The international character of the revolutionary combat of the Bolivian proletariat

Once more the Bolivian working class shows the path of struggle for the international proletariat...

To defeat the attack of the capitalists, it is necessary to defeat the treacherous leaders of the working class!
It is necessary to generalise the lessons of the revolutionary combat in Bolivia for the world proletariat!

- See declarations of the LTI on the uprisings

- The fraud of the "nacionalization of the hydrocarbons"

- The Bolivian working class demolishes the reformist policy of the renegades of Trotskyism

- The combat of the Bolivian proletariat shows the way to defeat capitalist restoration in Cuba

- Internationalist Trotskyism vs Loraism

The world capitalist crisis continues, the capitalists deepen their attack, they need to smash the proletariat, they need new wars and counterrevolutions. This epoch of crisis, wars and revolutions is sharpening more and more. It is an epoch of counterreformism, where the reformists can not offer any reform and what confronts the world proletariat at every step is revolution and counterrevolution.
Once more the Bolivian proletariat is the shows the way forward for the world working class. The character of its combat is deeply internationalist. It has posed before the workers in struggle of the whole world that it not possible to win, nor to conquer the most minimal of the demands, without defeating the treacherous leaders of the working class who make pacts and support the bourgeoisie, its regime and its government. To achieve the most minimum demands of the working class, the working class must take power in its own hands.

The combat of the Bolivian working class must become the beacon for the world proletariat to launch a revolutionary mass counteroffensive against the imperialist catastrophe.

As the world capitalist crisis deepens, as inter-imperialist rivalry sharpens, pushing the minor imperialists to the wall, temporary pacts between the imperialist rivals conspire to push up world food, petroleum and electricity prices as an artificial means to increase the rate of exploitation of the world working class. Although the French, US, UK, German and Japanese banks are bitter rivals, they work together through the cartel of Total, BP, Exxon Mobil, Caltex, Shell to push the price of a barrel of oil to over $90 whereas its real price is closer $4. When Morales increased the price of petroleum by 83% on the 26th December 2010 he was acting as the agent of imperialism to force the burden of the crisis onto the backs of the Bolivian working class. This increase came after a wave of strikes where the Morales regime forced a wage cut (a 5% increase of public sector wages). The workers marched on the union offices, kicked down its doors and expelled the main trade union leader, Montes, who was the champion of tying the workers to the regime and thus to imperialism.

The working class revolts in Madagascar, Guadaloupe, Martinique, and more recently in Greece, France, Britain, Rumania, Ukraine,Thailand, Tongua & Linzhou, South Africa, Mozambique, Tunisia, Algeria, Kyrgyzstan, reflect a change in the mass psychology of the world proletariat. There is a growing realization of the irreconcilability between the working class and capitalism-imperialism and the growing realization of the treacherous role of the leadership within the workers’ movement. The masses are increasingly realizing that these leaders in the workers’ movement are the main agents of imperialism for controlling the masses. The masses have long been prepared to fight to the end against the imperialist onslaught but each time their leaders hold them back and allow the burden of the capitalist crisis to be placed on the backs of the working class. After an extended period when hundreds of millions of workers have been dismissed without a fight by the working class organizations, the outbreaks of working class revolts show that the masses are breaking from their traditional leaderships. Imperialism is desperately trying to build, rebuild new concentrations of counter-revolutionary leaderships that could again betray from within. Such attempts need time and while the grip of imperialism is being broken they turn to increasing fascistic methods to smash the working class. What is new in the current class war is that in Bolivia, the masses have begun to expel their worker leaders, kicking down the doors of the union offices, sticks of dynamite in hand, demanding that a general strike be called. What the vanguard in Bolivia is expressing is a realization that the treacherous worker leaders are propped up by imperialism, by force, and that the task of removing such leaders requires the armed resistance of the working class, in other words, the fight to remove the treacherous leaders in the workers movement is a fundamental task of the fight against imperialism. Further, the task of preparing a general strike, goes hand in hand with the task of building an armed workers militia. When imperialism realized that the industrial workers were going to join the mine workers, dynamite sticks in hand, in a strike on Monday 3rd Jan 2011, under the slogan of ‘Evo and Goni, the same crap!’ [Goni was the previous President ousted by the revolutionary masses in 2005 while Evo Morales is the current President], the masses having expelled the leader of the union bureaucracy, they realized that they were faced not with an economic strike but a political general strike which would have split the army, with the lower ranks joining the workers and the officer caste being exposed as being total lackeys of imperialism. A workers revolution, taking over all imperialist assets, expropriating them, is what imperialism realized they faced. This would have been a beacon to the world proletariat about how to fight high prices, cuts in education, cuts in wages and pensions, mass unemployment. This spark in El Alto could have set fire to Caracas, Habana, New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, London, Athens, Madrid, Belfast, Tunis, Algiers, Palestine, Beijing, if not many other corners of the planet. It have been a qualitative change in the world’s balance of class forces in favour of the world proletariat. This is what forced imperialism to instruct Morales to cancel the petroleum price increase; this is what forced imperialism to instruct the trade union leader Montes to ‘resign’ as if he had not been expelled; anything for imperialism to regain the initiative and control once again. The LOR-CI poses as being for the Fourth International but playing the role of Stalinism, turning the workers fight for power into a fight for temporary economic demands.

