Once again, collaborationist bureaucracy sold out the general strike, divided the ranks of the workers and negotiated a starvation wage with the government: Down with Montes and the entire collaborationist bureaucracy! LET’S IMPOSE AN EMERGENCY CONGRESS OF RANK AND FILE DELEGATES OF THE COB NOW! For a revolutionary internationalist leadership of the COB! The exploited in Bolivia, Greece, Tonghua and Lingzou in China, and Kyrgyzstan are the advanced of the international proletariat After the government of Evo Morales announced a miserable wage increase of 5%, on May 1st, the workers' international day, the workers’ hatred came out. On May 5th a 24 hours strike called by the COB took place. It was overwhelming and carried on in every department of Bolivia. Once again, the industrial workers of La Paz were the vanguard, marching around the city screaming “This is not our government!” “Down with the government's 5%!” “Out the traitors from our organizations!”, and “Montes traitor out of the COB!” They demanded the resignation of the Minister of Government, Sacha Llorenti, the vice minister Gustavo Torrico, the minister of Work, Carmen Trujillo, the minister of Public Works, Walter Delgadillo and of Economy, Luis Arce; and against the miserable 5% increase of the government, they demanded a 12% increase. The fair hate and anger of the workers led them to the doors of the Ministry of Labour and there, with dynamite, kicks and setting it on fire, they left its doors destroyed. The answer of this government -that has nothing of workers’- was to send its bulldogs of the police to brutally repress the workers, throwing tear gases to the strikers of hunger, rubber bullets and even the water-cannon Neptuno. There were 15 workers arrested who despite of being released by the workers’ protest, they arestill prosecuted. The same day an enormous mobilization of industrial, teaching, health workers and miners took place in Oruro. In the main meeting, the workers condemned Pedro Montes, screaming: "long live the COB, but without the traitor Montes!” At the same time, a few kilometers away from La Paz, in Caranavi, the residents, workers and poor peasants maintained the main route blocked for more than 11 days, demanding drinkable water, electricity and that Evo Morales fulfill the promise of the installation of a factory of citric in Caranavi. Before the hardness of the blockade, sustained for more than 3.000 residents, the government launched a bloody repression to unblock the highway. This way, the workers and peasants of Caranavi hardly confronted 300 troops of the police, injuring 7 of them and impeding their advance into downtown. However, the police of Evo Morales took the life of two young students: Fidel Hernani, 19 years old and David Callisaya, 18. Before this scenario, the bureaucratic leadership of the COB, headed by Montes, had to make in a very short time two “enlarged” meetings, to call the 24 hours strike and finally to define in the Enlarged National Meeting on May 6th the call for an indefinite general strike starting on Monday May 10th, combined with a march from Caracollo To La Paz. The combat of the industrial workers retakes the Bolivian proletariat historical tradition, of workers democracy, the tradition of the glorious COB of the revolution in 1952. This combat tries to be generalized to the whole Bolivian proletariat. This way, the Bolivian working class comes back to the political stage and in its combat for wages and decent pensions; it has directly crashed against the pact between the MAS and the fascist Media Luna, therefore against the class collaboration government of Evo Morales and its loyal servants: the collaborationist bureaucracy of the COB. The question is that, to conquer wages, jobs, land and the hydrocarbons, the workers’ vanguard took the conclusion that it is necessary to defeat collaborationist leaderships that support the government of Evo Morales and its pact with the fascist Media Luna; pact that guarantees the looting of the hydrocarbons by the multinationals and leaves the property of the big landowners intact. For the victory of the struggle for wages, earth and hydrocarbons, it is necessary to impose the breaking of the organizations of the COB, the COR, the COD and the FSTMB with the government and to put on feet the 2003-2005 revolution again.
