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The exploited masses of Thailand are making revolts for bread, jobs and land

The heroic masses of Indochina return to the fight against imperialism!

Who are Thaksin Shinawatra and his UDD? Who are the current members of the government, Abhisit and the king?

For the last three months the worker and peasant masses have been waging huge fights against the government, the police and the army of Thailand. They demand the resignation of the main assessor of the king, General Prem Tinsulaonda and Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajuva as well as all his ministers that belong to the Party for the Defence of Democracy.
The former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra (who was overthrown in 2006) and his followers and bourgeois allies made a united front between his party –Union for Democracy and against Dictatorship- and other parties of the opposition, sectors of the officers of the army, a lodge of retired generals and a lodge of the retired officers of the army who were set aside by the current Prime Minister and the king.
This «democratic» bourgeois front called for peaceful demonstrations to put pressure on the government to call for anticipated elections this year by calling the working and peasant masses identified with red shirts and flags to demonstrate. They were at the centre of the political scene the last three monts.
But those leaders that surrendered today, while the masses keep fighting with defensive revolts against the government and the army; because behind the democratic demands –which are used by the bourgeois fraction of Thaksin to manipulate the masses- there are the real demands and needs of the working class and poor peasants for bread, decent jobs and land. «We have opened our eyes and we realize who our enemies really are», they say.
It is exposed before the mobilized workers and peasants masses that the bourgeois faction of Thaksin and his UDD had used them to negotiate their cut of the national income throughout the super-reactionary Thai monarchy, which is a representative of the direct interests of imperialism in that country. It is also shown, as we’ll see later, that this bourgeois faction is more afraid of the revolutionary mobilization of the masses (and for it to overthrow the government to get their demands) than of the monarchy and the bourgeois government of Abhisit and his bloody repression. This is so, since in smaller or bigger size, they are partners of the capitalists business and of the imperialists in plundering Thailand.
Once again the masses of Indochina rebel for bread, jobs and land, and they hit against, in this case, with the pro-imperialist monarchic regime and their lackeys of the local bourgeoisie
Thailand retakes today the combats of 2007 in Burma. Back then, facing the beginning of the crisis, they rose for bread in revolts contained by the monks, who led those combats manipulating for their own benefit the anti-imperialist feeling of the masses and their struggle against imperialism to be able to eat. Because in those countries of the region of Indochina (currently divided in Myanmar –former Burma-, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, last those three are former workers states) working class exploited, under a big misery and low life conditions- answered the crisis with spontaneous uprisings and the war cry of capitalist was that the crisis must be paid by the working class. Workers and poor peasants of Thailand today before the crisis retake this fight against imperialism, and with their combat they have irrupted taking advantage of the gaps on the tops between two bourgeois fractions, as we will se later.
The Indochina region, which was a French colony until the expulsion of the French imperialism in 1956 by the revolutionary uprising of the masses, which also defeated US imperialism in the 60’s and 70’s in the victorious war of Vietnam, is a peninsula located on South Eastern Asia, south of China.
Stalinist bureaucracy, or in its Maoist shade, after selling out workers states to the world economy at the beginning of the 1990s, became bourgeoisie and throughout joint ventures or being local managers they partnered with transnationals –mainly Japanese and US- that started to be installed in that region. Thus Vietnam became a US maquila (sweat shops) and Laos is a reservoir of slave labour force that supplies the most exploited workers to do the worst jobs; for example in Malaysia and Thailand, US and Japanese maquilas get their gas supply from Burma.
Burma also supplies gas to make work all the productive machinery of the region, just like Bolivia does in Latin America. i.e. that in Burma the working class lives in huge misery, while they stand on high hydrocarbon reserves, which are plunder today by imperialism to increase their profits and supply with energy its maquilas in the region where it overexploits the proletariat of Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, China, etc. For that reason we saw in Burma one of the first revolts against starvation and the attack of the bourgeoisie at a world scale against the exploited since 2007 when the huge world economic crisis started.
On the other hand the region has great conditions for agriculture, mainly on the centre of Thailand that is known as the «rice bowl» of the region and the agricultural transnationals take advantage of it. Mainly, they take advantage of the slave labour force, submitting it with regimes of terror, whether be monarchies-autarkies from ancient ages with democratic formalities (like in Cambodia or Thailand) or with a unique Maoist party regime, submitting the masses with the army in a bonapartist regime (like in Laos or Burma). Thus imperialism –first of all Japanese- has installed maquilas (both manufacturers and assemblers) in the region. For example today Malaysia is one of the biggest concentration centres of the Japanese maquilas in the Pacific.
