Períodicos Democracia Obrera
El Organizador Obrero Internacional



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March 9 2015

From Aleppo, the capital of the resistance against dog Bashar and his mercenary troops under Obama’s command
Declaration by Leon Sedov Brigade

On March 15 2015 we’ll commemorate the 4th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution

We are fighting in rebel Aleppo, Syria against filthy dog Bashar
We are the Donbas miners fighting against the IMF and the EU! We are the militant youth in the Greek revolution!
We are the workers and peasants that have taken Sana’a, Yemen’s capital city against the rise in foodstuff prices and the increase in public services fees, against unendurable starvation! We are the peoples’ resistance in Maghreb and Middle East!
We demand justice! We are seeking nothing less than victory! A revolution has started; a revolution has been massacred; though it has not yet been defeated. The Resistance is alive and well and is going on.
Long live the Revolution by the workers and the poor! Death to genocidal Assad, murderer of the Syrian people for the sake of all the imperialist powers! Long Live the Palestinian resistance! For he destruction of the Zionist-Fascist State of Israel!

It is urgent to stop the massacre by fascist al Assad, patronized by Obama and all the imperialist powers; he is trying to retake rebel Aleppo, as has been for long, and as yesterday he could retake Homs!

* The Kurdish bourgeoisie signed an agreement with al Assad, so separating the Kurdish masses form the rebel exploited uprising in Aleppo
* Saudi Arabia, under the command of the Anglo-American imperialism, sent the IS (formerly ISIL or ISIS) to all the zones that the revolution had liberated from al Assad, in order to crush the insurgent masses from within, administer all the oil wells and water reservoirs for the imperialist corporations and save filthy dog Bashar in Damascus
* The FSA and Jabhat al-Nusra are trying to control the masses in the liberated zones so they do not expropriate the bourgeoisie
* The WSF imposed a fence encircling the Syrian masses, so letting filthy dog Bassar a free hand to massacre them

Though, in spite of all this...

In indomitable besieged Aleppo, the heroic resistance of the workers and the oppressed people is still alive and well and is fighting in a tough resistance!

As yesterday the workers and the oppressed people all over the world rose in solidarity with the martyred masses in Gaza before the Zionist attack

It is necessary and urgent to break the siege imposed to the exploited that resist in Syria the genocide by filthy dog Bashar!

Let’s take the streets all over the world!

For international worker brigades to go fight and carry food, medicines and all necessary help to Donbas, Aleppo and to break the isolation of the heroic Palestinian resistance!


In revolutionary Aleppo we are today resisting a ferocious offensive by filthy dog Bashar who is trying to retake the control of our city and of all the zones where the rebel masses are still in control. In 2011 we stood up combating for a heroic revolution, by which we pushed out the forces of Bashar al-Assad, by dividing his army, as a part of a single and only revolution all across the Maghreb and Middle East. Against our uprising, Bashar al –Assad performed a brutal repression and massacre we had to endure from his troops that fought against us for the sake of all the imperialist powers. He felt free for carrying on this genocide –that today has left more than 400,000 martyrs ands 10 million of exploited having to flee from their houses and take refuge in tents in the desert- thanks to the wall of silence imposed around us by the treacherous leaderships of the World social Forum, who isolated us from the workers worldwide. Bashar’s hand didn’t tremble; he didn’t vacillate to massacre in a bloody and indiscriminate way our mobilizations when by our thousand hundreds we took the streets in all the towns and cities in Syria to the cry: “Al Assad is USA’s beloved child; Syria wants bread and freedom!”
From 2011 many rank and file soldiers refused to repress us and got to our side, coming to us with their armament. They joined our coordination committees of workers, poor peasants and soldiers, true organs of dual power that functioned through direct democracy. We were obliged to take arms in order to defend us from Bashar vicious attacks. With great insurrections city by city we expelled the troops of the filthy dog and now they are no more allowed to step here.
Our chain of insurrections was threatening to reach Damascus and defeat Al Assad. It was in late 2013 when we were at the gates of the capital. Imperialist and all the local bourgeoisies were frightened because they know that Bashar is who guards the borders of the Zionist-Fascist State of Israel in the Golan Heights; if Bashar had been definitively defeated the way was expedite for the advance of Revolution in the Maghreb and Middle East for sweeping away definitively the Zionist-Fascist State of Israel with the rebellion en masse of the Palestinian masses. It would have meant that we followed the way of our Libyan brothers and sisters and the head of Al- Assad would have fallen and rolled along the streets of Damascus.
That’s why imperialism acted hurriedly and strengthened Al Assad, who was –with the okay of the imperialists- thus armed by Putin and received the support of Lebanon’s Hezbollah and the heavy weights of the Republican Guard of the Iranian Ayatollahs (which came from massacring in a bloodbath the Iranian masses in 2009). Just before that, the Kurdish bourgeoisies had signed a deal (an armistice) with Al Assad, separating the Kurdish people from our fight and cooperating with the filthy dog in his offensives towards our liberated zones.