Before the coming back to the combat of the proletariat, the government of Evo Morales and Linera shows is real anti-workers face. After five years of Morales’ popular front government, which has expropriated the workers’ and peasants’ 2003-2005 revolution with the rip-off of the “Bolivarian revolution”, “The index that measures the poverty has stagnated around 60% in the last years, even if in the same period the exports were four times higher and the country enjoyed continuous surplus, having financial resources as never before in its history" (according to the conjuncture report of the Millennium Foundation, based on the data of the National Institute of Statistics of Bolivia. Published in the newspaper La Patria, on May 13th). And before this situation, the “Bolivarian” government of Evo Morales wants that the heroic Bolivian working class accept a 5% of wage increase. That increase, for the industrial workers of La Paz, subjected to terrible shifts of 12 / 14 hours, it would not mean more than a Bolivian Peso per day, equivalent to two pieces of bread. On the demands of the industrial workers, the teachers and health workers, as well as on the residents of Caranavi, the government has shown its real face. The vice-president, García Linera, in two press conferences, justified its negative to grant more than 5% of wage increase, stating that the call of the COB to the general strike is of "counterrevolutionaries", of “infiltrated from the North American embassy in the labor movement that want to take waters to the mill of the stone-age fascist right of the Media Luna." Also, in a cynical way, this government has declared that the two deads are because the revolt of the people in Caranavi was to obtain "the centre of attention”. This government, which says that workers are infiltrate from the U.S. Embassy and the fascist Media Luna, is the same that when it just assumed his first term ran to Santa Cruz to tell the fascists Media Luna "let's govern together", " teach me how to“. And it has learned well how to govern. By suppressing the demands of the workers and killing miners as in Caihuasi in 2008! Morales government has brutally repressed workers, using the style of Goni. The MAS is the government who has once and again made pacts with the "reactionary fascist right”, as in the rigged Constituent Assembly and in the recall referendums, when the working class and poor peasants had defeated them in the revolutionary combats in 2003 and 2005. This government that calls us -the exploited- infiltrated, was the same one that made a pact with the Media Luna and the North American embassy during the fascist assault in 2008, while us, the workers and poor peasants, put the blood and the deaths fighting in the streets against the fascist bands of Santa Cruz. On the contrary, the MAS -representative of the French Total and the Spanish Repsol multinationals- and the fascist Media Luna -representative of the Yankee Exxon and the English British Petroleum multinationals- made a pact to prevent the victory of the proletarian revolution and to guarantee and distribute their businesses. For that reason, this combat of the Bolivian proletariat is against the counterrevolutionary pact of Morales, the Media Luna and Imperialism. This way it shows the way for all the working class against all the counterrevolutionary pacts that the imperialism and the native bourgeoisies imposed in America, África and Middle East to drown the revolutionary combat of the exploited masses in the past years. In Bolivia we are not before a “workers’ government”, as the vice-president Linera affirms. We are before a class collaboration government, agents of imperialism and its junior partners, expropriators of the Latin American revolution with its farce of “Bolivarian revolution”, its “Andean capitalism”, supporters of the fascist right. This class collaboration government of Morales, until now, has only given us bullets and misery, while it has preserved intact the property of the “Rosca” and the imperialist monopolies. That is the real face of the “indigenous” government of Morales.
The workers’ vanguard, in their fight for wages, decent pensions and against the collaborationist bureaucracy of the COB, confronts the government of Evo Morales and its pact with the fascist Media Luna. The government needs to defeat the struggle of the industrial workers, because it is aware that if this offensive develops, with the overthrow of the collaborationist bureaucracy of the COB, at the hands of the workers’ vanguard, it would be a powerful convocation to the whole of the exploited masses to retake the way of 2003-2005, as the only way for conquering wages, land and the hydrocarbons, making explode the counterrevolutionary pact signed between Morales and the Media Luna on the basis of the blood of the exploited in 2008. This counterrevolutionary pact allowed the Media Luna to control 50% of the country, keeping the proletariat of those departments under the boots of its fascist bands, while, at the same time, the government of Evo Morales, in the Bolivian Highland, tries to control the working class with iron fist, with the maximum state-ization of the workers’ organizations, fundamentally the COB and the FSTMB. This is because it was in Bolivia where the revolution went the furthest, putting in danger the property and the businesses of the whole international bourgeoisie, and this is why imperialism