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August 31st, 2011


With a mass insurrection, with the militias and a heroic civil war, the exploited are smashing the regime and the government of Gaddafi, the most loyal servant of imperialism for over 40 years…

The fall of Gaddafi, as the previous fall of Mubarak and Ben Ali in Egypt and Tunisia, is a victory of the exploited masses.

Let’s not allow imperialism and its lackeys to expropriate the revolution in Libya!
Out with the NTC and its murderous Gaddafist generals and politicians!
As Gaddafi did yesterday, they come hand-in-hand with NATO to deepen the Libyan oil and gas plundering on behalf of imperialism
Armed revolutionary mass mobilizations have started in Misrata against the NTC generals

They are the ones that gave their lives in the battlefield with the war cry Out Shkal! (the head of security in Tripoli that the NTC appointed). A few weeks ago he was a murderer and torturer of Gaddafi’s army, a general of the 32 brigade which was under the command of the butcher Khamis, son of Gaddafi!

As the war cry of the militia-men: The blood of the martyrs won’t be negotiated!
The leaders and officers are chosen by the ones fighting, the militias of the workers and the poor and the rank and file soldiers!

As the insurrected in Tripoli, who are fighting against the NTC and its generals which a few hours ago were with Gaddafi, declare: “The insurrection succeeded but the revolution has just begun”

Out with NATO! Weapons are not to give away! Militias are not to dissolved!
For a provisional revolutionary government of the workers and popular militias, rank and file soldier committees and workers and popular committees all across Libya to expropriate imperialism and the bourgeoisie!
One single socialist revolution in the North of Africa and the Middle East!


NATO, the imperialist powers and the Gaddafist generals that went to the last moment to the NTC are in a speed race in order to install their government against the masses that are the only ones that gave their life and fought to smash Gaddafi.
But NATO and the old partners of Gaddafi, now in the NTC, are the ones that supported him for decades and the only thing that they did and do is to negotiate their ordered way out of the power! Today they have a reward for his head because they fear that before they do it, the revolutionary masses get Gaddafi’s head as a trophy which only they deserved.
Imperialism and NATO were the ones that supported Gaddafi, fully rearming him to kill in Tripoli when the revolutionary masses of Bengasi and the entire Libya, who even reached to burn the Government palace in the capital, rose in February!
NATO upheld the counterrevolutionary offensive of the Gaddafi troops to Bengasi entrance to threaten the masses, so then attempt to control them with its “NTC”!
NATO troops, with its “friendly fire”, were the ones that for 2 months prevented that the militias move from Misrata to Tripoli!

The heroic revolutionary militias reached Tripoli, despite and against the NATO and the NTC. They were the ones that disarmed and destroyed the Gaddafi barracks in the entire Libya and the Capital. The militia takes a city, disarms the counterrevolutionary Gaddafi army and arms the masses. NATO and NTC only seek to take power to disarm the masses and impose a “new Gaddafi” to keep plundering Libya with double chains, or divide it between the imperialist powers; this is if they can smash the insurrection of the revolutionary masses.
While the insurrected militias do not finish yet burying their martyrs who fought against the Gaddafi forces, NATO, the imperialist powers and their servants of the NTC are dealing at the masses back trying to install an illegitimate government.
In Misrata an armed militia mobilization took over the streets with their weapons while crying Out Shkal! He’s an old Gaddafist officer, head of operations of the 32 brigade, whose commander was general Khamis, son of Gaddafi. The rebellion in Misrata was to oppose the NTC-promoted appointment of him as head of security in Tripoli. Misratans war cry was THE BLOOD OF THE MARTYRS WON’T BE BETRAYED!
The heroic masses of Misrata, the ones that fought against Gaddafi and NATO (the first ones to arrive at Tripoli that today are putting a siege on Syrthe, have already threatened to disobey the NTC orders.

