The uprising of the Chilean masses is the vanguard in the American continent in confronting the plans of the imperialist monopolies, their governments and servile regimes, with its demand of re-nationalization of copper without compensation and to place it under workers control.
That’s why this struggle is part of the revolutionary process opened in Northern Africa and Middle East, fuelled by the huge rise in food prices, where the masses showed that in order to have bread it was necessary to wage an open masses political fight, overthrowing autocratic governments and regimes, servants of imperialism. It’s a single struggle, which is also taken up by the workers and militant students in Greece, and by the youth and immigrants workers in England, who have taken the streets with powerful combats, facing the attack of their own bourgeoisie, their governments, regimes and states. The struggle of the student movement and the working class in Chile, which have also identified their enemies inside their own ranks, as the Communist Party, is the same struggle of the exploited masses in China against the "red pacos", i.e., the CP of Hu Jintao and the Fifth International.
We, the Trotskyists say that the only possible way to define the revolutionary struggle of the Chilean masses is as an episode or a link of a single Latin American and worldwide revolution. Today, the Chilean exploited masses with their heroic struggle have raised an exemplary motion for all the world proletariat: to get bread, work, decent wages, education and health, we must expropriate imperialism that is bleeding out our nation!
That's why the revolutionary process in Chile, which is shaking the masses of the Southern Cone, reopens the possibility that the most concentrated battalions of the continent enter into the combat. This combat means the possibility of a new revolutionary uprising in the whole continent; as yesterday it was the revolutionary rehearsal the masses carried out in the first five years of the 21st century.
That huge uprising of the exploited masses was crossed by the revolutions in Ecuador (1997), Argentina (2001), Bolivia (2003-2005), the anti-imperialist uprising of the Venezuelan masses, the struggle of the youth and the Chilean working class and the glorious commune of Oaxaca imposed by the Mexican masses in 2006. All these battles penetrated even inside the United States, where the U.S. working class began to stand up against the hated Bush government and the "Republicrats" regime with the Million Men March against the war, with its vanguard the Oakland Dock Workers stopping the war machinery against its own imperialist bourgeoisie’s offensive in Iraq, and for the rights of the immigrant workers.
This great revolutionary rehearsal was diverted and strangled by all the leaderships of the World Social Forum, together with its left wing, the renegades of Trotskyism. By the hand of these currents, the sham of the "Bolivarian Revolution" of Castro, Chavez, Morales, Lula, Kirchner and Correa was imposed, with the purpose of expropriating the heroic worker and socialist revolutions which had started in the continent. Meanwhile, the American proletariat was subordinated to the Democratic Party and to the murderer Obama under the policy of "all against Bush."
Now these governments, which yesterday pretended to be "anti-imperialist" and "progressive" or seemed to be "democratic imperialisms", are leading the worst attacks against the working class and exploited, on behalf of the imperialist transnational companies. So Obama and his Democratic Party have just voted in the Parliament the program of the fascist Tea Party, which means that the American masses will have to pay with their jobs, wages and all their gains the Yankee State’s debt. The same happens in Latin America, where the "Bolivarian" governments are leading the offensive against the masses showing they are the same, or even more, anti-worker and lackeys of imperialism than the Governments of the FTA.
Against them, the Chile of the rebelled workers and students stands up today, posing a second revolutionary wave of the masses of the continent led by the working class- the only real national class which has no interests that ties it to imperialism. This action will be done against Obama and the regime of the "Republicrats", against the "Bolivarian" and FTA governments, and against all the leaderships of the World Social Forum, which guaranteed the expropriation of the Latin American revolution.
The combat of the Chilean masses takes place in spite of and against all the treacherous leaderships, starting in the first place against the Communist Party, identified by the proletarian vanguard as the "the red pacos which are the dangerous ones" and stating that "revolution is written without "J" (referring to the CP youth).This is the motion proposed by the Chilean vanguard to the whole American and worldwide proletariat: to succeed we must confront the reformist leaderships responsible for trying to subordinate the struggle of the masses to the bourgeoisie! This is what raised Bolivia yesterday with the industrial workers in La Paz, who realized that in order to fight against the exploiter murderous government of Evo Morales, we needed to face the class-collaborationist leaderships, as the bureaucracy of the Central Obrera Boliviana (COB).This is the program for the Cuban working class to stand up against the restorationist bureaucracy led by brothers Castro who are firing a million workers!