appealed to the Popular Front, putting Evo Morales in government to expropriate the revolution and, together with the other agent, fascism, as two tips of the same rope, to strangle the Bolivian revolution, and the combat of the Latin American proletariat. This way they distributed Bolivia, making juicy businesses, while they keep the working class and the exploited rural masses in the most absolute misery, with a brutal inflation that is every day eating away the workers’ wage. The satisfaction of any demand of the working class and the exploited masses cannot be expected from the government of Morales since, to fulfill them in an entire way, it is necessary to attack the property and the domain of imperialism, with whom the indigenous bourgeoisie represented by Morales, has thousand and one businesses, as the smaller partner. But the working class, to get even a 1% of wage increase from the government, needs to expropriate the fascist Media Luna, the landowners and the multinationals that are those who have kept the hydrocarbons, the oil wells, the richest mines in the country and who possess the best lands, in the hands of the landowners, sucking all the wealth of the country, on the overexploitation of the workers and the subjection of the exploited masses to unheard penuries. For that reason today, before the fight of the workers for wages and decent pensions, the government is calling the leadership of the rural central (CSUTCB) to confront the workers’ mobilization and to take the leadership of the COB. The government of Evo Morales needs to prevent the Bolivian proletariat from breaking the pact and, for this reason; it centers its forces in dividing the working ranks and separating the peasantry from the proletariat. The struggle waged by the industrial workers and teachers expresses an open confrontation with that counterrevolutionary pact signed between fascism and the Popular Front government put by the bourgeoisie to, speaking on behalf of the workers and the poor peasants, expropriate the workers’-peasants’ 2003-2005 revolution, breaking their independence from the bourgeoisie, destroying the revolutionary alliance between the working class and the poor peasantry and guaranteeing the Rosca and the imperialist monopolies were not expropriated. But this Popular Front government cannot stay indefinitely, since its “chants of sirens” create illusions amongst the exploited masses that, when pressing Evo Morales to fulfill his promises, impede the normal operation of the state. This instability in the bourgeois state has to be solved, or with the definitive defeat of the working class otherwise, the bourgeoisie is at risk for the masses to advance their struggle reopening the revolution. This is what is happening today in Bolivia. The bourgeoisie needs to handed a defeat to the advanced workers that now headed by the factory workers of La Paz, or otherwise put on the agenda, in order to conquer the wages, work, retirement and land, the return return the workers' revolution and peasants.
Once again, the collaborationist leadership of the COB pacts with the government and sells out the struggle of the workers In the middle of the COB's demonstration, which started on Monday 10 May from Caracollo to La Paz, while Solares said "... this is a great demanding march , no one here is going against the government, but we mobilized for wages and fair retirement" ,Pedro Montes engaged in secret negotiations with the government in which he said he proposed a wage increase inversely proportional (i.e. 3% for those earning more than 1,000 Bs and a 5-7 % to those earning less than 1000 Bs), as well as negotiating with the miners retirement age from 56 to 51 years, and other "privileges" for the miners but with the un-negotiable condition of lifting the strike and the demonstration. This coward bureaucracy, servant of the government, tried to impose this negotiation calling the ministers to the city of Oruro (town near to La Paz) to close the deal meeting in a school of the town, and then to legitimate it in an assembly called in this place. The rank and file workers who didn't agree in the most minimum thing with the proposal of Morales, when finding out that Montes had signed the negotiation on behalf of all the workers, got up with fury and they took Ministers and Montes himself as hostages. The collaborationist leadership of the miners and the FSTMB came out in defense of Montes -who escaped as a treacherous coward-, confronting the rank and file with dynamite and stones. They want to prevent the mining rank and file of Huanuni from intervening in the combat, since they were the first ones that, in 2008, expelled Montes, Solares and Mitma shouting them “Traitors!” For it, the leadership of the union of Huanuni makes its maximum efforts to contain the miners, telling them that it is not necessary that they go to the