  Thus transnationals in the Pacific Ocean area, in Indochina Peninsula and particularly in Thailand, are settled by occupying lands and expelling the peasants from it. The peasants later became overexploited proletariat in the maquilas, or a worker in the area of industrial farming (soy, rice, vegetable oil, etc) or as unemployed in the industrial reserve armyso transnationals can plunge workers’ wages in the region. Japan started this process in the ‘80s and increased it in the `90s, but it had a leap forward after the first signs of fall of the rates of profit of different imperialisms installed in China. Those transnationals went to different countries of Indochina as well as other sectors of the planet looking for labour force with lower wages. Thailand is a true reflex of this, as every country in Indochina’s peninsula.
Undoubtedly, the defeat of the former workers states of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos attracted strong imperialist investments, for these countries have a workers movement which is somehow cultured and specialized, which was delivered with starvation wages by the Stalinist and Maoist bureaucracy to the world imperialist market and economy.
Thus when the world reformist left talks about «Japan’s decline» and that it has been «surpassed by China as a second world economy», they just cover up for the dirty business of the Japanese imperialist butchers with their partnership with USA in the plundering and over exploitation of the working class and the people in Asia, China and Indochina. Japanese imperialism, as well as USA, has re-localized its companies essentially in the Pacific, but also in Latin America and Africa, while they leave thousands of unemployed Japanese workers to plunge down the wage of its own working class. Thus, in partnership with USA in the plundering of the oppressed people in Asia, Africa and Latin America, collaborating in plundering the Middle East (from where it extracts oil for its companies) is how Japanese imperialism and its corporations get super-profits to post-pone its crisis and bankruptcy.
This trading, political and economic partnership between Japan and USA is the one that ultimately allows a joint military device and US military bases in Japan meant to guard USA’s interests in the Pacific as well as Japan’s as a secondary imperialism, as it remained after it was defeated by the US-UK imperialism as a result of the Second World War. Japan is the most faithful ally, for now in partnership as a second brother, of USA in the plunder of the planet.
This matter is not being denounced by the left in the imperialist countries which hide the counterrevolutionary adventures of Japan under the US command in the dominance of the planet. It is useless to ask the social-imperialist parties to stop being that, even in the Pacific.
Thailand, a maquila overexploited by imperialism
Thailand is another maquila in the South Eastern Asia. It is the 10th car exporter of the world. There are 500,000 workers only in the auto industry and an increasing textile industry, especially synthetic fibres, linked to the auto-part industry and construction, which have been helped by the boom of trade and hotel business. Chemical industry, metallurgy and consumption goods (all of them mainly owned by Japanese monopolies or multinationals of US and Japanese capital) are also important but in a lower scale.
All businesses, mainly the maquilas, are made with imperialist investments. Thai bourgeoisie shares, whether by joint ventures or associated companies or direct managers of imperialist companies, the business that imperialists companies do in the region.
Japan got in there the most, with Toyota, Nissan, Isuzu-Suzuki and Nippon Steel (a senior partner of the oil Thailand company in the extraction of gas and oil from Burma) and Korean companies like Daewoo, ruled by Japan. Also England does business, although smaller, supplying weapons for the Thai army.
Other important sector of Thai economy is tourism that receives imperialist investments, although it has been declining because of the crisis. The business of the tourist complexes is in the hands of a sector of the Thai bourgeoisie and also generates a rich middle class linked to it.
It is also important to highlight the fact that behind Japan, USA also broke into the area, obtaining big advantages for its investments, sharing oil business with Thai and Malay companies in Burma. USA entered in Thailand with its finance capital with loans, investments, banks, etc. It has benefits that no other imperialist power has in the country. US companies are treated as native, they don’t pay taxes and they are not asked for other requisites; for example they don’t need to have a Thai CEO on their boards or having to be partners or making joint ventures, etc. This allows US imperialism get clean surplus value directly.
Before the attack of Abhisit and the surrendering of Thaksin and UDD, the masses kept fighting independently in defensive revolts.
