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The youth and working class in Chile have carried out a new revolutionary fight-day. They did so despite and against the union and youth bureaucracy and  all the reformist leaderships that tried by all means to prevent the national strike on August 24th and 25th from transforming into a revolutionary general strike to overthrow the Piñera government and dismantle the regime of the right-wing, the Concertación and Communist Party.
Despite this fact, hundreds of thousands of exploited overwhelmed the streets of every city in Chile. The bourgeoisie responded jailing almost 1500 fighters and killing Manuel Gutiérrez by shooing him in his chest.
The exploited respond with huge barricade-combats, the strikes and occupation of colleges and universities continue and the working class pushes to enter the struggle and be at its head:



 Till all the assassins of the Chilean people and who sell out the nation to imperialism get out and nobody left!


 Out La Concertación of the “Bushelet” and “pacos de rojo” sustaining them”!
 Down with the civic-military regimen of the pinochetist murderous military-men and the boss politicians lackeys of Wall Street!

Down with the pinochetist constitution of ‘80s! Down with the free trade agreements that sell out Chile to imperialism!


With a delegate per 100 workers and per 500 students to regain the fighting organizations of the worker and youth movement without “pacos rojos” and without collaborationist leaderships!


None pact or negotiation with the killers of the Chilean workers and youth! Down with the negotiation rounds of the government, the CONFECH, the Teachers Colleges and organizations of the High school! Down with the trap of the negotiation tables! Don’t let allow that our historical struggle to be sell-out in exchange of alms! No more collaborationist leaderships in the CUT and all the workers and youth organizations! That they break with their submission to the civic-military regimen of the right wing and the Concertacion!

Today, when it has been proved that neither the bloody repression nor the burnout, nor the diversionist and class collaboration policy propelled by the bureaucracy of the CUT, Confech and Cones have been able to crush our struggle, the bourgeoisie as a whole propel a plan to expropriate and seize our great struggle. Thus, when Piñera calls on the youth organizations for a dialogue, the Concertación, together with the Communist Party- and sustained by the bureaucracies of the worker and youth movement- taking part of those meetings, they try to put themselves over our struggles by supporting the national strike of CUT.

They, the Concertacion, - through its negotiation rounds with the Government and Congress in a demagogic way calling on Piñera for him to “listen to workers and students”- want to establish a “democratic pact” to save the civic-military regimen and the Piñera government preventing that the beginning of the revolution ends up overthrowing them. For that reason, they tell workers and students of the country that those fake negotiation rounds mean a triumph of our struggle. The true triumph is that we, the working class and exploited, are in offensive position against the bourgeoisie and imperialism carrying out in a 4-month-glorious struggle several revolutionary days leaving the pinochetist regimen and pro-imperialist government in crisis. The great and only triumph is that we, the exploited, have started to solve our problems with our own hands by demanding the re-nationalization of cooper under workers control for free education and decent wage.

In 2006, the students and workers of the country saw that from the negotiation tables as the so-called Consejos Asesores Presidenciales of Bachelet nothing was gained, that is, none of the student’s demands. We cannot allow that once again they expropriate our struggle!

 Out the hands of the fake concertacion “opposition” from our struggle! They governed and administered the Pinochet regimen during more than 20 years! They massacred and repressed similarly or worse than Piñera! Under their governments they applied the laws of Full Stop and amnesty that saved the genocides and torturers of the Pinochet dictatorship! Aylwin imposed the Anti-Terrorist Law that fills the jails with political prisoners! Bachelet imposed the slavery Outsourcing Law; she defended the LOCE of Pinochet and militarized together with Piñera the South of Chile after the earthquake! Neither forgets nor forgives the assassinations of Daniel Menco, Alex Lemún, Rodrigo Cisterna, Matías Catrileo, Claudia López and Jaime Mendoza, all of them, fighters killed in cold-blood by the governments of the Concertación! The Concertación sustained by the CP get deeper the nation selling out for imperialist to loot by signing the FTA with imperialism!

We must paralyse the mines, factories, docks and the whole country! We must attack the profits and private property of exploiters to hit where we hurt them mostly! National Committee of struggling Now! All of us that fight and sustain the occupations and strikes are the ones who decide! Long live the direct democracy of the worker and student movement!