Do not allow that imperialism and its lackeys of the NTC now expropriate the revolution in Libya that is smashing the Gaddafi regime!
Out the NATO of Obama, Sarkozy and the other imperialist butchers! Immediate disregard of the NTC government in Bengasi, Tripoli and the entire Libya!
Drop all the secret deals signed with imperialism behind the back of the insurrected masses!

Out the bourgeoisie politician “tribal” chiefs of the government and the butcher Gaddafi regime today covered as “democratic”!
Out the murderous officers, who supported Gaddafi before and today are organized as “Trojan horses” to attack the insurrected masses by the back, under the orders of the imperialist butchers of NATO!

Only the militia, the workers and popular sectors that left tens of thousands of martyrs in the streets, routes and potter’s field of the murderer Gaddafi in Libya are the only ones that can vote and choose directly to their leaders and officers and discharge them any time!

Worker and popular trials to judge and punish the murder Gaddafi, all the officials, ministers and offices from his murderous regime, including all the ones that are today in the NTC!

It is time for the ones who fought against Gaddafi, the old imperialism slander, Sarkozy and the entire European imperialism to take power!

For a provisional revolutionary government of the worker and popular militias, the rank and file soldiers committee and the worker and
popular committees that are emerging in the entire Libya!

The masses fought in Libya, as in Egypt, Tunisia and the entire North of Africa and Middle East, to conquer the food and to end with the autocracies servants of imperialism.
We fought and gave the life for bread. Now:
It is necessary to expropriate the expropriators and plunderers of the Libyan wealth!
The oil companies and the banks must be expropriated without payment and be placed under workers control!
Not a single drop of oil or gas must leave from Libya if it is not authorized by a provisional government of the worker militia, the rank and file soldiers committee and the workers and popular committees!

The bourgeoisie and imperialism, now with the NTC and NATO, will seek to disarm the masses. They want to re-construct the murderous officers’ caste of the Gaddafist regime, this time under the direct commands of NATO and its servants of the NTC.
Don’t surrender the weapons! The militia is not dissolved!

For a national congress of the worker and popular militias, the neighbor councils of Tripoli, Bengasi and Misrata, of the worker committees and the rank and file soldiers committees!
This is the only power with legitimacy of the wide majority of the working class and the exploited ones that fought and are defeating Gaddafi in the streets!
The revolution in the North of Africa and Middle East that is spreading towards Europe to Greece, Spain and England will be worker and socialist revolution or it won’t be!
The Libyan revolution must be at the service of rise again the masses in Egypt and Tunisia, and fight with the ones that are fighting in Yemen, Bahrain and the occupied Palestine!

The imperialist press wants to justify the possibility of a ground invasion by NATO and the lackey bourgeoisies of Bahrein and Saudi Arabia. They talk about the “humanitarian crisis” in Libya. They affirm this when Gaddafi and their gang are being smashed, and not when the masses in Libya were slaughtered, exploited, in jailed and their wealth were plundered. 
Imperialist cynicism has no limits. They were never interested in the humanitarian crisis.
The NATO troops and imperialism were the ones who sent Afghanistan and Iraq to the Middle Age, with genocides and slaughters, stealing the oil. They support the murderous Assad in Syria, who has more than 100 deaths per day, bombing with his murderous army the defenseless civil population. They support the Zionist fascist counterrevolutionary state of Israel, who destroyed, demolished and slaughtered in Gaza and expropriate the land of the Palestinian nation.

Long live the internationalist unity of the working class and peoples of North of Africa, Middle East and Europe!

Libya is again the advanced post of the revolution in the North of Africa and Middle East. All the imperialist forces and the treacherous leaderships have concentrated themselves to strangle and expropriate it. We cannot allow it!
It is necessary to break the siege that was imposed on Libya by the native bourgeoisie, NATO and imperialism with the treacherous leaderships of the world proletariat!