march nor on the strike called by the COB, and that their intervention is guaranteed by the leaders and delegates attending the march. They tell them that “it is not necessary to stop the mine because the tin price is high and if we make a record production we will be able to get bonuses", guaranteeing a brutal super exploitation at the service of the pockets of Evo Morales. Before the agreement signed by the bureaucracy of the COB and the government, industrial workers, teachers and health workers, have said that they will not recognize the leadership of Montes and they will continue fighting for their demands. In fact, teachers announce an indefinite general strike starting on Monday May 17th. To prevent the generalization of this struggle to the whole Bolivian proletariat, the collaborationist leaderships have share their tasks to concentrate forces against the working class, to divide it, to prevent any attempt of centralization of their combat and to leave the vanguard isolated, creating the conditions for the Government of Morales-Linera can give them a hard and precise blow. On the arrival of the march to La Paz, there were teachers from Potosí, Oruro and so ..., passed through El Alto, where they joined teachers (where there is a 60% compliance to the indefinite strike of teachers) and factory workers in that city which is a concentration of workers, and arrived in La Paz which was also joined by teachers and factory workers. The central slogans were chanted against the government and the bureaucracy of Montes. Shortly before the demonstration reached the center of La Paz, became a march of teachers (student for teachers) who said "if we are in the streets is the government’s fault." At the end of the demonstration, a rally was organized where teachers’ and industrial workers' leaders spoke. In every case, they did it against the government and the Montes leadership. One of the speakers was Vilma Plata, the POR, who raised and made a show of hands vote the following proposals: a) declare Montes traitor b) rejection of the 5% increase, c) no negotiations with leaders traitors; d) waiver of Minister Sacha Llorenti e) hunger and misery of the MAS are the enemies of the people, f) by a National Conference for Teachers. Once the rally was over, teachers went to the “Casa del Maestro”, where they met to figure out how to continue the fight. And the industrial workers made their expanded meeting in the Federation of factory workers. It also raised the expressions of repudiation of Montes and the government. A national industrial workers’ expanded meeting in Oruro had decided to propose to the factory of La Paz to pass adjourned to allow dialogue with the government. The expanded of La Paz, decided to accept the proposal of the national expanded meeting: move to a recess the fighting actions and the hunger strike until Monday in hopes that the government's call for negotiations; stay on alert. If that doesn't happen, make a new extended on Monday where they decide how to continue and deepen the fight. If the government accepts dialogue, none of the betraying leaders will be representing the workers, but the leaders of the federations, including La Paz and delegates from base. It was also decided to call the base of the miners, to support the fight, singling out the base of the bureaucratic union leadership clearly. Finally, they decided to call a Congress of the COB in 60 days and a National Congress of the Confederation Manufacturing to kick out to the bureaucratic leadership of their confederation, an ally of Montes from the COB. That is, from an extended meeting in Oruro, on the edge of the factory workers' struggle, the bureaucracy of the Confederation factory organized a maneuver for the manufacturing of La Paz, the core of the fight, raise their measures force. For now, until next Monday, they have succeeded, leaving only the teaching profession forward with their strike indefinitely. The policy implemented by the bureaucracy in the march led by Montes, Solares and Mitma from the FSTMB, responded to this, and the general strike of the COB, that wasn't for centralizing the struggle against the government and its agreements with Media Luna and strengthen factory workers and the teachers. On the contrary, was used by the bureaucracy to sell out the working class struggle in secret negotiations with the government hidden from the working-class base, and to divide the working class sector by sector. So, from the collaborationist leadership of the COB, supported by the Mineworkers Federation of Trade Unions of Bolivia, by the collaborationist leadership of the industrial workers unions confederation (Angel Asturizaga at the head) and the Stalinist leadership of the teachers federation, have isolated the industrial workers and the teachers in La Paz from the rest of the workers movement. While these collaborationist