Períodicos Democracia Obrera
El Organizador Obrero Internacional



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Syria: a great revolution drowned in blood and covered with treasons

This work wasn’t written in the offices of the universities of the imperialist powers neither fabricated by the mind of an external to the class struggle so-called “erudite”. It was written by internationalist socialists and by fighters of the civil war of the Syrian exploited that faced a bloody counter-offensive from imperialism.
The authors of this book are part of this revolution and correspondents from the battlefield. They are not neutral. They are spokespersons of those who gave their lives to stop the offensive of Bashar on behalf of imperialism; and also they are spokespersons of the advanced of the masses that confronted the “Trojan Horses”, i.e. the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Jabhat Al Nusra, which were sent by imperialism to contain and disarm the masses in the free zones, just as today we are seeing ISIS is doing, which was sent by Qatar and Saudi Arabia commanded by Obama behind the scenes.

We, socialists, continued the huge internationalist tradition of the 30’s when, with heroism and strength of the world working class and its organizations, thousands of workers marched to the Spanish Civil War to fight against Francoism. We relentlessly fight for this international solidarity policy to be adopted by all the workers organizations of the world. This way we reached the very events in 2011, when the spark of Tunisia was still burning the whole Maghreb and Middle East.

Both “parts” of the world left, the “Al Assad friends club” and the ones that expected USA to help the rebel masses while going around the world with the bourgeois generals of the FSA, are responsible of the notorious isolation that the Syrian revolution suffered, which allowed imperialism to use all its agents to drown it in blood.
Imperialism tries to take the Syrian tragedy to the whole Maghreb and Middle East, where its power wobbled by the assaults of the heroic masses of the region.
The reformists guised as “socialists” that isolated the heroic Syrian revolution are the same ones that yesterday went to Egypt, where the masses rose and took to Tahrir Square, to take some pictures and call them to “fight for democracy and free elections” and make them believe that without even touching the murderous officers caste of Mubarak –which is under the command of CIA and the Pentagon- freedom and bread could be conquered.
Today, in Egypt, the “democracy of Obama” unmasks itself as the fiercest military dictatorship that freed its “Pharaoh” Mubarak and left a bloodshed in the whole Egypt, with thousands of workers imprisoned and hundreds of them sentenced to death.
Today, there are no more flashes in Tahrir Square, only blood and fire of the counterrevolution while the murderous generals, the biggest allies of the Zionist occupier of the Palestinian nation, after they were introduced as “democrats” and friends of the people, they freed Mubarak and rebuilt the dictatorial regime of the “Pharaoh”.
The reformist left promised the masses that with “Constituent Assemblies and elections” they would conquer their demands. That’s an infamy. This is how they supported the electoral traps that diverted the revolution. They were guarantors of removing the masses from Tahrir Square.
Today it is clear that there was no chance to get bread or freedom in Egypt if it didn’t follow the steps of Libya, that is to say, to disarm the officers of the Egyptian troops which are under the command of imperialism, and in that way conquer the unity of the rank and file soldiers with the rising people.
The left of Obama has left the working class of Syria, Libya, Egypt and the entire region isolated, so that these great revolutions couldn’t be coordinated with the struggle of the workers in Europe, USA and internationally. In those countries the war cry was “Fight like an Egyptian!”. The massacre in Syria and today’s release of Mubarak is an imperialist attempt of chastise in order to break the struggle will of the world working class.
Today, imperialism tries to make “new Syrias” in Egypt, Libya, Yemen and the whole Maghreb and Middle East by smashing the masses.

In Syria, Egypt and all the revolutions in the Maghreb and Middle East it is now clear, as revolutionary Marxism says, that in this imperialist epoch democracy and fascism come out from the very guts of this rotten capitalist regime. The “democratic revolutions” promised by the left of Obama were nothing else but a roundabout way so Mubarak and Ben Ali return, so Al Assad is saved and Zionism keeps the occupation of the Palestinian nation, doubling its attack on the masses.

The reformist left, the pseudosocialists, liquidated all kinds of international militant solidarity of the working class with their class brothers and sisters slaughtered in Syria. Many of them openly supported Bashar the dog, who did the dirty job on behalf of all the imperialist powers imposing the Syrian genocide.
They had previously isolated and defamed the militias and the “ragged masses” of Libya before the eyes of the world working class. They accused them of being “NATO ground troops”, when they were the ones that took the guns to conquer bread, like the Syrian masses tried to do after them. In Libya, the exploited masses confronted and crushed a major imperialist agent in the region: Khadafy, another “Pharaoh”.
Such a paradox! When this book was about to be printed, in Libya general Heftar (who was “exiled” in USA for more than 20 years), dressed of “anti-Khadafy” is trying to carry out a coup to massacre the militias and masses, which was agreed with Khadafy’s cousin so this clan gets back in power. That’s what the rich’s democracy is about: it only saves the capitalists’ interests against the revolution, so that later they drown it in blood.