The LOR-CI poses the question of ‘soviets’ in the form of a struggle to set up ‘factory committees’. But every workplace has a committee of the COB. This means that the fight of independent workers councils (soviets) can only be posed in the form of a fight for the expulsion of the union bureaucracy from top to bottom and linking this with the task of the moment of setting up workers militia at every workplace as preparation for the COB to take all power in its hands. This means creating a dual power which takes the struggle for workers power as its central task. We should guard against those who come among the working class who call general stoppages and marches under the banner of ‘general strikes’ but who really want workers to blow off steam, to tire us and not to take over the factories, the land, the banks and mines.

We are reminded of the first workers state conquered in October 1917 in Russia. The imperialists launched a war on virtually all fronts to attempt to smother the Soviet Union. Such a prospect would await a Bolivian workers state. The conquest of power in the Soviet Union created a holding point from which the Bolsheviks hoped that the socialist revolution would succeed in one or more of the imperialist centres. This would open the path for the development of Socialism. Such is the perspective if workers were to take power in Bolivia; socialism would only be conquered if the working class takes power in one or more of the imperialist centres. Thus the fight for workers power in Bolivia goes hand in hand with the immediate call for an Organizing committee to refound the Fourth International, meeting in Bolivia uniting fighters from around the globe, not least from the French workers, the Greek vanguard, the Palestinian working class youth, the British and Irish working class youth, the working class youth from Tunisia and Algeria, among others, who share the same programmatic perspective outlined above. We must guard against the World Social Forum perspective who separate the struggles in the semi-colonies, such as Bolivia, from the struggle for the working class to take power in the imperialist centres, such as France and the USA.

In Greece, France and in the whole Europe it is necessary to fight as in Bolivia!

This is the way for the Europe and working class that is resisting and confronting the attack from imperialism in crisis. Even with the enormous combat of the exploited masses in France, Spain, Britain, Italy, Ukraine and Greece, the working class was not able to defeat the attack from the bourgeoisie. In Greece, the exploited masses carried out 8 huge general work stoppages although the Papandreau’s government continues to deepen its anti-workers offensive. This is because the workers’ bureaucracies and aristocracies, together with the Stalinists of the CP (KKE) and the renegades of Trotskyism have divided the European proletariat country by country, to submit it to the policy of pressure on the governments to make them “rectify” the attack. Traitors! The Greek masses are already taking the same conclusions than the Bolivian working class: To defeat the attack of the capitalists it is necessary to defeat the bureaucracy, the CP and the reformist leaderships! It is necessary to commence the struggle for the working class to take power into its own hands. Defeating the treacherous leaders, expelling them from our struggle organizations, is the way to conquer the unity of the workers’ ranks, we will defeat the governments of the imperialist bourgeoisie and we will destroy the imperialist Europe of Maastricht with a single socialist revolution. The struggle of the European working class must win! The Bolivian working class has posed for the French workers to expel the union bureaucracy of the CP, Lutte Ouvriere, NAP and to occupy the workplaces as in May 1968. But this time the French workers should take power in their own hands, calling for workers across all the French colonies and ex-French colonies to expropriate all imperialist assets, without compensation, under workers control and thereby conquer bread and work, real independence from imperialism.

The working class of the imperialist countries have the key for the defeat of the imperialist plunder of the colonial and semicolonial world and the military occupations as in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and Haiti. It is necessary to fight in the whole world as the Bolivian working class does!

It is necessary to generalize and to expand the combat of the Bolivian workers to the whole America!
For the revolution to come back!

In Bolivia, the proletariat has declared war to the farce of the “Bolivarian revolution” of Chavez, Castro, Lula, Kirchner and Correa, expropriators of the workers’ and peasants’ revolution. The made pacts with Obama and imperialism and allowed the massacres in Colombia, military coups as in Honduras and they support the imperialist occupation of Haiti, contributing with “Bolivarian” troops. Today they command the attack against the exploited masses. The Bolivian working class has unmasked them. It is necessary to break with the Bolivarian bourgeoisie in the whole continent to defeat the offensive of Obama and imperialism! Down with the leaderships that support the Bolivarian governments!
The Bolivian working class fights in El Alto and La Paz but it also combats in Argentina as the vanguard of the struggle for land and decent housing. In Soldati, the first days of December, thousand of working families occupied the lands of Parque Indoamericano to conquer decent housing. They attacked the property of capitalists to resolve this elementary demand of the whole working class. The Bolivarian government of C. Kirchner, together with the fascist governor Macri, sent the police repression and the fascist gangs to smash the workers. The Bolivian, Peruvian and Paraguayan –the heart of the working class- together with the Argentine workers, resisted the attack of the bosses with their self-defence. The state assassinated two Bolivian and one Paraguayan fellows. Before this enormous combat of the South American working class, fenced and isolated by the bureaucracy both of the CTA and of the COB, the government of Evo Morales attacked the Bolivian workers as “criminals” “come back to Bolivia and we will give you land. Lies! Evo Morales is responsible of the rich land of Bolivia to still in the hands of the landowners thanks to his pact with the fascists of the Media Luna. He makes pacts with the landowners and repress and hunger the workers and poor peasants! This counterrevolutionary attack of the Bolivarian government of C. Kirchner in Soldati, is what encouraged Evo Morales to launch his gasolinazo. Although, he found a third attack of the revolution, this time against the “rosca” of Morales.

