Períodicos Democracia Obrera
El Organizador Obrero Internacional



Suplementos DO


July 28th, 2014

To the 52nd International Antiwar Assembly
To the revolutionary Marxists of JRCL-RMF


We salute and send a warm revolutionary and internationalist hug to the organizers of the 52nd International Antiwar Assembly: JRCL-RMF, the militant Zengakuren and all the delegates. We, the revolutionary workers and youth of FLTI, feel as one more of you, despite the distance, always fighting together for the interests of the world proletariat.

We know that our youth and members who fight for the re-foundation of the IV International all over the world are as brave and convinced as the workers and youth who fight every day surrounding US military bases in Japan, facing Abe’s fascist counterrevolutionary government.

We salute you from the blooded Africa, which has been exploited and plundered a thousand times. That was the place where for over 5 months 80,000 miners of Lonmin and Angloamerican rised, in a revolutionary strike. With their assemblies, pickets and strike committees, they fought against the Stalinist union bureaucracy of Southern Africa, for wages, dignity and their life, defending the minerals plundered by the imperialist pirates.
Five months of one of the most heroic strikes of the world working class, which was silenced by all the treacherous and reformist leaderships.

We salute you from Latin America, where the lie and scam of Stalinism and their “Bolivarian governments” are falling down. They are the biggest appliers of imperialism’s plans in the region.
Brothers Castro have already sold out Cuba to imperialism. They sold out the Colombian resistance to Santos’ fascist government, which is nothing but a puppet of US 7 military bases that, from Colombia, monitor all the oppressed peoples of the Southern America.

You know that in the streets of Latin America we have fought together with JRCL-RMF tens of times; as well as we do it together in Japan in your brave fights against Abe’s government and US imperialist bases in your country.
As yesterday in Chile, Brazil or Peru, this year we have seen the workers of Paty proudly in the fights of the Argentinean working class heading their columns with the banner of solidarity sent by Japanese workers from the Militant Cordon of Workers of Tokyo.

They have received your solidarity and your banner, which they took to demonstrations and rallies, demanding to get again their jobs, for the expropriation without compensation and under workers’ control of TNCs that close their factories and leave workers in the streets,.
The banners of LOI-CI Democracia Obrera, together with JRCL, surrounded the court that wants to punish workers of Las Heras and that condemned them for lifetime.
From FLTI, we salute the honor of Japanese revolutionaries who never left alone the world proletariat in their fights.

JRCL and its youth and FLTI have proven that we are not only internationalist in words, but that we are real militant forces of the world working class.

200 billion inhabitants out of the 7.000 billion of the planet are in extreme poverty. World market has reduced. Capital keeps leaving the productive process and goes more and more to speculation, emission of titles and valueless bonds and to generate huge debts in the colonial and semi-colonial world. Capital develops war machinery more and more, creating destructive forces, i.e. it prepares the conditions for new bankruptcies, new crisis and new wars against the exploited of the world. This is the only way that the rotten system survives, which needs to submit world working class to higher slavery and super-exploitation.

In 2007/2008 this system was hit by a huge crisis. Capitalist parasites spent in advance what human labor has not produced yet. The working class all over the world, from Europe to the Pacific Ocean, from Asia to Latin America, carried out huge combats.

In 2011 we, the exploited, conquered the chance of coordinate a world generalized process; we cornered imperialism. Greece was on fire, the exploited people of Spain set up the “indignados” (“outraged”) and the working class surrounded Wall Street; landless peasants rebelled in China and the workers in the maquilas (Sweat-shops) rose up; in Maghreb and Middle East was at the vanguard with a chain of powerful revolutions for bread and against imperialism.

But the leaderships of the US, European and Japanese working class submitted the proletariat in those countries to their own imperialism. The labor bureaucracy and aristocracy together with the World Social Forum fenced the revolution country by country and de-synchronized the revolutionary struggle of the masses of the semi-colonial world with those in the imperialist countries. The maximum expression of this WSF policy is the fence imposed against the Syrian masses suffering the biggest genocide against the working class during the last decades.


But today, the capitalist system has survived. And it was possible because the leaderships have saved such capitalist system, that is, the leaderships inside the mass movement have strangled his fights and fenced his revolutionary processes.

US imperialism, after his victories in ´89, started to dominate the world through his five military commands and even left in crisis all the ruling institutions imperialism had set up during the Yalta period. 