That’s why, under the command of Obama, the whole reformist left of the world set up a holy alliance so that Syria, Egypt, Yemen or Iraq do not become a new Libya, in which the counterrevolutionary armies of all the lackeys-of-imperialism governments of the region are dismantled.

After so many cries of so many traitors, the only thing to be heard in the world is the voice of their master, imperialism, which sentences: “the masses that rose in Maghreb and Middle East are terrorists”.
We have seen that in Latin America, used as an excuse by imperialism to justify its counterrevolutionary blows in the ‘Southern Cone’, in Vietnam, in the revolts in Africa and in the whole world.
US imperialism calls those who struggle for bread and dignity “a terrorist” while it supports the most sanguinary counterrevolutionary dictatorship of the planet, with which it makes juicy business: the Chinese military dictatorship, which has slaughtered and keeps slaughtering and enslaving the most numerous workforce of the world to discipline it, under the command of the transnational companies.

The Syrian exploited did not reach as far as their class brothers and sisters in Libya. In Syria, imperialism tried to chastise the masses, in order to contain a chain of revolutions that was developed from Tunisia to Libya, from Yemen to Egypt and Damascus and threatened to succeed in Jerusalem.
Imperialism put all its forces for this chastisement. We will show in this book that it sent Putin to fully equip Al Assad to massacre the masses. The peaceful uprisings held by the oppressed in Hama, Homs, Aleppo, Idlib, Deraa in 2011-2012 were organized at the end of the prayers in the mosques, confronting an increase of over 400% of the food prices. Those uprisings were not organized by imams or the American ambassador. The imams claimed for peace, while Bashar killed 50 thousand exploited in just one bloody week.
This brutal repression led to splits in the army. Tens of thousands of rank and file soldiers moved onto the side of the revolution refusing to suppress their brothers, children and other relatives who were claiming for justice. Imperialism or the “paladins of democracy” did not organize these mass uprisings. On the contrary, they were organizing the massacre made by Al Assad on the people, and sending agents to disorganize the people’s forces for it to be slaughtered. When the exploited masses armed themselves, to defend their families, each attempt of self-organization, such as the Coordination Committees of workers and soldiers that threatened to reach Damascus, was destroyed.

Today, with the Syrian revolution bloodstained, after years of counterrevolution and huge treasons of world reformism, Zionism rose again and bombed the Gaza strip.
Al Assad keeps defending the Golan borders with the fascist Israeli state, just as Hezbollah defends the borders with Lebanon together with NATO troops, and Mubarak’s generals of Egypt also defend the borders of Israel. In Syria and Egypt, imperialism obtained huge counterrevolutionary victories.

But this is a story of revolutions and counterrevolutions that hasn’t been completely written. The unexhausted revolutionary forces of the exploited of Maghreb and Middle East still resist and the fights of the US working class and all across the world, from Marikana to Mexico and the resistance of the Ukrainian mineworkers in Donbass, show that the world working class has not given up. On the contrary, its leaders did give up a long time ago.

There were “capitals of the revolution” that fell, such as Tahrir Square in Cairo and Homs in Syria. Benghazi is under siege and surrounded. But the developments in Donbass; New York, Oakland and Missouri; Guerrero and the whole Mexico; the fights in Marikana and the heroic insurrection in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), show that not all the capitals of the revolution have fallen. In Gaza, the Palestinian masses weren’t defeated. The battlefield is the whole planet. To succeed, the aim of the working class has to be defeating the capitals of imperialism, particularly the most important of them all: Wall Street, where the heart of the beast is.
The world working class has a huge handicap in its favor. The US masses do not allow imperialism new military adventures or open direct counterrevolutionary actions, which is what it needs, because it is not enough to act from behind the scenes as up to now.
The working class of the imperialist powers hasn’t been defeated. A brutal crisis has been thrown on it. But, here and there, it resists the attack of the bankers and the imperialist governments.
A new general strike broke out in Greece, which proves that the spark of Athens is not definitively off. Meanwhile, the coloured youth and workers took to the streets in 170 cities of USA against the release and definitive absolution of the police officer that murdered the young Michael Brown with 13 shots just 6cm away from his head, when Michael Brown was completely unarmed.


