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August 17th, 2013

EGYPT – Statement of the FLTI Collective for the 4th International

Yesterday with Mubarak, then with Morsi and today with a military coup, the same officer caste of the Egyptian Army keeps starving the worker.

They keep killing the people and selling out the nation to imperialism

Down with the military dictatorship supported by Obama, Zionism and the pirates of Wall Street!

  • With fake elections and constituent assemblies
  • With politicians who are representatives of businessmen and bankers, like Muslim Brothers and the “democrat” couper El Baradei
  • With counterrevolutionary blows like the ones of Al Sisi and the massacres to the masses
  • With savage devaluations, 30% unemployment and with new agreements signed with IMF…

Workers and the people haven´t conquered bread yet, they bleed in the streets of Egypt and the country is tied with dual chains to imperialism

In Egypt in 2011 a revolution against Mubarak´s dictatorship started, against starvation and against the regime of the Generals guardianed and financed by Washington and West Point. It was the flame of the hills of Maghreb and Middle East lightened by Tunisia´s spark. It was the beginning of a single worker, poor peasants and starving people revolution of Egypt and the entire region.
The revolution that started to conquer bread, end with imperialist plunder and to conquer freedom, can only succeed with workers and poor people seize power, with the victory of worker socialist revolution.
The fraudster and apologists of imperialism and ruling classes talk about “democratic revolutions”, “peoples´ spring”. The “democrats”, first Morsi and then El Baradei, supported at last the worst massacres against the masses commanded and guardianed by the Military Board.
The veil had fallen. The coup of Egypt reflects the “spring” that everyone celebrated. This is “their democracy”: the one of the exploiters, imperialist powers that submit and plunder the oppressed peoples, the one of the electoral frauds, counterrevolution, genocide as in Syria, fascist gangs as in Tunisia, massacres in Bahrein, imperialist invasions as in Mali, increase of the Palestine colonization in hands of Zionism…
In Egypt, as yesterday in Syria, a chapter of counterrevolution is being written.

With different revolutionary combats, general strikes, fights in the streets and taking Tarhir Square, the masses looked a way to triumph in their revolution.
They revolutionary fights were expropriated, their leaderships submitted them to the traps of parliaments and fake Constituent Assemblies. WSF and reformist left called them to submit to the bourgeois politicians disguised as “democrat”, opportunists who never fought against Mubarak. Tarhir Square gave exploited´s power to their executioners. It didn’t destroy or disarmed the murderous officer caste of Mubarak´s army, which is under the command of Pharaoh Obama and US imperialism.
Working class and exploited people didn´t seize power. The executioners of the people want to recover their stability and dominance. After the genocide in Syria, the new act of imperialist bourgeois counterrevolution started in Egypt.
Tarhir Square can´t delegate never again, it must conquer the weapons… in order to conquer bread it must take power, from the worker and solider committees.
Tarhir Square, the one of the exploited´s, is the only one that can decide who are the allies and who are the enemies of revolution. On it there is room for those who claim for bread, jobs, to end with the massacres of the murderous army and there won´t be room for those who kill, betray and sell it out to the exploiters.
There must be a break with the bourgeoisie, their parties and murderous Generals.

Egypt can´t be a new Syria. Worker and socialist revolution must set up.
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