Períodicos Democracia Obrera
El Organizador Obrero Internacional



Suplementos DO

Published in Democracia Obrera 81. November 2015

The pearls of wisdom of parliamentary “action” of FIT's deputies voting laws o statements together with political forces of bosses'  and Kirchnerist Government parties.


On July 15, the parliamentary sessions of the National Congress were held.  The star of the day was the unanimously   approved  of "mobility of the universal child care benefit " (this is an increase by law every six months). 231 votes in favor,of the law  from Government party and the opponents, Macri, Massa, the Radical Party, Union's  bureaucrats ... and unfortunately the reformist left, joined in increasing to $ 900 a universal child care benefit for families which earn less than $ 6,000 per month (the vast majority of working class).
The newspaper La Nacion said that this "was the result of a debate of nearly eight hours, with a result  all  sectors knew, including the Left Front (FIT), had anticipated its support to the project from the Government, which also extends to the family benefits and other social protection programs. "
"Why the FIT did not reject this vote and said: “Hey you, deputies support your children with miserable $ 900 per month!  Why they did not use that platform to tell workers to grab everything, but emphasizing none of this is enough to satisfy the minimum and immediate needs, and therefore we must organize the struggle to defeat all that; beginning with the patronal deputies of this bandits den of the National Congress, that makes us live a life of slaves, full of hardship, absences and oppression?
So, FIT parliamentarians like Bregman, del  Caño of  the PTS and Lopez of the PO, ended legitimizing and giving political support to the government of Cristina, using these benefits as a real subsidy for slave trade employers ,because they do not pay the social wage and they left an ultra-flexible labor force get paid "under the table " outside any agreement and law.
Thus the FIT refused to fight against job insecurity and "decent work" and "minimum living wage of $ 15,000 for all". Considering  carefully what revolutionary militants of the Fourth International stated in the '30s , with an opposite strategy by the apex to the actions of the parliamentarians of the "new left" in Argentina: "The French Stalinists had given their confidence to the Popular Front government , although not directly involved in it. We think that this form of not participating is worse; it is the most pernicious form of participation. Giving Blum and Chautemps all the means they need for action means participating politically in the government coalition. Shachtman's question: "How can we refuse to give a million to buy rifles for the front" has been formulated to us, Marxists revolutionaries thousands of times by the reformists: "How can vote the billions needed to schools and roads, not to mention national defense?  “We recognize the need for schools and roads, just as we admit the need to fight against Franco. We use the "capitalist" railroads, our kids go to the "capitalist" schools, but we refused to vote the budgets of capitalist government. During our struggle against Kornilov, the Soviets never voted in a way that could be interpreted  as political solidarity with Kerensky. From the agitation point of view, we have no difficulty today to explain our position in Spain by negative feedback: "We ordered two million guns, and just give us one. We demand the distribution of rifles with workers' control and they refuse to give us. How should we willingly give our money and our trust to a government that makes us all these? Every worker will understand and support our position "(Leon Trotsky - Writings on the Spanish Revolution).
But it does not end here in mid-September when a group of  Barrick Gold miners reported cyanide pollution, by this Company, of  Jáchal river in San Juan (which flows towards San Luis and Mendoza provinces),  FIT parliamentarians Hector Martin Fresina and Dalmau,from Mendoza's legislature, called for "a rejection of pollution" and they proposed a draft resolution "declaring their deep concern about the solutions cyanide spill caused by the mining company Barrick Gold" . Most legislators of bourgeois parties -¡ the same ones who ordered the repression against the fighter  people of Jachal  -.! they approved  FIT motion immediately, since it fell to him "like a glove" to wash their dirty clothes" and appearing  "closer" to the people.
And when the Trotskyists call on workers to pay attention to these kinds of issues, from the cloisters of the schools of the "theoreticians" of the reformist left , they respond us that it is to oppose the "national bourgeoisie" (Gioia and Kirchner !, the greatest defenders of mining) against the "big bourgeoisie" of Barrick. This is nothing more than revive the Stalinist thesis of "different bourgeois camps and the exploitation of the contradictions in the enemy camp" for example in Latin America, called the proletariat to put aside their claims to support " national bourgeoisie against the imperialist bourgeoisie "... when in fact the former is only the junior partner of the second. Stop cheating! The only "repudiation" that these transnational deserve is the expropriation without compensation under workers' control of Barrick Gold and all mining companies which are plundering the Andes from La Quiaca to Patagonia! A task which will lead to defeat Gioia, K and other native representatives of the imperialist bourgeoisie fighting in the streets

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