Imperialism and its native partners are very much aware of the danger that the revolutionary upsurge started in Chile spreads all around the continent. So they had already sent their most confident agents to impose a real fence to prevent such prospect, as they did with the glorious Bolivian revolution of 2003-2005. Part of this is the 16th Latin American and Caribbean Continental Student Congress (OCLAE) which has been held in Uruguay gathering together the class-collaborationist leaderships, and even employers, of different Latin American student unions led by the Cuban CP youth, supporters of the plans of destruction of the Cuban education and the dismissal of a million workers.
In that meeting, far from organizing a continental fight plan, for the working class and the youth across the continent to stand up against their executioners, together with the heroic exploited Chilean masses, they voted to support these bourgeois enemies of the masses: Chavez, Correa, Morales, Kirchner.
We can not allow such a thing! The working class of the continent has to stand up with their Chilean class brothers and sisters! We must generalize the heroic struggles of the Chilean masses throughout Latin America! There are the forces so that the proletariat of the continent stands up again breaking the subordination to the bourgeoisie imposed by its leaderships country by country. Enough with the subordination of the working class to that "black-tainted Bush" Obama, the greatest enemy of the worldwide proletariat! Out Yankees and imperialism of Latin America!
The Latin American proletariat must take up the demands of the working class and the Chilean youth, fighting for expropriation without compensation and under workers' control of all the imperialist monopolies, their lands, banks, properties and factories. For all workers organizations to break with their subordination to the bourgeoisie and call for a continental strike of the entire working class of Latin America to fight together with the Chilean proletariat, to expulse imperialism and defeat the attack of all their lackey governments!
This must be the war cry of the workers, militant students and exploited masses all over Chile, who must tie their fate to the fate of their Latin American class brothers and sisters. The necessary forces to wage a single combat against the imperialist monopolies (which plunder the oppressed nations and overexploit the working class in both sides of the border) and all its governments and lackey regimens are the mineworkers of Peru and Bolivia, the Argentinean working class (whose heroic revolution of “everybody out, nobody left” was expropriated) and the millions of slave workers who suffer from the Brazilian "order and progress”. The revolutionary combat of the Chilean masses will be defined in the streets of Buenos Aires, La Paz, Lima, Sao Paulo, and particularly in New York and Washington. One single fight, one single revolution in the whole American continent!
- In Chile a revolutionary situation has been opened
Since the beginning of May, multiple independent combats of the masses were developed against Piñera’s government and the pinochetist-concertationist regime that sells out the nation to imperialism. The high school and university students began taking hundreds of schools and universities, with hundreds and thousands marching with the war cry: “Education first to the worker’s child, education later to the bourgeois’ child!”. Their demand is: against the education of Pinochet, public free education for all.
When this great mass movement of the students was taking its first steps, the powerful copper mineworkers movement went on strike for wage increase and against the anti-worker law of sub-contracting (labour broking) in El Teniente, Rancagua, preannouncing the huge mass political fight that began all across Chile. With this strike of the El Teniente’s mineworkers outsourced workers, together with the mineworkers’ national strike and the La Escondida strike (that came later), it was put at the order of the day, for all the labor movement and the students, what was the key to conquer funds for the demands of education, health, work, wage, house, etc.; it was in the renationalization of copper, plundered with impunity by the imperialist transnational companies. That is to say, the fight took a deep anti-imperialist character, because it raises the question that the solution to the demands can be achieved through the expropriation of the imperialist monopolies.
Thus the working class and militant youth elevated their combat into a great mass political fight, marked by days of magnificent battles, like the five student national strikes, the miner-student demonstrations in Santiago and Antofagasta, the mineworkers national strike imposed despite and against the bureaucracy on July 11th, the revolutionary day of combat on August 4th, etc.