US imperialism threw his crisis to the world. He behaves as money lender. He covered his multi-millionaire commercial deficit with the reserves suck in across the world. But it was not enough.
The US imperialism was stopped, in his arrogance, by a huge mass struggle of the workers and people of Iraq and Afghanistan in particular, and above all, by his own US working class that like the European one prevented his imperialism from keeping the massacre directly and pillage against the people of Maghreb and Middle East.

The “Iraq syndrome” blew USA like yesterday the Vietnam one. The masses took out his fire power.
Since 2008 USA, masked as “democratic” and “generous” with the “coloured Bush” Obama,  threw his entire crisis on the world. Together with Merkel and the German Bundesbank reduced all the minor imperialist powers of Europe as vassals. They put France and England as squires and together with the Japanese imperialism they fenced Russia and China to impose on them new plans of semi-colonization and pillage. For that reason, they established the Atlantic and Pacific agreements. They rearranged the damaged UN. They imposed the UNASUR and CELAC on the American continent and obliged China to act like buyer and importer of what his transnational companies produce.

The relation of Russia with the productive apparatus of high technology of France and Germany can no longer be a secret. Russia, the great exporter of weapons, supplies his war and armament industry with technology of France and Bundesbank. Their soldiers train in the high-tech war simulators in Germany while France gives it technology for navy ships and radars for which Russia pays for royalties and patents in his weapons’ exports.
Germany has more than 25 billion of Euros as regards direct investments in Russia. The Great Russian bourgeoisie is in partnership with Germany and France and submitted to USA by thousands of credits and his margin of maneuver is getting narrow because imperialism in bankruptcy needs more and more to retain all his business.

Today, US imperialism can no longer intervene directly like in the past Bush did in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thus, today they are setting up new institutions of dominance and plastering the old ones of Yalta. The Anglo-Yankees pirates today intervene in the international politic through all their agents.
In Latin America they have settled a counterrevolutionary pact with countries like Chile, Peru, and Mexico with whom they have a Free Trade Agreement. They have unified those countries with the “Bolivarian countries” in the UNASUR (Union of South American Nations) and CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States).
The Bolivarian bourgeoisies saved the damaged semi colonial capitalism of Latin America as well as  influenced the US proletariat to submit them to Obama and the Republicrat murderous regime

Imperialism exerts his dominance like in Middle East by using his hit men to strangle the heroic revolutions that made the working class and oppressed rebel from Tunisia to Syria and from Iraq to Palestine.
By counterrevolutionary pacts like Geneva II, imperialism concentrated all his agents in that region to fence and smash masses. USA intervenes in counterrevolutionary wars using proxies, through his lackeys and hitmen where each of them fulfills a necessary role. Putin and Al-Assad together with the Iranian Ayatollahs masked as “anti-imperialist” make the “dirty work” to massacre the masses as they did in Syria and today they guard the frontiers for Zionism.

The Saudi and Qatari bourgeoisie also using a language “anti-imperialist” or pseudo-democratic are the ones who appear to control and discipline the uprising revolutionary masses like in the North of Syria and today in Iraq for the insurrections’ chain that started in Fallujah not to win in Bagdad; and for the revolutions’ chain that started in Tunisia, in Syria not to conclude like in Libya defeating Al-Assad and not to triumph in Jerusalem smashing Zionism.
That’s the sinister plan where the imperialism uses all his agents and smashes the revolution by the Lebanon-ization of Iraq and Syria by re-drawing the borders to re-colonize and strangle the revolution in the uprising people of Maghreb and Middle East. This is the Geneva II plan.
At the end of 2013, when the Palestinian working class and people threatened with enter the struggle, the dog Bashar sustained by Putin began to punish and massacre them. It was the dog Bashar who bombed the hunger children in the Palestinian camps of Yarmouk near Damascus. As he protects the borders of Golan for Zionism, it is possible today for Zionism bombs and massacres in Gaza.

Meanwhile with the Atlantic agreement, the reformist leaderships of the European unions supported the imperialist Maastricht. They fenced the Greek revolution, divided and submitted the European working class. And the Imperialism threw his crisis on them.
Today, the bankers of London City, Paris and the Bundesbank together with Wall Street go for the East Europe. The Atlantic agreement is about this: a single market of USA and Europe through which almost 50% of the world GDP will pass.