This story of the class struggle, born of the crack of the world capitalist system in 2008 and of the mass uprisings against the unprecedented sufferings, is yet to be defined. There are still battles to wage. But without these lessons of the defeats and of the huge mass revolutions, the next ones won’t have the chance of learning how the class enemy and its fifth column acts inside the ranks of the revolution itself. The Syrian workers won’t be able to tell this story of massacres and treasons, because of the fascist smashing of their revolution. Today, they can only show their grief and huge sufferings, with millions of refugees in concentration camps in the desert. Their blood filled the Syrian streets. It is an obligation of the revolutionary socialists to draw these lessons, to tell the truth, to prevent the massacre and betrayal to remain in oblivion, because the Syrian revolution deserves that its flag is taken to victory by the next workers and socialists revolutions in the planet.
The Paris Commune in 1871, that great revolutionary experience of the workers movement, ended up in a massacre made by the French bourgeoisie, which victoriously stabbed their umbrellas in the dead bodies of the communers that were hanging from light posts. This defeat was due to the immaturity of a world working class that was just entering into the historical arena and started to learn waging its first revolutionary struggles. The leaderships of the working class were still very inexperienced. It was a new workers movement that appeared in history and was taking its first steps of the revolutionary struggle.
In this imperialist phase, after big revolutionary combats, the world working class has already learnt to speak the language of revolution. It has even expropriated the bourgeoisie in one third of the planet. This time, it is not suffering from immaturity, but from a brutal treason of the leaderships that speak on its behalf while prepare the conditions for its defeat and sell out their gains one by one, as the Stalinist scum that yesterday sold out the workers states to world capitalism and today does the same with Cuba. It is not surprising that these executioners of the proletarian revolution firmly supported the murderous hand of Bashar the dog.

The struggle for the lessons of the Syrian revolution, demolishing the slanders and siege imposed on it, is a political ideological theoretical programmatic organizational battle against revisionism of Marxism. Revisionism shapes cadres that do not hesitate in betraying the working class struggles speaking about “socialism” and the “left”. They have a school of falsifications and lies. They tell the working class that imperialism “expands its domination with democracy”.
To poison the working class consciousness with siren songs of the bourgeois democracy is what the social democratic left does worldwide. from the French New Anti-capitalist Party (NAP) to the Argentinean Workers Party for Socialism (PTS), from the British Socialist Workers Party (SWP) to the International Workers League (LIT) and others. That’s why they hide the tragic facts of Syria. The Syrian and Egyptian genocide, the ruling with the sabers of the generals in China, India and Pakistan, the Bonaparteist government of Putin “the hitman of imperialism”, the imperialist invasions, the thousands of military bases spread all across the planet, prove that they speak about “democracy” and “freedom” but for the slavers, and they don’t speak about the hardness of the Bonaparteist fascist or semi-fascist governments and regimes, which the majority of the exploited of the world suffer.

Syria Under Fire, today bloodstained and betrayed, marks Trotsky was right when he asserted that bourgeois democracy is a privilege that can be allowed in the imperialist centers, and inside those countries, only to the middle classes and the workers aristocracy.
However the lie ends. Can anybody affirm that 10 million refugees, workers and peasants in the desert with their women and children, and about 400 murdered buried in the streets of the Syrian cities are a result of a victory of the “progressive antiimperialist forces” of Al Assad against imperialism?
There cannot be any more lies. The tragedy of the Syrian masses is a verdict and a cry for justice. There is no way of hiding that Al Assad’s bourgeoisie in Syria and the bourgeois Hezbollah in Lebanon are junior partners of IBM, Hewlett-Packard and imperialism in communication business. That gang also washes the oil dollars of imperialism in their banks.
Today, the Iranian bourgeoisie, allied to Bundesbank, took the “hand” that Obama “extended” to them when he came to the presidency, so that the Iranian bourgeoisie become his Gurkha counterrevolutionary troops on behalf of imperialism. The Iranian bourgeoisie supported the US protectorate in Iraq, when USA was withdrawing its troops, and they act as mobile troops to smash the revolution in the whole region.

Revisionism today intends to wipe out completely any lesson or learning of the huge events of revolution and counterrevolution that shook the 21st Century, because they don’t want the working class to know of their treasons, and they don’t want the working class to have a guide so it can conquer the conditions for victory against the ruling classes.