Despite and against the official leadership of the labor and student movements, the masses came out to fight and tend, at all times, to unify their ranks. So far, the combat has been un-synced by the actions of the leadership of the CUT, the CONFECH, Colegio de Profesores (Teachers Union), the mineworkers bureaucracy, etc. But it has permanently attempted unity, thanks to the central demand that raises the mass movement: renationalization of Copper and place it under workers control to get decent wages and free education. At the same time, the vanguard of the youth and the working class have taken an enormous step forward in their fight by understanding that in order to fight in better conditions by their demands, they must defeat the treacherous leaderships. This has been expressed in the war cry of: “The red cops are the dangerous ones!”, in reference to the Communist Party.
Before the motion and the anti-imperialist combat of the exploited Chilean masses, that threatens the property of transnational companies and their native partners (including the Pinochetist officers caste that keeps a cut of the copper incomes), the exploiters deepen their class instinct.
This way, on August 4th, the Piñera’s government launched a repressive offensive against the mobilization of the exploited, that ended up in a great independent revolutionary fight of the masses, which heroically resisted the attacks of the murderous cops and fought against them everywhere with barricades, while dragging broad sectors of the middle-classes into the fight with massive “cacerolazos” in support to the student movement. This way, the civic-military regime and Piñera’s government was left extremely weakened, struck by the combat of masses, and without social basis to practically maintain itself.
All this has marked the beginning of a revolutionary situation, where, as Lenin would say, “the ‘lower classes’ do not want and the ‘upper classes’ cannot keep living like until now”. This is how Lenin defined it: “To the Marxist it is indisputable that a revolution is impossible without a revolutionary situation; furthermore, it is not every revolutionary situation that leads to revolution. What, generally speaking, are the symptoms of a revolutionary situation? We shall certainly not be mistaken if we indicate the following three major symptoms: (1) when it is impossible for the ruling classes to maintain their rule without any change; when there is a crisis, in one form or another, among the “upper classes”, a crisis in the policy of the ruling class, leading to a fissure through which the discontent and indignation of the oppressed classes burst forth. For a revolution to take place, it is usually insufficient for “the lower classes not to want” to live in the old way; it is also necessary that “the upper classes should be unable” to live in the old way; (2) when the suffering and want of the oppressed classes have grown more acute than usual; (3) when, as a consequence of the above causes, there is a considerable increase in the activity of the masses, who uncomplainingly allow themselves to be robbed in “peace time”, but, in turbulent times, are drawn both by all the circumstances of the crisis and by the “upper classes” themselves into independent historical action.” (Lenin, “The coilapse of the Second International”, 1915)
2- The international conditions that shaped the heroic combats of the Chilean working class and its youth
The enormous uprising of the masses in Chile occurs in the middle of the big chaos of the economic world-wide crisis initiated in 2007 that does not stop deepening itself.
Chile is located in the world division of labour as a single-product country producer of copper for the world market, providing this mineral for the production of the imperialist transnational companies installed in China and India, that work like small “niches” of growth in the middle of the terrible capitalist crisis. In addition, enormous masses of capital have taken shelter in new speculative bubbles, making the prices of minerals, the comodditties, oil, etc. to artificially rise.
So today in Chile the exploited masses are rising since they see that the prices of copper are way to high but wages, education, health and housing are literally on the floor. The current combat waged by the exploited in Chile is a struggle against the brutal plundering of copper made by the imperialist monopolies. Chile produces 60% of the copper that is traded in the world market. Imperialist monopolies keep 80% of the 5 million tons of copper that are produced in Chile. These imperialist gangs take almost 30,000 million dollars of surplus every year. It is calculated that this year the robbery would reach to 35,000 million dollars.
Thus, in Chile, bled out by the transnational companies, tied with double and triple chains to imperialism by the FTA (Free Trade Agreement) -in the first place with the Yankee pirates, but also with other powers like Japan- the combat of the masses is fueled up because they see enormous profits of the employers and monopolies, while for the exploded ones there is only over-exploitation and misery.
