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Argentina - 02/23/2012
Sarmiento Railway:
Murderous bosses!
The Kirchner government, the TBA boss and the union bureaucracy are all responsible
While the Sarmiento fighters and delegates denounce the vacuum and plundering of the trains, the bosses judge and the government chase them and put them in jail
Trial an punish to all the murders and responsible!
Nor hypocrite mourning nor condolences!
For the renationalization without payment and under worker control of the railway and all the privatize companies!
While the delegates of TBA Haedo Sectional denounced the vacuum of the train and the loot of the subsidy by the company and the government, the justice for rich and their judges chase them and put them in jail.
The delegates of the Railway Union Haedo Sectional spent a year denouncing the bad conditions of the trains and the obsolete material after of more than 70 years of being used. How the workers who drive and fix the rails are going to play with their lives and other workers!
When the workers denounced this, they received threats of dismissals and the judges of the boss Cirigliano, Anibal Fernandez and the Kirchener put in jail their delegates and prosecute them as it happened some month ago with “Pollo” Sobrero.
Haedo delegates are the only one with the authority (right) to condemn today what they call “chronic with a announced death” which meant the massacre of Once where 50 workers die and more than 700 people were wounded when the train crashed the terminal of Sarmiento Railway last Monday February 22.
This happens 5 months after the crash between a Sarmiento train and a bus on Flores Station. There 11 workers died (most of them immigrants) because the barrier did not work and the responsible where the boss.
Now the boss and the government will try to blame the machine worker, the one who drive the train. They will make responsible the workers because they “were in the first car”. But this time any of them will be able to say that this was the responsibility of thousands and thousands of workers uprising, who are tired to travel as animals in the trains of Menem, Kirchner, so on. In several opportunities, when the train did not work properly the workers stood up against the train cars because day by day the trip caused them terrible sacrifice and the lost of their jobs and even more now they have taken their lives.
This time it was clear that the workers are the only ones who care their source of work and now in order to do it they protect the lives of the workers who take the train. This massacre was produced by the insatiable greed for the profit of the boss.
The boss did not care for the worker lives. For that reason, dozens of workers with some kind of incapacity are rotten in the ART for “work accident” or are dismissed as dogs when they are sick.
Even more, hundreds of workers who were wounded or die in this massacre in Sarmiento Railway, meanwhile they were getting hospitalized or their bodies lied in the morgue, the dismissal letter was sent because they were late or they were not at work.
Thus, as it could not be in another way, the government and their corrupt ministers who negotiate the commissions for the subsidies with the transport companies made a new “Cromanon”. A new massacre. It was not an “accident” nor a “inevitable tragedy”. It was a massacre with killers who have name and surname: the judges, the government, their state, all their institutions and the subsidy boss: the parasite of Cirigliano of TBA.
The responsible for the massacre cannot judge or investigate to themselves. Worker and Popular trials to judge and punish all the murderous of Once massacre!
TBA workers must call and have the entire authority to do it to all the worker and student organizations and the popular sectors, to set up a Commission to investigate, judge and punish the responsible of this massacre. A real worker and popular trial led by the relatives of the victims –murdered and wounded- together with the workers. They must judge and punish the judges bribed by the companies, the companies that steel the money of the taxes paid by the workers and the people and the government who gave millions of subsidies to the bosses, and they buy tinplate, so between all of them they share the profits.
The bosses and their government will try the time pass. As in Cromanon, they will send a bunch of pseudo psychologies and cheap social assistance for “contention” of the relatives that even today they are going to the hospitals for hours and hours looking for their relatives. They will try time “heal” the wounds, as it happened with the 3 workers, most of them immigrants, who were in workshop of “wet bed” and were killed in Parque Indoamericano in December 2010 while the murders are all free.
They want us to forget about the massacre in Ledesma, Jujuy where judges and policeman, backed by Kirchner government, killed 3 workers who were fighting for some meters of land last year.
They do not care about the lives of the workers. Ibarra, political responsible of Cromanon massacre is free. Menem, who made exploded half of Rio Tercero City with his weapons smuggling, is a senator. De La Rua who killed 40 fighters in December 20th 2001 is in his house in Martinez very healthy while Duhalde still has its hands with blood from Kostequi and Santillan. |
Against the 2 days mourning of the government and the murderous bosses
Against the conspiracy silence of the treacherous union bureaucracy and against the persecution against the workers fighting
To renationalize without payment the railway and all the privatize companies and put them under worker control
One claim, one fight!
National strike now!
This new massacre against the workers has the complicity of business men from the union bureaucrats (La Fraternidad and Union Ferroviaria), who get their wealth as partners in the outsourced companies of the railways which are used to slave thousands of workers. They are the same rail way unions who in October 2010, head by Pedraza, shot with their gunmen –paid by the bosses and the government- the Roca railway workers and murdered comrade Mariano Ferreyra.
These shameless thugs, who received thousands dollars from the health insurance companies, now say “we have to wait for the reports on the accident” to see who is responsible of this massacre: whether the bosses or workers. Thieves! They are all Pedraza! They are all partners of the bosses and government in this new massacre against the working class! Down with the scab union bureaucracy!

The responsibles for the massacre of Sarmiento: Kirchner, Cirigliano and Schiavi |
In the mean time, the leaders of the unions CGT and CTA, this sold out bureaucracy, keep absolute silence about the workers who died or were wounded in Once. Because most of the wounded, disabled and murdered did not have any right in their jobs (they were under the table) and were outsourced workers, who weren’t part of any union, as there are the 60% of the Argentinean working class who is not under any collective agreement or have no right.
