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Long live the strike of the 21st and 22nd called by COB!
Let´s transform the strike into a revolutionary general strike to retake the path of 2003-2005


Against the attack of Morales government with: wages of hunger decayed day by day with inflation (to that a miserable increase of 10% and only to the teachers, health workers and the repressive police and the Banzerista murderous army of workers has been opposed), attacks to the university autonomy and the beginning of the health privatization; the COB finally has responded calling to this 2 days strike. The government attempts that this one would be a total failure. We cannot allow it! Only the militant rank and file can guarantee that this strike is transformed into a true day of fight superior to the one of the gasolinazo. The militant industrial workers, teachers and Casegural workers must lead this fight. In order to retake the path of the fights of 2003-2005: the workers, militant students and poor peasants who go to fight, we must motion in rank and file assemblies of all the sectors Let the COB break with Evo Morales government! It is enough to put us down! Enough with the fake negotiations with Morales government to give our fight up! We want a COB standing up and not at the knees!
As the fights of the working class in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya show: in order to conquer generalize increase of wages of 8000 BS, defend the health and university autonomy, against the high cost of living, defeat the brutal inflation and conquer the land for the peasants:

It is necessary to re-take the revolution that we started in Bolivia in 2003-2005 and take it to the triumph!
Down with the Morales and fascist Media Luna pact that left the land to the Cruceña oligarchy!

Out Gringos! Neither 30% no 50% of Evo Morales who imposed the fake nationalization that make us hunger: nationalization without payment and under workers control of gas and oil and all the natural resources!

Emergency Congress of COB with rank and file delegates with mandate of all the worker organizations, poor peasants and militant youth!

In order to set up again the general Headquarter of the Revolution in El Alto and their militant resolutions of June 8th.

This congress has to vote an EMERGENCY WORKER PLAN FOR HAVE A SOLUTION OF THE CRISIS: For worker and peasant committees of supplies and worker control of the prices! For a generalize increase of wages! Sliding scale of wages and hours! Nationalization without compensation and under worker control of the hydrocarbons and all the mines, firstly the Mutin mine!

Out the hands of the government from the conquests of the militant students! Let’s defend the university autonomy: down with miserable co-participation of the Evo Morales government servant, that only “obey and listen” the transnational and the land oligarchy of the fascist Media Luna! For a education budget based on the profit extraordinary tax of the imperialist transnational and the land oligarchy, in the path to expropriate them, this will only be guarantee with a tripartite government of students, worker and teachers with students majority! For a public and free education! For a free and unrestricted entry to the university!

Smashing the fascist threat of Media Luna: It is necessary to set up worker and poor peasant militia
such as in the revolution of 52.  


The only solution

All power to the COB now!
Workers militia and Rank and file soldiers to guarantee!

Stop the massacre and bombs of imperialism on the heroic revolution of the workers and exploited in Libya!

In Libya, imperialism has launched operation “odyssey at dawn” against the uprising of the exploited and to crush the revolution that has started fighting against the murderous government of Gaddafi. This revolutionary fight of the exploited in northern Africa is the sister of the fight we are waging in Bolivia – they are fights against the same imperialist transnational companies, Total from France, Repsol from Spain, Sumitomo from Japan and BP from US-UK. Those companies plunder the natural resources of the subjugated nations, such as gas, oil and minerals from Bolivia and Latin America, guaranteed by the governments which are servants and junior partners of imperialism. Meanwhile, they plunge us in misery and over exploitation.
Therefore, the fight of the Libyan working class to defeat the imperialist troops dressed as “democratic” and that murderer Gaddafi, the working class has to break with the Bolivarian bourgeoisies. The Bolivian working class has to re-take the path of the peasants and workers revolution of 2003-2005 to lead it to victory! Let the Latin American revolution return!

The fate of the Bolivian, Latin American and world working class is decided in the fights of the working class in Libya and northern Africa

Imperialist butchers’ hands off Libya, Maghreb and the whole Middle East! Defeat the murderer Gaddafi! Victory for the workers and exploited militia in Libya! For setting up international workers brigades to fight against imperialism in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia and the whole Middle East!
One single class, one single fight! Expropriate the imperialist monopolies, plunderers of the subjugated nations such as Libya, in the Maghreb and Bolivia! Break with all the Bolivarian governments! Latin American and American revolution rise again!
The enemy is at home! European and US working class to paralyze the counterrevolutionary imperialist war machine! Revolutionary strike now in the whole Europe!

Internationalist Trotskyist League (IV International)
Member of the
International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction (FLTI)


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