Thaksin and UDD have called the masses to mobilize in order to negotiate their cut of the loot on the working class overexploitation. So far, only poor peasants and inhabitants of the shantytowns of the suburbs of Bangkok have participated. This means that the working class has participated in the barricades and revolts, although without its own physiognomy, without imposing its role as wealth producers, behind this leadership and within the red shirts movement, under the democratic demands used by the bourgeois fraction of Thaksin to divert the masses from the fight to make capitalist pay the crisis. Since February, great amount of masses of red shirts and their families, which reached 100,000 people in April, occupied downtown and the most luxurious areas of Bangkok, including the financial area (big banks, stock market, big trading areas which are the heart of the imperialist business in Thailand) making barricades with bamboo, tyres and all kind of elements. They prepared to reject the attack that was about to come with slingshots, bamboo stakes and some small guns.
Abhisit even proposed to call for elections in November, because he was afraid that the sector of the army that didn’t agree on repressing, switch sides and also it was obvious that a part of the police and the army were splitting and delivering weapons to the red shirts, even fighting together with them. But even if UDD leaders had accepted the agreement, masses strongly refused to accept it. They haven’t lost so many dead comrades, so many wounded and imprisoned for so few. So the government did not wait any longer. It decreed the state of siege (banning anyone to be outside after 8 pm) allowing the army to arrest anyone without any legal requisite, after months of mass struggle in the streets against Abhisit’s government and the murderous army, with over 80 dead and thousands of wounded of both sides. On May 18th Abhisit decided to end the dialogue and attacked the camp of the red shirts in the finance and tourism area, bringing the barricades down with tanks, firing grenades and riffle bullets. Before the attack, a huge sector of the leaders of UDD surrendered and called to end the mobilizations. Nevertheless the protestors did not obey, just as they rejected before the negotiations before since they suspected there were secret deals, and part of them went out to burn down buildings or wage skirmishes with the troops in other parts of the city.
The attack of the government didn’t cool down the situation. It actually made it worst. This happened not only in Bangkok (Thailand’s capital city) but also in Northern and North Eastern states, which are UDD bastions. In those provinces, large groups of demonstrators set municipal buildings on fire with their branches in cities like Udon Thani and Kon Kaen, which are important cities, as well as the government’s office in one of the Eastern provinces. In Bangkok, around 70 state and private buildings were set on fire, including two of the most important and huge shopping centres, as well as Thailand Stock Exchange building and the offices of TV Channel 3 and some English newspapers.
UDD surrendered, but the masses keep fighting in state of revolts against Abhisit and the assassin officers’ caste of the Thai army. They have identified their enemies. Thaksin and other UDD leaders confessed off the records that they have lost control of the masses, recognizing that between the gaps opened on the top the pauper masses broke into.

The big lessons of these combats of Thailand is that the poor peasant and the agricultural workers, in order to break with the «opposition» bourgeoisie, they need of a bold and resolutely intervention of the Thai proletariat. It should be, concentrated in huge auto factories, the one that lead the next revolutionary uprising, since it is the only one which can take it to victory. Workers are capable of attacking and expropriating the big imperialist capital and control the key engines of Thai economy.
In this first assault, the proletariat intervened diluted in that alliance with the bourgeoisie and the poor peasant. The fight for setting up the factory committees in every maquila in Thailand is inseparable of the fight to re-establish the workers and peasants alliance under the leadership of the working class, defeating the bourgeois state and regime.
For that to happen, the condition is to break with the bourgeoisie. It is an obligation of all the organizations which claim to represent the proletariat to break with the bourgeoisie, even if it poses as «opposition» or «rrrrrrrrrrrred» for manipulating the revolutionary struggle of the masses.
The exploited masses in Thailand are drawing the conclusion that the «opposition» bourgeoisie and those famous officers that posed as «liberators» of the people gave up cynically and cowardly, leaving the masses exposed to a brutal repression. Those officers, as a part of the bourgeois officers caste of the Thai army will never fight decisively against their partners of the officers caste of the army of the monarchy, since ultimately all of them respond to the same class interests.
The allies of the exploited are the rank and file soldiers, the ones that the workers and peasants militia (once it is set up all the way) will call resolutely to set up its committees. This is how the real dual power in Thailand will be set up. This dual power won’t be for pressure fights for the bourgeoisie to use to bargain its business, but it will be built by the workers and poor peasants councils with their workers militia and soldier committees.
Destruction of the officers caste of the murderous army, servant of the monarchy and imperialism! For a workers and peasants militia to win over the rank and file of the army with it organizing its soldiers committees!
To conquer bread, land, jobs and all the masses’ demands…
Down with the monarchy!
For a workers and peasants government supported in the direct democracy organs of the masses, their militia and the rank and file soldier committees!
Imperialism out!