  • In Egypt and Tunisia the revolutions that started with the defeat of Mubarak and Ben Ali must win definitively. Down with the government of the “notable” and the murderous generals of the Army in Egypt! Down with the “transitional government” of Tunisia, which continues the plundering and the repression made by the murderous government of Ben Ali.
  • As in Libya, it is necessary to smash the murderous regimes of Syria, Yemen and Bahrein, supported by imperialism!
  • The fight of Libya must burn the Middle East! For the military defeat of the imperialist troops, invader of Iraq and Afghanistan! For the destruction of the Zionist fascist state of Israel!

Worker brigades of Egypt and Tunisia to fight together with their brothers and sisters of Libya, to finish smashing the Gaddafi regime, to support the insurgent government, to expel NATO of Obama, Sarkozy and other imperialist butchers, and their lackeys of the NTC!
International solidarity with the insurgents of Libya! Weapons, medicine and food guaranteed by the worker organizations of Europe and the world!

New revolutionary focuses break out in the planet. Like in the 70’s, the Chilean working class and youth have stood up. They call to fight for the expropriation without payment of the transnational imperialist companies and place them under workers control so we have bread, education, and health for everybody! That is the way!
Transnationals, bankers, and imperialism must be expropriated! We must expropriate without payment all the imperialist oil companies that plunder the North of Africa and Middle East!
The European and US working class must stop the war machine of NATO, and prevent their bankers and transnationals from robbing the 150 billion dollars of the cash reserve (they have in their coffers), taken from the oil produced by the Libyan workers and nation sold out by Gaddafi yesterday!
Long live the Greece and Spain of the exploited outraged masses!
Long live the uprising of the worker youth of London!
Out with the murderous Obama-the true representative of Wall Street who applies the program of the Tea Party and the Anglo-yankee counterrevolution!
Out with Sarkozy, the Bourbons, Cameron, the British crown and Berlusconi! Death to Maastricht!
Out with Piñera! Long live the worker and socialist revolution in Chile!

Out with the Bolivarians and Stalinism, servants of Gaddafi, lackey of imperialism for more than 40 years!

  • While “acting offended” by calling to “support Gaddafi against imperialism” in Libya , they support the Zionist-fascist state of Israel and Obama, the biggest counterrevolutionary murderer of the planet, and also the selling-out of Cuba to imperialism where they have started to dismiss one million workers.
  • The Bolivarians and World Social Forum pose as “anti-imperialists” while they give away the oil and gas of Bolivia and Venezuela to the imperialist transnationals like Gaddafi did in Libya and the NTC will continue doing so.
  • The government of the Communist Party and the ANC in South Africa give away all the wealth and minerals to the Angloamerican and has supported the bloody Gaddafi government untill the end.

The social imperialists, the renegades of Trotskyism and Stalinism from the World Social Forum, throw dust over the eyes of the international proletariat. They have divided themselves the tasks. Some of them support the murderer Gaddafi like Chavez, Morales, the Zuma government of South Africa and other lackeys of imperialism.
Others –not less servant of imperialism- poison the conscience of the working class making them believe that there are “democratic revolutions” and” People Springs” , and at any moment and wherever they state the solution is not the taking of power but either “Constituent Assembly” or bourgeois elections that will expropriate the revolution like in Egypt and Tunisia.
Some of them recognized, even before Sarkozy, the NTC like a legitimate government of the insurgent masses, when it did not control and was unable to manipulate any single militias’ patrol that destroyed the Gaddafi army and advanced towards Misarrata.
Meanwhile, their other reformist partners denigrate the heroic Libyan fighters, denouncing them as “CIA agents” or “ground troops of NATO” that arrived at Tripoli. They are the real ground troops of imperialism inside the world workers movement. They, the “new social-imperialist left”, were and have been supporting Gaddafi until the last minute. While supporting him, they swamped in a sea of dead bodies of over 50 thousand fighters that were buried in common graves when in February the insurrection in Tripoli was crushed by Gaddafi with the support of the world imperialism. Their aim is to prevent the insurgents from Bengasi and Misarrata to take over Tripoli in that moment. Imperialism sent Gaddafi, its fascist agent, to Misarrata and Bengasi to put a gun to the masses head for them to surrender to the “democratic” agent, the NTC, while NATO bombed for the masses not to arrive at Tripoli. With this, it wanted to have an ordered Gaddafi’s way out of power, negotiating with the NTC.


