the war cry of the world bourgeoisie: "That the workers pay the crisis". They announced a million dismissals by saying: "we know that they exceed hundreds of thousands of workers in the sectors of budget and management, some analysts calculate that the excess of jobs exceeds one million persons and this one is a very sensitive matter that we are in the duty to face with firmness and political sense (…) keep spending over the income means eating our future and put in risk the survival itself of the revolution "; and he continued "if we support insoles inflated in almost all the areas of the national occupation and pay wages without link with the results, raising the amount of circulating money, we cannot hope that the prices stop his constant rise, destroying the acquisitive capacity of the people ".
Restoring bureaucracy tells the exploited of the world that the culprits of the sufferings and misery in Cuba are the heroic Cuban workers. Bastards! The responsible of the crisis in which Cuba is sinking in is the parasitic restoring bureaucracy! It’s been a while since Castrist bureaucracy has stopped defending the bases of the worker state "in its way" – i.e., as Trotsky used to say, sinking them like the old Stalinist bureaucracy did it in the USSR-, and it has become openly restauracionist, direct agent of capitalist restoration. "Socialism in one island" proves all its character of reactionary utopia against Cuban revolution. It is the gang of Castros that imposed a restoring regime and it is based on the imposition of double currency. In the island two economies have been imposed and they liquidate the regime of transition.
On the one hand, a capitalist economy of the foreign investments and the "mix" companies, joint ventures with imperialism in tourism, hotels and the mining industry of nickel, which is managed with the convertible peso one on one with the dollar ("chavito"). The parasites of the bureaucracy and their children get rich in this economy; there arise new riches, owners and managers of hotels, shops and companies; also new middle classes linked to small piece of land and retail urban trade, together with the creation of a small sector of workers who receive wages in mix companies, eager to buy cell phones, domestic appliances, etc. It is not a shock then that Raúl Castro spoke on the strong social base of the “Communist Youths". Because these "Communist Youths" are the children of the bureaucrats, who enjoy of cell phones, I-pods, Nikes, etc. And they want to receive inheritances of what their parents accumulated in "off shore" banks on the Bahamas, which they stole from the Cuban masses, in together with imperialism.
On the other hand, the other economy, the one of workers and peasants wide majority is used the Cuban devaluated peso that still works on the old nationalized sector of the economy and survives with ration books, has 18 dollars wages, which aren't paid even in the most slave-trading imperialistic maquilas in China.
In the middle of the world economic crisis and with dollar devaluation the Cuban parasites need print, more and more, Cuban devaluated peso to buy more dollars, which ends up by generating inflation which, they shamelessly blame the exploited masses. They create inflation and want to make Cuban masses it with dismissals, cuts in the health and the education systems! And the cynics of the restoring bureaucracy want to accuse the workers and peasants of being the responsible of this! The bureaucrats allowed the small property of the land and the opening of the retail urban trade. The bureaucracy and their children are already owners of shops, hotels and companies. These 800.000 bureaucrats and their children are those who got rich with the double currency! 390.000 bureaucrats already have managers' wages in dollars in the "mix companies"! They are the real parasites that do not produce anything and in their comfortable offices fill their pockets living on the dollar economy that they administer associated with the imperialist bourgeoisie!
Castrism not only inflicted defeats to the proletariat of the continent, but also imposed to Cuban masses the worst defeat: a terrible demoralization. Workers and peasants identify more and more "socialism" not as a gain but starvation wages, inflation, increasing cost of living and miserable ration books. Because socialism isn't the administration of poverty as Stalinism and the Castro did. On the contrary is the mode of production where aren’t bosses or bourgeois, where production is planed to "leave the kingdom of need" satisfying them completely. In order to achieve this we must defeat the world bourgeoisie and its capitalist mode of production. Castro restoring regime -full of privileges and enrichment that pushes to become bourgeoisie- allows the reproduction of a new merchant middle class in the city, and capitalist property relations in the farms, creating restoring social base. At the same time, Castros have an army of parasites who receive dollars from thousand political cadres who are spread across the continent strangling revolutions. They recreate with their big dollar remittances, new worms inside Cuba. The restoring regime increases the social inequality and destroys egalitarian masses’ consciousness.
Therefore bureaucracy’s regime pushes Cuban youth to leave school and education, because it needs them to work for a few dollars more in hotels and companies, to try to enter the cycle of consumption. That is why Castrism wants to launch this attack on the masses, taking advantage of their confusion and demoralization, to give a knockout to the workers' state in acute decomposition and define capitalist restoration.