If Marxism lives in the world workers movement is not because of Stalinism, Social Democracy or the ones that sold out the Fourth International. Marxism exists because the revolutionary lessons of Marx on the Paris Commune are still alive, as they are the lessons and program of the heroic revolutions of 1905 and October 1917, the lessons of the Russian question and the Stalinist sell-out, the fights of the Third International, the lessons conquered by Trotskyism as continuity of Bolshevism of the Chinese revolution of 1927, the fight against fascism in Germany, the revolutionary lessons of the Spanish Civil War and the 1938 Transitional Program. With them, for decades, thousands of revolutionary socialists were shaped while seeking to demolish this exploitation society.
That’s why it is our obligation and we have such determination to issue this book as a contribution to debate, criticism and the revolutionary lessons that allow a new grouping of the international proletarian vanguard under the banners of revolutionary socialism and the Fourth International. It is about preparing the conditions for victory, with the lessons of the defeats.
Revisionism and opportunism will complete their treason to the Syrian revolution if the revolutionaries subordinate to them, we lower our program and the Marxist criticism, and if we hide that these leaderships opened the road for the Syrian tragedy, they are the ones that let the current defeats take place and the ones that prevented the victories of the huge mass offensive that the working class waged against the world imperialist crack of 2007/2008.

Syria is a revolution bloodstained, isolated, besieged, slandered and betrayed. The massacre and silence about it will be a loud war cry that will go across the world claiming for justice and punishment to the executioners: imperialism, the bourgeoisie and their regimes. We won’t let them to live in peace. They are the terrorists. They have taken Syria to the worst of barbarism and a historical backward of its productive forces, splitting it, feudalizing it into several “princedoms” and “caliphates”, as in Northern Syria, that of the Kurdish bourgeoisie and the one that is still under control of Bashar from Damascus.
With internal customs, imperialism, in order to impose its counterrevolutionary plans, has even re-drawn the fictitious borders that had drawn at the end of World War 2 together with Stalinism. This is what it has done in Syria, Iraq and tries to impose in Libya and Yemen.

The silence and isolation to the Syrian revolution and the massacres on the huge revolutionary fights in Maghreb and Middle East are because what was at stake was the seizure of power by the working class, that is to say, the victory of socialist revolutions that would’ve taken that battle of the subjugated people inside the imperialist powers, encouraging the fire or revolution in there.
The bourgeoisie used a class collaboration deception policy to calm down the masses and then it used the direct counterrevolution.
The first chapter of this work, which is about the international conditions of the revolution and the counterrevolution in Syria, precisely defines that if the route of the revolution united several links of a single chain that threatened to enter inside Europe and USA, the route of the counterrevolution is the opposite. It advances dislocating the links of the revolution in order to kill and defeat them one by one. This is what they try to settle in Syria, Egypt, Libya and so on to return firepower to Zionism. They try to re-instate the devices with which imperialism controlled the oil routs for decades that the revolution made them to blow up in the air.
This route of the counterrevolution has meant that murderers and suppressors of the working class –even worse than Khadafy or Al Assad- emerged from within the “democratic” bourgeoisie of Egypt –supported by April 6th movement- and the “democratic” Khadafyist generals in Libya. Those are in charge of disarming the masses and drown in blood the most advanced processes of the revolution.

Obama grouped all the Arab bourgeoisies in the same table at a conference in Geneva. It sent Hezbollah and the Iranian republican guard as a shock force to support Al Assad so it doesn’t fall in Damascus. After the FSA and Jabhat Al Nusra showed their lack of capacity to control the masses that have defeated Bashar the dog in the whole Syria, Obama sent ISIS funded by Saudi Arabia. ISIS went to militarily take over the area of “Levant” in Iraq and Syria, controlling the exploited there, after containing and disarming the Iraqi starving insurrected masses in Fallujah and Mosul. Reaching Damascus is not in ISIS plans, neither breaking the borders of Zionism. Their plan is to smash the masses where Bashar was defeated. This question is widely explained in the first part of this work.

There’s one factual proof to show this. The dog Bashar demolished half of Syria with barrel bombs killed hundreds of thousands and put in exile millions of exploited, but he didn’t shoot not even fireworks to any of the areas under the command of ISIS. There are enough words. ISIS is the new gendarme that guarantees that the masses do not reach Damascus. Iraq’s partition today splits Syria, under the command of Obama and the Arab bourgeoisies.
The world bourgeoisie and its “left parrots” want to turn a blind eye. Obama took the generals and bourgeois murderers that command the counterrevolutionary army-party ISIS from the former Saddam Hussein’s Praetorian Guard, from the very guts of the same Sunni bourgeoisie of Iraq that has been the “dearest gendarme” of imperialism to control the masses of the region for years.
This is how imperialism acts. Yesterday, it used Saddam Hussein to massacre the Iraqi and Iranian working class. Then, when he was of no longer use for imperialism, it threw him away and hanged him in the gallows, removing all the business deals from his generals and bourgeoisie. And now, imperialism sends them as setting loose a hungry lion to slaughter the masses in the places where they successfully advanced in chains of revolutions against the exploiters, as in Mosul and Fallujah in Iraq or in Aleppo, Homs, Deraa, Idlib in Syria.

