Mayday 2010 statement of the FLTI (Internacional Leninist Trotskyist Fraction) To the workers of Zimbabwe, South Africa, the entire African continent, the workers in the heart of imperialism and the world over. Today, the 1st May, we gather in our respective venues (across the world) to commemorate the day which comes to be after heroic fights by our class brothers and sisters over a century ago. As we commemorate we should reflect for a moment our challenges to realise and consolidate the achievements made so far. Day by day capitalism-imperialism, with the able assistance of fake Trotskyists, Stalinists, labour aristocracy and many other counterrevolutionary currents mushrooming in the entire modern world today, is violently reversing those gains. That is the situation approaching with every hour in Zimbabwe, the whole of Africa and the entire globe today. Today the world situation is pregnant with exactly, if not more ripened, Germany possibilities of 1931; the world working class no longer want to be ruled under the old order, they are questioning their loyalties to the popular front parties which, in Africa are fast replacing the discredited national liberation movements. In Africa, and in Zimbabwe in particular, there is an unholy alliance between employers and the government constituted by the three political parties namely; the two formations of Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and Zimbabwe African National Union -(Patriotic Front) (ZANU(PF)), to attack the workers. Indeed they (our class enemies-the government and the business) are aware the ball cannot remain on top of the pyramid for a while hence they want it to roll towards the right and break the back of the worker. Already some companies, in the textile, food, clothing, steel have started to heed the minister's call by sending workers home with some retrenching; why would they wait to begin acting when their protection is guaranteed? Workers and their leaders are victimized, persecuted, killed for demanding what is due to them. On the other hand the different gangs of all the bourgeois parties and the capitalists are busy plundering and sharing the country's natural capital amongst themselves. The objective is self-enrichment; they, in the name of addressing historical injustice take land and distributed amongst themselves, however, as usual they did not dare touch the land of imperialist nor their mines and factories. Their target was the property of some small capitalists. They are in Chiyadzwa where the different gangs are quarreling about who should be in charge of the diamond fields on behalf of Anglo-American/JP Morgan Chase. In the ZANU (PF) mouthpiece (the Herald) it was reported that "the government appointed company (IDC) could extract diamond worth over USD650 000 per week when fully capacitated". If these mineral and the proceeds from the sale of the precious stone were properly planned for, the country could feed not only its citizenry but the entire population of the continent. There would be no need to freeze wages / salaries of the civil servants, our children could enjoy free education, free access to health etc. While Biti is calling for companies to downsize (workforce and the wage / salary bill) the Prime Minister (Tsvangirai) and the President (Mugabe) are calling Zimbabweans in foreign lands where they are subjected to slave-like conditions offering cheap labour to return arguing that the economic and political situation has improved / stabilised. The Labour Minister too is quoted saying many companies are applying for retrenchment, but does this mean companies are operating at a loss? No, it is their policy to pay slave like wages / salaries, in fact they want free labour. The same Finance Minister went further to attack the few minimal 'favourable' provisions of the labour laws of the country (Zimbabwe), which he describes as too protective; clearly the minister as a servant of Anglo-American/JP Morgan Chase, wants the ball to break the workers’ backs. The workers must act independently from the leaders or policies of the political parties that represent the bosses and imperialism; they must defend their worker agenda. There is no harmony in the communities, in the factories, mines etc; workers are being attacked ruthlessly by capitalism-imperialism. We need to defend ourselves against this unholy alliance in the factories and our communities. For how long shall we drink and queue for untreated water? For how long shall our children remain out of school? For how long shall we continue destroying our forests for firewood? For how long shall the employers stagger our wages/salaries? For how long shall employers refuse to pay a wage/salary in line even with the minimal poverty datum level? For how long shall we remain without jobs? For how long shall we remain on short-time work schemes? For how long shall we live in darkness - without electricity? For how long shall we continue receiving anti-poor bills - we don't even consume what we are billed. For how long shall we remain beggars in our own country of birth? For until when shall we live in the open without a roof above and a decent floor under our bodies? For until when shall we watch our beloved class brothers and sisters die from hunger and curable diseases? In the meantime, as we endure hunger and misery, the rich land in Zimbabwe which could feed the entire Southern Africa is still in the hands of the imperialist companies, aided by their fascistic lackeys, the ‘white’ commercial farmers and the new agrarian bourgeoisie, who expropriated a portion of the best land for the officers of the bourgeois army of Mugabe and company. Small peasants see that they cannot live from their tiny plot of land. The agricultural workers are used as slaves in the plantations of the transnationals and the big agrarian bourgeoisie. We cannot continue like this! Enough with hunger, misery and ruin for the working class, the poor peasants and the rural workers! Enough with opulence and concentration of the wealth in the hands of the transnationals and the native bourgeoisie! AN APPEAL OF THE INTERNATIONALIST TROTSKYISTS OF ZIMBABWE ON THIS MAY DAY TO FIGHT TOGETHER WITH THE INTERNATIONAL WORKING CLASS This is why we are calling all workers of Zimbabwe, the region, the continent and internationally to unite and rally together under one banner, the banner of the international proletariat, of the urban and rural working class, which for us, is the Fourth International. We call to set up, against the bosses, the exploiters’ and the imperialist parties, a new internationalist revolutionary party of the working class, a new revolutionary party, a real General Staff of the working class and their allies, in order to put an end to the catastrophe that looms upon our heads and is killing us day by day. Far from being gravediggers of this rotten and smelly capitalist system in crisis, the world reformist left currents are tending it as caring nurses. After having long supported capitalism, now, when it is facing a thorough bankruptcy, and throwing its burdens over the backs of