The masses haven’t surrendered; they keep fighting and are armed, because they have assaulted police stations and received weapons from soldiers and police. This is so, because they haven’t got the demands for what they fight for, i.e. bread, jobs, land and national independence. The masses in Indochina fought for bread, i.e. not to pay the crisis than world parasite bourgeoisie caused and now want to make the masses pay with starvation, misery and overexploitation. Such fight today lives in the Thai exploited.
That is why we call workers and poor peasants in the fight to organize themselves in a workers and peasant’s national congress to coordinate all struggles and demands of the exploited. To defend this congress it is necessary centralize the combats and set up workers and peasants militia and therefore face the repression of the army and assassin police. We can’t get bread, land or jobs with our best fighters in jail, with the army on the streets, curfew and siege. Down with the state of siege and curfew! Release workers and peasants imprisoned for fighting against this assassin regime!
We call rank and file soldiers who refuse to repress workers and poor people and who have change sides with the uprising masses to discharge their officers and move to the side of the oppressed, creating committee to send workers and poor peasants delegates.
We call the heroic masses that set Bangkok stock exchange and government facilities on fire, those who have fought the army and that rose against the government to take the solution of their demands on their own hands and not trusting Thaksin or any other bourgeois fraction. They only want to bargain the slice of their business as they were left out of them, but they protect their property by all means. It was demonstrated when the struggle got rough and the fear for private property of setting on fire and occupying their property, this bourgeois fraction surrendered and called to demobilize. Bourgeoisie as a whole together with Monarchy tie the nation to imperialism; they allow the plunder and do business with the exploitation of the working class selling them as cheap labour force; such labour force is used by imperialism to get super-profits in the middle of the crisis. They have to guarantee that Thai working class and exploited pay capitalism’s crisis as lackey of imperialism. They are the enemies! Down with monarchy and totalitarian regime! Down with the government, assassin officer caste, the state and all its institutions, which are at the services of the exploiters!
To conquer national independence, imperialism must be kicked out of the region and for that we must begin by breaking with the bourgeoisie and all of their parties and institutions. It has been proved that none bourgeois fraction can fulfil independence, since they are tied with thousands of links to imperialism. Therefore Thaksin’s «democratic» fraction can’t even call to a Constituent Assembly with a delegate every 10 thousand inhabitants. Only the congress of workers and poor peasants with their militias defeating the government and monarchy and seizing the power can guarantee breaking with imperialism, conquer land for the peasants and bread, expropriating the expropriators and even to call to a free and sovereign Constituent Assembly over the basis of the ruin of the opprobrium regime of the monarchy, servant of imperialism.
The proletariat must expropriate without compensation factories, banks and lands in hands of transnationals and put them to produce under worker control at the service of the absolute majority of the country (exploited and poor peasants) in order to expel imperialism that plunders the nation and overexploit the working class. Thus, by expropriating the large estates without compensation the proletariat can give the land to the peasants and by expropriating the banks without compensation and creating a unique state bank can give low rate loans to the peasants.
None of these can be achieved as long as that servant, lackey, junior partner and manager of imperialism remain in the government… For a workers and peasants government that will guarantee jobs for all with decent wages for Thai workers and their class brothers of Laos! Equal pay for equal work! Free education and health systems to all workers, peasants and their children! In order to get decent housing, expropriation of all palaces, luxurious hotels and malls to get houses, recreation centres and hospitals for the masses! Everyone back to work, no more parasites! This workers and peasants government based on the self-determination and armed organism of the masses that carry these demands through will be a million times more democratic than the most democratic bourgeois republic.
For Indochina Peninsula to be once again the imperialist tomb, one single revolution!
Workers and exploited from Burma, who rebelled in 2007 for the same demands, are the allies of Thai working class and exploited. They can expropriate transnationals and put the gas at the service of the exploited of Indochina. Their allies are Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia workers who are superexploited by imperialism and have the same demands of bread, jobs and land; they all have an enemy in common to fight against in order to achieve those demands and have experience doing revolutions, expropriating expropriators and defeat them in national wars. The possibility of a second revolutionary mass assault of the masses in Thai, this time led by the proletariat, makes the exploiters of the whole region to shake. The US imperialism is having creeps. The rising of the Vietnam working class in revolutionary operations of the class not only will cause once again in history a terrific defeat to the US imperialist butchers but also to the treacherous Statlinist Ho Chi Minist bureaucracy, today transformed into new enslaver bourgeoisie.
