Períodicos Democracia Obrera
El Organizador Obrero Internacional



Suplementos DO

Down with the judicial dictatorship and the judge's caste, heir of Videlaism and supported by the political parties of the TNCs and the slaver bosses!

The ones ruling this country together with the bourgeois politicians are a handful of judges, prosecutors, officers and intelligence service agents, whether at the service of K government or the anti worker opposition, who carry on the plans dictated from the US embassy, the TNCs and the big bankers, watched by CIA and Mossad.
This is the true Argentina, whose "democracy" and parliament are a screen play meant to hide the most treacherous and brutal Bonaparteist regime, where everything is solved behind the mass' back, in secret meetings and conspiracies, under the rule of finance capital and Wall Street pirates.

The elections are a smoke screen. Nothing is decided in the ballots, let alone in the Congress (even if FIT dedicates a huge effort to put on some makeup to this deception mechanism). The bourgeois gangs rule according to the amount of judges, prosecutors and secret service agents they have in their payroll.

The judges and prosecutors with their secret service agents and officers are one of the pillars of the bourgeois state (an "armed men gang" according to Marx). Today they are on top of all the bourgeois fractions making as a referee among them. They are the guarantors and defenders of all the interests of the bourgeoisie. That is to say, they play the role that the officers caste of the army and the "military party" played before, because those, after the dictatorship and the national defeat in Malvinas (1982), lost legitimacy before the people.

The capitalist gangs have entered into an open dispute for the loot and for who will be the next administration of the multimillionaire business deals at the end of Cristina Kirchner's government (whose term expires on 2015).
For all these, they need to keep away the workers and the exploited. That's why they have chosen the "judicial party" (judges and prosecutors) as the preferred institution to command the attack on the working class with jail and persecution of thousands of workers and popular fighters.

This "judicial party" (integrated by judges and prosecutors who have a long career in the last dictatorship) has a long criminal record. It saved De la Rua and Duahled, the ones that killed 40 workers in 2001 and Kosteki and Santaillan. It gave a green light to Menemism to sell out the nation's assets to the imperialist plunder. It "put in jail" (in VIP cells) and countries a couple of very old genocidal military officers in order to save the broad majority of the men that compose the repressive apparatus of Videla's dictatorship which is still intact. It allowed and legalized the biggest theaft of the nation such as the foreign debt! It allowed that the banks steal the savings of the workers, petty traders and retired workers in 2011!

The cynical bourgeoisie now talks about "judges and prosecutors of The Nation"... but what "nation"? It must be the American nation, because when a hayseed judge such as Griesa from New York's court supported the "hedge funds" and impounded part of Argentina's Central Bank's reserves, these "judges and prosecutors" kept on their knees embracing their US imperialist master. Let's say the truth, the only class that defends the nation is the working class, the only one who produces with their muscles, nerves and bones and generates all the wealth of the country, the same wealth that the TNC, banks and companies steal with the approval of K government and the antiworker opposition.

This scam of a so-called existence of a "sacred justice" is "legitimized" by the antiworker constitution of 1853 with its 1994 reform, which has the Supreme Court of Justice as the most aristocratic power of the state separated from the people, and above all it guarantees that the private property of the bosses is not touched.
Enough is enough! Down with the judicial dictatorship and the judge's caste heir of Videlaism supported by the bourgeois parties of the TNCs and the slaver bosses! Dissolve the justice, the judges and the prosecutors! Acquittal of Las Heras oil workers, free the political prisoners, end all charges to the 7000 chased workers! Dissolve the Videlaist courts! Workers and popular tribunals voted by the people (which would be the only ones that could know the truth about what happened in AMIA)! Trial and punish the genocidals, the repressors and the murderers of the people! Never forget, never forgive, never reconciliate!

