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Down with the murderous state!

In Bariloche, the murderous police of Rio Negro, in cold blood,  killed , with a shot in the head, Diego Bonefoi,-a 15 –year- old-boy.
Thousands of students and worker youth went to the streets in an attempt to take over the police station in a true revolt and pitch battle against “the trigger happy” murderous police that responded, launching a bloody repression killing Nicolas Carrasco (16 years old) and Sergio Jose Cardenas (29 years old), causing 14 wounded and an undetermined number of disappeared youth and others in detention. 
The hunting dogs of the bosses, with their guns, chased after the workers and youth, shooting them. Since they are the guardians of international tourism and of the plundering oil companies, the same oil companies that repressed the Mosconi Picketers, tortured and put in jail Las Heras workers and who massacre the masses of Middle East and the entire world, with their oil wars.
Thus, with shootings, repression, unemployment and “paco” (drug), the Kirchner government and the anti-worker opposition and their infamous Social Pact regime, attack the exploited youth so that they would not rebel against hunger and misery. There are thousands of workers facing prosecution in the country and dozens of political prisoners. Meanwhile the former presidents like Duhalde and Menem of PJ and De La Rua of  UCR, killers of dozens of militant workers like the more than 40 martyrs of December 20th 2001, or the picketers massacred in the street, like Teresa Rodríguez, Aníbal Verón, Víctor Choque, Kostequi and Santillán, as well as Sobisch , the killer of the teacher Fuentealba, enjoy freedom and absolute impunity. Like the murderous officer caste of the military dictatorship, who were saved by the bosses’ justice, by being sent  to VIP jails and private neighbourhoods, after they killed  30,000 workers and students.
The bureaucracies of CGT and CTA and their gangs of gunmen and thugs (such as those of the Triple A of Peron, Isabelita and Lopez Rega) are accomplices of this massacre made by the bosses. After guaranteeing the dismissals and suspensions of hundreds thousands of workers, they together with the picketer bureaucracy divide the workers ranks while selling out the salary demands through starvation collective bargaining and guaranteeing  a pool of millions of unemployed workers. .
This is the Bicentenary celebration of Cristina Kirchner and the anti-worker opposition of the agrarian bourgeoisie of the Macri, Carrio, and Cobos, etc., true lackeys of imperialism, murderers of workers! This is the “democracy” of the slave bosses and their parties, such as PJ and UCR, continuity of the killers of the working class such as Varela, Falcon, Camps and Videla! This is the “democracy” that paid tribute to Afonsin, killer of the workers in the uprisings against hunger! Down with the arch-reactionary Constitution of 1853/1994! Down with the infamous Social Pact regime!
Enough! The working class must rise up! Long live the legitimate right of self defense of the workers and the youth against the bloody repression of the murderous State! Long live the brave revolt of the worker youth! Out the police commanded by the Río Negro governor Saiz, the mayor Gasgon and the slave bosses and Out the gendarmerie sent by the anti-worker government of Kirchners!
Dissolution of all the repression forces of the State and for replacing them with workers, popular and students self defence committees/workers militia!
Enough! We must stop the repression! The workers and youth of the Neighborhood Boris Furman cannot be isolated! For a coordinating organ of the militant workers and students organizations of Rio Negro to lead the call for a  national General Strike!
We call on all the workers organizations and militant students organizations to organize mobilizations, highway blockades, strikes, picket lines, public meetings, assemblies, etc., and all kinds of solidarity actions that allow us to stop the repression.
This is a task of the entire workers movement, of the employed and unemployed workers! Let all the sectors in struggle, the militant workers organizations of the country, the internal commissions in the factories, the Factory delegates bodies and the branches of the unions taken from the hands of the bureaucracy, the piquetero movement and the militant students organizations, send delegations to the Neighborhoods of El Alto of Bariloche city to organize the workers self-defense and unify the struggles for salary, work, against the imperialist plundering and repression in a single demand! One class, one fight!
We must set up workers and popular self-defense committees and militias and prepare and organize the General Strike to smash the repression on the part of the reactionary and killer government of Kirchner!
Let‘s convene immediately the Third National Piquetera Assembly of employed and unemployed workers!
Stop persecuting those who are fighting! Immediate release of “Tyson” Fernandez of Tartagal, Roberto Martino from FAR-MTR, Jose Villalba and the rest of the political prisoners! Free the fighters in prison of Andalgala! Down with the fake trials against Beica, Sauvolard, Villalba, Berta Gonzalez, Esteche, Gomez, etc.! End all prosecutions and legal processes against the workers and popular fighters!
The spirit of Julio Lopez and Luciano Arruga lives! No trust in the boss’ justice! Out the hands of the church, out all the ‘mediations’! For workers and popular tribunals to judge and punish the murderers of yesterday and today!

Democracia Obrera


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