Endorsement of Coordinadora contra la la Represión Policial e Institucional (CORREPI, Coordinator against the Police and Institution Repression) of Argentina October 11th, 2012
Breaking and intimidation to the militant lawyer On Wednesday September 26th, in a simultaneous operation, there were breaks in homes of militant of Movimiento por la Democracia Obrera, to particular homes as well as to the law office of he comrade and lawyer and militant of this organization, Viviana Noguerol. In the breaking there were dozens of police forces, who checked dairy, papers, mattress and library, putting aside for their custody and carefully revision books on Marxism and Socialism. These were proceeds that had a direct action some days before when Paula Medrano, daughter of disappeared and militant of Democracia Obrera, received a call from UFI N8 from La Plata, where they informed her that “in a place” there was a paper with her name and surname. From there it was the official argument for the breakings. The “guaranteed judge” is Cesar Ricardo Melazo, a judge that at the same time he is affiliated to the Justicialista Party when he was 18, he claimed to admire Che Guevara. Far from Guevarism, the judge has a very clear resume: he is the one that this year confessed that he “would like to break the face of these ´Quebrachitos´”, after the incidents in the English embassy. But that was not an unfortunate expression of the judge, but a truly statement who was part of the Partido de Unidad Federalista of Luis Patti, this judge that in 2008 ordered the vacancy of Mafissa and in 2009 he decided to take a charge to trial for resistant to authority against the student militant Facundo Ferray, when he tried to interfere and stop a repression of two police men to a 15 year old boy in La Plata. This charge was dropped through the fight and demonstration done by different political and students organizations. In 2011 the same judge ordered to file a charge of harassment and hit a woman of the famous Capitan Guillermo Salas, street chief of the police station 1 of La Plata. The judges, protecting the police and the institutions while they chase and attack the popular militants, they just follow the specific instructions that are commanded to do. For that reason, facing the persecution to the comrades, there is no surprise nor a little indignation should be tour response, because this fact is in the natural necesity of the state that watched out and chases in order to repress better the strike of the people. Instead, our demands must be the active solidarity towards the popular organizations and to make superior our organization and our fight. CORREPI Coordinadora contra la Represión Policial e Institucional (Coordinator against the Police and Institution Repression)