In Syria, in 2013-2014, imperialist counterrevolution concentrated all its forces in order to chastise the masses and stop the chain of revolutions that, from Tunisia to Libya to Egypt was threatening to reach Jerusalem. The genocide in Syria is a proof of what we say. They had to put and end to our fight through any means available.

That’s why also the imperialists and their puppet government of the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) from Qatar sent to the interior of our liberated zones some “Trojan Horses”: the Generals-without-a-battle of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the bourgeois leaders of Jabhat al-Nusra. They only want businesses. They are here to prevent us from resolving the problem of the bread with our own hands, so they hoard the bread and deliver it as they like and in that way they have been able to keep a say in the government of the “liberated zones”. That’s why they don’t want us to expropriate the properties of the bourgeoisie and put all the riches to the service of satisfying the necessities of the people and win the war. Thus, they keep the businesses, the money, and the factories and from those positions they want to impose their control.

They could not, however, contain our fighting, so the British Petroleum and Saudi Arabia sent the Islamic State of Iraq and el-Sham (ISIS) to the interior of our neighborhoods, cities and towns already liberated by us from the troops of al Assad. In the guise of anti-imperialist combatants and burning US flags, with promises of victories and solutions for all Syrians, these people put their realm in some liberated cities as Raqa or Deir ez-Zor in order to capture our cities with their apparatuses and from there impose their discipline, their fake “Islamic law” (decided ad libitum by their chieftains) with the sables of their generals as a dictatorship of sorts.
Thanks to the confusion and slaughters of the ISIS and the Kurdish bourgeoisie in arrangement with murderer Bashar, the latter was able to retake the “capitals of revolution” as Homs y Dera’a. Though, against the barrel bombs of Bashar and his mercenaries, in spite and against the generals of the Free Syrian Army who only devote to ake business on the backs of the hungry people that resists, in spite of the ISIS (the friends of Saudi Arabia and other cruel monarchies as that of the UAE)… Aleppo is still resisting! Aleppo has not given up!

 We are confronting all those counterrevolutionary agents, which are centralized by the deal agreed in the backroom of Geneva under the command of Obama (known as Geneva II); that del began to really work starting in middle 2013. There imperialism got together and disciplines every one of its agents to make them play its respective role in the defeating of the revolution. Though, in spite of all of them, we still resist, we are still standing and fighting for the revolution.
From our neighborhoods in Aleppo, ISIS has been expelled by the people, and from that moment it could and still cannot enter. Bashar’s army also tries to enter, harassing us from the nearby areas that he controls.
It is that we area the revolutionary combatants that after so much massacre endured; after the treason of the leaderships of the world working class that have supported our executioners and enemies; after the fence and isolation we were submitted to… WE STILL ARE STANDING AND FIGHTING AGAINST THE FILTHY DOG BASHAR, TODAY RESISTING HIS ADVANCES, BUT  STILL TRYING TO GET TO DAMASCUS AND DEFEAT HIM. That’s why we are still resisting the offensives of the filthy dog Bashar from the west and north of the Aleppo province and the heartland of the Syrian working class of this city, the neighborhoods with the most concentrated and important working class population: Salah ad-Din, Seif al-Dawl y Sukary.


The momentary defeat of the worker and popular revolution that had started in 2011 has made Syria go back centuries, sinking it into barbarism.
Syria has been partitioned and feudalized by the imperialist brigands and their agents in the region

Under the command of Obama, Syria has been partitioned, trying that after that, the imperialist powers get all. In the North the Kurdish provinces are under the control of the Kurdish bourgeoisie and the troops of the YPG and the Peshmerga, with officials that are unconditional of the Americans, who made a deal with USA when it invaded Iraq in 2003 in exchange of a portion of the business. The center and the North are under the control of the ISIS with its Saddam-Hussein’s generals. And in Damascus we see filthy dog Bashar heeling in with his murderous army and his mercenaries. But Aleppo, de second city in Syria, has not given in. If Homs was the capital of the revolutionary offensive of the Syrian masses in 2011, after Hom’s fall Aleppo has remained today with the honor of being the capital of the resistance against the filthy dog Bashar and all the imperialist agents in Syria.

We workers are the true characters featuring the resistance. We are defending our families and our jobs. We know that here they won’t pass. From Aleppo the entire resistance must be rearmed in order to defeat the plan of partitioning Syria. A plan concocted by imperialism and its cronies of the Sunni bourgeoisie heirs of Saddam Hussein, the Kurdish bourgeoisie and the rich men surrounding filthy dog Bashar, all of them supported by Putin and under the blessing of Obama.
All of them, with Al Assad cornered in Damascus, have signed a true counterrevolutionary agreement, i.e. the border of the Zionist State of Israel in the Golan Heights is untouchable. That agreement was signed by al Assad, the Iranian Ayatollahs, the ISIS, the Peshmerga and the cynic Kurdish bourgeoisie. All of them are lackeys and servile devotees to the Zionist-Fascist State of Israel that massacres our Palestinian brothers and sisters. That’s why al of them silence the 6000 Palestinians massacred by the dog’s mercenaries in the Yarmouk (Damascus) refugee camp, 3 times more deaths that which Zionism perpetrated in its last attack to Gaza. A slaughter only comparable to the massacre in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon of Sabra y Shatila in 1982.

