In this issue of the International Workers’ Organizer we present the proposal from the Departmental Federation of Industrial Workers of La Paz (Bolivia), which gives continuity to the courageous motion presented by the industrial workers in the congress of Conclat in Brazil. In that congress, they called on all the organizations to confront the collaborationist trade union bureaucracies and the “leftist” demagogy of the Bolivarian governments who, speaking about defending workers, have given nothing to the working class but blows, repression and death. All the leaders voted against the motion of the industrial workers of La Paz , arguing that “it is not the time”, demonstrating that theirs is an international policy to subjugate the working class to the bourgeoisie and its governments.
Today, the Trotskyists of the ILTF take the courageous motion of the industrial workers of La Paz and we present this document before them to be considered and voted on by them and by the revolutionary miners, as the miners did yesterday with the Pulacayo Theses, as the program for the Bolivian workers’ movement. This program would provide the basis for the setting up of a real revolutionary and internationalist leadership of the COB (Workers’ Bolivian Central) and for the Bolivian working class to set into motion the 2003-2005 heroic revolution again, to conquer wages, bread, jobs, pensions, land, the hydrocarbons, the Lithium and real independence from imperialism, and to lead a single proletarian revolution on the whole American continent.
We also re-publish the “Pulacayo Theses”, which were presented by the Trotskyists of the Fourth International before the Bolivian miners in 1946. These theses, based on the Transitional Program of the Fourth International, were approved by the miners’ section of Llallagua and then adopted as the Central Political Theses in the Congress of the Trade Union Federation of the Mining Workers of Bolivia (FSTMB) in Pulacayo, in 1946. These theses were the program of the Bolivian proletariat in the heroic 1952 revolution (although taken to defeat by their leadership), and they were immediately adopted by the COB, founded in the heat of the revolution of the same year. This program was defended and kept as a treasure in the mine galleries by generations of workers. It keeps all its validity and it is still being used an action guide not only for the Bolivian working class, but for the American and world working class.
The collaborationist leaders of the working class, and the renegades of Trotskyism, speak in their name to trample on it, to bury it, and to break from it in their every day activity, taking the working class to impotence and defeat.
The revolutionary program of the Pulacayo Theses, kept for decades in the deep mine galleries of the combative miners, is today in the hands of the revolutionaries of the ILTF and in the strong hands of the combative industrial workers of La Paz, who are confronting the popular front government of Evo Morales, its pact with the fascist Media Luna, and the collaborationist trade union leadership of the COB. The revolutionary program of the Bolivian working class is in the hands of principled Trotskyism, the industrial workers and the miners’ rank and file who are angry because of the treachery of their leaderships.
We present here our political and programmatic contribution to the vanguard of the Bolivian and international proletariat in the combat for a revolutionary and internationalist regroupment of the working class, to defeat imperialism and its lackey governments with the methods of the proletarian revolution.
For a real international congress of the workers’ struggle organizations, to break any subordination to the bourgeoisie and its governments and to organize a united confrontation against imperialism and its agents
1- The industrial workers of La Paz come from giving a hard struggle for our demands, for wages, for a worthy pension. In this way, our struggle was inevitably opposed by the Evo Morales’ government and its pact with the fascist Media Luna. This government has unmasked itself as a total servant of the multinationals that with “leftist” speeches has expropriated our revolutionary combat of 2003-2005. This government has not given jobs, bread and hydrocarbons to the workers or the land for the peasants, which is still in the hands of the oligarchy. On the contrary, it has only given blows, repression and death to those who fight.
Based on the revolutionary program of the Bolivian working class, as the Pulacayo Theses are, which declares war to the death, against exploitation, capitalism and imperialism and their agents in our workers’ organizations; the Departmental Federation of Industrial Workers of La Paz went to Brazil, invited to the congress of CONCLAT (Congress of the working class), searching for internationalist unity of the working class with our class siblings of the world to confront imperialism with the methods of the socialist revolution.