NO MORE LIES! The Left of Obama must be unmasked in its slanders and infamies against the masses. Let’s speak clear.
Imperialism uses all his agents: kings, princes, democrats, Ayatollahs, saddamhuseinists… everyone to keep its property. They make them play different functions and roles to strangle the world revolution.
Imperialism buys them all, and the one who pays is the one that commands and uses. That is the law for which imperialism is sustained internationally. Not because of the “vigor” or the “expansion” that it provokes in the world economy which actually, far from flourishing, it keeps unleashing episodes of barbarism, fascism and wars.
From all its agents, the best one is that who betrays the revolutions from within; the one who speak in the name of socialism, as Stalinism yesterday, that sold out the conquest of the workers states to Citigroup, Reagan and Thatcher. They are the ones who speak on behalf of revolution and betray it, so that never again the proletariat thinks about taking over power.

In moments of big mass offensives, they attack the citadel of power. We have seen the revolutions in 2011 in the region to make governments and regimes to blow up in the air and open huge “crisis in the heights”. The masses did not seize power. It was taken from them by mechanisms of deception or crushing.
Facing a revolution, the bourgeoisie gets divided on how to best defeat the masses and for the disputes of its businesses. Under these conditions, an offensive of masses disintegrates the forces of the bourgeoisie.
In the development of the revolution, the bourgeoisie has institutions that defend the interests of the whole owner class. That institution is the officers’ caste of their army, the pillar of the bourgeois state. Internationally, they are the counterrevolutionary troops of imperialism.
The counterrevolutionary pact of Geneva 2 disciplined all the bourgeois fractions that were starting to be dispersed by the huge revolutionary process of 2011 in Maghreb and Middle East.

Different from imperialism and the bourgeoisie, the proletariat hasn’t got a revolutionary leadership that defends its historical interests at each step of the revolution and in its relation with the international working class. This is what the working class leadership crisis is about, the over abundance of treacherous leaderships that it has. Those treacherous leaderships act as jailers and policemen inside the mass organizations. Only from this point of view we can completely understand the defeat of the Syrian revolution.

To impose the counterrevolutionary offensives facing the revolutions of Maghreb and Middle East, imperialism relied on troops, “democratic ways out” traps and in the cynical role of the Islamic bourgeoisies.

In Maghreb and Middle East, at the end of World War II, the guarantors of the stability and of crushing the revolution were Stalinism and the Arab secular bourgeoisies. Stalinism, with Stalin himself, together with Churchill and Eisenhower imposed the Zionist State of Israel as a gendarme of the region, with blood and fire against the Palestinian nation.
When the secular Arab bourgeoisies wanted to bargain a bigger share of the oil income with imperialism, it used the Islamic bourgeoisie of the region (Shiite, Sunnite, Alawite, Taliban, etc.) to play the role of counterweight and counterrevolutionary guardian of its interests. And when it didn’t used the Islamic bourgeoisie, either it used its armed wing, Zionism, to discipline the Palestine masses and the indomitable people of Maghreb and Middle East, or it carried out direct counterrevolutionary interventions as in 1990-1991 and 2001-2003 in the Gulf War and the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions to control the oil and opium routes.

In recent decades, imperialism made Islamic bourgeoisie play a decisive role in the Muslim nations, and even more it did after the fall of Stalinism in 1989, where the control mechanisms of the masses remain weaken in the region.
From the bowels of the lackey bourgeoisie of Saudi Arabia came Bin Laden and Taliban, blessed by Bush father, to control the order in the former Islamic Republics of the USSR since 1989, when it was breaking up with former Red Army.
It is the same case today with the Sunni or Shia bourgeoisie, as the Ayatollahs of Iran, before playing all their counterrevolutionary role in Syria, smashed the revolutionary uprisings of 2009 of the Iranian masses, who revolted against hunger, poverty and unemployment as their brothers in Syria and Maghreb and Middle East in 2011.
Often, these agents wanted to have their own game in the region and overcharge for services rendered. Therefore Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein "has passed away" under the bayonet of Pentagon generals.
As Marx said, we must show the secrets of international policy to the working class, because there the greatest conspiracies lurk against the revolutionary masses.