While the copper is totally plundered, the economic activity in Chile grows almost 6% and the Gross Domestic Product amounts to 250 billion dollars (one of the highest in Latin America). Everything is based on the over-exploitation of the mineworkers, forest workers, dock workers, etc. Opposed to this reality of millionaire profits and “economic boom” for the exploiters, the minimum wage, with which the broad majority of the exploited lives, does not surpass the miserable 190 thousand pesos (around 400 dollars), that do not even cover half of the high costs of housing, transportation, food, education and health.
For that reason the exploited are rising identifying where is the money to solve their urgent demands, as the free education, decent wages, etc.: renationalizing the copper without compensation and placing it under workers control.
In this situation, the bourgeoisie cannot give anything. Piñera’s government and the military-civic regime cannot give any concession to the masses, even the slightest one. The bourgeoisie knows that the “boom” of copper - that is to say, the cycle of growth of the Chilean economy and the profits of the employers- is tied to China (where 60% of the exports of Chilean copper go). But this “boom” is seriously threatened, whereas in China it has begun to perceive some symptoms of next crack of the economy, at the same time when a state of revolts has begun, with the masses starting to fight against the huge inflation and with tough confrontations against the punitive forces of Hu Jintao’s government and the “mandarins” of the Communist Party.
That capitalist crack has meant the generalized bankruptcy of all the imperialist states, which came out to save their own broke financial capital with thousands of million of dollars of the reserves. For that reason, far from being willing to grant the demands or some reform, the imperialist pirates and their junior partners of the colonial and semi colonial world have begun a war against the proletariat and the masses to make them pay all the costs of the crisis.
So this “black-painted Bush” Obama and his Democrat Party voted in the USA Congress to apply the program of the Tea Party (the fascist right-wing of the Republican Party) that means a ruthless attack against the North American proletariat. Meanwhile, in Latin America - the USA backyard -, “the Bolivarian” governments, that yesterday posed as “anti-imperialists” and “progressive” before the revolutionary fight of the masses of the continent, now they showed to be so anti-workers and lackeys as the governments of the FTA. Today we see the governments of the sham of the “Bolivarian Revolution” commanding the brutal attacks against the working class and the masses to guarantee the plundering and the looting of the subjugated nations on behalf of the imperialist monopolies. Fidel Castro and the Cuban bureaucracy are the forefront of this process in the continent with the capitalist restoration in the island, that they have accelerated with the dismissal of a million workers and imposing the right to inheritance in the real estate property. The same happens in Bolivia, with the attack commanded by the murderous Evo Morales’ government and in Argentina with the anti-worker Kirchner’s government, together with the anti-worker (gorilla) “opposition”, just to give only a few examples.
Even in Chile, they are the “Bolivarians” of the Concertacion and the CP those that today support Piñera’s government, threatened by the revolutionary irruption of the proletariat and the exploited. All of them have their life at stake in preventing the second Chilean revolution not to be definitively opened, since that would give an enormous impulse to the combat of the proletariat of the entire continent, in moments when the imperialist plundering and the anti-workers attack of all the governments in the region have multiplied.
3- The working class as leader of the revolutionary fight
In opposition to what broad sectors of the reformist left say, that in the current uprising there was no presence of the labor movement, the reality says quite the opposite. In spite of the un-synched and isolation that the union bureaucracies and the reformist leaderships have tried to impose, the working class has attended to every call to fight.
In the current revolutionary process that shakes Chile, the mineworkers, the central battalion of the Chilean working class, have always said present and have begun to fight. This was done despite and against the leaderships that tied their hands, preventing them to fight, for years. That was reflected in the hard strikes of El Teniente, La Escondida (against the British imperialist employers, the BHP Billiton), the strike of Collahuasi and mining national strike on July 11th.