leaderships led by Montes negotiate with the government in different departments have launched the political line that each factory or department, as in Cocabamba for example, negotiate its own demands with the bosses, separately. Thus, the same bureaucracy was the one that led to the miners’ vanguard to negotiate their demand for reduction of retirement age, separated from the labour movement, thus preventing the unification of the combat among all miners, factory workers, teachers and health workers. With the brutal divisive politics have also left alone to the normality of La Paz, who were brutally repressed in the march of May 13th for opposing the miserable agreement signed by Montes. That’s the collaborationist bureaucracy: traitors and thugs! Supporters of Morales’ government and his pact with Media Luna! Down with the collaborationist bureaucracy of COB, led by traitor Pedro Montes who agreed a starvation wage with the government, dividing the workers ranks and selling out the struggle of the workers! COB, FSTMB, COR, COD are a gain of the workers, we are the owners, not the collaborationist bureaucracy! Down with the workers ministers, pimps of the bourgeoisie!
For a revolutionary internationalist leadership of the COB! The vanguard of the working class has already launched the war cry of Out the traitor of Montes!, Out all the treacherous leaders from our workers’ organizations! It is time to carry on this motion of the workers against the collaborationist bureaucracy of the COB, the FSTMB, the COD and the CORs, to recover our combat organizations, and it our victory will be further away and our defeat closer. The more the collaborationist bureaucracy remains in our workers’ organizations, the more our defeat will be guaranteed. And if Montes and all the bureaucracy of the COB has not fallen yet, it is because they have being supported saved from the hate of the working rank and file, on one hand, by the government of Evo Morales and, on the other hand, by the equally treacherous Solares, from the COD of Oruro, and Mitma, from the leadership of the Mining Federation, who know that if the head of Montes rolls down, theirs would roll down too. All the organizations that speak on behalf of the working class, against the bureaucracy and the government of Morales, should put their forces at the disposition of the victory of the combat of the Bolivian proletariat. For example, the POR, with Vilma Plata at the head of the teachers of La Paz, and that influences vast sectors of the industrial workers' vanguard and students, outlines the expulsion of Montes from the COB, that it is necessary to fight for the dictatorship of the proletariat and that they are for the centralization of the working class. Well, there is not time to lose. This can only be achieved by centralizing the current combat of the industrial workers and teachers against the popular front and the pacts that support the Fascist Media Luna. The working class and the exploited masses need a Congress of the COB urgently, with rank and file delegates to expel the bureaucracy of Montes and Co., and to be able to fight under the best conditions. It is necessary to show a course of action to the proletariat and a way to conquer it, and it has already taken a clear course of action, with the industrial workers and teachers screaming in their mobilizations: traitor Montes, get out of the COB! If you really are for the expulsion of the bureaucracy from the COB, prove it: put all your influence at the service to call now an Emergency Congress to expel the collaborationist bureaucracy of the COB and centralize the combat of the pact between Bolivian workers against Morales and the Media Luna. A Congress that sets the motion of internationalist unity between the Bolivian exploited and Greek working class, which combats in the streets against imperialist banks blood-suckers and its Papandreu’s government who are trying to make the exploited in Greece and the whole Europe pay the costs from their crisis. Industrial workers and La Paz teachers –who are leading the combat-, have complete authority to call now a COB rank and file delegates congress, to kick out Montes bureaucracy, break with the government, smash fascism and retake 2003-2005 path, immediately calling, to wage this battle, to the unification and centralization of the workers ranks that tries to divide the collaborationist bureaucracy. It is a matter of life or death for the Bolivian, Latin American and world working class that the combat of La Paz industrial workers, teachers and health workers don’t be isolated any more. All the working class must be called to an Emergency Congress Now! Montes must be overthrown as well as his spurious agreements with the government! Down with Montes and government negotiations! The fight is not negotiable! La Paz teachers and industrial workers have authority to make an emergency call to all the working class, to set up that Congress and first of all, call rank and file miners who hate Montes, Solares, Mitma, “old dinosaurs” bureaucracy, to concrete the resolutions of 2008 General Assembly of Out COB traitors! Expulsion! COB needs a revolutionary internationalist leadership, to be at the services of the Bolivian, Latin American and world proletariat!