In 2011 from Tunisia to Palestine, Maghreb and Middle East was on fire against the regimes lackeys to imperialism. Khadafy, Ben Ali, Mubarak’s government fell down, and Khadafy lost his head. Even the counterrevolutionary forces of Zionism saw themselves on the brink of a precipice open at their feet.
We were denounced by the worker aristocracies and bureaucracies and by the left friends of Obama, paid by Big Capital.
They treated us as “barbarians”, “backward tribes”. That’s a vile lie! We are workers, we work producing oil and gas from the earth, and we construct the wells and pipes, and only see that the pipelines of the “imperialist tribes” plunder our wealth. They certainly are the tribes of brigands, murderers and racketeers, of Wall Street and the Bundesbank.

Today, in the new anniversary of our revolution, we cry louder tan ever: Aleppo does not give up, in the same way that the rebel militias of Libya do not give up! They are resisting the fascist coup by Heftiar and his allies, and resisting the ISIS, enemies of the Syrian revolution, who only want a fratricide war to crush the armed peoples!
We resist in Aleppo because we also receive a gush of fresh air from the expansive waves of the revolution that yesterday began in Tunisia in 2011, and today is standing up in Yemen. Neither the Shiite nor the Sunni bourgeoisie or any lackey of imperialism can conceal that what exists there is an alliance of workers and poor peasants, which with their shoras (armed councils) took the capital city and the public buildings, to the cry of “Down with the price increases and the unbearable taxes, we want decent wages, out with the government of the corrupts!”
The Yemeni revolution is a new revolutionary offensive of the masses of the Maghreb and Middle East, which demonstrates that the forces of revolution have not yet been exhausted, in spite of the imperialist counteroffensive. This counteroffensive has been brutal not only in Syria but all over the region as in Egypt. There the murderous Mubarak’s generals are again in command and the streets of Cairo and the Tahrir Square have been droned in blood, while the Zionists tried to put up again their heads massacring our brothers and sisters in Gaza.
The Palestinian resistance is alive and well. We know that there, in the combat for defeating the Zionist State of Israel, the decisive battle will be fought of this class war started in Tunisia in 2011.

We stand up and pay homage to all the anti imperialist and internationalist fighters that, from Tunisia to Libya, have fought alongside us, shoulder to shoulder, and given their lives against the filthy dog Bashar and the imperialist powers. Our martyrs live and fight in them. We are the same flesh, the same revolution.

We hail all those that are resisting and fighting in the rebel cities and towns of Syria against dog Bashar, imperialism and those that have expropriated our revolution as the ISIS, the FSA Generals-without-a-battle and all the factions of the bourgeoisies that have mounted over our combats for carrying along their businesses and, as “Trojan Horses”, defeating us from inside.
We hail all our brothers and sisters that are crowded in the refugee camps en the Syrian borders and all the millions of workers across the whole region that are obliged to flee to imperialist Europe for surviving risking their lives in the Mediterranean Sea.
Some months ago, Syrian refugees demanded justice, a job and a miserable place t olive in Greece. They were attacked by fascist gangs, the same as here we are attacked by dog Bashar. Thousands of rebel youth in Athens defended them. They are our allies. There our forces rest. Long Live the rebel revolutionary youth in Greece! We are with them and their imprisoned comrades, who rot in the dungeons of the government of the troika in that country!

In this fourth anniversary of the Syrian revolution we pay homage to the thousands being murdered in Tahrir Square in Cairo. We declare that we have not forgotten Mohammed Bouazizi or the massacred of Gaza or Bahrain. We stand up alongside our Yemeni brothers and sisters and their shoras.


Day after day, dog Bashar sends mercenary troops to try crushing us because Aleppo may put gain on fire the prairie of revolution in Syria and all across the region.

Here in Syria, Bashar’s army, reinforced with the troops of Hezbollah and the Iranian Ayatollahs, supplied by Putin with weaponry, is ever harsher against us, trying to smash the vanguard of the revolution that is still fighting, because they know that they are in danger by our expropriating the bourgeoisie, imposing a worker commune in Aleppo, and making revolt the starving exploited in Damascus and making them go along the same way by beating the citadel of power in Syria.

Bashar and his dogs bomb us with their barrel bombs, airborne missiles, Scuds and sometimes cannons and other artillery fire for massacring us and demolish our houses, schools and our entire city. He wants to take Aleppo completely.

He wanted to cut the routes that connect the province of Aleppo with the neighborhoods of our city. He sent a offensive attack manned with mercenaries brought from Georgia and Pakistan, and Iranian and Lebanese Shiites sent there by the Iranian ayatollahs and Hezbollah. Bashar sent them using and trying to take advantage of the “inter-ethnic” frictions existing between Shiites and Sunnis, Georgians and Chechens, Pakistanis and Taliban (telling his men that he was sending them to fight against “terrorist Taliban and Chechens, radicals Sunnis, etc.”). They couldn’t even get near the city. They suffered a crushing defeat by our resistance.