The Bolivian working class is confronting the farce of the Bolivarians to make the revolution come back. Their combat is for the coming back of the Argentina of 2001 but this time for the working class to take power in its own hands; the workers’ and peasants’ commune of Oaxaca to be extended to all Mexico; the anti-imperialist struggles of the Venezuelan masses to extend to expropriate all imperialist assets without compensation, under workers control; to let the workers’ and peasants’ Peru rise up for workers’ power; for the US working class to stand up breaking with Obama, taking power in its own hands and thereby freeing the world proletariat.
In the present struggle of the Bolivian working class, the revenge for the killing of the workers in Parque Indoamericano began; as well as the revenge for the assassination of more than 30.000 Mexican workers; of the Honduran resistance; the massacre against the immigrant workers in Rio Bravo; of the Colombian resistance. The combat of the Bolivian proletariat has also begun to break the fence imposed by the ‘Bolivarians’ imperialist agents and the reformist leaderships against the workers’ and peasants’ revolution. This is the way to break the fences around the revolution in Madagascar and the heroic Palestinian masses that confront, under siege surrounded by walls, the Zionist-fascist state of Israel, gendarme of imperialism!
The combat of the Bolivian proletariat must be a spark for the Cuban masses for them to defeat the capitalist restorationist attack of the Castro brothers and their 500 thousand dismissals and the privatizations, which are all objectively in the service of imperialism. These are the forces to defeat the military occupation of Haiti and defeat imperialism across the whole continent.
Down with the pacts of the ‘Bolivarian’ bourgeois governments with imperialism! The workers’ and peasants’ revolution must come back on the whole American continent! Expropriate all the multinationals! Down with the farce of the “Bolivarian revolution” of Evo Morales, Castro, Chavez and Kirchner, expropriators of the Latin American revolution!

The workers organizations of the world must be on high alert. We are all Bolivian workers! We must be on alert for any counterrevolutionary attack from imperialism and the ‘Bolivarian’ armed forces against the proletariat of the Altiplano.

All the forces to Bolivia for a continental congress in El Alto to conquer the internationalist unity of the working class and to defeat the offensive of imperialism and its ‘Bolivarian’ servants!
All forces for a world Congress in Bolivia to refound the Fourth International!
For the working class to live, imperialism must die!


  • The worker and peasant revolution in 2003-2005 posed a program to fight “Fusil, snapshot, Bolivia does not shut up!” “Nor 30% nor 50%, nationalization of the hydrocarbons!” Out Gringos!” and in this way the Goni’s head and the infamous regime of the Rosca rolled down.


  • In 2011: A new declaration of the Bolivian working class emerged before the world proletariat “Evo and Goni are the same crap” Out the treacherous leaders from the workers organizations”

They are right: Stand up together with the revolutionary masses of Bolivia

The Neo-liberals and the Bolivarian bourgeoisies of the World Social Forum are all servants of imperialism and enemies of the working class!

With a new revolutionary uprising, the workers and poor peasants defeated the “gasolinazo” of Evo Morales and the multinationals!

This is the way to fight against the farce of the “Bolivarian revolution” and the imperialist plunder”!


Evo Morales only listens and agrees with the multinationals, the fascist of the Media Luna, the bosses and the imperialism.

The workers organizations must break with the bourgeoisie, the imperialism and the class collaborationist government right now
Out the workers ministers and the negotiation commissions that support the anti-worker and pro imperialist government of Evo Morales!

Neither Montes, nor Solares!
Down with the collaborationist leaders of COB, CODs, CORs and FeJuVe!

Rank and File delegates Congress of COB with delegates from all the organizations of the poor and landless peasants!

The industrial workers of La Paz, the miners, the exploited ones of El Alto, the teachers and the health workers must call it now

As in the 1952 Bolivian revolution:


It is necessary to set up workers and peasant militia and the soldiers committees organized in the COB!

In order to conquer bread, defeat the inflation, finish the imperialist plunder, conquer the land for the dispossessed peasants, expropriate without payment and under workers control the multinationals, the banks and the land owner oligarchy.