The leaders of the “Congress of the Working Class” (CONCLAT) in Brazil rejected the motion of the industrial workers’ of La Paz
2- This congress of CONLUTAS and the Intersindical of Brazil, and their “International Encounter of CONCLAT”, from June 5th to 7th, gathered together delegations from more than twenty countries under the call of “the unity of the workers”. In the International Encounter workers’ organizations took part, such as Batay Ouvriere of Haiti, the Trade Union coordination of Ecuador, the Coordination for Resistance of Honduras, the Trade Union Coordination and justice workers of Colombia, the TCC of Uruguay, the Coordination Trade Union Board of Paraguay, the UNT of Venezuela and a representative of the public workers’ trade union of Greece; there also were different political organizations that claimed to be Socialist, such as the International Workers’ League (LIT), the International Workers’ Union (UIT), Red Current of Spain, Movement Towards Socialism (MST) of Argentina, the French New Anticapitalist Party, Socialist Action of USA, PSOL, PSTU of Brazil and Chukaku-ha of Japan. thus
Even with the great number of organizations and forces present there, this congress was not a revolutionary alternative for the workers of the world. Their leaders voted against the call of the industrial workers of La Paz to confront and unmask the “left demagogy” of the governments that exploit and massacre the working class, as the one of Evo Morales, Chavez in Venezuela or Lula in Brazil, with the argument that “it is not the time”. They revealed that all of them are leaders who, as Montes of the COB (Bolivian Trade union federation)), support the same policy at an international level of subjugating the working class to the bourgeoisie and its governments. Voting against the motion of the industrial workers is to submit to the governments of Evo Morales, Chavez, Lula, etc…, liquidating class independence and unity of the working class. The struggle against these governments and their “leftist demagogies” directly leads us to confront our enemies within our workers organizations, who are the collaborationist leaderships on which the Evo Morales’ government and thus imperialism, leans. This is why we launched the cry “Out of the COB, the traitor Montes! Out the class collaborationist leaderships from all the workers’ organizations of the world!”
The industrial workers call upon all the struggle workers’ organizations of the world to break any subordination to these bourgeois governments, some that call themselves “indigenous”, “socialists” and their farce of the “Bolivarian revolution”. It is impossible to conquer our demands without confronting these governments that take the struggle of the workers to defeat, and that guarantee the super-exploitation and the plundering of our nations by the multinationals. Refusing to vote in favour of the proposal of the industrial workers, means to deny the struggle for socialist revolution, for a workers’ and peasants’ government and to oppose the struggle for the overthrow of the ‘Bolivarian’ governments and their anti worker and pro-imperialist regimes.
The industrial workers affirm: Down with the anti workers pacts of the “Bolivarian”, “indigenous” governments with the multinationals and imperialism in Bolivia, Latin America and the world! Down with the farce of the “Bolivarian revolution”! Long live for the workers’ and peasants’ revolution!
The same leaders that isolate the struggle of the Bolivian workers and that submitted the most combative sectors of the American proletariat to the bourgeoisie, voted against the proposal of the industrial workers of La Paz
3- The motion and our struggle for wages, worthy pensions and the workers’ demands, that confronted the traitor Montes, the leadership of the COB, the collaborationist leaderships of the workers’ organizations, the Evo Morales’ government and its bourgeois constitution and its pact with the fascist Media Luna; have been rejected by those leaders of the CONCLAT in Brazil. They refused to unmask and confront the demagogy of the native bourgeoisies, demonstrating just how far away from supporting the combat of the workers they are; they want to isolate us, to submit us to the Evo Morales’ government and its “Bolivarian revolution” again, as they did before, from the “Latin American and Caribbean Encounter” (ELAC) in 2008, where Pedro Montes was honorary president. This traitorous bureaucrat, supported internationally by the ELAC, has submitted the Bolivian working class to the bourgeois government of Evo Morales and Linera who, with its Armed Forces has assassinated the miners of Huanuni in the blockades of Caihuasi. In the face of the rise of the fascist Media Luna that massacred workers and peasants in Santa Cruz, in Plan 3000, in Beni and Pando, they supported Evo Morales, refusing to allow the working class to set up a workers’ militia to smash the Media Luna and to expropriate the multinationals that organize and arm the fascists. In this way, the proletariat of the East was submitted under the boot of the fascist gangs and the Banzerist army; while Evo Morales controls with an iron fist the workers in the Highlands and repress their demands.