Renegades of Trotskyism, at the feet of COB collaborationist bureaucracy Chavez, Hu Jintao and Castro brothers’ Fifth International concentrate all their forces in preventing than Bolivian proletariat get rid of COB bureaucracy and break the counterrevolutionary pact of Morales and Media Luna. They all agree on preventing that the combat of Bolivian working class, which in essence face the pacts of the Bolivarian bourgeoisie and Castrist bureaucracy with imperialism in the whole continent, to become the fist step of the whole American proletariat start fighting imperialism and native bourgeoisie. But also are the ones who support by “left” this policy, which is enemy of triumph of the combat of the Bolivian workers. Thus, for example, the Morenoite LIT (International Workers League), on behalf of CONLUTAS (Brazil) brought to the leadership of Industrial Workers Federation a letter signed by the bureaucrat DIRCEU TRAVESSO. In such letter they “give solidarity” to the Industrial workers and affirm that the attitude of COB is not favorable for workers who go out against the anti-worker government, and invite them to participate in their Congress from June 3rd to 7th. These Morenoites set up the Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of Workers (ELAC) along with: the UNT leadership of Venezuela that supports the Bolivarian Chavez government; the leadership of the Central Union of Haiti (Central Sindical), the leaders of the dockworkers of Oakland in USA, the leadership of CONLUTAS, and unions of Peru, Colombia and Argentina and was chaired by the traitor Montes on behalf of COB. Montes after being backed by all the renegades of Trotskyism came back Bolivia to lead the miners into a trap of Morales government that took the lives of two miners killed by the “indigenous” army in Caihuasi. These renegades of Trotskyism collaborated openly in the subordination of the proletariat to the Bolivarian bourgeoisie and today again, they have centralized their forces from Brazil and worldwide level support COB collaborationist bureaucracy. That is why today that industrial workers head the fight against collaborationist Montes; it is the same LIT –that using Conlutas- says that COB’s attitude is not good for workers, i.e. “Montes is wrong”; after they give Montes international support, while he was submitting COB to Evo Morales government. If CONLUTAS leadership (leaded by LIT) really wants to support the combat of the industrial workers and Bolivian working class, they must break immediately all kind of subordination to the bourgeoisie and put all their influence, ELAC and workers organizations they lead -like the dockworkers of Oakland in USA, CONLUTAS of Brazil, C-Cura of Venezuela, Batay Ouvriye of Haiti and all the organizations that have gathered in ELAC- at the service of launching an emergency call on the working class of the continent to be on the warpath against the pacts between imperialism and native Bolivarian bourgeoisies; pacts that subordinates the working class to the bourgeoisie. If they do not it, they will prove they continue being “left” supporters of the bourgeoisie and its counterrevolutionary pacts. They will prove they have subordinated the working class and their combat to the “democratic fronts” like in Honduras and that they refused propelling the formation of workers and peasants militias to smash fascism in Bolivia on October 2008 and they demanded Morales he must take the army into the streets to guarantee “democracy”, when actually Morales was who was making a pact with fascism and keep it from a revolutionary defeat on hands of the masses. Stop submitting the working class to its killers! Stop supporting the traitors bureaucrats like Montes! What the exploiteds need is a continental congress of workers organizations to break with the bourgeoisie and launch an urgent motion to all continent organizations calling to follow the path of industrial workers to break their subordination to Bolivarian governments. A congress to prepare the combat to defeat the pacts of subordination to the bourgeoisie set up again workers and peasant revolution in 2003 and Latin American revolution with it. A Congress that calls to break the fence imposed to workers revolutions in Madagascar and Kyrgyzstan and to synchronize the combat with workers of Latin America with Greek working class against imperialist parasites and their governments which throw the crisis on world exploited. Let’s do it now! There is no time to lose! It