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Left Front: not a single Word facing the genocide against the masses in Syria
Their alternatives: or at the knees of Al Assad or with the Free Syrian Army

As in the World Social Forum in Tunisia (March 2013), where the Syrian revolution divided the members, then they decided to hide this problem: within the Left Front, the question over this revolution, genocide against the masses and war, has been buried in the election campaign.

From the political leadership of PTS, they said that open revolution in Syria had its higher point when it was "militarized". So the labor movement inoculated with the strangulation of the revolution was imposed there in 2011 just when the working masses did not obey the clerics, imposing peaceful demonstration for bread, which ended up being slaughtered by Al Assad. They claim that while there were peaceful demonstrations with unarmed masses demanding bread, started the "Arab Spring", and when it was "militarized", it was strangled. So when unarmed masses , who were slaughter by the army of Al Assad, they self-defended, got armed, divided the army, set up soldiers committees and workers committees, as were the Coordinating Committees for these people ...the revolution is "militarized" and was strangled! In these Coordination Committees was the embryo of the Commune, a dual power and the real possibility of victory, with the method of the proletarian revolution against Assad .
The PTS leadership recognizes now "the right of the masses to defeat al- Assad", after more than two years when the entire uprising people has given their blood and 500,000 dead to fight against the dictatorship, and this leadership has not lifted a single finger. There are believable! Let alone when they all talked and announced the fake argument that Obama armed the masses fighting in Syria. They are not only giving it a "democratic" characteristic to Obama (who orders Assad to slaughter his own people, Obama sent military armies to slaughter in Afghanistan and Iraq, and he is the biggest criminal in the world war) but in front of the world proletariat eyes, they posed a slander on the Syrian masses who give their lives to fight against the murderous Al Assad regime. In this way, they isolate the uprising Syrians people so it is still slaughtered. Al Assad ... and Obama stand up and applaud this sci-fi fable disclosed by the PTS leadership...

Socialist Left(Izquierda Socialista), another wing of the Left Front, it spends posting on its website or in the UIT ( the international current ) website interviews to the FSA (Free Syrian Army) generals, suggesting that they are "democratic" sector or friends of the people and workers. French NPA that has signed with UIT a joint statement at the WSF in Tunisia, also says the same. A such "Joseph Daer", supported by these currents, talks about a youth coalition called "Revolutionary Youth" in Syria, he says that in areas where the FSA controls are "full democracy". This is a lie. The FSA is a bourgeois army party -of generals who for years were with Al Assad-, they disarm the masses and defend private property of capitalists. Those generals are part of the propertied classes or make negotiations with them. That is why they do not expropriate any bourgeois men. And this in the civil war is crucial, as those who have the means of production and exchange values ​​define who is hungry and who is not. For this reason, the struggle to expropriate the bourgeoisie is the only one that opens the way to win the war and defeat Al- Assad. If this question is not clear stated, it will mean to say that the masses could starve. Unfortunately, political currents that do not tell the truth to the world masses on the FSA are also responsible for the siege of the revolution because the “democratic” generals siege from within the revolution.





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