The only solution:
For a revolutionary government of the COB
And the organizations fighting in the impoverished peasant movement”

Declaration of the a Fracción Leninista Trotskista Internacional.
International Coordination Secretariat.
January 6th, 2011



In 2003-2005 the Bolivian working class posed “Fusil, grapeshot, Bolivia doesn’t shut down!”, “Nor 30%, nor 50%, nationalization of the hydrocarbons!”, “Out with the gringos!”
In 2011: A motion of the Bolivian working class for the world proletariat “Evo and Goni the same crap” “Out the treacherous leaders!”


In Bolivia, with strikes, mobilizations, pickets and confronting the treacherous leaders, the working class and the poor peasants

Have provisory defeated the anti-workers attack from the government of Evo Morales, agent of the multinationals!


This is the way to fight against the farce of the “Bolivarian revolution” and the imperialist plundering!

For El Alto to stand up again, as the general headquarters of the Bolivian and Latin American revolution!


Out the colaborationist leaderships of the COB, COD, COR, FSTMB and FeJuVe!

Rank and file delegates from every sector in struggle to El Alto to impose an emergency congress of the COB!

To conquer bread, wages, jobs, houses, the land for the poor peasants and the hydrocarbons for the Bolivians
All power to the COB, based in the self organization and armament of the working class and the poor peasants!


Fusil, grapeshot, Bolivia doesn’t shut down! Out the multinationals! Nationalization without payment and under workers’ control of hydrocarbons and mining! Expropriation without payment of the multinationals, the bankers and the landowners to give the land to the ruined peasants!

The government of Evo Morales, agent of the multinationals
Leads a brutal attack against the masses

The government of Evo Morales has decreed its “gasolinazo”. Its “indigenous” disguise fell down and its real face of being an agent of the imperialist monopolies as Repsol, Total, British that had declared war to the working class and the exploited masses, came up. It increased the gasoline up to an 83%, thus local transport went a 100% up and long distance transport 200% up. Oil, rice, flour, meat are to the skies and it is necessary to queue up to by anything, if you can get something.
At the first moment, the government said that it would not step back with its attack against the people. With its demagogy of empty hands that is leaving the stomachs of the people emptier and emptier, it said that it would increase policemen, soldiers and health and education workers in a 20%. A fraud! What it declared was the complete legalization of the “gasolinazo” and the robbery of the workers that suffered a 50, a 100 and even a 200% increment of the cost of living. The “increment” of 20% is for the absolute minority of the working class, at the same time that gives more money for the police to be in better conditions to repress the workers that come out into struggle. In a country full of natural richness, where our hydrocarbons fuel the industry of Mercosur, the workers and peasants still starving, this time under the government of Evo Morales.
It is a government agent of the multinationals that with the “gasolinazo” dressed down that its “nationalization” of the hydrocarbons is a farce. It guaranteed the property and enormous profits for the monopolies and it is the state the one that gives millions of dollars in subsidies for the same multinationals that plunder our natural resources. The bourgeois clique of the MAS wants to put those millions in their own pockets and make the people, once more, pay for the businesses of the multinationals… and of the MAS. Evo Morales – Linera are servants of the multinationals!


Breaking with the government of Evo Morales and confronting the colaborationist leaders
The Bolivian working class stands up again!

As yesterday against Goni and Mesa, today against the bolivarian government of Evo Morales – Linera, the workers took the conclusión that there are them who, with their revolutionary struggle in the streets, overthrow the governments that attack the masses for the account of the multinationals. “Evo and Goni are the same crap!” “Evo bugger, the guillotine waits for you!” rumbled in El Alto and La Paz.
In the last days of 2010, in the midst of a transport general strike, the indomitable El Alto rose up with massive mobilizations and went down to La Paz winning the streets with the workers of the Nacional Health Service (Caja Nacional de Salud), teachers and students of UPEA (Universidad Popular de El Alto) and UMSA (Universidad Mayor de San Andrés), confronting the police repression.
Working and peasant masses began to settle account with the colaborationist leaderships of the organizations of struggle, servants of the government of Evo Morales that today launches a brutal attack against the masses. Stoning and knocking the doors of FeJuVe and the COR in El Alto, the working class demanded the general strike and the expulsion of the treacherous leaders. Long live for the rank and file workers against the treacherous leaders! This is the way to fight!
Under the cry of “resignation, resignation”, “Evo and Goni the same crap”, the masses attacked with a justified hate the sites of the Ministry of Work, the Justice Palace as well as state owned enterprises, YPFB, Post, Telephone company (ENTEL), and set on fire the toll collector boxes in El Alto.
In Oruro, Cochabamba and Potosí there also were massive mobilizations and meetings that put on the march the anger of the exploited masses against this attack of the multinationals and the sipoy government of Morales.
The COD of Oruro, the Huanuni miners and the exploited masses of Potosí had called for marching towards La Paz on Monday, January 3rd; the industrial workers of La Paz were going to mobilize on Tuesday; and El Alto was in alert and state of permanent mobilization.
Marching on the workers’ organizations to expel the treacherous leaders, during two whole days the working class did not stop the mobilization, the pickets and the barricades. “Fusil snapshot, Bolivia doesn’t shut down!
The government and yankee imperialism, together with the French multinationals are the ones who lead this attack against the working class and the exploited masses in Boliva and in Latin America. Stop with the subordination to the government of Evo Morales, minor partner of imperialism and the multinationals! Stop with Evo Morales! To have bread, wages, jobs, education and land: Nationalization without payment and under workers’ control of all the hydrocarbons and mining! Out gringos! Out the multinationals! For the revolution to come back!