The fight for the workers and socialist revolution in Thailand is just another link in the chain of the revolutions in Indochina Peninsula that will have the revolutionary masses of Vietnam as its vanguard, to whom in late 80’s and in late 90’s the Stalinist bureaucracy imposed them a reconciliation plan with the US butchers, which meant the transformation of a victorious Vietnam into a new maquila of imperialism.
The fight for restoring the proletarian dictatorship in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia is essential to expel all the imperialist powers that plunder Indochina peninsula and for the mass revolutionary assault that has started in Thailand can achieve victory.
In Thailand, as in the entire Indochina peninsula, only the working class leading the exploited of the oppressed nation is the only national class in the sense that can expropriate imperialist parasites and put and the wealth of the nation at its service. Therefore from FLTI we call to an unified struggle of the working class and exploited of Indochina to expel imperialism of the region, expropriate factories, lands, banks, gas and natural sources to put all the wealth of those nations at the service of the class that produce such wealth.
The fight for setting up the workers and peasants militia, not only will prepare and organize a second and decisive revolutionary assault against the infamous regime of Thailand but it will also be a true electric shock that will impact over the Vietnamese masses, which are equally exploited by imperialism than the Thai masses, and that have already defeated the US imperialism in the 70’s in a civil war of national liberation, making the last marine to climb the last chopper leaving Saigon. Those are the ones that defeated the imperialist beast. But also it was concentrated there the Stalinist scum forces which, supported by the renegades of Trotskyism, sold out the gains workers states to capitalist restoration, as well as it took the US working class to Carter’s feet after in the 70’s paralyzing the imperialist war machine, and also later it betrayed those two Vietnams (Nicaragua and El Salvador) with the counterrevolutionary deals of Esquipulas and Contadora.
If the Vietnamese workers and peasants movement starts to move, do not doubt that the generalized arming of the masses and the fight against imperialism will re-gain a decisive boost not only in Indochina but also at a worldwide level. Let the Vietnamese militia rise up again, this time not from the peasant masses but from the proletariat that is overexploited in the imperialist maquilas!
Down with dictatorial regimes of that region that starves the people!
Down with the Stalinist-Maoist scum that became new bourgeoisie, partner with US and Japanese imperialisms! For the restoration of proletarian dictatorship in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, this time under revolutionary ways!
For a workers and peasants government in Thailand! For the socialist revolution in Burma, Malaysia and Singapore!
For a federation of socialist workers and peasants republics in Indochina!
The starving masses in North Korea are rising against the terrible high cost of living imposed by the Stalinist bureaucracy that delivers those masses to the imperialists to be overexploited for one dollar per month.
At the same time, Chinese working class has risen. Imperialist media reports 978,000 workers struggles last year, in addition to the 250,000 revolts on the farms. Last month workers of Honda went on a strike in all the factories of that Japanese corporation installed in China and conquered 24% of a wage increase. That increase was also perceived by those 800,000 workers of the electronic factory Foxxcon which are subjected to an overexploitation that drove them to suicide or to die exhausted right next to the machines, making the capitalists and exploiters to retreat.
Transnationals that overexploit Chinese proletariat and plunder that nation are the same ones that exploit the proletariat of Indochina. It is the same enemy.
The working class of the imperialist countries, mainly Japan, has the key to hit the imperialist beast and its corporations from within. The currents that claim to be Trotskyist or revolutionaries of Japan cannot keep indifferent and cannot look in the opposite direction of the fight that the workers and peasants masses that their own imperialism oppresses (as US partner) have started.
We insist, the Japanese working class, by defeating Stalinism, Social Democracy and its own imperialist parties will have the key, as the US working class has, to take the working class and the oppressed people out of the torment and slavery, and to advance and conquer the Federation of Socialist Republics of Asia, Indochina, Korea Peninsula and the entire Pacific.
Let the Japanese working class to rise up with the war cry of «Equal pay for equal work»! The same corporations exploit them as well. Imperialist Japanese bosses will impose to their working class the same conditions of the maquilas in the colonial and semi-colonial world, if Chinese and Indochinese working classes are defeated. Japanese working class must tie its fate to that of the exploited of China, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos and the whole Pacific!
The most feared by imperialism, the Asian working class, rises! Let the revolution in the Pacific begin!
The entire bourgeoisie, even the Stalinist scum converted into new owner class, enslaver of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and China was frightened of this perspective as well as of Thailand’s revolts (as well as Burma’s revolts yesterday) that are all over the peninsula, even reaching inside China of the red mandarins, opening the revolution in the Pacific.