In the battle fronts, in the resistance against Bashar’s troops, we go to fight; we put our bodies and fight to death for expelling the enemy. But the FSA generals make believe they are there, and they quickly go away. They do not fight against Bashar or cover the flanks where his army tries to irrupt, although they had promised us they would cover those places. They even go away without telling us that they will not be here, leaving some places undefended. We have already had to lament a lot of deaths due to the action of these “generals” of the FSA, as happened some days ago in Rashdin, where a comrade of us got martyred and another one was wounded when the FSA deserted, without even warning.
All the same we could stop the advance of the army of Bashar’s and also expel it from other towns, as in Hardatnin and Bashakuy. Bashar’s army could not progress in its advance over us, because we defeated its attempt, but its pounding continues.

Their barrel bombs are still been dropped on our neighborhoods, and we are also bombed by the aircrafts, and the mercenary troops regroup aiming to take our zones. They are helped by the US imperialist aviation, which uses the pretext of “combating terrorism” to bomb our houses and towns. They are the true terrorists who bomb cold blood, that invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, which support Zionism that in two months massacred thousands of Palestinian women, children and men and who support Bashar A- Assad that massacred 400,000 Syrians and forced 10 million more to flee from their homes and go to get a refuge in unbearable conditions in refugee camps!
They are who have an army of paid mercenaries to the service of a dictator, junior partner of imperialism, who wants to get his pockets full of money while goes on drowning us in a bloodbath and misery!
We are workers and youth that only defend our families from the bombings by Bashar. We are starving and massacred workers wanting to get bread and resist! We have been obliged to take arms to defend our families that were massacred. We are the revolutionary masses that confront the bombings by the imperialists and all its agents.

We are not the ISIS which attacks us from the rearguard, trying to take our city for crushing the rebelled working class. They do not fight against the filthy dog Bashar. Their “Caliphate” of Levant goes up to the border with Aleppo, and does not include Damascus. They are partners to dog Bashar and the pro imperialist Kurdish bourgeoisie in the partition of Syria. They have a common point: they cannot touch -and it is a matter of fact they do defend the borders of the Zionist Fascist State of Israel.
In the partition of Syria, Aleppo has been given to Bashar. That’s why ISIS harasses us from the back so that Bashar can attack and defeat us in the front. Here the heroes are not the Generals-without-a-battle of the FSA. Those who resist are us, the workers, the poor, our women and children. We fight and die for them. What head of family wouldn’t do the same?
We aren’t under the military or political discipline of the FSA generals or Jabhat al-Nusra, as they only want to expropriate our struggle for the sake of their own businesses, and use the money they take from us in order to try control everything.

We fight for defeating genocidal Bashar al-Assad! We call the Kurdish people to break with its collaborationist bourgeoisie and the Peshmerga, all of whom signed an agreement with Al Assad in the same way they did with Bush when the latter invaded Iraq!
To defeat the harrying policy against the Kurdish people made by ISIS (the envoy of the super-reactionary pro-imperialist Saudi bourgeoisie to prevent the resistance reaching Damascus), we need to end the subordination of the Kurdish nation to its bourgeoisie, lackey of Obama, who has long time ago signed a pact with Turkey and US imperialism for it to invade the Iraqi north. With the Turkish imperialism, Obama, the invaders of the Iraqi nation, the Kurdish people won’t be free and will be subjugated with double chains!
It is necessary to reunify the common front against Bashar of the workers with a Kurdish origin with the rest of the rebelled exploited in Syria that, at arriving to Damascus, will be able to give to the Kurds the right to self determination


Out of Syria and Iraq those agents of Big Oil, the ISIS that guard the imperialist corporations its wells and its properties, making the workers work in the most miserable conditions within the grip of their iron fist! Let the revolutionary masses of Raqa and Deir ez-Zor come again to fight against Bashar!
In the Levant, the Syrian Kurdistan and from the north to the south of Iraq, against the murderous Iranian ayatollahs, agents of US imperialism, it is necessary to set up the shoras, the worker and solider councils, so that we are able to take our fight in our own hands, that of the people in the bottom, the workers and the poor!

In order to win this war, we know we have powerful missiles, those that the “opposition” bourgeoisie prevents us from shooting. We fight for the expropriation without compensation of all the factories and means of production –the big properties of imperialism in the first place- so that the people can have their bread and win the war.
Out with the bourgeois generals of the FSA and Jabhat al-Nusra! Let’s organize ourselves in rank and file assemblies! For supply committees! That the militia, including the rank and file of the FSA and Jabhat al-Nusra, can choose their leaders democratically! In each liberated town and city, in the provinces and in the neighborhoods, beginning with those in Aleppo, it is necessary to set up worker communes that take the functions of a government, based on resolving the most peremptory needs of the masses and winning the war against Bashar. It is urgent to put in place again the Coordination committees!