Because of the enormous revolutionary action of the masses, Evo Morales, temporarily annuls the “gasolinazo”
Let’s do not stop our mobilization! To have bread, wages, jobs, land, hydrocarbons for the Bolivians, The workers’ and peasants’ revolution must win!

After two enormous days of mass struggle, on December 31st the government of Evo Morales was the whole day meeting with the cabinet and their ministers without portfolio of the union bureaucracy. At 10 pm, it announced the revocation of the decree saying that “the government hears and obey the people”. What has terrified Evo Morales and the imperialist monopolies is that the October 2003 revolution, where the exploited masses tumbled down the head of Goni, has precisely started with the working class expelling all the treacherous leaders of the COB. Today, under the heat of this third attack, the Bolivian exploited masses poses again to expel the traitors from their ranks and this is what has already started in COB, in the FSTMB, in the COR El Alto and in the FeJuVe.

The future of the Bolivian revolution will depend on the conclusions drawn by the working masses and the poor peasants from this new revolutionary attack.
Very fase, the treacherous colaborationist leaderships came out saying that they thanks Evo because he has heard the people… when, in Fact, what Evo “heard from the people” were the dynamite under the cry of “Evo, the guillotine is waiting for you!” What has terrified the Bolivarian bourgeoisie. Now, the leaderships will want to disorganize and demobilize what the masses have built up in this days of fury and struggle. Let’s do not stop the mobilization! We must expel all the treacherous leaders who were in the negotiation commissions, who were ministers in the government and who supported and sustained it! Out with the treacherous leaders who had subordinated our organizations before the government of Evo Morales!
We must centralize the forces of the working class in El Alto, sending rank and file delegates of the workers, the poor peasants, and the combative students of the COD, COR, FeJuVe, to impose a congress of the COB and to prepare taking power!

Today, the government was momentarily forced to step back with its decree of the “gasolinazo”, but it was not because of its wishes, but by the combat of the masses. Its desire is to attack the masses on the account of the multinationals that plunder the nation under the blanket of the farce of the nationalization of hydrocarbons. The attack is still on the march and it will redouble with more inflation and high cost of living.
The government is weakened; the working class broke up with it as well as wide strips of the masses. In its retreat, it stands on the multinationals, on its pact with the Media Luna and on the shoulders of the treacherous leaderships of the working class. But imperialism will not just stay lazily. It can not allow a weak government before the masses that came from stopping the gasolinazo for a long time. Imperialism and the bourgeoisie, do not only count with the permanent threaten of fascism of the Media Luna, but also and fundamentally with the Banzerist layer of officers of the army that has been re credited by the Bolivarians. We can not ignore that the bourgeoisie could launch a counterrevolutionary attack with the “socialist” armed forces to try to smash the working class. It is necessary for the working class to centralize its forces, to put on feet a powerful congress of rank and file delegates from the workers, the poor peasants and the combative students to establish their own power and their own way out from the present crisis. It is necessary to put on feet the COB of 1952 with its workers militias!

As the working class drew the lesson that with its revolutionary struggle in the streets it overthrow the anti-workers governments, we must draw the conclusion that we reached this situation of sufferings because of the treachery of the leaderships who prevented us taking power in 2003-2005, imposing a workers’ and peasants’ government based on the self organization and armament of the masses, that would expropriate imperialism and free our nation from the plunder of the multinationals. The Morales – Linera government expropriated our revolution and disguised wild capitalism as “indigenous”. Today, we see that this government did not give us bread, jobs, health and worthy education, nor the land for our siblings poor peasants. Its Constituent Assembly and its present constitution are a farce as the fake “nationalization” of the hydrocarbons and FACESA are, which are a disguise to guarantee the enormous profits for the multinationals that still plundering our natural resources.
The collaborationist leaders of the COB want to convince us that “the government has heard the people, it is our government”. These are lies of the treacherous leaders! The government had to step back because of the combat of the exploited masses and fundamentally because we began to defeat the leaders of the COB and their organizations that support them on their shoulders against the working class.