EU and NATO seek to advance to the East. They need new markets and direct agents. They have already re-colonized the whole Eastern Europe. They have arrived to Ukraine. They have removed the Great Russian bourgeoisie from great extent of that territory.
Moreover, with the offensive of the new government of Kiev, USA and NATO they reached at the Russian doors of Donetsk. They left Crimea for Putin as a military base to discipline any upheaval on the part of the oppressed people in the region and advanced in their colonizing offensive of Ukraine already taking 75% of the gas pipelines and the most productive lands.

Who presented battle against the IMF, European Union, and Kiev pro-yankee government were not the white troops under the command of the counterrevolutionary Putin but the heroic mine workers of Donetsk, Sloviansk and Lugansk that still resist bravely with their militias, even they made the Russian soldiers defect to fight with them against the Kiev pro-yankee government. Meanwhile Putin took out quickly his troops settled in the borders and established a policy of “dialogue and peace” with the Poroshenko pro-yankee government and murderer of the Ukrainian proletariat. Donetsk workers know that if the IMF’s and EU’s plans are imposed, they will lose their jobs and end like immigrant pariahs in the Europe of Maastricht. The tragedy is that because of the responsibility of Stalinism and social-imperialist parties they have been isolated from the workers in the imperialist Europe who are paying for the crisis of bankers with miserable wages and unemployment.


There where the imperialism needs to defeat the left-wing of the working class stands up “Fronts Left” with which tie the most combative of the international working class to a policy of class collaboration.
That happens with SYRIZA in Greece, with Stalinism in Chile, supported by the "anti-parliamentary left," entered the parliament and government with Bushelet. Also in Argentina, with members of the FIT as MPs preparing draft laws with the "opposition" gorilla bourgeoisie in the Argentine parliament ... while the government of Wall Street Kirchner gets tired of attacking the workers and the people starve. A true policy of class collaboration whose maximum expression, we insist on it, is the policy centralized by that cave of bandits of the WSF constituted by Stalinism, Social-Democracy and renegades of Trotskyism.
No more Left lackey of Obama! The new “blacken Bush” is the new war criminal, the chief of all the imperialist gangs and the world counterrevolution! He at the command of all the lackeys and side by side the imperialist gangs has done even major counterrevolutionary actions in comparison to his predecessor Bush!

The renegades of Marxism want to make appear as “barbarian people” and a “fight among tribes” the upheaval of the working class of Maghreb and Middle East. The revolutionary Marxists affirm that the history of humanity is the history of the class struggle. Thousands years ago the epoch of tribes with hunter-gatherers ended. There is no sector in the planet where the capitalist mode of production doesn’t control the entire production of the human civilization. Those in struggle are social classes: The bourgeoisie and proletariat. Everything else is a lie. This is beyond the political and religious shapes the class struggle can acquire.

Today we witness that facing the uprising of exploited of Fallujah and Mosul, the European social-imperialist parties name them “upheaval of tribes”, we see as they treat the exploited insurrected in the whole Maghreb and Middle East as “barbarian people”.
That is not true. They say it to prevent the central countries’ working class from recognizing their class brothers in the colonial and semi-colonial world.

In Maghreb and Middle East and in Iraq those who have rebelled are not "tribes", it is the great working class that suffers and writhes in the oil wells of the imperialist transnational companies of Bush and Obama. The outcasts who do not support any more the existence of that US colony have rebelled. They confront the Iranian murderous Ayatollahs who covered the backs to the Yankee imperialism in his retreat of Iraq by sustaining the “Shiite” government of Maliki, a true lackey and guard of the interests of the British Petroleum, Halliburton, Exxon, Chevron and the other imperialist oil companies settled in Iraq. The imperialism has sent his lackey of the Saudi bourgeoisie to contain the masses’ upheavals in Fallujah and Mosul.

Out with the murderous Husseinite bourgeoisie and the Islamic State, proxy of Saudi Arabia! Unify the oil workers of the North of Iraq with those in the South! Rebel Bagdad! Let’s re-take the road of the uprising of the Iranian working class in 2009 who had carried out in the 80’s a great revolution of workers and soldiers setting up their shoras-their councils- defeating Sha Reza Pahlevi. Open the road to the working class of Iraq, Iran and the entire Persia! For the return of the shoras!

The true “barbarian” is not masses in the semicolonial countries but the forces of the imperialism. They are the barbarian: the kings of Bourbons of Spain, the queen of England at the head of the Royal Navy, and the French V Republic that invaded Mali to keep the uranium for his military nuclear apparatus. Here, the only barbarian tribes are the religious ones who belong to the Apocalypses of the Tea Party who behind the face of Obama boost new holocausts in the world. Let’s end with the cynic ideology and sinister propaganda spread by the labor aristocracy and bureaucracy!