In this way, the industrial workers believe that CONCLAT placed itself on the opposite barricade of the Bolivian revolution and its war cry “Out Gringos!”, because to “expel the gringos” (imperialism) we must defeat their servants disguised as “indigenous” and “Bolivarians”. These sirs of the CONCLAT, from the luxurious stage of the Congress of Santos – Brazil, have not understood anything about the struggle of the Bolivian workers that, in the face of the attempt by the bourgeoisie, led by Evo Morales, to sidetrack and dissipate the revolutionary uprising of 2003-2005, with the fake demand of raising the royalties from 30% to 50%, the workers responded with the demand “nor 30, nor 50%, nationalization!” “Expropriation of the multinationals!”, we caused the head of the Carlos Mesa 2005 government, to roll. (or perhaps we should say that the Conclat understands only too well how to protect imperialism). The workers of the revolutionary El Alto and La Paz, learnt to confront the demagogy of the bourgeoisie , in the heat of revolution.
4- the congress of CONCLAT-ELAC, by voting against confronting the “demagogy of the bourgeoisies”, has voted for the submission of the North American working class to the demagogy of the butcher Obama; in the same way as the bureaucracy of the AFL-CIO in the USA has done; this has meant hunger, millions of dismissals, misery, unemployment and ruin for the proletariat, to pay for the saving of the banks in crisis. There were Alan Benjamin and Clarence Thomas, leaders of the Oakland Dockers, USA, who, from that Congress of the ELAC, together with Pedro Montes, called the working class to support Obama and put the most advanced sector of the North American working class to the feet of its own imperialist bourgeoisie; the very sector that had called for two general strikes against Bush in the core of the imperialist beast, that took in its hands the struggle against war in Iraq and for the rights of the immigrant workers.
This is why, in the face of the military coup in Honduras, organized by Obama a year ago, these leaderships refused to block the ports to paralyze the sending of weapons to the yankee military base there and refused to fight that these weapons reach the hands of the heroic Honduran resistance, uniting the working class of the American continent against the attack on the Central American masses, with the methods of the proletarian revolution.
These reformist leaderships subordinated themselves to the “democratic front” of imperialism and the Bolivarian bourgeoisies, that, as Zelaya, the coward overthrown in Honduras, when the time for consistently confronting imperialism came, ended up legitimating the “democracy” of the coupists, leaving the Honduran workers isolated and to their own fate, massacred by the coupists, even today.
In the face of the military occupation of Haiti, they refused to fight for the setting up of workers’ militias and international workers’ brigades of doctors, helpers and combatants, to go in support of the masses, to defeat the yankee and European occupation troops and the gurka armies of Lula, Evo Morales, Kirchner, to defeat them and expel them from the island. They refused to call –against the military occupation- for the expropriation of food and the property of the capitalists, to allow the martyred and exploited masses of Haiti and the Dominican Republic to survive. This is the aid our Haitian siblings need!
5- The mortal crisis of imperialism capitalism has cut the ground from under the feet of reformism, and imperatively poses the break with the reformist policy, fighting in a revolutionary way, as the Pulacayo Theses poses, for the conquest of power and the calling for a workers’ and peasants’ government as the only way to defeat capitalism.
The congress of CONCLAT sustains –in the same way that Montes does from the COB- the policy of “pressurizing” and “demands” on the anti-worker bourgeoisie “not to attack the workers”. In this way, those leaders in Brazil, from Conlutas and the Intersindical, contained all the strikes and partial struggles of the working class as economic struggles within the framework of capitalism, refusing to call the general strike, for the defeat of the bureaucracy of the United Trade Union Central (CUT). They carried out marches demanding that the bourgeoisie vote for a law prohibiting dismissals. They postured to demand that Lula nationalize the factories that dismissed workers by hundreds and thousands, when it is Lula who heads this attack.
With this same international policy of submitting the proletariat to the bourgeoisie in each country, these leaders ended up supporting the counterrevolutionary pacts of the native bourgeoisie with imperialism, by means of which the Bolivian proletariat was isolated and the 2003-2005 revolution was strangled and the anti-imperialist combat of the working class of the whole continent was set back.