The historical revolutionary fight that are carrying out the exploited ones in Chile must have the mineworkers as their vanguard; and that is exactly what the class-collaboration leaderships of the CUT and the labor movement are attempting to prevent. In the mines there’s the most powerful missile that the working class and Chilean youth own to conquer all their demands: the expropriation of imperialism and the renationalization of copper under control of the workers.
The conception of the populist currents denies that the social subject of the revolution is the working class. They don’t care of the working class role in the production. So they dilute it in the “population” in general. Against them, the reality is showing otherwise, it’s giving its verdict. The Chilean mineworkers and the student vanguard have already identified the copper mineworkers as their best allies. It is precisely the mineworker the one who can strike the bourgeoisie where it hurts the most, by attacking the property of the capitalists who plunder the copper. Therefore, he is the one who can command all the oppressed layers of the nation in their fight against imperialism.
This was perfectly understood by the vanguard of the student movement. Nevertheless, it is the working class leadership, by selling out the fight of the mineworkers of Rancagua, ending the strike of La Escondida, unsynchronizing the miner fights and dividing the worker ranks, the one that prevents, so far, that the mineworkers movement lead this historical combat.
The bourgeoisie has also understood it very well. It has concentrated its forces in applying (so far) partial defeats to the mineworkers movement. Nevertheless, despite and against the reformist leaderships, the mineworkers movement and the whole working class in Chile have showed their disposition to the combat, attending at every call to the fight and taking in their hands the call to national strike launched by the CUT for August 24-25, despite and against the character of “pressure strike” that the union bureaucracy wants to give to it.
4- Once again, the militant youth is the revolutionary spark
The militant working and student youth in Chile is the spark that is setting the country on fire. It stood up against the unaffordable university fees, against the schools that are falling apart, against the most expensive scholar bus ticket, against the Pinochetist repression, etc. The vanguard of the student movement is constituted by the high school students, the children of the working class. For that reason, this student movement has acquired a deep pro-worker character, determined by its demand of renationalization of copper.
The militant youth has identified in the working class, particularly the mineworkers movement, as its best ally in this combat, despite and against the reformist pro-bourgeois leaderships of the student movement, which are looking for alliances with parliamentarians and rectors of the universities, that is to say, the bourgeoisie.
The combats of August 4th, and the attempt of the government and the regime in giving a repressive blow to the mobilization, ended up fueling the combat of the youth even more, so it started to further push the working class and the exploited ones into the combat.
5- The masses, with their revolutionary fight, start from the most advanced of the combat of 2006
Against all those that claim that there are no “conditions” for the exploited ones to revolt, the militant youth and the working class stood up. Nobody, no worker or student organization, no left party called for the youth and the working class to launch this magnificent combat. This is the spontaneous thing of the fight of the masses.
Nevertheless, this spontaneity has a relative character because the masses start from the lessons of the combat that carried out in 2006. This allows them to surpass, with their actions, the impotent program of the reformists today.
In Chile the exploited have resolutely re-taken the fight that carried out in 2006, when the high school students and the working class waged a magnificent fight against the government, in that moment the “Bushelet” government, lackey of imperialism, and Pinochetist-concertacionist regime of the reactionary 1980 Constitution.
In that one opportunity, the pre-revolutionary situation that was opened in Chile ended up being diverted by the class-collaboration leaderships of the labor and student movement, mainly the Communist Party (rightfully called “red cops” by the workers’ and students’ vanguard), which unsynchronized the combat of the high school and university youth from the one of the miners of El Teniente, from the forest workers and from the one of the poor peasantry of mapuche origin. This way, the reformist leaderships subordinated the mass mobilizations to the institutions of the bourgeois regime, with the policy of Presidential Advisory Councils (CAP), and thus supported the Pinochetist regime.
Meanwhile, on the other hand, the populist and anarchist leaderships, such as Frente Patriotico Manuel Rodriguez (FPMR) and Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios (FEL), took the vanguard to impotence of the “popular protest” in the “populations” with “direct action”, refusing to put their forces and influences at the service of coordinating and to centralizing all the sectors that came out to fight, saving the bureaucracy of the CUT and of the student movement that sold out the fight in exchange for sterile “negotiation rounds”.