NATIONAL CONGRESS OF RANK AND FILE DELEGATES OF THE MINING WORKER MOVEMENT AND ALL THE WORKING CLASS TOGETHER WITH THE MILITANT STUDENTS AND POOR PEASANTS With a delegate per 100 workers and per 500 students to regain the fighting organizations of the worker and youth movement without “pacos rojos” and without collaborationist leaderships!
For factory committees in each mine, industry and workplace to refound the Chilean worker movement from bottom to top!

Down with the collaborationist leaderships of the worker and student movement! No more alliances between the CUT leadership and exploiters of Pymes (Small and Medium companies)! We must get the entire working class rebel to take them to lead the exploited in their struggle against imperialism and the lackey bourgeoisie and impose on all the workers and students organizations their break with the bourgeoisie, its regimen, and government! Stop sustaining the union bureaucracy of CUT and student bureaucracy of Confech!

All the organizations that speak in the name of the working class must break with their policy of pressuring on Piñera government that only gives repression, jail, dismisses, hunger, and misery! That all the workers and student organizations such as SITECO, and independent unionism, ACES, opposition university federations of CONFECH and the currents that vindicate to be of the working class and enemies of the government such as: FEL, FPMR, MIR, PTR (ex-Clase contra Clase) put all their forces and influence at disposition of these tasks!

To conquer all the demands of the exploited, there is a single way: Expropriators must be expropriated! Renationalization of cooper without payment and under workers control! Expropriation without payment and under workers control of all the usurious bank, all the transnationals and slaver boss!

There it is the money to conquer: public, free and secular education in all levels! Salary according to the cost of living, 700.000 pesos now! Down with the outsourcing work! Everybody in permanent staff! All the available hands must be in the production: reduction of the labour shift to six hours to impose one more shift in all the factories and workplaces!
Reinstate the dismissed workers in strike and the students expelled from their colleges and universities!

For a Public Works Plan under control of the workers organizations to re-build Chile with the highest anti-seismic technology and give housing to all the exploited! Land for the poor peasants! Non-recognition of the Chilean families’ debt with the usury bank! No payment of the external debt!
It is time to overthrow the vile regime of the ’80s Constitution that represses, chases, and massacres and jails us! Workers and popular tribunals to judge and punish the military men and boss politicians of yesterday and today! Down with the military justice! Immediate dissolution of the murderous pacos and all the repressor forces of the regime! Unconditional and immediate freedom and non-prosecution (drop the charges) of all the chased fighters! Down with the pinochetist antiterrorist law! Every unemployed worker, youth and student have the most absolute right to rebel against the capitalist yoke and defend themselves from the murderous pacos and to attack the property of the capitalists. The bourgeoisie already starts to organize semi-fascist gangs to attack the occupied colleges at night and frighten those fighting: Self-defence Committees of all the workers, students and peasants’ organizations to defend ourselves from the repression of pacos and murderous military-men!

This murderous regime, lackey of imperialism, if it has to, it won’t hesitate in getting the military out to the streets as in 1973 to crush the revolution in bloodshed. Facing this prospect, as the revolutionary masses have done it in Egypt and Libya, we need to call the rank and file of the army, the workers and peasants in arms, for them to break with the murderous officers and move onto the side of the exploited. The Chilean regime is that of the murderous officers’ caste of the army, a true counterrevolutionary military party that steals 10% of the profits of Chilean copper: Down with the reserved law of copper!
In 1973 hundreds of revolutionary soldiers rose in Valparaíso and Talcahuano against the coup officers, while MIR kept a criminal silence since it supported the “pacific way to socialism” of Allende. So the soldiers were left isolated and became victim of torture and murder. We cannot let this to happen again! For revolutionary soldiers committees!


Let the second Chilean revolution to start!
Let the glorious industrial chains (cordones industriales) to be set up again!

Today, the reformist left that talks about “democratic Constituent Assemblies” and “biding referendums” wants to impose the youth and the working class the same trap with which they deceit the revolutionary masses in 1973. They want the exploited to believe that there is a “pacific way” to defeat the regime of the murderous military, the right-wing, the Concertacion and the Communist Party. But the Pinochetist regime that rules Chile was imposed with blood and fire, bombing La Moneda (government house) and launching genocide against the revolutionary masses!
On the contrary, the revolutionary Trotskyists affirm that only a revolutionary provisional government of the workers and peasants that breaks with imperialism and overthrows the civic-military Pinochetist-Concertation regime of the 1980 constitution can solve the demands of work, free education, health and housing by re-nationalizing copper without compensation and placing it under workers control and giving the land to the poor peasants. Only this government, based on self-determination organs with direct democracy and with generalized arming of the masses, which can only come out from the defeat of the genocide Pinochet’s officer caste of the army, will be able to secure also a free democratic sovereign Constituent Assembly.

