October 16th, 2012
JRCL response to the repression
Dear comrades of the FLTI,
We the JRCL denounce the repression launched by the Argentinean state against the Movimiento por la Democracia Obrera and the Fraccion Leninista Trotskista Internacional.
Comrades of the FLTI! Smashing the repression, forward your fight! We are with you.
We also send another report on the struggle in Okinawa against the deployment of the Osprey. Militant Japanese workers and students carried out their fight despite the police suppression and the US Force intimidation. They are now fighting for a nation-wide upsurge of the struggle against Ospreys' flight drills under the banner 'Against the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!' They are determined to promote this struggle in solidarity with workers and people all over the world who are fighting against the rulers imposing on them war, poverty and repression.
Let us fight together.
Japan Revolutionary Communist
League - Revolutionary Marxist Fraction