The youth and the exploded ones, then, have drawn the lessons from the combat of 2006, which was given away by the leaderships in exchange of the so-called “LGE” (General Law of Education), which is a vulgar make up for the Pinochetist law of the education LOCE (Constitutional Statutory Law of the State). For that reason, today nobody believes in the deceitful tables of negotiation with the government nor in projects of law emanated from that cave of bandits of the bourgeois parliament of the right-wing, the Concertacion and the Stalinist Communist Party.
Today the mass movement draws the conclusion that, if the Concertacion did not give anything in 2006, let alone it will do the right-wing government of Piñera. Therefore, the exploited ones understand that, in order to obtain something, it is necessary to fight for everything. Thus, its “minimum” demand today is the “renationalization of copper under control of the workers to get free education and decent wages”.
In addition, this new mass assault is crossed because the workers and youth vanguard see how in Tunisia and Egypt the masses overthrow governments; in Libya the exploited ones arm their worker and popular militias against the jackal Gaddafi; the Greek working class fight with powerful general strikes to stop the attack of the capitalists; the youth “without future” of Spain rises against the murderous monarchy in its “Republic of the outraged”; the exploited youth in England riots against the starvation, the repression and unemployment, etc.
6- The fight of the student movement and the working class drags the middle-class to the fight, leaving the government and the regime without social base.
Last August 4th marked a tipping point in the ongoing revolutionary process in Chile. Against the wild Pinochetist repression launched that day in the whole country against the high school and university students, encouraged by the heroism deployed by the masses in the combat against the murderous cops, sectors of the middle-class, with high debts with the banks because of the usurious loans, began to break with the control historically excersided by the CP and the Concertacion and entered into the revolutionary torrent, with massive cacerolazos and barricades in all the districts of Chile.
This new element in the situation strengthens the revolutionary process, because it completes the grouping of all the oppressed sectors of the society in the fight against the government, the regime and imperialism. This fight will prevail with the condition that the working class, in particular the mineworkers, command the middle-classes and all the oppressed sectors in the revolutionary fight against imperialism and the lackey bourgeoisie.
7- The civic-military regime, without social base, is only sustained in the military-police apparatus and in the actions of the treacherous leaderships
Piñera’s government , the administrator of the Chilean civic-military regime, is today the target of the deep hatred of the exploited ones. It is uncovered, more than ever, the true Pinochetist character of the regime. While the reformist left is scandalized for the levels of repression of the government and because on August 4th, the military went out to the streets to exhibit their M-16 in a parade, the truth is that the government has done no other thing than showing the true face of the regime of the murderous officers chaste, of the right-wing, the Concertacion and the Communist Party.
The regime that reigns today in Chile is the one that was imposed in 1973 with the tanks and missiles of the murderous officers caste of Pinochet, of the ITT and the CIA. No make up manages to erase the true essence of the old counterrevolutionary regime that prevailed by smashing and massacring the best of the worker vanguard of the glorious revolution of Industrial Chains. It is the regime of the Pinochetist officers caste, who steals a 10% of the profits of copper.
The Concertacion administrated this regime for 20 years without touching a single hair to it. Just the opposite: deepening it, with the signature of the FTAs that sells out the nation to imperialism, with privatizations, the anti-workers law of outsourcing (labor broking), etc. All this is concealed under cosmetic reforms used to wash the face of the regime and paint it as “democratic”. Today the Concertacion, while from the parliament it is posing as supporter of the student cause and “opposed” to Piñera’s government , it proposes “political reforms” to try again to put some make up to the regime of the Constitution of Pinochet.
This regime also is openly supported by the Communist Party, which occupies three parliamentary positions. The CP, on top of the leadership of the CUT, the Teachers Union and the CONFECH, raises a conciliation policy to dissolve the enormous energies deployed by the exploited ones in the combat and take them to sterile negotiation tables with the executioners of the working class and youth.