Therefore, over the rubbles of the Pinochetist regime and the murderous officers’ caste, we need to impose:
Revolutionary provisional government of the workers and poor peasants based on the combat organizations of the exploited, to expel and expropriate imperialism that plunders and bleeds out the nation!
For a workers and socialist Chile, without transnationals companies or imperialist banks, without boss politicians of the Concertation or Pinochetists and without genocidal generals!
For a Chile of the victorious Industrial Chains (cordones industriales)!

To achieve victory we need to fight as in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia! To be able to eat, to have free education and decent wages: we need to overthrow and demolish the governments and regimes which are servants of imperialism!

The militant Chilean youth and its martyrs, such as Manuel Gutierrez, are part of the fight of the revolutionary youth that is rising in Spain, England and Greece. It is the spark that must turn on once again the socialist revolution in the American continent!
In Latin America, the new lackeys of imperialism, the “Bolivarian” bourgeoisies expropriated the huge revolutions and uprisings made by the exploited masses in the beginning of the 21st Century. The exploited masses in Chile, with their struggle, have re-taken the fight of the Bolivian working class of 2003 with the war cry “gringos get out, gas for Bolivia!”. Today, we must take up the war cry of the working class and the exploited of Argentina in 2001: “everybody out, no one left!” The working class of the American continent must break the subordination to the bourgeoisie imposed by the reformist leaderships: Down with the sham of the “Bolivarian Revolution”! Break with the butcher Obama and imperialism! The working class of the continent must rise together with their class brothers and sisters of Chile!
Let all the workers organizations of the continent put up their forces at the service of preventing the siege on the fight of the Chilean proletariat and breaking with the bourgeoisie. We need to call now for a Continental Congress of the workers organizations of the American Continent to gather in Santiago and vote a plan for the struggle to achieve these tasks!
Neither FTA, FTAA, MERCOSUR, nor ALBA of the restorationist Cuban Castroite bureaucracy which has definitively moved onto the side of Obama and is now privatizing health and education in the island! One single class, one single struggle in the whole American continent!



Our key to victory is the uprising of the US working class, which today is subordinated to Obama by all the reformist leaderships. Let the powerful US working class rise! We need to set on fire Wall Street and all the imperialist banks and parasites that plunder the planet!

For a revolutionary internationalist leadership of the Chilean working class and world working class!

The main obstacle for the combat of the masses in Chile to achieve victory is the reformist leaderships, this is, the Social Democracy, Anarchists, Stalinists and fake Trotskyists. They, together with the trade union bureaucracies and labour aristocracy of the imperialist centres rushed to support capitalism in its crisis by throwing water into the fire of the socialist revolution, i.e. un-sync and isolating the revolutionary fights of the masses at each step, dividing them country by country so the working class gets subordinated to the bourgeoisie. The working class, the exploited masses and the youth have given everything, even their lives, in this fight. The reformist leaderships have done everything they can for this fight not to succeed.
To defeat these treacherous leaderships, we must build up a revolutionary internationalist leadership that has what it takes to lead to victory the huge fight of the working class, poor peasants and militant Chilean students. To conquer this leadership that the masses need and deserve for victory, the working class in Chile and the youth are already prompting their best elements. They know each other. They gather together in the mines, factories, workplaces, occupying schools and universities. They fight together in mobilizations and barricades.
The internationalist Trotskyists of the FLTI that fight for the victory of the Chilean revolution, we fight to build up an Internationalist Workers Party of the Chilean working class as part of the fight for re-founding the 1938 Fourth International from the revolutionary struggles of Chile, Northern Africa, Middle East, England, Greece and China. To set up this party is an unavoidable task of the forces of revolutionary Trotskyism of the world. It is urgent to call for an international conference of the healthy forces of Trotskyism and the revolutionary workers organizations! The victory of the revolutionary fight of the working class and the youth of Chile is solved in the streets of Lima, La Paz, Buenos Aires and New York!


AUGUST 29th, 2011

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