The possessing classes of the region and the chiefs of the imperialist states have learned the lesson of how they smashed the heroic masses of Iran after the great revolution of the workers and soldiers that in 1979 which defeated Sha Reza Pahlevi, a monarchy imposed by imperialism after World War Two Iran.
Today the same perfidious policy is repeated, it is a manual book for Pentagon and US establishment in order to control the people in Maghreb and Middle East.
Sha Reza Pahlevi acted as a true jackal and keeper of the oil wells of the “7 sisters” (the imperialist oil companies) in the region with the other gendarme the Zionist-Fascist state of Israel. In that heroic revolution the Iranian workers, as it happened in Libya or was going to do it in Syria in 2011, overthrew Sha Reza Pahlavi and split the army horizontally. The Worker’s and Soldier’s Councils were set up.

U.S.A. came from a political and military defeat in Vietnam –as now it is happening due to its fast withdraw from Iraq and the anti-imperialist fight of the north-American masses- it couldn’t intervene in the region directly. That’s why it used its agents to smash the heroic revolution of the Iranian Shoras (Workers and soldiers councils), as today it does with all the agents in the region. Facing the revolution, the imperialism brought from France Ayatollah Khomeini.
With him, it was set up a bloody counterrevolutionary theocracy allied to France and Germany, which was responsible of slaughtering from within –as today it is done by ISIS- the workers and soldiers councils. This is what the reformist left hides cynically. The best of the revolutionary vanguard, by dozens of thousands of workers and soldiers in Iran was slaughtered by the Ayatollahs, that counterrevolutionary theocracy that knows, and a lot, about slaughtering workers and drowning revolutions in blood. They were needed so that Bashar the dog doesn’t fall in Damascus. And today there are still lackeys of imperialism of this Shia theocracy who pose as “anti-imperialist” and control the Iraq protectorate US government.
But, as today happens, that policy of the Ayatollahs in the ’80 wasn’t enough to turn down the Iranian revolution which threatened to expand to Iraq and the entire region, from the old Persia to Middle East and Maghreb.

Before the Iranian Ayatollahs smashed the revolution, the generals in Egypt with the president Anwar Al Sadat had signed Camp David Agreement establishing that the Arab bourgeoisie supported by Stalinism recognized the fascist Zionist State of Israel kneeling themselves down to imperialism.
But imperialism was not enough with the Ayatollahs neither with Camp David to smash the Iranian revolution. Their expansive waves threatened even the Zionist state of Israel, with the Palestinian masses up surged.  U.S.A. armed Saddam Hussein, who invented a conflict in the borders with Iran and provoked a fratricide war for 8 years which meant the Iran Iraq people’s blood, leaving millions of deaths and strangled defiantly the Iranian revolution.
At the same time, in the ’80, when the brutal persecution and slaughter to the Palestinian, by the Jordan Rives as well as by the Maronite bourgeoisie of Lebanon, under the umbrella of Al Assad in Syria. The slaughter people of Sabra and Chatila had been the martyrs of this cynical counterrevolutionary policy of imperialism and all their agents in the region.

What U.S.A. makes with Syria today is what it did with Iraq in 1990-1991 and in 2001-2003 with the invasion of Bush son. In the ’90s, Saddam Hussein, for his services, took Kuwait. Imperialism couldn’t allow anyone to touch this “caliphate”, and even less his servant Saddam. Imperialism had to end up smashing the revolution in the region and discipline the Palestinian masses.
For that reason, 23 imperialist armies invaded Iraq under US orders. They split it, from Bagdad to the south, the Shia bourgeoisie and the Sunni triangle to the north, the Kurd bourgeoisie. In Bagdad, imperialism left Sadam Hussein with police power, without airborne firepower and without being able to use his army. They only kept it there to military discipline the masses.
Any similarity with reality today is not just coincidence. What does today Obama with Bashar the dog, if it is not leaving him to defend their interests in split Syria, sending ISIS and supporting itself in the same Kurd bourgeoisie who used when invaded Iraq in 1991?

In 2003, Bush and Halliburton stated “now it is our turn to keep everything for ourselves” and invaded Iraq again.  One of the most jealous and loyal guardian dogs of the imperialist oil companies, Saddam Hussein, was thrown to the garbage: it was found in a pit breathing with a straw, and ended in the scaffold of imperialism. The native bourgeoisie are like this: “brave” to smash their own people, and coward and able to be under before touching the property to imperialism.
Who can deny that the imperialism used both the Shia bourgeoisie to slaughter from inside the revolution as the Sunni bourgeoisie of Saddam Hussein to launch a fratricide offensive war with Iran? What is it such “forgetfulness” of this historic experience by the currents who are so called left and regroup in this cave of traitors of the World Social Forum? This is the plan applying Obama today
The imperialism uses all its agents, even the “democratic” left, so that its speech to the masses is that the Iranian Ayatollahs are their allies. And to hide, in the same way, the Sunni bourgeoisie and its gang of ISIS and other variables are the ones who control from within the revolutionary processes to slaughter them.