Over a year that the oil wells of Libya are paralyzed by the workers in strike. The magnificent constructions in Dubai and Qatar, the oil wells in the entire Maghreb and Middle East are built by millions of workers, pariahs in their own land. The oil is taken out by the workers.
Yes. In Middle East there is a huge nomadic working class who is taken as slaves by the imperialist oil companies and native bourgeoisies to build their luxurious hotels. That’s the glorious working class who has rebelled from Tunisia to Libya and from Syria to Palestine. A working class that for the treason of his leadership is manipulated by the Sunni and Shiite bourgeoisies just like Stalinism and European social-democracy do with the working class submitting them to the “democratic imperialisms”.
Open the road to the working class of Maghreb and Middle East! Out the Sunni and Shiite bourgeoisies-those lackeys of imperialism! Open the road to the unity of the working class of the semicolonial world with the proletariat of the imperialist countries!

Today, the massacre against the workers and people in Gaza lifts the veil. Words died. Millions of workers and rebel, anti-imperialist youth are winning the streets across the world full of rage because of the Zionist massacre in the Gaza Strip.

Comrades, in this 52 Anti-War Assembly, we call on you to:

-stand up side by side the working class in the Maghreb and Middle East that by their upheavals in 2011  made shake the whole world capitalist system from his foundations.
-stand up side by side the Donbass workers and their heroic militias fighting the Kiev army who have been left to their fate by the killer Putin.
-stand up to generalize and take as ours the fighting methods of the worker democracy and strike pickets conquered by the Marikana mine workers in their confrontation against the imperialism. Because that is the path to defeat capitalists, their governments and the treacherous leaderships that prevent workers from fighting for their demands.
-fight together against Stalinism and his remains that like in China sold out the slave labor force to the imperialism and the worker and peasant Cuba to the Yankees. For our revolutionary honor, we, the Trotskyists in Latin America will give our life for in the worker and peasant Cuba not to wave again the banner of the imperialism.
-fight together to rebel the US and Japanese working class and proletariat of the European imperialist powers that have already stood up at the war cry “the enemy is at home!” to stop the genocide and massacre against the Palestinian masses. This struggle must not end.
-fight together to unmask the false Marxists that like the renegades of Trotskyism sustain by the left side to all the treacherous leaderships and legitimize the exploitation and deceits imposed by the native bourgeoisies in partnership with imperialism.

Comrades, let’s fight together!

The Palestinian Intifada has begun because the masses cannot bare starvation any longer, 30% of unemployment and their land to be in the hands of the Zionist usurper. The masses had understood that without the defeat of the Zionist state of Israel there will be no bread, no work and no land. A new Palestinian revolution is about to come. The world working class has already come in support.

Imperialism has returned firing power to Zionism. It can do that because it has been massacred and made bloodshed of the Syirian revolution, while the revolutions in Tunisia and Libya were deflected and expropriated, and in Egypt the regime of Mubarak is back with the genocidal coup of the dictatorship of Egypt.

Yesterday, Homs fell, the capital of the revolution of the Maghreb and the Middle East. It fell the Tahrir Square. We cannot let Ghaza fall. Today the Zionist state of Israel must fall, which is the capital of the counterrevolution in the Maghreb and the Middle East.

You know that you count with all our forces to defeat the fascist government of Abe, the Obama the murderer and the imperialist pirates of Maastricht and the EU. We fight together with you against the US military bases that aim their missiles to all the workers and subjugated people of the Pacific Ocean and their own Japanese working class.
All of our forces to defeat the hitmen of imperialism, the counterrevolutionary forces that oppress the working class in Asia, the Pacific Ocean, such as the Chinese Mandarins and the White Counterrevolutionary Army of Putin!

The workers of Africa, Latin America and Europe each time understand more that they have great allies in the Japanese working class. These allies are the revolutionary workers from the JRCL-RMF and the Zengakuren youth.
The oil workers sentenced to life in jail from Las Heras, the dismissed workers of Paty today feel like one of you, a delegate to the 52º Antiwar Assembly. Their future and fate is linked, today more than ever, to the struggle if the international working class and the workers of the Pacific Ocean, which are exploited by the same transnational companies that plunder the peoples of Latin America.
Therefore, you and we are going to cry out loud: Open the road to the workers of Paty, Lear, Volkswagen, Ceramica Neuquen, which are punished by the worst attack of the government of Kirchnet and the transnational companies, among hundreds of thousands of workers!
Free the workers of Las Heras, the prisoners of Guantanamo and our Palestinian brothers that are rottening in the jails of Zionism!