The restorationist bureaucracies, transformed into bourgeoisies, partners of imperialism in Vietnam and China are perfectly aware of what the processes of revolutionary offensives of the masses under objectively revolutionary conditions means, as those that suffered and forced them to go where they’ve never dreamed to go, i.e. to expropriate the bourgeoisie, under the revolutionary pressure of the masses. So they, after smashing the masses in counterrevolutions as in Tiananmen or in the China-Vietnam war in the late 70’s (war that had no other aim than defeating and demoralizing the Vietnamese masses that had defeated US imperialism in 1975, under the command of Nixon–Deng Xiao Ping), they prepared the conditions to passed onto direct agents of world imperialism, advancing in the capitalist restoration.
The Stalinist scum yesterday with its policy of peaceful co-existence with imperialism prevented that at the end of the second world war as well as after the US defeat in the 70’s in Vietnam the entire Pacific and the Indochina’s peninsula in particular become a federation of workers and socialists republics of Indochina, Korea peninsula, China, Philippines and the entire region, and for it to be the grave of all the imperialist powers, as it was Vietnam.
Yesterday’s revolt in Burma and the revolutionary struggle that has begun of the masses in Thailand puts in burning red the fight for the socialist revolution in Indochina’s peninsula, as well as (and definitively linked to this fight) the fight for the restoration of the proletarian dictatorship under revolutionary ways in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and China, where the capitalist restoration meant starvation, repression and massacre.
In Asia and in the entire Pacific, the conditions for Bolshevism to re-born vigorously are getting ripe. Under those conditions, the continuity of the Fourth International lives and will live, and of the tormented Asian proletariat, without any doubt, the decisive battalions that will put over their shoulders the fight for re-founding the Fourth International with the program, the theory and the clean banners of 1938, will rise.
A revolutionary party does not exist in that region not because the masses in Indochina hadn’t fought. The powerful sections of China and Vietnam of the 1938 Fourth International were physically destroyed by the Stalinist Thermidor, supported by the renegades of Trotskyism who since the end of World War Two were at Stalinism’s feet, they supported it, and they subordinated themselves to Ho Chi Mihn’s bureaucracy which now became a new owner class.
What prevents the revolutionary masses of Thailand from taking power is the over abundance of treacherous leaderships that today imperialism has recruited and centralized in a superior degree to guarantee the reinforced attack over the working class and the exploited masses of the world, to make them pay for the costs of the crisis, subjugating them to its own bourgeoisie country by country in both, the imperialist and the colonial or semi-colonial countries. Those leaderships, today gathered in the counterrevolutionary fifth international led by Chavez, Hu Jintao and the Castroite restorationist bureaucracy (supported from left by the renegades of Trotskyism) have put the US working class to the feet of this black-tainted-Bush Obama, and put the working class in the colonies and semi-colonies to the feet of the «Bolivarian», muslim, black bourgeoisies or the former bureaucrats became in bourgeois of the former workers states.
For the working class to advance decisively in breaking the isolation and subordination to the bourgeoisie country by country imposed by those leaderships it is necessary to build up again the Fourth International with its revolutionary program of 1938. We call to prepare and organize a counteroffensive against the imperialist maquilas in the entire Pacific, but for that, the revolutionary Marxism, over the ruins of Stalinism, will set up the internationalist Trotskyist parties. Without them, victory will be impossible.
This is the task that the forces of the FLTI are dedicated to, as a supporting point to build up a Committee for the re-foundation of the Fourth International to give to the working class and the exploited masses of the world the leadership they need and deserve to win.
The Asian working class rises! Let the revolution in the Pacific begins!
For the re-foundation of the Trotskyist party of Ta Thu Thao in Indochina and the section of the Fourth International in China of Chen Tu Hsiu!
The US working class must break with Obama and re-take the fight where it was defeated, as in General Motors and Toyota, to settle things straight with the regime of the «Republicrats» party. It has to rise and expropriate those parasites of the Wall Street banks which took the working class of that country to ruin. The US Working class must tie its fate to that of its class brothers and sisters of the colonies or semi-colonies which are over-exploited by its own (US) imperialist bourgeoisie: the enemy is at home.
Let the Million Men March against the war and the movement for the migrant workers rights rise up again!
Let the heroic dockworkers of Oakland, blocking the docks to prevent war supplies arriving to the Zionist-fascist state of Israel (killer of the Palestinian people) hot cargo and paralyze the docks against the wars of that butcher of Obama!

International Coordination Secretariat

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