6- The vote of the leaders of the ELAC second congress against the motion of the industrial workers of La Paz was a vote for the submission to the bourgeoisie, to Obama in the first place, to whom they demanded to “expel the Israelí ambassador” when it is US imperialism which supports and finances this genocidal and gendarme state against the Palestinian people. Not to confront the national bourgeoisie and their demagogy was a vote in favour of Al Fatah and the Islamic bourgeoisie that from Egypt negotiate the surrender of the Palestinian masses to the feet of imperialism and its Zionist henchmen. It is a vote in favour of reinforcing the fences against the Palestinian people –as they did in 2003-2005 with the Summit and Counter Summit held in Argentina- imposed by the native bourgeoisie, who are the responsible for the negotiations for managing the concentration camps where the martyred Palestinian people are.
7- The International bourgeoisie and imperialism are building up a fence around our combat in order to prevent its generalization to the whole Latin American and world proletariat, to prevent the masses breaking with the bourgeoisie. The leaders who met in the congress of Conclat put themselves at the service of this policy; this is why, in the name of “the struggle and the unity of workers”, they voted for a policy of “demands” on the “Bolivarian” bourgeoisie, that is to say, a policy of submission, opposed to the struggle led by us, the industrial workers of La Paz.
It is the same fence suffered by the Palestinian masses, the same fence imposed against the combat of the masses in Greece in order to prevent the generalization to the whole Europe in a single continental General Strike to make the capitalists really pay for the crisis. In this way, subordinating the working class to the bourgeoisie in each country, they prevent a generalized revolutionary combat of the masses of the world against the capitalist bankruptcy that threatens to dump the exploited masses into the cruelest barbarism.
The industrial workers say: Down with class collaboration of workers’ organizations with the bourgeoisie! Down with the submission of the working class to the bourgeois governments that isolate the struggle of the industrial workers in Bolivia, of the Palestinian people and of the exploited masses in Greece!
For the crisis to be paid by the capitalists: For the victory of the international socialist revolution!
For a real, international congress to put the proletariat of the American continent on their feet, together with their siblings of Greece, Europe, USA, Middle East, Asia and Africa, to prepare the united struggle against the capitalist bankruptcy!
8- Being conscious that the bourgeoisie is a single class in a world level that coordinates to smash the workers, the industrial workers of La Paz have put ourselves at the disposition of fighting for the internationalist unity of the proletariat, calling for the organizing of a real international congress on the basis of working class independence and workers’ democracy. “Workers of the World, unite!”
9- It is necessary to call an international congress of the revolutionary workers’ organizations in order to make the war cry of the Bolivian revolution: Out Gringos! Fusil, shrapnel, Bolivia does not shut down! And The gas for the Bolivians!, to be the war cry of the Chinese and the whole Asian working class, of the Iraqi and Afghan working class, and of the Haitian workers and of the whole world working class; because “Out Gringos!” means a call for Expropriation without payment and under workers’ control of the banks and assets of the imperialist parasites of Wall Street and the Europe! Down with Obama, assassin of the oppressed peoples of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East! Expropriation of the multinationals and the banks , without compensation and under workers control! This is the program for the USA, for Europe, to take the revolutionary masses in Greece forward!
10- In the face of the deep world economic crisis, the capitalists and their banks have declared war against the working class. In Spain, the attack against the workers has already begun, as it has in Britain and Portugal; in the Eastern European countries a generalized bankruptcy is occurring, condemning the masses to unthinkable suffering. In Europe, where to a great extent, the fate of the world working class is at stake, the Greek workers are answering to the capitalist bankruptcy with 8 general strikes this year, with massive mobilizations and confrontations in the streets against the attacks; these mass resistance has been made possible by their direct-democracy organizations. The workers in Kyrgyzstan have shown the way. In the face of a 200% rise of the cost of living, in April, the workers and the exploited masses have disarmed the police, occupied the police stations, armed themselves and defeated the government of Bakiev, as we, the Bolivian workers did in 2003 and 2005 with Goni and Mesa. This is the way!