That’s what we fight for in Aleppo. For if we conquer it that will be an electric shock that will replenish with new energy the exploited all over the region.
The oppressors, the murderers of the people, their terrorist forces deserve that “jihad”, that which expropriate the expropriators and set free our people from the imperialist plundering. We are walking over a sea of oil and gas that runs below our feet, that is ours, our riches, but we live as slave people. We are not “barbarians” or “tribes”; we are slaves, as they are –in a true regime of apartheid – the workers and people in Palestine, made outcasts in their own land. Meanwhile the filthy dog Bashar is defending very well the borders to Zionism and, as we have just said, massacred more than 6000 Palestinian refugees in Yarmouk.

This is the way to put up again our revolution, which is advancing to recoup what the capitalists steal from us every day: our work and our wages. In that struggle, which is that we are fighting from Aleppo, we know that we can make revolt our class brothers and sisters, the exploited in Damascus. Thus this war will be won, through the class unity of all the exploited. We know that we will enter Damascus hand in hand with the revolutionary upheaval of the workers.
We workers have the key to succeed over Bashar, the hound dog of the Zionist State of Israel in the Golan Heights!

After the fall of Homs, Aleppo, the capital of the resistance, doesn’t give up
In Aleppo, Donbass, Athens, in the occupied Palestine and in the struggle of US oil workers there’s one single struggle and the enemy is the same: Wall Street and the imperialist powers, and their hitmen of the colonial world

The whole bunch of the exploiters has concentrated in Syria all their forces to stop the revolution in Maghreb and Middle East. Today, they are focusing them in Aleppo in order to settle down their counterrevolutionary victory of partitioning Syria.
Huge counterrevolutionary forces of NATO and EU are concentrating to colonize Ukraine and kill the workers in Donbass.
When we see the cities of Lugansk, Donetsk or Mariupol destroyed, it comes to our minds the memories of Homs, Dera’a, Yarmouk and our destroyed Aleppo. With massacres in Donbass they want to put discipline upon the European working class for it not to rise against the worst attacks of its oppressors. Meanwhile, with deceptions as in Greece, they have in the works new counterrevolutionary blows against the working class of that country.
The capital’s whip has grouped us all together in a single struggle, from Athens and Donbass to Aleppo. The oil workers are fighting in USA, Libya, Iraq and Iran. We are resisting from the destroyed and demolished cities in Donbass and Syria.

We are all Gaza, the occupied Palestine! We are all the Black Nation in USA, suppressed and tormented as is Africa, drained by the transnational companies!
The capital’s whip has united us all in their jails, where there are the same executioners and jailkeepers, like in Guantanamo, the Zionist prisons, the jails in Greece where the youth has got now a new jailkeeper, i.e, Syiriza. Although Syriza is guised as “socialist”, they are jailkeepers of the revolutionary working youth. The same thing happens in Las Heras (Argentina), where our oil worker brothers and sisters have been sentenced to life because they were fighting. As it is the say in the south of Latin America: “An injury to one is an injury to all!
We have learnt from those that opened our eyes, and so we got knowledge that in 8 blocks of Wall Street there’s the most rotten thing of the planet: A 1% of parasites that own the 50% of the wealth of the planet, organize plundering, wars and the worst sufferings for the workers. 

We stand with the Palestinian resistance and the heroic fighting of the revolution of Maghreb and Middle East, which are still alive in the resistance!

In Aleppo we fight together with the Palestinian resistance against the occupier, the State of Israel. The Palestinian resistance, with the support of the workers of the world, prevented Zionism from keeping on killing and demolishing the cities of the Gaza Strip in the way Bashar did in Homs, Dera’a or the Palestinian refugee camps in Yarmouk. Despite the thousands killed and imprisoned, the resistance against the Zionist occupation continues. (ojo “occupational” se refiere al trabajo, no a la ocupación de un país)
Zionism was unable to smash the Palestinian nation. But the best Palestinian elements are in the jails of the opprobrious Zionist occupation regime. Facing the last attack on Gaza, actions of millions of workers and opressed people around the world could stop, for the moment, the fire power of Zionism. Those actions are needed today for the sake of the Donbass, Aleppo and Athens fate, in order to stop the imperialist beast and its lackeys! We need to take to the streets again in all the cities of the world! From all the workers organizations, we need to set up international workers’ brigades to go there to fight, take food and medicine to Aleppo, Donbass and to break the siege around the heroic Palestinian resistance!
In Aleppo there are hundreds of mercenaries from Georgia, Pakistan, Lebanon (of Hezbollah) which were paid by Al Assad to go to kill our families. They were taken prisoners by the resistance. They will only be free if the Palestinian prisoners are free!
We are the Palestinian resistance! We are the voice of Tahrir Square that is still alive! We are the Libyan resistance against Hafter! We are the rebel Misratah! We are the Yemen uprising! And today, we have put all our hopes on this… We are the US working class that has stood up against the imperialist wars and the US beast in its own house!

Stand with the US working class and the oil workers in struggle in USA!

Huge US oil workers’ strike is confronting the big TNCs such as Exxon, British Petroleum and Chevron that plunder our countries and have invaded our nations through the “oil wars” like in Iraq or Afghanistan. The counterrevolutionary forces have hit hard in our region. But the US and European working class will know how to make justice. Our fate is linked to it. They are fighting within the imperialist beast. Aleppo is not alone! It is part of the resistance and struggle of the workers worldwide!
Our great ally is the US worker today uprising under the war cry “Stop the war against Negro America!” as the colored youth and workers do, alongside the oil and dock workers who paralyzed the US ports in the Pacific like the Occupy movement yesterday fought against the 1% parasites of Wall Street.
During 6 months in 2014, the oil workers of Libya paralyzed the entire production, took the ports and even imposed selling oil themselves with their pickets. Today the US workers go on strike facing a wave of dismissals because of the falling oil-price. The struggle of the Libyan and US workers shows the road for the world working class to follow…in the past the imperialist TNCs increased the price of the oil barrel to make business and invaded our countries using their war machine and today they will throw on us workers all the crisis due to the oil-price falling down. They have already taken their portion while for us, the Maghreb and Middle East as well as the rest of the world workers there has remained only hunger, desolation, and thousands of dismissals imposed by wars, invasions, massacres and fascism. As the workers and rebel militias of Libya say: “Today Libya, tomorrow Wall Street!” Those are the conditions we need to create for the victory: Long live the US oil workers!”

As today in Aleppo and yesterday in Homs, they are fighting in the Donbass

By means of the Kiev fascists, the US and European imperialist powers want to slaughter in Donbass the miners who don´t accept the IMF oppression, the pillage on the Ukrainian nation and the losing of their jobs. From Aleppo we say: We are the Donbass! We confront the same enemy!
We call on the mine workers to denounce and confront the agreements as the one signed by Putin, Merkel, Hollande and Obama to let such heroic resistance isolated in the Donbass. A resistance that will only win by defeating in Kiev the bloodthirsty government,  lackey of the imperialist pirates and unifying the entire Ukrainian and European working class under the demand “for decent wages and full employment: that the bankers, capitalists and their governments pay for the crisis”.
In the Donbass, like in Aleppo, there are “Trojan Horses” who sell out our fight from inside. Here in Aleppo, we have the bourgeois generals of the FSA under the command of Turkey. They are the “democratic guards” of the capitalists’ private property-those capitalists were in partnership with Al Assad in the past. There, in the Donbass the miners and militias fight hard to defend their jobs and families. But also as here, they have the friends of the “Mother Russia”, the oligarchs that yesterday together with Putin and Yanukovych enslaved the Ukrainian workers and people by imposing on them the cheapest salaries in the whole Europe.
The Donbass’ combats will triumph in Kiev. There the rank and file soldiers, sons of workers have refused to repress  their Eastern brothers. The Donbass’ combats are the advanced detachments of the struggle of the whole Ukrainian working class against the European Union, NATO, and the plans of misery and hunger of the IMF and its governments.
A “Holly Alliance” conspires so that we, workers, don’t take the leadership of the war to lead it to victory. They seek for us not expropriating the expropriators, which would be the only way to win the war since our fight is for bread, job, and wages.
Imperialism knows that in a Ukraine unified under the workers and soldiers’ committees it will happen nothing more than the historical return of a Soviet and Independent Ukraine, and from there the perspective of our recovering the USSR that was sold out by the Stalinist scourge to the Citibank and the world imperialism.
The reactionary forces seek to isolate Greece from Ukraine and both from the entire Europe. They fear that any of these processes can be like Tunisia’s in the Maghreb and Middle East, that is, the spark to fire the revolution. Those events in Europe would make all the world oppressors shake with fear.
There will not be victory in the Donbass unless the entire working class of Europe rebelled to defeat the vile EU of Maastricht and NATO that today command the military attack against the Donbass miners, in the same way they organized all the imperialist invasions to our countries!
Our Ukrainian brothers and sisters must know that Putin is not their ally. He sent mercenaries to massacre the Palestinian masses in Yarmouk and the heroic Syrian resistance, and today he uses the heroic struggle of the East Ukrainian workers as small change for their gas business with Merkel, and Citibank in Moscow. It is the same Putin that with his oligarchs submitted Ukraine to imperialism and the IMF and was the big guarantee for the fraudulent external debt of Ukraine with the Wall Street bankers.
Putin is partner to the Citibank and BASF in Moscow. He is a hitman ready to deal whatever business with the imperialist powers to keep his power.

In Aleppo we are the rebel Greece

We are against the social-imperialist leftists of Syriza that have sold out the Greek workers and youth’s struggle, and which only offers smokescreens and deceits. Now in the government, Syriza is the jailer of the best of the Greek youth, revolutionary and anti-fascist fighters who today are facing the court to be judged with the same laws with which they judge the fascists of the Golden Down. Tsipras, the leader of Syriza put the representative of the murderous Greek army officers and managers of the Morgan Bank as ministries of defense and economy; and also put as president a representative of the Greek extreme right wing…and all of them are devoted to deceive the people as the “democrats” of Egypt and their “democratic” generals did- those who had Tahrir Square stained in blood. They from the government deceive and then the generals come to massacre.
Syriza tries to throw water on the fire of the Greek revolution since they know it can be extended to the whole Europe. There, the burden of the crisis has been put on the workers and today they suffer hunger, unemployment and their gains are being attacked and snatched. The recent general strikes in Belgium and Italy in December 2014 show that the workers have still many battles ahead. The immigrants in Europe haven’t said the last word in the struggle for equal wage for equal work! Decent jobs for all! - Many of them come from countries pertaining to our region- the spark of Athens must set again Paris on fire! The rebel youth and those in jail in Greece have the same fighting spirit of the thousands of youth who fight in the revolutionary Syria. Open the road to the worker youth! No more “dealers in illusions”! Open the road to the revolution!

In Aleppo we are Guerrero!

We are the students massacred by the paramilitary men paid by imperialism in Mexico. We are the rebelled Mexican workers, youth and poor peasants!
The Mexican workers, poor peasants and students are fighting a huge battle against the NAFTA Peña Nieto government and his armed guards and paramilitary men at the service of the US sweat-shops settled there. It is necessary to unify the workers’ struggle on one and the other side of the Bravo River against the murderous US imperialism and its Mexican servants with their armed guards prepared to kill students, workers, and poor peasants!
From Aleppo, we take this fight as ours- a struggle confronting our same enemy. Since Al Assad, Peña Nieto and all the counterrevolutionary agents are led by the “blackened” Bush, i.e., Obama. As yesterday in Oakland and Cairo, today we must fight again as a single fist in America and Middle East!
Aleppo is resisting! The Syrian revolution is still alive in the heroic combats of our exploited sisters and brothers all across the world! The battlefield is and will be - the same for the TNCs, their governments and armies- the entire world! It is about unifying those who fight and leaving behind those who betray.

Enough with stabs from the back! Enough with World Social Forum, the greatest out-sellers of the revolution of the workers and the oppressed people of the world!

The WSF has divided the working class country per country, it has submitted the working class in each country to its own bourgeoisie, and it has not unified the fighting that took place on both sides of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. They have placed us in a resistance phase, and left us fenced. They want us to be isolated. But there are forces of the world proletariat who are standing up, we are part of that, trying to unite our struggles internationally.
This new-born internationalism in the world working class is the forces we need in order to break our resistance. These are the forces we need to keep up and not to be defeated. For that reason we stand up the slogan posed by the workers of Europe regarding to the Donbass: Internationalism is not a crime!" and we add to this: "It is a duty of every conscious worker in the world!".

The WSF imposed a siege to our revolution, by slandering us and our brothers and sisters in Libya saying: "they are NATO ground troops", supporting our executioners, promising "democratic revolutions" with bourgeois "friends of the people" who were only a detour so then the swords of the generals could come to slaughter us on behalf of imperialism. They met in 2013 in Tunisia, where the WSF did not only deepen the siege to our revolution, but since then the entire revolution in our region has simply gone back.
The WSF "co-ruled" the world by saving Wall Street and the imperialist powers. The Syrian masses and those from the entire Maghreb and Middle East started in 2011 a revolution for bread, dignity and to break with imperialism. With their slanders and deviations the WSF placed themselves in the trench of the enemies of the working class, as we have said, supporting the murderers and lackeys of imperialism as Gaddafi and Assad, or by sowing illusions like today they do in Greece- saying that voting is the solution to our problems. And thus we are today: slaughter in Egypt, Libya bombed, Syria divided, the Palestinian masses massacred in Gaza, Mubarak is at large and the party of Ben Ali ruling in Tunisia.
The WSF is a front for social imperialist parties, union bureaucracies, remnants of Stalinism and the renegades of Trotskyism, which will defend the profit of the 1% of parasites who rule the world, and now the former has given in to its masters one of the greatest assets of the world working class: the Cuban revolution which has been sold out to Obama, Cargill, and the US imperialist bandits.

The Castro brothers and the "Bolivarians" of Latin American accused us of being "NATO land troops" and that our uprising for bread was “hand in the hand with imperialism". They are the allies of Gaddafi, Bashar, the Iranian Ayatollahs and Hezbollah. Today, they, interchanging hugs and kisses,  have sold Cuba out to imperialism, like yesterday Gaddafi and today the dog Bashar sold out all our wealth to ENI, British Petroleum, Chevron, or as the dog Bashar and the Lebanese president of Hezbollah did with the telecommunications companies in the US Silicon Valley.
It is just necessary to see how the Iranian Ayatollahs, under the command of the USA in Iraq, behave as Gurkha troops of NATO defending Baghdad while US goes on with its withdrawal of troops there. The left of Obama accused the heroic Libyan worker militias of being "NATO troops" ... while Al Assad and the Iranian Ayatollahs were the ones who slaughtered 6,000 Palestinians in Yarmouk camp in Damascus, and they  still take care of the borders to the Zionist state of Israel. By now the heroic rebel Libyan militia are instead fighting against the blow of Hafter and ISIS troops sent by Saudi Arabia to divide Libya.