Castro bureaucracy want to make the masses pay for the crisis with dismissals, suspensions and cuts in public expenditure, etc., As all the bourgeois governments of the world are doing it now, as in Greece, Kyrgyzstan, etc. But this attack that the bureaucrats want to launch is the envy of any bourgeois government of the world, because in a 6 million workers island, they want to dismiss a million workers! This clearly shows that this attack is led by a gang who wants to consciously advance, ultimately, in the restoration of capitalism in Cuba.
If capitalist restoration in Cuba is definitely imposed, imperialism would imposed a major setback to the proletariat of the continent and stabilize their dominance in its backyard.
Today before the capitalist bankruptcy and global crisis, imperialism must liquidate the last worker state that - in absolute and sharp decomposition thanks to the restoration policy of Castrism- survives only 90 miles from U.S. shores. Because world economic crisis impose to the imperialist bourgeoisie the need of crushing the entire world proletariat and with it, one of the main bastions of resistance: the Cuban workers state. The widespread attack that big business has launched against the exploited of the world involves liquidating historic achievements of the world proletariat, which biggest expression is Cuban workers state, even today.
Completing capitalist restoration, which imperialism and native bourgeoisie with Castro bureaucracy are trying to fulfil, means a single hit to leave no trace of the mass revolutionary struggle in Latin America and the U.S., which they stared in the first five years of 21st century, like the revolution in Argentina and Ecuador. They have to liquidate Bolivian revolution initiated by workers and peasants in 2003; they have to prevent the battle of the working class of Peru from developing. But mainly they have to inflict a defeat over US working class, who rose against US imperialism wars, for immigrant workers’ demands -most exploited sector of the proletariat within imperialist beast- that today, because of the actions of treacherous leaderships, is at the feet of Obama.
Therefore for Obama and the various imperialist powers is essential fulfil capitalist restoration in Cuba, to impose big defeat to the world proletariat and the anti-imperialist struggle of the masses, at times when the proletariat of Kyrgyzstan, Greece and all Europe wins the streets, would mean destroying the consciousness that masses can seize power, expropriate the bourgeoisie and conquer their own state, a worker state.
On the other hand this would increase the stabilization of the bourgeois regimes on its backyard. And also US imperialism would conquer a highly skilled labour force in Cuba, to be used as slaves in the Yankee maquilas. Over the bones of the proletariat of the continent, such measures would place US imperialism in a unique position to face the economic crisis and defeat their competitors in interimperialist disputes.
Once the revolution in Latin America and USA was expropriated with the scam of the "Bolivarian revolution" Castrism tries to leap forward in the capitalist restoration.
In the early 21st century -as fundamental pillar of the counterrevolutionary pacts of Bolivarian bourgeoisie with imperialism- Castrist bureaucracy by expropriating and strangling the process of revolutions in the American continent, earned the right to become the new bourgeoisie in Cuba. So US imperialism plan is no longer invade with worms from Miami, or direct military intervention. The plan is to allow Castrist bureaucracy to recycle into bourgeoisie, in return for services served to imperialism.
If the restoring offensive today can move forward without the Cuban masses react, even when it is on their faces, is because with the scam of the "Bolivarian revolution" (headed by Fidel and "Bolivarians" organized in the WSF) those bourgeoisie and treacherous leaderships expropriated the anti-imperialist and revolutionary struggle of the masses of the Americas with popular fronts coups and counterrevolutionary pacts with imperialism. Each of these defeats and counterrevolutionary hits that they applied to the masses of the continent (like Honduras, Bolivia, Colombia, Haiti) hit directly the Cuban masses, i.e. successive "Tiananmen squares" for capitalist restoration in the island.
Masses went ahead in revolutionary and anti-imperialist fights against all governments servants of US imperialism in the region like in Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia; the commune of Oaxaca in Mexico; the uprisings in Chile and Peru and the rise against war and for the rights of immigrants in the U.S. A popular front arose against this centralized from the FSM, sustained by the Castro regime and the worker bureaucracy and labour aristocracy in Brazil, together with the rest of the bureaucracy and labor aristocracy of the continent, to fence and strangle the masses’ revolutionary actions. The renegades of Trotskyism like Lambertism, Morenism and Mandelism, among others, were part of the continental Popular Front centralizing the militant unions in Brazil, USA, Bolivia, Venezuela, Haiti in the Latin American Meeting Workers (ELAC), to subordinate those workers' organizations to the policy of continental class collaboration of Castro and the Brazilian bureaucracy and thus lead the left wing of the proletariat to a defeat.