In May 2010, the industrial workers of La Paz led a fierce struggle for wages and pensions, confronting the Evo Morales’ government and the bureaucracy of the COB openly even with dynamite. This combat has preceded the present struggle. But the bureaucracy put them in the tricky negotiation commissions with the government, and the leadership of the POR amongst the teachers of La Paz, rejected to call for the coordination and centralization of the workers in struggle, under the program of the industrial workers of La Paz.
The industrial workers of La Paz, even went to Brazil to the international encounter of ELAC, where dozens of workers’ organizations of Latin America and the world were represented. This congress, led by the renegades of Trotskyism of the LIT-CI, rejected to vote for the motion of the industrial workers of La Paz who posed that “it is necessary to fight back the bourgeois demagogy of the Bolivarian governments and the treacherous leaders of the workers’ organizations”. They voted against it and fenced the industrial workers to prevent the generalization of their struggle. But today, the working class is settling accounts. The industrial workers’ of La Paz were right! Today it follows with the workers of El Alto destroying the offices of the leaders of the COR and the FeJuVe sold to the MAS and in every department, the rank and file demands Out the traitor Montes and all the collaborationist bureaucracy from the COB, COR and CODs!
Let’s send rank and file delegates from all the workers’ and students’ organizations to El Alto to put on feet the general headquarters of the revolution again! To conquer bread, jobs, wages, land and hydrocarbons It is necessary to take the revolution we started in 2003-2005 to victory! Out the multinationals! All the power to the COB based on the self-organization and the armament of the working class and the poor peasants!

Nor fake nationalizations, nor fraudulent constituent, nor pact with fascism of the Media Luna, nor misery bonuses, nor hunger and inflation, nor plundering of the multinationals
No more Evo Morales! Down with the regime of the pact between Evo Morales and the fascist Media Luna! Down with the collaborationist leaderships!
The workers’ and peasants’ revolution must come back!
For bread, wages, jobs, land, hydrocarbons: All to El Alto to impose a rank and file congress of the COB as an organ to prepare the workers’ and peasants’ power!

The time is here for taking the resolution of our problems in our own hands, in the strong hands of the working class and the ruined peasants. We should not delegate on any government that it is not a real workers’ and peasants’ revolutionary government any more.
The government of Evo Morales and the collaborationist leaderships will put all their forces to demobilize, to make us to take down the guard, to disorganize our forces and to impose a truce. The proletarian vanguard must prevent that. We have already unmasked this government as the continuity of Goni and Mesa. Jaime Solares, the traitor of the days of October 2003, wants now to pose as a radical, insulting Montes, when they have the same policy. What Solares wants to do is to take the COB directly to work in “enlarged meetings with the government so it really consults the people”. It is the same class collaboration policy of the whole bureaucracy, they are enemies of the Theses of Pulacayo and class independence! Out Montes, Solares, Mitma and all the collaborationist leaders!
The present task is to develop the self-organization of the masses up to the end, its complete independence from the state and the government and its centralization to recover the COB as an embryonic organism of workers’ power and its armament. In this revolutionary COB the most combative elements of the masses will be able to develop and the internationalist Trotskyists will be able to merge with them and to put on feet the revolutionary leadership the proletariat needs to win.

Its time for putting the indomitable general headquarters of the Bolivian and Latin American revolution on feet in El Alto!
The miners of Huanuni have already voted alert and mobilization. In their general assembly they voted that the step back of the government is a victory of the struggle of the Bolivian working class and people, that the working class should never support any government on turn any more, that it is necessary to break any alliance of the workers’ organizations with the government of the MAS. They voted for recognition for the revolutionary vanguard of El Alto that was at the head of the struggle once more. They have also voted that Montes can not be in the leadership of the COB any more, as Mitma can not be in the FSTMB and that they will not recognize in the trade union elections any list of candidates that poses any kind of alliance with the MAS. The miners of Huanuni are calling for a congress of the COB NOW!

From the workers of El Alto, from the miners of Huanuni, from the industrial workers of La Paz, from the teachers of El Alto, La Paz, Cochabamba and Oruro, from the Health Service (Caja Nacional de Salud), from the COR, COD and FeJuVe, and from all the workers, and from the poor peasants and combative students in struggle, let’s call now to vote for rank and file delegates to impose a national Congress of the COB to expel the treacherous trade union bureaucracy led by Montes, that has fulfilled with ministers the anti-workers government of Evo Morales at once. Down with all the collaborationist leaderships of the COB!

This congress will organize the struggle for all our demands of genuine jobs, wages, worthy pensions and land for the poor peasants. For that, It is necessary to expropriate the imperialist plundering multinationals! Nationalization now of all the mining, in first place Cerro Mutun, without payment and under workers’ control! Expropriation of the landowners!

This congress is the one that will unite the workers ranks and will become the real power of the workers to give a way out from the crisis, preparing the revolutionary Genera Strike. This congress will be a real Popular and Originary Assembly, a real workers’ and peasants’ parliament that meets in El Alto to prepare the power of the exploited masses. Down with the regime of the fraudulent Constituent of the MAS and its pact with the fascist Media Luna!
This congress must organize the struggle form An emergency workers plan: Against the high cost of living imposed by this government with a brutal inflation, it is necessary to impose by the struggle: minimum wage and sliding scale of wages and working hours! For a general increment of wages on the basis of the cost of the family basket! Jobs for all! Permanent jobs for all the informal and precarized workers! Supplies and price control workers’ committees! Expropriation without payment and under workers’ control of the food industry! Expropriation of the landowners to guarantee cheap food!