the working class and the oppressed people of the world, these traitors have unified their forces against the working class and in defense of the exploiters’ private property. Those wolves, dressed as sheep are calling now to set up “anti-capitalist” parties, but the “anti-capitalist” is just in name, as they refuse to touch a single interest of the transnationals, the banks and imperialism. Alas!... The workers do not deserve new obstacles on their path or new betrayers who speak on the name of socialism in order to better betray them. Workers who do not get their wages, enslaved rural workers in the plantations, workers who must migrate to work as slaves to neighbor countries: we must raise our fist on this May Day and take the lead to set up an internationalist revolutionary alternative. For workers to achieve real democratic demands we call for; • expropriation without compensation and put under workers' control all companies; closing down, put workers on retrenchment, victimizing workers and workers' leaders, stagger wages / salaries, paying slave like wages / salaries, impose short-time working scheme. Hundreds of thousands of workers are being dismissed in Zimbabwe by the bosses and by ZANU-PF and the MDC, and they have to migrate as outcasts in their own land to get a miserable job to sustain their starving families. To conquer food, clothing, education and all our demands, we need to expropriate all imperialist assets, without compensation and place them under workers’ control. Nationalise the land and expropriate all commercial farmers, without compensation, put them under workers control; create model worker collectives and invite all the poor peasantry to join such collectives. • They want to make us believe that there is no money. It is a lie. The parasites, the exploiters and imperialism are awash in money and wealth plundered from Africa! The question is clear: It is us or them. It is necessary to expropriate and nationalize the banks without compensation merging them into a single State Bank put under workers’ control. • That bank will be able to give cheap credit to the poor peasants, furnish cutting edge machinery to the plantations and nationalized land expropriated from the big agrarian bourgeoisie. • (workers) factory occupation on all companies that stagger wages / salaries, pay starvation wages / salaries, closing, retrenchment, victimize workers and workers leaders, impose short-time work scheme • an Independent Movement for Workers Power with the following steps: • break (trade unions, student organisations and other workers' organisations) with bourgeois parties (MDC, ZANU(PF), fake ‘Anti-Capitalist’ ) of the bosses that starve us. Break with their (MDCs) anti-workers pact with the ZANU(PF) and form an Independent Movement for Workers' Power. We must break the siege against the masses in Madagascar, imposed by Stalinists reformists and the agents of the bourgeoisie within the workers movement, the same siege imposed in Zimbabwe and in every decisive struggle by subordinating the working class to the bourgeoisie! Enough! Break with the bourgeoisie! One single class, one single struggle in the whole Southern Africa! Out French and US-UK imperialism from Madagascar! Our class brothers from Greece and their magnificent general strike against the attack of the capitalists and the Greek imperialist regime, junior partner of Goldman Sach/JP Morgan Chase, shows the way to all the world working class on how to fight against their exploiters. A congress of workers, poor peasants and soldiers of all Southern Africa could put on the agenda, starting from the revolutionary fight of the Greek workers, conquering the general strike that surpasses the borders, paralyzes the African continent and puts into question who owns the wealth that is daily plundered (by imperialism): either the exploiters or the working class (the real producers in Africa). The imperialist, the exploiters -since they take the bread, land, work away from us, they enslave us, they starve us, our children and our families to death- they deserve what our class brothers and sisters did in Kyrgyzstan. Facing the 200% increase of the basic products and the services, they paralyzed the country with strikes, barricades, picket lines and fighting in the streets. They disarmed the murderous police when they repressed, kicking out the government of the starvation and slavery, demolishing the institutions of the exploiters. -Labour aristocracy and bureaucracy out of our organizations! For workers’ democracy! Bourgeois state and its regulations on the unions out of the workers organizations! The only aim of the state of the exploiters and their laws is to corrupt the workers’ leaders with crumbs, in exchange for misery and the worst attacks against the large majority of the workers. -Close to our shores, less than a year ago, the workers and peasants in Madagascar have staged an uprising. They, organized together with the soldiers’ committees that refused to repress the people, knocked the hatred government of Ravalomanana down. They caused the whole bourgeoisie and the exploiters of our continent to tremble. All the forces of the bourgeois parties, of the imperialist powers, as well as that cynical “African Union” which is a ministry of colonies, came out to fence that heroic revolution that had started, in which Rajoelina and the rest of the bosses, servants of the French imperialism, put themselves on top of it to try expropriating and blocking it from developing. Long live the revolution in Kyrgyzstan! Long live the revolution in Madagascar! Long live the general strike in Greece! That’s the way to achieve victory in the entire Southern Africa that the International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction (FLTI) is proposing, while fighting for re-founding the world party of the whole working class, the Fourth In 1886 the militant workers of the First International , led by the US working class rose up for a 40 hour week; some were executed for their actions, but the uprising sparked the resistance that is continuing on a world scale today. Many workers have conquered even a 35 hour week. We call on the workers in the US, UK , France, Germany, Japan, to rise against your own imperialist who are today plundering China, Africa, Latin America. To free Zimbabwe the working class needs to take power into its hands in Southern Africa. Forward to a federation of Soviet Socialist republics in Central (Sub-Saharan) and Southern Africa. This goes hand in hand with the struggle for a Soviet USA, Soviet UK, Soviet France, Soviet Germany and Soviet Japan, otherwise we shall forever be in chains. The working class have already taken steps to establish that unity by taking the lead in the fight of the strike across borders in Europe, called by the migrant workers committees, led by African workers. There our strength is! For the international unity of the working class! No more subordination of the exploited to their executioners! The water and fire don’t mix! Supported by the International Co-ordination Secretariat of the FLTI |