In Ecuador in 2002 WSF promoted as "darling" Cornel Lucio Gutierrez, the military who expropriated the revolution that the masses begun in 2000 and kick out several presidents. And when the masses overthrew him in 2005 with the "rebellion of the outlaws" Bolivarian headed by Castro, hold the bourgeois Correa to strangle again the revolution in Ecuador.
Castrism played a key role to strangle Venezuelan masses’ combat against the pro-imperialist coup directed by the Yankees in 2002. They join Lula's polity of create a "Venezuela’s friend countries group", they were on charge of calling masses not to expropriate, not to execute coupers officials caste and to put Chavez again in the government; he during the coup, while the masses were putting their blood in the streets, fled as a coward to hide in a military base protected by church’s dome.
Argentinian revolution was opened on December 20th, 2001, and Castro travelled twice to the country. In 2003, when he spoke in Law School’s stairs (in Buenos Aires) in an act organized with the support of renegades of Trotskyism; and in 2005 to be part of the "Countersummit" organized by the Bolivarian governments headed by Chavez. Both times he came to tell the masses that it was not necessary to do a revolution, a new Cuba in Argentina; but it was necessary to support Kirchner’s government, he also said that the working class had to start producing and then this government "would distribute the wealth".
When the Bolivian masses started their enormous revolution in 2003-05, the counterrevolutionary continental popular front of Castro and Bolivarians was on charge of fencing this enormous revolution. This was done by controlling the whole continent proletariat and calling the masses to tie their luck to the Popular Front government of Evo Morales, assisted Cuban by cadres and advisers to prevent Bolivia from turning into a new Cuba. The renegades of Trotskyism subordinated to this polity. Organized from the oil workers unions of Brazil directed by Lambertism, they made a continental congress "in defence of the hydrocarbons", to isolate the COR of El Alto and its revolutionary resolutions of 6th-7th July, 2005, and to prevent that Bolivian working class, synchronized with the Brazilian proletariat, attack the property of the Total Fina (France) and its subsidiary Petrobras (Brazil).
In 2008, we saw again Castrism perfidious role when, after the Evo Morales’ government defeated and disarmed the left wing of the Bolivian proletariat and its vanguard (Huanuni miners), fascist Media Luna (direct agent the Anglo-Yankee oil), rose to give a counterrevolutionary coup. After fascist massacre against the workers and peasants in Pando, when the masses rose up to confront and smash fascism, Castrism guaranteed the counterrevolutionary pact signed by Evo Morales and the Media Luna. Such pact left half the country in hands of fascism, one third of the territory in hands of the murder army officers’ caste of the Bolivian and the rest of the country under the control of anti-working class government of Evo Morales Popular Front.
In Colombia, in 2008, we also saw Fidel Castro himself with Chavez leading the operation "Check Mate" to the Colombian resistance. After calling resistance to disarm, to hand over prisoners and surrender to sepoy Uribe’s government, a servant of imperialism, "because they could not succeed" or "make a new Cuba", what came was a brutal and bloody attack on the FARC’s members and the Colombian resistance. What Yankee imperialism and Colombian bourgeoisie failed to achieve in 50 years, was achieved by Castrism and Chavez thanks to the pact Uribe-Chávez embrace, based on the blood of the Colombian resistance. Thus, ranks and file of the resistance were broken up, decimated and demoralized.
Castrism and its agent Zapatists were responsible in 2006 of strangling worker and peasant commune of Oaxaca, which threatened to start the revolution in Mexico and reach United States developed through the movement of migrant workers. This battle of the Mexican masses against the FTA regime developed within U.S.A. with the setting up of millions of immigrant workers, joined the anti-war movement led by Oakland dock workers anti-war pickets, called a general strike against butcher Bush. Against this unique revolution which was standing up on both sides of the border of Rio Bravo (Mexico), both Castroism and Zapatism subordinated workers uprising to the democratic front of Lopez Obrador party, the PRD, as servant of the FTA as the PAN party of the former president Fox. Meanwhile Castroism in the U.S., stealing all authority that Cuban revolution has within American color proletariat and immigrant, put the working class at the feet of Obama, calling to confront Bush supporting the first. While the ELAC called through their Dock workers union’s leader Clarence Thomas of the U.S. West Coast, to vote for "anyone but Bush."
In the anti colonial struggle that the masses of the Antilles in Guadeloupe started, Castrism guaranteed a fence to prevent these forces spread on the Cuban proletariat. Before Micheletti’s pro-imperialist coup in Honduras in 2009, Castro regime was the main pillar to force the masses, which heroically resisted the coup, to surrender. With its partners Chavez and Ortega in Nicaragua demanded the return of Zelaya, while they subordinated the masses resistance to the democratic front, which ended up by making a pact with coup leaders settling the coup down.