For a revolutionary workers’ and peasants’ pact! Against the alliance of the government and the multinationals; against the pact of the MAS and the fascist Media Luna: It is necessary to set the revolutionary alliance of workers and poor peasants again, as it was in 200.2005! The government of Evo Morales attacked all the exploited sectors with its gasolinazo. Our struggle made it momentarily step back, but Morales, it is clear, must attack the masses on the account of the multinationals.
The poor peasants, cheated by their MASist leadership, are already taking the conclusión that not only this government did not give the land to them, but it will never do. To get the land for the poor peasants, it is necessary to expropriate the big landowners of the fascist Media Luna! Expropriation of all the banks and for a national united banking under workers’ control to give cheap loans for the ruined peasants so they can get seeds, tractors and fertilizers! The working class must rise up these demands and with their dynamite demonstrate that we are ready to impose them. This way the proletariat will end leading the poor and ruined peasants’ masses. With this demands, the poor peasants must send their delegates to El Alto to fight for land and cheap loans.

Stop with repression, jail and workers’ deaths! For the de-prosecution of the industrial workers, for the liberation and de-prosecution of the fighters of Caranavi. Free the communards of Ayo Ayo, condemned to 30 years in jail by the layer of judges of Evo Morales! Free all the political prisoners of the world! De-prosecution of all the working and popular fighters! For workers’ and peoples’ tribunals to judge and punish all the responsible for the massacres against the exploited masses!

For soldiers’ comittees to join the workers’ and peasants’ militia to defeat the assassin officers of the armed forces and the fascists of the Media Luna!

The government of Evo has demonstrated to be courageous to repress and kill workers as in Huanuni, the industrial workers of La Paz, Caranavi, Potosí; and coward to confront fascism with which it pacts. Its “socialist” armed forces are not to “serve the people” but to massacre it when imperialism orders that. They have proved themselves in Pando imposeing a provisional departmental government of the officers after the fascists, to whom they have not touched a single hair, had shot the peasants leaving their bodies floating in the river.
The working class must know that if it does not go forward taking revolution to victory, the bourgeoisie will try to smash by fire and sword. The workers and peasants must march on the army quarters to look for our children, rank and file soldiers under arms, to form their soldiers committees, to unrecognize the Banzerist officers, and to go with their arms to the workers’ and peasants’ militia. This is the militia of the exploited masses that, as in 1952 destroying the layer of officers, can guarantee the life of million of workers and poor peasants and put on feet the exploited masses of the Media Luna again to smash fascism. The FeJuVes can enlist the rank and file soldiers that live in the neighbourhoods for the workers’ and peasants’ militias. Let’s call for the recruitment of the most experienced workers and peasants to put on feet the militias in the workers’ offices to defeat the army and smash the fascist gangs of the Media Luna.

For a revolutionary leadership of the COB! It is necessary to expel all the collaborationist leaders. It is necessary to put the best elements of the working class in the leading posts, mainly the youth and the working women, revolutionary vanguard under the glorious Theses of Pulacayo. The leaders must be revocable at each step and must be under the control and the vigilance of the combative rank and file. It is necessary to conquer a revolutionary leadership of the COB to prepare and to organize an insurrection that definitively takes the struggle of the working class and the exploited masses to victory. Down with the collaborationist bureaucracy! For a revolutionary leadership of the COB!

This congress of the exploited masses, meeting in El Alto, will have authority to launch a call upon all the workers’ organizations of the continent to follow their way, to break with the Bolivarian governments and with the butcher Obama, to expel the treacherous leaders from their organizations and to send delegates to El Alto for a continental congress to prepare a revolutionary counteroffensive of the exploited masses against the imperialist plundering.
Workers of the continent: Let’s transform El Alto in the general headquarters of the American revolution! Workers’ continental congress now! Down with the fraud of the Bolivarian revolution! For the workers’ and peasants’ revolution to come back!

The general headquarters of the revolution working in El Alto must prepare
All power to the revolutionary COB based on the self-organization and the armament of the working class and poor peasants!

The revolution opened in 2003-2005 stayed non-concluded in the tasks and it was expropriated by the popular front. Today the revolution starts to stand up again. The working class can prevent a new catastrophe only by taking power. For that, it is necessary to recover our organizations for the struggle from the hands of the traitors, to conquer the most complete independence from the government, the bourgeoisie and its state and to transform the COB as the real and unique workers’ and peasants’ power. This embryonic workers’ power can only win through an armed insurrection that leave no vestige of the old and decadent bourgeois state.