However, the exploited ones have understood that they won’t get anything by the hand of this Pinochetist regime. It is a regime totally servant of the Yankee imperialism that, in the middle of the turbulences of the world-wide crisis, cannot do other thing than attacking the exploited ones with dismissals more, starvation wages, increases in the prices of food and transport, privatizations, etc. It is the regime of the Pinochetists murderous officers caste, defended until death by the right-wing, the Concertacion and the CP, that guarantees the brutal plundering of copper, the selling out of the nation to imperialism and the over-exploitation of the working class.
Nevertheless, the wild repression of August 4th, has cost the regime the hatred not only of the working class, but also of the middle-classes, that are breaking from the control of the CP and the Concertacion and begins to enter into the combat. Thus the regime has lost all social base and it is only supported in its army, the murderous cops and the treacherous leaderships that, calling for dialogue and conciliation, are seeking to prevent a revolutionary crisis to be opened.
8- The revolutionary situation that has been opened in Chile is as revolutionary as it allows the character of the leadership that the exploited have ahead.
The CUT (Unique Central of Workers), led by the Socialist Party and the CP, has systematically refused to call to the great action that all the combats of the exploded ones cry for: the revolutionary general strike. Further, from the very beginning of the fight, its role was to try to prevent, at all costs, the irruption of the labor movement, in particular, of the mineworkers.
But pushed by the enormous revolutionary pressure of the labor and student movement, the leadership of the CUT has been forced to call to a national 48 hours strike for August 24th and 25th, that it had to have it in advanced, since it was called for October, after negotiating a miserable minimum wage with the employers, the parliament and the government. This policy of the leadership of the CUT had the aim of decompressing the fights and hoped that the country will be calmed for that date. But its aim begins to fail, because sectors of the working class are already being participated in the struggle. They understand that it is time to resolutely fight against the government and the regime.
On the other hand, the policy of the leadership of the CONFECH, controlled by the CP, always consisted in having a discussion and negotiating with the government, seeking for alliances with the Council of Rectors of the universities. Its program of “differentiated fees”, more credits and less interests, lowering the fees, is opposed to the one of the absolute majority of the student movement that openly fights for free education, renationalization of copper under workers control, and to unify its fight with the labor movement.
Pushed by the pressure of the rank and file, these leaderships have been forced to leave from their comfortable armchairs and to have “be at the head” of the fight to try to contain it. In order to decompress the fight they propose a “binding plebiscite” on an educational reform as a way out of the conflict. For this, MPs of the Concertacion already have proposed to amend the 1980 Constitution in order to allow the plebiscite. Nevertheless, the students already have given their answer, not only to the different proposals of the government and the Concertacion, but also in their street fighting they have claimed that the only solution is free education and renationalization of copper.
These leaderships have closed a true “united front on the top”. Far from calling to unify the ranks of the sectors in struggle, at each step they try to divide the ones that are fighting sector by sector. They try to separate the high school students from the college students, the students from the teachers, and essentially, from the labor movement.
On the other hand, populism and anarchism, with their old apothegm “there are no conditions” - that has already acted in Greece- clashed against the reality of the high consciousness level shown by the masses in the fight. They have clearly distinguished that the solution to their sufferings is the copper. They call “to radicalize” the fighting methods; they call to “direct action”, but only to put more pressure on the government so that it grants the demands. This way they generate the illusion that with this government and this regime we can get something. They refuse to make a call to centralize and coordinate all the forces that are fighting, to organize a revolutionary general strike to overthrow Piñera’s government and the FTA regime, conquering therefore the conditions to definitively open the second Chilean revolution.
Between the CP on the one hand and populism on the other hand, like two ends of the same rope, whether with “plebiscites” or with “direct action”, they try to subordinate the working class to a fight for putting pressure on the government and the regime, as if they were to give something. This way they all showed to be enemies of overthrowing the anti-worker Piñera’s government and to demolish the Pinochetist regime.
The working class and militant youth, to prevail in its combat, need to defeat the reformist leaderships, to unify its ranks and to launch an independent mass action that succeeds in demolishing the government and the regime, definitively opening the second Chilean revolution.