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 Endorsement from the students of the Secundary school Antonio Devoto in Buenos Aires


Dear Fighters:

We are from the Secundary School Antonio Devoto. We want to tell you that our school has been occupied. We have realized of your struggle and want to help you in your revolution. We are writing this letter to encourage you as regards the protests you are carrying out in Syria. We got informed on what it is happening to you and got much impacted.
Our school was occupied during 20 days because they want to change our degree so it has less value, and for tomorrow in our jobs to be paid less. As well when we demonstrated to the Ministry of Education all the students of my school were agreed on marching side by side the banner in support the Syrian masses. And now we, the students of Antonio Devoto, have stuck the advertising posters (up on street`s walls) for the festival on October 27th.

From Buenos Aires we support your fight!

Students of the Colegio Antonio Devoto

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