11- The struggle of the industrial workers of Bolivia find their best allies in the struggle of the Greek workers against the imperialist governments and in the heroic revolution of the workers of Kyrgyzstan.. It is against these prospects that the “New Anticapitalist Parties”, the reformist European leaders, met with the same leaders of the Conclat-Elac in the Counter Summit of Madrid,, and they told the exploited masses of Greece and Europe that “the bourgeois governments cannot be overthrown”, as we, the Bolivian industrial workers were also told. They say to the workers that it is only possible to fight for “a social and strong Europe”, pressurizing the anti worker and genocidal , governments.
The internationalist unity of the working class cannot come from the Congresses of the leaders who proclaim the “Social Europe” of the capitalists. We need the Spanish workers to help defeat Repsol, the French workers, Total; these imperialist companies together plunder the Bolivian hydrocarbons. We need the British worker to help defeat British Petroleum, the US worker to help defeat the yankee Exxon; these imperialist companies together support and finance the fascist Media Luna to massacre us in Bolivia while we are in combat to expropriate those multinationals without compensation and putting them under workers’ control. The victory of the struggle of the Bolivian and Latin American workers, as well as the one of the exploited masses of the Middle East and Africa, will be defined, in the last instance, in the revolutionary combat of the USA working class, on the barricades of Paris and Athens, in the streets of Madrid and Berlin.
This is why in those luxurious Congresses of Madrid and Santos-Brazil the revolutionary masses of Kyrgyzstan did not have a place. These masses who armed, self-organized and overthrew the government of Bakiev, are left isolated, today being smashed under orders from the yankee military base, the Russian troops and the army of the “democratic bourgeoisie” of Rosa Otunbayeva –there already are thousands of deaths.
We are a single class, a single struggle of the international proletariat! Down with all the capitalist governments that command the attack against the working class! For a continental general strike to demolish the imperialist Europe of Maastricht; let us go forward to the Socialist United States of Europe!
12- In the congress of Conclat in Brazil there was a delegation from the trade unions of Japan, but this congress did not launch any revolutionary program for the exploited of Asia and the Far East who are in a hard struggle against the multinationals, imperialism, the maquilas and their governments.
The whip of capital is dumping the whole Asian working class into terrible conditions of misery and slavery. It is time for the conscious workers and their revolutionary organizations to be united.
We can see the revolts in Thailand, in the Indochina peninsula, where hundreds of Japanese maquilas pay the workers, former peasants, expelled daily from their lands, three dollars a day, as they do in North Korea or in China.
Enormous revolts of the North Korean working class are taking place one alter another, against the massive robbery of the savings of the people, propelled by the restorationist bureaucracy, the new bourgeoisie of this country, that has dumped the people into generalized hunger.
The struggle for wages, against dismissals and casualization in the Japan of the imperialist monopolies, can win if the Japanese working class links its fate with the victory of the struggle the workers in China, North Korea, Vietnam, and Thailand, who are exploited by the same monopolies.
Equal wage for equal work for the workers of Japan and the whole Asia! It is a central question in the building of internationalist unity of the working class of the whole Far East, in the struggle against the attack by the imperialist monopolies.
The cry of the Japanese workers has to be: “The enemy is at home!” Let’s vote in the workers’ organizations of Japan to unite the struggle against the imperialist government with the struggle of our Asian class siblings who are confronting the governments and regimes of the bourgeoisies that are servants of the yankee and Japanese imperialisms. Down with the regime of the corporations and the government of DPJ –New Peoples Party – Rengo, supported by social democracy and Stalinism! Down with Hu Jintao and the Chinese red mandarins! Down with the slavery bureaucracy of North Korea! Down with the restorationist bourgeois government of Vietnam! Down with the monarchy and the military dictatorship in Thailand! One class, one struggle! A single revolution in the whole Far East!
13- The industrial workers of La Paz who fight for the unity of the international working class affirm that: Two ends of the same rope of the world crisis are strangling the exploited masses of the world. In the name of “monetary stabilization” they are throwing the crac onto the shoulders of the exploited masses to make them pay for the crisis, as we see in Europe, and on the other hand, all over the planet they attack the masses with inflation, rise of the cost of living and super-exploitation, as in China, Argentina, Bolivia, etc… In the face of this, the program of the world working class has to be to impose the Sliding scale of wages and hours! Share the work among all who can work, without loss of pay! Expropriation without compensation and under workers’ control of any factory that closes or dismisses!