The last service that Castrism played for imperialism was after Obama’s Marines occupied devastated Haiti. Since 2000 Castro bureaucracy supported the UN troupes who murderers of hungry people (MINUSTAH). Finally in 2010 after the earthquake, with the pretext of "humanitarian aid", they opened its airspace to U.S. AIR FORCE for the imperialism occupation of Haiti to preserve their private property.
It was then, first with a counter-revolutionary continental policy of popular fronts to fence and strangle the revolution in the continent, and then as guarantor of counterrevolutionary agreements to settle the strikes that imperialism gave against to the masses, that Castro bureaucracy allowed to US imperialism chief state in crisis, that could overcome it by replacing Bush with Obama, restart their offensive to regain their backyard. Now Latin American and North American masses are out of the picture, the bureaucracy takes the definitive leap toward in the capitalist restoration in Cuba, to transform it into a capitalist "new Venezuela" with its own native bourgeoisie.
To defeat the attack on the Cuban masses, we must overthrow Castro regime with the political revolution. The struggle of the masses of Greece, Kyrgyzstan and Bolivia come to help the Cuban masses.
The tragedy of the Cuban revolution is that his leadership, the castroism, imposed in the past 51 years the reactionary utopia of socialism in one island, undermining and decomposing from the start the gains of the revolution of '59, and defeating with its international policy all the revolutions throughout the American continent, where the conquest of the first workers' state in the continent was held.

 So the brothers Castro and their clique put their life at stake for strangling the North American and Latin American revolution, that’s why they were and are so RELENTLES. As in the former USSR in '89, where the main party restorer of capitalism was the CP of Gorbachov and Yeltsin, as direct shareholders of City Bank, where the millions of dollars from the plundering of the former worker states went; today the restorationist main party in Cuba is that of Castro. It is this clique that erected as Bonaparte of the various gangs of the restorationist bureaucracy tries to lead "orderly" the delivery of Cuba to the imperialist world economy, following the model imposed by the red mandarins of the Chinese CP. The successive purges of officers respond to the attempt to discipline the more eager and anxious layers of ownership, which try, each time to accelerate the final conquest of the capitalist right of inheritance. The Castro clique tries to avoid the breaking up of the restorationist system. A dispersing that could open gaps at the heights through which the Cuban masses could break facing the restoration. In this matter it is the Cuban army, as the central institution of the restoration plan, who plays a key role carrying on these purges.
U.S. imperialism, conscious of the role of the Castro clique, maintains the blockade against Cuba, as an attack on the masses to sink them deeper into misery. But also to push the arising within the restorer party- enriched centrally by the hand of Spanish and French imperialism in the nickel and tourism- a sector openly pro-Yankee that raise the policy that by sitting to talk to Obama it is possible to lift the blockade.
Without the revolutionary overthrow of the entire restorationist bureaucracy, a heavy defeat for the working class will be imposed. There is no time to lose!
Today, the Castroist bureaucracy and imperialism prepare the final stab of capitalist restoration. Only the working class can stop it. The alternative then is: either capitalist restoration that will sink to the Cuban masses in poverty, overexploitation and submit Cuba even more than in the colonial past, or a political revolution to overthrow Castro restorationist bureaucracy, restore the workers' state basis and impose workers' democracy for Cuba to become a bastion of the Latin American and world socialist revolution.
Cuban proletariat forces to confront capitalist restoration are in the combats of the exploited Greeks and immigrants from across Europe, in the Kyrgyz revolution, in the Peruvian peasants and workers who face the plunder of the transnationals and the FTA; in the Bolivian workers that are threatening to impose the break of their fighting organizations with the government of Evo Morales and begun their political revolution marching in La Paz against the bureaucracy of the collaborationist COB shouting " Montes traitor, out of COB" being the vanguard of the struggle against the counterrevolutionary pacts of the Bolivarian bourgeoisie and imperialism!
Down with the Castro restorationist bureaucracy, its dissmisals plan, and all pro-capitalist measures that smash the bases of the workers state! Not a single lay off! No cuts in health and education! Expropriation without compensation and re-nationalization of all businesses and industries, the land sold out to the imperialist monopolies, companies "off shore" of the bureaucracy and the Cuban and foreign investors! Re-imposition of the foreign trade monopoly , re-imposition of a plan on the entire economy of the country, and democratic economic planning discussed, decided and controlled by the working class and peasants!