Meanwhile their other reformist partners degrade the heroic Libyan combatants by denouncing them as “CIA agents”.
Now these lackeys of imperialism, the social-imperialist left, are “feeling sorry” for the weight of the NTC and NATO, which, by the way, cannot subjugate or control or end up to subordinate the revolutionary heroic militias that are taking the streets in Misrata with the war cry “out with the Gaddafi’s generals of the NTC”. They support the “notable” governments in Egypt, the National Transitional Council of Tunisia and are lackeys of the bureaucracies of the trade unions in northern Africa and Europe, that tell the rising masses that everything will be solved by voting in Constituent Assemblies and bourgeois parliaments, with which imperialism tries to strangle and divert the revolutions that have started.
Other kinds of these currents from the World Social Forum, not less cynical, are telling the masses that NATO and the Gaddafist generals that went to the last minute to the NTC were the ones that disarmed Gaddafi’s army and armed the masses. Cynicism has no limits. How can it be that the bourgeois politicians and counterrevolutionary generals that today are in the NTC will arm the masses to defeat the government that they were even part, the government of Gaddafi, this is, the British Petroleum, French Total, i.e. NATO and Obama? But please, how can the bourgeoisie arm the workers? If so, workers will go to the factories the following day to work armed. We have never seen such flourishing of the imperialist bourgeoisie when it is in its decaying rottening stage.
These shameless want the world working class to believe that we are living in the 17th, 18th or the 19th century in which bourgeoisie armed the peasants and the masses in order to smash the nobility. The only thing that bourgeoisie arms in this imperialist stage and the bankruptcy of world capitalist system it is the armed fascistic bands or “democratic generals” to beat up workers if they don-t get disarmed.


They want that the world proletariat believe that NATO armed masses to struggle against Gaddafi and name it the “People Spring”. Thus, they do not prepare masses for the danger that this time it will be NATO and the NTC the ones that would directly massacre the revolutionary vanguard even worse than Gaddafi, if it is not disarmed.
When this happens, this is, when NTC and NATO manage to get the mass disarmemnt to be imposed by all means, the world working class will believe that the one killing from behind is the NTC and is doing this against the “CIA” or “ani-imperialist ground troops of NATO”. They are filling the world working class with venom for it to leave the fighters of Misrata and all across Libya alone.
They act just like Stalinism in the Spanish civil war or even worse. Stalinism accused the best POUM fighters and the anarchists from CNT that fought in Cataluña of being agents of Franco, so their Fifth Column kill them by the back. This time it is the left of the WSF and the renegades of Trotskyism that attack the militias thus they prepare the way forward for the NTC to massacre all of them and pave the way for making the NTC the one that kill the vanguard if they don’t surrender their guns and are separated from the rest of the world working class. It is the old treacherous policy of Stalinism to make THE ALLIES APPEAR AS ENEMIES AND THE ENEMIES TO POSE AS ALLIES.


These currents believe that there is a “democratic imperialism” that can give masses weapons so that they overthrow the autocracies by expanding democracy when Obama, Sarkozy and other imperialist butchers were the ones who sustained for years such autocracies. They talk about a supposed “democratic imperialism” when they are the biggest butchers of the planet that massacred in Iraq and Afghanistan and sustain the Zionist-fascist state of Israel that sent Gaza to the middle age with its bombs.
There is an unholy alliance to strangle the workers and socialist revolution in Libya to leave the heroic revolutionary masses isolated. The lessons of Libya cannot be generalized to the world proletariat, neither in Africa nor in the world because, as it was said in the Paris Commune (the first big workers revolution in 1871): “the ones with weapons have food”. Bourgeoisie is afraid, that’s why it calls its lackeys, the left, so /Syria is not a new Bengasi that destroys the army and win over the rising masses and rank and file soldiers to join them in the fight against the murderous government of Al Assad, let alone in Egypt and Tunisia to disarm the officers caste and reach as far as in Libya in the fight for bread.
That’s why so much concentration of counterrevolutionary forces in Libya. Imperialism has used all of its agents, Gaddafi, NTC and the pro-Bolivarian left and pro-NTC. They are all concentrated so in Athens, Madrid, London or New York do not become a new Bengasi.