14- It is necessary for the Latin American revolution to rise again! So, the cry of the Argentine workers and their revolutionary days of 2001 can be heard again: “All of them must leave, no one should stay!”, ie all of the of the bourgeois and their politicians must go; “Fusil, shrapnel, Bolivia does not shut down!” The dock workers of Oakland, USA, have to recommence blocking the docks so the Yankees cannot send supplies to their troops in Iraq and Afghanistan! The workers’ and peasants’ commune of Oaxaca-Mexico has to come back!; in this way it will be possible to defeat imperialism, its military bases in the continent and all the lackey governments. For the death of the Europe of the imperialists; forward to the socialist and revolutionary unity of the Europe of the workers! We need to unite with the Chinese workers who fight against the imperialist multinationals as Honda, with strikes in all their plants, with those workers from the factories in Tonghua and Lingzou, who executed the slavery bosses and with the workers who fight daily against brutal exploitation in the North of China at the hands of rampant capitalism. A unity congress of the world working class to break the subordination of the working class of the Middle East to the Islamic bourgeoisie; to break the counterrevolutionary fence around the revolution in Madagascar and its workers’ militias, breaking the subordination of the proletariat to the black bourgeois lackeys of imperialism, as the textile workers are beginning to do in Zimbabwe, as well as the railway workers, building workers and rank and file soldiers in South Africa. In this internationalist unity the Latin American workers and the industrial workers of La Paz will find the strength to win!
15- Stand up together with the Palestinian people! Internationalist brigades of the workers’ organizations to demolish the wall of shame at Rafah and the fence against the Palestinian people! For the destruction of the Zionist fascist state of Israel! We need an international workers’ congress to call all the workers’ organizations of the world to break the fence imposed by the Islamic native bourgeoisies of the Middle East together with imperialism. The genocide of imperialism cannot be combated just by empty claims of “solidarity with the Palestinian people” and “Boycott Israel” as the congresses of Brazil and Madrid posed. It is necessary to set up workers’ and peasants’ fighting committees, centralizing in a congress of delegates from all the camps, and also international workers’ brigades, to centralize the combat to demolish the Zionist fascist state of Israel. Those leaders of the Santos-Brazil conference are refusing to combat fascism and the attack from imperialism against the Palestinian people, as they refused to do yesterday in Bolivia, against the attack of the fascist Media Luna.
It is necessary to march from Egypt to demolish the wall of Rafah and to coordinate and centralize the Palestinian resistance. The Bolivian working class has to rise up the demand of “Fusil, shrapnel, Bolivia does not shut down!” For the destruction of the Zionist fascist state of Israel! For the military defeat of all the imperialist troops in Afghanistan and Iraq! The Middle East has to be the graveyard of imperialism!
For the defeat of the imperialist troops occupying Haiti! For the defeat of the troops of Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela that supports the massacre of the Haitian people! For the military defeat of the pro-imperialist coup in Honduras! Out the imperialist troops from Latin America and the world!
16- The workers of the world must defend Cuba against the imperialist blockade and we must also defend the conquests of the revolution against the government of the Castros and their pro-capitalist measures that gave up Cuba as tourism for a nickel to the multinationals and who threaten to dismiss one million workers!
17- A real international congress to fight, as a single fist for Free all the political prisoners of the world! Drop the charges against all the workers’ and popular fighters! For workers’ and popular tribunals to judge and punish the responsible of the massacres against the exploited!
18- We need an international workers’ congress to really fight for class independence, the independence of the trade unions from the bourgeois state and for the widest workers’ democracy in the fighting organizations. The unity of the workers’ ranks as demanded by the rank and file workers in the congress of Conlutas – Intersindical, will not come from negotiations between leaders; we are for the setting up of factory committees in each company, with recallable delegates, it does not matter to which union they belong. This is the experience of the Brazilian workers in the 70s with their national coordination committees of factories, and the one of the COB in 1952 and its revolutionary democracy; it is the workers’ democracy we have to re-conquer in our workers’ organizations.