From the World Social Forum it was invented the infamy and lie that Putin was “anti-imperialist” who armed the “anti-imperialist” Al Assad to smash a supposed NATO blow in Syria. This deceive is no longer viable. Even those who used it, now have to hide it under the carpet.
NATO or U.S.A. did not throw even fireworks against the “anti-imperialist” Al Assad. According to the reformist, he was “making the war against imperialism in Syria”. They must face the consequences. They won’t hide. The murdered workers and peasants are counted by hundreds of thousands.
They want to hide that the imperialism uses all its agents to keep everything for itself afterwards.

The repetition of this history is a tragedy. Not only because is being committed in Syria the same slaughter than in Iraq and Iran in the ‘80s, ‘90s and beginning of the 21st century, but because it isn’t here about stopping one or two revolutions, but a chain of revolutions that shock the entire region and threatened to enter in Europe and U.S.A.
Shoras, workers and peasants councils, of the Iranian revolution were the Coordination Comities of Syria, the factory and fighting comities of the Egyptian masses occupying Tahrir Square, the popular councils and the militias of the Libyan revolution, the militias embryo and fighting comities of the Tunisian masses.
In 2011 the shoras revolution of workers and soldiers which threatened to set ablaze the entire region and enter martyrized Palestine.

The ones, who consciously fenced, falsified, deceived the world proletariat about this new revolutionary historical deed of the oppressed people of Maghreb and Middle East won’t be able to talk anymore using the name of the socialist revolution.  They cannot tell that they do not know about this tragic historical experience. The silence it consciously so imperialism has free hands to smash the revolution. They have, as the Stalinism, their hands stained with the blood of the exploited that the native bourgeoisie and imperialism poured it, and they supported them.

Then again, we present here Siria Bajo Fuego (Syria under Fire). Their authors invite to each youth, worker, socialist intellectual, anti-imperialist fighter, to introduce in this work to understand not only the character of the great revolutions that shook the world in Maghreb and Middle East from 2011, but also the perfidious policy of fence to the revolution and the one an a thousand betrayals of the world reformist left currents that left the hands free to Al Assad to slaughter the Syrian people.

The working class is a noble class who has had the power at the reach of his hand, and has not taken it over. Nobody has prepared them for that. Their leaderships didn’t give them this objective. On the other hand, they have denied it, conspiring so that the masses couldn’t take over the power, and does not arise, develop and extend in the entire region the shoras of armed workers and soldiers that carry to the triumph the socialist revolution.
The working class is a noble class. If this one would have applied against their oppressors even the 1% of violence that the counterrevolution applied, the revolution would have succeed. The bourgeoisie came for everything. This is Syria Under Fire. It is Homs, Aleppo, Idlib, and dozens of demolished, devastated cities. It is the slaughter of more than 6 thousand Palestinian people in Yarmouk, Damascus, at the hands of Al Assad. It is the fence of the Syrian revolution. It is 2013-2014: two years of fence, betrayal and slaughter against the revolution.
The ones that write this work are solidary, we militate and fight with vanguard workers and youth that have not surrendered and that alongside the exploited wants to recover their revolution. This that in the freed zones was expropriated by the agents of the Turkish bourgeoisie, Sunni, the coward Kurd bourgeois –that in the region is sold to the best bidder, now Yankee, now Al Assad.

We are part of the militants of the Syrian resistance, that have spoken tirelessly to the masses –as we demonstrate in this work- that the path to the victory was the expropriation of the capitalists, bankers, of not giving away the weapons, and throw in that way the most powerful missile against the Damascus regime: the expropriation of the exploiters –the most accurate way to upraise the masses of Maghreb and Middle East- and for the working class of Europe and U.S.A. sees the Syrian revolution as their own. The days of Al Assad, the dog of imperialism, would have been counted. We are not neutral historian. We are organizers of the world working class.
The bold workers must comprehend that without getting these lessons of so many betrayals of the leadership of World Social Forum and the hatred of the ruling classes, where Syria is a tragic example, will not be any chance that in future generations count on them for their fight. The best fighters of the Syrian revolution are buried in the battlefield.

For that reason, the Obama’s left keeps silence. It is under the “democratic imperialist front” as the US imperialism the greatest executioner and chief of the genocide against the Syrian and entire region masses.