is a matter of life or death to Bolivian and world working class. On one hand those groups that talk on behalf of Trotskyism, like LOR-CI (PTS in Argentina), MST (former LIT), SoB (MAS of Argentina) and LIT, say that this is just a “rebellion against bureaucracy” to call again to a “Political Workers Instrument” and “anti-bureaucratic oppositions” in general, but they never put their influence and forces at the service of consequent combats to defeat bureaucracy and unleash proletariat’s forces. These groups call to “Democratic COB Congress” to be the left of a new prestigious collaborationist bureaucracy. They have proved many times be enemies of concentrating the forces and combat of the proletariat, enemies of recomposing workers and peasants alliance, organize their militias defeat Evo Morales government and the pact between Popular Front and fascism, to reopen the road of socialist workers revolution. To conquer our demands of jobs, wages and decent pensions for workers, land for the poor peasants and gas and hydrocarbons for the Bolivians: the workers and peasant revolution must set up All leaders such as Montes, Solares, Mitma tell the workers that we can fight to increase our wages, to get a worthily pension, etc. by pressing Evo Morales’ government. They tell us that that such cave of bourgeois thieves can give something good for the workers or any kind of law good for us. But workers have to know that under the current conditions of deep crisis and new bankruptcies there is no room for “laws for the workers”. Exploited can only get something –even decent wages- fighting for everything, breaking with Morales Bolivarian bourgeoisie, fighting against imperialism and its agents and attacking their property, like in 2003-2005. There are only two possible solutions; either bourgeois capitalists and their governments give the solution by attacking our wages imposing more inflation, more unemployment, taking away our precarious health and education; or the working class gives the solution by re-gaining its organizations of mass political fight kicking out the collaborationist bureaucracy of Montes, Mitma, Solares and Patana, breaking with Morales’ government, attacking the property and business of transnational and of the entire capitalists, fighting as the industrial workers in the path of reopening the revolution that was expropriated. What they tell the Bolivian workers is the same they tell the Greek workers who fight against the imperialist bank and its brutal plan of retrenchment launched by Papandreu government. “We must overthrow neither the social democrat government of Papandreu, nor the parasites of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc.”; “the struggle is against the retrenchment, not against the government”. That is how they try to take the fight of Greek workers to a pressure fight on the government so that the latter attacks, and to prevent masses from overthrow the government and opening revolution by revolutionary actions. The Bolivian, Greek and world workers must remember that everything we have conquered even any social reform was neither achieved by partial fights of pressure nor by the hand of any bourgeois government. We conquered them with cruel battles of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie as a by-product of the revolutionary fight. The bourgeoisie only gives something to the workers when a revolutionary action of the proletariat threats its all property and domain. It has been proved that we can expect nothing on the part of the anti-worker and repressor government of Evo Morales. Thus, to gain better salaries, decent jobs and work for all, health, education for our children and elder people and land for our brothers, poor peasants we must break with the bourgeoisie that sells the nation out to the imperialist plunder. The industrial workers in struggle cannot be isolated from the rest of the workers movement for a single minute. The workers and peasants of El Alto must set up again the COR as the “headquarters of the revolution” by expelling the collaborationist bureaucracy and traitors like Patana to pose again the resolutions of June 8th of 2005 for the whole Bolivian working class. Resolutions the leaders like Solares, Patana and POR with Vilma Plata refused to apply and hid them under seven locks and keys: to set up the National Aboriginal Popular Assembly and its workers militias to conquer the worker and peasant government. Let the revolutionary program of COR of El Alto be arise again! Let the headquarters of Bolivian revolution be set up again! Down with Patana! Down with the “workers” ministers! The Alto stands up, never kneel down! To recover our glorious COB and FSTMB, to hear again the dynamite of miners, the ranks of Huanuni must break with the subordination to Morales government imposed by the collaborationist leaderships of FSTMB at