The bureaucracy remains in silence. That is what bosses and the government paid them for. So they say nothing and cover the outsourced workers, because that’s how workers live and die in the Argentina maquila of slave workers travelling 2-3 hours to work and work 10 hours shifts.
Union bureaucracy joins government’s hypocritical mourning. For them, as for the bosses who pay them, what happened in Once was an “accident” and a “tragedy”, and it wasn’t a massacre of the government and bosses against workers. We can’t allow it!
All workers organizations and currents who claim to defend workers against capitalists; the least they can do is regroup our forces together with the workers of railway Sarmiento. It is indispensable send delegates and representatives of all struggling organizations of the working and student movements and from all the peoples who rebelled against the plunder of the miners companies. It is necessary give solidarity and fight now together with Sarmiento workers! Their demands are the demands of the workers at national level.
The fight for expropriation without compensation and renationalization of all the privatized companies, to place them under workers’ control, is the solution against the larceny of wealth of the nation by imperialism.
In the Argentina of Cirigliano, workers travel like cows and die trying to go to their jobs. In Argentina of Repsol of the Bourbons of Spain, and their partners of Kirchner, there are already shortages of oil, fuel and gas. Now it is the time for the miner companies, together with the oligarchy, plundering all nation wealth.
The claim of trial and punish to all those responsible of the massacre of Once, and renationalization without compensation and under worker control of the railways and all transport companies, which are subsidized with the money of the taxes paid by workers and the people, in a single demand of all workers and their struggling organizations.
The Haedo Shop Stewards Corps of Union Ferroviaria, the Shop Steward Corps of subway workers and the militant workers of Bus Line 60. All of them suffered the thugs of the bureaucracy as they denounced the business between the bosses and government as well as fighting for their demands, together with the workers and students organizations whom delegates and leaders are prosecuted, and the families of the comrades murdered in Indoamerican Park, Jujuy, etc., headed by the families of the workers who travelled in line Sarmiento, we must set up a Struggling Workers Front for:
Trial and punishment to all those responsible of the massacre of railway Sarmiento, Indoamerican Park, Jujuy, Ferreyra, Cromañon and other martyrs of the workers killed in Argentina of the bosses and imperialism! Worker and popular courts to investigate.
Immediate liberty to Oñante (oil workers’ shop steward of Las Heras), Olivera (SITRAIC), the workers Tapia and Claros (Jujuy) and others workers imprisoned for fighting! Drop all charges against over 6,000 workers and popular fighters!
Murderous state! Enough with the profits for capitalists stained with the blood and oppression of the working class!
Several workers organizations and left parties have denounced that there is a “Project X”, i.e., the investigation and intelligence by repressive forces against workers when they go out to fight. These repressive forces are in charge of taking care and protect the governments when they attack and massacre the masses.
The massacre of Once is also “Project X”. It is the repressive forces, judges paid by transnational and representatives and bourgeois politicians defending the business and capitalists’ interests.
This is the “Project X” where the intelligence services and repressive forces show no mercy with fighters, because they defend the interest of the possessor and exploiters ones of the nation.
Currently over 6,000 workers fighters are prosecuted… Because the intelligence is not against Cirigliano, UIA and Rural Society, or against any capitalist government, even less it is against the murderous army men. Intelligence doesn’t investigate either how is in risk workers’ lives who travel in the roof of the trains, or how they risk their lives every day in the jobs due to the exploiter bosses.
“Project X” has full name: is a state with all the institutions, the justice, government, fake Parliament of this democracy for the rich people and their oppressive forces, all of them are created to safe capitalists’ private property and the larceny of all wealth of the nation by imperialism and transnational companies.
Down with the “laws of intelligence”! Down with “anti-terrorist law”! Dissolution of the police, gendarmerie and all repressive forces of the state! The officer caste must be smashed since they are employees of the bankers, transnational companies, capitalists and bourgeois governments on power! For surveillance committees of the workers organizations all over the country!
Cristina Kirchner said that “being revolutionary” was very easy under her government and this regime. Let’s be clear: what is hard under her government is being a worker, travel in Cirigliano’s and Anibal Ferndandez’s trains and not to die. What is hard is being a teacher who claims for wage increase and not being killed like Fuentealba in the Neuquen roads. What is harder and harder is face union bureaucracy and not being shot by the gunmen armed by bosses’ politicians who, like Cirigliano, steal the money from taxes and people’s work. That is very hard.
Today the working class keeps vigil over its martyrs by the massacre of Sarmiento. The bosses weren’t in any trian car.
Yesterday there were the massacres in the Indoamerican Park and Jujuy. And textile workshops of “wet bed” were set on fire with workers, their wives and children on them inside, as it happened in the workshop Luis Viale.
The government and its people called them “accidents”, “misfortunes” and “tragedies”.
That is why Kirchners say that that they have an answer: it is very hard to fight for the workers’ claims and not being shot down by the police or the gunmen of the union bureaucracy in some street, route or land occupation, or dying just for the “felony” of going to work in trains, or suffering tens of trials and be imprisoned as the workers of Las Heras and Olivera (SITRAIC).
For a national movement of workers organizations to fight for the expropriation without compensation and re-nationalization under worker control of railways, all transport companies, transnationals and all privatized companies!
The Argentina maquila and “grave trains” must end now!
because the only way out is, everybody out nobody left!
Democracia Obrera