Let’s strike together!
Let’s break the siege on Ghaza!
Let’s send weapons, medications and international brigades to fight side by side with the Palestinian People, to smash the fascist forces of Zionism, so the war cry of revolution can sound again in Maghreb and the Middle East!
For a free secular democratic Palestine! For a provisional revolutionary government of workers and peasants!
For the Socialist United States of Maghreb and the Middle East!

Zionism and imperialism deserve that the world working class make a world-wide intifada! From Germany to Sweden, from New York to Chicago, from Rome to Paris and Tokyo, a world-wide of the international working class is starting to rise. The Palestinian victory in Ghaza, Jerusalem and the entire occupied territory is and will be a victory of the whole world working class. This battle cannot be lost.
But we cannot achieve victory without making justice. For our revolutionary honor, we won’t let to be left in silence and hidden in history that the murderer Assad, supported by Putin, with the Syrian masses isolated, has imposed a genocide killing 500.000 workers and poor peasants and expelled millions of them to refugee camps in the borders, on behalf of all the imperialist powers. The martyrs of Syria claim for justice. They will be redeemed with the Palestinian revolution that will expel the Zionist invader and will settle things straight with the killer Bashar, with a new spark that will set on fire the whole region.

In the fights in Ghaza we can see clearly the trenches of the international class struggle.
On the one hand, we find the Stalinist parties, next to the Palestinian and Zionist bourgeoisies. In that trench we also find the dog Bashar and Putin, next to Hezbollah of Lebanon, guarding the Golan Heights and the northern border to the Zionist state of Israel. We find the Sunni and Saudi bourgeoisie, which disarm the masses, subjugate them and strangle their revolution with their party-army. We also find the renegades of Trotskyism, which support the evil plan of the UN of “two states” by left, which only wants to confine the Palestinian people to the ghettos of Ghaza and the West Bank.
On the other hand, in the trench in front of them, we see the heroic Palestinian masses, with the support and the anger of millions of workers and youth across the world that want to take the struggle for the victory of the Palestinian cause to Jerusalem and all the fights that are in the planet. Fighting together with them, we find ourselves, the authentic internationalist revolutionaries that have put our forces to re-found the Fourth International and the courageous revolutionary Marxists from Japan and the world.

Today, more than ever, the socialist revolution needs of the unity of the authentic revolutionary internationalists to organize the resistance and prepare the future revolutionary offensives. That is what our combat for closing the path of the next inter-imperialist wars is about. The iron alternative is still fascism and war, or victory of the international socialist revolution.

Finally, we want to salute you, so we can together pay a special tribute, and with it, pay tribute to all the new generations of workers and youth that enter into the fight for the cause of the proletariat.
In Libya, general Heftar, an imperialist lackey, rose. He tries to group forces to retake the oil companies that were occupied by workers and the rebel militias. The military clashes against the coup of NATO have begun. With the war cry of “let’s defend the revolution”, once again, the rank and file of the rebel militias of Libya stood up.
Confronting Heftar and his murderous officer’s caste, from the militias of Misrata, comrade Ibrahim al-Ja’abi fell in combat. He was only 20 years old, and when he was 17 he was in the lead of the militias of Misrata fighting to end with the regime of opprobrium of Gadafi.
We want our comrade to have a tribute from all the internationalists of the world, and together with him, to pay tribute to all the Palestinian youth that since they are 10 years old they stand up and fight, with their intifada against the Zionist aggressor.
He used to feel a Zengakuren himself, in his fight against the counterrevolutionary forces.

Open the road for the working youth! Long live the youth of the intifada!
Open the road for the international socialist revolution!
Long live the international unity of the working class!
For the working class to live, imperialism must die!

Collective for the IV International – FLTI

Internationalist Workers League (LOI-CI), Workers Democracy, of Argentina
Revolutionary Movement of the Rebel Militias, of Libya
Leon Sedov Brigade, of Syria
Workers International League (WIL), of Zimbabwe
Internationalist Workers Party (POI-CI), of Chile
Internationalist Trotskyist League (LTI), of Bolivia
Workers and Youth Revolutionary Committee for the Self-Organization (CROJA), of Brazil
Communist Workers League (LCT), of Venezuela
Group The Communers, of Colombia
Socialist League of the Internationalist Workers (LSTI), of Peru