Down with the methods of the gangs of bureaucrats the use physical violence to solve political differences!
The industrial workers are for the defeat of the methods used by the collaborationist and bureaucratic leaderships and of the reformist parties: the beating up of oppositionists to liquidate workers’ democracy and the freedom of expression and thinking in the workers’ organizations. The workers’ organizations in Bolivia gave a consistent struggle against the methods of the bureaucrats; they have condemned the aggression from Quilombo Urbano (allied of the PSTU) against the youth of the Committee for the Null Vote – FT of the North of Brazil. These terrible methods have poisoned the international workers’ movement.
19- Down with arbitration and the obligatory conciliation! For workers’ organizations not to be tied to the capitalist state! Down the bourgeois laws that rule on how the workers have to organize: the workers organize as we want to!
Down with workers’ bureaucracy and the labour aristocracy! Down with the compulsory discount of the trade union quotas! No more lifelong and millionaire leaders in the trade unions: for the right of instant recall of leaders, by the rank and file assemblies; leaders have to earn an average workers’ wage and they have to go back to the shop-floor after their period of service! For revolutionary and internationalist leadership in the trade unions and workers’ organizations of the world!
20- From the Departmental Federation of Industrial Workers of La Paz, we call in the first place on the workers’ organizations that met in Brazil and on the struggle organizations of the workers of the world, to fight for this International Workers’ Congress to prepare, on the basis of this program, a united struggle of the working class against imperialist barbarism. For the working class to live, imperialism must die!
The way of the days of October 2003 and May-June 2005 has to be retaken!
For an Internationalist Workers’ Bloc!
21- From the Departmental Federation of Industrial Workers of La Paz we call the leadership and the combative Teachers of La Paz, El Alto and Oruro, to fight together for this international call, and to coordinate effectively our struggle, setting up an Internationalist Workers’ Bloc to fight for the program we present here. In this way, to call the rank and file miners of the whole country, mainly to those of Huanuni, to break with their leadership and to build this Internationalist Workers’ Bloc together with us, in order to conquer a revolutionary leadership of the COB which would be willing to really fight for this program.
Congress of Rank and file delegates of the COB Now! For an internationalist revolutionary leadership of the COB!
We must conquer, a real democratic congress of the rank and file of the COB, with delegates voted in assemblies of all the organizations that comprise our mother organization. Down with the traitor Montes, out of the COB!
Minimum wage and sliding scale of wages! Wages to increase when prices increase! For a general increase of wages according to the cost of living! Jobs for all! For the sliding scale of hours! Share the work among all who can work! Permanent jobs for all the temporary, hired and precarized workers! Decent pensions now!
Against the plundering by the multinationals: Out Gringos! Expropriation of all the multinationals under workers’ control to guarantee the real nationalization of the hydrocarbons! Nationalization under workers’ control of all the mines, oil pipes and gas pipes! Nationalization without payment and under workers’ control of Mutun Mount!
Down with the “workers’” ministers of the bourgeois government of Evo Morales! Down with the bosses obligatory arbitrations! For the defeat of the fascists in the Media Luna! Down with the pact between the government of Evo Morales and the fascist Media Luna! The COB and all the organizations must get ready to defeat fascism by setting up the ‘workers’ and peasants’ militia as in 1952! For soldiers committees in the barracks to disobey the assassin official layer of the Banzerist army and to unite with the people with their arms!
The collaborationist leaderships have destroyed the workers’ and peasants’ alliance we have conquered in the streets in the combats in 2003 and 2005 that allowed the government of Evo Morales to control the organizations of the poor peasants. Let´s conquer the revolutionary workers’ and peasants’ alliance again! Expropriation of the landowners! The land for the peasants! Expropriation of the banks! A Unitary state owned bank under workers’ control to give cheap loans to the ruined peasants so they can get seeds, tractors and fertilizers!
For a workers’ and poor peasants’ government!
For an international workers’ congress so the workers’ organizations break with the bourgeoisie to confront and defeat imperialism! For the crisis to be paid by the capitalists: for the victory of the international socialist revolution!
International Coordination Secretariat of the International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction |