Enough is enough! It’s high time the wide majority of the people, the workers and exploited decide for themselves! National Worker Congress of the UNT (Central Union), all the worker unions and organizations! Against the Bolivarian (native bourgeois) and capitalist Venezuela The headlines of the first pages of the media all over the world are occupied from some time ago in the question of the health of Chavez and the political crisis opened in Venezuela. The most worried about the condition of the Bolivarian strong man are Obama and US imperialism. It was the Bolivarian strongman together with the Castros and Obama who guaranteed the imperialist counteroffensive all over the Americas with their deals. In Colombia, this same deal, among Obama, Chavez and Castro is the guaranty of the counterrevolutionary offensive by the government of Santos (as it was years ago that of Uribe’s) and of the full functioning of the US military bases, to smash the worker and peasant resistance and the militants of the FARC (CRAF), who have been betrayed and sold off by their leadership… which is Castroite and Bolivarian! Let’s not forget that it was the very same Chavez –in the name of Castro Bross. And the Bolivarian governments of the sub continent, as well as the reformist left- who called the Latin American masses, the Chicanos and Afro-Americans, an the US workers to vote in the last elections for Obama, that butcher who is making them pay for the crisis of the imperialist Banks and is also leaving in the most appalling of miseries the workers in his own country and worldwide.
The regimes and governments of the FTA owe a great deal to Chavez. These regimes and governments of mono-producing countries, having signed a Free Trade Agreement with imperialism that allows it an unrestricted looting of the nations have submitted the masses to an unheard of martyrdom. So, as is the case with Chile, the masses got to the streets to confront it. In that Andean country, the students alongside the mineworkers fought for the nationalization of copper and for decent wages and free, good quality healthcare and education. It was the Stalinist and renegade Trotskyist leaderships, under the political direction of Chavez and Castro, which gave in the struggle of the labor movement, separated it from the hundred thousands of students that were fighting in the streets, and so they wore out the revolutionary struggle of the Chilean youth that does not endure any more living amidst such squalor and sufferings. It was the CP with all its supporters which are responsible of such a disaster and have today demoralized the best of the vanguard. That is, the Chilean CP, led from Havana and Caracas is the most faithful guardian of the government and the FTA regime administered by Piñera. Leaving aside a few other questions, so not to overwhelm our readers, we cannot forget that Chavez is the coordinator of all the Bolivarian troops that together with imperialism are occupying the devastated and starving Haiti… in this way he is one of the fundamental underwriters of the looting of the MNCs in Latin America and of the US military bases from which the repression against the working class and the poor peasants is commanded. Yet, before this situation, there are still a lot of leaderships of the Stalinist “left” and the renegades to Trotskyism that insist in front of the vanguard in trying to depict Chavez and his Bolivarian regime as a “progressive force, opposite to imperialism”. Who are they kidding? We are witnessing an imperialist counteroffensive that in Middle East and North of Africa goes ahead with the massacre of the Syrian masses, in the centre of Africa acts through the French imperialist invasion to Mali and in Latin America means the capitalist restoration in Cuba, the sell-out of the worker and peasant resistance in Colombia by its leaders, and everywhere a worsened submission of the semi colonial world to imperialism. The health of Chavez’s uncovered a real political crisis in Venezuela and the entire region. Now, who will be able to make the attack against the masses viable?
The decadence and ruin permeating the country, that is the “Socialism of the 21st Century” of Chavism, are growing day after day. Oil production has been reduced in a third, from 3 million b/per day to 2 million, and the lack of investments in the sector –as the oil rent goes directly to the imperialist banks and to Wall Street stock exchange- has very grave consequences, not only economical ones but also social (as for example the massacre provoked by the explosion in the refining center at Paraguana on August 25, 2012). The “nationalized” enterprises suffer a complete destruction; as in Sidor steelworks where only 2 ovens out of 4 are functioning and the 13,000 workers today in the plant (3,000 unionized and 9,000 contracted out of union conditions) run the risk of being laid off. From Havana, the new “promised land” for the “gusanos”… Before the possibility of Chavez passing out, the bourgeoisie began to move quickly. Before the fear that due to the rows among the heir to the “throne” –Maduro, Cabello and Caprile- the independent action of the masses could percolate because the starving and destitute people do not endure any more living in misery and squalor, imperialism called to “order”. So in early January a deal was sealed in Havana (“the Havana Deal”) to close the gaps and Cabello, Maduro and also Capriles underwrite the compromise to maintain the stability of the regime and the governability. So much so that the next day the Supreme Justice Court sentenced that there is not necessary to make a new assumption by Chavez of his post, and that the channels of “the Bolivarian Constitution” must work. Capriles, the alleged chief “oppositionist” is today the biggest champion of this policy and of the Constitution, because the latter, besides being Bolivarian, is… a bourgeois one. Castro Boss from Cuba work as Ministers without portfolio in the state department of International (Latin American in this case) affairs of the government of the United States; because from Havana, were Chavez is and were most of the “Bolivarian” presidents have make a call, an agreement with the opposition has been reached of waiting for 90 days to solve the problem of who will get the command of the government if Chavez dies. All the leaderships, using “Chavez’s health”, want to prevent the masses from exhausting their experience with the Bolivarian regime and from defeating it by means of a new and successful Caracazo The refraction on Venezuela of the international politics found the Bolivarian regime deepening new and superior attacks against the masses. The already unbearable inflation that makes the workers starve, compounded by the low wages that are frozen since long time ago; the fact that anyone that goes to the streets to fight against the government is applied anti-strike or even “anti-terrorist” laws; fractions of the bourgeoisie that traffic with labor force; thugs under the orders of the union bureaucracy have murdered worker fighters and leaders; disinvestment strangles the health and education budgets; at the same time the imperialist looting of the oil increases, while that oil is sold to the US armed forces that plague the world with wars and massacres. Before the reckless attacks against the exploited masses, some sector of the Venezuelan proletariat, months ago had started a process of beaking with the government of Chavez and the Bolivarian regime. Workers in the oil companies, concrete mines, state companies and offices, etc., began fighting for improvements in their living conditions and wages. There are 5 years that the “Socialism of the 21st Century does sign new contracts or call collective bargaining to update the miserable wages! Today, however, after the imposition of the electoral trap, wide sectors of the masses, pushed by hunger, unemployment and low wages, the destruction of the productive forces, the shortages in the basic needs, and a lot of other miseries, are retaking the way of the struggle. The vanguard at present is in the workers in Guyana, south of Orinoco, who are fighting for better working conditions. In other regions, one can sense the deep hatred of million of exploited, who do not have water or electricity for long hours each day. At the same time, poverty grows among the toiling masses; everybody can see how the Bolivarian bourgeoisie goes each time more rich, multimillionaire, thanks to the deals with Obama and the businesses with the imperialist pirates.”The waste of money, the obscene ostentation and the ridiculous events are the rule. The examples abound. The luxury restaurants are always packed. The new rich wear expensive trade mark garments, Swiss watches; they have big yachts and huge mansions in Miami and New York. One of them assembled a salsa band with 100 Cuban musicians that rehearse two or three times a week in the Marriot Hotel (he is a cousin of the president of PDVSA, a former insurance vendor, today become one of the richest men in Venezuela)”. “Others pay up to 800,000 USD for the 15 birthday parties of their daughters”. (Berenice Gomez for Clarin, January 15th, 2013) That’s why the Bolivarians –and also the reformists that accompany them in their mourning- want to utilize the death of Chavez, in the same way they did some months ago with the electoral trap, to prevent the masses from finishing their experience with Chavez and from staging, this time successfully a new Caracazo of the 21st Century, not leaving a single stone standing from the Bolivarian regime and confronting the representatives of the “Pacto de Punto Fijo”, both of them bourgeois sectors, agents of Obama and the MNCs. For the moment the masses are in a situation of contained outrage; however this can change overnight; every day the ranks of the exploited increase that cannot endure a day more the cruelty of the Bolivarian regime, which is today in a close embrace with the “oppositionists” as Capriles. What currently prevails, however, is the deals of the bourgeoisie to prevent a crisis in the top and at the same time a quiet and ferocious dispute among the capitalist gangs to see who will get the upper hand in the businesses in the next period. Facing the political crisis, the reformist lefts keep on supporting the Bolivarian regime The reformist left was the true guarantor for carrying the sectors of the proletariat that were breaking with Chavism and confronting in the streets the state repression, fighting for better labor conditions, for the rehiring of the unemployed, for wages, etc. to be taken to the blind alley of the elections and ended in an impotent way voting for Chavez. First of all, all the reformist left wanted to whitewash in the last elections, that’s why they presented to the eyes of the world proletariat the candidacy of Chirinos, who swore for the “independence of the class” and said to be fighting for a “government of the workers”; but surely, within the regime of the Bolivarian constitution which is totally anti-worker. However, they caught only a little bunch of votes. Their role was not to get votes, but getting the masses into the electoral trap. Today like yesterday, the reformist left continues guaranteeing the subduing of the revolutionary proletariat of the Americas to the Bolivarian governments, putting all their forces to the feet of butcher Obama, distressing and demoralizing all the organizations for a revolutionary fighting that the working class had conquered from the US to the Argentinean Patagonia. It is not for accident that PTS, a leftist Argentinean current, has received some prizes for its documental movies in Havana. This is only a reward because in its movie about the history of the working class in Argentina in the ‘70s they do not even mention the betrayal of Castroism and Stalinism, which with their policy of “peaceful way to socialism” carried to the massacre of the Chilean working class and its heroic revolution of the “cordones Industriales” (soviets). Enough is enough! The majority is who should decide! Now it is our turn: the working class and the poor! As we affirm in this declaration, the Havana Deal is a negotiation sealed far from the masses’ eyes and against them. It is an attempt by the bourgeoisie and Obama to prevent a breach in the tops from opening and giving way to the outrage of the exploited. It is an attempt to go on guaranteeing the governability and the “Socialism of the 21st Century” of Chavez, which is no other thing that more hunger and more misery for the wider majority of the Venezuelan population. The working class cannot go on suffering quietly. It must speak up, irrupt in the scenes and confront this sinister deal with a program that gives a breakthrough to the political, economical and social crisis. The bourgeoisie and imperialism get together, make deals and concoct their plans far from the eyes of the exploited. Who decides for us? We are the majority in Venezuela but we have no rights. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! There is no more time to lose! That the UNT, the unions and the worker fighting organizations convene just now a true National Congress of delegates of the rank and file of the whole working class movement to prepare and organize the struggle for all the most sensitive demands of the working class and the exploited masses! In order to guarantee this National Worker Congress, let’s set up rank and file assemblies, factory committees, unemployed committees, neighborhood committees, supply-and-distribution committees, rank-and-file soldiers committees. It is necessary to conquer a decent job for every one; to reduce the working hours per person without reducing the wages, so that all the available working hand can find a place in production and the lash of unemployment ceases its action. Enough of starving workers! It is necessary to conquer a decent wage, housing, healthcare and education for everyone. For that it is necessary to expropriate the expropriators, i.e., it is necessary to expropriate imperialism without compensation and under workers control, and also to expropriate the native bourgeoisie, both the Bolivarian and the “Punto-Fijista” ones. There is the money to conquer a true plan of public works under workers control to set up quality housing, healthcare and education for al the Venezuelan exploited. The present political crisis poses very clearly the question: Who must rule in Venezuela? Now, we, the Venezuelan workers must speak up and say “now it is our turn!”, because it was us who defeated the Punto Fijo regime with the Caracazo, and who put our bodies and blood to defeat the failed coup de etat in 2002. The Venezuelan working class and exploited do not deserve that the people who handed out all the resources of the nation to imperialism go on ruling and commanding. They do no deserve that those who sold out the blood of the Colombian resistance in a deal with fascist Santos (and before him, Uribe) go on commanding the country. The workers and exploited of Venezuela do not deserve that the agents of Obama and imperialism rule their country who are handing out Cuba to capitalism in the hand of the proto-bourgeoisie of the Castros.
So that the capitalists to be the only ones who pay for their crisis… Only a worker and popular government, based on the self organization and armament of the masses, can conquer the break with imperialism, the expropriation of the MNCs without compensation and under the control of the workers, expropriate the banks and impose the nationalization of the Foreign Exchange, in order to give the Venezuelan people decent jobs, bread, healthcare and education. Only that worker and popular government, by conquering a state single bank under workers control can give cheap credit to the ruined petty traders. It is necessary to kick off all the oil companies, those that squander the dollars of the oil robbed to the Venezuelan people in the Money games of Wall Street. It is necessary to expropriate their banks; there is the money to invest in technology and in a plan of public works, as well as to give cheap credit to the petty traders and producers. Enough of those fake “expropriations” where the only profiting as the allegedly “expropriated”, as Paolo Rocca of Sidor (Techint Group) who take as compensations billions of dollars, that is twice the money they had anytime invested. Thus, the boli-bourgeoisie has sunk in a terrible crisis the economic system. Enough that the workers are who pay for the millionaire benefits of the Boli-bourgeoisie and imperialism with our ruin! The crisis should be paid for by the Wall Street parasites and all the capitalists! It is us or them, there is no other solution! Enough of swindles against the people with the “Socialism of the 21st Century”, which is a feast for the capitalists and destitution for the exploited! For a true Socialist Venezuela, without either generals or capitalists, a Venezuela supported the fighting masses’ organizations! Venezuelan working class has a lot to say and to do. Defeating the restoration offensive in Cuba is a task for the world proletariat! Down with the retorationist government of the Castro brothers and the entire caste of parasitic bureaucrats become new rich in partnership with imperialism! For the victory of the political revolution! All the bureaucrats must go to work! For rank and file committees of armed workers and peasants to set up the self organization of the masses in order to defeat the capitalist restoration! For the expropriation without compensation and under worker control of all private capital assets! Freedom for all the militiamen imprisoned in Guantanamo! Neither ALBA or MERCOSUR, nor FTA! With the produce of food and the light industries in Argentina and Brazil; with the energy supplied by the Bolivian gas and hydrocarbons and the Venezuelan oil; with the advanced education and healthcare system in Cuba, with all the rich resources and raw materials offered by countries like Chile, Peru, etc., a planned and optimized productive economy could be attained in a way that no more people had to starve and every one of the exploited of the Americas could live in dignity. For a Federation of socialist Republics of Central and South America and the Caribbean! This struggle for the victory of the Latin American revolution, must serve as a battering ram to lead the fight for the worker and socialist revolution to the belly of the imperialist beast. Out with Obama! For the Socialist United States of North America! FLTI |