The Bolivarians and their allies accused our revolutions of the worst indignities to separate ourselves from the workers of the world. They all openly support the existence of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel, and want to force the Palestinian masses to accept the plan of the "two states", ie, the Palestinian masses in concentration camps and Zionism occupying 95% of the Palestinian territory.
We do not forget that Al Assad defends the borders of the Golan Heights to Israel Zionist fascist state. He covers the back of the jailers and invaders of the Palestinian nation. He is "brave" to throw explosives over the Syrian masses, but he very coward with Zionism at which he kneels down.
So viciously against the Syrian revolution and the Coordination committees the Obama left is because if the revolution and their fighting bodies succeed against Bashar, Zionism would have fallen with the Palestinian flag flying in Jerusalem. Though, here is and will be our victory.

Those who fight and die in defense of Aleppo are not traitors as reads the propaganda by the World Social Forum, the out-sellers of the Cuban revolution, those who brought the masses of Egypt at the feet of the "democratic" generals, who support Putin (the jackal of IMF in Europe and Middle East) and the "democratic" imperialists.
We are the revolution which is not over and we are preparing new counteroffensives.

We do not forget the Syrian genocide, and do not forget the slaughter of Sabra and Shatila and all the massacres suffered by the Palestinian people. Those who conceal and hide the Syrian genocide must and will settle accounts with History. With 10 million refugees, 400,000 dead, the traitors will never be able to hide their betrayals to the interests of the world working class and their submission to imperialism.


Stand up for the freedom of all the prisoners and persecuted by the bourgeois imperialist regimes of the world!

On 12/12, the international day of struggle for the persecuted worker, we made a demonstration in Aleppo joining that day of struggle. In this fourth anniversary of the Syrian revolution, we claim for the freedom to all our fellow brothers that are still alive and weren’t brutally killed by Bashar the dog!
We demand the freedom of the Palestinian prisoners, of the Guantanamo prisioners, of the Basque prisioners and the militant Greek youth that refuses to kneel before the court of the oppresors and the executioners of the working class!
We stand in solidarity and we give our lives for the acquittal of the oil workers of Las Heras, who with internationalist activity are uniting all those who fight for bread and dignity and for our rights in the world.
We stood in solidarity with the oil workers of Las Heras and we participated in the international day last December 12th. Next March 24th and 26th we will march in Aleppo for the Palestinian women that have their kids in the prisons of the Zionist jails, for the appearance alive of the 43 students in Mexico, for the uprising of the oil workers of Las Heras, free the Basque prisoners and all the persecuted imprisoned workers that are hostages of the bourgeois state!
We demand all charges to be dismissed on the internationalist workers and youth of Spain who went with their brigade Carlos Palomino to collaborate and stand in solidarity with the workers, women and children in the Donbass, and when they returned to Spain were imprisoned by the Bourbons -later released but charges still remain on them.
In Libya, between ISIS and Hafter, in the cities they take they put in jail the best of the vanguard of the Libyan revolution and even their relatives. They act like US imperialism when it put in jail the Libyan fighter Abu Anas. This way, Heftar’s forces have taken and still keep in prison Mr. Mahmoud Khaled al-Shekhi, father of Azu al-Shekhi, a fighter of the Libyan revolution, a leader of the rebel militias that doesn’t sell themselves out nor surrender their weapons nor subordinate to the bourgeois fractions that fight for the Libya’s loot. We call for an international campaign for his freedom. The Libyan militias were an example of internationalist fight, being the first ones to go to Syria and pushed to get to Gaza in 2012 against the Zionist operation “Pillar of defense”. Therefore, the fight for his release must be taken by the whole working class.
Honor the masses of the Syrian revolution and its martyrs!
The Syrian genocide won’t fall into oblivion! That much betrayal and stabs in the back to the revolutionary masses won’t remain unpunished!
Victory is in Damascus, in Jerusalem, from the Donbass to Kiev, from Athens to the whole Europe and in Washington and New York!
For the international unity of the working class!

Leon Sedov Brigade, from Syria
Revolutionary Movement of the Rebel Militias, from Libya
Workers International League (WIL), from Zimbabwe
Communers Group, from Colombia
Communist Workers League (LCT), from Venezuela
Internationalist Trotskyist League (LTI), from Bolivia
Socialist League of the Internationalist Workers (LSTI), from Peru
Revolutionary Workers and Youth Committee for the self-organization (CROJA), from Brazil
International Workers League – Workers Democracy (LOI-CI / DO), from Argentina
Internationalist Workers Party (POI-CI), from Chile