the head of Mitma in an alliance with MAS, and must go out to fight with the industrial workers of La Paz. We must impose the unity of the workers ranks around the fight of the industrial workers and centralize the fight for the demands of the entire workers movement against the popular front. An immediate emergency Congress of COB with rank and file delegates from all the workers organizations with mandates voted in rank and file assemblies! Down with the traitor Montes! Industrial workers, teachers, health workers have the authority to convene immediately an Emergency Congress of COB and FSTMB to expel effectively the bureaucracy of Montes and company, by doing effective the motion of Industrial workers and teachers, and calling on rank and file miners of Huanuni to get unified under the war cry of Out Montes, Solares and Mitma! Out all the collaborationist bureaucracy from our workers organizations! For a real revolutionary and internationalist Leadership of COB that fight for: work for all! Sliding scale of wages and labor hours! Sharing out of the labor hours so that all the available worker hands enter the productive process without cut in salaries! For the industrial workers under contract in labour brokers to be in permanent plant! For a generalized increase in the wages based on the cost of the shopping basket indexed to inflation! The money to obtain these demands exists; the transnational companies-looters of the nation- have such money: Out the transnational companies from Bolivia and the whole Latin America! In order the gas and everything the mines produce to be at the service of Bolivians, we must raise again the slogan: Nationalization without compensation and place under worker control the hydrocarbons, the entire mineral production and other natural resources! Against the layoffs and labor flexibility: Occupation and worker control of every factory or mine that shuts down or dismisses! This government of class collaboration has already launched its attack in Caranavi against the workers and peasants killing two young militants. Today, they still have 50 of them in jail accused of insurrects and treated like ordinary criminals. Immediate freedom for the 50 in detention! No prosecution to the workers and peasants fighters! We have the legitimate right to defend ourselves against the repression. Self-defence committees to defend ourselves from repressions in the road, to set up workers militia! We forget neither the two miners killed in Caihuasi, nor the 100 workers martyrs in 2003, nor those massacred in the fascist uprising in 2008: Workers and popular tribunals to judge the killers! Immediate Non-prosecution of the industrial workers who had been in detention! Workers must show again to our brothers, the poor peasants, that we are the only class able to guarantee for them the land and their demands. We must prove to them that we are determining to fight loyalty and till the last consequences for their demands. For that, such revolutionary leadership of COB must state the fight for the expropriation of the lands in the hands of the landowners to give the poor peasant the land that the government of Evo Morales and his bourgeois constitution in agreement with imperialism and transnational did not and will not give them! Since only the working class is able to give cheap loans to the peasant by expropriating the bank without payment and imposing a single bank under workers control. To the counterrevolutionary pact between the government and the Media Luna we must oppose: A revolutionary pact between the working class and poor peasants to re-take the road of 2003-2005! For this, it is urgent to convene an Emergency Congress of COB. The Emergency Congress of COB must set up the workers and peasant militia to march towards smash the fascism of Media Luna! Against what Linera affirms: that the revolutionary fight provokes that the fascist right appears; the internationalist Trotskyists know very well that more submitted to the government of popular front and its “Bolivarian revolution” the proletariat is, more and more the fascist Media Luna is strengthening and more and more imperialism is in better conditions to smash exploited. Only the proletariat by leading the poor peasants, setting up the COB of ’52 with its workers and peasant militia, organizing the rank and file soldiers committees will be able to destroy the murderous caste of officials that belong to the Bolivian army and defeat the fascist Media Luna under the command of US imperialism! Only imposing a worker and peasant government based on the self-organization and armament of masses, by breaking with imperialism and its junior partners, the “Bolivarian” bourgeoisie, is the only way to conquer our most urgent demands of jobs, wages, health and education systems for the working class and land for the poor peasants by making the agrarian reform.