The agents of the World Social Forum, their parties of the New Left, former Trotskyists converted into new Stalinists, are the ones who isolated and siege Tunisia and Egypt; the ones who divided the Greek working class combat from the rest of Europe like today they are doing with the upsurge of England and Spain; and now they are preparing to do the same in Libya like yesterday they did in the Latin American revolution. 
All the world left, lackeys of Obama, have placed themselves on the side of the “outraged” of the Zionist state that to get housing in the state of Israel they state that more land must be expropriated in the Palestinian nation.
They are the lackeys of NATO and UN, Mossad and Zionism, the killers of the Middle East masses!
The NTC and OTAN are almost ready for expropriating the worker revolution in Libya because such currents have submitted the Latin American working class to the bolivarians Chavez, Morales and other bourgeois faction of the Latin American continent, servants of imperialism and the murderer Gaddafi for decades.
These currents are surprised that NATO and NTC can manipulate masses when they called to support Obama against Bush and then Obama against the Tea Party. When they called “vandals” the rebelled immigrant workers like in the cités of Paris or in London trying them worse than NATO and NTC; they said it from their luxurious offices in the unions of the labor aristocracies and bureaucracies.

They have refused to call to a single revolutionary strike in the entire Europe and to occupy the docks to paralyze the murderous war machine of NATO and Obama and other imperialist butchers.
These currents are responsible- as NATO’s servants- that the Libyan masses are in isolation, surrounded and unable to take power.

But in Libya, revolution and counterrevolution have seen face to face. Despite and against all the leaderships, the masses fight determinedly for bread and don´t give up weapons. It is necessary that the world proletariat changes the leadership and get rid of the lackeys of bourgeoisie that submit them to imperialism and its servants of the native bourgeoisies.
A decided action of the working class of Europe and USA and world would destroy in a single blow the attempt of expropriating masses their revolution.
Stop blaming the masses for the treasons of their leaderships! Down with the World Social Forum! Out from the Libyan revolution the traitors of the labor aristocracy and bureaucracy and social imperialist parties who have liquidated the proletarian internationalism and renegade of every active combat to dispute NATO and NTC from the streets of Europe and New York the leadership of the civil war!
The real crisis and “weakness” of the rising masses in Libya and in the whole world is the cowards cynics servile-to-the-bourgeoisie treacherous leaderships that lead the masses. To lead a successful insurrection that expropriates the bourgeoisie and expels imperialism, we need to set up an international revolutionary party in Libya, in the whole North of Africa, Europe and in the world. An international revolutionary party that sees and acts in the Libyan revolution as a link of a single chain of the socialist revolution in the north of Africa and Middle East, which can only achieve victory once and for all if it succeeds as a socialist workers revolution in the heart of the imperialist beast, I.e. USA, Europe and Japan.

For an international conference of the healthy forces of the principled trotskyist movement and the revolutionary workers organizations without lackeys of the native bourgeoisie or Obama or the counterrevolutionary bourgeois forces, to centralize, coordinate and synchronize the struggle of the working class of the North of Africa, Middle East and Europe to take power.
The only “People Spring” is and will be the expropriation of imperialism and the expropriators, it is the dictatorship of the proletariat against the dictatorship of the capital.

For the victory of the international socialist revolution we must fight for the re-foundation of the Fourth International!

For the united states of Europe!
For a federation of worker and socialist republics of the North of Africa and Middle East!

SCI of the FLTI





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