To win, the Bolivian working class needs an internationalist revolutionary leadership at its head

The enormous irruption of the Bolivian proletariat has marked a new standpoint in the revolution opened in October 2003. At each step, the working class, educated with the Theses of Pulacayo and with an enormous historic revolutionary experience, has put on the agenda the struggle for workers’ and peasants’ power as the only way to solve the suffering of the exploited masses. Although, at each step, the leaderships stubbed it in the back to deviate and expropriate their combat.
In October 2003, befote the independent actions of the masses that made the head of Goni roll down, the leadership of the COB of Solares –who went to the gates of the army quarters calling for a “civic-military government”, together with Evo Morales, gave a truce to Mesa and closed the way towards a triumphant insurrection. In 2005, once more, the masses rose up with El Alto at the head –where the old miners expelled from the mines by the relocalization leave, sons of the revolution of 1952 and 1971- in supplementary revolutionary days and overthrew the government of Mesa. But, once more, the collaborationist leaderships gave a truce to Rodriguez, they rejected to apply the resolutions of the COR of El Alto of June 8th that showed the path to victory. This way, it was guaranteed the expropriation of the revolution putting Evo Morales, supported by the treacherous leadership of the proletariat, government that broke the workers’ and peasants’ alliance conquered in the streets. The popular front of Evo Morales, supported by the international bourgeoisie, came to disorganize the workers’ ranks, to sweep the organizations in struggle, to take the masses out of the streets, to cheat the proletariat and to repress the most combative sector as it did in 2007 killing in Caiwasi the miners of Huanuni with the army. This way it saved the genocidal layer of officers of the armed forces and made a pact with the “rosca” in the Constituent. With this plan, imperialism saved the property of the multinationals threatended by revolution.
When the popular front has played its entire role, imperialismo put its other agent in action, fascism of the Media Luna that in September 2008 led a fascist attack massacring workers and peasants in the whole Media Luna. The working class attempted to smash fascism, but its leaders prevented it by supporting Evo Morales, that at the same time was making a pact with fascism who was controlling half of the country. This pact between Evo Morales and the Media Luna was guaranteed by Unasur and OEA.
Even with all this fence, with control, treachery and expropriation of the revolution, the Bolivian proletariat did not say its last word. In may 2010, the industrial workers of La Paz began a process of breaking with the government of Evo Morales and of direct confrontation with the collaborationist leaderships of the COB. This process was fenced and divided by the bureaucracy helped by the POR of Lora who divided the vanguard sector by sector. This combat anticipated the present heroic irruption of the masses against the government of Evo Morales.
We can not ask any more to that heroic struggle of the Bolivian proletariat. It gave a lot more than anyone could imagine without having at its head an internationalist revolutionary leadership. Long live for the Bolivian working class! The Bolivian working class needs a revolutionary leadership that takes it to victory!

An urgent task
For the refundation of Bolivian Trotskyism as part of the refundaiton of the Fourth Internacional!

The proletariat of Altiplano is one of the most combative ones of the whole America. They have robbed the victory of revolution three times: in 1952; in 1971; and in 2003-2005. We could not take power because of the treachery of the leaderships and the absence of a real revolutionary leadership. The POR of Lora who had taken the Theses of Pulacayo to the proletariat and which had an enormous influence and weight in the COB and it workers militias in 1952, has subordinated to the bureaucrat Lechin and –under the policy of Pabloism, usurper of the Fourth International, and as well as Morenoism- rejected to call to impose a revolutionary government of the COB and finished with a “critical support” for the bourgeois government of MNR (Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario) that with Paz Estenssoro, guaranteed the defeat of the revolution. In 1971, the proletariat put on feet the Popular Assembly as embryo of the self organized workers’ power. Once again the POR applied its policy of class collaboration, this time subordinating the working class to the bourgeoisie with the “Antiimperialist Revolutionary Front”, dissolving the Popular Assembly to the feet of the “patriot military” Torrez, betraying a new revolution.
In the 2003-2005 revolution, the POR, was all the time supporting the collaborationist bureaucracy of the POR from the left and when the masses impossed an enormous workers’ and peasants’ council meeting in La Paz, in June 2005, Vilma Plata of the POR, from the stage, rejected to march on the army barracs, to organize teh workers’ militia and to prepare a triumphant insurrection which was the task for the moment while the head of Mesa was falling down. Loraism is “dictatorship of the proletariat” for holidays but reformist policy of pressure on the bourgeoisie every day.

The courageous Bolivian proletariat is in the centre of the stage of the world class struggle once more, breaking with the government of Evo Morales and wining the streets with their methods of struggle. It is an emergency task to conquer a revolutionary leadership that the masses did not have in 2003-2005. The leaders of that leadership are there, they head the pickets and the mobilizations, they are the ones that impulse the combat to expel the treacherous leaderships from the COB. They know each other, they leave in the same areas, they work in the mines and factories, and they are students that fight in the barricades. With those perspicacious workers and youth who are in struggle is with whom the Trotskyists of the LTI and the FLTI are giving strong steps to melt in the combat for the self-organization and the armament of the masses, in the struggle against the treacherous leaderships and with whom we must organize and triumphant insurrection to divide the army, smash the Banzerist layer of officers, expropriate the expropriatosr and demolish the bourgeois state putting on feet a workers’ and peasants’ revolutionary government. It is time for the refoundation of revolutionary Trotskyism in Bolivia! 100% of the forces of the revolutionaries of the world to put on feet a leadership that takes the Bolivian revolution to victory, as an episode of the a single American and Wold revolution! It is necessary to refound the Fourth International of 1938!





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