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In spite of Stalinism having slaughtered the Bolshevik and the 3rd International’s General Staff…

In spite of KGB, fascism and imperialism having murdered and chased ceaselessly the Bolsheviks of the resistance in the ‘30s: Leon Trotsky, Leon Sedov, Rudoph Klement, Abraham Leon among other martyred champions of the world proletariat …

In spite of Pabloites and all kinds of revisionists which razed Bolshevism and the Fourth international to the ground …

On the 70th Anniversary of Leon Trotsky’s murder
From the Fracción Leninista Trotskista Internacional (International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction) we assert,




- I - The Fourth International is not dead! Long live the fight for the re-foundation of the Fourth International!

- II - Trotsky’s vile murder achieved its goal only because the leaders of the fourth international dissolved Coyoacan’s international centre

- III - Trotskyism and the fourth international were the only and genuine continuity of bolshevism

- IV - 70 years after Leon Trotsky’s murder, we say to opportunists and revisionists: hands off the clean banners of the Fourth International!

- V - The fight of revolutionary marxism in the imperialist epoch is the fight of the proletariat for seizing the power and solving the most urgent problems of the masses. as for reformists and liquidationists, these tasks are left for the next milennium

- VI - For the liquidators of the fourth international, the fourth international does not exist

- VII - The Fourth International will enter the next War as a tightly welded Unit”. the destruction of the international centre in Coyoacan after Trotsky’s murder: a backsabbing to the internationalist fraction of the world proletariat

- VIII - The Fourth International “was not a mass party in the aftermath of the 2WW” due to the adaptations and capitulations of those that fought during that war and in the post-war under its banners

- IX - León Trotsky and his legacy: a thousand and one times slandered, a thousand and one times falsified

- X - Under the banner of the Fourth International

- The Fourth International -when Leon Trotsky was at its head- prepared the vanguard of the international proletariat for intervening with a revolutionary program in the 2WW proper and in the immediate post-war revolutionary period

- From 1989 on, Yalta’s Trotskyism derails completely. From revisionism to liquidationism in the Fourth International

International Coordination Secretariat of the FLTI

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