Against restorationist bureaucracy that lives with enormous privileges and luxuries, which handles U.S. dollars and convertible pesos, while the workers and peasants spend enormous hardship, it is necessary to raise the banner of the struggle against social inequality: Down with the bureaucracy and its privileges, ranks and decorations! Stop wage and social inequality! Enough of parasites: all bureaucrats have to go to work, earning the average wage of a worker and in Cuban pesos! Down with the differential wages and production awards in joint ventures and the imperialist monopolies! For equal work, equal pay in all sectors of the economy! We must end the "two economies" and the two currencies; re-impose a single currency that reflects the real labour productivity of the entire Cuban economy. We must end the trade secret where the fabulous profits of the multinationals are hidden, but also the profits and property the bureaucracy is taken for themselves and  are hidden behind the "share holds" in the "public corporations."
This path could not be imposed without the revolutionary overthrow of the restorationist bureaucracy. This will only be the product of an open civil war against the bureaucracy. The struggle is for workers democracy and to conquer it we must confront the bureaucracy in civil war: For the workers, peasants and armed soldiers councils, where only the vast majority living with $ 18 and no privilege or perk will have a place in there! In these councils, the majority of Cubans who want to give their lives in defence of the conquests of the revolution will be able to discuss, debate and democratically decide their own destiny. There the masses may take in their hands the resolution of their problems, decide democratically how to confront the imperialist blockade, what sacrifices, and even what circumstantial concessions, they are willing to do. In these councils the exploited may take in their hands the military defence of the island against any imperialist aggression, guaranteeing the arming of all the people, the only way to expel the yankees from Guantanamo, the U.S. base miles from Havana, where anti-imperialist fighters of the resistance of the masses in the Middle East are tortured.
Down with the one-party regime of the restorationist bureaucracy of CP! The workers', peasants and soldiers councils must be the ones to decide democratically what parties are recognized as legal, with one requirement: to show that defend the gains of the revolution!
Cuban workers have the right to defend themselves from the exploitation of the new bosses of the joint ventures and private companies, and from the attack and abuse of restorationist bureaucracy in the state companies: We must impose the freedom to organize unions!
 Down with the counter-revolutionary pacts of the Castro brothers and the Bolivarian bourgeoisie with imperialism! Down with the Chávez-Uribe pact against Colombian resistance! Down with the pact of Evo Morales with the fascist Media Luna in Bolivia! Down with the pacts of subjugation of the working class to the Bolivarian bourgeoisie!
The leadership the Cuban proletariat needs to defeat restorationist bureaucracy is the IV International re founded.
Cuban working class needs to see itself in the mirror of Kyrgyzstan workers and the rest of the workers of the former workers states who are sunken into barbarism due to capitalist restoration; but today they have upraised before the 200% increase on their cost of living. They occupied the streets, disarmed police and defeated Bakiev’s government, who was Obama’s agent and former Stalinist bureaucrat who become a bourgeois exploiter and plunders this former soviet republic.
Tonghua and Lingzou Chinese metal workers show the first step of Cuban political revolution. In those cities, against privatizations carryng out by former CCP bureaucrats who are now “red bosses”; workers made managers’ heads roll down preventing this way 30,000 dismissals and the privatization of those state owned metal companies.
To prevent the complete capitalist restoration in Cuba, Castroism must be defeated. This task is part of the fight against all treacherous leaderships of the world proletariat. The same leaderships are preventing today the Greek masses and their revolutionary actions end up overthrowing Papandreu’s government, starting the revolution in Greece, as a link of a single socialist revolution on Europe, which will impose a huge limit in the process of capitalist restoration, propelling Cuban masses to defeat Castroism.
Cuban proletariat will only be able of succeeding under the leadership of the 4th International, the only party that can unifies the combat against restorationist bureaucracy with the rebellion of Bolivian working class, with the struggle of Greek and Kyrgyzstan’s masses, in a single socialist revolution. Down with Chavez, “red” mandarins of Hu Jintao, Castrism, Greek PC and renegades of Trotskyism 5th International! Long live to soviet democracy, long live to international socialist revolution!
The fight in defence of the worker state and Cuban masses must be a shout of war of the working class of the continent. Enough! Workers organizations must break their subordination to Bolivarian bourgeoisie, Obama, Castrism and lackey bourgeoisies! We must rise up in defence of our Cuban brothers and sisters of class in a single continental fight! For a continental congress of workers organizations to face capitalist and Castroite bureaucracy’s attack!

Internationalist Trotskyist from the ITLF, who fight relentlessly for the re-foundation of the 4th International of 1938, also fight in every workers organization of the world so they also rise up the combat in defence of the gains of Cuban revolution

Old Cuban bourgeoisie that lives in Miami


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