This left gets threatened by the new guardian dog that irrupts in the region: the ISIS. They can not see to the other side. The black flags of ISIS penetrate in the masses, mount over their great revolutionary actions to expropriate and behead them. They got into the government of the US protectorate, have expropriated the flags of the Iraqui resistance against the imperialist slaughter. This is the engine of the “overwhelming advance” of ISIS. Its midwife was the social-imperialist left that only rallies with the flags of imperialism and its agents in the entire region. They have left the fight against the imperialism in hands of the ISIS, the republican guard of Saddam Hussein and his actual partners, the soldiers of Saudi Arabia princes.

It is the character of the treacherous leadership of the world proletariat the one who has opened the path to lie and fraud of the counterrevolutionary agents. And they make it sit in the Capitol, as councilors of the “Republicrat” regime, selling out with the Castro brothers Cuba to imperialism, supporting the Iran Ayatollahs.
Pentagon and NATO know their agents. Reformism is with the flags of the “democratic revolution” deceiving the people of the East. It left the anti-imperialist banners in hands of the ISIS demagogy, so this one takes the other end of the rope and strangle the chain of revolutions that shook the world from 2011.
They strip the world working class the chance to face imperialism and all its minions in the henchman in the region. They looked to the other side. All the fractions of the bourgeoisie got there to smash the revolution. But could not get there hundreds of thousands of workers, youth, workers organizations of the entire world to fight with their brothers of Maghreb and Middle East.
If that happened, other would have been the flags that disaggregate the Iraqui army and spread over Aleppo and Homs. There would’ve been the flags of the Syrian revolution, which the Obama’s left put in the betrayal’s mud.

In this work, its authors and protagonist fulfill our obligation of presenting these historical lessons. They will not be forgotten or forgiven to the murderers of the Syrian people and of Maghreb and Middle East. The betrayal of reformism will not be hidden in the history. 

They put the weapons in the hands of Al Assad in the same way that today they sell out the Colombian resistance and Cuba to imperialism, after handcuffing the revolution in the American continent and supporting Obama.
The Syrian oppressed claim for justice. When this book is closing, the capitals of the revolution still aren’t defeated. The black working class of South Africa resists irreducibly from the Marikana (South Africa) mines and radiates its combat to Zimbabwe. In Burkina Fasso, fighting for bread, the masses star phenomenal revolutionary actions. Joining the working class of the north and South Africa is the urgent task of today. The martyrized Palestine exploited are still standing in Gaza and count with the solidarity of the world working class, that in U.S.A. and Europe got the streets to stop the offensive of the Zionism and strip again of firepower for the moment.
In Ukraine, the Donbas mine workers have stopped the fascist offensive of the Kiev army, and resist heroically to the imperialism.  Putin makes agreements with Merkel and the Kiev bourgeoisie sells out the greatest resistance, getting paid with gas. The workers resist. The rank and file soldiers of Kiev denied fighting against their class brothers. The path is open to unify the soldiers of Kiev with the workers of Donbas. The set up again of the soviets is the only thing that can guarantee an independent Ukraine. Imperialism threatens for this perspective of the coming back of the USSR under revolutionary and soviet way.
The students, poor peasants and working class arise claiming for justice before the disappear of 43 students in the state of Guerrero in deep Mexico, being on the agenda  that the Latin American masses cross the Rio Bravo and enter U.S.A.. There, in the ruling imperialist power, the black workers start to fight facing the slaughters that they suffer each day by the white police as in Missouri.
The Greek working class and the European working class haven’t still exhausted their energies despite being thrown out of the scene provisionally by the social imperialist parties of the workers aristocracy and bureaucracy; in Italy where the working class stars a strike in more of 25 cities threatening with overrun the contention dam of the trade union centrals and the World Social Forum.

Some months ago youth and exploited workers uprising shook Hong Kong, at the doors of China itself, where the workers are over exploited by the transnational companies and the Communist Party of the “red businessman”. In Hong Kong, the students stood up against the 10 oligarchy families of the Hong Kong finance and with the workers went into the fight. This struggles as before were the ones of the workers of Foxconn, Mitsubishi and thousands of revolts in the continental China, are saying that the Chinese working class was out of scene and although the slaughter it stoop, today it is coming back to the fight.

The imperialism didn’t manage yet to generalize the counterrevolutionary triumph achieved in Syria, and imposing this strength relationship at world level. The world proletariat didn’t state its last world.

The events of the North of Africa and Middle East are still open; these ones are defined in the capitals of the revolution which have not given up and mainly in  the arena of the world class struggle and in particularly in the working class of the imperialist powers who have get into fight.

The Syrian oppressed claim for justice. They will find it in the triumph of the international socialist revolution. Their martyrs, that are our martyrs, will not be forgotten… ever! They will be flag of fight of the world working class and anti imperialist fighters of the world.


